Amendment #DateSponsor(s)Topic
H.R. 3935
19074/30/24Hassan; Cruz, Duckworth, MoranUniversal Charging Station at the end of subtitle A of title VII, SEC. 772
19084/30/24Manchin; GrahamExpansion of Forfeited Property Available to Remediate Harms to Ukraine from Russian Aggression
19094/30/24Reed, WhitehouseUnder section 125 of title 23, allows the Secretary to use funds to fix and rebuild the westbound Washington Bridge, Interstate Route 195, in Providence, RI, to reopen all lanes after its closure starting Dec. 11, 2023
19105/1/24Reed; Gillibrand, DurbinProtection from Abusive Passengers Act - The Administrator of the TSA shall maintain a list of abusive passengers - banned fliers
19115/1/24Cantwell; Cruz, Duckworth, MoranStrike all after the enacting clause and insert the following; FAA Reath Draft
19155/1/24BrownEconomic Non-discrimination - Entities that provides commercial ground transportation to users of an airport shall be subject to the same rates, fees, rentals, and other charges as are uniformly applicable to all other such users making the same or similar physical use of such airport and using similar facilities
19165/1/24Cortez Masto; GrassleyCombating Illicit Xylazine Act
1932 proposed to SA 19115/1/24Peters; JohnsonStrike section 1112 and insert the following: SEC. 1112. Counter-UAS Authorities - Safeguarding the Homeland from the Threats Posed by Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act
19335/1/24FischerRailroad Employee Equity and Fairness (REEF Act), Treatment of Payments From the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Account
1934 proposed to SA 19115/1/24MurrayAfter section 710, insert: 'SEC. 710A. 'Pilot Program for Sound Insulation Repair and Replacement' - Special Rule: Costs previously covered by the Government shall not be considered in calculating allowable project costs for projects granted a waiver under section 47110(j)
1935 proposed to SA 19115/1/24Cornyn; HassanNotice of Funding Opportunity Transparency - more transparency on selection for competitive grants
1936 proposed to SA 19115/1/24Marshall; DurbinCredit Card Competition Act - a year after enactment the Board shall prescribe regulations providing that a covered card issuer
1937 proposed to SA 19115/1/24MarshallSection 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321) is amended by adding: (tt)(1) The term `zootechnical animal food substance - regulates zootechnical animal food substances
1938 proposed to SA 19115/1/24MarshallSustainable Aviation Fuel Working Group - The Administrator shall establish a Sustainable Aviation Fuel Working Group
1939 proposed to SA 19115/1/24MarshallSec. 49109A - Permanent prohibition on operations at DCA for air carriers that transport any alien using the CBP One Mobile Application for the purposes of identification
1940 proposed to SA 19115/1/24MarshallOrganic or Nonorganic Whole Milk Permissible amends Section 9(a)(2) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1758(a)(2)) to allow flavored and unflavored organic or nonorganic whole, reduced-fat, low-fat, and fat-free fluid milk, as well as lactose-free fluid milk. It also prohibits schools in the school lunch program from buying or serving milk from any state-owned enterprise of China
1941 proposed to SA 19115/1/24HawleyRadiation Exposure Compensation Reauthorization Act - claims relating to Manhattan Project waste
1912 proposed to 19115/1/24Grassley; WhitehouseImplementation of anti-terrorist and narcotic air events programs
1913 proposed to 19115/1/24SchmittSpace Cooperation with Taiwan
1914 proposed toSA 19115/1/24KennedyAuthorization of certain flights by Stage 2 aircraft. - Section 172(a) of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 is amended--by inserting "into not more than 4 medium hub airports or non hub airports, or airports that have a maintenance facility with a maintenance certificate issued under part 145 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations''
1917 proposed toSA 19115/1/24Daines; Lummis, WickerSupporting National Security with Spectrum Act
1918 proposed toSA 19115/1/24Graham; Kelly, Grassley, BlackburnIncreases retirement age of pilots from 65 to 67
1919 proposed toSA 19115/1/24Cornyn; Ossoff, Grassley, Peters, CoonsLaw Enforcement and Victim Support Act to prevent child trafficking
1920 proposed toSA 19115/1/24BarrassoAt the end of section 712, add: SEC. 712A. Special Rule for Apportionments - For FY 25-27, the Secretary will apportion funds based on the highest number of passenger boardings in calendar year 2019, 2020, or 2021 to airports with fewer than 10,000 boardings during the relevant calendar year used for apportionment
1921 proposed to SA 19115/1/24Cruz; Kelly, Young, Hagerty, Brown, Sinema, BuddSemiconductor Program - Title XCIX of division H of the FY21 NDAA is amended by adding Authority Relating to Environmental Review
1922 proposed toSA 19115/1/24PadillaBanning Municipal Airport - Administrator shall release the City of Banning, California, from all restrictions on the use and closure of the Banning Municipal Airport, as described in the most recent airport layout plan approved by the FAA, to the extent restrictions, conditions, and limitations are enforceable by the Administrator
1923 proposed to SA 19115/1/24Kaine; Warner, Cardin, Van Hollen, Hickenlooper, Duckworth, BennetStrike section 502 - Global Aviation Safety
1924 proposed to SA 19115/1/24Capito; Carper, Whitehouse, Risch, Kelly, Cramer, CrapoAccelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act
1925 proposed to SA 19115/1/24RubioChild Lap seating ok for anyone under two
1926 proposed to SA 19115/1/24RubioNo amounts appropriated or otherwise made available to the FAA for FY24 through 2028 may be used to process or administer any application for the joint use of Homestead Air Reserve Base, Homestead, Florida, by the Air Force and civil aircraft
1927 proposed to SA 19115/1/24KennedyDisclosures by directors, officers, and principal stockholders
1928 proposed to SA 19115/1/24Whitehouse; CassidyTITLE XIV--Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies and Ecosystems Act - National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund, parity in Offshore Wind Revenue Sharing
