A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | |
1 | Timestamp | PI Name | PI contact | Institution | Lab website | Research Field | Degree options | Funding details | Link to Graduate Application Portal | ||||||
2 | 6/10/2024 15:51:43 | Disclaimer: To students using this list of prospective PIs, please be sure to do your homework! Talk to former students and trainees about lab climate and mentoring style, research the program, etc. This list is intended only as a starting point. | |||||||||||||
3 | 6/10/2024 17:50:01 | John Stinchcombe | john.stinchcombe@utoronto.ca | University of Toronto | https://stinchcombe.eeb.utoronto.ca/ | Ecological Genetics | Masters or PhD | I have funding for students | https://eeb.utoronto.ca/education/graduate/graduate-admissions/ | ||||||
4 | 6/10/2024 19:21:23 | Daniel Bolnick | Daniel.bolnick@uconn.edu | Univ of Connecticut | https://bolnicklab.wordpress.com/ | Evolutionary ecology, evolutionary immunology, coevolution, speciation, adaptation | Masters or PhD | NIH R01, NSF Rules of Life grant, NSF Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease grant | https://eeb.uconn.edu/eeb-general-admissions-information/#:~:text=The%20application%20process%20requires%20submission,English%2C%20TOEFL%20or%20IELTS%20scores. | ||||||
5 | 6/10/2024 19:28:49 | Shelby McIlroy | smcilroy@cuhk.edu.hk | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | www.shelbymcilroy.com | Coral symbiosis, ecology, physiology, genomics; marine biodiversity | Masters or PhD | Funded positions available; additional scholarships available for candidates with high GPA | https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/admissions/admissions/how-to-apply | ||||||
6 | 6/11/2024 6:02:53 | Jackie Lee ("JL") Weissman (they/she) | jackie.weissman@stonybrook.edu | Stony Brook University | https://microbialgamut.com/ | Microbial Ecology & Evolution, Metagenomics, Computational Biology, Population Genetics, Theoretical Ecology | Masters or PhD | For PhD students and postdocs I currently have startup funds to support them. I also have a great deal of experience training early career scientists to write successful grant/fellowship applications (from a previous life as director of proposal development at CCNY) and I am happy to work closely with you to help you develop proposals if you are interested. | https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/ecoevo/_program/application | ||||||
7 | 6/11/2024 7:52:32 | Rich Meisel | rpmeisel@uh.edu | University of Houston | http://nsmn1.uh.edu/rpmeisel/ | Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics | PhD | NSF, NIH, TAships | https://www.applyweb.com/uhouston/index.ftl | ||||||
8 | 6/11/2024 9:14:33 | Justin Havird | jhavird@utexas.edu | University of Texas @ Austin | https://sites.cns.utexas.edu/havird | Evolution, genomics, mitochondria, physiology | PhD | NIH, NSF pending; TAs guaranteed for 5 years, RAs and fellowships common via UT and PI (happy to help with GRFP as well); summer support guaranteed; $34-$40k per year | https://integrativebio.utexas.edu/eeb-graduate-program/prospective-students-eeb/admission-requirements-eeb OR https://ils.utexas.edu/cmb/prospective-students/how-to-apply | ||||||
9 | 6/11/2024 9:22:27 | Carsten G.B. Grupstra PhD | cgb.grupstra@gmail.com | Florida Atlantic University | www.grupstra.com | Coral reef ecology, marine ecology, microbial and molecular ecology | PhD | Teaching assistantship; summers and some additional semesters of research assistantships available; base salary $26,000 (but with potential for additional pay) | https://gradcas.liaisoncas.org/apply/ | ||||||
10 | 6/11/2024 9:32:50 | Shane DuBay | shane.dubay@uta.edu | University of Texas at Arlington | https://www.shanedubay.com/ | Urban Ecology and Evolution, Environmental Justice | PhD | mix of Teaching and Research Assistantships, guaranteed 5 years of funding, salary $30,000 (~$25k base salary + 5K additional), health insurance and tuition covered by university | https://www.uta.edu/academics/schools-colleges/science/departments/biology/graduate-programs/phd-program | ||||||
11 | 6/11/2024 10:23:06 | Adam Siepielski | amsiepie@uark.edu | University of Arkansas | https://asiepielski.wordpress.com | Evolutionary Ecology, Community Ecology | PhD | TA along with competitive $40K fellowships | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g11n_aNjS9MFco6dEX2ywOqRm1v85lp1Ngcv31dAdt4/edit | ||||||
