A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | |
1 | |||||||||||
2 | Damien High School Theology: Four Year Curriculum by Unit | Damien High School Theology: Four Year Curriculum by Unit | Damien High School Theology: Four Year Curriculum by Unit | Damien High School Theology: Four Year Curriculum by Unit | |||||||
3 | Freshmen | Theo IA | Semester 1 | Scripture | Scripture | Scripture | Scripture | Scripture | Scripture | Scripture | Scripture |
4 | Unit: | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 | Unit 7 | Unit 8 | Unit 9 | Unit 10 |
5 | Date Range: | Wk 1-2 | Wk 3-4 | Wk 4-5 | Wk 6-7 | Wk 8-9 | Wk 10-11 | Wk 11-12 | Wk 13-14 | Wk 15-16 | Wk 17-18 |
6 | Topics: | Early World, Gen 1-11... Desire for God, Natural Revelation, Proofs for God | Patriarchs, Gen 12-50... Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum, Deposit of Faith: Scripture, Oral/Apostolic Tradition and Magisterium Proofs for the existence of God | Egypt and Exodus, Exodus 1-15 Divine Inspiration, How the Bible Came to Be (Formation of Canon) | Egypt and Exodus, Exodus 16-40 Interpretation, The Four Senses, Contextualism | Desert Wanderings Numbers Bible in relation to Science and History/Literalism | Conquest & Judges, Joshua and Judges Skepticism in Bible Scholarship/Hyper-rationalism | Royal Kingdom, 1 and 2 Samuel Ancillary Approaches to Bible Praying with the Bible, Lectio Divina, Scriptural Rosary | Divided Kingdom and Exile, 1 and 2 Kings, The Bible and Liturgy/Calendar | Return and Maccabean Revolt, Ezra, Nehemiah and I Maccabees Prophecy and Typology | Messianic Period, Luke Geneology of Jesus, Intro to New Testament Books, Gospels |
7 | Main Questions: | Why do human beings desire happiness? Can we find happiness in this world apart from God? How are human beiings created in the image of God? In what way does sin and the Fall lead to perpetual unhappiness and unfulfillment? How does the sin problem escalate and spread?How does God reveal Himself? In what sense is God the Author of Scripture? In what sense is the Bible the Word of God? What are ways that we can show the existence of God to be reasonable outside of Scripture? What are the 14 narrative books? What are the 12 time periods of salvation history? What happened in the early world period?Who are Adam and Eve, Cain Abel and Noah? What are proofs for God’s existence? | What three ways does God reveal Himself? How can we experience God? How can we reason that there is a God? What are Aquinas' proofs for God?Why would we we believe others? What is Scripture and Tradition? What is the Magisterium?Why does it seem that God is absent? What is oral tradition? What is the Deposit of Faith? What is Dei Verbum? What is Apostolic Tradition? What is the relationship between Scripture and Tradition and the Magisterium? Who are Abraham and Sarah?How did God reveal himself to Abram? What were the terms and promises of the covenant? Who is Isaac? Who is Joseph? | In what way does God act in and through the human author of scripture? How does divine inspiration work? What role does the human author play? What does the Church teach about Divine Inspiration (Dei Verbum)? How did the books of the Bible become the official canon? What was the criteria used to select the books? Who made this decision? Who is Moses? What was Moses called to do? What was the covenant that Moses mediated? What happened in the Exodus/Passover event? | How is the Bible to be interpreted? Why is there a need for a unified, authoritative interpretation that the Magisterium provides compared to a branching out effect due to the teaching of ‘sola scriptura’ and multiple interpretations? How have multiple interpretations without an authoritative interpreter led to multiple denominations and the division of Christianity? How does the branching out effect relate to the Tree of Christianity? What is the literal sense? Whgat is the allegorical sense? What is the moral sense? What is the anagogical sense? What is contextualism?Why is understanding genre so important to interpretation? Why does the intent of the human writer matter? | How did the Israelites end up in the Desert?How does the Catholic way of looking at the Bible incorporate a balance of both faith and reason? What is the danger of being hyper-literal? | How do the Israelites take possession of Canaan? How there can be a danger of being hyper-rational? Why do some people rule out the possibility of the supernatural in their interpretation? | How and why do the Israelites go from a tribal people to a monarchy? Why is Nathan’s prophecy a high point in the Story of the Old Testament? Why is the Temple the central place of worship? Why is Jerusalem the central city of worship? | What is the meaning of Liturgy of the Word? Why is it important to tell salvation story during the sacraments? What is a lector? What is a lectionary? How did the Kingdom become divided? What happened in the Exile? | How are the entire Old testament Scriptures related to Jesus as fulfillment? What are Messianic prophecies? What is Christological Typology? What happened in the Return? Who is Ezra, Esther and Nehemiah? What is Purim? Who was Judas Maccabee? What was the Maccabean Revolt? | How is Jesus a fulfillment and pinnacle to the Bible Story? What is the meaning of Gospel? How is the New Testament set up? What are the main events of the New Testament? |
8 | Textbook: | - | |||||||||
