Status of LRRB Ideas: October 2023
This spreadsheet shows that status of ideas submitted this past year. Either scroll down or used "Find" function to check the status of an idea. Those listed as "Under Consideration" are still be reviewed by the LRRB.
StatusCategoryIdeaDescriptionAuthor (Champion)
New LRRB-RIC ProjectAdministrationBest Practices for Developing Request for Proposals (RFPs)Provide recommendations and options for the preparation of request for proposal including templates/examples.D7 Counties
New LRRB-RIC ProjectAdministrationEffective Purchasing of Public Works Materials, Vehicles and Equipment (lessons learned, best practice)Cooperative Purchasing Best Practices: identify which and how agencies are using state bids (MN Admin) or other cooperative purchasing entities like SRCC versus specifications and buying local. Also include leasing programs for local agencies to identify pros and cons such as when the lease terms increases are not sustainable and the capital outlay is not there to rebuild your fleet. Identify best practices agencies have developed to mitigate delayed fulfillment of purchases (supply chain) including fiscal year budget impact and audit trails.Brian Boder, St. Louis County
Sam Muntean, Lac Qui Parle County
Nick Bergman, Pipestone County
Randy Groves, Murray County
New LRRB-RIC ProjectBridge & StructuresLoad Posting Implements of Husbandry and Emergency Vehicles for Minnesota's Local Bridge InventoryD. Conkel has history and can help write NS. AMC hosted a working group on IOH and there was a recent conference session (Alexandria) on IOH. With approximately 15,000 local bridges - developing a representative screening approach for Minnesota's local bridge owners is needed to assure IoH vehicles are properly and consistently evaluated and local bridges load posted; additionally educational outreach materials are needed for farmers and bridge owners.Dave Conkel, MnDOT State Aid
Joe Wilson, Lincoln County
Anthony Sellner, Redwood
Randy Groves, Murray County
D7, D8 (cities)
Under Consideration
LRRB RFP Process
EnvironmentalBenefits of Voluntary Conservation Agreements for ROW Management to Improve Habitat for Threatened or Protected SpeciesCCAA Program and the Monarch Butterfly (and other potential species to be named). What are the benefit/cost of the program? When do you need landowner agreements? Is use of other county owned transportation properties like gravel pits allowed? Identify best practices road authorities use to rotate the 5% of roads dedicated when construction happens. What is the impact if agencies do not voluntarily investment in this program.Anthony Sellner, Redwood County
D7 Counties
New LRRB-RIC ProjectEnvironmentalEnvironmental Permitting Requirements & Best PracticesDNR/Army Corp/etc. Permit Requirements and Best Practices on when you need permits and from what agencies. Guidance needed on how to notify and get responses from permitting agencies. How do the general permits
work, what are the exemptions, the role of TEPs, the role of soil and water
Joe Wilson, Lincoln County
Mel Odens, Kandiyohi County
Sam Muntean, Lac Qui Parle County
D7 Counties
Under Consideration
LRRB RFP Process
EnvironmentalFeasibility of Solar Street LightingDue to extensive wire theft challenges, Saint Paul seeks a means to provide sustainable lighting and specifically seeks to consider the feasibility and reasonableness of solar lighting.Nick Peterson, St. Paul
Under Consideration
LRRB RFP Process
EnvironmentalInnovative Solutions for Construction Stormwater Solutions for Linear ProjectsMeeting water quality requirements on linear projects in tight urban areas is challenging given limited right of way and resources. What are options? Are there regional approaches that provide credits?D6 (Cities)
Under Consideration - Not fundedMaintenance & OperationsBest Practices for Snow Removal in Cul de SacsSnow removal in Cul de sacs are time consuming and challenging. Education is needed for road authorities to share with land use approval entities i.e. site approval, planning commissions, city councils / county boards on challenges with cul de sacs maintenance. What specialized equipment is out there? Sioux Falls has specific equipment and techniques. Is there equipment rental opportunities for winter use only?Dan Fischer, City of Mankato
D1, D7, D8 (cities), Metro Cities
Under Consideration - Not fundedMaintenance & OperationsBest Practices to Deter Beavers and Other Animals from Obstructing WaterwaysWhat are others using to deter beavers from building dams in the culverts? Investigate the use of high intensity strobes (Crow River Watershed research). Beavers dam up streams and culverts. Effectiveness of hiring people to trap them. 90% of the time its on private property and the city needs to get landowner permission. There have been instances where they beavers have dammed up culverts and water is over the road.Mike Rohweder, St. Louis County
D1 (City), D6, D7, D8 (Cities)
Under Consideration - Not fundedMaintenance & OperationsBest Practices to Prevent Seal Coat Damage from Underbody Plow BladesWhat is the optimal down pressure and settings? Mostly experience damage at the centerline. Can we add on to the crown of the road not just the centerline? Noticed two failures: peeling off at the underbody and now
popping out.
