TimestampLast NameFirst NameWhat calendar years were you in the GETA Academy? (Example: 2008-2010)What were your fondest memories of GETA?Describe the skills that you learned in GETA that have been most valuable to you since Graduation and how have these skills served you?What advice would you give current GETA students?What were your plans immediately after graduation?What are you doing now in terms of work and/or education?What plans do you have in the next 1 to 3 years?Please submit a best way to contact you: email, phone, social media, website, address, etc. (We will only post this with your permission)May our current GETA students contact you for interviews, survey's, wisdom, or even job opportunities?May we post your best method of contacting you?If you do not know, a new GETA facility is being built for us in the area just east of the tennis courts...we called it the "compound." Completion date should be mid July 2021. If we held a Grand Opening event, would you be willing or able to attend?If you have contact with other GETA Alumni, would you please share this link with them? THANK YOU... MR JOHNSON.
2/25/2021 14:39:44AndradesDiego2015-2019GETA really became a community over the course of 4 years. I remember how close we all got and how it was just as much fun as it was academic to be in the GETA environment. I particularly enjoyed the bigger projects (like the boat team) because we got to nurture out projects over such a long period of time.GETA taught me a lot of creative problem solving skills. Since it wasn't a typical academic class, all of the course work really forced me to think outside of the box. I have been fortunate enough to take a lot of these concepts and apply them to academia. GETA is killer in interviews. I'm majoring in a soft science, so I don't typically mention GETA anywhere on my resume/CV. However, I'm normally asked to tell the interviewer "something that isn't found on my resume." I always tell them about how I helped to build an award winning solar regatta, and they eat that experience up. ie. you can use GETA in a non-related field as a conversation piece to round your candidacy. I attended a 4-year university (University of Southern California) directly after graduatingI am now 1/2 way done with my BA. I'm double majoring in Political Science and Philosophy, Politics, and Law with a minor in Legal Studies. I'm a research assistant for Arnold Schwarzenegger and I analyze data relating to voting. I'm also a business development and legal research intern at a Bay Area tech company (Seedstages) where I perform a lot of grant writing and applying. And, I'm an executive director of business and legal strategies at Our National Conversation, a bipartisan news aggregate startup. I'm planning to keep interning attend law school in 2 years. I'm also a candidate for several fellowships and prestigious internships so there's a lot more academia in store for me yet. email: text: (916)690-5063YesYesYes
2/25/2021 15:02:11NguyenHa 2016-2020Sophomore year- sending my solar suitcase to Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria.Some of most valuable skills would be learning how to communicate with my peers and adults in a professional setting. And improving my leadership skills. These skills allows me to do more within any organization I join and to always strive for more.To take advantage of everything GETA has to offer, regardless of what anyone thinks or attend a 4 year universityI am currently a first year at San Jose State UniversityTo continue taking on any opportunities that arise while in
2/25/2021 21:42:26YeeNathan2012-2016Go cart Working with my handsCollegeI.T. Software Engineer or Network admin
2/25/2021 21:43:22HuffBreanna2009-2011EVERYTHING!Using shop tools, welding, teamwork the list is honestly endless. I am now able to utilize these tools and trades to help others and myself with rebuilding or remodeling homes amd cars.Stay focused this program can give you SO much knowledge. It's also so much fun.To go to college.I am a security officer with some college.To get a house and bigger, better car for my 3 children and fur baby.NoNoYesYes!
2/25/2021 21:45:44GarnseyReanna2007-2010Staying after school and working on a scholarship projectCollaborating, sharing ideas and working as a team. This is useful in everyday lifeEnjoy, learn and grow Go to college for nursingRegistered Dental HygienistContinue my education get a masters in teaching, teach at junior college levelReannagarnsey@gmail.comYesYesYesYes
2/25/2021 22:05:15DeoCheyanne2012-2016The forever friendships I madeLeadership, working in teams/with others, complex thinking skillsLearn as much as you can and participate! I feel so cool when I bring up or know how to fix electrical work or just small things like chemical reactions. Also, network!!! I got my favorite job ever from networking. I was supposed to go to a 4-year but financially wasn’t able to so I went to CRC and it was the best decision I made. I plan on earning my bachelors from Sac State for business and I’m currently an assistant service manager at a well known restaurant.Earn my degree and hopefully find a position as a manager/work my way into a full time manager position (not necessarily at restaurants, just wherever I feel the most comfortable)Cell: 916-806-3497, email: cheyannedeo98@gmail.comYesYesYesAbsolutely! Thanks for providing the best 4 years of my life!