9 | Framework/CCC: | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: I. A and B | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: I B 3, III. A | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: II. A and B | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: III. A,B and C | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: III.D, VI. C and D | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: III.D and E, VI.B | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: II.C | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: II.C | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: IV. C | US Conference Of Catholic Bishops Framework: V. |
10 | Scripture: | ||||||||||
11 | Supplemental/ Culture: | ||||||||||
12 | Freshmen | Theo I B | Semester 2 | Christology | Christology | Christology | Christology | Christology | Christology | Christology | Christology |
13 | Unit: | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 | Unit 7 | Unit 8 | Unit 9 | Unit 10 |
14 | Date Range: | Wk 1-2 | Wk 3-4 | Wk 4-5 | Wk 6-7 | Wk 8-9 | Wk 10-11 | Wk 11-12 | Wk 13-14 | Wk 15-16 | Wk 17-18 |
15 | Topics: | Faith, Prayer and Discipleship, Saint Damien as Model of Faith, The Annunciation | Incarnation, Prologue of John, Birth Narratives | The Two Natures of Jesus Human and Divine, Jesus in Temple(presentation/finding) | Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Baptism of Jesus/Desert | Church Councils and Christological Heresies, Wedding at Cana, Intro to Miracles of Jesus | Jesus Reveals what it means to be human, Jesus’ Transfiguration | Jesus Calls us to Holiness, Jesus teaches Beatitudes | Paschal Mystery and Adoption through Baptism, Jesus drives out demons | Jesus teaches about prayer, Jesus Praying in Solitude and the our Father | The Communion of Saints, The last things, The Great Commissioning |
16 | Main Questions: | What is Faith? How is faith both a gift and also rooted in human freedom? Why is Mary called the first disciple? How is Mary a model of faith to us? What happened at the Annunciation by the angel Gabriel? How is St.Damien a role model of authentic masculinity and faith? | What is Incarnation? What was Mary’s role in Incarnation? What are the Church’s teaching regarding Mary? In what way did Jesus come for fulfillment of the Law? How did Jesus both Reveal God and accomplish perfect mediation for God the Father and Humanity? What are the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary? Why is Jesus called Word of God? What form did Jesus take before his birth? | What does it mean to say that Jesus had a human nature? What does it mean to say that Jesus had a divine nature? How do these natures come together in one person? What is High Christology? What is Low Christology? What was the presentation and finding in the Temple? | What does it mean to say that God is one? What is monotheism? What is the Holy Trinity? Who is the Father? Who is the Son? Who is the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to say that God is love? What does it mean to say that God is a family of persons? What happened at Jesus Baptism? How was the Trinity manifested at the Baptism of Jesus? Who led Jesus into the desert? Whom did Jesus encounter in the desert? | Who were the Church Fathers? What difficult task did the Church face in safeguarding the apostolic Faith? What did the Council of Nicea declare about Jesus? What were the Christological heresies? | What does it mean to be fully human? How is Jesus a model of humanness? What does it mean to be made in God’s image? In what way did Jesus model love for us? Why are humans in need of redemption? Why are we called into service of others? How/why is the complimentarity and equality between men and women a part of God’s plan? | What is holiness? What is our call to beatitude? What are the Eight Beatitudes? What were the parables of Jesus? What is the Great Command? What is the Last Judgment? What are the works of mercy? | What are the saving actions of Christ? What happened at Pentecost? What role does the Church play in God’s saving plan? What are sacraments? What does Baptism do for us/change us? What is sanctifying grace?How is Jesus present in the sacraments? What is ‘Real Presence’ in the Eucharist? | What is prayer? What is a prayer of petition? What is an intercessory prayer? What does the Lord’s prayer teach us about God/Ourselves? Why do we pray to Saints? What is so important about Eucharist and Reconciliation? How did Jesus pray? Why is silence necessary in the spiritual life? What is Eucharistic Adoration? How did St. Damien and the Lepers pray? | What is eternal life? What is Hope? What is Beatific Vision? What did Jesus promise about heaven? What is the Mystical body of Christ? What is the Communion of Saints? What is Purgatory? What is Hell? What did Jesus say about Hell? |
17 | Textbook: | (Section 5, parts 1 and 3) | (Section 3, part 1) | (Section 3,part 2) | (Section 1,part 1) | (Section 1,part 2) | (Section 4, parts 1 and 2)) | (Section 4, part 4) | (Section 3, part 3, Section 4, part 3) | (Section 5, part 2) | (Section 5, part 4) |
18 | Framework/CCC: | ||||||||||
19 | Scripture: | ||||||||||
20 | Supplemental/ Culture: | ||||||||||
21 | Sophomores | Theo IIA | Semester 1 | Paschal Mystery | Paschal Mystery | Paschal Mystery | Paschal Mystery | Paschal Mystery | Paschal Mystery | Paschal Mystery | Paschal Mystery |
