These data are compiled by Sue Mendelsohn (
Add a writing center to the list using this form:
Researchers are welcome to use the info here with attribution for non-commercial purposes.
TimestampName of the institution Name of the writing centerYear the writing center was founded (if known)Name of founder (if known)Your nameYour association with this writing centerCity and State or ProvinceCountryType of centerCenter's email addressCenter's website addressAnything else you want to mention?HBCUClosed
100 Story Building100 Story Building2013
Jenna Williams, Lachlann Carter, and Jessica Tran
community writing center
826 Boston826 Boston2007Boston, MassachusettsUnited States
community writing center
826 DC
826 DC (originally Capitol Letters Writing Center, joined the 826 franchise in Oct. 2008)
Washington, District of Columbia
United States
community writing center
826 Michigan826 Michigan2005Ann Arbor, MichiganUnited States
community writing center
12/6/2014826 New Orleans (formerly Big Class)826 New Orleans (formerly Chapter 504)2010
Gracie Goodrich
New Orleans, LouisianaUnited States
community writing center
Founding date noted on their website's "About" page at "Since our founding in a 1st grade class of 43 students in 2010, 826 New Orleans (formerly Big Class) has celebrated transformative impact on thousands of students’ lives. Students, parents, and teachers overwhelmingly report improved writing skills and academic performance as a result of our programs. And we’ve seen countless students shift their attitudes about writing from reluctance and intimidation to affinity, confidence, and pride."
826 Valencia826 Valencia2002
Ninive Calegari and Dave Eggers
San Francisco, CaliforniaUnited States
community writing center
826 Valencia, Tenderloin826 Valencia2015San Francisco, CaliforniaUnited States
community writing center
Founding reported Mark Segal Kemp's "New 826 Valencia Writing Lab Opens in Tenderloin." SF Weekly. May 8, 2015. "The crowd of 100 or so people at the corner of Golden Gate Avenue and Leavenworth Street at around 2:30 p.m. today was not your typical gathering on Pill Hill in the Tenderloin, where murmurs of "Oxys," "Roxies," “Heroin,” and “Xanax" normally waft in the air like smoke from a crack pipe. This crowd included Mayor Ed Lee, District 6 Supervisor Jane Kim, author and publisher Dave Eggers, and others, who came out to cut the ribbon on a new 826 Valencia Writing Center. The new center, formerly a Big Boy Market on what Kim told the gathering was "one of the most problematic corners in the city," will now be a safe spot where neighborhood kids can go and explore their creativity. Founded in 2002 by Eggers and teacher Nínive Calegari, 826 Valencia offers under-resourced students free workshops, tutoring, and mentoring on writing and editorial projects of all kinds, from essays, research papers, literature, and journalism to cartooning and starting independent 'zines. The workshops are run by volunteers that include published authors, journalists, filmmakers, and teachers. The first lab was located at the center's namesake, 826 Valencia Street in the Mission District, and has expanded to spots in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Ann Arbor, and Washington, D.C. When a real estate broker told Tenderloin landlord Paul Boschetti that a nonprofit was interested in leasing his 172 Golden Gate Avenue property, he told the San Francisco Chronicle Thursday, Boschetti said, "No way. I’ve had it up to here with nonprofits.” But the landlord had a change of heart when he visited the original 826 Valencia. “When I saw what they were doing for the young people of the neighborhood, how much fun the kids were having, I immediately changed my mind," Boschetti told the Chron. "If I was a kid I would like this kind of stuff myself.” The Examiner reported Thursday that the center got a sweet deal: 826 Valencia signed a below-market-rate, 15-year lease last week that includes more than a year of free rent at 172 Golden Gate Ave., said Santino DeRose, a principal at DeRose & Appelbaum, the commercial real estate firm representing landlord Paul Boschetti — who happens to be the man accused of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter in the death of an 89-year-old pedestrian Dec. 31, 2013. “He wants to bring a better presence to the corner, he wanted to improve the neighborhood and he wanted to see good things happen,” DeRose said of Boschetti, adding that “it was a corner that had a history of loitering and drug dealers, and that’s all going to be gone.” For Mayor Lee, 826 Valencia's expansion to 172 Golden Gate works right into his plan to try and make Tenderloin streets just a little bit safer. But after the noise of the speeches, ribbon cutting, and applause died down, you could still hear the quiet murmur of "Oxys," "Roxies," “Heroin,” and “Xanax."
