TimestampName?Phone number?Email?Description of problem you're witnessing at your caucus siteCan we contact you?What's your caucus site?What's your precinct?
2/20/2016 11:14:34Whitney Seifman7755445313
Confusion between express checkin and walk-up, lack of visual signs to help people know what to do and where to go!
Desert Oasis High School, Las Vegas
I'm not in their system although I am a registered Democrat. I have to stand in a long line with people registering. I have a paper from Sec of State showing I'm registered. I did this almost a year ago.
YesShaw Middle School7417
I am registered to vote but wasn't allowed to preregister as the website said I wasn't in the system! Very unorganized and chaotic! No answers to questions!
YesShaw Middle School7417
2/20/2016 11:53:58Shannon moore
Major confusion with the express lines. No sinage outside to say what line you are supposed to be in. Everybody seperated by precincts instead of by person ie. Hillary or Bernie which makes the confusion that much worse. Very disorganized.
Dilworth middle school
2/20/2016 12:03:12Robin Ames 7025576811
The line is still several hundred people long to register. People are leaving the caucus.YesWooster High School 300400
2/20/2016 12:05:20francis farley
Not really a problem. VERY crowded, understaffed and confused. Happy to see so many people turn out.
Nomcqueen h.s.7526
2/20/2016 12:28:50Edwin
Completely silly loooonnnnngggg waiting lines. This should be a primary vote, not a caucus process. Even more would then spend a quick bit of time to participate, vote and get on with enjoying this great country on this fine day.
Peavine Elementary School
2/20/2016 12:39:56Rodecker7758489791Kipster1@gmail.comShowed up at 12:10 and was turned away cold. YesEagle Canyon Spanish Springs
2/20/2016 12:44:19Cheyenne Kelly8145167852
There's a backlog of people waiting to get in. Apparently this site only recieved 1 out of 13 computers they were to use for the registration process.
NoHugg High School400000
2/20/2016 12:46:39Gwen Richie775 560 2222
The caucus was supposed to start at 11:30 and we are still waiting. So many people taken off the roll and being asked to re-register which is taking forever.
YesHug High School 34000
2/20/2016 13:25:42James
We had a couple points of contention in the beginning. First, there were some people who checked in to the caucus, left their cards on the table, and left. The group voted not to count these, as the card clearly said "Give this card to the permanent chair."

There were also five people who did hand their cards to the chair before the caucus began, but these, too, were tossed on the theory that the card said the card should be turned in to the PERMANENT chair, and there was no permanent precinct chair until one was elected just after noon.
Hillside Elementary School, Lockwood
Storey County Precinct 6
2/20/2016 13:35:51Anna Conti
Well, this was my first experience with a caucus (been voting for 48 years) and it did not go well. I arrived at Wooster High School in Reno, about 20 minutes early. There were about 100 people milling around by the door. Everyone was trying to figure out if "this is the line, what line am I supposed to be in, where do I go?" I walked up to the front of the line to ask the person at the folding table which line I was supposed to be in. (I'm registered to vote, but as NP. Need to change to Democrat.) He said back to end of line I was in. The "line" degenerated into a quickly increasing crowd. Everyone wanted to know where their line was. I found a line, but then was told I was in the wrong line. I became part of the wandering folks looking for the right line. No one seemed to know where to go and "official" caucus workers didn't know either. In fact, they all seemed irritated by our questions. The last one told me, "I don't know, you'll just have to wait." I walked back outside, where the line was a few hundred people long. In my wanderings, I came upon an older man with a walker, who was plaintively asking everyone who walked by, "Where is the disabled section? I need to sit down." I hung with him for awhile - he was also looking for the place where we could register. We never found it (or a chair.) Eventually I gave up and walked home (2 miles.) In years past, in other states, I just walked a few blocks to my polling place, filled out my ballot, and walked home - maximum time was 20 minutes. Disorganization aside, this thing today was shaping up to be hours-long. How is that fair to everyone? But mostly, my complaint is with the Democratic Party who was running this event - seems to me they have the money to provide adequate signage, ADA facilities, and knowledgeable people to direct the crowds.
