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1 | Jennifer Gregory there's an updated version of this site: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Md8GDQbQr3XF-e79lAX1PhmvndOq3n8_R4Pk-RqfMHE/edit#gid=0 | Activity | How do I get involved? | Deadline | Funding Provided | Website | Comments/additional info | * = Opportunity is included on the COR site | ||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Research | Postdoc & Fellowships | * NASA Postdoctoral Program | Apply for Fellowships | Nov 1, 2022 (annual) | Y | https://npp.orau.org/applicants/index.html | NPP Fellows are selected through a competitive peer review process, and complete one- to three-year appointments that advance research across NASA’s space and Earth science missions. The NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) consists of two components—the NASA Postdoctoral Research Program and the NASA Postdoctoral Management Program. As the NPP is a resident program, Fellows are located at a NASA Center, NASA Headquarters, or at a NASA-affiliated research institute during the appointment | ||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Research | Research | * Hubble Fellowship Program | Apply for Sagan Fellowships | 11/1/2022 (annual) | Y | https://www.stsci.edu/stsci-research/fellowships/nasa-hubble-fellowship-program | The NASA Hubble Fellowship Program (NHFP) supports promising postdoctoral scientists to pursue independent research which contributes to NASA Astrophysics, using theory, observation, experimentation, or instrument development. NHFP fellowships are tenable at U.S. host institutions of the fellow's choice, subject to a maximum of two new fellows per host institution per year, and no more than five fellows at any single host institution, except for short periods of overlap. The duration of the fellowship is up to three years: an initial one-year appointment, and two annual renewals, contingent on satisfactory performance and availability of NASA funds. | ||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Research | * NSF Graduate Research Fellowship | Apply for Fellowships | 10/31/2022 (annual) | Y | https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/nsf-graduate-research-fellowship-program-grfp | The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support over a five-year fellowship period for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education | |||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Research | Research | *NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships | Apply for Fellowships | August 15 2022 - October 15, 2023 | Y | https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/nsf-astronomy-astrophysics-postdoctoral | Fellows may engage in observational, instrumental, theoretical, laboratory or archival data research in any area of astronomy or astrophysics, in combination with a coherent educational plan for the duration of the fellowship. | ||||||||||||||||||||
6 | NExScI | NASA Exoplanet Archive | Open for use to everyone | https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/ | The NASA Exoplanet Archive is an online astronomical exoplanet and stellar catalog and data service that collates and cross-correlates astronomical data and information on exoplanets and their host stars, and provides tools to work with these data. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Exoplanet Follow-Up Observing Program (ExoFOP) for Kepler, K2, TESS | Open for use to everyone | https://exofop.ipac.caltech.edu/ | The Exoplanet Follow-up Observing Program (ExoFOP) website is designed to optimize resources and facilitate collaboration in follow-up studies of exoplanet candidates. ExoFOP serves as a repository for project and community-gathered data by allowing upload and display of data and derived astrophysical parameters. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | Sagan Summer Workshops | Register to attend Sagan Workshops | In person registration usually fills by 01 June | https://nexsci.caltech.edu/conferences | The Sagan Summer Workshops are aimed at advanced undergraduates, grad students, and postdocs and provide opportunities to learn about the engineering and scientific application of exoplanet-related techniques used in NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program. Workshops are hybrid (in-person and remote participation). | |||||||||||||||||||||||
9 | Science | Observing Opportunities | *NASA Infrared Telescope Facility | Apply for observing time. | http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/observing/callForProposals.php | Instruments: SpeX, MORIS, iSHELL, MIRSI/MOC, 'Opihi You are asked to make a clear statement about the connection between the proposed observations and the overall science goal. It is important to concisely articulate the big science picture. Be specific about the number of targets needed, and for continuing proposals, what is needed for the program to be considered complete (follow-up proposals). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | Science | Observing Opportunities | NOIRLab / NN-EXPLORE observing call for proposals (every March, September) | Apply for observing time through NOIRLab proposal calls | 3/31/2023, 9/30/2023 | in some cases | https://noirlab.edu/science/observing-noirlab/proposals/call-for-proposals https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exep/NNExplore/ | Proposals for standard observing programs at all ground-based facilities coordinated by the NSF's NOIRLab, which include US time on the telescopes of Gemini, CTIO (including SMARTS and SOAR), and KPNO (WIYN), as well as community-access time with other observatories (which for 2023A include Magellan, CHARA, Keck, Las Cumbras Observatory (LCO), and MINERA-Australis), can be submitted twice per year. NASA and NSF have established a partnership for exoplanet research ("NN-EXPLORE") in response to a recommendation from the Astro2010 Decadal Survey. NN-EXPLORE is currently supporting observing time for the community to conduct exoplanet-related research on WIYN (Kitt Peak), SMARTS/Chiron (Cerro Tololo, Chile), MINERVA-Australis (Mt. Kent, Australia), and through a speckle observing program on Gemini-North and Gemini-South. | ||||||||||||||||||||