Jed R, Cottonwood
Al Peterson, Otter Tail
Under Consideration - Not fundedMaintenance & OperationsDrone Guidelines for Maintenance UseDrones use is expanding. Develop an operational guideline with links/resources to include pros/cons of using drones, licensing process, regulation compliance/policy guidance, and case studies of how others are using drones: bridge inspections, surveying, measuring stockpiles, categorizing ditches, tagging to GIS, etc. Develop best practices on how drone data could/should be managed?Anthony Pirkl, Lake of the Woods
Mark Daly, Faribault
Mel Odens, Kandiyohi County
Jeremy Gilb, Chippewa County
Brian Boder, St. Louis County
D1, D6 (Cities)
Metro Cities
Under Consideration - Not fundedMaintenance & OperationsGuardrail Replacement and Maintenance Guidelines (Update 2010 Resource)Update the 2010 guidelines and the accepted approved guardrail types and end treatments used in Minnesota, including inspection and maintenance practices for guardrails and resources and standards on guardrails and end
Paul Oehme, City of Lakeville
New LRRB-RIC ProjectMaterials & ConstructionBest Practices Addressing Elements within the Public ROW during Construction Landowners irrigation systems do exist in the ROW and are typically NOT marked or documented within utility location records. How do road authorities avoid issues during construction? Who is liable to replace?
Contractors are often the issue and are not helpful. Survey other local agencies for best practices in planning design and construction to identify and mitigate potential conflicts.
Sam Anderson, Bemidji
Kyle Wallace, Minneapolis
Dillon Dombrovski,
Rochester D3 (City)
Under Consideration - Not fundedMaterials & ConstructionBest Practices for Stormwater Pond Dredging Projects to Minimize Quantity DisputesThe proposed project would focus on developing best practices for the design and construction of dredging projects so as to minimize the disputes between owners and contractors over quantities of materials removed. The project would look at design processes such as using plan quantity bid items, load ticket bid items, and similar. How quantities are determined during the design phase (survey methods, pre-construction tests to try an estimate actual quantities). Activities that can take place during construction to minimize disputes later (presence of project inspector, survey shots taken during work, check load tickets, etc.).
Bassett Creek Watershed is a potential resource.
Mark Ray, City of Burnsville
Under Consideration - Not fundedMaterials & ConstructionBest Practices for Turf Establishment (update the 2020 info, FAQ; add Edina temporary irrigation systemHow do you decide when to put in sod? When is the contractor liable for the sod? Who's fault/responsibility is it? Does it make sense to hire a sod maintenance firm? Homeowners responsibility? Still have residents that do not participate in the watering.St. Michael
Under Consideration
LRRB RFP Process
Materials & ConstructionDesign Guidance and Best Practices for the Use of Light FillLightweight fill. Agencies are getting requests from vendors for use of their products (recycled tires, etc.). What has been tested/evaluated? Do they require any special construction techniques? Are there any environmental concerns? Matrix of options and uses.Paul Sandy, Brainerd
Mel Odens, Kandiyohi County
Brian Pogodzinski, Houston County
D7 Counties
New LRRB-RIC ProjectPolicy & PlanningAgency Guidance for Addressing Artistic/Creative Pavement Painting on Public RoadsHow to address/accommodate requests for creative/artistic pavement painting. I.e. cross walks, bump outs, roundabout medians, etc. MUTCD
guidance? Ordinances?
