LocationAmountDue DateName AgencyKeywordsDescriptionsLinkRepeatsNotes
Tropicsup to $1000March 29thTropical Seed Grant FundAntioch University New Englandtropics, conservation support the ‘seed’ of a tropical conservation project – a fund to help students get their research off the ground
Tropicsup to $1000March 29thStudent Raised GrantAntioch University New Englandfair trade, organic, coffeesupported by our organic, fair trade coffee and cocoa sales, and was initiated several years ago by two CTEC student members in the ES Department, Troy Hansel and Jeff Brown. Funding from the SRG is intended to support student projects that contribute to tropical ecology and/or tropical communities via research or projects in education, sustainable development, natural resource management or conservation.
North America, Central America, Caribbean, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australasia, South Polar, Atlantic/Arctic Oceans, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean$2,500Feb. 14thLouis Agassiz Fuertes GrantAOS?Birds, avian, ornithology, available to all ornithologists, although graduate students and young professionals are preferred. Any avian research is eligible.
anywhere$1,500Feb. 14thWilson Ornithological Society Research GrantsWilson Ornithological SocietyBirds, avian, ornithology, limited to research by Masters students
anywhere$1,000Feb. 14thPaul A. Stewart GrantsWilson Ornithological SocietyBirds, avian, ornithology, Preference will be given to proposals for studies of bird movements (based on banding, radio or satellite telemetry, or similar methods) or an emphasis on economic ornithology
anywhere$1,000 to $7,000Feb. 1stKushlan Research AwardThe Waterbird Society Birds, avian, ornithology, encourage significant scientific advances in the biology, ecology, or
conservation biology of wading birds (i.e. herons, storks, ibises, and
their taxonomic allies). The grants committee currently solicits
proposals that focus on:
Species relationships within the group, the status, range, and population sizes of little-known species of Ciconiiformes
These grants are open globally to any student, professional, or
amateur. Financial and education status of applicants are not
considerations years
CaribbeanOne grant up to $135,000 or 2 or more grants up to $65,000 each?The Betty Petersen Conservation Fund to Help Caribbean BirdsBirds, avian, ornithology,
anywhereup to $2000December 17The Edward O. Wilson Conservation AwardThe Animal Behavior Society Birds, avian, ornithology, given in recognition of a research proposal considered meritorious for its integration of behavior and conservation
Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland
Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States
£6,000 and increase to £15,000one funding application in any 12-month periodRufford Small GrantThe Rufford Foundation Endangered Speciesprovides startup funding for nature conservation projects in developing countries.
worldwideJune 1stDanforth Conservation GrantsRoger William Zooconservation, zoo, wildlife, endangeredsupports conservation programs that protect threatened wildlife and habitats worldwide
Africa£3,000VariousABC Conservation AwardsAfrican Bird ClubBirds, avian, ornithology, Many different types of project can be considered so long as there is a clear conservation objective
outside of a developed country $3,000Jan 6thCrowder-Messersmith FundCrowder-Messersmith Conservation Fund, together with the Audubon Naturalist Societyconservation, audubon, local, helps fund small, local conservation and education projects in developing countries by providing seed money to communities and individuals whose projects have not attracted major support from other sources.
in Asian and/or African elephant range countries.$10,000 per yearAugust 9ELEPHANT CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH FUNDING SUPPORTTHE INTERNATIONAL ELEPHANT FOUNDATION (IEF)elephant, mammal, conservation
worldwideup to $12,000Jan. 10thPADI FoundationPADI internationalocean, marine, conservation, environmental,Enrich mankind's understanding of aquatic environments and encourage sensitivity to and protection of ecosystems.
Increase understanding of sport diving physics and physiology that will benefit the general diving public and add to the scientific understanding of man's relationship   and ability to survive in the underwater environment.
Improve understanding of, and response to, hazards to humans and ecosystems       related to climate change in coastal and ocean environments.
Asia10,000–100,000 USD (average 25’000 USD)?Keystone GrantSave Our Seas Foundation (SOSF)sea, fish, environment, aquaticA special call for 2020 applications is aimed at supporting projects that promote the recovery of sawfishes, wedgefish and guitarfish. However, any chondrichthyan projects are welcomed.
Asia≤ 10,000 USD?Small GrantSave Our Seas Foundation (SOSF)sea, fish, environment, aquaticOnly projects concerned with marine chondrichthyan species (sharks, rays, skates, sawfishes and chimaeras) will be considered.