12 | 6/11/2024 11:16:52 | Andrew Kern | adkern@uoregon.edu | University of Oregon | https://kr-colab.github.io/ | population genetics | PhD | NIH funding | https://naturalsciences.uoregon.edu/biology/graduate-programs | ||||||
13 | 6/11/2024 15:50:26 | Tom DeCarlo | thomasmdecarlo@gmail.com | Tulane University | https://www.sclerochronologylab.com/ | Marine Science, Coral Reefs, Oceanography, Climate | Masters or PhD | Fully funded, including stipend for Ph.D. students | https://sse.tulane.edu/graduate-research-opportunities | ||||||
14 | 6/11/2024 17:54:59 | Corey Krabbenhoft | ckrabben@buffalo.edu | University at Buffalo | https://coreykrabbenhoft.com/ | Aquatic Ecology | PhD | TA positions with opportunities to apply for additional funding | https://ubgradconnect.buffalo.edu/apply/?sr=273262f1-a0b7-4960-8f17-6eabaa1e277b | ||||||
15 | 6/11/2024 18:23:28 | Trista Vick-Majors | tjvickma@mtu.edu | Michigan Technological University | http://www.whereverthereswater.org/ | Microbial Ecology, Limnology | PhD | Stipend, tuition+fees, health insurance covered for five years, including summers. Supported by NSF and NOAA grants, possible additional teaching assistantships. Can also start earlier than Fall 25! | http://www.whereverthereswater.org/current-opportunities.html | ||||||
16 | 6/11/2024 18:24:50 | Hannah Mumby | hsmumby@hku.hk | The University of Hong Kong | https://www.hannahsmumby.co.uk | Behaviour, Conservation, Human-wildlife interactions | Masters or PhD | For PhD applications I can offer support to candidates in applying for internal and external scholarships. | https://gradsch.hku.hk/prospective_students/application/how_to_apply/online_application_system | ||||||
17 | 6/11/2024 19:19:29 | Sean Giery | giery@ohio.edu | Ohio University | www.seantgiery.com | Evolutionary Ecology, Community Ecology, Trophic Ecology, Herpetology | Masters or PhD | Funded TA positions at $24K/year for PhD. Additional internal funding is also available. | https://www.ohio.edu/cas/biology/scholarships/graduate-aid | ||||||
18 | 6/12/2024 9:23:01 | Easton White | easton.white@unh.edu | University of New Hampshire | https://quantmarineecolab.github.io/ | quantitative ecology, mathematical biology, aquaculture, thermal ecology | Masters or PhD | Fully funded | |||||||
19 | 6/12/2024 11:04:02 | Janna Fierst | jfierst@fiu.edu | Florida International University | https://jfierst9.wixsite.com/my-site-1 | Evolutionary Genetics | PhD | Research assistant positions funded by NSF, NIH grants; Teaching assistant; Institutional (FIU) fellowships | https://case.fiu.edu/biology/phd-in-biology/index.html | ||||||
20 | 6/12/2024 22:38:01 | Tingting Xiang | tingting.xiang@ucr.edu | UCR Bioengineering | https://sites.google.com/view/thexianglab | Functional genomics, coral-algal symbiosis, Genetics | Masters or PhD | mix of Teaching and Research Assistantships | https://www.bioeng.ucr.edu/academics/graduate-admissions | ||||||
21 | 6/14/2024 8:10:31 | Lauren Fuess | lfuess@txstate.edu | Texas State University | https://fuesslab.wp.txstate.edu | Ecological and Evolutionary Immunology | Masters or PhD | PhD support through a combination of RA/TA; MS TA only | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14fj3-XoaMIIZtv5Ur-zmKubr8k3TaH2DEhWOiV3cROA/prefill | ||||||
22 | 6/14/2024 14:15:14 | Martina Dal Bello | martina.dalbello@yale.edu | Yale University | https://www.dalbellolab.com/ | Microbial ecology | PhD | Yale EEB graduate program | https://eeb.yale.edu/academics/graduate-program | ||||||
23 | 6/14/2024 20:13:31 | Samantha Price | sprice6@clemson.edu | Clemson University | www.evovert.com | (macro)evolution, vertebrates (primarily fish and marine mammals), phenotypic diversity | Masters or PhD | Guaranteed 5 yrs TA for PhD and 2 for MS (~$24k prior to candidacy) | https://gradapply.clemson.edu/apply/ | ||||||
24 | 6/16/2024 10:00:07 | Emily Behrman | Emily.L.Behrman@Dartmouth.edu | Dartmouth College | https://sites.dartmouth.edu/behrmanlab/ | Behavior Evolution | PhD | admission includes stipend, Dartmouth Fellowship that provides a full tuition scholarship, a prepaid health insurance plan, and additional benefits including a relocation assistance and childcare supplement. Application to graduate programs is FREE. | https://apply.gs.dartmouth.edu/portal/apply_guarini | ||||||
25 | 6/17/2024 15:34:23 | Jake Francis | francisj@fau.edu | Florida Atlantic University | jacobsfrancis.com | Plant-Pollinator-Microbe Ecology | Masters or PhD | RA and TA | https://biology.fau.edu/academics/graduate/apply-here-graduate.php | ||||||
