Impact Sessions during AOM 2022
TimestampSession titleSession numberDateStarting at (Seattle time)Link to Session on AOM platformSession descriptionSession mode
7/28/2022 11:12:29Applying Management Research For Policymaking To Create A Better World438/5/20228:00:00 AM are regularly named as one of the targeted audiences of management research. However, Aguinis, Jensen, and Kraus (in press) found that policy implications are underutilized and not part of organizational behavior and human resource management’s zeitgeist because only 1.5% of the articles (i.e., N = 61) from a sample of journals included such issues. Consistent with the conference theme, the goal of our panel symposium is to discuss how together we create a better world—specifically by using management research for policymaking. To achieve this goal, our symposium includes panelists who are purposefully diverse in terms of research interests, ontological perspectives, and geographic location (i.e., combined, they are members of more than 10 different AOM Divisions). As such, panelists will address issues of interest to both micro and macro management researchers, and those from a range of disciplinary backgrounds. Again, the symposium will have both a past and a future orientation. Regarding the past, panelists will address existing research and theories that can be used for policymaking to create a better world; what worked, what did not work, and the limits and possibilities for reviving and renovating past policy options. We can certainly learn from policy successes and failures in the past, at the same time as considering novel policy options at firm, social, economic and governmental level in the future. Regarding the future, panelists will also address what research should be conducted (i.e., which topics, theories, types of research designs) so that results are useful for firm and societal policymaking that will result in creating a better world. Overall, we hope our symposium will serve as a catalyst for a better understanding of what types of management research-informed policies are useful for creating a world in which we will all be better off together.In-person
7/28/2022 15:42:18Defining, Measuring, and Rewarding Scholarly Impact: It's the Level of Analysis, Stupid708/5/20229:00:00 AM to measure, define, and reward scholarly impact in managementVirtual-only
7/29/2022 11:30:01Academics and Scholarly Impact708/5/20229:00:00 AM and Scholarly Impact Virtual-only
8/2/2022 8:50:13For Goodness’ Sake: The Next Wave of CSR Research in an Impact-Oriented World2178/5/20223:30:00 PM panel will (1) offer a current perspective on the state of the business case for CSR, its importance, and its shortcomings; (2) debate the extent to which researchers should seek to re-conceptualize the business case for CSR; and, finally, (3) propose a launching point for future research on the topic.In-person
7/26/2022 13:12:17How Can Researchers Impact the Future? Rethinking & Developing Methods for Studying Grand Challenges40308/06/202211:00 AM aim of this PDW is to focus on research approaches for studying grand challenges and, thereby, doing impactful research. However, much of this research focuses on past or present impact. In this workshop, such as through impactful research already conducted or being conducted, we shift the focus to research that impact practice in the future. The workshop has been designed to be highly interactive and dialogic. The overall goal of the PDW is to facilitate a structured discussion among presenters and the audience to rethink current and potential future scientific methods for studying grand challenges and to develop a research agenda for researchers’ impact on the future.Virtual-only
7/26/2022 13:13:35Publishing for Real-World Impact: Helping Engaged Scholars Navigating the Publication Process 45608/06/20221:00 PM increasing urgency of tackling grand challenges, such as climate change and inequality, has fostered a lively discussion among management scholars about producing work that is both rigorous and relevant for practice. Few practitioners appear to find scholarly research useful, leaving organizational and management scholars often excluded from public discussions and solutions. Increasingly, many scholars, often early-career scholars, are beginning to question traditional models that privilege academic impact, and want to produce meaningful research that also tackles pressing grand challenges. Doing so is difficult for early-career scholars, however, who face promotion and tenure requirements based on academic-focused publication and citation counts. To address this dilemma, this PDW from the Impact Scholar Community supports early-career scholars in successfully navigating their impact research through the publication process at top journals. With three teams of top editors (ASQ, Strategic Organization, and Business & Society) paired with the early-career scholars they mentored through the publication process, we offer practical advice on how to both publish and have impact. In short, we seek to achieve the ‘holy grail’ of scholarship and hope you will join us!Hybrid
