ContestantSong + LinkJudge 1Judge 2Judge 3 Average Score
flubbernuggetYellow Teeth by Protest The Hero flub in his natural rocker element! I wish I could growl as naturally as you do. Your range is quite literally out of this world dude. I think for me this feels like the most comfortable you have been on a song all competition. There were times towards the middle and end (of the vocal section) where I felt like you were having to strain to hit the high notes and in turn a few felt flat. Please be sure to take care of your voice because it is strong, confident and powerful and I don't want you to throw it out. If you ever feel yourself straining make sure to get lots of breath support and open your mouth wide. This was a home run hit out of the park overall though. Well done. Flub is back and ready to slay. Incredible vibrato on that final note. Got the goosebumps all over!Wow, I was surprised to see Protest in this contest! That dude writes hard vocal parts. I have actually not heard this song before though. You're doing some impressive stuff here for sure, between the range and the vocal fry and the intensity. At times I hear you dipping in and out of pitch (1:55ish, eg), which I honestly think is just a product of how challenging the vocal part is. Other parts you shine, like the second chorus around 3:15, you sound pretty perfect. This was ambitious as hell, kudos for hanging with this song, flub.Ooh, back to a more classic Flub sound! When this entry was good, it was excellent. In particular, I love the entirety of the quieter part that comes in at 2:46. And you NAILED those powerful screams in the very high parts at the end. I'm so used to your singing that sometimes I forget how incredibly challenging they are to pull off. You have a very unique texture to your voice that's so well suited to screaming these kinds of gritty rock songs. I did feel like some parts of the verse along with some of the "they are"s at 2:25 were drifting away from the pitch (admittedly I don't know the original, so it's possible the melody is just naturally dissonant). But you ended the song with a bang. On a note unrelated to your singing, it might be better next time to cut out the four-minute guitar solo at the end. (it's a great guitar solo, but it took me several minutes of listening to realize you were done). Anyway, well done!9.433
Haschel CedricsonGreen Fields of France by Eric Bogle thought this was a unique choice of song for this round. It had sort of a folksy tone to it and you really carried the emotion of what is required for a song of this nature very well. Nice, clean notes. Your harmonizations are always on point. I think some of your low notes towards the middle and end verses could have used a little more breath support in order to hit properly, but that's a very minor criticism. There were times I felt like the song just went on and on, but that's not a you problem, it's just a very repetitive song. Overall, I really enjoyed this from you Haschel. Very soothing and easy on the ears. Well done.Listen to that brogue!!! I love it. Also appreciate the song choice, you always choose such interesting songs to enter. Your breathy approach fits this song's melancholy nature very well, I'm starting to feel kind of emotional during the chorus...though there are some real life reasons for me to have some hair-trigger emotions right now lol. Yeah, I don't really have any critiques here, I'll just say that the chorus especially is very nice here. Can you sing at my funeral?Aww, this song is so lovely and sad, and your rendition is so soft and melancholy. I love how you did the harmonies this week--they're so subtle I almost didn't notice them, but they add a lot of depth to the choruses. Contrary to almost everyone else, my big critique this week is NOT pitch (yours is dead-on) but breath support. There were quite a few points where you were taking breaths in the middle of phrases or even words (e.g., "forest") or we could audibly hear you gasping. A suggestion would be to try taking a deep breath before a phrase and then practice slowly letting the air out as you sing. I notice you have sort of a breathy tone, so it might be that you're letting too much air escape through your vocal cords when you sing. (I'm not a singing teacher so can't help much, but there are YouTube videos and articles on correcting for breathiness and improving cord closure). Anyway, in spite of all the words I spent on correcting this one detail, your voice is great and you're such a versatile performer week after week. One last thing: I love your accent!9.4
lilith2013Behind These Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson the most recognizable song on this list. I used to jam out to this in my car on long trips. I also like that you took a bit of a risk this week. This isn't the type of song I would have thought you would do well. And for the most part, I thought this was a well done risk. I'm very pleased with this. Two notes. On the lower notes, I heard a struggle which usually comes from a lack of breath support, though it could also be from straining your voice. Just be sure if you do take on a song with lower notes that you either sing them softer or let them sort of be a throwaway note because trying to sustain notes in your lower registry if they aren't notes you are solid with can sound sharp and I don't want you to injure your beautiful voice. The other note, was that I think I was lacking the emotionality to the song in the first couple of verses, but man oh man did you come alive at the choruses. Plus look out haschel, there's a new harmonizer in town! This was clean, you didn't really lose pitch or quality of tone when you went high. You should be very proud at how this all came together Lilith. Really unexpected.I was all "anti-pop" back when this song came out, but I secretly kinda liked this song. The first half of this song I was thinking that it was a bit of a mismatch with your approach in the sense that you were singing sort of measured and light while the track got more energetic, like during the first chorus. But in the latter half you really picked up the energy, and you're marvelous during the many opportunities this song gives for vocal flourishes during those sections after the bridge. And of course, as always, I love hearing you nail those high notes.I really respect you take a risk this week and singing something in a slightly different style. We got to hear some of your chest voice, and although I know that's not normally your forte, it sounds like you've improved it a lot--even the lower parts were enjoyable to listen to. I did notice that on the first verse, you were going a bit off at points (like on the "barely hanging on"--sorry I'm not more help to what I mean, because it's hard to describe), but it sounded like less of a problem in the second verse. Also, wow, the moment those delicate harmonies at the end came in, I instantly bumped up my rating. As always, your range is stunning. Although this is the kind of song that was intended to be belted at the top of your lungs rather than sung in your head voice, your take on it was unique and ethereal. I loved listening to this!9.233
