Competitive audit
Competitive audit goal
General informationUX
(rated: needs work, okay, good, or outstanding)
First impressionsMobile app InteractionMobile app visual designMobile app content
Competitor type
(direct or indirect)
Product offering
($ - $$$$)
Business size
(small, medium, large)
Target audience Unique value proposition Desktop website experienceApp or mobile website experienceFeaturesAccessibilityUser flow NavigationBrand identityToneDescriptiveness
Steam 250DirectOnline platform onlyGame reviews, and previews$ gamers"Automatically updated at least once a day from live Steam reviews"Needs work
+ Easy access to the preview by just one click
does not direct to the other page
- Random advertisements
- Endless scroll without refine results
Needs work
+ Easy access to the preview by just one click
does not direct to the other page
- Random advertisements
- Endless scroll without refine results
Needs work
+ One-click content view, no refresh on
the web page
- Too many lists, hard to viewing through each
game listings
Needs work
- No features for audio or visual impairments
- Only available in English
Needs work
+ Straightforward user flow
- Hard to access each components due to excessive numbers of listings
Needs work
+ Simple vertical scroll
- No other interactions
Needs work
- Minimal brand identity
Direct and InformativeNeeds work
+ Short and to the point
- Too brief at times
- Missing information
Itch.ioDirectSan Francisco, CA
Game purchase, reviews, and previews
$ gamers"Pay what you want"Okay
+ Customized game pages users can feel the
mood of the game from the moment they click
the game page
- Navigating is hard, no home buttons always
need to use back button
- Cluttered menus too many lists
+ Quick load, mostly html, css based
+ Customized game pages users can feel the
mood of the game from the moment they click
the game page
+ Tags are easy to notice
- Menu is too cluttered with blog post lists
+ Quick hover overs easy to look through
previews without special actions
+ Easy to download the games
- There is no filter options or hard to find
+ Simple and constant layout
- No features for audio or visual impairments
- Only available in English
Needs work
+ Straightforward user flow
+ Order and payment processes are simple
- Hard to navigate back and forward
+ Easy basic navigation
- Buttons are not clearly marked
Needs work
+ Simple and data efficient designs
- Minimal brand identity
- Not much characteristics
- Only uses two colors
Direct, informative, and empatheticGood
+ Short and to the point
+ Focused on info relevant to target audience
- Too brief at times
- Missing information
Game JoltIndirectSeattle, WA
Game purchase, reviews, and previews
$ gamers"Best place for creators"Good
+ Minimal features and visuals
- Random advertisements
- Game page is hard to view, too much contents
on one screen
+ Easy to check item prices
+ Easy to understand the tags with icons
+ Easy to controll and refine multiple results
- Hard to navigate around to other page
once click the product page.
+ Great filter options
- Download button is not as standing out
+ Big visual blocks of each contents
+ Simple and constant layout
- Only available in English
- No features for audio or visual impairments
- Some buttons are not enough contrast
Needs work
+ Straightforward user flow
+ Order and payment processes are simple, clear, and efficient
- Too many contents on the one page, hard to read through
+ Easy basic navigation
+ Clear indication of clickable elements
- Some contrast doesn't seem enough
+ Visual design communicates company ethos
+ Modern and trendy design
- Too simple
Engaging, concise, and informativeGood
+ All key info is present
- Too descriptive
- Wordy
SteamIndirectBellevue, WA
Game purchase, reviews, and previews
$ gamers"Access game instanly"Good
+ Event section of the home page stands out
well, users know what is going on right away
+ Hover over preview has great interaction with
good amount of contents
- Cluttered menus too many lists
+ Consistent navigating experience througout
the mobile site, side scrolls by the blocks
+ Easy to read prices and see sale items
- Advertisement on the website was seamless,
but mobile is too ovbious doesn't go along with
the overall design
+ Simple blocks with big images
+ Simple and each check outs
+ Available in multiple languages
- Tags are too small cannot find features for audio or visual impairments
- No features for audio or visual impairments
Needs work
+ Straightforward user flow
+ Order and payment processes are simple, clear, and efficient
- Too many contents on the one page, hard to read through
+ Buttons are clearly marked
+ Easy to switch locations
+ Easy to switch languages
+ Strong brand identity including colors, fonts, style, and imagery
- It gets too complicated with multi colors
Engaging, concise, and informativeGood
+ All key info is present
- Too descriptive
- Wordy