826 Writers' Room at O'Bryant High School826 Boston2013Roxbury, MassachusettsUnited Statesprimary/secondary
They announce their Sept. 6, 2013 opening on their website:
826CHI826CHI2005Chicago, IllinoisUnited States
community writing center
826LA826LA2005Los Angeles, CaliforniaUnited States
community writing center
826NYC826NYC2004Brooklyn, New YorkUnited States
community writing center
A Maze of StoryA Maze of Story2011Gae OatenPerthAustralia
community writing center
10/30/2014Aalto UniversityWriting Clinic2012
Laura Mendoza
Laura MendozaFounderEsboFinlandcollege/
Our Writing Clinic started in its current form in Fall 2012. Before that, we had some "writing center" type activity in one of the schools at Aalto University, but it was not given for all Aalto students. Now we provide services for five of the six Aalto schools. Schools pay us per hour worked.
Aarhaus University, The Danish School of Education
Akademiskskivecenter (Academic Writing Centre)
Rasmus Rønlev
10/19/2014Abilene Christian UniversityACU Writing Center1999Cole Bennett
Current administrator
Abilene, TexasUnited Statescollege/
Abilene High SchoolEagle Writing Center2013James McGeeAbeline, TexasUnited Statesprimary/secondary,
Abington Heights High SchoolWriting Centerpre 2007
Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania
United Statesprimary/
Mentioned in the Aug. 29, 2006 Abington Height School District "Educational Strategic Plan." p. 19. "At the high school, there is also a Writing Center where students can report for added assistance as needed." They don't seem to have any web presence, but the center is briefly mentioned on the English Dept's news site:
12/17/2014Åbo Academy University (Åbo Akademi)Skrivhandledning (Writing Tutorials)2001Sonja Vidjeskog
Current administrator
A Swedish language university in Finland. In addition to consultations in Turku, they offer consultations in the cities of Vaasa, Pietarsaari, and Helsinki.
9/19/2017Abraham Lincoln High SchoolWriting Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United Statesprimary/secondary
Abraham Lincoln High SchoolWriting Centerpre 2012
Elizabeth Gladding and Shamira Gratch
San Francisco, CaliforniaUnited Statesprimary/secondary,
The earliest mention I can find is in a 12/16/2011 edition of the student newspaper, The Lincoln Log ( Michelle Tran's article "Come to the Writing Center" reads, " School is in session and students are struggling with English. Luckily Abraham Lincoln School offers a tutoring system called the Writing Center. It is located in NB6 every Tuesday afterschool. The Writing Center is available to everyone in all grades who are struggling with not only English assignments but also for other subjects related to writing or maybe a student would just like an extra pair of eyes to look over a report. The writing center was started by 10th grade English teachers Elizabeth Gladding and Shamira Gratch. The purpose of the Writing Center is to help students develop and improve their writing knowledge, especially for those who are learning English as a secondary language. Not only do students who attend the Writing Center benefit, but the trained tutors, who are tested for their strong writing skills, learn by helping others as well. Like Ms. Gladding once said, “No good writer creates great work alone.” Many students may ask if the writing center improves their grades. According to the students who attend the Writing Center, some may tend to go from a D to a B improvement. Not only are there a grade improvements but the way a student’s work is processed as well."