22 | Unit: | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 | Unit 7 | Unit 8 | Unit 9 | Unit 10 |
23 | Date Range: | Wk 1-2 | Wk 3-4 | Wk 4-5 | Wk 6-7 | Wk 8-9 | Wk 10-11 | Wk 11-12 | Wk 13-14 | Wk 15-16 | Wk 17-18 |
24 | Topics: | Creation | The Fall | The Promise of a Messiah: Messianic Prophecy | The Paschal Mystery Prefigured in the Old Testament: Typology | The Paschal Mystery Prepared by Christ’s whole life- Redemption Unfolds In NT | Redemption Through the Paschal Mystery: Suffering and Death | The 40 Days of the Resurrection event and Ascension | Entering into the Paschal Mystery, a Cosmic Event that Transcends Time Imprinted into Nature | Prayer in the Life of a Believer | Moral Implications for the Life of a Believer/Challenges |
25 | Main Questions: | How should we understand Creation? What is the nature of the human person? How does Creation reflect the glory of God? What is God‟s purpose for us? What is invisible creation? What are angels? What role do angels play in salvation? | What was the Fall and what does that mean for us? What were the preternatural gifts? How does God still care for humanity after the Fall? What role does the devil play in the Fall of Man? What is the Fall of the angels? What is concupiscence? Why do we have pain, suffering and death? How did the fall affect the relationship between Adam and Eve? How does sin spread? How did the Fall affect all of creation? Why does the Fall cause disunity and disintegration? | How has God responded to our need for Redemption? How does Jesus fulfill God’s promised Redemption in salvation history? What is the Christian interpretation of Gen 3:15? What is the Christian interpretation of Isaiah 53? What is the Christian interpretation of Psalm 22? | How did God dwell with his people? Who spoke to God and acted as a mediator? What did the early Patriarchs do to atone for sin? How was the Exodus/Passover related to the Paschal Mystery? How did the Lambs of the Old Testament prefigure Christ as Lamb of God? What was the tabernacle? How did the Temple serve as the center of Jewish spirituality? What happened at the Temple? Who were the priests? What was the role of the High Priest? In what way is the Letter to the Hebrews the key to seeing the link between Old Covenant worship and the Paschal Mystery? | In what way did Jesus begin the reversal of the Fall and it’s effects in his Luminous Mystery Events? In what way did Jesus begin the reversal of the Fall and it’s effects in his preaching? In what way did Jesus begin the reversal of the Fall and it’s effects in his forgiveness of sins/mercy? In what way did Jesus begin the reversal of the Fall and it’s effects in his healing miracles? In what way did Jesus begin the reversal of the Fall and it’s effects in his confrontation with demons? What is the relationship between sin and sickness? What happened at the Last Supper? Why did the Last Supper happen during Passover? | What is the Paschal Mystery? What happened to Christ in the last week of his life? How do we know that Jesus freely offered himself on the cross out of love and mercy? Why do we refer to Jesus as Lamb of God? Why do we refer to Jesus as High Priest? What does the Paschal Mystery accomplish for us? What is redemption? What is sanctification? What is salvation? What is justification? What is Redemptive suffering? What are the sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary? | Why do Catholics believe Jesus actually rose from the dead in a bodily, historical event? In what way does the Resurrection fulfill Jesus’ promises and role as Messiah? In what way is the Resurrection a definitive reversal of the Fall? What happened when Mary Magdalene encountered Jesus? What happened when Thomas encountered Jesus? What happened when Peter encountered Jesus? What happened on the Road to Emmaus? How was the eating of food and the changing of appearance a sign that Jesus entered into a new kind of reality in the resurrection? How does the resurrection point to the bodily resurrection of the dead at the end of time? | What happened after Jesus died (the prodigies?) Why is the Paschal Mystery such a cosmic event? In what way do we enter into the Paschal Mystery event during liturgy? How is it that the Paschal Mystery event transcends time? Why are some days(seasons) holy and other days are not? What is the 8th day? In what way can we see the pattern of life, suffering, death and new life in nature and in the cycles of nature? | What is the role of prayer in the life of a disciple of Christ? How does God calls every individual to a vital relationship with him experienced in prayer? How does Faith relate to prayer? How can we develop intimacy and communion with Jesus Christ through prayer? In what way is Scripture is a source and guide for prayer Scripture is a source, in that many prayers come out of the Bible or are partly based on Scriptural passages or events? What is so important about Mass prayers and dialogues, psalms and canticles? Why does the Church have traditional prayers such as the Our Father, Hail Mary and Angelus? In what way is Lectio divina a way of praying on the Word of God? | How should we live in response to the gift of Redemption? What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Why is sanctification thought of as a process or a journey? Why should we strive to be holy? Why would God the Father allow his Son, Jesus, to suffer and die the way he did? Why are followers of Jesus Christ sometimes so willing to make sacrifices and to accept pain and suffering, especially in witness to Christ and their faith? Isn’t making sacrifices and putting up with suffering a sign of weakness? In the end, isn’t it really only the final result that matters? How does our death and judgment relate to the PM? |
