Student First Name - Nombre de Pila del Estudiante
Student Last Name - Apellido del Estudiante
Title of Work - Título del TrabajoArtist Statement (In 10 to 100 words, describe your work and how it relates to the theme) - DECLARACIÓN DEL ARTISTA (En 10 a 100 palabras, describe tu trabajo y cómo este se relaciona con el tema)Grade Division (choose one) - División de Grado (Marcar solo una)Arts Category (choose one) - Categoría Artística (Marcar solo una)Link to EntryMusic Annotation
MayaMathiasUnite to Stop PollutionI can change the world by stopping pollution. 1. switch of lights 2. plant trees and 3. don't drive cars.The right hand plays the same notes, which means I'm doing the same things over and over again to stop pollution. The left hand shows more people join in and we unite to stop pollution.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Music Composition - Composición Musicalhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1XJuwcVFqSHMpp63-oW87QXgAuzr7u1tl
JeffreyDuI can change the world by killing virusMy visual art work shows different types of virus, which they are hurting our world now like Covid-19. I can change the world by killing virus when I grow up. I want to keep everyone healthy and safe. So we can take off our masks, play with our friends without fear and hug our friends everyday!Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=10fhlfO-w-_ZLgrS_-JyYRf-EW8k1TKch
MayaMathiasPollution and No PollutionI live in California. There are fires that are caused by climate change and this is causing global warming. There are so many fires that our skies are changing color to orange. That is what I painted. On the left side there are ways to make pollution and on the right are ways to stop pollution and change the world. Some ways that make pollution are car gas. Pollution leads to fires and flooding. Some ways to stop pollution are walking, cycling and recycling.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1qCFfhrSMGHF-mM6qe7PZbZs8Souzg3Ds
HrishaGandhi“Home in a Shell “I will change the world by taking care of sea animals. I think there is too much plastic and litter in the sea animals home.I believe that we should take care of oceans as our homes. Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1heUgDQHYJH6tCR_9wnltgehtYbEB6i05
Vihana Gandhi “Life on earth “I will change the world by helping animals no matter if they are on land or in water. I believe that the earth belongs to everyone including animals along with humans. Animals are part of nature like us and let’s love them for who they are.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1RqrYxnwEUB4c_8g8Wy55tUlwG5n0JZ4Y
VarshaVictorDark and LightI consider the recent issues in the world as darkness and light as happiness. I have written about how we can bring more light to other people's lives.Middle School (Grades 6-8) - Escuela Intermedia (Grados 6-8)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1wPbmPJMsQ4ZCgMWPOJXcuLrd4Wy3xRgy
AaliyaGuptaI believe in "Just a little kindness" can change the worldI can change the world by spreading kindness. The dandelions in my art represent acts of kindness, love, share a smile, charity, empathy, help one another to name a few. By following and sharing these acts of kindness I can make the world a better place. Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1wxXbmzOTZzZWxECfhjdigAQwZIiRrjsA
AarohiGUPTAI will change the World by supporting Non-ViolenceI can change the world by supporting non-violence. In my art work I showed 2 sides of a coin - one side shows violence and other side shows peace and happiness. Through my art I want to say no to violence because guns and knives harm people and hurt them. Violence burns beautiful life (like red roses) into flames. I will try to become the symbol of peace (pigeon carrying happy seeds) and help grow the world with peace and love.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1hYIdKWuLi75xF6eK5WcS-41k2qUjsmJ0
TinatinaabcArtjst statement in 10 to 100 workds describe your worj and how itPrimary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1smjQot8uldQ6NjCdPZeXVTBwkKwH38Fa
VishyVarmaSunlightI will change the world by harnessing sunlight and by ensuring that nobody dies hungryIntermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1hUAxHDnFdZH9L_Qk81r6blom-STfLxSF
Saumya MishraGlobal Warming: It's Effects & How You And I Can Raise Awareness Global warming is a crisis that cannot be avoided, but it can be delayed if everyone pitches in to help save the planet. I can change the world by explaining about global warming to others and encourage everyone(including me) to do things that will lesser affect the planet.Middle School (Grades 6-8) - Escuela Intermedia (Grados 6-8)Film Production - Producción Cinematográficahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y8wv7O3R0etoJTezeoxOlMFvLk77LJQz
SidharthSwaroopTogether, we can reduce plastic!My essay is about how one person can tell others about a certain thing and they can tell it to their friends and so on, until the whole world knows about it. Then, one person would have made a difference in the world. Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1xAWEPbOxW-u7noVclJP3vopP0ECvgpYy
JoashThomasMaking a DifferenceMaking a difference is a film that describes the relationship between Josh and Jenna, and how the affection towards his sister persuades Josh to invent a medicine that saves the world.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Film Production - Producción Cinematográficahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=10ONiONfgEXKCO4QWAQ9-355DxQX819Pq