D6 Cities
New LRRB-RIC ProjectPolicy & PlanningBest Practices for Electric Vehicles Charging StationsBest practice on electric vehicles (including bicycles/other modes) considering: location of charging stations, use of ROW for charging stations, guidance agencies should consider when changing/updating their fleet (identify the cost effectiveness to switch vehicle fleets), communicating benefits to elected officials, etc. Can cities use charging stations to attract people to city amenities or commerce areas? Who pays for electricity? What grants are available for start up? What are theChad Millner, Edina
Carla Stueve, Hennepin County
Lyndon Robjent, Carver County
Julie Long, Bloomington
Tim Hruska, La Crescent
D1, D6, D7, D8, (Cities), Metro Cities
New LRRB-RIC ProjectPolicy & PlanningGuidance for Reducing Urban Street SignageLooking for better guidance on street sign design within urban areas. On MnDOT projects the size and density within lower speed urban areas seems too much. Evaluate Traffic Engineering Manual and determine some better guidance for designers. Would like guidance on how to reduce the number of signs. Specifically parking signs and design requirements. How long to keep specialty signs in place (i.e. - deaf child sign after child no longer lives in the area).Tom Trowbridge, Moorhead
D3 (City)
Under Consideration
LRRB RFP Process
Policy & PlanningRefining the Understanding of Parking Space Requirements and Its Impact on VMTEvaluate how to reduce VMT? Understanding what is everyone's responsibility vs. MnDOT vs. city/county. How are we adjusting climate plans as everyone is working on it? Is this truly reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG)? ideas of how to reduce VMT outside of the metro? Most in D3 would have a challenge in reducing compared to metro. Local policies are to increase VMT tor economics. This results in conflicting state and local desires. Local development - does this require VMT reduction.Carla Stueve, Hennepin County Dave Bennett, Northfield
D1, D7, D8 (cities) Metro Cities
Elk River
New LRRB-RIC ProjectTraffic & SafetyBest Practices for Effective Completion of Crash Reports by Law Enforcement
Accurately filling out crash reports and submitting data. Need to educate law enforcement staff on the importance of the use the reports. If law enforcement does not have the time to fill it out, are there ways to streamline or automate.Tony Winiecki, Scott County
Under Consideration
LRRB RFP Process
Traffic & SafetyEvaluation of Driver Speeds After Implementation of Speed Limit Reduction on Urban StreetsIn the City of St. Louis Park, traffic speeds were collected in advance of urban speed limit reductions (2021). In 2022, speed data was collected on streets where the speed limit was reduced and where the speed limit was unchanged with modest reductions noted. Theoretically, driver behavior is habitual and it is anticipated that greater reductions will be experienced over time suggesting repeat traffic speed monitoring and assessment in three to five years after implementation (2025 to 2027).Vic Lund, St. Louis County Derek Leuer, MnDOT
New LRRB-RIC ProjectTraffic & SafetyEvaluation of Roundabout Crash Rates and Effectiveness and
Create Roundabout Driver Education for Local Agency Use
What is the true crash rate after they have been in place for a few years and people are getting used to driving them (2 years?). Do rates go down after the 2 years? Is there a study being done on this yet? Single roundabouts are great, multilane are tricky. Would like an updated study on the number of lanes of roundabouts vs crash data over time. Collect data on roundabouts to date in Minnesota.

Identify driver training tools and information and target audiences (demographics?) A resident completed a 55 and older class; the class taught her to not stop at roundabouts even when there are pedestrians. Other drivers stop before they get to or in a roundabout without pedestrians. Can the About a Roundabout video be updated with adding traffic signals; flashing yellow arrows. (videos were updated; city of Richfield) Is this a PSA for general public knowledge? Get info out about roundabouts to media.
Metro County
New LRRB-RIC ProjectTraffic & SafetyGuidance for Installation of Pedestrian CrossingsTemplate to help agencies on where to install crosswalks and mid-block crossings. The federal guidance is hard to reach. Suburban flow chart. Federal pedestrian warrant is too hard to meet.Lyndon Robjent, Carver County
ExistingMaintenance & OperationsPatching and Crack Filling Best Practices
Crack study done in 2022; Patching Best Practice is new study 2024
There are a number of new products being used to fill gaps wider than can be crack filled. Is there guidance on diameter, depth, area suggestions for a variety of methods and by variety of materials: cold mix, hot mix, etc.NA
ExistingMaintenance & OperationsUse of Social Media or Other Apps for 511 Communication on Local Roads
Is there a county resource for neighboring counties to share information in preparation for or in response to inclement weather similar to MnDOT 511? Cottonwood is in a text chain with 11 other superintendents in SW Minnesota - wondering if other resources exist.NA
Lower Priority
AdministrationUnderstanding/Optimizing Seasonal Staff Needs for Future Workforce DevelopmentSeasonal help often require a training investment for a limited-tenure benefit to the local government. Are there practices to maximize the rate of return of seasonal workers and transition them to full-time? Better understanding of seasonal staff expectations regarding wages and other
workforce factors.