March 15$500 to $1500-Dr. Deborah Moore Memorial Grant for Early Career Primatologists -Conservation Awards and Grants
-Maderas Rainforest Conservancy Scholarship
-Legacy Awards -Students and Young Researchers
American Society of Primatologistsprimates, primatology, animal behavior, ethologyThe society provides a wide variety of grants and awards. These support conservation and other primatological research projects, recognize senior levels of service and achievement in pursuit of the society's aims, and reward promising new primatologists.
anywhere?Nov. 1 - Dec. 15-Doctoral and Graduate Student Fellowships
-Postdoctoral Fellowships
-Research Grants and KADE Graduate Student Exchange Fellowships
American Museum of Natural History research grants, natural history, biology, zoology, ecologyOur fellowships and research grants programs provide training across these disciplines, including comparative biology and the fields of anthropology, invertebrate zoology, paleontology, physical sciences (astrophysics and earth and planetary sciences), and vertebrate zoology.
various locations$500 -$2000Dec. 17th-ABS Student Research Grants
-George W. Barlow Award
-E.O. Wilson Conservation Award
-Amy R. Samuels Cetacean Behavior and Conservation Grant
-David S. Tuber Award
-Developing Nations Research Grant (for students and other researchers)
Animal Behavior Societyanimal behavior, ethologyApplicants for student grants must be enrolled in a graduate program and must be active members of the Animal Behavior Society. Members of the Association for the Study of Animal Behavior are eligible for the Cetacean Behavior Conservation grant. The ABS also offers the Developing Nations Grant to support students and other researchers from developing nations. Research grants range from $500 to $2000 USD, depending on the category of the grant and evaluations.
varying (New World - North, Central, South America)$1,500-$5,000March 1st-African Graduate Student Research Fund
-Donald W. and Glennis A. Kaufman Research Award
-Grants-in-Aid of Research
-Guy N. Cameron Rodent Research Award
-James L. Patton Award
-Latin American Field Research Award
American Society of Mammalogistsmammals, mammalogy, zoology, wildlife, wildlife biologyASM is deeply committed to training future generations of mammalogists. This includes offering multiple sources of financial support to students, postdoctoral scholars, and early career investigators engaged in research on mammals. It also includes travel funds to promote student presentations at the Society’s annual meeting. Below is a list of funding opportunities available to ASM members at these stages of their careers. More information regarding each award can be obtained by clicking on the name of the award.
January 1 Aug 1American Wildlife Conservation Foundation (AWCF)wildlife, wildlife biology, wildlife management , fish and wildlife, conservationprovides grants supporting research and public education towards enhancing scientific wildlife management, and conservation of wild habitats in North America.
low and middle income countriesNovember 24-Future Conservationist Award -Conservation Follow Up Award -Conservation Leadership AwardConservation Leaders Programmeconservation, biology, CLP provides Conservation Awards on an annual basis to support the work of early career conservationists.
There are three grant levels to allow teams to scale up their initial projects. Starting with a Future Conservationist Award, teams are supported to undertake small-scale research and awareness-raising projects. Through Follow-up and Leadership awards teams can implement larger projects over a longer period of time and deliver practical solutions to conservation issues whilst learning to command more complex decision-making, communication and leadership skills.
The Kate Stokes Memorial Award is an additional grant which is awarded annually to an exceptional team of CLP alumni.
anywhereup to $5,000June 28thConservation and Research FundsChicago Zoological Societyconservation, research, environmentalProjects should focus on conservation and research of specific threatened, vulnerable or endangered species or a specific habitat that is of high biological value or that is substantially threatened (IUCN Red List). This includes projects that will quantitatively assess population and environmental status with indications of best conservation strategy and projects that will help achieve sustainable relations between local people and the species of concern. The development of educational projects and training that assist in building local conservation capacity are given higher priority.
anywhere$5,000monthlyColumbus Zoo Conservation FundThe Columbus Zooconservation. wildlife, endangered, IUCNEstablished more than 25 years ago, the Columbus Zoo Fund for Conservation has helped hundreds of dedicated wildlife heroes across the globe protect threatened and endangered animals and their critical habitats.  Each year the Zoo awards 70 grants to projects in 30 countries.
