TimestampEMPLIDFirst NameLast NameHow are you doing? This is a weird time for all of us. Are you struggling? Are you hanging in there?How is your Calculus II class going? How are your other classes going?How do you feel like you did on Test #1? What was easy about it? What was hard about it? Did you feel prepared for the test?How are your HOT Topics presentations going? What do you need more help with? How do you usually prepare for your HOT Topics presentations? Do you feel like you are preparing enough or the right way to give a successful presentation? What about your preparation is going well? What about your preparation could be improved?HOT Topics presentations are kind of like weekly quizzes that you may have taken back when we had face-to-face classes. Do you find you are learning the material better than you would if you were taking a written quiz instead of giving a presentation? How is this different for you?COLD sessions are a chance for us to get together as a class and make sure everyone is on track. What is helpful about the COLD sessions? What is unhelpful?How do you usually use the course hub? Do you feel like the lessons and videos there prepare you for your assignments or do you seek outside resources? Why?Do you look at the recordings of COLD sessions or the COLD session notes? Are the recordings or the notes helpful for you?Has meeting with your study group helped you with your HOT Topics presentations or other assignments? What else would you like to do with your study group in the future?What does a typical week in MAT 1575 look like for you? How much time do you spend reading the lessons or the textbook? How much time do you spend working on WeBWorK (Rederly)? How much time to you spend preparing your HOT Topics presentation? How much time do you spend meeting with your classmates? What is working for you and what is not working for you?Have you attended tutoring? Do you attend tutoring regularly? Why or why not?What advice would you give to another student who needs to succeed in this class?We can't make major changes to the course (for example, the grading scheme and the weekly schedule are set). But we might be able to make small modifications. Do you have any suggestions for small modifications? What would help you succeed?Do you have any questions or anything else you'd like your professor to know about your situation at this point?How would you feel if your study group membership changed?
3/10/2021 15:01:1723587460Albert Sanchez
Im Doing good just a bit awkward with the time with class like i the fact that really can't take the test the second time with another class having a class as well.
Calculus going well with the fact that test aren't graded that highly. My other seems to be going well but can change with the test that are coming up.
The test was not that hard for the some of the question i knew how to start them but they were some questions that I could not really remember how to do or what to do next so I just left it blank just with the simply fact that I never worked through them like a hot topic so it flew past me. Besides that think the test was great the homework and hot Topic help me worked through some of these question but the ones that we work on early was not on my mind so i just could not work it out.
The Hot Topic Presentations are going fine for me I only really need sometimes since its always a new topic.
My way of doing it is just solving the problem and then figure how I solve and Why is Right. Which just help me better understand the topic at hand. Same with doing some homework and asking the some questions. Which just helped me understand and know what I'm talking about.
I find the Hot Topic presentation are a great way of me getting an understanding of the subject at hand. I know this pretty true right now simply because the question that were given in the test that were on the Hot topic list were easy and I knew right off the bat how to solve it
The main thing that is helpful to me is the walking through how to solve of are question like a quick lessons and run down of what to do. Also what not to do this just helps full stop with the hot questions as well because I know what to be asking if i was struggle and what question to ask to be shown.
The Videos are fine but I sometimes find my self not watching them. May just be me with wanting to quickly get my work done and just being impatient and just skipping around skimming through the text. Simply because I feel like I'm wasting time with having to do Homework and my other classes work so I get the feeling of finishing it as quickly as possible. However, it does help get the info across and mostly likely gets everything through nicely but i guess with the amount of videos and text sometimes just seems like a lot. Something that really be fix since its a balance act between getting all the info needed and making sure it does it in a way it gets the student doing the work and actually paying attention. With that being said i think they fine that's it.
I have yet to look into the recordings but the notes that i have token i have look back on quite often. Manly because the problems shown and solved are the ones that we are solving. Which unlike the videos they go through some Easy problems and that just does not help me understand the approach and how to work it through. However, with the cold session its a problem that I've seen and was confused about it the videos did not help so the cold Sessions or the notes can clear up my misunderstanding.