26 | 6/18/2024 8:04:58 | Michael Henson | mhenson@niu.edu | Northern Illinois University | theaquaticmicrobiologylab.com | Marine Microbiology | Masters or PhD | Seeking graduate student to work on a project examining how marine microbes acclimate and adapt to thermal stress, with a focus on marine heatwaves. NIU offers competitive stipends with 9-mo TA. Summer funding will be provided. | https://www.niu.edu/clas/biology/academics/graduate-studies/index.shtml | ||||||
27 | 6/22/2024 13:06:38 | Sarah W. Davies | daviessw@gmail.com | Boston University | https://sites.bu.edu/davieslab/ | Ecological and evolutionary genomics | PhD | Combination of NSF Grants and Teaching fellowships | https://www.bu.edu/biology/biology-graduate-program/apply-grad/ | ||||||
28 | 6/25/2024 21:01:51 | Andrew Alverson | aja@uark.edu | University of Arkansas | https://www.alversonlab.com/ | phylogenomics | Masters or PhD | NSF | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g11n_aNjS9MFco6dEX2ywOqRm1v85lp1Ngcv31dAdt4/edit | ||||||
29 | 6/26/2024 13:20:49 | Travis Courtney | travis.courtney@upr.edu | University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez | https://theberglab.com/ | Marine Science, Coastal Water Quality, Coral Reefs | Masters or PhD | Funding for Professional MS in Water Quality Monitoring + Other Grants Pending | https://www.uprm.edu/oeg/en/admission-request/ | ||||||
30 | 7/1/2024 8:28:31 | Dustin Kemp | dwk@uab.edu | University of Alabama at Birmingham | https://www.uab.edu/cas/biology/people/faculty/dustin-w-kemp | Coral Reef Physiology, Symbiosis, Ecology | PhD | Mix of TA and RA. 5 years of support | https://www.uab.edu/cas/biology/graduate | ||||||
31 | 7/9/2024 11:46:18 | Vladimir Pravosudov | vpravosu@unr.edu | University of Nevada Reno | chickadeecognition.com | Behavioral Ecology | PhD | TA and potentially NSF | https://www.unr.edu/eecb/prospective-students | ||||||
32 | 7/10/2024 5:48:45 | Mikhail Matz | Matz@utexas.edu | University of Texas at Austin | Matzlab.weebly.com | Coral ecological genomics | PhD | NSF | https://integrativebio.utexas.edu/eeb-graduate-program | ||||||
33 | 7/10/2024 6:28:12 | Arbel Harpak | arbelharpak@utexas.edu | The University of Texas at Austin | http://www.harpaklab.com | Evolutionary, population and statistical genetics | PhD | Guaranteed throughout. $40K stipend as well as tuition and insurance. Mostly RAships with TAships (frequency depends on student's interest in teaching) | https://gradschool.utexas.edu/degrees-programs Accepting students through Ecology Evolution and Behavior, Cell and Molecular Biology, Statistics and Data Science or Computer Science. | ||||||
34 | 7/10/2024 13:06:14 | Rachel Diner | rediner@memphis.edu | University of Memphis | dinerlabmemphis.edu | Aquatic Microbiology and Ecotoxicology | Masters or PhD | Stipend and health insurance provided through graduate teaching assistantships | (must have faculty mentor to apply) https://www.memphis.edu/biology/graduate/ | ||||||
35 | 7/13/2024 8:12:51 | Andrew Mongue | andrew.mongue@ufl.edu | University of Florida | https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/people-directory/andrew-mongue/ | Evolutionary Genetics, Genomics | PhD | NSF and departmental | https://admissions.ufl.edu/apply/graduate/ | ||||||
36 | 7/15/2024 7:03:22 | Tera Levin | teralevin@pitt.edu | University of Pittsburgh | https://www.teralevinlab.com/ | Evolutionary genetics and genomics of host-microbe interactions | PhD | Five years of guaranteed funding, supported by NIH, NSF, and private foundation funds in addition to available TAships | https://www.biology.pitt.edu/graduate/how-apply#:~:text=To%20apply%20to%20our%20programs,add%20us%20to%20your%20applications. | ||||||
37 | 7/17/2024 10:34:27 | Juliet Wong | juliet.wong@duke.edu | Duke University Marine Lab | https://sites.duke.edu/wonglab/ | marine global change biology, marine invertebrates, ecophysiology, molecular ecology | PhD | Guaranteed 5-years, mostly through TA unless the student is awarded external funding (e.g., NSF GRFP); additional funding available through the Duke Graduate School (https://gradschool.duke.edu/financial-support/find-funding/) | https://gradschool.duke.edu/academics/programs-degrees/marine-science-and-conservation/ | ||||||