Abu Dhabi UniversityWriting Center2012
Helen Bridget O'Connor
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
9/19/2017Academy of the Sacred HeartNew Orleans, LouisianaUnited Statesprimary/secondary
Acadia UniversityWriting Centre2005Wolfville, Nova ScotiaCanadacollege/
Founding year cited on their Facebook page:
10/13/2014ADA UniversityThe Write Space2012Cheryl PavlikJanice Ottey
Current administrator
9/19/2017Adams State CollegeThe Writing StudioRobert Affeldt
Current administrator
Alamosa, ColoradoUnited Statescollege/
9/19/2017Addison Trail High SchoolWriting CenterAddison, IllinoisUnited Statesprimary/secondary
Listed in the Secondary Writing Centers Directory: Can't find a webpage, but they have a Twitter account:
9/19/2017Addison Wesley LongmanBoston, MassachusettsUnited Statesfor-profit
Adelphi UniversityWriting Center2003Garden City, New YorkUnited Statescollege/,
Adolfo Ibáñez University (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)
Centro de Escritura y Oratoria (Center for Writing and Speaking)
Verónica Barros
A news item on the university website on March 11, 2015 announced the center's founding ( "Dependiente de la Facultad de Artes Liberales, este centro ofrecerá tutorías personalizadas a los alumnos de Pregrado e impartirá cursos a empresas en conjunto con el Centro de Educación Ejecutiva. “Cuando la comunicación se realiza eficientemente, permite crear redes, evitar malos entendidos, expresar lo que realmente queremos decir y ser honestos con nuestro pensamiento”, dice la profesora Verónica Barros, Directora del nuevo Centro de Escritura y Oratoria de la Facultad de Artes Liberales, sobre la importancia de escribir y hablar correctamente. La idea nació observando algo que las mejores casas de estudios del mundo anglosajón hacen desde hace décadas; crear centros de escritura para apoyar a sus alumnos. A pesar de que la iniciativa se proyecta como un ambicioso plan a largo plazo, el 2015 se centrará en dos áreas principales; La primera, ofrecer tutorías personalizadas a alumnos de pregrado que quieran superar problemas en expresión escrita a la hora de realizar trabajos para distintas asignaturas. Los tutores serán ayudantes destacados o ex ayudantes, quienes en sesiones de media hora, guiarán a los alumnos con apreciaciones de lo que deben corregir. La idea es que cada alumno lleve un avance de lo que está haciendo y luego muestre cuál fue el resultado final de su tarea. Las tutorías comenzarán a fines de abril; actualmente los tutores se encuentran en proceso de capacitación. Por otro lado, también se van a impartir cursos cerrados a empresas en conjunto con el Centro de Educación Ejecutiva de la universidad. Esta iniciativa nació como respuesta a la enorme demanda que ha tenido el Departamento de Expresión por parte de profesionales que se dan cuenta que los conocimientos adquiridos mientras estudiaban, no fueron suficientes para desempeñarse exitosamente en el mundo laboral. “Hay gente que se da cuenta que no tiene las capacidades para enfrentarse a un directorio, hacer una presentación o redactar algo y es un problema transversal a distintas empresas y a todos los rangos dentro de ellas”, dice Verónica Barros. El desafío para los años que vienen, es cubrir otras áreas de interés, como guiar alumnos de postgrado que estén trabajando en sus tesis o la vinculación con el medio, trabajando en conjunto con la Municipalidad de Peñalolén ofreciendo cursos y capacitaciones."
Advanced Technologies AcademyThe Writers' Grotto2014Las Vegas, NevadaUnited Statesprimary/secondary
Their Facebook group lists their founding as January 2014 ("Welcome to the Advanced Technologies Academy Writing Center group. It's a growing initiative to get the school and community involved in writing not just for the words, but for the stories, the ideas, and the glory. Founded January 2014.") A Febuary 12, 2016 report from principal Jonathan Synold (at mentions the Grotto as a teacher-developed writing center that operated before and after school. It's also listed in their 2015-16 budget:
African Writing CenterAfrican Writing Centerpre 1960Rhodesia
community writing center
I'm not sure if this center practiced individual instruction, but it may be worth exploring as, perhaps, an early international writing center. It's described this way in "Guest Speaker Sunday at Sandoval Christian." Centralia Evening Sentinel December 3, 1965. p. 6. "The Sandoval Christian Church will observe Woman’s Day Sunday with a guest speaker and potluck dinner following the morning worship hour. The speaker will be George Behler, St. Louis. He and his wife are graduates of Phillips University, Enid, Okla. and served as missionaries to Rhodesia at the African Writing Center from 1959 to 1963. The writing center which is interdenominational, trains Africans from all over the continent in the techniques of writing, editing and producing Christian literature for Africans. He will speak at the Sunday School hour at 9:30 a m. and at the morning worship service at 10:30 a m. The pastor is Ralph E. Bureman."
10/24/2014Agnes Scott College
Center for Writing and Speaking (originally Writing Lab)
1987Linda HubertMina Ivanova
Current administrator
Decatur, GeorgiaUnited Statescollege/
Their 1988 yearbook, Silhouette, notes the founding of the writing lab. p. 10. "The 1987-88 school year was marked by not only changes in the physical appearance of the campus, but also, by numerous adjustments in the academic realm, where Agnes Scott is already justly renowned for its excellence.... In the English Department, Chair Linda Hubert proposed a writers in residence program, a writing lab, and an expanded creative writing pro- gram that would include a course and internships in the field of journalism. These programs would serve a broad spectrum of students. Freshmen with writing anxiety or inadequate writ- ing ability would benefit from the guidance offered in a writing lab.