The study group is great to get Hot topic question help and to get them done with a clear understanding same with homework. Which I think is fine I feel like they should be times where its about solving some question that we may not give a focus on since we are so tunnel on the topic question so that a test comes around and its not a unknown problem.
To start it off I normally kind of do my work "late" like in Friday or at least start it on Wednesday with my group. Mostly because of other class and just being lazy. But I'd start looking through the lessons it would take me at least 30 mins to look through read and watch some videos to great a look at how the problems look like and to see how to solve. From they I'll do some homework questions I try my best to get at least 10 unanswered questions so if they is 30 questions so I'll do 20 questions. After that look for my Hot topic question and work it through.
Nope. No real reason if i had to give one it would be that I'm Really struggle with the math and another would be that I just don't like have all my time taken up with school work. With the idea of just constantly working on something would burn me out. Stress would mess with sleep and just feel awful if i was working all day (i have like 3 days off a week). Granted that just means I'll go if Its needed if the lessons are not making sense then yes I'll go for it.
Don't be to lazy find some time early on in the week to work through the lessons and Homework than work on the Hot topic question later in the week so if Tuesday is free week take an hour to work through ten questions (or just do all of it if possible) so that Later in the weekend the only thing that's left is The hot topic question and it should not be an issue if you went through the lesson and homework.
I guess for would be more importance in homework / Group work. Meaning have some homework question solved with work shown through the group making it so that if your group cares about getting an understanding and getting the work done together. Also is a great way to great some of the non-hot topic question subjects be as important to know how to work through and preps people for the test with those questions.
Well the only thing that I'd have to say is that I won't be able to take the test tomorrow. Mostly cause i have a second test tomorrow so bad timing. Another thing is that the first Document i sent over did not have my id in it i sent a second one with my id in it. I also forgot to write my Emplid on the pages so that second one have 2 last photos with my id hope that's good enough just forgot slip my mind.

Last one: This Test was a little awkward with the two days could they be a time when we pick the days for us to take the test and hopefully some type of review before the test.
I ask of these two things simply because I had issues solving some of the problems and noticed that we never had a review so i simply forgot about it. The another is simply Two better day that fit the classes schedule for me the weekend would work for me since i have no classes then and Mon-thurseday is busy for me.

That it for me nothing really to add on Hope you have a great week and hope my test work was alright for the first one.
If my members in my grouped change would feel a little odd since I already comfortable with my members and we have systems that works for us.
3/11/2021 20:17:1223792586AleemAhmed
As the pandemic goes on I have been learning to cope with it and adapting to the online classes.
Calculus II is going fine for now. The other classes are going fine.
Test #1 was a fair test. Most of the questions were similar to the homework and hot topic questions. I should’ve prepared more because I ran out of time and missed some questions.
The HOt topics are going fine I need to work on correcting minor mistakes.
When I prepare for the presentation I do the question multiple times. I feel the way I prepare for now is fine as the semester goes on i may change how I prepare. I need to be more organized on how I present my work.
I prefer the HOT topics. The reason is if you are able to present it shows you have the knowledge on what to do for the presentation.
The cold sessions are helpful because it helps me keep track on what needs to be done in the class.
I use the course hub to see what assignments need to be done. I usually watch the videos and go along with the examples then work on some of the homework questions. If I do not understand something fully I look at the textbook and look for more videos on certain topics.
I have not looked at the recordings yet for the cold sessions.
Meeting with my study group has helped alot with my hot topic presentations. I am able to get advice and feedback on how to improve my presentations.
For this class I check the course hub in the start of the week and do lessons as the week goes on. I split the work so about an hour or 2 a day for the class. The hot topic will depend on how much I understand a lesson.And on Wednesday my group and I spend the class time helping eachother and completing the group assignments.
I have not attended tutoring yet but after the test I am planning to start going more.
I would say to spend as much time as possible and make sure you understand the topics.