11 | Science | Observing Opportunities | NASA Keck Time | Apply for observing time. | every March, September | Y | https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/ https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml | NASA is 1/6th partner in the Keck telescopes on Mauna Kea. NASA intends the use of its time allocation on the Keck telescopes to be highly strategic in support of on-going missions and/or high priority, long-term science goals as described in the Science Mission Directorate's 2020 Science Plan and in the documents linked below for each science area. see https://nexsci.caltech.edu/missions/KeckSolicitation/gen-info.shtml | ||||||||||||||||||||
12 | Science | Observing Opportunities | * JWST cycle 2 | Apply for observing time. | 1/27/2023 | Y | https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/jwst-opportunities-and-policies/jwst-call-for-proposals-for-cycle-2 | JWST General Observers (GO) program provides the worldwide astronomical community with extensive opportunity to make observations with the JWST infrared space observatory. | ||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Science | Observing Opportunities | * TESS Cycle 6 | Apply for observing time. | 4/14/2023 | Y | https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?solId=%7bF595238E-19D1-C0D6-D9AF-805702BC3D59%7d&path=&method=init https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/tess/cycle-6-call-for-proposals-is-now-live.html | The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) General Investigator (GI) Program (ROSES D.10) solicits proposals for the acquisition and analysis of new scientific data from the TESS Explorer mission. Additionally, proposals that support the acquisition and/or analysis of scientific data from ground-based telescopes are solicited. Such ground-based programs must directly support the analysis and/or interpretation of TESS scientific data. Observations associated with TESS GI Cycle 6 will be executed from September 2023 until October 2024, covering observing sectors 70 - 83. Proposals are solicited for targets in Northern Ecliptic Hemisphere fields and in fields along on the ecliptic plane. The observing plan for Cycle 6 will be posted at https://tess.gsfc.nasa.gov once finalized. | ||||||||||||||||||||
14 | Science | Observing Opportunities | * HST Cycle 31 | Apply for observing time. | 4/7/2023 | Y | Call is not out yet, see https://hst-docs.stsci.edu/hsp | HST Call for Proposals: The Call for Proposals (CP) invites the astronomical community to propose for observing time on HST in a given cycle (nominally one year in duration). It summarizes the policies and procedures for proposing in that cycle of HST observing, including requests for funding research on archival HST data. It also provides an overview of HST's expected capabilities for that observing cycle, including information about the telescope and the available scientific instruments. | ||||||||||||||||||||
15 | Science | Participation | NASA ExEP Science Gap List | Provide input to ExEP Science Plan & Gap List (reviewed and updated annually) | N | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/system/internal_resources/details/original/2146_ExEP_Science_Gap_List_2022.pdf | ||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Other | Participation | Exoplanet Exploration Progarm Analysis Group (ExoPAG) | Apply to join ExoPAG Executive Committee | 2/3/2023 | N | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exep/exopag/executive-committee-membership/ | The ExoPAG Executive Committee (EC) is selected by NASA through a Dear Colleague letter. The EC serves to coordinate between NASA and the wider exoplanet community represented by the ExoPAG itself. The call for recruiting new members of ExoPAG EC is annual and usually goes out in Oct/Nov with a deadline in Jan/Feb and announcement of new members in Mar/Apr. Typically 3-4 new ExoPAG EC members are selected each year. | ||||||||||||||||||||
17 | Early career applications to present at the ExoPAG | Attend Biannual ExoPAG Meetings and apply to give a talk. | Annual, due in late September | Y | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exep/exopag/talk-guidelines/ | ExoPAG talks should be tailored to address NASA’s exoplanet program, including Kepler/K2, TESS, JWST, Roman Space Telescope, as well as other missions; NASA’s exoplanet ground support efforts such as Keck, LBTI, IRTF, and NN-EXPLORE; mission concept studies such as OST, LUVOIR, HabEx and Lynx; and general data archiving, follow-up organization, and tool development related to exoplanet research and missions at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute. Reimbursable travel expenses may consist of roundtrip airfare, lodging, car rental, per diem and conference registration based on approved government rates. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