9/19/2017AIB College of Business (folded into the University of Iowa in 2015)Des Moines, IowaUnited States2-year
Aiken Technical CollegeWriting Center1994
Graniteville, South Carolina
United States2-year college
Founding reported in "Writing Center Now Open." Aiken Standard. 23 January 1995. The Aiken Technical College Writing Center opened in October with the goal of helping students in all classes improve their written assignments. Established to give assistance with writing assignments, the center is equipped with an Apple Ile and an IBM computer. Students may compose their work there or work on specific writing skills by using software that is available at the center. It will be open late in the afternoon by appointment and one night a week, to assist evening students."
9/19/2017Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, Colorado
United Statescollege/university
Airport High SchoolWriting Lab 1979
West Columbia, South Carolina
United Statesprimary/secondary
Founding year is a best guess based on their 1979 yearbook. p. 40.
Akiba Hebrew AcademyWriting Centerpre 1987Merion, PennsylvaniaUnited Statesprimary/secondary
Founded pre-1987. Listed in Pam Childers 1986 survey of high school writing centers at
9/19/2017Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane
Center for Academic Development, Writing Center
9/19/2017Al Ghurair UniversityWriting and Resource CenterDubai
United Arab Emirates
12/16/2014Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық университеті)
Академиялық жазба және мақалалау центрі (Center for Academic Writing and Publishing)
pre 2015AlmatyKazakhstancollege/university
Alabama A&M University
Write Place ( called Writing Center until 2019)
2002Kem Roper
Current administrator
Huntsville, AlabamaUnited Statescollege/
An HBCU. Founding noted on their webpage " History of the Writing Center" at "The Alabama A&M Writing Center helps to develop better writers and learners as they advance in their college career. It is designed for students who want to improve writing skills and have a greater sense of confidence in their ability to communicate effectively. Whether they are enrolled in an English course or another course, the Writing Center provides the tools and resources they will need to succeed. When the Writing Center began in 2002, it was housed in an overcrowded office space with three English instructors. On August 29, 2005, the Writing Center opened up at its current location, a single brick building interior with strategically placed computer stations, resource areas, printing area, study/work areas, and a classroom-like conference space. The AAMU Writing Center aims to assist as many people as possible within its small confines. It receives assistance through the Department of English and Foreign Languages, the continued support of the Tutorial Assistance Network (TAN) program, the Office of Retention and Persistence, and the AAMU Honors Program. Since many students come to Alabama A&M University with negative impressions about English and writing, believing it is not important or they are not good at it, they are self- inflicting barriers that can prevent them from reaching their full potential. The Writing Center has addressed this situation by creating an atmosphere at the Writing Center that allows creativity to flourish and meaningful messages to take shape. Thus, the primary focus of the Writing Center is to bridge the gap of the writing skills of Freshman English 100 and 101 students from their years as high school students. Students who successfully complete these courses develop a sense of pride in their writing and generally have an appreciation for the language. With the help of dedicated faculty, staff, student consultants, and student volunteers, the Writing Center offers one-on-one tutoring, discussion based writing sessions, and workshops on various English and writing topics. Each semester undergraduate and graduate consultants, as well as volunteers, serve as tutors and writing mentors. The Writing Center’s workshops cover important topics such as “How to Overcoming Grammar and Usage Problems,” “How to Avoid Plagiarism,” and “How to Develop Coherent Paragraphs.” In addition, the Writing Center gives attention to creative writing, journaling, note taking, and test anxiety. Today, the Alabama A&M University Writing Center hosts additional class sessions on a wide array of topics. Some of them include accessing the research online literary databases, using search engines, grammar, and sentence structure, comma usage, sentence fragments, writing the research paper, writing a literary analysis, writing speeches, preparing the works cited page, text citation, paragraph development, essay writing, argumentation, and portfolio assistance."
Alabama State University (called Alabama State Teachers College when the writing center was founded)Writing Laboratorypre 1939Montgomery, AlabamaUnited Statescollege/university
Existed pre-1939. An HBCU. For some early history, read "Saving Some of the Unfit" by Roy P. Basler in The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Mar., 1942), pp. 142-145
11/19/2014Alamance Community CollegeWriting Center2013
Debbie Burdick
Debbie Burdick
Current administrator
Graham, North CarolinaUnited States2-year college
Founding announced in an Aug. 19, 2013 article "New Writing Center Invites Students" in The Oracle, a newsletter at "New Writing Center Coordinator Debbie Burdick welcomes students to take advantage of ACC’s first ever writing center. Burdick looks forward to working with students, faculty, and staff in support of ACC’s “Writing Across the Curriculum” initiative and the College’s Quality Enhancement Program (QEP). Says Burdick: “I’m excited about putting my seven plus years of writing center experience and seven years of teaching English to work developing a new center where students can improve their writing skills. Faculty in all divisions can explore new ideas for enhancing the role of writing in their curriculum.”"