I do not have any suggestions for modifications.
I have nothing to share at this time.
I wouldn’t mind if the groups changed.
3/14/2021 22:49:38526768Brygetee
I am honestly struggling to find balance between all of my online classes and other commitments outside of school.
I honestly feel like I am really behind and the class is a bit fast paced for me. My other classes are doing okay besides linear algebra because keeping up with both math classes is a challenge, because for me they are both a little too high level for me.
I know I didn't pass. The easy part for me was the fact that it was open note test. The hard part for me was that it was timed. I personally don't work well under a time limit and become too anxious when takings tests. I wasn't adequetly prepared for the test but thats my fault. However I did have three tests within the same two days and it was hard to prepare for all of them.
I am behind, but I do feel like I will be able to catch up soon. What I feel like I need help with is knowing the type of questions that will be asked.
I usually do the problem on scrap paper first by following along to an example in a youtube video. Then I practice the problem in the way I would teach somebody how to solve the problem. The presentation part is going well, however I feel like I need to personally understand the subjects clearer in general.
Yes, I honestly do. I feel like I am actually forced to understand how a problem is solved and why its solved like that as ooposed to just trying to memorize the formulas. I also like the fact that if we don't exactly nail the problem we have another chance to redeem our grades. Quizzes also somtimes put you on the spot because you can be studying for hours on something and the quiz would be on something else.
Going over the problems we didn't understand is definitely helpful.
I like the videos they do help me.
I honestly don't. I feel like I sometimes don't have enough time so I would rather look at youtube videos that are a few minutes long.
To be honest, not that much. The part that helps is figuring out which hot topics belong to which problems but I prefer to work individually. However, I do appreciate being given time in class to work on group assignments because making time outside of class is difficult with everybodys schedules conflicting.
I am going to be honest and say I don't spend enough time, which is something I am constantly trying to work on. The part that I work on the most is hot topics. I typically spend a few hours making the hot topic presentation and study that day and the next in order to prepare. Meeting with my classmates is only dont during wednesdays group sessions. What is not working for me is not doing my rederly homework and individual assignment on time. Sometimes I get too overwhelmed to start because I am a full time student and working and I put it off and decide its not a priority because it is worth only ten percent.
No I haven't ,the time I am free is the night and I am trying to complete assignments for other classes. In general it has never been a habit so its not something I ever tried.
To start everything in advance. I think waiting last minute to catch up makes everything harder.
I think instead of having the homework due before the classes on sunday night, if they were due on monday night instead it would make a huge difference for me. Another thing is while I do find the individual assignments to be beneficial, I think sometimes they add on just another task on top of everything that doesn't completely focus on the course load.
To be honest my home life is a very difficult environment to work in. I am currently working and I am a full time student. I am also taking two math classes which sometimes makes things confusing. Whenever I have assignments or tests they are usually due on the same day. I am not using these as excuses just as a justification to why I am sometimes not able to complete certain tasks. Obviously it is up to me to catch up but these are the challenges I face and I am more than sure other students are facing as well.
I would not like that, I feel as though with online classes it just makes things more challenging working with groups that I already don't know in person. To change that I feel would be pointless unless my group members didn't help with the work.
3/10/2021 19:00:5123673473
WrightIm doing ok
This is the only class i could take right now so its going ok
i did pretty bad on the first try. Even though i know how to do everything i cant decide on what to use without some help most of the time
The presentations are going well
Breakdown the problem into steps while i do it
The presentations are a lot less pressure than written work
The explanations of the class is helpful but we already did a majority of the hw so doing a review of most of the questions is good.