YesWooster High School103600
2/20/2016 13:41:32DanText check in not working. Lines way too long.No
Fernley Intermediate School
2/20/2016 13:53:52John Saunders303
No problem. Two precincts together. Run very well by a Judy whose parents escaped from Germany in 1930's and a Mohamed who I know nothing more about than his name and Arab-like appearance. Democracy in action.
Caughlin Ranch elementary school
2/20/2016 14:02:50Patrick Borden775 544 9204
The lack of printed voter registration rolls, slow, slow internet, and maps to easily determine which precinct a voter was in, slowed our registration process to a crawl
YesVirginia Palmer7504
2/20/2016 14:53:16Craig
The Express Check-In computer crashed leaving only one of two for a while. There was a sign identifying the Express Check-in line but it was placed far to low to be visible above the long lines, so people waited in the wrong line. Volunteers doing their best were sparse and not visible to answer questions in the confusion until one was close to the entrance. There were NO expectations and no provisions for disabled people that I could see. There was no requirement for attendees to turn off their cell phones and in fact they were slowing down the registration process for everyone due to overloading the Wi-Fi. It was difficult to hear an otherwise competent caucus leader and a PA was brought in at my precinct meeting almost as an afterthought only after about two hours into the caucus.
Mount Rose Elementary School
2/20/2016 16:04:18Em
Caucus was a joke! In my precinct there were 5 delegates to be had. Out of 73 voters, 51 supported H, 21 supported B, one was undecided. In all fairness, how could H possibly receive four delegates and B one? Who comes up with the mathematical formula that derives an outcome like that? Disgusting experience!
NoDbl Diam Elem
2/20/2016 16:41:51Megan McDonald7757425312
People were told to go to the wrong location and we're refused Yes
Westergard Elementary
2/20/2016 16:48:51Pat Williams 805.816.2253
Long lines, no organization, indifference, handicap persons having to go up long ramps in wheelchairs and power chairs doors opening late, only 2 people checking caucuses in. Complete chaos. What a joke. Democratic party does NOT know how to run a caucus.
YesPahrump, nv 32
2/20/2016 17:02:56Jacqueline
1) Difficulty counting total number of people in the small classroom we were in. 2) More concerning, a woman who showed up and didn't get to vote because it wasn't made clear to her that she needed a paper after she registered on site.
YesGreen Valley High School7731
2/20/2016 17:21:22Jean Francis775 225-9250
The line was long and vey slow. Also, the caucus workers had to move people around a bit to get each precinct into a space of its own. The turnout seemed to be a lot bigger than they expected. However, as far as I know, they did not run out of the printed caucus cards. Everyone, that I saw, was taking the confusion and delays in stride.
YesPeavine Elementary500800
2/20/2016 17:53:29Barrie775-544-6744
Check in was stressful. We needed a bigger venue. While most people were prepared for chaos, some people were angry and impatient and didn't seem to understand that the venue was being run by volunteers who were doing their best. I don't know if this was a problem, but we did have a conflict which resulted in getting the legal team on the phone to resolve it. Out of 177 caucus attendees for precinct 3009, and a total of 14 delegates from the precinct, our viability number was 27, meaning we needed a minimum of 27 in a group in order for that candidate to receive 1 delegate. After the first alignment. Hillary had 25, there were 2 undecided and Bernie had 151. There was some confusion as to whether Hillary's group, being non viable, was allowed to send a recruiter to the undecided group. While technically I believe that a non viable group is not allowed to send a representative to recruit more supporters, representatives from both Hillary's and Bernie's groups were allowed to do a 1 minute pitch to the undecided group, and a representative from Bernie's group was allowed to give a 1 minute speech to both Hillary's group and the undecideds in an attempt to effect the outcome of the second alignment. Now if the 2 undecideds had moved to Hillary, it would have been 1 delegate for Hillary and 13 for Bernie, and while both undecideds did move to Hillary, one woman in the Hillary group up and left out of sheer frustration leaving only 26 in the group after the second alignment. This resulted in Hillary being totally non viable and Bernie being awarded all 14 delegates. This was swayed by one impatient person proving that your vote does count.