Alameda High SchoolWriting Center 2013Alameda, CaliforniaUnited Statesprimary/secondary
Founding noted in Amanda Rolden. "Writing Center, On Hold For Now, Helps Students Hone Their Skills. The Oak Leaf. December 5, 2014. "The writing center is an after-school program at Alameda High School that provides help for students to strengthen their writing techniques.The writing center was created for students to get extra help in any pieces of writing they may be working on. “The program began in the spring of 2013,” said English teacher Judith Klinger, though it has not been up and running yet this school year. “The program consisted of three English language teachers and a few upperclassmen who were all willing to help their peers who would show up to the writing center that needed extra assistance,” said Klinger. Two of those teachers have since moved and are not teaching in Alameda. “The program is currently pending to re-open after the absence of two English teachers who helped run the program,” said principal Robert Ithurburn. “The after school program was held in the school library which was convenient for students to get that extra curricular help they desired,” said Ithurburn. “Although the program is a great program to have, finding teachers who are willing to devote time to helping students without interfering with their schedule is tough,” said Ithurburn. For that reason it is unclear when the center will re-open this year. Many students took advantage of the program when it was in full swing. “Students showed up religiously,” said vice principal Michael Lee “to get the extra help they desired through the program.”"
Alamo Heights Junior High SchoolWriting Labpre 1988San Antonio, TexasUnited Statesprimary/secondary
Existence noted as an NCTE Center of Excellence for 1987, reported in "133 English Programs Are Named 'Centers of Excellence.'" Education Week. Oct. 28, 1987.
9/19/2017Albany College of PharmacyAlbany, New YorkUnited Statescollege/
9/19/2017Albany State UniversityAlbany, GeorgiaUnited Statescollege/universityx
Albemarle High SchoolPatriot Writers' Studio2013Hannah Baran
Current administrator
Charlottesville, VirginiaUnited Statesprimary/
Alberto Hurtado University (Universidad Alberto Hurtado)Writing Center2011
Layli Amerson and Katie Bussiere
Founding noted in a July 21, 2011 news item on the Mount Holyoke website, "Building a Writing Center" at "Layli Amerson '13 (center) and Katie Bussiere '13 stand in the new writing center they have helped create at Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Santiago, Chile. With them is Jorge Molina, one of three new mentors-in-training soon to be taking a course in writing center scholarship developed by Amerson and Bussiere based on what they have learned in the Speaking, Arguing, and Writing (SAW) Program here at MHC. Read more about Amerson's adventures this summer in Chile at the Around the World with MHC blog."
9/19/2017Albertson College of IdahoCaldwell, IdahoUnited Statescollege/university
Albertus Magnus CollegeWriting Center2003Natalie DeVaull
Current administrator
New Haven, ConnecticutUnited Statescollege/university
12/14/2014Albertus Magnus University (Albertus Magnus RKSV) (RKSV stands for Rooms-katholieke Studentenvereniging)
Academisch Schrijfcentrum (Academic Writing Center)
pre 2015GroningenThe Netherlandscollege/university[unknown]
Albion CollegeEnglish Tutorial1952Albion, MichiganUnited Statescollege/
9/19/2017Albright CollegeWriting CenterReading, PennsylvaniaUnited Statescollege/
Albuquerque Community Writing CenterAlbuquerque Community Writing Center2011
Brian Hendrickson and Erin Penner Gallegos
Albuquerque, New Mexico
United States
community writing center
First year reported in "Celebrating a Year of ABQCWC." Writing Communities. By Brian Hendrickson. Vol. 2. spring 2012. p. 10-11. "In last year’s newsletter, I had the pleasure of introducing our readers to the idea of the Albuquerque Community Writing Center (ABQCWC). This year, I have the extreme pleasure of reflecting on a year of successful community engagement at ABQCWC. Last March, we launched a successful pilot project with the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Public Libraries, and in July we began offering one-on-one writing coaching on a weekly basis at the Main Library in downtown Albuquerque. In conjunction with the Libraries’ NEAsponsored Big Read grant, we hosted two craft discussions/workshops in the fall featuring detective/mystery author Robert Kresge and poet Gary Jackson. Then in January, we established a new partnership with Casa de las Comunidades, an immigrant resource center in Albuquerque’s international district, where we facilitate group literacy coaching sessions with youth between the ages of five and eighteen. Since that first pilot project our team of volunteers, ranging between eight and twenty undergraduate and graduate students as well as community members, has coached well over a hundred clients in writing documents ranging from résumés and cover letters to memoirs and novels. And although we should be proud of our incredible record of success in this, our first year of operations, I’d like to place even greater emphasis on the benefits we reap from this endeavor. Ultimately, I see ABQCWC as WAC’s flagship initiative, a clearinghouse for campus community literacy partnerships, and a channel through which to connect classroom and community literacies. For fall 2012, we’re fashioning a topics-based expository writing class into a community literacy practicum, bringing us one step closer to that vision. Hopefully, WACommunities’ many stakeholders across UNM and in the greater community will value and invest in that vision with us. In closing, I’d like to thank my founding codirector, Erin Penner Gallegos, my outgoing codirector, Genevieve Garcia de Mueller, and my incoming co-director, Anna Knutson, for their commitment to this project.