26 | Textbook: | ||||||||||
27 | Framework/CCC: | I. The Goodness of Creation and Our Fall from Grace A. Creation (CCC, nos. 54, 279-282) [CCC #290-292; 295] [CCC #290-292; 295] [CCC #293-301] [CCC #362-368] . [CCC #369-384] | I. The Goodness of Creation and Our Fall from Grace B. The Fall (Gn 3; Rom 5:12; CCC, nos. 55, 309-314, 385-390, 1707). [CCC #386-390; 396-401] [CCC #402-421 | II. The Promise of a Messiah (Gn 3:15; CCC, no. 410). (CCC, nos. 121-123) (CCC, nos. 422-451). | II. The Promise of a Messiah part B | III. Christ Our Light: Redemption Unfolds (CCC, no. 2618). (CCC, nos. 538-540) (CCC, nos. 541-550) (CCC, nos. 554-556). (CCC, nos. 611, 1337-1344). | IV. Redemption Through the Paschal Mystery part A. (CCC, nos. 595-618) (CCC, nos. 631-658) (CCC, nos. 659-667) | IV. Redemption Through the Paschal Mystery part B and part C. | IV. Redemption Through the Paschal Mystery part B.4. | VI. Prayer in the Life of a Believer VII. Challenges (CCC, no. 2558) (CT, no. 5; GDC, no. 80; NDC, §19B; CCC, no. 2560). (CCC, nos. 2567-2589, 2653-2654) (CCC, nos. 2673-2679). | V. Moral Implications for the Life of a Believer (Rom 4:25; CCC, no. 598) (CCC, nos. 826, 2012-2014, 2028, 2045, 2813) (CCC, nos. 599-609) (CCC, nos. 1808, 1831) |
28 | Scripture: | ||||||||||
29 | Supplemental/ Culture: | ||||||||||
30 | Sophomores | Theo II B | Semester 2 | Ecclesiology | Ecclesiology | Ecclesiology | Ecclesiology | Ecclesiology | Ecclesiology | Ecclesiology | Ecclesiology |
31 | Unit: | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 | Unit 7 | Unit 8 | Unit 9 | Unit 10 |
32 | Date Range: | Wk 1-2 | Wk 3-4 | Wk 4-5 | Wk 6-7 | Wk 8-9 | Wk 10-11 | Wk 11-12 | Wk 13-14 | Wk 15-16 | Wk 17-18 |
33 | Topics: | Pentecost and Early Church Foundations | The Church is One | The Church is Holy | The Church is Catholic | The Church is Apostolic | Biblical Images of the Church | Other Images | Vatican II & Lumen Gentium | The Church and the Post-Christian World | Vocations Within the Church |
34 | Main Questions: | How was the Church prepared for throughout the Old Testament? What happened at Pentecost? Why is Pentecost called the Birthday of the Church? What does the Holy Spirit do for and do in the Church? What role did Peter and the Apostles play in the early Church? | What are the marks of the church? In what way is the church united in belief? In what way is the Church united in worship? In what way is the Church united in leadership? What are some ways the church’s unity has been wounded/ What happened during the Reformation? What happened at the council of Trent (Counter-Reformation) | How is the Church both visible and invisible? How can we say the members are holy when we all have a sin problem? What is grace and how does it relate to holiness? How are the Saints the best example of the Church being holy? How is Mary the model of holiness? | What is catholicity? How is the church universal in time and space/ How does the church relate to other Christians? How does the Church relate to non-Christians? | In what three ways is the Church apostolic? What is Apostolic Succession? How does Holy Orders relate to Apostolic Succession? | What does it mean to say the Church is..Salt and Light What does it mean to say the Church and Christ are like a .Vine and Branches What does it mean to say the Church and Christ are like a .Sheep and Shepherd What does it mean to say the Church and Christ are like a .Bride and Groom What does it mean to say the Church is..Kingdom of God | What does it mean to say the Church is...Institution? What does it mean to say the Church is..Mystical Communion? What does it mean to say the Church is..Sacrament? What does it mean to say the Church is..Herald? What does it mean to say the Church is..Servant? What does it mean to say the Church is..Community of Disciples? What does it mean to say the Church is..People of God? What does it mean to say the Church is..Body of Christ? What does it mean to say the Church is..Temple of Holy Spirit? | What is a Church Council? What was Vatican II? Why was vatican II called to assemble? By whom? What are the four major documents (Constitutions) of Vatican II? What is Lumen Gentium? What did Lumen Gentium say about the Church? | How did Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict and Pope Francis teach us to relate to the modern world? What is secularism? What are signs of the times? What is the culture of death? What is the throw-away culture? What is the dictatorship of relativism? How does the Church evangelize in our times? What is inculturation? | What is vocation? What are the three main evangelical counsels? What are the many roles for laity in the Church? What are the levels and functions in the Catholic clergy? What are missionaries , consecrate people, religious communities and monasteries? How are families called to be a domestic church? What are vows and why are they taken? |
35 | Textbook: | (Section 1, Parts 1, 2 & 3) | (Section 2 Part 1) | (Section 2, part 2) | (Section 2, Part 3) | (Section 2, Part 4/Section 4, Part 1 and Part 3) | (Section 1 Part 4) | (Section 1 Part 4) | (Lumen Gentium) | (Section 3) | (Section 4, part 2/Section 5) |