By providing grants to local conservation leaders, the Zoo puts its money to work on the ground to advance conservation research, build capacity among local populations, strengthen environmental education, promote community involvement, and foster behavior change that benefits animals and people.
anywherevariesvariesThe Disney Conservation FundDisneyat risk, endangered, threatened, threatened species, endangered species, wildlife, wildlife conservationThe Disney Conservation Fund is focused on saving wildlife for future generations through grants to leading conservation organizations working together to stabilize and increase the populations of at-risk animals including apes, butterflies, coral reefs, cranes, elephants, monkeys, rhinos, sea turtles, sharks & rays, and tigers. A Disney conservationist works with each organization to identify where Disney expertise can also play a role in reversing the decline of these animals and their habitats.
anywhere except China (click link to read why)$500-$5,000The Explorers Clubresearch, wildlife, field science
For 2020 two categories of grants will be available, The Explorers Club – OceanX grants for research involving the ocean and The Explorers Club – Mamont Scholars grants for all categories of field science.
worldwidevariesFulbright AssociationThe Fulbright Association extends the Fulbright international exchange into a lifelong experience for U.S. alumni. We connect alumni and friends of the Fulbright program through lifelong learning, collaborative networking, and service projects at home and abroad.
tropics$3,000-$5,000Jan 10th and July 15thResearch Grants Leakey Foundation Research GrantsDoctoral, PhD, researchThe Leakey Foundation exclusively funds research related to human origins. Priority of funding is commonly given to exploratory phases of promising new research projects that meet the stated purpose of the Foundation. The majority of The Leakey Foundation Research Grants awarded to doctoral students are in the $3,000-$15,000 range. Larger grants given to senior scientists and post-doctoral researchers may be funded up to $25,000.
worldwide$10,000 and US $30,000January 20EXPLORATION GRANTNational GeographicConservation, tropical, plastic, plastic pollution, endangered, rainforests, sustainability, oceanAn Exploration Grant application is a request for funding by an experienced project leader in the areas of conservation, education, research, storytelling, and technology. The applicant and his or her team members are expected to demonstrate successful completion of similar projects with measurable and/or tangible results. If you have received a grant from National Geographic in the past, you may submit a new proposal after you have closed your previous grant record.
worldwidevaryingvariousWCS Graduate Scholarship ProgramWildlife Conservation Societygraduates, conservation, wildlife, latin america, central america, reptiles, big cat,clime, biological sciences, mastersvarying
Preference will be given to small botanic gardens in developing countries and biodiversity hotspots$1,000-$2,500December 31st-The BGCI/ArbNet Partnership Programme
-BGCI-Minnesota Landscape Arboretum (MLA) Grants
Global Botanic Garden FundBotanical, Botanics, Garden, Gardening, Botanical garden, Botany, Plants, FloraBGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Fund aims to drive plant conservation, especially in smaller gardens. The fund aims to disburse 15-20 small grants totaling USD 20-25,000 per year though this may increase or decrease dependent on the funding available.
tropics$5,000-$5,500January 15th-Arundel Scholarship -Visiting Gardens ScholarshipGarden Club of Americaconservation, ecology, horticulture, tropical biology, tropical botany, pollinator researchThe first GCA Awards in Tropical Botany were established in 1983 with a five-year incentive grant of $50,000 from the Wildcat Foundation. They were created by Mrs. Russell Arundel, horticulturist and dedicated environmentalist from the Warrenton (Virginia) Garden Club, and provided for two $5,000 grants a year so that doctoral candidates could pursue independent field study in the tropics. During that five-year period, over 100 applications were received for the grants. In 1989 the GCA Executive Committee voted to establish the awards on a permanent basis, and subsequently allocated $100,000 to fund the Arundel Scholarship. The Visiting Gardens Scholarship was established in addition to the Arundel Scholarship with a $100,000 donation from the Visiting Gardens Committee. These monies represented donations to the GCA by participants in the Visiting Gardens' trips.
variousvariousvariousthis is a reference website for many grants related to arboreta workArbNetPhD, conservation, citizen science, arbor, tree, tree planting, arboreta ArbNet facilitates the sharing of knowledge, experience, and resources to help arboreta meet their institutional goals.
Variousup to NZD$5000The Auckland Zoo Conservation Fund Small Grants ProgrammeAuckland ZooWildlife Biology, The Auckland Zoo Conservation Fund Small Grants Programme exists to help provide relatively small levels of funding for ongoing projects or pilot programmes with clear conservation value.