1929 proposed to SA 19115/1/24HagertyParole Process for Venezuelans -- Within 90 days of enactment and every subsequent 90 days, the Administrator must report to multiple congressional committees on the number of airline passengers currently under parole or utilizing the parole process
1930 proposed to SA 19115/1/24HoevenIn section 925, add the following new subsection: (d) Disbursement of Matching Funds.--Section 44803(h)(2) of title 49, US Code, as amended by subsection (a), is amended-- by striking ``evenly''; and inserting ``that enter into contracts described in paragraph (1)(A)'' after ``under this section''
1931 proposed to SA 19115/1/24Blackburn; BlumenthalTITLE XIV--Kids Online Safety Act
1943 proposed to SA 19115/1/24WarnockClarifying Airport Revenue use of Local General Sales Taxes after section 702, SEC. 702A
SA 1942 proposed to SA 19115/1/24HawleyRefunds for passengers of significantly delayed or canceled flights
SA 19445/2/24Mullin; LankfordAdditional Waiver Authority in carrying out an expansion of the Program, the Administrator may waive the requirements of section 44711 of title 49, including related regulations, under any BEYOND program agreement to the extent consistent with aviation safety
SA 1945 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Cornyn; Casey, Sullivan, BrownProtection of Covered Sectors Under Defense Production Act
SA 1946 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Heinrich; RischGood Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act
SA 1947 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Lee; Johnson, BaldwinPayment to certain individuals who dye fuel
SA 1948 proposed to SA 19115/2/24ErnstAt the end of section 221, add Data Collection and Reporting
SA 1949 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Grassley; WhitehouseImplementation of anti-terrorist and narcotic air events programs
SA 1950 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Cornyn; Ossoff, Grassley, Peters, Coons, CruzLaw Enforcement and Victim Support Act to prevent child trafficking
SA 1951 proposed to SA 19115/2/24MurkowskiAlaska Offshore Parity
SA 1952 proposed to SA 19115/2/24PaulDesignation of additional port of entry for the importation and exportation of wildlife and wildlife products by the US Fish and Wildlife Service
SA 1953 proposed to 19115/2/24PaulNot later than 1 year after the enactment, the Secretary shall issue a final rule to apply refund requirements to ticket agents in the case of cancelled, significantly delayed or changed flights
SA 1954 proposed to SA 19115/2/24PaulNot later than 1 year after the enactment, the Secretary shall issue a final rule to apply refund requirements to ticket agents in the case of cancelled, significantly delayed or changed flights
SA 1955 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Rounds; TesterReview and Prohibitions by Committee on Foreign Investment in the US of Certain Transactions relating to Agriculture
SA 1956 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Cassidy; MarkeyChildren and Teens' Online Privacy Protection Act
SA 1957 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeAmends Section 44506(f)(1)(B) of title 49, US Code on hiring of air traffic controllers
SA 19585/2/24LeeFAA Administrator is directed to revise regulations to allow pilots to communicate with the public in any way they choose to facilitate cost-sharing flights without requiring additional certification
SA 19595/2/24LeeDesignation of overland supersonic and hypersonic testing corridor
SA 19605/2/24LeeSHIELD U Act authorizes and expands counter-drone activities by state, local, and airport law enforcement, and federal agencies
SA 19615/2/24LeeDrone Integration and Zoning Act - including FAA updates to navigable airspace, preservation of state, local, and tribal authorities concerning civil unmanned aircraft systems
SA 19625/2/24LeeScreening Partnership Reform Act to provide the operator of airports with an opportunity to select a qualified private screening company
SA 19635/2/24LeeFAA Administrator may not consider gender, race, or protected class under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the hiring or promoting of any individual within the FAA
SA 19645/2/24LeeNo funds authorized under this Act and the amendments may be used to develop, administer, implement, or enforce the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge
SA 19655/2/24LeeNo funds authorized may be used to develop, administer, implement, or enforce the US Aviation Climate Action Plan published by the FAA on November 9, 2021
SA 19665/2/24LeeReport on unknown objects in flight
SA 1967 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeNo funds authorized by this Act may be used to house undocumented migrants in airport space
SA 19685/2/24LeeFreedom to Fly Act - prohibits implementation of Covid-19 vaccine and mask mandates for employees and patrons of air carriers including FAA contractors and employees
SA 19695/2/24LeeNo funds authorized may be used to develop, administer, implement, or enforce FAA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) efforts, events, or activities
SA 1970 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeStrike section 745 FAA Contract Towers
SA 1971 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeNo funds authorized by this Act may be used to carry out the Airport Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program or the Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program under sections 47113 and 47107(e) of title 49, US Code
SA 1972 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeApproval of certain final rules by Congress, any final rule issued by the Administrator that has an effect on the economy that exceeds $100,000,000 may only take effect upon enactment of a joint resolution
SA 1973 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeRaises retirement age of pilots from 65 to 67
SA 1974 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeAdministrator is directed to reinstate telework policies, practices, and levels of the agency as of December 31, 2019, and cannot expand them until an update is submitted as required by subsection (b).