36 | Framework/CCC: | Section I: Christ Established His One Church to Continue His Presence and His Work | Section III A: The Marks of the Church | Section II BI: The Marks of the Church | Section III C: The Marks of the Church | Section III D: The Marks of the Church | Section II A nd B: Images of the Church (Partial Insights of Church Sharing in Trinitarian Communion) | Section II C: Images of the Church (Partial Insights of Church Sharing in Trinitarian Communion) | (Lumen Gentium) | IV. The Church in the World | V. Implications for Life of a Believer |
37 | Scripture: | ||||||||||
38 | Supplemental/ Culture: | ||||||||||
39 | Juniors | Theo IIIA | Semester 1 | Sacraments | Sacraments | Sacraments | Sacraments | Sacraments | Sacraments | Sacraments | Sacraments |
40 | Unit: | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 | Unit 7 | Unit 8 | Unit 9 | |
41 | Date Range: | Wk 1-2 | Wk 3-4 | Wk 4-6* | Wk 7-8 | Wk 9-11* | Wk 12-13 | Wk 14-15 | Wk 16-17 | Wk 17-18 | |
42 | Topics: | The Sin Problem and The Fallen World | Intro to Liturgy and Sacraments | Baptism | Confirmation | Eucharist | Reconciliation | Anointing of the Sick | Holy Matrimony | Holy Orders | |
43 | Main Questions: | Why is the world no longer in full communion with God? What effect does the fallen world have on us personally? Why do we feel as though we are made for more than the world has to offer? What is the difference between the natural world and the supernatural world? What is God's plan for salvation and for our own lives? How can we come to experience God in a fallen world? What is Holiness and how can we participate in it? Why is heaven our home and ultimate end? | What is the definition of 'sacrament'? In what way does Jesus's Incarnation change the way we look at matter, time and space? What does it mean to say that Jesus is the pimordial sacrament and that the Church is a sacrament of Christ? How does Jesus promise, 'I will be with you always' find its fulfuillment in liturgy? What is the liturgical year? How is liturgy powered by the Paschal mystery event? What role does the Holy spirit play in liturgy? How is liturgy an anticipation and foretaste of of heaven? In what way does prayer help us to be in communion with God? What are the categories of the sacraments? What is the menaing of ritual? What is the diffrence between sign and symbol? What is matter, form, effect, minister and proper disposition? In what way do sacraments draw into the life of God and reverse the effects of the Fall? | In what way is Baptism a door into the supernatural world of grace and divine life? In what way does Baptism make us a new creation? In what way does Baptism restore our dignity as priest, prophet and king? What does it mean to be adopted into the family of God? What does it mean to be incorporated into the Body of Christ? What does it mean to say we receive the theological virtues of faith, hope and love? How is water in Baptism related to life and death? How is baptism a type of illumination? What do all the signs and symbolds of Baptism say? How is Baptism a fulfillment of the Old Testament water stories? What is the mission and call for all those who receive Baptism? How is the ritual celebrated? How is Baptism related to our salvation? How does our participation in the Baptism change us? | What is the two-fold meaning of the word 'confirm'? What does the history of Confirmation say about the theology or meaning of Confirmation? What are the main mis-conceptions regarding Confirmation? What does it mean to spread and defend the Faith? What are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit? When and where did Jesus receuive the full out-pouring of the holy Spirit? When and where did the Church receive the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit? What are the scriptural roots and types for Confirmation? How is the sacrament celebrated? In what way does the Church in the West differ from the East in celebrating the sacrament? Why is the willingness, openness and faith of the indiviudal recipient important in all the sacraments not just Confirmation? How does our participation in the Confirmation change us? | What are the Old Testament roots of the Eucharist? Why is the eucharistic Jesus called 'Lamb of God'? What are the New Testament foundations of the Eucharist? In what way did the Last Supper relate to the Pasover? In what way does the Last Supper relate to Good Friday and the Paschal Mystery of Jesus? In what way does the Last Supper and Paschal mystery relate to Mass today? Why are bread and wine perfect signs for the Eucharist? What is meant by the term 'real presence'? Why and how is the Eucharist a sacrifice? Why and how is the Eucharist a meal? Why is the Eucharist referred to as the source and summit of our Faith? Why was St. Damien so devoted to the Eucharist and eucharistic adoration? What are the Jewish roots of the Mass? What are the main parts of the Mass and how is the Mass celebrated? In what way is the Mass a foretaste and participation in the Wedding Feast of the Lamb in Heaven? How does our participation in the Eucharist change us? | What are the damnges caused by sin in our lives? How did the Hebrew people deal with the sin problem? How did Jesus deal with the sin problem? Where and when did Jesus demonstrate his power over sin? When and where did Jesus empower the Apostles to