38 | 7/20/2024 7:44:20 | Jessie Williamson | jessie.williamson@uwyo.edu | University of Wyoming | www.jessiewilliamson.com | Combination of TAships and RAships supported by my startup funds. For MS and PhD students and postdocs: I am experienced in training early career scientists to write successful grant/fellowship applications and I am happy to work closely with you to help you develop fellowship proposals. | Combination of TAships + RAships, supported by my startup funds. For MS + PHD students and postdocs: I am experienced in training early career scientists to write successful grant/fellowship applications and I am happy to work closely with you to help you develop fellowship proposals. | https://www.uwyo.edu/zoology/students/grad-degrees/apply_grad.html | |||||||
39 | 7/29/2024 9:45:19 | Tami Lieberman | tami@mit.edu | MIT | lieberman.science | Eco evo using human microbiome as system | PhD | Can support a student directly through CEE, though preference for rotation programs (CSB and Micro) | See lab website for information for various programs | ||||||
40 | 7/29/2024 10:19:46 | Nandita Garud | ngarud@ucla.edu | UCLA | garud.eeb.ucla.edu | Population genetics, evolution, adaptation, microbiome, Drosophila | PhD | Fully funded via grants and TAships | https://www.eeb.ucla.edu/doctoral-program/ | ||||||
41 | 7/29/2024 10:43:05 | Andrew Rassweiler | rassweiler@bio.fsu.edu | Florida State University | https://rassweiler-lab.com/ | Applied marine ecology | PhD | TA support guaranteed, RA possible depending on research | https://www.bio.fsu.edu/grad/eegrad/appInstructions.php | ||||||
42 | 7/29/2024 11:11:19 | Michelle Stocker | stockerm@vt.edu | Virginia Tech | https://www.paleo.geos.vt.edu | paleobiology; evolutionary morphology; fossils | Masters or PhD | 4 semesters for MS students (TA lines); 8 or 10 semesters for PhD students (TA lines; depending on direct PhD or incoming with MS) | https://geos.vt.edu/study-geosciences-here.html | ||||||
43 | 7/29/2024 11:13:17 | Seth Finnegan | sethf@berkeley.edu | UC Berkeley Department of Integrative Biology/UC Museum of Paleontology | https://finneganlab.org | Marine paleobiology/paleoecology, macroevolution | PhD | Combination of NSF (2 years) and teaching assistantships | https://ib.berkeley.edu/grad/admissions/index.php | ||||||
44 | 7/29/2024 11:39:52 | Joe Warren | Joe Warren | Stony Brook University | https://you.stonybrook.edu/warren/ | Oceanography / Underwater Acoustics / Marine Ecology | Masters or PhD | Funding is available for qualified students | https://you.stonybrook.edu/warren/joining-ales/ , https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/somas/education/graduate/apply | ||||||
45 | 7/29/2024 12:15:55 | Milton Tan | miltont@illinois.edu | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | https://miltontan.github.io | Fish phylogenomics, comparative phylogenetics, diversification | PhD | NSF funded for 3 years + TA for a total of 5 years funding | https://sib.illinois.edu/academics/graduate-programs/program-ecology-evolution-conservation-biology/graduate-admissions | ||||||
46 | 7/29/2024 16:01:41 | Stephanie Pierce | spierce@oeb.harvard.edu | Harvard University, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology | https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/spierce/home | Macroevolution, morphology, function, vertebrates, paleontology | PhD | Fully funded via program (tuition + stipend) | https://oeb.harvard.edu/graduate-studies | ||||||
47 | 7/29/2024 19:33:34 | Ellie Armstrong | ellie.armstrong@ucr.edu | University of California, Riverside | https://www.armstrong-lab.com/ | Evolution and comparative genomics of carnivore populations | PhD | Combination of TA and RAships, with additional support from start-up and other internal funds available. Students encouraged to reach out if interested in support for developing fellowship (e.g. NSF GRFP) proposals. | https://eeob.ucr.edu/graduate-program/apply | ||||||
48 | 7/30/2024 8:39:30 | Samridhi Chaturvedi | schaturvedi@tulane.edu | Tulane University | https://chaturvedi-lab.wp.tulane.edu/ | Evolutionary genomics, plant-insect interactions, adaptation, speciation | Masters or PhD | Mix of teaching and research assistantships | https://sse.tulane.edu/academics/graduate | ||||||
49 | 7/30/2024 10:00:22 | Stacy Krueger-Hadfield | sakh@vims.edu | Virginia Institute of Marine Science | https://www.vims.edu/about/directory/faculty/krueger_hadfield_s.php | Evolutionary Ecology | Masters or PhD | NSF CAREER DEB-2436117 | |||||||
50 | 7/30/2024 16:57:41 | Eliza Grames | egrames@binghamton.edu | Binghamton University | https://elizagrames.github.io/ | Conservation Biology | PhD | Guaranteed 5 years of support through TA | https://www.binghamton.edu/biology/graduate/index.html | ||||||