2/25/2021 22:26:23HarringtonJohn2012-2015Collaborating in teams while working to learn and implement solutions related to green energy was an overall fond memory for me.

Specifically, building go karts with the opportunity to design them and implement them with relative freedom was an awesome experience. GETA combined technical skills with purpose to elevate its youth.
Communication, teamwork, and shared purpose are all things learned in GETA that will suit you no matter what you end up doing. These skills have skipped me right to the front of the line in every situation I've brought them to, educationally and professionally.

The practice interview from senior year is by far one of the best learning opportunities out there. Understand that that feedback is meant to help, and that it's the world helping you become your best self.
Genuinely absorb not just the educational content, but the skills to be learned from working with your peers to build something greater than your team. If this is done correctly, it will open doors and lead to many, many positive results. Community College! Don't let anyone tell you that you need to go right into a 4 year degree. Take some time to figure out who you are and what you'd want to spend your time doing as an adult out in the world, and understand that it's okay if it takes time, just don't give up on yourself and keep an open mind that's open to opportunities. Having recently finished up my Bachelor's in Managerial Economics at UC Davis, I'm currently working as a management consultant for a firm called Unleashing Leaders. Current activities include assisting the California Department of Public Health in COVID operations and refining their Health Corps program, among others.

I also serve as an ambassador and Develop committee member to Metro Edge, a young professional's network out of The Sacramento Metro Chamber dedicated to connecting and developing young professionals in the Sacramento area.
For the next one to three years, the focus will be on developing my professional tool kit as well as the tool kits of others. I'm currently working on my lean six sigma certification as well as studying branding and marketing principles so that we may best learn how to inspire and improve the world we live in! JOCHARRINGTON@GMAIL.COMYesYesYesThank you Mr. J!
2/25/2021 23:37:45Henderson Griffin 2011-2015My trip to Monaco Power tools and safety trainingGETA is a place where you can use the skills taught to do amazing things, but not everything has to be done by the book. College Target team member/IT studies Finish technical training 916-509-1385YesYesYesYes
2/25/2021 23:51:38MellizaMatthew2011-2015My fondest memories at GETA were working on projects like the solar suitcases, wind turbines, and working on the green house with the aquaponic system with my fellow classmates. GETA was a great experience that I never thought I would get. If I could go back I would do as many projects as I could! Public speaking, using power tools, communication skills within a group, and 3D printing and programming. Take every project seriously because you will miss the fun in the projects and you will learn a lot of different skills that you will use in the future. After graduation I went straight into community college to start to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Finishing my last semester for my Environmental Studies Degree at Sacramento State.Graduate College and find a job position in L.A. with the Walt Disney Company. email: phone: (916)-743-1192YesYesYesYes
2/26/2021 6:49:00WallingerKerstin 2009-2013The solar boat! My junior year was the first year we built and competed in the solar regatta. We had built our first boat by hand but had to scrap it to build a new one. Keep at it! Learn as much as you can and don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away. Ask questions!Go to school and get a degree for teachingCurrently I’m working towards going back to schoolI want to go back to school for cosmetology Email! It’s kjbove@gmail.comYesYesMaybe
2/26/2021 9:05:45GittisriboongulAlek2014-2018Friends I had for all four years of highschoolBasic tool skillsHave fun, it's the most fun class in highschoolWork towards getting a vanI have joined the california conversation corpBuild a forestry of fire fighter careerNoNoI will be out of state for this yearOf course
2/26/2021 9:19:42FriedrichSarah2010-2014Several, but to name a few, the solar regata, fields trips to our coach for our senior project, and the electric go cartsPower tools/ welding- the knowledge of how to use these has helped me assist with improvement projects, and actually helped me land my internship in engineering during college.