KashviAgarwalSmall changes; big differencesThis poem is about how small changes can make big differences. It is about equality for everyone, no matter who they are. It is about how we can bring a beautiful smile to ones’ face; anyone who needs it, just by being kind. But, the greatest thing I would ever do is to encourage others to make small changes; that may be the best way of making a difference! And that’s why I said “we” throughout this statement. Because “WE” can make a big difference! Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1s8oYjKwESdkndDzgrQt1vBN2MzRV5qB4
TanviVasagiriVisual Art - I will change the world by...Pollution and poverty in some parts of the world are rising to alarming levels. It is high time, we start focusing on ensuring we preserve our natural resources and save earth from global warming and do our best to bring people out of poverty.

I will change the world by saving water, planting a tree, saving energy, recycling and using the social media wisely to drive awareness to reduce pollution.

There are a lot of under privileged people in this world who sleep with an empty stomach, I will stop wasting food and donate money to the poor.
Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1pbJaXbuTmbcqM2IsJktw1JXpEqDnH6I_
AshaMuppidi Don’t LitterI think people should not litter. People should throw trash in the garbage. We should all protect the planet. Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1be2MxaIuoKpusrDPz4QHsS5AiZc6gnrh
AshaMuppidi I will make a difference!Hi, my name is Asha. I’m just a young girl but I can make a difference. First, I can be kind to people. Second, I can play with a kid I don’t know. Next, I can clean up. Lastly, I can eat lunch with someone I don’t know. Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=19UpMmtrAoO_M8uM92yrBzo2tlQPz4ghE
NitikaKarthikI will change the world I wish to change the world both physically and emotionally. By planting trees and saving water, the planet itself can be made a better place. And for us to feel happy on this planet, I will spread kindness and love. Together I hope this will make the world the perfect place for my family, friends, neighbors and everyone on the planet including me!Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1R73YIa5h-uxu4hbJ2mDSkARE04HgEyds
By doing one simple thing!
Maybe it is small
But it will be one big thing!
Just spread little kindness
And the world will be happy place!
Just one little kind word
Will change their frown upside down!
Just one little smile
Will change their life around!
You can change the world
Just try a little thing!
Spread smiles all around you
This world will be yours!
A little, a little, little thing
Can change the world around (stress) you!
Let’s come together
So we can change the world!!!!!
Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Music Composition - Composición Musicalhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=15v0drJ6SvDR7QHEyK0HE5CLimN4jG6DKhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1qvmuTyPZFeBWDUM5tRfnvXz-1A6qu8zD
ArnavJainI WILL CHANGE THE WORLD BY KINDNESSI will change the world by Kindness. Kindness will make the world a better place for humans, animals and the Earth. By being kind to people we will help people and make them happy. Happy people do great things. In animal farming, animals are slaughtered and they suffer. Animal farming also produces lots of greenhouse gases, and it causes global warming. By being kind to animals and by becoming vegetarian we can save our earth and help animals. Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1glBBMu0Pqr8jZ5uFSnDfY12bMk8BFtGE
NitikaKarthikI would change the world by...I would change the world by a combination of few actions, mainly focusing on saving the environment and also improving the joy and happiness while sharing the planet with our family friends and neighbors!Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1T1UPybgzlNWqDiJNWgiL0gaoBojV9CVb
LucasJangLucas' 3 ways to protect the world!Hi, my name is Lucas. I am a little kid, but I think we can make the world different because people can be kind, clean oceans, don't pollute air, and not fight each other.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1dYcRVwUCX8tCRg-XexzUA6YsAd4LdqTK https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GR1wyIMej3tffnMx-dM8lUEmEH0rc8UL https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HqK8kbiy4HQiEg1xboZfultTulQNlEX6
AaliyaGuptaMusic has power to changeI can change the world by bringing people of all color closer with the power of my music. Music has no language, no barriers, no discrimination, and does not have boundaries. I am learning both singing and guitar and its already changing my life for good.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jH1krEFz2JGzSWKBccUSzrywg4HPdLHv
AarohiGuptaHappiness is where friendship is.My photograph shows friendship can change the world with no difference based on color, borders among countries across the globe. With friendship, the world looks so beautiful, colorful and innocent. Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1EEC-HP0oKuOfFYh6tkh8aip8aGskz7Ja
Nikita KrishnanI will change the world by being kindI will change the world by being kind. Offer help to a kid who is sad after she got hurt on the slide Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1gzgwBrQHwxJf57rDz05Ke4EwBQToG2gR https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oWv1jkRsRMj2K0jmCbFHv6rpjjgdZlsm
AarohiGUPTA13 reasons you can change the worldThere are million ways to change the world, you just need to try a little. Here are my 13 reasons
First is Peace
Second is Kindness!!!