18 | ExoExplorer Science Series | Apply to join ExoExplorers early career professional development program. Grad Students / Postdocs pursuing exoplanet research can apply to be ExoExplorers, Staff/Faculty members can apply to be ExoGuides, Everyone is encouraged to attend the monthly science seminars that run January - June | Annual, due in late September | Y for ExoExplorers, N for ExoGuides / audience members | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exep/exopag/exoexplorers | Each of the ExoExplorers will receive $1,000 for the purchase of a presentation of their research results during the Science Series on topics focusing on observation, theory, and instrumentation in support of the broad themes outlined in the “ExEP Science Gap List.” In addition, the program provides monthly informal group discussions with prominent scientists (“ExoGuides”) in the fields of exoplanet science and individual conversations with other researchers requested by the ExoExplorers; Two professional development events on topics to be decided by the cohort, such as proposal writing, building inclusive collaborations, and public speaking; and the development and/or execution of cohort-driven activities pertaining to DEIA. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | Science | Participation | Call to partcipate in EPRV Research Coordination Network (RCN) | Request membership using the google form on our website | N/A | N | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exep/NNExplore/EPRV-RCN/EPRV-RCN-welcome/ | The EPRV Research Coordination Network (RCN), sponsored by NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program, aims to support increased communication and collaboration within the radial velocity community as we work towards the goal of obtaining robust mass measurements for Earth analog planets. The RCN supports a monthly EPRV colloquium series, topical meetings (e.g. an upcoming meeting on laser frequency combs), and is starting to establish EPRV working groups to address community science questions / challenges | ||||||||||||||||||||
20 | Science | Research | EPRV Foundation Science - Step 1 | Propose for Funding | 2/16/2023 | Y | https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?solId=%7bE52C5EC5-E0FC-403E-1071-4802DB562F0C%7d&path=&method=init | |||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Research | Research | * NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Grant (AAG) | Propose for Funding | Oct 1, 2023 - Nov. 15, 2023 | Y | https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/astronomy-astrophysics-research-grants-aag-0 | The Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grants (AAG) Program is an inclusive and flexible funding opportunity to support research in the astronomical sciences. The Program provides individual investigator and collaborative research grants for observational, theoretical, laboratory, and archival data studies in astronomy and astrophysics. Estimated $50,000,000 in fiscal year 2023 for new and continuing awards, pending availability of funds. 100 Estimated number of awards description- About 100 projects will be funded per year, pending availability of funds. | ||||||||||||||||||||
22 | Science | Research | ROSES opportunity D.14 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Participation Opportunities | Propose for Funding | NOIs due Jan 20 2023; final proposals due 3/21/2023 | Y | https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?solId=%7b1BD0AA55-40BB-1419-EEA1-64FF5B4269D3%7d&path=&method=init | This program element solicits proposals to work on preparation for the operational phase of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, using one of three categories depending on the type of work being proposed. These are: Wide Field Science (WFS), WFI Project Infrastructure Teams (PIT), Coronagraph Community Participation Program (CPP). Anticipate offering this opportunity category again in ROSES-24 | ||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Science | Research | ROSES opportunity D.16 Astrophysics Decadal Survey Precursor Science | Propose for Funding | NOIs due January 20, 2023, proposals March 24, 2023 | Y | https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?solId=%7b916A49FB-D88F-3C76-5B06-6148E6748FE7%7d&path=&method=init | The emphasis of D.16 Astrophysics Decadal Survey Precursor Science (ADSPS) is on science investigations that will reduce future Great Observatory mission risk and inform mission designs and trades when those activities begin. All three Great Observatory concepts identified in the Astro2020 Decadal Survey Report are in the scope of this activity. The precursor science investigations solicited by this program element may include, but are not limited to, theoretical and computational studies, laboratory astrophysics investigations, archival research, and observational investigations. | ||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Science | Research | ROSES opportunity D.19 Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite Participating Scientists | Propose for Funding | NOIs due January 23, 2023, Proposals due March 31, 2023 | Y | https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?solId=%7b063C8CB1-C733-F34C-45B9-2C13AD0CA483%7d&path=&method=init | ULTRASAT is a near-ultraviolet imaging satellite with a wide field of view and a planned 2025 launch. It is an international partnership led by Israel (Israeli Space Agency & Weizmann Institute of Science) in partnership with the United States (NASA + Vera Rubin Observatory) and Germany (DESY). A proposal call for ULTRASAT Participating Scientists from the United States has just been released as NASA ROSES 2022 amendment D.19. ULTRASAT will provide high cadence observations and rapid target-of-opportunity response, providing a powerful capability for time-domain and multimessenger astrophysics (TDAMM), and will have scientific applications from solar system studies to cosmology, as described at https://www.weizmann.ac.il/ultrasat/ . | ||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Science | Research | NASA ROSES opportunities | Propose for Funding | every February (announcement for opportunities with deadlines throughout the year) | Y | https://science.nasa.gov/researchers/solicitations/roses-2022/research-opportunities-space-and-earth-sciences-roses-2022-be-released-february-14-2022 | The NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) annual NASA Research Announcement, Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) is