51 | 7/31/2024 1:08:54 | Ben Wainwright | yncbjw@nus.edu.sg | National University of Singapore | Coral Triangle, Population Genetics, Conservation Genetics, Biodiversity | PhD | Fully funded | https://www.findaphd.com/phds/project/understanding-genetic-connectivity-and-evolution-across-the-coral-triangle/?p173734 | |||||||
52 | 7/31/2024 8:01:11 | Roberto Márquez | rmarquezp@vt.edu | Virginia Tech | https://sites.google.com/view/robertomarquez/home | Evolutionary developmental genetics, poison frogs | Masters or PhD | A combination of TA and RA throughout the entire degree. Summers covered. | https://www.biol.vt.edu/Graduates.html | ||||||
53 | 7/31/2024 16:16:02 | Matthew Sasaki | matthew_sasaki@uml.edu | University of Massachusetts Lowell | https://www.matthew-sasaki.com/ | Evolutionary ecology; plankton ecology | Masters or PhD | Several years of support available from start-up funds; TA lines available through department | https://www.uml.edu/grad/process/kcs-requirements.aspx | ||||||
54 | 7/31/2024 20:38:38 | Daniela Palmer Droguett | daniela.palmer@uta.edu | University of Texas at Arlington | http://www.treehoppers.org/ | Evolutionary genomics, organismal biology | PhD | mix of Teaching and Research Assistantships, guaranteed 5 years of funding, salary $30,000 (~$25k base salary + 5K additional), health insurance and tuition covered by university | https://www.uta.edu/academics/schools-colleges/science/departments/biology/graduate-programs/phd-program | ||||||
55 | 8/1/2024 14:25:32 | Volker Rudolf | volker.rudolf@rice.edu | Rice University, Program of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | https://volkerrudolf.weebly.com/ | Community Ecology | PhD | Limited until next grant so especially looking for students with independent fellowship. | https://biosciences.rice.edu/ecology-and-evolutionary-biology-graduate-program | ||||||
56 | 8/2/2024 10:07:03 | Susanne Hoffmann | susanne.hoffmann@bi.mpg.de | Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence | https://www.bi.mpg.de/hoffmann | Behavioral Neurobiology | PhD | Fully funded for 4 years (salary based on the collective agreement for the public service of the federal states of Germany, health insurance, vacation days) | https://imprs-bi.mpg.de/51861/How-to-apply | ||||||
57 | 8/3/2024 18:32:12 | Joseph Manthey | joseph.manthey@ttu.edu | Texas Tech University | https://mantheylab.org/ | Evolutionary Biology / Genomics | PhD | NSF and departmental ($30k per year) | https://ttugradschool.my.site.com/admissions/ApplicationLogin | ||||||
58 | 8/5/2024 5:23:27 | Reena Debray | reena_debray@eva.mpg.de | Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology | https://reenadebray.wordpress.com/ | Microbial Ecology & Evolution | PhD | Fully funded, no teaching | https://recruitingapp-5112.de.umantis.com/Vacancies/614/FurtherApplication/Apply/2 | ||||||
59 | 8/5/2024 8:33:33 | Chris Lane | clane@uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | https://web.uri.edu/lanelab/ (needs updating) | Comparative genomics, evolution of parasitism | Masters or PhD | We currently have two NSF awards and Money from the Moore Foundation. | https://web.uri.edu/cels/academics/bes/admission/ | ||||||
60 | 8/5/2024 8:59:22 | Laura Eme | laura.eme@uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | Evolutionary genomics (origin of eukaryotes, protist evolution, mitochondrial evolution, phylogenomics) | Masters or PhD | Fully funded | https://web.uri.edu/cels/academics/bes/admission/ | |||||||
61 | 8/6/2024 7:54:15 | Michael Kipp | michael.kipp@duke.edu | Duke University | https://www.gaialab.earth/ | paleoecology, isotope geochemistry | PhD | Guaranteed 5 years through combination of TA & RA | https://nicholas.duke.edu/academics/doctoral-programs/earth-climate-sciences-ecs | ||||||
62 | 8/9/2024 6:43:20 | Juan Pablo Quimbayo | quimbayo.j.p@gmail.com | University of Miami | Marine Macroecology | PhD | https://biology.as.miami.edu | ||||||||
63 | 8/9/2024 14:14:11 | Jenny McGuire | Jmcguire@gatech.edu | Georgia Tech | McGuire.gatech.edu | Spatial ecology and paleontology | PhD | TA and maybe NSF | McGuire.gatech.edu/opportunities | ||||||
64 | 8/14/2024 3:42:37 | Dr. Erin Hotchkiss | ehotchkiss@vt.edu | Virginia Tech | www.hotchkisslab.com | Freshwater Science, Ecosystem Ecology, Biogeochemistry | Masters or PhD | https://www.hotchkisslab.com/opportunities/riveranoxia-hellbenders | https://www.hotchkisslab.com/opportunities | ||||||