forgive sins in God's name? How did the sacrament of Confession change over time? How is the sacrament celebrated today? How is the story of the Prodigal Son an illustration of the sacrament of Confesion/Reconciliation? What is the meaning of forgiveness, absolution, reconciliation and penance? Why do we need to confess our sins to a priest? How does our participation in the Reconciliation change us? | How was sickness, physical suffering and death thought of by the Hebrew culture of the Old Testament? What is the relationship between sin and sickness/death? When and where did Jesus Heal sickness, physical suffering and raise dead people to life? What do these healing miracles say about Jesus power over sin? What do these miracles say aboyut the reversal of the fallen world (redemption)? How does our culture view sickness, aging, suffering and death? How does the Church view redemptive suffering? in what way does the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick offer us a way to unite our suffering to the cross for our sake and for the sake of others? Where in the New Testament do we see the Apostles eent out to heal? What role does oil play on healing in biblical times? How is the sacrament celebrated today? How does our participation in the Anointing of the Sick change us? | What did God intend for marriage? How was God's plan corrupted by sin? How did Jesus redeem marriage and raise it to a saxcramnet in his words and deed? In what way is marriage the main theme of the story of the bible? How does Holy Matrimony reflect ond convey the New Covenant as a whole? What is natural love and how does Jesus transform that love and make it supernatural? How is the sacrament celebrated today? How does the sacrament change us? How is Holy Matrimony distict from marriage as defined by our current culture? What is indissolubility, faithfulness and openness to life? Why is Holy Matrimony essential for the family as domestic church? In what way does the sanctifiction of the culture depend on the domestic churches of the world? | What is the universal call to holiness? In what way does God call certain men to the service of the Church? How does priesthood compliment marriage as a call to sacrificial love? What is the biblical meaning of priesthood? What is the primary function of a priest? How isa ordained priesthood different than the common priesthood of the baptized? How were Apostles different than Disciples? When and where were the apostkes given the fullness of the priesthood? What is apostolic succession? Why do our Bishops claim to inherit apostolic priesthood? How do the bishops pass the priesthood on? What is a deacon and what is his role in the church? Why does the Church preserve an all-male priesthood? In what ways do women express their baptimal dignity and vocation to holiness in the life of the Church? How is the priesthood lived out in the many charisms and communities in the life of the Church? What is the hierarchical sttructure of the Church? What role does the pope play in the Church? | |
44 | Textbook: | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | Sec 1, pg. 9-53 | Sec 2 part 1, Pg. 54-88 | Sec 2 part 2, pg. 89-108 | Sec 3, pg. 115-175 | Sec 4 part 1, pg.183-198 | Sec 4 part 2, pg. 203-216 | Sec 5 part 2, pg. 240-252 | Sec 5 part 1, pg. 221-236 | |
45 | Framework/CCC: | Section I: B b. The Church has a Sacramental view of reality | Section I:The Sacramental Nature of the Church | Section II: A Baptism | Section II: B Confirmation | Section II: C Eucharist | Section III: A Reconciliation | Section III: B Anointing of the Sick | Section IV: B Holy Matrimony | Section IV: A Holy Orders | |
46 | Scripture: | Gn 2- 3, Ex 3:2-5, Lev 10:1-2, Eph 1:1-10, Jn 10:9-10 | Mt 28:20, Jn 14:19-20, Acts 2:1-4, Lk 10:16, Mk 5:25-34 | Mt 28:19-20; Jn 3:5; 4:1-2; Acts 2:38; 22:16; Rom 6:3-4; Mk 16:16; Titus 3:5; Eph 5:26; 1 Peter 3:21 | Acts 8:14-17; 9:17- 19; 19:6; Heb 6:1-6 | Jn 6:1-71; Mt 26:26-28; Mk 14:22-25; Lk 22:7-20; 24:13-53; Acts 2:42-47; 20:7; 1 Cor 10:16-21 | Jn 20:23; Mt 16:18- 19; 18:15-18; James 5:14-15 | Mk 6:13; Jn 20:23; Mt 16:18-19; 18:15-18; James 5:14-15 | Gen 1:27-28; 2:18- 25; Mt 19:3-12; Jn 2:1-11; Eph 5:25- 32; | ) Acts 6:5-6; 13:3; 14:23; 20:28; Jn 20:21-23; 1 Tim 3:1; 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6; Titus 1:5; | |
47 | Supplemental/Cultural | TWZ: Five Characters in Search of an Exit, CS Lewis on Innate Desire, GK Chesterton on Homesick for Heaven, The Scream | Ladder to Heaven Icon, Sacred Signs(Guardini) | Narnia(Lion,Witch,Wardrobe), The Truman Show | Bishop Barron, Confirmation, Gifts of Holy Spirit | Last Crusade, Ghent Altarpiece | Prodigal Son(Rembrandt) | Cinderella Man(Redemptive Suffering) | A Football Life-Chris Spielman, Romance Without Regret | Fishers of Men, A nd E Bio of John Paul II, Fulton Sheen on Charles deFocauld | |
48 | Juniors | Theo IIIB | Semester 2 | Moral Theology | Moral Theology | Moral Theology | Moral Theology | Moral Theology | Moral Theology | Moral Theology | Moral Theology |
49 | Unit: | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 | Unit 7 | Unit 8 | Unit 9 | Unit 10 |
50 | Date Range: | Wk 1-2 | Wk 3-4 | Wk 5 | Wk 6-7 | Wk 8-9 | Wk 10 | Wk 11-13 | Wk 14-16 | Wk 17 | Wk 18 |