Alcorn State UniversityWriting Center2003
Murray Shugars
Lorman, MississippiUnited Statescollege/university
An HBCU. According to their website, "Funded under the Title III Program, the Writing Center was established on the campus of Alcorn State University in 2003 under the direction of Dr. Murray Shugars, Associate Professor in the Department of English and Foreign Languages. The goal of a college writing center is to support writing across campus. Consulting services and other Writing Center resources are available to all students, faculty, and staff."
9/19/2017Alexander Central High SchoolStudent Writing CenterWilliam Vinson
Current administrator
Taylorsville, North Carolina
United Statesprimary/secondary
9/19/2017Alexandria Technical CollegeAlexandria, MinnesotaUnited States2-year college
9/19/2017Alexis I. DuPont High SchoolWilmington, DelawareUnited Statesprimary/secondary
10/20/2014Alfred UniversityWriting Center1986Chloe Hansen
Current administrator
Alfred, New YorkUnited Statescollege/
9/19/2017Algoma UniversityWriting LabSault Ste. Marie, OntarioCanadacollege/
9/19/2017Algonquin CollegeStudent Support LabOttowa, OntarioCanadacollege/
Algonquin Regional High SchoolAlgonquin Writing Center2016
Seth Czarnecki and Sara Stein
Seth Czarnecki and Sara Stein
Current administrator
Northborough, Massachusetts
United Statesprimary/secondary,,
According to their Twitter feed, they celebrated their grand opening in 2016. A March 7, 2016 article Jen Fox and Taylor Bragg in the school newspaper, The Harbinger, reported, "New Writing Center, elective course available for next year." "The establishment of a new Writing Center, as well as an accompanying English elective course, will provide English peer-tutoring and advanced writing skills to students beginning in the spring of 2017. “It was an idea that was kicked around for a while,” Principal Tom Mead said. “It took the initiative and the drive of these two English teachers to really get it going.” In correspondence with Worcester State University, student tutors will be designing and running a Writing Center in the library for one-on-one tutoring with the help of English teachers Seth Czarnecki and Sara Stein. The pair hope to guide the students into taking initiative for the creation of the center. “In terms of design, we want to really include the writing tutors in the design process,” Czarnecki said. “I have an idea for what I would love for a writing center for myself, but it’s really not about Ms. Stein, or me, or what I or the administration wants it to look like, it needs to be a space that the students create and cultivate for themselves in the image that they would feel comfortable working there.” “It may be rather modest, but it’ll be there- I’m convinced of that,” Mead said. “It will occupy some space in the library. In time, we may be able to invest more and more into [the writing center] to make it very unique and, I would hope, a combination of function and aesthetic.” The corresponding English elective course, Advanced Writing Seminar, will be available to the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors of this upcoming year. Enrollment in the elective is a necessary requirement for becoming a Writing Center peer tutor. “We really want our first cohort of students to run this like a business,” Czarnecki said. “Not only will they be trained on how to be a writing tutor, but they will take part in the design plans, name, logo, slogan, and promote and market the Writing Center. There’s a business end to the whole writing-tutor-process that I think is really exciting and will excite students as well.” Teachers have recommended tutors for the Writing Center, but any students who are interested are welcome to become a tutor. “The students who were recommended by the faculty are essentially our first wave of recruits,” Czarnecki said. “That’s not to say that they’re the only ones who can take the tutoring class. We really hope that once word gets out about the Writing Center and what we’re trying to do, that more students will say ‘Now, that’s something that sounds cool to me,’ and would want to become a part of the process of creating this writing center.”"
Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin)Schreib Coaching (Writing Coaching)2013BerlinGermanycollege/university
12/10/2014All Hallows CollegeWriting Centrepre 2015DublinIrelandcollege/
Their Facebook page: The college shut down in 2014:
9/19/2017Allan Hancock CollegeSanta Maria, CaliforniaUnited Statescollege/university
9/19/2017Allegany College of MarylandThe Writing CenterCumberland, MarylandUnited Statescollege/university
Allegheny CollegeLearning Commons, Writingpre 1993Meadville, PennsylvaniaUnited Statescollege/
A 1993 article about one of their tutors mentions that she worked there in 1992: That's the earliest mention I can find.
Allen County Community CollegeWriting Center 1999Anne FarmerIola, KansasUnited States2-year
Founding reported in Jackie Witherspoon. "ACCC Adds Writing Center to Help Students, Faculty." Iola Register August 19, 1999. p. 5. "“I’m a science major, so I don’t need to be able to write.” Anne Farm er has heard th at type of comment and is determined to show students how they will use writing in any profession and how good writing skills will help them achieve their goals, not just in college but in the “real world.” Farmer is an English and literature instructor a t Allen County Com m unity College. This fall she also became the director of the new ACCC Writing Center. “Learning to w rite has so many benefits for our s tudents,” Farm er said. “There are people who think the only time a stu d en t will need writing abilities is for English T hat isn’t true, of course. Students use writing in all courses and will certainly use writing skills in any career field.” The ultim ate goal for the W riting Center will be to help students beco?ne more competent, confident writers. The W riting Center will offer: — One-to-one tutoring by fellow students and Farmer. — Individual instruction on special needs, including gram m ar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and other topics. — Evening w orkshops on specific writing skills, including job a|)plications, resumes, cover letters and more. — Direct help within classrooms. — Faculty support. “Other faculty members are very supportive of the Center,” Farm er said. “As an English instructor. I’ve heard teachers of other subjects express concern about how to evaluate w riting and how to incorporate w riting w ithin th eir disciplines.” The W riting Center will help w ith both concerns. j.,“The staff will, hopefully, be invited into classrooms to offer students direct help with their assignm ents th at involve w riting,” Farm er said. “Perhaps a history instructor is requiring a research paper or a science teacher w ants better written laboratory reports; th a t collaboration between the classroom and the Center is one of our goals. “I’ve collected a substantial am ount of resource m aterial th a t will be available to students and faculty to help incorporate writing into projects and assignm ents for classes other than English,” Farm er said. She will also be working wdth other faculty members on ways to design assignm ents to better incorporate w riting lessons into different subject areas. “The Center wall be a consulting service for both students and faculty. I hope it will become a very visible service on campus and one th at students wall use. I plan to talk to classes this fall and do everything I can to let students know about what we’re offering them. “N um erous studies have shown th at good w riting skills benefit students in all of their college courses and are also very beneficial in all career fields. I’m excited th a t ACCC is offering students this type of assistance through the Writing Center,” she said. P’arm er will incorporate ideas she gathered while working in the Kansas University Writing Center during her doctoral studies. She will be assisted in the ACCC Writing Center by two student tutors. “The W riting Center will be for all of our students, including those who are good writers now,” Farm er stressed. “Even the best writers in the world have someone else read their work and offer ideas and suggestions for improvement. “It’s been fun to listen to faculty members talk about how they will use th e Center,” Farm er said. “I think we’re all intrigued about how' we will incorporate this new service into the classroom to help our students.” The W riting C enter will be open from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays when classes are in session."
9/19/2017Allen University
Writing Center (previously Reading and Writing Lab)
Chayah Stoneberg-Cooper
Current administrator
Columbia, South CarolinaUnited Statescollege/university
Allentown High SchoolWriting Clinic1986Allentown, New JerseyUnited Statesprimary/secondary
Founding noted in their 1985 yearbook. p. 28.
Allentown High SchoolWriting Clinic2006Joann Snook
Current administrator
Allentown, New JerseyUnited Statesprimary/secondary
12/15/2014Alsbach Primary School (Melibokusschule Alsbach)Schreibwerkstatt (Writing Workshop)pre 2015Lena Dietrich
Current administrator
Alvarado High SchoolEnglish tutorialpre 1986Alvarado, TexasUnited Statesprimary/secondary
Mentioned in their 1985 yearbook, Warrior, p. 25. "Although the English department leads in tutorial enrollment, many ofthe students come for extra help rather than because they are failing. As if to make up for raising the minimum passing grade from 60 to 70, legislators required schools to offer tutorial sessions."