YesLibby Booth3009
2/20/2016 19:03:17Lisa Lee775-997-8819
I do want to share what happened at the caucus today. After we got started and the doors locked, the meeting was called to order, the permanent chair voted in, and we began the came as a shock to find that their count had five additional people who were not present. Apparently, one person had to go to work but conveniently left her card with the Hillary Precinct Captain. Another four allegedly left after registration. Funny, since I never saw anyone leave. They tried to count them despite the rules which said they have to give them to the PERMANENT CHAIR (which we didn't have until after the doors locked) and after the count. Dirty politics and voter fraud did not win today at our precinct!!!
Hillside Elementary (Storey County)
2/20/2016 19:04:45Paul Alan Lenart775-513-7523palan80@hotmail.comDisruption by "Site Coordinator"YesDodson Elementary302200
2/20/2016 19:17:22Hope Thompson
775-787-2353 or 775-721-7723
My husband and I both have health issues. I had called the democratic headquarters and asked how we should proceed because neither of us can be with large numbers of people. I have a compromised immune system and my husband is a Vietnam veteran with severe PTSD who suffers a lot of anxiety in big crowds. I was told to pre register which we both did. Then we were instructed to turn in our "votes" and we could leave. When we got there the preregistration was not working which necessitated standing in a long line of people, which could put my health at risk. My husband had gone earlier and had gotten through the chaos before me and was able to get me the voting card. I could see he was already getting agitated from the crowd. We both had filled them out and turned them in. But, no one could of any authority was present to run things. It was all volunteers. Finally someone of authority was found. We explained our situation and he demanded that we had to stay for at least 30 minutes for our cards to be counted. Unfortunately my husband's low frustration from his PTSD kicked in and he was angry. This guy said he was authorized to call the authorities. I then suggested that the ADA might somehow accommodate us. He said that only covers entrance access, which I believe is untrue. Anyway, by then it was noon and everyone went in and locked the doors. My husband had left to avoid a confrontation. Literally, I got in my car and cried. Here my husband served his country and once again as a Vietnam vet was ****** by his country. We are both good citizens trying to do our duty to this country. I believe we were prevented from exercising our rights. I tried to locate who to call or write to about this, without success. This is a brief synopsis of our experience. If you can provide me with direction as to who to complain to I would appreciate it.
Melton Elementary School
I believe it was 501100
2/20/2016 19:45:04Anthony Gatti7029855306Agatti1990@gmail.comNot one thing was done properly. Not even sure the results will count the way we did things. Yes
Pat Diskin Elementary School
2/20/2016 20:28:20Colin Loretz775-303-8027
1) Disorganized but even more so from the unexpected turnout. I know its volunteer led but for people taking time out of their day to participate, it caused some short tempers in our precinct and made the process confusing for many - it was very unprofessional and embarrassing. I know that they had trainings as I was invited to them but it seemed like that was not the case for some of our precinct captains. One example was in establishing the original count, no one had a good sense of how they should go about it, despite us all having just checked in. This could easily be solved with technology rather than counting hands, which failed a few times before we were able to get a count. The count ended up being incorrect but did not change the viability numbers.

2) Unprofessional - this isn't so much a problem as it was a surprise. Precinct captains and the individuals who started our caucus were all wearing either Bernie or Hillary shirts. I would think the folks organizing this would not be able to wear these so I was surprised by that. It was fine until they began the caucus process and proceeded to lobby for their candidate (Hillary) while they had the attention of the room. This causes another precinct captain from Bernie's side to jump in with rebuttal and they had to regain the room's composure.