Third is important and that is Friendship.
Fourth, I am going share candies with you all
Not pushing anyone is number 5
Saying Kind words is sixth
Helping my teacher is seventh
Playing with my friends is eighth
Making it happy world is nine
Singing fun music is tenth
I am going include you all in my celebrations
Number twelve is making funny faces and
Number 13 is cheer people up
Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Music Composition - Composición Musicalhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1xDIExGj-MCRMAzbA2JME-oY_WY_kH2n6https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XPBpZXc0fspT544kHNaRq0uZ84wGHXK-
AaryaParkheThe Dream that changes worldI want to make world a better place by implementing ideas which the president haven't made.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1YM6dBtuYAdnNf8NOnsxVeHUAaSWJMfJ2
Aarya PavanSave power - digital artI want to minimise the usage of electricity. Burning coal generates electricity and also Carbon dioxide which can be harmful to the environment. The burning also creates heat which is a cause for global warming, so I want to conserve electricity.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1VAti7MViC1Yd8PSjlSiWmyOM1xZuuwkq
Akshaya AshokI can change the world byI can change the world by avoiding the plastic pollution, so the world can be safest place not only for humans but for all living organismsPrimary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1b1cvaLaV9Jw-YJsSmj5ycK3KWjQv7cp_ https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EbMXwiAmM4DEhfDiYA2AMtwEJwPWnxiT
HariharanSrikanth Power of Empathy and CompassionI will change the world by showing people the power of compassion.

The first part of my music represents the current state of the world: serious, foreboding and in turmoil, but slowly seeing that change needs to happen and is within our reach, like the masked sun behind menacing clouds.
The second part is the transformation phase to make the world a better place by showing kindness and empathy to people and nature.
The third part portrays the new, transformed world. Empathy is the rain which clears the drought to grow a hopeful, bright tomorrow.
Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Music Composition - Composición Musicalhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1SWNszVVKPI8CjqEnXCcLyat2TA1cmED9
AarohiGUPTAWorld is already a happy place, you just need to see itWorld is already a happy place, you just need to see it. In my short story I am trying to say this world is full of kind and helpful people, we just need to give them a chance without judging them.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1dVaJKa3xbDMBo1NB5PvgjEKj6QYh-k0P
TaraKaradiSave the world by …I can save the world! I will protect the ocean. I will protect the forest. I am small but I can make a difference!!Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1l6SkJzwMVA6tIufZa03AE7GduqVAn8WR
TaraKaradiI might be small but I can…I might be small but I can make a difference. I will protect the world!Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1uSu8TESJdthSloAkWprx_6wTye9GwFic
KashviAgarwalNature – Our HomeI have created a photomontage of two pictures that I took; one of my mom’s hand and the other of a Great Egret I saw at the Coyote Hills Regional Park. For the picture of the egret, I used a telephoto lens, keeping the shutter speed at about 1/1000 of a second and the ISO around 100. The hand symbolizes me “holding animals” as if to protect them from danger; hunting, habitat destruction, and more. I will change the world by spending my time saving animals and protecting nature - our home. Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1NBl2Q_qMoSTeqmpy-_YvsJ1uBmdSp3kB
KashviAgarwalAct before – going, going, gone…I have made a mixed media, surrealism art – background done digitally and rest on paper. The inspiration behind this painting are people who spend their time saving animals and their habitat. I will change the world by protecting animals; by planting trees, keeping the Earth clean, and volunteering at animal shelters and nature reserves. This is symbolized in my art by the hand holding the Earth and animals, as if to protect them. As Jane Goodall says, “Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall we all be saved.” Save them before.. going, going, gone…Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1nH2SqYL6YjPSb1sYORtt7fVacQ3oRucY
AaliyaGUPTAOne act of kindness can change lives foreverThere are millions ways to change the world, my story shows an example of how a small act of Kindness can change lives forever. Such incidents around the world are happening, we just need to connect and share more so world becomes a happier place.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1HXNI-vYWeiGOCzMTZi2mWiYZilJddFNw
DakshHarshaWorld Changing Decisions This video shows you some simple yet helpful decisions that you can make to change the world. I am emphasizing the fact that just picking up a couple of plastic bags off the streets could potentially save a life. Things as simple as conserving a little bit of water every day can have an enormous positive impact on the society. I got my inspiration from Greta Thunberg and many more environmental activists.Middle School (Grades 6-8) - Escuela Intermedia (Grados 6-8)Film Production - Producción Cinematográficahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1MMoWl9eIuqXKeG3VyuEzx-cz4-7oZEd3
Maitree JainHow to make world better placeI am going to tell about how to make the world a better place and happier.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ev0UX2pn5gDBY1pW4hj-QlpSIV8HvUjl https://drive.google.com/open?id=17dVy278rCzXlLubikMxydiFzEN0slupW
Akshaya Ashok I can change the world by I can change the world by avoiding plastic pollution so the world is safe to live for all living organisms and not only for humansPrimary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1EAqs1SoYWPtEkiOlOuEdjy7HBDGev6hS https://drive.google.com/open?id=13vN2XNfFHriJuMdmPYvzkpcf9LeaRypi
OmRaja"Clean Electric Race car"I will change the world by making clean electric race cars by reusing parts from Junkyard. Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1rM1ftVuKfL_CCGz_mx41Ob_RUe4deo7N
Kabir ThackerKindness Counts8 Ideas on how to be kind in day to day life Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1oKnUWGuZTx4rw-5ZM5y4ldhXhXGo63eM https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v1Y9Bj_Vg45axBndzg-D1gvM_8h5EXo_
ShreeRaja“Reducing the usage of plastic”Seagulls eating plastic wrappers made me think that we should reduce the usage of plastic. I have used colorful and black glass beads to show polluted land. Plastic white beads along with black and white stickers are used to show trash in the ocean. If we
1.Stop dumping trash in oceans
2.Sort our trash,
3.Recycle plastics
4.Use compostable trash bags
5.Use alternate materials like metal, glass, cardboard, cloth, and wood appropriately,
Earth can become a better place to live shown in the art as Clean Earth.
Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1o-7Vt4iThbozw5wbkAqRo0fvfONqHRV8
KamilleChungKindnessI will change the world by kindness doing things, holding hands, never giving up, and protect our world. I drew people holding hands because it looks like kindness.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1XkBkC0d8uPYtHMeOPFjasPw0q6WFeVuA
XiuruiChenMake the World A Better PlaceIn order to make the world a better place, we should do some things together.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1szQyxKaKsbMx9TMcbIvGZjbtTIPKQQdP
VihaanRegulapatiI will change the world byIt talks about three different ways to change the worldPrimary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1sC_wKZEVlIOi9DqyBUuZOdL7Ytx1TTFl
AriannaRizalExtending a Helping HandI can change the world by giving a helping hand to people and the environment.My art shows the actions I can take to do it.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1JzHtuvTwFlFmJA_7OQbJoTfOXN8QA6Bu
ShravyaSatyaConserve water, Save the Earth!I will change the world by conserving water and using it wisely. Water is the most valuable natural resource of Mother Earth, and without it, there would be no life. The idea of this photograph is, “While still conserving water, you can get beautiful fruits and vegetables if you use the water wisely.”Middle School (Grades 6-8) - Escuela Intermedia (Grados 6-8)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1YpOvd74ORuNypOZdxQw1e7oVwlK93--0
DakshHarshaThe Three R’sThe three R’s also known as Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are three very helpful ways to change the world. For example using reusable water bottles instead of plastic could help the environment and the ocean a lot. I got my inspiration from Jimmy Donaldson and Mark Rober after they started TeamSeas. TeamSeas shows us how much damage non reusable things and trash are destroying our ocean and beaches. I loved how Jimmy Donaldson and Mark Rober are striving to an audacious goal of taking out 30,000,000 pounds of trash from the ocean before the end of 2021.Middle School (Grades 6-8) - Escuela Intermedia (Grados 6-8)Music Composition - Composición Musicalhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1a58Fk8t5nyj_QMznque7sOKPPbQg8mRrhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=18qHqjTaWyE1V-h6Nu0ZrrLcn6kUE_ezrkl2GoaYKaCc
AaravSivaprakashI will change the world by planting more trees and reducing pollution - ArtworkI will change the world by planting more trees and reducing pollution. Trees will produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Plant more trees and change the world for better.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1cn-48nn_UEKf9hPwnmjgwbpFdRNehGyC https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UdnL-gy23yb-m1RI6b10HzRROlO9-vey
DakshHarshaSmall Actions, Big EffectsMy drawing shows that small actions such as picking up a small plastic bag could have a big impact. I feel like sometimes people don’t realize that such effortless things can make a huge difference. People would say that it is pointless to pick up something like that, but in response I would say it could save a life and every life matters.Middle School (Grades 6-8) - Escuela Intermedia (Grados 6-8)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1BnFNiPKrm7jYFuXT2Icqeyhhd5ylgTSG
PranjalGuptaTree of lifeI want to change the world by making paintings and gift them to peopleSpecial Artist (All Grades) - Artistas Especiales (Todos los grados)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Mk1amebdat1VJ7oVcqvCw-WGtyJgB3A9
PranjalGuptaIf you are happyI will change the world by painting and singing happy songs.Special Artist (All Grades) - Artistas Especiales (Todos los grados)Music Composition - Composición Musicalhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1DosLjBSkxMq_dtSl0WVT60kKteTB9dy1
PranjalGuptaChika chika girlI will change the world by painting, singing happy songs and dancing. I want to be happy, I don't like sad.Special Artist (All Grades) - Artistas Especiales (Todos los grados)Dance Choreography - Coreografía de bailehttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1bo2b7Zk3xOVER3XerP4J2XpEp-VSABBT
LakshanyaKumarSave the earthI will change the world by saving the air from pollution, sea from litter and the land by not chopping trees.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1RXAWOVLAIzci_U62XtZ_ikKXjvfzZrag
LakshanyaKumarSave the bees, plant more trees and clean the seasI will change the world by saving the bees, planting more trees and cleaning the seasPrimary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1e9c4bpYe-8sQk_mb5rmRljGCjnEBqJ7T
AaryaParkheThe world of peace !!My ideas to make world a better place for peace and harmony.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1BJXf5UFXkal98MeQR_shFCvNNrBTNcAW
PranjalGuptaMom at Mall of AmericaI will change the world by painting, singing happy songs, dancing and taking pictures and saying cheese.Special Artist (All Grades) - Artistas Especiales (Todos los grados)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1oaVcfniAzVFGVnGLOiS8quU34I7y3P0r
SionaAgarwalCaring for one animal won’t change the world, but for that animal the world will change foreverOn my recent visit to the Milpitas Animal Shelter, I saw two kittens. One of them was injured and had a cone around its neck. Sometime later, I saw the other kitten had been adopted leaving the injured one alone. I felt sorry for her and went to comfort her. I felt she didn’t get picked because she didn’t look good. I gave her a toy and she instantly became lively and playful. At that moment, I felt I can change the world by showing love and kindness - especially to animals and people who are lonely. Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=18I-jNTpZq888PziFzYvaDY1FMM80LKB2
ShanayaAgarwalDon’t be a litter bug!I started going for hikes with my family during Covid times to Ed Levin Park. I love walking by the lake and enjoying nature. One time while walking near the lake, I saw some people had left their trash on the grass. Ducks were gathering near it and I thought they might eat plastic bags or get hurt by forks. I started picking up the litter. Seeing me, another kid also came and helped clean the litter. I was so happy. I feel I will change the world by caring for nature and helping keep it clean and beautiful.
Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1bGRASFFmEFS360QjNu_LmCBOHtqj9RQ1
ShanayaAgarwalHappy Feet and SoulWhat does dance do? It brings you joy and it lifts your spirits.
Who are the people who can change the world? Those who are sad or those who are happy? Those who are hopeless or those who are excited and charged up?

I am showing a dance form that lifts my mood, keeps me happy and makes me feel I will change the world by bringing a smile to everyone’s faces and brightening their day.
Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Dance Choreography - Coreografía de bailehttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1AO0-aYi9Sd68s-d7U7u18Y3HGkO_-gkM
SionaAgarwalThe beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its peopleDance has many benefits - it exercises the body and relaxes the mind. But for me, dance is also a medium to connect me to my roots in India. I like cultural dance forms from different places in India. I am showing a medley of dance moves from the states of Punjab and UP in India. I feel I will change the world by helping people stay connected to their culture, learn about different cultures around the world and appreciate the diversity around us.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Dance Choreography - Coreografía de bailehttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1IRPIaq4_9JkWcFYKxh2kB9V-_qCKQZBb
ShanayaAgarwalChange starts with you!This story inspires me to change the world by being kind and caring to others and always listening to parents at home and teachers in school. This will make me a better person and everyone will like me. World is a better place when it’s filled with kind, helpful and caring people.Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1tpU0NuFAvGfrk7LVWaKwRJYI0SFcZLbL
ShanayaAgarwalBe the change you wish to see!I will change the world by doing things that will protect our lovely planet. I will not litter and stop trash from going into rivers and lakes. I will recycle bottles or re-use them to grow plants. I will not throw old toys and clothes but donate them so other kids can use them. I will not pollute the air, rather I will plant trees to keep our environment clean. I think if all of us can do these things, we can make this world more beautiful for all of us.
Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1LMosrFFlRyZhzDhy42WNWa6B_7QYdYmg
SionaAgarwalTake care of the earth and she will take care of youResearchers estimate roughly 15 billion trees in the world are cut down each year! I will help offset that loss by planting trees and encouraging people around me to plant trees of their own. Trees give oxygen and provide shelter and food for animals such as squirrels and owls.
Factories emit smoke and harmful gases when making new products causing air pollution. So instead of buying new stuff, I want to reuse and reduce as much as possible.
I will change the world by doing my part to make the earth a cleaner, healthier and more beautiful place to live.
Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1OzSxH7lBY9wb37QgqdxLyvIeXK4UhZgg
Supreeth Maram Go Green My art work shows how kids planting trees would help to have clean air naturally.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1BuTv9Yh2WzEThAvxIOuxvGywUCOQwyRd https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rxEAilMsEVlFsic2rYmJ0VOXU-f1gUvE
ShivangshRoyLiteratureMy work shows and explains that I can change the world into a better place for everyone to live and work.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=17-QBDw6kcE_MoDb8__dM52zwhYa1M4M-RDiv940RckQ
ETHANTINGI would change the world by recyclingI think if we can recycle all the plastic we used and turn it into play structure, the world will be a better place!Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1qqofeAwOEiCUuh-wn-_gzNFFW7p68Uf6
AllisonSaxelbyHelping animalsThere is a lot of trash everywhere that does not get into the trash cans. Much of that trash ends up in the ocean. I want to prevent that, so I will pick up trash so less of it will get in the ocean. It might not make much of a difference but that little difference might save many harmless sea and land animals.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1MxFpOz7JfKoghERem2WyPqmu6xjZgDxf
VihanaGandhiCaring for CowsI will change the world by improving the care of the cows. I feel that cows are the most important animal because we use all kind of dairy in our everyday lives which is made from the cows milk. When I grow up, I want to make special shelters for old cows who can not produced anymore milk and take care of them. Picture is capturing of my sister feeding the cow at a near by cowshed near my home on our recent visit to the cowshed.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1JAUDDMBYkzQ3U1u0wKP_I5gMcN6hbQaj
AyanshVarmaI will change the world by helping the needy.My work is about helping the people who are not as fortunate as us. We can do little things every day to help and we can do them in many different ways. This relates to the topic because I will change the world by making less people having to suffer because of lack of food, water, company etc. Homeless people can be helped and will be, and I will change the world by being the person who helps them. Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1gfi55uVVzmYm6FHPnWbu8CafB_THuaxfeNOCXAJnxQs
DhairyaGargFilm ProductionMy work relates to the theme by presenting ideas on how I can change the world.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1s1HKP0MPG7I8JjMfxDYo41Tqxw1TuFzL https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_BdnbqU8IsVbpcHmSTGRFpzMIilJQp-k https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wPoX96-RXiRGi9GosuEC9MoCtoEF55tG https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iw6rJQANy_63Vq6CZP7bHgXAELS5tAj9 https://drive.google.com/open?id=145ccD76262KGIJc6xWSg6VBSf_2yOy1X
ShreeRaja“Preventing Wildfires”There are lot of wildfires around the world. They can be very dangerous. We can prevent them from happening by:
1. planting more trees which will create more rain.