7/28/2022 10:30:50Integrating Sustainability Into Teaching: One Teaching Award Winners Share Their Tips4938/6/20222:30:00 PM panel symposium will offer ONE Teaching Award winners' best practices and tips for incorporating sustainability into teaching strategies. The goal is to equip our academic colleagues with knowledge to share with students, our future business managers and leaders, on the role of business in tackling our greatest environmental, societal, and economic challenges. In the context of an ongoing global pandemic, it is more important than ever that we work toward Creating a Better World Together.Hybrid
8/1/2022 10:48:37Race and Entrepreneurship3968/6/202211:00:00 AM this professional development workshop (PDW), we explore the topic of entrepreneurship and race, with particular although not exclusive attention to underrepresented minorities (URM), minorities with a disproportionately low presence in positions of power and status (i.e., African, Hispanic, and Native Americans). This PDW will introduce the audience with an important yet distressingly neglected area of research and provide the audience an opportunity to discuss pre-submitted extended abstracts with editors from top entrepreneurship journals. The ultimate goal we have for this PDW is to encourage a broad research agenda on race and entrepreneurship that captures both the structural qualities of marginalization and the agentic qualities of entrepreneurship.In-person
8/1/2022 10:49:56New Perspectives on Stakeholder Governance3068/6/20228:00:00 AM in the field of strategic management are developing an analytical approach to stakeholder governance that has the potential to yield foundational insights about how organizations orchestrate stakeholder interaction to deliver superior organizational performance. In this PDW, we aim to present five leading speakers who are working in this domain, and to conduct roundtable discussions among the participants that are led by these speakers, the organizers, and five roundtable leaders. We will conclude with a panel of Q&A from the audience. The purpose of the roundtable discussions will be to identify promising areas for future research on stakeholder governance, including particularly the development of theory and empirical insights. We anticipate that each roundtable will be staffed with both a speaker and a round-table leader, and that each will address one of five specific issues: attracting stakeholders, stakeholder retention, team production, stakeholder claimancy, and governance adaptation. The goal will be to use the PDW to support the development of participant papers and to promote a collegial conversation on these topics among scholars at all stages of their careers.

Dear attendees, This PDW is open to all AOM members interested in stakeholder governance. No preparation is required. Thank you for your interest. Sincerely, the organizers.
7/26/2022 13:14:25Rising to the Climate Emergency Through Corporate Social Intrapreneurship 86608/07/20222:00 PM consortium will engage a group of panelists in a formal, moderated, interactive discussion of (1) the corporate challenges in establishing and meeting net zero targets; (2) the role of corporate social intrapreneurs in addressing these challenges; (3) how corporations can find and nurture their ‘climate intrapreneurs’; and (4) how academia can help advance corporate social intrapreneurship.Hybrid
8/1/2022 12:07:05Transitional Entrepreneurship: The Case of Veteran, Immigrant, Women, and Minority Communities6958/7/20229:45:00 AM goal of this caucus is to examine and describe the concept of transitional entrepreneurship and draw attention to entrepreneurship in the following communities: veterans, immigrants and refugees, women, minorities, and other historically marginalized groups.

This caucus will encourage the development of new ideas and address emerging topics on transitional entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship practices of Veteran, Immigrant, Women, and Minority Communities). It also provides an opportunity for future research collaborations among participants. Information about the "New England Journal of Entrepreneurship" special issue on transitional entrepreneurship and other publication opportunities will be discussed.