Interviewing - I think this is an under appreciated skill. Very rarely do you have an opportunity to practice in a professional environment and get open and honest feedback.
Project Planning - our senior project is the most applicable project to any thing I have had in the professional world. You have a problem and proposed solution with a timeframe to do it, but no one is setting benchmarks for you. It helped me raise awareness of the scope of my projects to make sure I can deliver with the best quality I can.
1. Use your block in GETA to learn everything Mr. Johnson and other people can teach you.
2. You will only get as much as you put into it (cliche, but true!) You get so many unique experiences in GETA, take advantage of them.
3. Have fun! When I went through the class, we had quite a bit of free reign, especially as we became upperclassmen. Use that to flex your creativity and tinker (safely, of course) with all of the projects you have.
I went to school for engineering. I ended up switching schools a few times, but still ended up in a degree in industrial and systems engineering. I am a management engineer for Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, GA. In short, I work on process improvements throughout the hospital. I plan on staying where I am at, promoting through the structure, and helping facilitate improvements to foster a culture of improvement. Either email or text: , 916-525-5706YesYesAlthough I can’t attend in person, I would love to be able to attend virtually, if that is an option
2/26/2021 9:33:52PhanChristina2016-2020The boat race and the GETA breakfast including the field tripsI know what to do with the different types of energy to use that'll be more effective towards the end result that I'll need. Like being able to find other sources of energy thorough hydro, or solar or even wind power to create energy in my house to power day to day necessities.Always pay attention to the teachers, what they say or do is very important and can be useful to day to day life. And if you have any problems or questions never hesitate to ask them for help but remember they can't always help you and you need to solve certain problems on your own.Going to college or getting a jobI'm working at my grandparents donut shop. Unfortunately we don't provide job opportunities here so we don't have much help at the moment aside from our family members.Having a stable job so my grandparents can retire. 1(904)802-3212, instagram: kittiesfuture, christinaphan20@gmail.comYesYesYesSure thing, I'll help out as much as I can.
2/26/2021 10:00:53NguyenDrew2014-2018The solar regatta and everything after that are my favorite memories.I’ve learned a lot about site designing actually and I am currently designing them as a hobby. I will be doing one for a small business soon and I’ve also used what I’ve learned from the Wix assignment to maintain some documents for online communities.Participate in the assignments as most of them are very fun and hands onFinding workNone at the momentFinding a stable income and a career and moving onBest: Discord @Drew#0010 or email or a text at 9168966260YesYesYes
2/26/2021 10:05:51mirandaemile2009-2013Solar bicycles and my classmates. Problem solving and patience. These have helped me to persevere and be flexible in life, school, and my job. Stick with it till it works. Go to college. ASP directorStart up my own business. emhta123@yahoo.comYesYesMaybeYes.
2/26/2021 10:35:42Nieves Josue 2017-2020Coming into the class and Mr Johnson having his hand ready to shake it and then I’d tell him to take a break because he’s shaken too many hands... of course I was the only person with the power to shake a hand properly. Had a great teacher that’s whyDO NOT PROCRASTINATE, it’s such a bad path to go under and delays work and makes it harder in the long run and also normalization Of deviance is bad.Respect the teachers you have in front of you because they aren’t just there to tell you what to do and leave. They’re there because they care and want to see you grow and succeed in life and in the future see you prosper and look back and say “ wow that was my student and I helped to shape and form this man/women into someone who’s making a difference”. Keep every little advice they give you to heart and most most importantly, update your wix website because it comes in handy.Get into college and get more into art performing and literature so I can get better with acting, singing and those things a performer does. I am working at the Urgent care building as a dental assistant and wow I never thought that having to call in for a job interview would come In handy but it did. I plan on releasing music and getting more into the performing arts and helping my church out because God has blessed me so much and has taught me to value everything I have in front of me no matter how little. 916-203-4569 YesYesYesNo problem and thank you for everything you’ve taught me, blessed my life in ways I can’t describe.