Small grants will be awarded up to a maximum of NZD$5000. However, in most cases, successful grants will be in the region of NZD$2000 - $4000. The amount applied for through the programme should represent a minimum of 25% of the project's overall budget. to developing country + New Zealand recipients only
Variousup to 1000 USDApril 30th International Herpetological Symposium GrantInternational Herpetological SymposiumConservation, Life History, Propagation, EducationThe IHS has established a grant program to provide financial assistance to individuals or organizations conducting herpetological research, conservation and education. Proposals are due by April 30 of each year and recipients are announced by September. Grants are available annually in amounts up to $1,000 USD
Anywhere1,000-5,000 USDSatch Krantz conservation fundRiverbanks Zoo & Garden Columbia & South CarolinaField conservation, habitat management, endangered speciesIn 1996 the Riverbanks Society established the Riverbanks Conservation Support Fund in order to provide important assistance to conservation biologists involved in an array of wildlife conservation projects both in the US and abroad. Over the past two decades, Riverbanks’ conservation fund has provided grants for nearly 200 projects in 36 countries around the globe. In June 2017 the fund was renamed in honor of retiring president & CEO Satch Krantz for his 44 years of service to Riverbanks and his passion for saving species. It is the mission of the Riverbanks Zoological Park and Botanical Garden to foster an appreciation and concern for all living things. Riverbanks supports this mission in many ways including conserving biodiversity through careful utilization of available resources. The Satch Krantz Conservation Fund, formerly Riverbanks Conservation Support Fund, was created to provide financial assistance for conservation-oriented projects/programs that promote preservation of the Earth’s biodiversity. Riverbanks encourages the submission of projects that have the potential for broad-based conservation and/or management impact. Riverbanks encourages its staff to be active participants in conservation initiatives. Therefore, added weight will be given to projects in which Riverbanks staff members participate as PIs or collaborators and to projects that are willing to accept the participation of Riverbanks Field Conservation Associates*. Likewise, additional weight will be given to projects that are focused on applied conservation/animal management.
Anywhere£300June 1st and December 1stBritish Herpetological Society Student Grant British Herpetological Society Herpetology, researchThe Scheme is intended to promote a scientific interest in herpetology through short, well-defined research projects with clear aims and demonstrable applications to our understanding of herpetology, and/or to herpetofauna conservation. Projects which benefit species of conservation concern are likely to be favoured. The scheme is open to students and research projects in any country, but applications from countries where funds are relatively easy to obtain (e.g. the USA) may be at a disadvantage. Applicants do not have to be BHS members, though this is encouraged. Decisions are made on the merit of each application.
The objectives, methodologies and ethical standards of projects should be consistent with the aims of the Society. For example, work involving euthanasia must present a strong case, such as a clear conservation benefit.
AnywhereAntarctic Wildlife Research Fund Research GrantAnnual
Anywhere1,000 USDJune 30thStephen R. Tully Memorial GrantRaptor Research FoundationRaptors, ConservationThe Stephen R. Tully Memorial Grant is given to support research, and conservation of raptors especially to students and amateurs with limited access to alternative funding. The award is given in memory of Steve Tully, a young raptor biologist, who lost his life in an automobile accident in 1978. Agency proposals are not accepted.
Anywhere10,000Atlantic Whale Foundation
Anywhere500 USDSeptember 15thRoger Conant Grants In Herpetology ProgramSociety for the study of Amphibians and ReptilesReptiles, Amphibians, ResearchThis program is intended to provide financial support for deserving individuals (with a primary emphasis on student researchers) or organizations involved in herpetological research, education, or conservation.
AnywhereAt Least 3,750 USDDecember 31stJoan Mosenthal DeWind AwardXerces SocietyConservation, Lepidoptera, field workProposed research should have a clear connection to Lepidoptera conservation.
Anywhere$2,000November 30thSmall Collections GrantInternational Association for Plant TaxonomyBotany, Systematics, Field work, Herbarium collectionsThe award should be preferably used for supporting travel to institutions, laboratory investigations, or fieldwork. We particularly encourage travel to visit major herbarium collections, and interactions with specialists in a particular group to build taxonomic linkages and spur future work.
Africa, Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern and South-eastern Europe and the Middle East US $15,000 per teamOctober 9thFuture Conservationist AwardAnnual
Caribbean€4,000October 20thSeed Funding for Young Caribbean Water EntrepreneursGlobal Water Partnership-CaribbeanWater management, Caribbean, researchThe Global Water Partnership-Caribbean invites young Caribbean entrepreneurs (18-34 years) to submit innovative water-related project ideas to the “Young Caribbean Water Entrepreneurs Shark Tank Competition.” Project ideas should focus on water resources management in the Caribbean region and focus on one of five thematic areas: (1) Water and Climate; (2) Water and Agriculture; (3) Water and Health; (4) Water and Energy; (5) Water and Tourism.
