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CategorySubcategoryCredit Number and TitlePoints availableApplicable to:Minimum requirementRequires completion of a separate inventory, assessment or survey?TimeframePursuing?
(Yes, No, N/A)
Report PrefaceIntroductionPRE 1Executive LetterRequiredInstitutions submitting a scored report.Obtain a cover letter from a high-ranking executive to accompany the institution's STARS Report.N/A
PRE 2Points of DistinctionOptionalAll institutions.Highlight programs, initiatives, or accomplishments that reflect the institution's leadership for sustainability.N/A
Institutional CharacteristicsPRE 3Institutional BoundaryRequiredAll institutions.Define the boundary to be used for its STARS report. Most recent data available within the previous three years.
PRE 4Operational CharacteristicsRequiredAll institutions.Have current operational data (e.g. campus area, floor area of building space, endowment size).Most recent data available within the previous three years.
PRE 5Academics and DemographicsRequiredAll institutions.Have current demographic data (e.g. FTE enrollment, FTE employees, number of people living on-campus).Most recent data available within the previous three years.
Academics (AC)CurriculumAC 1Academic Courses14Institutions that have students enrolled for credit.Conduct an inventory to identify sustainability course offerings. YesMost recent data available within the previous three years.
AC 2Learning Outcomes8Institutions that have degree programs.Have adopted one or more institution-level sustainability ​learning outcomes and/or have students graduate from degree programs that require an understanding of the concept of sustainability.Most recent data available within the previous three years.
AC 3Undergraduate Program3Institutions that have undergraduate majors, academic programs, or the equivalent. Offer at least one sustainability-focused, undergraduate-level major, degree program, minor or concentration.Current program status and offerings.
AC 4Graduate Program3Institutions that offer at least 25 distinct graduate programs. Offer at least one sustainability-focused, graduate-level major, degree program, minor, concentration or certificate.Current program status and offerings.
AC 5Immersive Experience2Institutions that offer immersive educational programs. Offer at least one immersive, sustainability-focused educational study program. Programs offered during the previous three years.
AC 6Sustainability Literacy Assessment4All institutions.Conduct an assessment of the sustainability literacy of the institution's students.YesMost recent data available within the previous three years.
AC 7Incentives for Developing Courses2All institutions.Have an ongoing program that offers incentives for academic staff to develop new sustainability courses and/or incorporate sustainability into existing courses or departments. Programs or incentives offered within the previous three years.
AC 8Campus as a Living Laboratory4Institutions where students attend the physical campus. Utilize the institution's infrastructure and operations as a ​living laboratory​ for applied student learning for sustainability.YesProjects and initiatives currently in progress or conducted within the previous three years.
ResearchAC 9Research and Scholarship12Institutions where research is considered in employee promotion or tenure decisions.Conduct an inventory to identify the institution's sustainability research. YesMost recent data available within the previous three years.
AC 10Support for Sustainability Research4Institutions where research is considered in employee promotion or tenure decisions.Have programs to encourage and/or support sustainability research.Active programs and policies, and incentives offered within the previous three years.
AC 11Open Access to Research2Institutions where research is considered in employee promotion or tenure decisions.Facilitate ​open access​ publishing.Current policies and programs.
Engagement (EN)Campus EngagementEN 1Student Educators Program4institutions with students who are enrolled for credit and attend the physical campus.Coordinate an ongoing peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education program for students.Current program status and offerings.
EN 2Student Orientation2Institutions that hold student orientation. Include sustainability prominently in student orientation activities and programming.Activities from the most recent semester (or equivalent), the most recent year, or the previous three years.
EN 3Student Life2All institutions.Have co-curricular sustainability programs and initiatives.Currently available programs and events that occurred during the previous three years.
EN 4Outreach Materials and Publications2All institutions.Produce outreach materials and/or publications that foster sustainability learning and knowledge.Currently used outreach materials and publications.
EN 5Outreach Campaign4All institutions.Hold at least one sustainability-related outreach campaign directed at students and/or employees.Most recent campaign(s) for which data is available within the previous three years.
EN 6Assessing Sustainability Culture1All institutions.Conduct an assessment of campus sustainability culture that focuses on sustainability values, behaviors and beliefs. YesMost recent data available within the previous three years.
EN 7Employee Educators Program3All institutions.Administer or oversee an ongoing peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education program for employees.Current program status and offerings.
EN 8Employee Orientation1All institutions.Cover sustainability topics in employee orientation and/or in outreach and guidance materials distributed to new employees. Activities from the most recent 1, 2 or 3 years.