9/19/2017Alvernia CollegeReading, PennsylvaniaUnited Statescollege/university
9/19/2017Alverno CollegeCommunication Resource CenterMilwaukee, WisconsinUnited Statescollege/university
9/19/2017Alvin Community CollegeAlvin, TexasUnited States2-year college
Amarillo CollegeWriting Labpre 1982Amarillo, TexasUnited Statescollege/university
Earliest appearance I can find is in the "Proceedings of the Southeastern Writing Center Conference." Compiled by Gary Olson. ERIC. 7 Feb. 1981. Also mentioned in Carl Fowler's “The Writing Lab: Stepchild or Rightful Heir.” Writing Lab Newsletter. 6.10 (June 1982). p. 7-9.
11/2/2014American College of GreeceStudent Academic Services, Writing Centerpre 2015
Katharina Weiss, Former Coordinator
Former administrator
9/19/2017American College of ThessalonikiWriting CenterThessalonikiGreececollege/
12/21/2014American Corner NišWriting Center Niš2014NišSerbia
community writing center
A program of the US Embassy in Serbia.,
American Farm SchoolWriting Center2016ThessalonikiGreeceprimary/secondary
According to their website, "he Writing Center, located at the Dimitris & Aliki Perrotis Library, was founded in 2016 with support from renowned author Gregory Maguire to aid students in strengthening their writing skills. The Writing Center enhances the classroom experience, assisting students with their assignments, theses and research projects (all in the English language) through: The provision of objective and confidential tutoring to students with assignments and research projects in English, no matter the skill level, at any stage in the process -- from brainstorming to final revision, One-on-one or group consultations by appointment, as well as on a first-come-first-served basis, Special workshops, Access to online and written support materials about improving writing, Community engagement through student clubs on the craft of writing."
9/19/2017American Institute of Design
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States2-year college
12/10/2014American International CollegeWriting Center2009Julie R. Bodnar
Current administrator
Springfield, Massachusetts
United Statescollege/university
Founding year cited on their Facebook page:
American River CollegeWriting Centerpre 1981Sacramento, CaliforniaUnited States2-year college
Appears in Hellen Mills' “Writing Lab Programs for the Learning Disabled and Handicapped.” Writing Lab Newsletter. 5.3 (Nov. 1980) p. 3-5.
11/19/2014American Samoa Community CollegeWriting Lab2012
Pago Pago, American Samoa
United States2-year college
Funded by a 2011 Dept of Ed grant. There's an item from the school in the Writing Lab Newsletter. 7.4 (Dec. 1982). p. 8., but it's unclear if they had a center at that time.
11/22/2014American School of MilanWriting Center2013
Sean LeBlanc and Christine Rague
9/19/2017American University in BulgariaWriting CenterBlagoevgradBulgariacollege/
American University in CairoMohamed Taymour Writing Center2010New CairoEgyptcollege/
American University in DubaiWriting Center2008Kevin NawnDubai
United Arab Emirates
9/19/2017American University in Iraq SulaimaniWriting CenterSulaymaniyahIraqcollege/
American University of AfghanistanWriting Center2011KabulAfghanistancollege/university
American University of ArmeniaMath and Writing Center2013YerevanArmeniacollege/
Mentioned by Anna Aghlamazyan, director, in a 9/15/16 WCenter post. Their founding is extrapolated from the calendar posted on their website, which lists their grand opening in July 2013.
American University of BeirutWriting Center2005BeirutLebanoncollege/
Founding year cited on their Facebook page:
9/19/2017American University of Central AsiaWriting and Academic Resource CenterBishkekKrygyzstancollege/
Their Facebook page:
American University of KuwaitThe Writing Center2005SafatKuwaitcollege/
American University of ParisWriting Lab1987ParisFrancecollege/university;
1/21/2018American University of Ras Al KhaimahWriting Centerpre 2017Bryn HolmesRas al Khaimah
United Arab Emirates
Cited in Elsheikh A., Mascaro J. (2018) A Critical Rereading of the History of Writing Centers in the UAE. In: Barnawi O. (eds) Writing Centers in the Higher Education Landscape of the Arabian Gulf. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-55366-5_2