2. not stepping on new growing plants, so they have a chance to replace the dry ones.
3. not cutting trees unnecessarily.
Together we can care for the world by letting the trees live.
Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1O5kzL_dpjs92zngxdoSxDD7Lh4zVDceo
TanishaVarmaThe Little Things My work is about how little things that exemplify your best self can eventually accumulate and create a big change. You do not have to take a large step initially, just something that might make someone's day better or improve our society. A lot of times, change in the world is associated with engaging in a large, grand act, however, in reality, small things everyday like helping a friend with studies, picking up trash, helping the homeless, and more will gather and create an everlasting impact on our world while influencing others to do the same. High School (Grades 9-12) - Escuela Secundaria (Grados 9-12)Film Production - Producción Cinematográficahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1WdMa0fx5kcUSJYfR4P7XwgcE5vOWfE0o
DhairyaGargFilm productionMy film includes several ideas on how to change the world.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Film Production - Producción Cinematográficahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1qHNAeMb_zH5m0PPUoLj6pTGs1dCNnr5n
DhairyaGargDrawingMy drawing presents ideas on how we can change the world.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1IuPZqRLzcyRj10-1moTcBiQ_hpnsFsEn
AriaPaiI will change the world byI will change the world by doing my part - by throwing trash, helping friends in need and making them happy with my smile :)Primary (Pre-K-Grade 2) - Primaria (Pre-K - Grado 2)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jjgMMdjuO-6U2PHfRtJuNaPswGYE0BoF
ArihaShahSave EarthMy art relates to the theme as it shows how we can change our world.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1eyQwwmh4tJz4-CC8evZ17lM8Y0HhfYFw
ArihaShahHow I can change the world!In my literature I explain how I can change the world and how I can do that. This relates to the theme.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Literature - Literaturahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1FPFEyJpAuM-Brlo3XiAvYpjW53T70WbYBfjGfsZp1pM
ArihaShahRecycle With ME!In this piece of photography I am recycling a can showing how you should recycle items. This relates to the theme as recycling can change the worldIntermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Mel2_2OhX-bFdVn7buOiBwBkbTvCWQ3q
Arjun AlthuruBe KindI will change the world by bringing people together. Be Kind.Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1QC9g2r1kuz7xwAXFwRAG6gWBmYW8IOJt
DhairyaGargPhotographyMy photo shows that you can change the world in many ways. It illustrates the statement "Any action you do will help, even if it's small".Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Photography - Fotografíahttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1UGL1t1x2lLuE60vDJVq2RRHJdWOl2qqn
PrishaGhelaniI will change the world by saving TigerIn my art piece I have depicted a tiger and what I will do to save them. Tigers are slowly getting extinct and since we all are part of an eco system it is our responsibility to protect each other. Therefore I will change the world by saving Tiger. Intermediate (Grades 3-5) - Intermedia (Grados 3-5)Visual Arts - Artes Visualeshttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1IAZD25P6H374uc17AH7eSyyW4F-6GUFx