Overall I enjoy the social aspect of the caucus process but they should be run a little bit smoother or we should have a primary (which I know is a whole different issue). Some messiness is to be expected as we're dealing with people but more volunteer training and professionalism would go a long way.
Hunter Lake Elementary
2/21/2016 1:27:35Ron
Despite 2wks of extensive prep, many failure show weakness of caucus system. Site leader here. Willing to do post mortem.
YesHug High6115
2/21/2016 7:31:58Philip Moore775-224-1877
Very long line to use "Express Check-In," 1-1/2 - 2 hours to register everyoneYes
Double Diamond Elementary
A belligerent man yelling because the woman was not speaking loud enough. It was incredibly loud in the lunch room, as every precinct was mere feet away from each other.
I have a video of him yelling. If you want a copy, email me.
YesFIS- Fernley27
2/21/2016 9:06:48Kathy johnson775 225 7579
Confusion, short on planning, volunteers not properly taught on what to do. There were a couple who knew the what's ,where's and how's but they couldn't be everywhere. Our precinct leader hadn't shown and I had been there nearly 4 hours. Sadly, I had to leave before casting vote.
YesSparks middle school's in my car. I'll get back to you on that.
2/21/2016 9:39:09Jorge Pintor775-771-2245
"Pre registrations didn't go through the system " and one registered man was denied his vote for bernie Sanders because he missed the head count by 5 minutes, where Hillary voters were givin the chance to vote and register after. They read the law to us and they allowed Hillary voters to break it!!!
YesSwope middle school1043
2/21/2016 12:41:40Helen Caddes702-592-0675
It was very disorganized. People were waiting for very long periods of time and kept saying that the computers were failing due to a poor connection. There was a gigantic group of people all standing around the general registration table (not in a line, just in a large mass) who did not seem to be organized at all or in a line. There was not adequate seating for the elderly or the disabled. There were doors at the back of the caucus line I was in for express entry and they were not locked or otherwise closed, so people kept coming in and out of the doors and cutting in the line, bringing their friends in, coming and going. Everything just seemed kind of thrown together and it did not seem "official" like a regular primary process. I was disappointed in how unprofessional it was and how long it took. I had to take 4 hours of my time to caucus. Many of my friends who wanted to caucus had prior engagements they could not break for the day, could not stay for the whole time, or could not get out of work. Working class and middle class people cannot just leave their jobs in the middle of the day for 4-5 hours at a time. This is an economy with a large number of people who work weekends. They were disenfranchised in this process and their voices were not heard. I think that is wrong. It was also difficult for people with children to take part as they had to bring their children if they did not have childcare or another adult available to watch them. 4 hours for a caucus is a very long time for parents with children to have to wait to participate in the political process.
2/21/2016 13:21:17Jacob
It was taking a long time to get everyone registered. I made sure to get there early and pre-registered online. Some people had the wrong precinct numbers. People couldn't find their precinct room. Some people had to go back to registration and figure out the problem. This didn't help the line to get in. You can't start the caucus until everyone is inside and the site lead gives the okay. That took about an hour to 90 minutes. We just took this time to debate about the candidates. It was frustrating though because it was neck and neck in my precinct while people were coming in. One of my fellow Bernie supporters was almost about to leave but I encouraged her to stay all the way through. Luckily she did stay and we won by 2 votes! The caucus system is an interesting way to vote. It gets everybody more engaged. I believe it deters people from voting though because of the long drawn out process. A primary would be much more simple and much less problems.
Mary and Zel Lowman Elementary School
2/21/2016 19:21:47Victoria Swenson423 9721965
The media guy was taking photos of our ballots Specifically with our names and addresses on his cell. Our group was outraged and made him delete his photos off of his phone. Another media guy also was trying to interview one of our uncommitted member.
