03/12/2024A Court of Mist and FuryMaas, Sarah J.A Court of Thorns and RosesFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024A Court of Thorns and RosesMaas, Sarah J.A Court of Thorns and RosesFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024A Court of Wings and RuinMaas, Sarah J.A Court of Thorns and RosesFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
A Quick & Easy Guide to Queer & Trans IdentitiesG., MadyZuckerberg, J. R.FormalAffiliation UnknownUnknownFiled charges in Campbell County Sheriff's OFfice in September 2021RetainedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County LibrariesYes282
04/16/2024A Quick & Easy Guide to Queer & Trans IdentitiesG., MadyZuckerberg, J. R.Internal/Administrative ReviewUnknownUpdate 2024: New Director reviewed challenged books - retained - TEEN SECTIONRetainedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
04/16/2024A Quick Easy Guide to Sex & DisabilityAndrews, AInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationUnknownUpdate 2024: Noted that old director moved from teen to adultReshelvedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
03/12/2024A Stolen LifeDugard, JayceeFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024Allen Ginsburg Collected Poems 1947-1980Ginsberg, AllenFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024AmericaFrank, E.R.FormalUnknown3/24: Super recommending to Trustees labeling as sexually explicit. 12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Retained/RestrictedYesLabeled Sexually ExplicitSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the UniverseSáenz, Benjamin AlireAristotle and DanteAffiliation UnknownUnknownSchoolSeptember2022CheyenneWY689
04/16/2024Asking about Sex and Growing UpCole, JoannaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
Bad News: How Woke Media is Undermining DemocracyUngar-Sargon, BatyaTargeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchool122021Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYUnknown762
Be Amazing: A History of PrideNapoles, DesmondInternal/Administrative ReviewAffiliation UnknownUnknownUPDATE 2024: New Director reviewing to all kinds of circles for def of community standards. Reshelved to adult.ReshelvedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries780
Black FlamingoAtta, DeanUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries1002
Black Rednecks and White LiberalsSowell, ThomasTargeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchoolDecember2021Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYUnknown1030
09/18/23BlanketsThompson, CraigInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
BLM: The Making of a New Marxist RevolutionGonzalez, MikeTargeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchoolDecember2021Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYUnknown1060
03/12/2024BreathlessNiven, JenniferFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool032024Laramie County School District No 1WY
5/15/2023CrankHopkins, EllenFormalParentOn shelvesRelated to earlier complaints about GENDER QUEER and TRANS BODIES TRANS LIVES in November 2022. Reconsideration committees recommended keeping those too.Retained RestrictedYesRemoved from Middle School - Retained HSSchool032023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYOn shelves
03/12/2024DamselArnold, Elana K.FormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool122023Laramie County School District No 1WY
Dating and SexSmiler, Andrew P.UnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownFiled charges in Campbell County Sheriff's OFfice in September 2021N/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County LibrariesYes1505
Dating and SexSmiler, Andrew P.UnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries1506
Doing It!: Let's Talk About SexWitton, HannahUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownFiled charges in Campbell County Sheriff's OFfice in September 2021N/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County LibrariesYes1590
Doing It!: Let's Talk About SexWitton, HannahUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries1591
03/12/2024Doing It!: Let's Talk About SexWitton, HannahFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024Eleanor & ParkRowell, RainbowFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
5/15/2023FalloutHopkins, EllenFormalParentOn shelvesRelated to earlier complaints about GENDER QUEER and TRANS BODIES TRANS LIVES in November 2022. Reconsideration committees recommended keeping those too.Retained RestrictedYesRemoved from Middle School - Retained HSSchool032023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYOn shelves
03/12/2024FlamerCurato, MikeFormalUnknown3/24: Super recommending to Trustees labeling as sexually explicit. 12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Retained/RestrictedYesLabeled Sexually ExplicitSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
04/16/2024Gender Queer: A MemoirKobabe, MaiaInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationUnknownUpdate 2024: Noted that old director moved from teen to adultReshelvedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
09/18/23Gender Queer: A MemoirKobabe, MaiaInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
Gender Queer: A MemoirKobabe, MaiaAffiliation UnknownUnknownRetained RestrictedYesParent Permission before check inSchool102022Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY2178
Gender Queer: A MemoirKobabe, MaiaTargeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchoolDecember2021Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYUnknown2272
Gender Queer: A MemoirKobabe, MaiaAffiliation UnknownUnknownRetainedSchoolSeptember2022Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY2195
5/15/2023GlassHopkins, EllenCrankFormalParentOn shelvesRelated to earlier complaints about GENDER QUEER and TRANS BODIES TRANS LIVES in November 2022. Reconsideration committees recommended keeping those too.Still in ProcessSchool032023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYOn shelves