7/29/2022 2:52:09Team Gender Composition11838/8/20221:00:00 PM Gender Composition/ DiversityVirtual-only
7/29/2022 8:55:24Technology, Policy and Society Track: Stakeholder Governance and Regulation15188/8/20223:30:00 PM sessionIn-person
8/1/2022 4:31:46Practicing Impact and Impacting Practice? Creating Impact Through Practice-Based Scholarship 12618/8/202211:00:00 AM can scholars create societal impact with their practice-based scholarship while delivering on required results in a competitive academic world? What does it mean to be an “engaged scholar” (Hoffman, 2021; Van de Ven, 2007), who produces “scholarly impact” (Aguinis et al., 2014; Aguinis et al., 2012; Friesike et al., 2021), and how “radical” (Ergene et al., 2021; Jarzabkowski, Dowell, et al., 2021) should we become? How can we help co-create a more desirable future through theorizing what does not (yet) exist (Gümüsay & Reinecke, 2022)? By critically engaging with the vital AOM 2022 call for “creating a better world together”, this Panel Symposium will provide an inclusive space to address the challenge of creating impact through practice-based scholarship. Therefore, it will bring together distinguished senior scholars from different AOM DIGs who reflect upon the role and relevance of impact in practice-based research. Doing so, they will share their insights and knowledge by elaborating on (1) ways of creating impactful scholarship through practice- based research, and (2) opportunities of impactful engagement. Accordingly, this cross- divisional Panel Symposium strives to bring together interested attendees of the Academy’s Annual Meeting to jointly reflect on the impact we can create through and beyond practice-based research communities.In-person
8/1/2022 10:43:18The Role of Community in Venturing for a Better World Together11788/8/202210:00:00 AM have argued that any entrepreneurial attempts to address societal issues may fall short without incorporating the role of community as an endogenous component to venturing, as opposed to treating community as an exogenous contextual variable. A growing but disparate body of entrepreneurship research centers specifically on the role of community, and has explored the involvement of community as actors, recipients, or stakeholders in entrepreneurial outcomes. However, research progress is hampered by both the ambiguity surrounding the definition of community, and how community is engaged in the research process. Building on the idea of the community as a stakeholder with constant presence but varying involvement in the entrepreneurial process, we advocate viewing community as a passive or active embedded partner in the entrepreneurial process. Using this agentic view of community, the speakers in our symposium discuss approaches to conduct research at the intersection of community and entrepreneurship to “create a better world together”. The symposium will close with a brainstorming session regarding future research questions designed to elevate and refine scholarship at the intersection of community, entrepreneurship, and positive social change.Hybrid
8/1/2022 10:44:33Different Cultures, Different Dynamics? Driving Forward a Community Perspective of Social Innovation18758/9/202210:30:00 AM society’s grand challenges is an increasingly important topic that many organizational scholars have started to turn towards. In this context, one question that has lately garnered a lot of attention is how social innovation, can help to tackle such issues. While much of the prior literature on social innovation has focused on heroic social entrepreneurs engaged in “changing the world” or hybrid organizations managing the ongoing tension between business and charity, we see a growing interest in the role of environmental contexts in shaping the emergence, diffusion, and implications of social innovation endeavors. In response to this burgeoning interest, in this panel symposium, our aim is to drive forward a community perspective which may help to develop a more contextualized and nuanced understanding of social innovation across the globe.In-person
8/2/2022 15:39:42Decolonizing Management and Organization Studies: Why Should We Do It and How Can We Do It?1498/5/202212:30:00 PM on decolonizing management and organization studies have recently gained attention. While worldwide concerns on institutional racism has increased the sensitivity on the matter, the debate is also relevant for management scholars to achieve their set goal of addressing grand challenges: Only from an unbiased cultural view on an investigated case, scholars can establish practical knowledge, able to tackle today’s Sustainable Development Goals beyond the Western world. Existing literature, i.e., has raised the awareness on ethnocentric concepts or has urged to develop ‘indigenous theories’ to respect diverse social-cultural contexts while researching. Beside these valuable inputs, though, few literatures exist on applicable measures for doing decolonized management studies. This hybrid PDW aims to address this gap. Prominent scholars will present different approaches by (i) elaborating the added value of investigating non-western contexts for management research, (ii) reviewing theoretical concepts that consider local contexts for theory development, and (iii) discussing methodologies for unbiased research. Drawing on these inputs, round table discussions will allow participants to jointly develop a Charta for raising awareness on the topic. The overall goal of the PDW is to improve theory development by avoiding western-biased research. We thus believe that this PDW is of particular interest for scholars of the OMT community. We also expect that CMS and SIM scholars will sympathize with our self-critical standpoint for impactful research. Finally, RM scholars will be curious to hear about methodological approaches for doing value-neutral research.Hybrid
8/3/2022 7:18:19Hybrid Organizations and Logics15538/9/20224:30:00 PM presentations on the topic of multiple institutional logics and hybrid organizations.In-person
8/3/2022 10:56:22Rising to the Climate Emergency Through Corporate Social Intrapreneurship 8668/7/20222:00:00 PM consortium will engage a group of panelists in a formal, moderated, interactive discussion of (1) the corporate challenges in establishing and meeting net zero targets; (2) the role of corporate social intrapreneurs in addressing these challenges; (3) how corporations can find and nurture their ‘climate intrapreneurs’; and (4) how academia can help advance corporate social intrapreneurship.Hybrid
8/4/2022 7:43:42AOM Scholars On...Measuring Real World Impact of Scholarly Research11908/8/202210:00:00 AM
AOM will be holding its fifth AOM Subject Matter Expert (SME) panel at the Annual Meeting on 8 August from 10:00-11:00 PDT (GMT/UTC-7). The panel, titled AOM Scholars On…Measuring Real World Impact of Scholarly Research, will answer the question: how are academic scholars turning their insights and career work into solutions for society's problems? It will feature distinguished AOM Scholars including Jean Bartunek of Boston College, Usha Haley of Wichita State University, Carol Kulik of University of South Australia, and Leon Prieto of Clayton State University.