65 | 8/14/2024 6:05:55 | Rebecca Zufall | rzufall@uh.edu | University of Houston | https://zufalllab.weebly.com/ | Evolutionary genetics | PhD | NSF, TAships | https://www.applyweb.com/uhouston/index.ftl | ||||||
66 | 8/14/2024 8:12:54 | Nikki Fogarty/Jake Warner | fogartyn@uncw.edu | University of North Carolina Wilmington | https://www.nicolefogarty.com/ | coral reproduction, molecular biology | postdoctoral scholar | Funding for 1 year with the option of annual renewal up to 3 years | https://jobs.uncw.edu/postings/33121 | ||||||
67 | 8/14/2024 10:32:46 | Elinor Lichtenberg | elichten@unt.edu | University of North Texas | https://biology.unt.edu/lichtenberg-lab | Community & landscape ecology, plant-pollinator interactions | Masters or PhD | Mix of TA and RA, stipend + tuition covered | About to change but currently https://biology.unt.edu/graduate-programs/graduate-admissions | ||||||
68 | 8/14/2024 10:56:32 | Kathy Darragh | kdarrag@iu.edu | Indiana University Bloomington | kathydarragh.com | Evolution | PhD | Guaranteed support through TAships and hopefully grant funding | https://biology.indiana.edu/graduate/evolution-ecology-behavior/index.html | ||||||
69 | 8/14/2024 12:20:56 | Katya Mack | katya.mack@ku.edu | University of Kansas | http://www.katyamack.com/ | Evolutionary genomics (adaptation, speciation, gene expression evolution) | Masters or PhD | Funded (RA/TA) | https://gradapply.ku.edu/apply | ||||||
70 | 8/14/2024 12:51:44 | Allison Louthan | amlouthan@ksu.edu | Kansas State University | https://www.louthanlab.com | population ecology | Masters or PhD | National Science Foundation (NSF) | Please email me directly first! thanks! | ||||||
71 | 8/15/2024 9:15:09 | Carrie Wessinger | wessinc@mailbox.sc.edu | University of South Carolina | https://wessingerlab.github.io | genetics of adaptation & speciation | Masters or PhD | Mix of RA + TAships | https://www.sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/artsandsciences/biological_sciences/apply/index.php | ||||||
72 | 8/15/2024 10:14:56 | Hannah Reich | hgreich@esf.edu | SUNY ESF | https://phycosymbiosis.weebly.com | microalgal symbiosis, coral-Symbiodiniaceae mutualisms, phytoplankton-bacteria interactions | Masters or PhD | TAships, happy to sponsor fellowship applications | |||||||
73 | 8/15/2024 15:28:57 | Chelsea Little | chelsea_little@sfu.ca | Simon Fraser University | https://littleecologygroup.ca/ | Ecology | Masters or PhD | $33,400/year | https://littleecologygroup.ca/join-us/ | ||||||
74 | 8/18/2024 1:38:43 | Lily Khadempour | lily.khadempour@rutgers.edu | Rutgers University Newark | khadlab.com | Microbial ecology and symbiosis | PhD | TAships available and hopefully future grants | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBmtAr_PPQQWgWx4KWVAycEdTZC49yxzKinbwdxQXUB5hzfQ/viewform?usp=sf_link | ||||||
75 | 8/18/2024 8:11:26 | Allie Igwe | aigwe@vt.edu | Virginia Tech | www.igwelab.com | Environmental microbial ecology, plant-microbe interactions, geobiology, extremophiles | PhD | Department support (1st year) and TAship | https://igwelab.com/join/ | ||||||
76 | 8/19/2024 7:49:55 | Sofia Casasa | ascasasa@bu.edu | Boston University | https://www.casasalab.com/ | Evolutionary developmental biology | PhD | Guaranteed support for 5 years through a combination of TA and RA | https://www.bu.edu/biology/biology-graduate-program/apply-grad/ | ||||||
77 | 8/19/2024 12:27:42 | Naomi Levine | n.levine@usc.edu | USC | https://dornsife.usc.edu/levine/ | computational marine microbiology, biogeochemical models, marine microbial evolution | PhD | RA available | https://dornsife.usc.edu/meb/prospective-students/ | ||||||
78 | 8/20/2024 20:47:44 | Christopher Catano | ccatano@ucr.edu | University of California Riverside | https://chcatano.wixsite.com/ecology | Plant Community Ecology, Global Change Biology, Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Resilience | PhD | Fully funded position | https://eeob.ucr.edu/graduate-program/apply OR https://plantbiology.ucr.edu/graduate-program/how-to-apply | ||||||
79 | 8/21/2024 7:12:02 | Andrea Westerband | andreawesterband@gmail.com | University of Louisiana at Lafayette | www.andreawesterband.com | Plant Ecology/Ecophysiology | PhD | Teaching assistantship | https://biology.louisiana.edu/programs/graduate/how-apply | ||||||
80 | 8/21/2024 12:43:03 | Weiyi Tang | weiyitang@usf.edu | University of South Florida | https://www.usf.edu/marine-science/research/biogeochemistry-lab/ | Marine biogeochemistry | Masters or PhD | Mix of research and teaching assistantships | https://www.usf.edu/marine-science/education/prospective-students/how-to-apply.aspx | ||||||