2/26/2021 10:45:00LiangJoanne2013-2017Having Mr.Johnson as a teacher was my fondest memory because he was so understanding and supportive and helped me get through dark times in my life. I also enjoyed so many of the projects that we did, such as the wind turbine and solar go karts. I also loved being with my graduating class at GETA for four years. We created many close friendships and bonds. Geta helped me think outside the box and really pushed my limits. I always limit my mind and think I’m not capable or smart enough but everything we’ve done in GETA, always showed me that I’m more than capable of doing things that I am unsure of. It has helped me reach for my goals in life and persevere through hardships. Treasure your moments with your class and teacher. Don’t stress about the future or past but focus on the present.Attending college!I am currently enrolled in nursing school and working towards my Bachelors of Nursing and Bachelors of Health Science. Become a registered nurse! PhoneNoYesYes
2/26/2021 13:29:26DaniYash2013 - 2017
My fondest memories are working on the practical projects with my team. We learned a lot through the projects and had fun doing them since they were hands on.
The more you invest into GETA, the more you'll get out of it.
Attending UC Davis
I'll be starting as a software engineer at Adobe after I graduate
2/26/2021 13:48:58Nieves Josue 2017-2020
Coming into the class and Mr Johnson having his hand ready to shake it and then I’d tell him to take a break because he’s shaken too many hands... of course I was the only person with the power to shake a hand properly. Had a great teacher that’s why
DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, it’s such a bad path to go under and delays work and makes it harder in the long run and also normalization Of deviance is bad.
Respect the teachers you have in front of you because they aren’t just there to tell you what to do and leave. They’re there because they care and want to see you grow and succeed in life and in the future see you prosper and look back and say “ wow that was my student and I helped to shape and form this man/women into someone who’s making a difference”. Keep every little advice they give you to heart and most most importantly, update your wix website because it comes in handy.
Get into college and get more into art performing and literature so I can get better with acting, singing and those things a performer does.
I am working at the Urgent care building as a dental assistant and wow I never thought that having to call in for a job interview would come In handy but it did.
I plan on releasing music and getting more into the performing arts and helping my church out because God has blessed me so much and has taught me to value everything I have in front of me no matter how little.
916-203-4569 YesYesYes
No problem and thank you for everything you’ve taught me, blessed my life in ways I can’t describe.
2/26/2021 15:27:04BaugussDevin2015-2019
Being in the boat team, going on field trips, and building projects with friends.
Being able to get my job shadow has proved extremely useful. I now have connections in my future career field that I would never have had otherwise.
Times are tough right now, but stick with it. Everything gets better. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel! You got this.
Go to community college
Currently I'm on a short break from school, working full time
Continue school, get into game development further
2/26/2021 15:45:08GrandEthan2016-2019
Working on the solar boat
How to write a effective resume was the biggest skill
Try and do your projects early so you are not rushing to finish it at the last minute
I enrolled at Sacramento state.
I am going to Sacramento state getting a degree in computer science while working at McDonalds part time
I will keep going to school then try and get a computer security Job.
Phone : (916)-214-6341YesYesYes
Thank you mr Johnston have a great day
2/26/2021 16:01:09AsfehAlexander2009-2012
Hands on work with classmates, and the general exposure of technology to everyone
Find your passion or what drives you and follow it.
College and pursuing a career in engineering
Commercial pilot and working for a solar/engineering firm
Continue to build my aviation career and experience YesYesMaybe
2/26/2021 16:27:37MillerJabril2009
Working together with other people as a team in order to finish projects
Keep working as hard as you can and you'll achieve anything you want
Going to collegeGoing to school
Working on getting a book published
2/26/2021 16:52:54GeeAaron
2015~2020 (Class of 2020)
Building the solar suitcases was a big highlight; knowing that what I was doing could benefit those in need around the world felt amazing, and I got to work with some amazing people while doing so!
Leadership and cooperation/workload management in groups; GETA involved a lot of group projects that forced me to learn how to effectively manage a group and balance workloads with others.
I've learned that an effective leader is one that can direct and lead a group towards a goal rather than just the load bearer of the group. I've also learned the importance of properly balancing a project's workload between teammates, and how important it is that everyone do their share of work.