Heartstopper (Series)Oseman, AliceHeartstopperUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownFiled charges in Campbell County Sheriff's OFfice in September 2021N/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County LibrariesYes2545
Heather Has Two MommiesNewman, LesléaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownMoved from Childrens to parentingReshelvedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries2555
03/12/2024HomegoingGyasi, YaaFormalUnknown2/24 - Super recommending to Trustees label sexually explicit. 12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Retained/RestrictedYesLabeled Sexually ExplicitSchool122023Laramie County School District No 1WY
How Do You Make a Baby?Fiske, AnnaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownFiled charges in Campbell County Sheriff's OFfice in September 2021N/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County LibrariesYes2691
How Do You Make a Baby?Fiske, AnnaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownMoved from Childrens to parentingReshelvedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries2692
How Do You Make a Baby?Fiske, AnnaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries2693
How to Be an AntiracistKendi, Ibram X.FormalAffiliation UnknownUnknownStill in ProcessSchoolMay2022Park County School District 6WYUnknown2718
04/16/202405/01/2024IdenticalHopkins, EllenInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationUnknownUPDATE 2024: New Director reviewing to all kinds of circles for def of community standards. Reshelved to adult.ReshelvedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
If I Was Your GirlRusso, MeredithAffiliation UnknownUnknownRetainedSchoolNovember2022Cody School DistrictWY2865
03/12/2024I'll Give You the SunNelson, JandyFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
It's Not the Stork: A Book about Girls, Boys, Babies, Bodies, Families and FriendsHarris, Robie H.UnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownMoved from Childrens to parentingReshelvedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries3015
Jack (Not Jackie)Silverman, EricaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries3055
03/12/2024Jack of Hearts (and other parts)Rosen, L. C.FormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
Jane Against the World: Roe V. Wade and the Fight for Reproductive RightsBlumenthal, KarenUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries3084
09/18/23Juliet Takes a BreathRivera, GabbyInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
03/12/2024l8r, g8rMyracle, LaurenFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
09/18/23Last Man: The Royal CupVivès, BastienLast ManSanlaville, Michaël; BalakSiegel, AlexisInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
Lawn BoyEvison, JonathanUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownMoved to adultReshelvedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries3292
03/12/2024Living Dead GirlScott, ElizabethFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024Looking for AlaskaGreen, JohnFormalUnknown2/24 - Super recommending to Trustees label sexually explicit. 12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Retained/RestrictedYesLabeled Sexually ExplicitSchool122023Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024LuckySebold, AliceFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
09/18/23MangamanLyga, BarryDoran, ColleenInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
04/16/2024Mary Wears What She WantsNegley, KeithInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationUnknownUpdate 2024: Reviewed by Director - Retained Children's.RetainedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
03/12/2024Me and Earl and the Dying GirlAndrews, JesseFormalUnknown2/24 - Super recommending to Trustees label sexually explicit. 12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Retained/RestrictedYesLabeled Sexually ExplicitSchool122023Laramie County School District No 1WY
04/16/2024Meenavan Mol, SineInternal/Administrative ReviewAffiliation UnknownUnknownUpdate 2024: Reviewed by Director - Retained Children's.RetainedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
03/12/2024Monday's Not ComingJackson, Tiffany D.FormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
Monday's Not ComingJackson, Tiffany D.Targeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchoolUnclearLaramie County School District No 1WYUnknown3892
Monday's Not ComingJackson, Tiffany D.Targeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchoolDecember2021Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYUnknown3896
04/16/2024Music from Another WorldTalley, RobinInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationUnknown2024: New Director reviewed - retained in teen sectionRetainedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
My Body My Choice: The Fight for Abortion RightsStevenson, RobinUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries3961
Period Power: A Manifesto for the Menstrual MovemementOkamoto, NadyaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries4405
Rainbow: A First Book of PrideGenhart, MichaelUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries4560
09/18/23Scott Pilgrim Vol. 5: Scott Pilgrim vs. the UniverseO'Malley, Bryan LeeInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
Sex is a Funny Word: A Book About Bodies, Feelings, and YOUSilverberg, CorySmyth, FionaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries4810
Sex is a Funny Word: A Book About Bodies, Feelings, and YOUSilverberg, CorySmyth, FionaUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries4811
Sex Plus: Learning, Loving, and Enjoying Your BodyGreen, LaciUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownreshelved to adult graphic novelReshelvedMoved to adult graphic novel sectionPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries4818