51 | Topics: | Living in Christ, Sacraments and Virtue | Happiness and Beatitudes | Freedom and Law | -Conscience and The Moral Act | 1st -3rd Commandments, Love of God | 4th Commandment, Honor Parents and Respect Authority | 5th Commandment, Respect Human Life | -6th and 9th Commandments, Respect Human Sexuality | 7th, 8th and 10 Commandments, Respect Other’s Property and Reputation | Death, Judgement and Eternal Life |
52 | Main Questions: | In what way do the sacraments enable us to abide in Christ? How does abiding in Christ make a transformation of our moral life possible? What are the steps that the life of the sacraments leads through toward sanctification? What is theosis (sanctification)? Who are some saints that have reached this level of holiness and why were they happy in spite of the cross they embraced? | What are the four things people seek for their own happiness? How do these four P’ (pleasure, possessions, prestige and power) correspond to the Beatitudes? What did Jesus say about humanity’s quest to be happy? In what way are the beatitudes paradoxical? What’s the difference between temporary pleasure and eternal happiness? Why were the saints happy people? | What is the American idea of freedom? How does free-will relate to self-autonomy and license? Why should people adopt a personal moral code? What is ‘freedom for excellence’? How can discipline and virtue make us more free? How can good laws and clear boundaries make us more free? What is eternal law and natural law? What is civil law? What is divine positive law? What happens when personal moral codes are not grounded in eternal law? What’s wrong with moral relativism? How is objective morality an answer to the problem of subjective morality? Where and when did Jesus assert his moral authority? Where does the Catholic Church receive the authority to posit moral law? What is the Law of Love? What did Jesus say about the Ten Commandments? | What makes an act a moral act? What are the three components of a moral act? In what way is the object of an act the most important when determining the morality of an act, whether it is good or evil? How can intent and circumstances change the morality of an act? What does the term, ‘intrinsically evil’ mean? What is the Facts process? What role should feelings play in moral decision making? What role should your conscience play in moral decision making? What is conscience? How could one form their conscience? | Why do the Ten Commandments begin with love of God? Why should we recognize God’s authority and divinity? What kind of love do we owe to God? Why do we reserve worship to God alone? Why is God’s name holy? What is holiness compared to unholiness, sacred vs. profane? What does worship of God entail? Why do we worship God at certain times? What are modern day false gods? Why is Sunday a holy day of obligation? Why should we go to Mass on Sundays? Why should we believe in God? Has science disproved God? Can a person be both scientific and religious or faith filled? | Is it OK to question human authority? What makes authority legitimate? Why do our parents deserve respect and have legitimate authority? When would it be okay to reject parental authority? Why do parents have an obligation to respect the dignity of their children? What obligations to parents have in raising their children? What obligations do children have after toward their parents they become adults? Do grandparents have an obligation to assume a parental role over their grandchildren? Why is the family unit so important to a healthy civilization and culture? What is God’s plan for family life? | Why have the recent popes all said that there is something wrong with our culture when it comes to the value of human life? Why should human life be valued? What does it mean to say we are made in the image of God? Why is it important to be consistent when we claim to value human life? What are the beginning of life issues? What is the order of creation as expressed in Genesis 1 and 2? Why are humans considered the pinnacle of creation? What rights and responsibilities are humans given over all of creation? What is the proper relationship humans should have with animals? Why is animal life not the same as human life ? What are ways humans are devalued in our society? How do people become desensitized to the value of human life in the media and entertainment that they consume? What are end of life issues? Why should we care about the health and well being of ourselves and others in the lifestyles we choose? | Why should all people embrace modesty in how we dress and act? How does our culture use women and sexuality to motivate behavior? How does the male brain process sexual images? How should we view women? How did Jesus view women? What does it mean to view women as ‘whole people’? Why do all women, regardless of their modesty or lack thereof , deserve to be seen as whole people? In what ways does our culture embrace and promote pornography? Why is pornography damaging to men and women? Why is pornography spo powerful and addictive to men? What can we do to embrace chastity and purity in our thoughts and actions? What is God’s plan for the gift of human sexuality? What is the Catholic Church’s response to the false claim that it is homophobic or bigoted in the debate about homosexuality? Why are both clarity and charity necessary in having this discussion? | What is stewardship? Why is it okay to have private property? What do modern economic systems(capitalism and socialism) say about private property? How does the Church’s view help to correct