In my current classes, I continue to work with others on various projects, and the skills I learned from GETA have definitely helped me to make things go smoother than they would be without.
Please actually pay attention in class xD
While not everything you learn might have direct applications to whatever you do in the future, the social/learning skills you do develop will carry you far.
Also, make connections! One of the best parts of GETA is how cohesive the group is and how many opportunities you can make to create long-term friends and acquaintances.
Attending a 4-year university.
Currently studying Computer Science & Engineering at UC Irvine (Will be sophomore at start of Fall 2021).
Continue my education, get a degree, and hopefully find a job where I can apply what I've learned to benefit the community in some way.
phone text is probably the best way to contact me. My phone number is +1 (916) 385-7559
2/26/2021 17:06:17WassonJenny2009-2013
Having linked classes helped me develop really strong friendships and relationships with teachers. It was a strong support system and something consistent throughout the ups and downs of high school. The GETA classes pushed me out of my comfort zone to try new things and opened my horizons. It provided me with an opportunity to build a strong work ethic and become a leader.
The work ethic helped me tackle college (for example: balancing 7 courses in college on semester). Working in groups prepared me for working with others in the workplace. Leadership opportunities gave me the confidence and experienced needed when going into the workplace. Building strong relationships with teachers helped me feel confident in reaching out to college professors when I needed to.
Push yourself out of your comfort zone! Try welding, build that greenhouse. Do it all! Cherish those friendships you cultivate in your classes. Trust the process and use the support around you to build the best college application or resume! Even if you don’t want to enter the green energy profession, the skills they teach you in GETA can be applied in all aspects of life!
Attend CSU Chico to become a teacher
I am in my 3rd year of teaching 1st grade in the Sacramento area
Continue teaching the little ones!
Cell phone (916-217-9036)
2/27/2021 0:19:02Nieves Josue 2017-2020
Coming into the class and Mr Johnson having his hand ready to shake it and then I’d tell him to take a break because he’s shaken too many hands... of course I was the only person with the power to shake a hand properly. Had a great teacher that’s why
DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, it’s such a bad path to go under and delays work and makes it harder in the long run and also normalization Of deviance is bad.
Respect the teachers you have in front of you because they aren’t just there to tell you what to do and leave. They’re there because they care and want to see you grow and succeed in life and in the future see you prosper and look back and say “ wow that was my student and I helped to shape and form this man/women into someone who’s making a difference”. Keep every little advice they give you to heart and most most importantly, update your wix website because it comes in handy.
Get into college and get more into art performing and literature so I can get better with acting, singing and those things a performer does.
I am working at the Urgent care building as a dental assistant and wow I never thought that having to call in for a job interview would come In handy but it did.
I plan on releasing music and getting more into the performing arts and helping my church out because God has blessed me so much and has taught me to value everything I have in front of me no matter how little.
916-203-4569 YesYesYes
No problem and thank you for everything you’ve taught me, blessed my life in ways I can’t describe.
2/27/2021 11:55:27MartinezSierra2010-2012
Senior projects solar suitcases
Learning Circuit series I was able to teach 5th graders what I learned also solar panels
It’s a skill you will always have in your pocket
I’m a middle school and high school dance teacher and NFL cheerleader and business owner
To open a store front for my business
Instagram @Citamohita Email 916-634-6327
2/27/2021 15:23:38HinerKaleb2014-2018
Staying after school let out to work on whatever the current project was.
Working more effectively with a group and general problem solving skills, both being consistently valuable anywhere.
When the opportunity presents itself to do or learn something interesting, take it. You're more likely to regret missing the chance than to get nothing worthwhile out of it.
Attend community college for GE credits before transferring to a four year college.
Attending Cosumnes River College.
Finish taking GE classes at CRC and transfer to a four year school.
2/27/2021 16:25:01BrannerTatiana2014—2018I made friends
I learned how to wire things without killing myself.
Research isn’t as boring as you think it is.