released yearly around February 14th. ROSES is an omnibus solicitation with many individual program elements, each with their own due dates and topics. | ||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Science | Research | * Astrophysics Pioneers | Propose for Funding | Jan 27, 2023 - March 16, 2023 | Y | https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?solId=%7b29D468BF-2BD6-4FF7-3DCD-B90E52599782%7d&path=&method=init | This program element solicits proposals for "Pioneers", Astrophysics space and sub-orbital science investigations that are greater in cost, scope and capability than what is possible within Astrophysics Research and Analysis (D.3 of ROSES-2022) but are smaller in cost than what is possible within the Astrophysics Explorers Mission of Opportunity program. | ||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Technology | Participation | NASA ExEP Technology Colloquium | Sign up for ExEP tech colloquium announcement list | N/A | N | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exep/technology/tech_colloquium/ | The intention of these web seminars is to provide a forum for sharing key technology advances and results that enable or enhance the direct imaging and characterization of exoplanets | ||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Technology | Participation | NASA ExEP Technology Gap List | Provide input to ExEP Technology Gap List (reviewed and updated biennially). | mid-2024 | N | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/exep/technology/gap-lists/ | The motivation and objectives of the ExEP Technology Program are summarized in the Technology Gap List: the list serves to identify and prioritize where technology development is needed. A technology gap is defined as the difference between what has been done (or is known) today relative to what is needed in order to implement a future mission, and candidate technologies are ones that potentially close the gap. The NASA Astrophysics Division updates the Technology Gap List every 2 years, the next update will occur in 2024. | ||||||||||||||||||||
29 | Technology | Research | NASA's Strategic Astrophysics Technology (SAT) | Propose to SAT proposal calls. | Notice of Intent likely October 2023, deadline likely December 2023 | Y | https://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/programs/astrophysics-division-technology | The Strategic Astrophysics Technology (SAT) element of NASA SMD's Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) is solicited annually, with due dates released yearly on or around February 14th. The awards target the development of key technologies, of medium maturity (TRL 3 and greater) for NASA's strategic missions. The solicitation is amended in the late summer to provide further information on NASA's priorities for technology development and to set the formal deadlines for the proposals. For the past two cycles, SAT asked for mandatory Notices of Intent to propose due in October and final proposals due in mid-December. This is likely to be the case in 2023. ExEP makes available infrastructure to support SAT- (and APRA-) funded activities targeting coronagraph and starshade technology development. See https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/internal_resources/2516/ for more details. | ||||||||||||||||||||
30 | * NSF Advanced Technologies and Instrumentation | Propose for Funding | Nov 15, 2022 (annual) | Y | https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18576/nsf18576.htm | The Advanced Technologies and Instrumentation (ATI) program provides individual investigator and collaborative research grants for development of new technologies and instrumentation for astronomy and astrophysics. Development of innovative, potentially transformative technologies are encouraged, even at high technical risk. Anticipated Type of Award: Standard Grant or Continuing Grant Estimated Number of Awards: 10 About 10 projects will be funded per year, pending availability of funds. Anticipated Funding Amount: $8,000,000 Estimated program budget, number of awards and average award size/duration are subject to the availability of funds. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
31 | Technology | Research | * APRA (Astrophysics Research and Analysis) | Propose for Funding | Notice of Intent likely October 2023, deadline likely December 2023 | Y | https://science.nasa.gov/researchers/solicitations/roses-2022/research-opportunities-space-and-earth-sciences-roses-2022-be-released-february-14-2022 | NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) releases the call for Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES). ROSES is an omnibus solicitation with many individual program elements, each with its own due dates and topics. Awards, in the form of a grant, range from under $100K per year for focused, limited efforts (e.g., data analysis) to more than $1M per year for extensive activities (e.g., development of hardware for science experiments and/or flight). Periods of performance are typically three years, but some programs may allow up to five years and others specify shorter periods. | ||||||||||||||||||||
32 | Other | Participation | KISS Solicitation for CY2023 Study Programs | Propose for Study | Concepts due Nov. 2, 2022 (annual) Propolsals due Dec. 20, 2022 | https://kiss.caltech.edu/proposals.html | The goal of the Keck Institute is to develop ideas and concepts that have the potential to revolutionize space science and engineering, especially those that have the potential to impact or create future space missions. The Institute will do this by convening study programs and workshops that bring together leading scientists and engineers from the external research community along with the best engineers and scientists from JPL and the Caltech Campus | |||||||||||||||||||||
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