8/4/2022 17:59:38
Creating a Better World Through Translation: Publishing in HBR, SMR, CMR, & PSJ
Many research studies have commenced with the hope they will have significant theoretical and practical implications. Many researchers want to help create a better world by making a difference within their scholarly communities and within organizations where managers and professionals practice. Yet, these important insights are often not read by “real world” leaders, managers, and professionals. In our quest to be more inclusive in sharing our research, it is increasingly important to consider new ways of providing managers greater access to our research findings. This PDW focuses on how researchers can have a greater impact on practice by publishing in journals that are circulated beyond the Academy. Senior editors representing “bridging” journals (Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, People + Strategy Journal, California Management Review) will share insights on how to publish in venues that impact both academics and practitioners. In addition, researchers will share a priori research development strategies that set up projects with a greater chance to make a difference beyond the academy in the “real world” to improve lives. Researchers and editors will lead a highly interactive and participative session on this topic, which will include audience dialogue and roundtable discussions.
8/5/2022 4:24:05
"Navigating in turbulent times when faced with DiIemmas, Paradoxes and Opportunities" [IN TIMES OF CRISES AND UNCERTAINTY] - PDW panel discussion & edited book project
This PDW invites scholars and practitioner to explore and reflect on the longer- term effect of phenomena such as climate change, the rise of China, Brexit as well as populist politics on organizations, the economy and geopolitics. The effects of the now two-years-lasting Covid-19 pandemic have triggered important adaptation and resilience needs across societies, organizations, and governments and contributed to a turbulent and rather unpredictable future. These fast paced, changing times pose extreme challenges to organizations whose management needs to ensure their viability when anything may be questioned. This includes organization’s capacity for flexibility and change to adapt and recognize new opportunities. In addition, business leaders must preserve and even enhance their organizations’ capabilities to offer meaningful work to its people. Businesses, organizations, and institutions must be agile to survive and thrive. In turbulent and uncertain times, the first task of management is to ensure the organizations’ capacity for resilience and survival and to adapt to continuous change and new opportunities. In addition, business leaders need to make sure to maintain the organisations’ structural strength and soundness. They must preserve its capacity to offer meaningful work and projects to its people to strive while recognizing all other stakeholders and treating them respectfully and responsibly. This PDW discussion panel wants to contribute to a fresh and critical look on international business in volatile, ambiguous, complex, and uncertain times (VUCA) and explore the various requirements for a sustainable management and leadership, helping to develop organizations that take responsibility for creating a better world.

We have been approached by Edward Elgar to contribute to a new Book Series themed "In a Turbulent Era", a VERY timely topic. Our focus in on International Business – according to EE a key topic to cover for the series.
Among the panelists, we have already gathered potential co-authors and chapter contributors for our edited book title (EE) under construction, but we would like to add some more research chapters.
Please consider submitting your chapter on possible Dilemmas, paradoxes, and opportunities in times of crises and uncertainty – IB in turbulent times.

Keywords (IM, OB, ODC): change management, VUCA world, crisis management, resilience.