Anywhere£500 to £1,500October 31stWild Planet TrustManagement, research, Invertebrates, educationProjects may involve practical habitat or species management, research, training, education, awareness raising or campaigning. The Trust seeks conservation projects with focus on threatened invertebrates Website regularly
Anywhere£5,000British Ecological SocietyEcology, Research, Individual, These grants support scientific ecological research where there are limited alternative sources of funding.
North America$ 1,000 honorariumOctober 22ndGeorge c. eickwort student research awardInternational Union For The Study Of Social insects, North American SectionInsects, ResearchThis award, named in honor of the late George Eickwort, recognizes outstanding research by a graduate or undergraduate student. The award is given to the student who in the opinion of the award committee shows the most distinguished record of research and scholarly activity in the area of social insect biology. Any student member of IUSSI-NAS may be nominated. The student shall not have received a PhD or terminated studies earlier than 12 months prior to the award. Students continuing beyond a baccalaureate or masters degree will remain eligible. Previous award recipients are not eligible for a second award. The Eickwort Award carries with it a certificate and a US$1000 honorarium and the recipient will be honored at that year’s annual business meeting.
North America$2,500October 22ndRobert l. and louise b. jeanne social wasp research grantInternational Union For The Study Of Social insects, North American SectionWasp, North America, Field WorkThis grant is endowed by Robert L. and Louise B. Jeanne to encourage graduate student research into any aspect of the basic biology of social wasps. The recipient receives an award of up to US$2,500 to be applied towards covering research expenses, including equipment, travel for field work, and the hiring of field assistance. This is a competitive grant for which the applicant must submit a research proposal detailing the work that will be supported. The award will be given to the IUSSI-NAS student member whose research has the greatest potential to make a substantive contribution to our understanding of the basic biology of this group. Any graduate student member of IUSSI-NAS is eligible, as long as they have not yet completed their thesis work
North America$ 1,000 honorariumHamilton prizeInternational Union For The Study Of Social insects, North American SectionSocial Insects, BiologyThe IUSSI honors a senior scientist at its quadrennial Congress with the Hamilton Prize. The highest honor we bestow, the Hamilton Prize recognizes lifetime achievement in the biology of social insects and is named in honor of the late Bill Hamilton. The recipient is chosen by an Award Selection Committee composed of the presidents of the sections or their designees and the Secretary General of the IUSSI. Recipients are individuals whose scientific contributions are profound, and who have broadly influenced colleagues and students. In 2006, Ross Crozier was chosen as the inaugural recipient, and Charles Michener took the prize in 2010. every four years
North America$1,000Spring Charles michener bee research grantInternational Union For The Study Of Social insects, North American SectionBees, Biology, ResearchThis grant is endowed by the IUSSI-NAS to encourage graduate student research on any aspect of the biology of bees, defined broadly as the Anthophila. The recipient receives an award of up to US$1,000 to be applied towards covering research expenses, including equipment, travel for field work, or the hiring of field assistants. This is a competitive grant for which the applicant must submit a research proposal detailing the work that will be supported. The award will be given to the IUSSI-NAS graduate student member whose research has the greatest potential to make a substantive contribution to our understanding of the biology of this group. Any graduate student member of IUSSI-NAS is eligible, as long as they have not yet completed their thesis work.
North America$2,500SpringWilliam l. and ruth d. nutting termite research grantInternational Union For The Study Of Social insects, North American SectionTermites, Biology, ResearchThis grant is named in honor of the late Bill Nutting, an outstanding termite biologist who made major contributions to termite biology, both through his own research and mentoring of students, and in honor of Ruth Nutting for her support of Bill’s work. The purpose of the award is to foster research by graduate students in the field of basic termite biology. The recipient receives an award of up to US$2500 to be applied towards covering research expenses. This is a competitive grant for which students must submit research proposals detailing the work that will be supported. The award will be given to the IUSSI-NAS graduate student member, who in the opinion of the Student Award Committee, has the greatest potential to make a substantive contribution to the elucidation of basic termite biology. Any student member of IUSSI-NAS is eligible, so long as they have not yet completed their thesis work. Previous award recipients are not eligible for a second award.
