Akuno Neko via Ken EubanksAboutLow Wisdom, High Charisma

"Servant! Explain yourself!" 

A petulant order from a petite sorceress, brimming with smug overconfidence and a hint of challenge. Pointing down at an unseen servant from atop a weary looking pile of other summoned servants, Akuno Neko is the very picture of misplaced and impotent authority. She doesn't give the offending minion a chance to answer.

"You dare to disappoint me, you.. you.. nincompoop!" Her eyes glow with eldritch might. Stern language was needed to keep the rabble in line sometimes. Akuno wags her finger, chuffing with taunting laughter.

"Don't you know who I am? I am the destined one! The Lady of House Akuno, the most respected clan of nobles in the entire Wold!" As she carries on, her voice gets wheezy and begins to squeak. Finally, she stops yammering on to take a big deep breath. "I'll forgive you, compassionate as I am, and teach you the way of things!"

The minion of course, had heard all of this before. It had heard it as many times as it had seen its mistress. Some days, it wasn't sure if being summoned into life was worth the bother of listening to its bratty boss. CLAP! Akuno clapped her hands, grabbing her servants attention once more. 

"Now, tell me the matters of import to the house!" The unseen servant quivered, something akin to an eye-roll among its kind. 

"Well. We've sought the alliance of the bard who sings on weekends down at the Boars Head."  Akuno nods, most sagely. "And?", she demands. "He looked moderately confused, mistress, but he didn't say no outright?" Sipping from a glass, her pinky raised, Akuno nods and twirls her parasol.

"Next?", she asks. With a sigh, the servant continues. "Next we convinced the merchants at the potion shop into giving us a two coppers discount on large orders."  Sitting up, Akuno pats her pockets with avarice. "Indeed! Finances are the first step to succesful management of a kingdom, my loyal butler!"

 And thus, did the account of the affairs of the "Kingdom of Akuno", the "Noble House of Akuno", or whatever the catgirl felt like calling it on that particular whim, continue on end, until the naughty noble looked up and realized her party had packed camp and was starting to leave her behind.

"Wait for me!", she shouts, before scrambling to catch up with her friends. "No fair! I said wait!"

Akuno, while of average intelligence, is both petulant and not very well traveled. She doesn't have a very strong grasp of how things work for the non-gifted of the Wold.

This will be a reflection of her low wisdom score. Akuno Neko has the following self-imposed restrictions placed upon her by her player.

Prideful Princess: Akuno's pride is fierce and strong. She's not likely to admit error, and will very rarely request help via the aid another action.

The Party Farce: Akuno will often try to speak for those around her, according to her perception of the situation.

For example, if asked why the Party has come to visit a foreign leader, Akuno would proudly proclaim, "To seek your alliance to the noble house of Akuno, of course!"


Beastfolk Bestfolk: Akuno he will often act as much cat as intelligent being, and often falls into the pitfalls other cats do. Curiosity, swishy toys, beams of light, fear of dogs and tuna fish could be her ultimate foil. She also tends to vastly over-generalize other beastfolk, assuming they are in tune with their animal bits as much as she is.

Akuno Neko is many things. She is full of smug, bratty confidence. She is skilled as a summoner, and always quick to rebound to from dissapointment and failure. One thing that she is not however, is truly noble. Though capable of convincing herself that she is in fact, the lost heir of a powerful and just family of nobles, Akuno is in reality of very humble beginnings. Raised among poor farmers, educated in the most basic of schools, Akuno has no idea who her actual parents are. The beast-girl is acutely aware that her human parents did their best, but she yearns for more.

The power she feels through her bloodline heritage and her belief in her own destiny has convinced her that she could not be possibly born of common stock. Thus she persists, announcing to all who meet her both her importance and nobility, not really caring if she cannot prove any of it. All the while she is seeking to catch the eye of the family that exists, most likely only in her mind, by achieving ever higher acts of heroism and glory.

One day, she thinks, her convictions will be proven true, and she will be welcomed back with open arms by the family she knows she's deserved all along.