Jed Rhubee, Cottonwood County
Dan Fischer, Mankato
D7, D8 (cities)
Lower Priority
Bridge & StructuresInvestigating High Performance Concrete Usage: Best Applications; Opportunities to Improve Specifications for Better Performance.Research why the continued use of high performance concrete. Continued/ongoing issues with cylinders continue to break (ongoing problem for years), why? What is the cause? Agencies are not seeing the strength even after 28 days. Should spec be adjusted? (MnDOT has stated that bridge high performance concrete may not be necessary where there's no high salt use like on township roads).Randy Groves, Murray County
D7, D8 Cities
Anthony Sellner, Redwood County
Lower Priority
EnvironmentalBest Practices for Minimizing Salt Runoff from
Snowplow Truck Cleaning Operations
How to minimize salt runoff from truck cleaning at public agency
maintenance facilities.
D6 (Cities)
Lower Priority
EnvironmentalBest Practices for Site Selection and Operation of Snow Storage/Melt Sites; aka Snow GardensSnow gardens (aka snow melt sites): explore liability/green solutions/strategies/use of existing publicly owned property like
fairgrounds/use of private property.
Mel Odens, Kandiyohi County
Lower Priority
Maintenance & OperationsImproving Visibility of Lane Markings (striping) while Snow PlowingThe optics on iPad and Mobile phone is better at 'seeing' the centerline and edges strips. Can a device/App be developed to aid snowplowers to provide this in the cab?Jamie Larsen, Redwood Falls
PJ Duchene, Rice County
Bryce Struckman, Olmsted County
Anthony Sellner, Redwood County
Metro Cities
Lower Priority
Maintenance & OperationsMitigation of Private Irrigation Damage to Seal Coat OperationsHow do other agencies address landowners irrigation systems for watering grass goes off when there is seal coating happening?Maintenance meeting
Lower Priority
Maintenance & OperationsSnow Plowing GPS Lane Control: Preventing Snow Plow Damage to Curbs and RoundaboutsHow can technology be used to reduce damage to infrastructure including curbs and roundabouts? Options to be investigated include onboard GPS,
telemetrics, and cameras.
Jeff Domras, St. Peter
D1, D7, D8 (cities), Metro Cities
Lower Priority
Maintenance & OperationsSnow Plowing Guidance for Non-Metro AgenciesMuch of the existing materials address plowing within metro (and larger) agencies. Create training materials for smaller agencies (i.e., snow plow operator training, salt/sand applications, information for new employees, etc.). Plowing is smaller/tight areas (downtowns)Steve Lang, Austin
D7, D8 (cities)
Lower Priority
Maintenance & OperationsTracking, Maintenance, Education, & Enforcement of Private Stormwater BMPsStormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) are often built as a part of commercial and residential developments to meet local stormwater requirements, and then become the responsibility of the future (private) property owners to inspect and maintain. Often the property owners are not aware of the responsibility, much less understand how to, or have the resources to, fulfill the responsibility. When a BMPs functionality is reduced, or it fails entirely, the downstream system is impacted. It is not currently a requirement of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, but may become so in the future. Local agencies would benefit from a study to identify best practices and/or how other agencies are addressing private BMPs regarding:Unknown
Lower Priority
Maintenance & OperationsTraining Course on Flagging in Traffic OperationsTopic raised at multiple meetings, maintenance staff are looking for training opportunities for flaggersCole Rossow, Jackson County
Jamie Larsen, Redwood County
Gene Enos, Olmsted County
D7, D8 (cities)
Lower Priority
Maintenance & OperationsWinter Maintenance Solutions for Challenging Areas like Hills Curves and Shaded AreasWhat are innovative winter maintenance solutions for intersections on hills, curves & shaded areas where frost and frozen pavement exists. What are the tools/materials/methods that are effective?D7, D8 (cities)
Lower Priority
Materials & ConstructionBest Practices for Insulating Watermains in RoadwaysPink foam or high density polystyrene for insulation of water mains. Contractors will say a 2-inch board in width of 1-foot or 2-foot. What do other agencies specify and require from contractors. Need to know how much insulation to put in? How wide to do it? How much needed to slow the frost? insulation is not proprietary.D3 City
Lower Priority
Materials & ConstructionHow to Improve Urban Ride Quality for Concrete Paving and Concrete Bike LanesBetter specifications needed for ride quality for concrete pavements in urban areas. Currently there are no specs for under 35 mph except 10-foot straight edge and 3/16' doesn't yield good results. Include research on concrete bike lanes; from the bike perspective the ride quality is
Jon Pratt, City of Detroit Lakes