81 | 8/23/2024 7:49:30 | Melissa Toups | melissa.toups@louisiana.edu | University of Louisiana at Lafayette | https://melissaatoups.wordpress.com/ | evolutionary genomics with a focus on sex chromosomes | Masters or PhD | teaching assistantship | https://biology.louisiana.edu/programs/graduate/how-apply | ||||||
82 | 8/23/2024 9:46:21 | Asher Leeks | asherleeks@gmail.com | University of British Columbia | asherleeks.com | Social evolution in viruses | Masters or PhD | Funded | https://zoology.ubc.ca/graduate-program/prospective-students/how-apply | ||||||
83 | 8/26/2024 9:18:28 | Ryan Bracewell | rbracewe@iu.edu | Indiana University | ryanbracewell.com | Evolutionary genetics and genomics | PhD | Guaranteed dept support through TAs as well as NIH funding | https://biology.indiana.edu/graduate/evolution-ecology-behavior/index.html | ||||||
84 | 9/3/2024 13:56:31 | Alexa Fredston | fredston@ucsc.edu | University of California, Santa Cruz | https://www.alexafredston.com/ | quantitative marine ecology and biogeography | PhD | ||||||||
85 | 9/10/2024 8:38:07 | Carly Kenkel | ckenkel@usc.edu | University of Southern California | https://dornsife.usc.edu/carlslab/ | Evolutionary ecology; Physiological & Behavioral Neurogenomics (this position) | PhD | The Cnidarian Evolutionary Ecology Lab at the University of Southern California is recruiting a prospective Ph.D. student with interests in the behavioral ecology and neurogenomics of early coral life-history stages for a Fall 2025 start. This position will contribute to the Physiological & Behavioral Neurogenomics research sphere of a newly funded Allen Discovery Center for Neurobiology in Changing Oceans (https://today.ucsd.edu/story/uc-san-diego-receives-10-million-for-center-on-neurobiology-in-changing-environments) which aims to bridge knowledge gaps about the neurobiology of marine animals in natural settings to enhance our predictive power and ability to intervene. This Center involves multiple investigators and institutions, providing ample networking and career development opportunities. There will also be latitude to develop additional projects within the broader themes of the Center based on the student’s interests. Skills or experiences that are specifically relevant to the funded research include: Experience in the rigors of conducting research at a field station Background or strong interest in neurobiology Background or strong interest in coral biology/ecology/evolution Background or strong interest in larval biology/ecology/physiology Ability to work and collaborate with fellow scientists Prospective candidates must apply to the Marine and Environmental Biology PhD program under the USC College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences. Three years of RA support is available in support of this position as part of the Allen Discovery Center grant in addition to the standard MEB support package. Please visit https://dornsife.usc.edu/meb/prospective-students/ for more details regarding the degree program, stipends, and application process. If you would like to receive preliminary feedback on your application materials and fit with this position description prior to submitting your full application to the MEB program, please email your CV and statement of purpose to Dr. Kenkel (ckenkel@usc.edu) by October 15. | https://gradadm.usc.edu/domestic-students/how-to-apply/ | ||||||
86 | 9/16/2024 14:33:28 | Erica Stuber | erica.stuber@usu.edu | Utah State University | https://efstuber.wixsite.com/xscaleeco | Spatial Ecology | PhD | $30,000/year for 4 years + tuition waiver and benefits | https://jobs.rwfm.tamu.edu/view-job/?id=97950 | ||||||
87 | 9/17/2024 11:18:05 | Liz Mallott | mallott@wustl.edu | Washington University in St. Louis | mallott-lab.github.io | Microbiomes, Symbiosis, Host-microbe interactions | PhD | Fully funded, details here: https://dbbs.wustl.edu/about/stipends-benefits-grants/ | https://dbbs.wustl.edu/programs/ecology-evolutionary-biology/ | ||||||
88 | 9/21/2024 11:38:41 | Julia Baum | baum@uvic.ca | University of Victoria | https://www.juliakbaum.org | Coral reef resilience to climate change (coral symbioses, genomics) | PhD | Funded ($40K per year), TA'ing option. See lab website for details | https://www.juliakbaum.org; https://www.uvic.ca/science/biology/graduate/index.php | ||||||