University of Nevada, Reno
Zip code 89512
2/22/2016 6:38:47Doug Banghart7753134390
On Saturday, I was caucusing at Galena HS in precinct 8254 (GHS theater). After we began caucusing, a woman walked in late and sat on the Clinton side. When we began to fill out our ballots, this woman rose up and said she didn’t have a ballot. A participant gave her a ballot. She then proceeded to vote for Clinton. How is it that, this woman came in late to a precinct that was split 50-50, didn’t have a ballot in the first place and was given one by another participant? How is it that a person had an extra ballot to give away? Did she just come in off the street? Clinton won the precinct by ONE vote getting 4 out of 7 delegates. This smells fishy. Everyone in the room witnessed this woman's actions.
YesGalena HS8254
2/22/2016 7:21:37Cherie Reisinger775 800 1742
The most disorganized experience I have ever encountered. No body knew what line to stand in. Volunteers were giving wrong directions to people. No signs to direct people. Handicap and elderly were not given special lines. Line took about 2 hours for people to get into their rooms. It all could have been avoided with more voter look up stations and better signs.
YesWooster High204900
2/22/2016 9:51:58Pat
1. Chaos. Caucus workers were not trained enough or had not done their homework by reading the caucus manual before.
2. Workers were not prepared for the number of people who showed up.
3. Computers crashed.
4. Letters from the super-delegates were not passed out (my group received only one letter, that from Sen. Reid).
5. Simple organizational skills were not being used, i.e. it took THREE counts to get the correct number of voters present for our precinct--we finally had to line up and count off.
6. At 12:00 noon, the line for non-pre-registered caucusers was still out to McCarran Blvd. We could not start the caucus until 1:00 pm, and the last precinct was not done until 3:00 pm.
7. There was confusion as to whether the number of delegates was to be determined by the total number of registered voters in the precinct or by the number of registered voters who showed up to caucus. In discussions with voters from other caucus sites, I found out that one precinct that had only 21 total voters present at the caucus got SIX delegates based on the total number of voters in their precinct whether or not they were present, while my own precinct group of over 80 people present got only EIGHT delegates because the number of delegates was based only on the number of voters present at the caucus. The math was waaay out of line.
8. People started to leave before delegates and alternates were chosen.
9. Voting location rules state that there are to be no candidate signs within a certain distance of the polling place, yet there were Bernie and Hillary signs everywhere and caucus workers were wearing candidate t-shirts.
10. This was my second caucus. It will be my last. In a primary election, you go in, cast your vote and leave--10 minutes max. In a primary, your vote is private vs. the public exposure to your neighbors in a caucus. The time required for a caucus will absolutely reduce the numbers of participating voters. I fervently hope that a proposal to return to a primary vote will be placed on the Nevada ballot for 2016.
Drake Elementary Schoo, 4th St., Sparks
2/23/2016 16:56:10DugganTestTestTestYesTestTEst
2/23/2016 17:04:46Dennis Houge7757374115Dhouge@sbcglobal.netOnly two hours to vote are you kidding me!YesDillworth621400
2/23/2016 17:48:56Dean
No one knows whether paper ballot counts or your vote only counts for the delegate you vote for which represents your preferred candidate
NoReno high school5006
2/23/2016 19:33:11TomPeople are voting for Donald Fucking TrumpNoAllAll
2/23/2016 19:58:22Janis Rohl3606462Rohldex@live.comLong line. Pre-registration on line was worthless. NoReed High6415
2/23/2016 20:35:14Heather
Arrived a little after 6:00 p.m. and followed signs to check-in. Waited in line outside for about 10-15 minutes. Once inside, went to "S" line and checked in. Went straight to precinct and waited in another line for about five minutes to turn in ballot. There were a lot of people, but I thought it went well. They could have had a better location to do the initial check-in as a lot of people crowded the doors making it look like you couldn't get in when in fact the lines for F-Z were all short.
2/23/2016 20:37:17Matthew Booher7752878787
1. Chairman asked for COMMITTED delegates - who are you committing for? 2. A lady was assigned to collect the ballots, not put them on to an envelope or ballot box. 3. The Chairman did not originally allow people to vote and leave. He was going to go though all the delegate assignments, have people talk, etc. Until we corrected him.