09/18/23Sing No EvilAhonen, J.P.Sing No EvilAlare, K.P.Internal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
04/07/2024SmokeHopkins, EllenFormalCommunity MemberUnknownRETAINED - remain shelved in YA sectionRetainedPublic032024Fremont County Library - Riverton and Lander BranchFremontWYFremont County Library - Riverton and Lander Branch
The Babysitters CovenWilliams, KateUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownN/APublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries5315
04/16/2024The Babysitters CovenWilliams, KateInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationUnknown2024: New Director reviewed - retained in teen sectionRetainedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
03/12/2024The CircleEggers, DaveFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
The Color PurpleWalker, AliceFormalAffiliation UnknownUnknownCody School District?RetainedSchoolMay2022Park County School District 6WYUnknown5517
The Gender Identities Workbook for Kids: A Guide to Exploring Who You AreStorck, KellyUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownMoved from Childrens to parentingReshelvedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries5637
09/18/23The Handmaid's Tale: The Graphic NovelAtwood, MargaretNault, ReneeInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
03/12/2024The HatersAndrews, JesseFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool022024Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024The Nowhere GirlsReed, AmyFormalUnknown2/24 - Super recommending to Trustees label sexually explicit. 12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Retained/RestrictedYesLabeled Sexually ExplicitSchool122023Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024The Perks of Being a WallflowerChbosky, StephenFormalUnknown2/24 - Super recommending to Trustees label sexually explicit. 12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Retained/RestrictedYesLabeled Sexually ExplicitSchool122023Laramie County School District No 1WY
03/12/2024The Poet XAcevedo, ElizabethFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
The Road to SerfdomHayek, FriedrichTargeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchoolDecember2021Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYUnknown6234
03/12/2024The Sun and Her FlowersKaur, RupiFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
The V-Word: True Stories About FIrst Time SexKeyser, Amber J.UnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownRetained YARetainedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries6390
09/18/23The Water Dragon's Bride, Vol. 8Toma, ReiThe Water Dragon's BrideInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
This Book is GayDawson, JunoUnclearAffiliation UnknownUnknownRetained YARetainedPublicCampbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries6550
04/16/2024This Book is GayDawson, JunoInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationUnknownUPDATE 2024: New Director reviewing to all kinds of circles for def of community standards. Reshelved to adult.ReshelvedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
03/12/2024This Book Is GayDawson, JunoFormalUnknown2/24 - Super recommending to Trustees label sexually explicit. 12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Retained/RestrictedYesLabeled Sexually ExplicitSchool122023Laramie County School District No 1WY
TraffickHopkins, EllenTricksTargeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchoolUnclearLaramie County School District No 1WYUnknown6725
5/15/2023TraffickHopkins, EllenTricksFormalParentOn shelvesRelated to earlier complaints about GENDER QUEER and TRANS BODIES TRANS LIVES in November 2022. Reconsideration committees recommended keeping those too.Still in ProcessSchool032023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYOn shelves
TraffickHopkins, EllenTricksTargeted During Board MeetingParentOn shelvesNo formal complaint filed - District not acting - parents still want action however and continue to ask at board meetingsUnknownSchoolDecember2021Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYUnknown6726
09/18/23Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource By and for Transgender CommunitiesErickson-Schroth, LauraInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationOff ShelvesAfter a new library policy was adopted July 1, the district reviewed library books and created an official OPT IN list.Retained RestrictedYesParents must OPT IN student to listSchool092023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY
Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource By and for Transgender CommunitiesErickson-Schroth, LauraAffiliation UnknownUnknownRetained RestrictedYesSchool102022Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY6731
Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource By and for Transgender CommunitiesErickson-Schroth, LauraAffiliation UnknownOn shelvesRetainedSchoolSeptember2022Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWY6730
04/16/2024Trans Mission: My Quest to a BeardBertie, AlexInternal/Administrative ReviewAdministrationUnknownUpdate 2024: RETAINED by new director - Teen SectionRetainedPublic032024Campbell County LibrariesCampbellWYCampbell County Libraries
04/07/2024TricksHopkins, EllenFormalCommunity MemberUnknownRETAINED - although considering moving to Adult from YARetainedPublic032024Fremont County Library - Riverton and Lander BranchFremontWYFremont County Library - Riverton and Lander Branch
03/12/2024TricksHopkins, EllenFormalUnknown12/23 District changed policy allowing specific nominations as sexually explicit so lit. can be labeled as sex explicit in catalog.Still in ProcessSchool012024Laramie County School District No 1WY
5/15/2023TricksHopkins, EllenTricksFormalParentOn shelvesRelated to earlier complaints about GENDER QUEER and TRANS BODIES TRANS LIVES in November 2022. Reconsideration committees recommended keeping those too.Still in ProcessSchool032023Natrona County SchoolsNatronaWYOn shelves