Transfer to four year university
Community College
Transfer to a four year college and get a job
Phone number: (510)559-0349
3/5/2021 10:04:11SweeneyJonathan2008-2012
Moments with my classmates and competitions
How to be self sufficient and work with a team to achieve goals
Know the difference between hard skills and soft skills and hone them both to your natural abilities
I had no plans it took me a few years to figure out a course for myself
I work as a Data analyst for Google and I got a BA in Global Studies from UCSB
Continue working and going for an MBA at Colombia
already have, sorry for being late Johnson
3/13/2021 11:52:49CarsonJack2013-2017Setting the record for solar regatta sprint by ~twofold. I don't now if this record still stands today but setting it was a great memory.Shop skills, presentation skills, teamwork skills.Put in the time to really understand why you are doing what you're doing in the academy. Look for a job as a Mechanical Engineer.Graduating from UCSD with a BS in Mechanical Engineering in June 2021.Work and save money.jackmcarsonjmc@gmail.comYesYesYes
3/13/2021 23:19:59TaylorJackson2014 -> 2018
The sense of community .
5/30/2021 18:29:42ArcadoNicholas2015-2018
I loved using the metal laithe the most of all the machines, and I loved seeing my friends in all my core classes
The most valuable thing Mr Johnson taught me was to measure twice and cut once. I have had several jobs in the trades in the last few years and this has saved me from making big mistakes many times
Enjoy it while you can and take it seriously! It's easy to dismiss the tedious work you are given in class sometimes, but if you can
I planned to go to CRC after graduation but this did not work out for me
I am currently working for JMC Homes, doing residential construction.
I am currently saving money to go to a trade school and get my electrician's trainee card so I can start my career as an electrician
10/21/2021 18:44:29NguyenHien2013-2017
Some of my fondest memories were mostly events that were off-campus/ afterschool. Couple of the events that I remember fondly were the solar regatta when I went along with the main team for support and to take pictures, another event would be the outreach events by the school district showcasing of the programs that the schools in the area had.
GETA taught me to use many different kinds of tools that could help me in the future, so I am able to operate these pieces of machinery and also safely. Another skill would be the professionalism that Mr. Johnson taught would we could apply in the real world.
Don't take things for grant. The resources and skills that Mr. Johnson/GETA offers are hard to come by once you're on your own.
I attended CC and then transferred to Sacramento State.
I am currently a Third-year at Sacramento State and also work for school's Union and Well IT department.
Finish school and find work after graduation. or text @ 9163858172
2/21/2022 8:55:53KapellerDaniel2015-2019
GETA is more than just a class, it's also a community. Some of my best memories of GETA were the people who I was with and the people I met in GETA. I always enjoyed the GETA socials that we had in Mr. Greenbaum's classroom and socializing with other GETA students after school. I built a lot of friendships in GETA that still last to this day.
Teamwork was definitely the best thing that I learned in GETA. Before GETA, I was very individualistic and wanted to do everything myself. I learned later however, that most things in life aren't like that and you need others to help and guide you. In GETA, I realized that teamwork is necessary and important and how to efficiently work in a team. This has helped me tremendously in school and will in the future as my anticipated career is extremely team-based.
Take GETA seriously and put the time and effort in it. Mr. Johnson and all of the other teachers want to see you succeed and help you. Accept the advise that they give you. What you learn in GETA is relevant to every industry. Be open and let yourself develop; you'll look back at GETA and be thankful for what you learned in it. Also keep on top of your WIX, some future employers will be interested in it. I took an airline interview class last semester and did a mock-interview (sound familiar seniors?) with a FedEx pilot recruiter. When the topic came up, he asked a bit more about GETA and I showed him my WIX.
Attend a 4-year university
Currently in school full-time studying Aviation Administration/Business in Virginia. I am also an aviation ground instructor, commercial pilot, and commercial drone operator. I've been using these certifications to independently contract out some of my services.
I plan on finishing up my college education online after this semester (Spring 2022). This Summer, I will have my flight instructor license and hopefully finally get my first full-time job as a pilot. In about 3 years time, I hope to get a job at an airline and starting the training to become an airline pilot.
Email - or Phone text - (916) 747-2769