ManateeGalBlue Monday by New Order I've enjoyed about you this season is that you have a very original style. You always take on songs that I either haven't heard of or that you put your own twist on. You also always sound like you are just having the best time while singing. And ultimately, this was the whole point of this contest, so for that I give you props. This particular song choice and delivery wasn't my favorite. There were some pitch problems throughout and a lack of vocal control. That doesn't mean this was a bad performance or even a bad song choice, it just wasn't your strongest. If you do make it through this week, I would ask you continue to push yourself and try things you aren't used to. If you don't make it through this week, then I don't want you to give up. You've been a joy to listen to and your enthusiasm for music is infectious in general. Thank you for being part of the contest, it's been a pleasure getting your entries from week to week!I haven't heard this song before but I assume it's from the 80s because it very much sounds like that. And I hadn't thought about it before, but that's a pretty good match for your style -- the way you sing and pronounce the words reminds me of a lot of 80s music, where it wraps tightly around the beat. I think this would've benefitted from some more volume and/or breath support to give the pitch and timbre that same tight association to the backing track -- the second verse ("ship in the harbor") you come closer to that. It was fun to hear you branch out in this direction!Ooh, this is such an amazing song for your vocal timbre. You have that smoky 80s vibe perfectly. Your tone is so rich and dark and velvety, and you sing the song with a lot of attitude and sass. Something about your diction is perfect for it. I do have some technical critiques. There are points where you're falling just a bit under the pitch, especially with the higher notes (and since this is a short song with a limited range, I count that against it more than I would for a very ambitious song). I also think some relatively minor breath support changes could help you improve a lot: for example, instead of taking breaths in the middle of phrases, it'd help to take a deep one before and then slowly let it out as you sing. Sustaining some of those long notes with them the air they need instead of sort of letting them die in the middle would really do a lot to make it pop. But in terms of pure aesthetic and entertainment factor, I really enjoyed this. Since this contest has begun, it's felt like you've improved every week, and I hope to see more of you.8.3
SkeldaSomewhere That's Green from Little Shop of Horrors but seriously, you were born for the stage Skelda! This was an incredibly well thought out performance and you really embraced the character you took on. I loved the little inflections that were very intentional including the accent of the original singer. Just a really smart song choice overall. Your vibrato and the accent really sold this for me. Little Shop of Horrors better be casting you the next time they put on a production. I really had no issues with this performance. You just nailed it. Congrats on getting my first 10 of the season. Your emotionality towards the end was something that I think shouldn't be taken lightly. Your final green was just impeccable. Big standing ovation from me.This is very cute and funny. You've got a talent for taking on these little choices that sell the "character" of each song, like how you pronounce certain words ("togetha"), it's a subtle thing you do that I really appreciate. Ooh I love the way you hit that final note. Very measured, very nice. I feel like if I were to criticize anything here it would be so small it wouldn't really be helpful, however, from a big picture perspective I think this one didn't offer a lot of room for you to show off.As always, your voice is gorgeous and really excels with those rich resonant notes (especially your "oh" sounds). At this point, I feel kind of bad using the word "nasal" again, but I do think that moreso than the past few weeks, there were a couple of points where the intonation slipped a bit into stereotypical musical theatre nasality and also under the pitch. I also think that the intro wasn't quite on the melody, although that could be because Audrey's idiosyncratic thick NJ accent is hard to sing well (okay, my confession: I love Little Shop of Horrors, but I've never been a fan of this particular song). Once you get to the choruses, though, your lovely and lyrical voice becomes a lot stronger, and I enjoyed listening to it a lot.9.266
T-BoneBlack Balloon by The Goo Goo Dolls you had a very strong intro and just really know your voice so well. I really liked the airy quality you had to this. I honestly think this is your best song to date. Very smart choice T-Bone. I see who you are as an artist now and this was far and by far the best thing you've given this contest. 2:06-2:14 was pretty rough because you were always just slightly flat because I don't think you had the same kind of breath support you did that you had earlier in the song. A couple of positives. First, your layering of vocals was much cleaner than the last time I heard the attempt. Second, I think you showed a musicality that I've been waiting for you to share. I'm very pleased with this overall. You should be too.Not sure I can express why, but this song seems like a perfect fit for your voice. It just sounds very natural in it. There are certain words where I don't think you're going up quite high enough (2:25) or quite low enough (1:43), which might just mean practicing those notes specifically. That's my only real complaint though, otherwise you sound very nice here.This song was a great choice for you. Your voice sounds so beautiful at points, and I feel like the choruses in particular showcase your clear, lovely tone and range in the higher notes. My biggest critique for you here is the pitch. There were points where the actual sound of your voice is so pretty, but you're not singing the right notes (e.g., 2:06-2:12), or are a bit flat (the first verse). I think that if you master pitch control, the rest will fall into place easily for you. However, even the parts that drifted from the melody were very pleasant to listen to. Good job!8.7