D1, D7, D8 (cities), Metro Cities
Lower Priority
Materials & ConstructionSeal Coat Failures Due to Reheated Emulsion Not Tested on Job SiteNo emulsion testing on the jobs. Experiencing failures and wondering if it's due to reheating of emulsions and trucks that sit overnight. Emulsions are tested before leaving the storage facility but not on site. Otter Tail uses MC800 and sand. They include a temp gauge reading on the truck which is required in the contract. Also include a clause on being late to a site to avoid issues with emulsion failure.Maintenance Expo
Lower Priority
Materials & ConstructionSynthesis of Other States Using Orange Temporary Pavement Markings and Effectiveness in Construction ZonesOther states (like Wisconsin and Kentucky) are using orange temporary pavement markings within construction zones. Research how effective these are in other states at improving construction site safety and reducing incidents by vehicles. Possibly try it out on a transportation project and municipal project to determine effectiveness in Minnesota.Chris La Bounty, Maple Grove
Lower Priority
Materials & ConstructionUrban Ride Quality Solutions when Curb & Gutter RemainsUrban ride quality solutions when not removing curb & gutter. How to manage driveway, ADA, and other transitions. Sometimes pavement needs to not follow curb to get smooth ride.D7, D8 (cities)
Lower Priority
MultimodalBest Practices for Multimodal Expansion on Urbanized RoadwaysIs it cost effective to install trails on urbanized roadways? There is a large cost to rebuild urban roads and to add trails. At what point does it make sense to make the change. Lots of money is spent on rebuilding. There is a lot of TA money coming in and there are high expectations to provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities.Carla Stueve, Hennepin County
Erin Laberee, Dakota County
Lower Priority
Policy & PlanningBest Practices for Installation/Removal of Parking SignageParking signs �related to resolution supported no parking areas? Is this required on local roads. If the signs are up, can they be removed or are they enforceable. Need statute research and case law related to thisUnknown
Lower Priority
Traffic & SafetyAre Modern Headlight Designs Hazardous to
Pedestrian Safety?
Joe Gustafson, Washington County
Jim Johnson, Chisholm
Lower Priority
Traffic & SafetyAvailability and Feasibility of Bicycle Detection Technology ToolsWhat technology is available (and cost effective) in sensing bicycles within the intersection? Loops? Infrared? Microwave? Building the infrastructure,
but do these actually help?
David Bennett, Northfield
D1, D7, D8 (Cities), Metro Counties
Lower Priority
Traffic & SafetyBest Practices for Facility and Employee SafetyMCIT will do mock inspections. What are the lessons learned and best
Gene Enos, Olmsted County
Lower Priority
Traffic & SafetyBest Practices Guidance on Leading Pedestrian Intervals and Signal Timing for Improved Pedestrian
Signal systems and leading pedestrian intervals (LPI). Warrants, guidance. Examples of solutions. Concerns with flashing yellow left turns in high
pedestrian areas.
D7, D8 (cities)
Lower Priority
Traffic & SafetyIdentify/Develop Smartphone Wayfinding Applications for Work Zones on the Local SystemSmartphone guidance applications �going around detours and using residential areas. Is there a way for MnDOT or local agencies to connect with Google to ask for revisions to routes to match identified detours? Have a state representative call? Waze will workD3 City
Lower Priority
Traffic & SafetySafety Effectiveness of Basket Weave Stop SignsIs there any research on whether there is a reduction for basket weave stop
signs? Are these traffic calming tools?
Deb Heiser, St. Louis Park
Metro County
Lower Priority
Traffic & SafetySynthesis of Current Break-Away Signage PracticesProvide a summary/synthesis on what use to for break-away sign posts
(including: spring-loaded, U-channel, and tubular)
D3 (City)
N/AAdministrationMaintenance Worker Wage Study for Commercial Operators
Similar issue was raised in 2022, not funded, determine issue not resolved via research.
Wage study to understand how to compete with private CDL companies. Local agencies estimate 20% short-staffed and increasing challenges to compete and fill positions.Maintenance Expo
N/AMaintenance & OperationsHow to Gather Striping Data Through the Pathways Van?
MnDOT is evaluating
Is it possible to leverage the Pathways van, now going out every two years, to also gather striping and paint data in order to help the counties with their restriping plans. Is there a high-speed pavement marking (stripe) quality device that can be added to the MnDOT Pavement Rating Van? Can the van help with Retroreflectivity data? At a minimum, counties would like simple information that will tell them if a stripe is present or not.Aaron VanMoer, Lyon County
Dan Sauve, Clearwater County
D7, D8 (cities)
Metro County