SA 1975 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeProhibits the appropriation of funds if air carriers or airport security accept certain documents as valid identification for airline passengers. Specifically, the CBP One Mobile Application, Department of Homeland Security Form I-385 Notice to Report, and I-862 Notice to Appear are not permitted
SA 1976 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeProhibits the appropriation of funds if air carriers or airport security accept certain documents as valid identification for airline passengers. Specifically, the CBP One Mobile Application, Department of Homeland Security Form I-385 Notice to Report, and I-862 Notice to Appear are not permitted
SA 1977 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeePermanent prohibition on operations for air carriers that provide, or facilitate transportation of any aliens using certain methods of identification
SA 1978 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeAn aircraft with 64 or fewer seats that enters US customs territory and is not carrying any commercial cargo shall be exempt from fees imposed under section 2509 of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990.
SA 1979 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeAdditional within and beyond perimeter slot exemptions at DCA
SA 1980 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeNo funds made available under this Act may be used to enforce any hiring quota, mandate, or target issued or implemented by the People With Disabilities Program
SA 1981 proposed to SA 19115/2/24LeeIncrease in mandatory retirement age for pilots by the ICAO
SA 1982 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Rounds; SmithPreservation of affordable housing resources
SA 1983 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Hawley; WarrenOn page 428, strike line 13 through page 429, line 9 insert that passengers with non refundable tickets for US flights are entitled to a full refund including taxes and fees, if their flight is canceled, significantly delayed, or changed and they choose not to fly on the changed flight or accept rebooking, or if they accept compensation offered by the carrier and stipulated refund timeliness
SA 1984 proposed on SA 19115/2/24KennedyExpanding use of innovative technologies in the Gulf of Mexico
SA 1985 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Durbin; DuckworthStudy on improvements for certain non hub airports
SA 1986 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Schatz; MurkowskiNative American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Reauthorization Act
SA 1987 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Markey; Warren, BlumenthalCompensation for other related expenses for cancelled and significantly changed flights
SA 1988 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Welch; VanceAppropriation for Affordable Connectivity Program
SA 1989 proposed to SA 19115/2/24ErnstStipulates no funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act may be used to facilitate the admission or parole into the US of any alien who is known to have been a resident of the Gaza Strip during the 10-year period
SA 1990 proposed to SA 19115/2/24HassanUniversal Changing Station at the end of subtitle A of title VII
SA 1991 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Cortez Masto; BlackburnSecuring America's Titanium Manufacturing Act
SA 1992 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Cortez Masto; MoranJimmy Deal Trafficking Survivors Assistance Act
SA 1993 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Cortez MastoCleaner Commutes Around Airports to direct Joint Office of Energy and Transportation to consider if increased adoption of EVs at and around airports and consideration of ways to support travel and tourism sectors
SA 1994 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Cortez Masto; CornynAirport Human Trafficking Prevention Grants
SA 1995 proposed to SA 19115/2/24Gillibrand; Cruz, CornynDesignation of certain airports as ports of entry
SA 1996 proposed to SA 19115/2/24DainesIneligibility for Visas, Admission, or Parole, an alien who is holder of a passport issued by the Palestinian Authority is inadmissible to the US and is ineligible to receive a visa or other documentation to enter the US
SA 19975/2/24RomneyFiscal Stability Act to establish a Fiscal Commission
SA 19985/2/24LeeReauthorization of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
SA 19995/2/24LeeProhibition on Availability of Funds if U.S. or foreign air carriers accept or permit the use of CBP One Mobile Application, DHS Form I-385, Notice to Report, or DHS Form I-862, Notice to Appear, as identification for boarding aircraft within the US
SA 20005/2/24Merkley; Kennedy, MarshallProhibition on expansion of facial recognition technology
SA 23015/7/24BennetNational Academies to study and report on extent and effects of megatrends in aviation
SA 2030 proposed to SA 19115/7/24Van HollenFederal payment to the District of Columbia Public Defender Service
SA 2029 proposed to SA 2028
proposed to SA 2027
5/7/24SchumerOn page 1, line 1, strike ``4 days'' and insert ``5 days''
SA 2028 proposed to SA 20275/7/24SchumerOn page 1, line 3, strike ``3 days'' and insert ``4 days''