89 | 9/22/2024 9:37:07 | Glen Dsouza | glengeralddsouza@gmail.com | Arizona State University | www.microbialeco.systems | Microbial Ecology, Microbial Evolution, Marine Microbial Ecology, Biochemistry of Microbiomes | PhD | Completely funded | https://sms.asu.edu/Graduate-Study/Biochemistry-PhD | ||||||
90 | 9/23/2024 18:23:20 | Erik Dopman | erik.dopman@tufts.edu | Tufts University | https://as.tufts.edu/biology/people/faculty/erik-dopman | Evolutionary genetics/ecology, speciation, behavior | PhD | full support up to 6 years, including summers | https://as.tufts.edu/biology/prospective-students/graduate-admissions-and-aid | ||||||
91 | 10/1/2024 8:49:33 | Scott Nichols | Scott.nichols@du.edu | University of Denver | https://scottnicholslab.weebly.com | cellular foundations of animal origins (sponge model) | fully funded (NSF & Dept) | https://science.du.edu/biology/graduate-programs | |||||||
92 | 10/5/2024 8:53:35 | Lynette Strickland | lynettes@bu.edu | Boston University | https://lynettestrickland.weebly.com/ | Evolution, Behavior, Ecology | PhD | 5 years guaranteed TF, summers paid by PI | https://www.bu.edu/biology/biology-graduate-program/apply-grad/ | ||||||
93 | 10/7/2024 7:57:55 | Johanna Harvey | j_harvey@uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | https://jharvey.netlify.app | Avian Disease Ecology and Evolution | PhD | mix of Mix of teaching and research assistantships, guaranteed 5 years of funding | https://web.uri.edu/graduate-school/apply/ | ||||||
94 | 10/9/2024 9:25:05 | Neil Rosser | neil.rosser@miami.edu | University of Miami | https://rosserlab.github.io/ | Evolution of Tropical Biodiversity | Masters or PhD | Mix of RA + TAships guaranteed for 5 years, includes tuition, stipend and health coverage | Please email me first, ideally no later than 3 weeks prior to the 1st Dec deadline. Then apply at https://applygrad.miami.edu/portal/application | ||||||
95 | 10/22/2024 13:13:43 | Erika Diaz-Almeyda | ediazalmeyda@csusm.edu | California State University San Marcos | https://erikadiaz.org/ | Microbial ecology | Masters | Internal grants available, maybe NSF | https://www.csusm.edu/biology/bioms/index.html | ||||||
96 | 10/31/2024 13:36:55 | Sheth | ssheth3@ncsu.edu | North Carolina State University | www.seemasheth.weebly.com | long-term effects of climate change on alpine plant communities in California and Nevada | PhD | TAships | https://cals.ncsu.edu/plant-and-microbial-biology/students/graduate/pb-grad-homepage/ | ||||||
97 | 10/31/2024 15:45:12 | Cathy Rushworth | Cathy.rushworth@usu.edu | Utah State University | www.rushworthlab.org | Evolutionary genetics and ecology | Masters or PhD | Funding is provided through teaching assistantships; 5 years guaranteed; grants are pending that could increase the modest stipend ($26k/year) | https://gradschool.usu.edu/admissions/ | ||||||
98 | 11/2/2024 2:56:31 | Inga E. Conti-Jerpe | ingacontijerpe@ln.edu.hk | Lingnan University | www.ingacontijerpe.com | Coral Reef Ecology | PhD | Fully funded 3-year PhD with option to extend to a 4th year | https://www.ln.edu.hk/rpg/admission/application-for-admission/online-application | ||||||
99 | 11/4/2024 20:53:43 | Anthony Lau | antlau@LN.edu.hk | Lingnan University | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ivzGRHQAAAAJ&hl=en&inst=12467838163266555319 | Evolution and ecology of amphibians | PhD | The freshwater ecology research team at Lingnan University is recruiting a PhD student to work on projects on amphibian skin toxins. The successful candidates would be ideally interested in a mix of laboratory work and field work. Applicants must hold an MPhil/research-based MS degree in ecology, biochemistry, or molecular biology and have a demonstrated record of research achievement (via publications). Experience with molecular biology and/or analytical chemistry is strongly preferred. The student’s dissertation will investigate the source of tetrodotoxin (TTX) in the Hong Kong newts.This is a 3-year full-time PhD position, with an option to extend to 4 years. Compensation: A monthly stipend (~20k HKD) will be provided in addition to annual leave and medical benefits; the student is expected to pay tuition (~42k HKD), but local applicants can apply for a tuition waiver. | Please contact PI directly | ||||||
100 | 11/8/2024 14:21:12 | Adriana L. Romero-Olivares | alro@nmsu.edu | New Mexico State University | www.fungiloverlab.com | fungal ecology, soil microbiology, climate change ecology | Masters or PhD | TA or RAship (depending on funding) | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13f_QGQllGzpz5mkFZBRM_J7ZYH6hxsrWJKskvd_28Us/edit |