modern problems regarding property? What is a just wage? Why is academic dishonesty and cheating a violation of the 7th Commandment? Why is one’s reputation vitally important? Why should we never gossip or spread lies about others? In what way does technology make lying, bullying and harassment easier? Why is your online activity so important to keep clean and virtuous? In what way will embracing Truth make our lives more simple, more free and more happy? | Why do my words, thoughts and actions matter in this life? Do they matter after I die? What is judgment? How can I best prepare for death and judgment? What happens to souls after death and judgement? What is perfect contrition? Why do we always hope in God’s mercy for everyone who dies? What is the sin of despair? What is the sin of presumption? What is the virtue of hope? Why is it good to think about and learn about heaven and hell? |
53 | Textbook: | Section 5 part 1; Gifts and Guides, Pgs 228-249 | Section 1 Part 1: Moral Choices and God's Plan. Pgs 9-22 | Section 1 part 2-3: Laws, Freedom and Sin. Pgs 28-69 | Section 1, Article 12 Requirements for Sin Pgs 62-66 | Section 2 Honoring God Pgs 76-110 | Section 3 Part 1 Respecting Authority Pgs 117-131 | Section 4 Part 1 Respecting human life Pgs 182-199 | Section 4 Part 2 Respecting Sexuality Pgs 204-222 | Section 3 Part 2 and Part 3 Pgs 137-176 | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |
54 | Framework/CCC: | Section I A: What is Life in Christ?/God’s Plan for us Section II C and D: Grace and Virtue Section III G, H: Sacraments and Prayer offer grace and strength | Section I B: Our Response to God’s plan Section II B 2. C. Sermon on the mount/Beatitudes | Section II A: God has taught us how to live a new life in Christ. Section II B 2. Teachings revealed by God in the New Testament/ Section II C. Church’s Moral Teachings & Authority Section V Challenges : Can I decide what is right and wrong since God created me free? Isn’t it wrong to hold others responsible for immorality?C. Isn’t it wrong for the Church to impose her view of morality? Section V E: Why do I have to worry about helping others? | Section III F: Conscience Moral Act CCC 1749-1761 | Section II B Revelation 1. Old Covenant teachings revealed by God a. Ten Commandments 1)First Commandment 2) Second Commandment 3) Third Commandment | Section II B Revelation 1. Old Covenant teachings revealed by God a. Ten Commandments 4)Fourth Commandment | Section II B Revelation 1. Old Covenant teachings revealed by God a. Ten Commandments 5) Fifth Commandment | Section II B Revelation 1. Old Covenant teachings revealed by God a. Ten Commandments 6)Sixth Commandment, 9) Ninth Commandment | Section II B Revelation 1. Old Covenant teachings revealed by God a. Ten Commandments 7) Seventh Commandment 8) Eighth Commandment, 10) Tenth Commandment Section V E: Why do I have to worry about helping others? | CCC 1020-1060 |
55 | Scripture: | ||||||||||
56 | Seniors | Theo IVA | Semester 2 | Christian Vocations | Christian Vocations | Christian Vocations | Christian Vocations | Christian Vocations | Christian Vocations | Christian Vocations | Christian Vocations |
57 | Unit | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 | Unit 10 | |||
58 | Date Range | Wk 17-18 | |||||||||
59 | Topics: | God’s Call to Each of Us | Serve One Another | Sacrament of Marriage | Sacrament of Holy Orders | The Consecrated Life | Happiness and Challenges | ||||
60 | Main Questions: | What is Holiness? What is the universal call to holiness How can each of us serve God? What is discipleship? What roles does God play in every vocation? What are types of vocations? How is every vocation a social action? What are the traditional states in life? | How does Jesus challenge each of us to serve? What does it mean to serve others? How is marriage a sacrament of service? How is Holy Orders a sacrament of service? What is Jesus’ commandment of love? | Why is marriage a triangle relationship? Why get married? What do you need to do to prepare for a wedding? What do you need to do to prepare for marriage? What are challenges and rewards of married life? How to stay married? How do you deal with divorce? What are common problems encountered in marriage and family life? In what way does marriage involves a total self-giving of the spouses; requires a sense of discipline, generosity, and an understanding of true love? How does marriage reflects Christ’s relationship to the Church? | What is the history behind Holy orders? Why answer the call to such a way of life? What do you have to do to prepare for Holy Orders? What are the challenges and rewards of living this life? | What are various ways to live a consecrated life? How are all people challenged to live out the Gospel Counsels? How can you be a living witness in your life? Where can we look for support through our life journey? | Isn’t having the right job or career essential for a person’s happiness? Isn’t the measure of success in life the degree of financial security and material comfort? People fall out of love so isn’t a failed marriage is just a part of life? Aren’t celibate/chaste people lonely/unhappy? | ||||
61 | Textbook: | ||||||||||
62 | Framework/CCC: | I. God’s Call to Each of Us | II. “Serve One Another” | III. Sacrament of Marriage | IV. Sacrament of Holy Orders | V. The Consecrated Life | I.A Call to Holiness(Happiness/Beatitude) | ||||
63 | Scripture: |