EN 9Staff Professional Development and Training2All institutions.Make available ​professional development and training​ opportunities in sustainability to non-academic staff​.Current program status and offerings and training and professional development activities that occurred within the previous three years.
Public EngagementEN 10Community Partnerships3All institutions.Have at least one formal community partnership to advance sustainability.Current partnerships and/or partnerships that were active during the previous three years.
EN 11Inter-Campus Collaboration3All institutions.Collaborate with other colleges and universities to support and help build the campus sustainability community.Current membership status and collaborations that were active during the previous three years.
EN 12Continuing Education5Institutions that have formal continuing education or community education programs. Offer continuing education courses that address sustainability and/or have at least one sustainability-themed certificate program through a continuing education or extension department.YesMost recent data available from within the previous three years and current program status and offerings.
EN 13Community Service5All institutions.Have data on student engagement in community service and/or a formal program to support employee volunteering.Most recent data available within the previous three years.
EN 14Participation in Public Policy2All institutions.Advocate for public policies that support campus sustainability or that otherwise advance sustainability.Efforts that took place during the previous three years.
EN 15Trademark Licensing2Institutions whose logo is trademarked and appears on apparel, and have gross annual licensing revenue of $50,000 or more.Have adopted a labor rights code of conduct in its licensing agreements with the licensees who produce its logo apparel.Current membership status and active codes of conduct.
Operations (OP)Air & ClimateOP 1Emissions Inventory and Disclosure3All institutions.Have completed an inventory to quantify the institution's ​greenhouse gas (GHG) and/or air pollutant emissions​.YesInventories completed or updated within the previous three years.
OP 2Greenhouse Gas Emissions8All institutions.Have completed an inventory to quantify the institution's ​Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.YesCurrent programs, policies and practices and inventories of annual emissions completed or updated within the previous three years.
BuildingsOP 3Building Design and Construction3Institutions that have new construction and/or major renovation projects completed within the previous five years.Own new or renovated buildings that were designed and built in accordance with a published ​green building code​, policy/guideline, or ​rating system.​Current certification status of buildings completed within the previous five years.
OP 4Building Operations and Maintenance5All institutions.Own buildings that are operated and maintained in accordance with a sustainable management policy/program or a ​green building rating system​ focused on the operations and maintenance of existing buildings.Current certification status of buildings.
EnergyOP 5Building Energy Efficiency6All institutions.Have data on grid-purchased electricity, electricity from on-site renewables, utility-provided steam and hot water, and stationary fuels and other energy products.Most recent data available from the previous three years and data from a baseline year.
OP 6Clean and Renewable Energy4All institutions.Support the development and use of ​clean and renewable energy sources.Most recent data available within the previous three years.
Food & DiningOP 7Food and Beverage Purchasing6Institutions that have that have dining services operated by the institution, a contractor, or a franchisee.Purchase food and beverage products that are sustainably or ethically produced and/or plant-based.YesMost recent data available within the previous three years.
OP 8Sustainable Dining2Institutions that have dining services operated by the institution, a contractor, or a franchisee.Have programs and initiatives to support sustainable food systems and minimize food waste.Current policies or programs.
GroundsOP 9Landscape Management2Institutions with managed grounds comprising one or more percent of the total area of the campus.Manage grounds organically or in accordance with an ​Integrated Pest Management​ (IPM) program.Current programs and practices.
OP 10Biodiversity1-2Institutions with managed grounds comprising one or more percent of the total area of the campus.Have conducted an assessment to identify endangered and vulnerable species​ and/or areas of biodiversity importance​ on land owned or managed by the institution.YesCurrent programs and the most recent assessment(s) completed or updated within the previous three years.
PurchasingOP 11Sustainable Procurement3All institutions.Apply sustainability criteria when making procurement decisions.Current policies and practices.
OP 12Electronics Purchasing1All institutions.Purchase environmentally and socially preferable electronic products.Most recent data available within the previous three years.
OP 13Cleaning and Janitorial Purchasing1All institutions.Purchase cleaning and janitorial paper products that meet multi-criteria sustainability standards.Most recent data available within the previous three years.
OP 14Office Paper Purchasing1All institutions.Purchase ​office paper​ with post-consumer recycled, a​gricultural residue​, and/or ​Forest Stewardship Council​ (FSC) certified content.Most recent data available within the previous three years.
TransportationOP 15Campus Fleet1Institutions that own or lease motorized vehicles. Include vehicles that are hybrid, electric and/or alternatively fueled in the institution's motorized fleet.Most recent data available within the previous three years.
OP 16Commute Modal Split5All institutions. Conduct a survey to gather data about student and/or employee commuting behavior.YesMost recent data available within the previous three years.