North America$2,500SpringTschinkel ant natural history research grantInternational Union For The Study Of Social insects, North American SectionAnts, Biology, ResearchThis grant was endowed by Victoria and Walter Tschinkel to encourage graduate student research into basic natural history and biology of ants (in the broad sense), areas that have often been neglected. The thinking behind this grant program can be found in two essays: Tschinkel WR and Wilson EO (2014) Scientific natural history: telling the epics of nature, BioScience 64:438-443; and Tschinkel WR (2010) Back to basics: sociometry and sociogenesis of ant societies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecol. News 14:49-54. The recipient receives an award of up to US$2500 to be applied towards covering research expenses. This is a competitive grant for which students must submit research proposals detailing the work that will be supported. The award will be given to the IUSSI-NAS graduate student member whose research has the greatest potential to make a substantive contribution to ant natural history. Any student member of IUSSI-NAS is eligible, so long as they have not yet completed their thesis work.
Anywhere$1,000February 17thGraduate Student Conservation Research AwardSociety for Freshwater ScienceEcology, Endangered Species, Conservation, Aquatic Species or ecosystemThe Conservation and Environmental Issues Committee (CEIC) is pleased to announce the annual Graduate Student Conservation Research Award (GSCRA) competition for support of the best graduate student research proposal addressing at least one of the following criteria: 1) advancing knowledge of the biology or ecology of an endangered or threatened species or ecosystem; 2) advancing knowledge of conservation of biodiversity at any or all levels of organization (from genes to ecosystems); 3) developing a plan to conserve an aquatic species or ecosystem; or 4) supporting or implementing the conservation or restoration of an impaired or threatened species or ecosystem. Proposals that do not directly address one or more of these criteria will be ineligible for this competition.
Anywhere$800Field Travel Grant 1The Wetland FoundationWetland science, education, researchFor outstanding graduate students with limited funding to defray travel expenses associated with thesis or dissertation research on wetlands. Any student currently enrolled full-time at an academic institution in the USA and who meets the specific criteria for one of the types of grants listed above. The funded activity (conference, research, course) may take place anywhere, including non-USA locations, and international students are eligible IF they are attending a university in the USA.'
Anywhere$1,600The Seneca AwardThe Wetland FoundationWetland science, education, researchFor an outstanding student qualifying for a Field Type 1 grant AND whose research focuses on wetland plant ecology or restoration. Any student currently enrolled full-time at an academic institution in the USA and who meets the specific criteria for one of the types of grants listed above. The funded activity (conference, research, course) may take place anywhere, including non-USA locations, and international students are eligible IF they are attending a university in the USA.
Anywhere$1,000Seed Research GrantAssociation for Tropical Biology and ConservationTropical Biology, Research, Ecology The ATBC Seed Research Grant supports research addressing tropical biology and conservation at Master’s and early Doctoral levels.
Anywhere$500-1500January 17thAmerican Alpine Club GrantAmerican Alpine ClubClimate change, education, environmentalThe American Alpine Club (AAC) Research Grants have supported scientific endeavors in mountains and crags around the world. We fund projects that enrich our understanding of the ecosystems and landscapes that are a part of the climbing experience, contribute vital knowledge to the management of climbing environments, and improve the health and sustainability of the climbing community. grants
Central America and the Caribbean$40,000-$50,000August 13thFord Environmental GrantsFord Central America and the CaribbeanConservation & Recovery of biodiversity, Food Security, Waste Management, Renewable EnergyAt least 3,750 USD
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. (Organizations applying for projects within Canada can apply through our Corporate or Retail Grants Programs.)$5,000-$20,000May 1st-April 30thPatagonia International GrantPatagoniaConservation and EnvironmentOur International Grants Program supports small, grassroots activist organizations that have provocative direct-action agendas and that are working strategically on multipronged campaigns to preserve and protect our environment. We support local groups that work to protect local habitats and frontline communities through bold, original actions. We are most interested in making these grants to organizations that identify and work on the root causes of problems and approach issues with a commitment to long-term change. We look for innovative groups with proposed projects that are quantifiable; that have specific goals, objectives and action plans, and that include measures for evaluating success. Through our International Grants Program, we fund environmental work that takes place within the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. (Organizations applying for projects within Canada can apply through our Corporate or Retail Grants Programs.) Your proposal will be reviewed by employees from the international region for which you apply.