OP 17Support for Sustainable Transportation1All institutions.Have implemented strategies to encourage more sustainable modes of transportation and reduce the impact of student and employee commuting.Current programs, practices and plans.
WasteOP 18Waste Minimization and Diversion8All institutions.Have data on the weight of materials recycled, composted, donated/re-sold, and disposed in a landfill or incinerator.Most recent data available from the previous three years and data from a baseline year.
OP 19Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion1Institutions that have conducted a major construction, renovation and/or demolition project in the three years prior to the anticipated date of submission. Divert non-hazardous construction and demolition waste from the landfill and/or incinerator.Most recent data available for a one-year period within the previous three years.
OP 20Hazardous Waste Management1All institutions.Have strategies in place to 1) safely dispose of all hazardous, special, universal, and non-regulated chemical waste and minimize the presence of these materials on campus; and/or 2) recycle, reuse, and/or refurbish electronic waste. Current programs.
WaterOP 21Water Use4-6All institutions.Have data on potable and non-potable water use.Most recent data available from the previous three years and data from a baseline year.
OP 22Rainwater Management2All institutions.Use ​green infrastructure​ and ​low impact development​ (LID) practices to help mitigate stormwater run-off​ impacts and treat rainwater as a resource rather than as a waste product.Current policies, plans, and/or strategies.
Planning & Administration (PA)Coordination & PlanningPA 1Sustainability Coordination1All institutions.Have at least one sustainability committee, office, and/or officer tasked by the administration or governing body to advise on and implement policies and programs related to sustainability on campus. Current sustainability committee composition and practices, office status, and/or officer position status.
PA 2Sustainability Planning4All institutions.Have a published plan that includes ​measurable sustainability objectives and/or include the integrated concept of sustainability in the institution's highest guiding document.Current and formally adopted plan(s).
PA 3Inclusive and Participatory Governance3All institutions.Have formal participatory or shared governance bodies, include diverse stakeholders on the institution's highest governing body, and/or host or support a formal body through which external stakeholders have a regular voice in institutional decisions that affect them. Current policies and procedures.
PA 4Reporting Assurance1Institutions that are submitting a scored report for the first time under a new version of STARS or for a higher rating.Complete an ​assurance​ process that provides independent affirmation that the information in its current STARS report is reported in accordance with credit criteria.YesAssurance provided for the information included in the institution’s current STARS submission.
Diversity & AffordabilityPA 5Diversity and Equity Coordination2All institutions.Have a diversity and equity committee, office and/or officer and/or make diversity trainings and activities available.Current practices and status and participation during the previous three years.
PA 6Assessing Diversity and Equity1All institutions.Have engaged in a structured assessment process to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus.YesMost recent assessment(s) conducted or updated during the previous three years.
PA 7Support for Underrepresented Groups3All institutions.Have policies, programs or initiatives to support underrepresented groups and foster a more diverse and inclusive campus community.Current program offerings and status.
PA 8Affordability and Access4All institutions.Have data related to the institution's accessibility and affordability to low-income students.Most recent data available within the previous three years.
Investment & FinancePA 9Committee on Investor Responsibility2Institutions with endowments of $1 million or larger. Have a formally established and active committee on investor responsibility (CIR) or similar body. Current committee composition and practices.
PA 10Sustainable Investment3-5Institutions with endowments of $1 million or larger. Make positive sustainability investments and/or have investor engagement policies and practices.Current policies and actions taken within the previous three years.
PA 11Investment Disclosure1Institutions that have an investment pool. Make a snapshot of investment holdings available to the public on at least an annual basis.Current holdings (i.e. most recent snapshot available).
Wellbeing & WorkPA 12Employee Compensation3All institutions.Have data on the hourly wages and total compensation provided to employees. Current compensation status and offerings.
PA 13Assessing Employee Satisfaction1All institutions.Conduct a survey or other evaluation that allows for anonymous feedback to measure employee satisfaction and engagement.YesMost recent evaluation conducted during the previous three years and current policies and practices.
PA 14Wellness Programs1All institutions.Have a wellness and/or employee assistance program and/or prohibit smoking within all occupied buildings.Current program status and offerings.
PA 15Workplace Health and Safety2All institutions.Have an ​occupational health and safety management system​ (OHSMS) and/or data on work-related injury or ill health.Current program status and most recent data available from the previous three years.
Innovation & Leadership (IN)Innovation & LeadershipIN --Catalog of optional credits available0.5 each (up to 4 bonus points)All institutions (varies by credit).Varies by credit.Varies by credit.Varies by credit. Current programs, policies, and practices or the most recent data available within the previous three years.