Its good but sometimes hard to navigateI couldnt find the recordingsNot really
i spend friday to sunday working on all the work and reading all the notes from the text and lesson. Usually afterwards the hot topic is simple. We only talk in the session.Doing the textwork has been good but the group hasnt helped me much
i haventDo the work
Review the lecture to get a general idea before we learn it on out own or pre recorded mini lectures on it at some point before like an explanation
noneNothing really
3/10/2021 15:06:2923812798Daniel
Pena Batista
Im doing goodSo far, its goodGood, it was kind of medium Perfect
I do each problem like 2 times before presentation
Yes i feel im learning more with the hot topic
It is very helpful
i see every lesson and watch every video while copying so i can learn what is lesson about
Yes, very helpfulyes, we help each otheri spent like 6 hoursno, i dont need it
to spent more time in each lesson and do all the homeworks
Is prefect the it is no
i would feel ok if there is any changed
3/10/2021 21:33:5223900542David
I'm doing okay for the most part
I feel like this class is going better than i thought, so yes things are going well so far
I did really bad this test, the only "easy" part about it was that i know the material enough to solve them, the very hard part was the time, cause the only reason i did bad was the time restrain, I needed WAY more time for solving the rest for the problems. I only answered half of them. So maybe some more time would defiantly be helpul.
I feel the HOT topic presentations are going very well, it's such a good way to check in on each student on their calc skills and see where they're at. No to mention, you get tons of time to prepare.
I feel my preparations are working quite well, i solve the problem first and then solve it again out loud, explaining what i did to myself.
A presentation is way better then the quiz, cause it's not that intimating, but rather a calm 1 on 1 class between u n the prof, I prefer this way much more.
What is helpful is to ask any questions we have about specific examples, the downside is it's only once a week.
The course hub is VERY useful to what i need to prepare and learn the material, but there are times where i do use outside help to understand it more.
yes the recordings are and notes are VERY useful
The group was pretty okay when getting help from other questions i didn't get
I spend about 2 to 2 hrs and a half when going over the material and videos and hw.
I have not
Look over and takes lots of notes on how to do each type of question and be organized
More time in the tests, that is all because that's the only issue i have so far, I need more time
So far everything is going great! But again the time in the tests, More time would be very helpful, Because I understand the material but the time goes so fast when solving those big lengthy problems. When you're done solving, BOOM it's already been 20 minutes. So more time would be appreciated.
it changed a lot in a good way, we're much more open to help each other
3/12/2021 0:37:2623527975Eduardo
How am I doing? Glad you asked. I'm surviving, that's what I'm doing, like always. I could be well, I could be miserable and annoyed (not depressed), but overall, I am horribly distracted. Now the next question, am I struggling? I am indeed.
It's going and it's pretty hectic, this class consumes much of my time and I am struggling to balance my time with two classes I am currently enrolled in.
I did alright on Test #1 and yes, the test was a bit challenging to say the least. Somewhat yes I felt prepared for the test.
The HOT Topics presentations are going well. Honestly, I sometimes do not know how to explain the notations in full sentences and that's what I need more help with.
I usually prepare my HOT Topics presentations by writing sentences corresponding to the step-by-step solution. Yes, I do feel I have prepared enough to give a successful presentation.
Yes I am, I am learning the material more efficiently when I give HOT Topics presentations and no, HOT Topics presentations are not like weekly quizzes, absolutely not; except, they are more like presentations in class where one does the problems and have to explain it to the professor and the classmates in front.
I can't find anything unhelpful about COLD sessions honestly. The only thing helpful about COLD sessions is the review of the lessons.
Yes I do feel the lessons and videos provided helps my assignments and also I seek outside resources online on few education websites, e-books, and tutorial videos because these weren't included in the weekly checklist blogs.
I never looked into the recordings of COLD sessions but I've looked at the session notes on once or twice. The notes came in handy, the lesson review recordings were able to clarify the struggle I addressed although I only look at them during Zoom meeting sessions.
Yes it have.
A week in MAT 1575 is colossal because I am heavily invested in this class, reading lessons, skimming through textbook, working on WeBWork by writing solutions without trying or having to resort to cheating. I actually I don't schedule a rehearsal for the HOT Topics presentation and I spend time with my classmates the usual time frame 'till we upload HOT Topic problems online on the OpenLab blog website.
I have not yet attended tutoring but eventually I will attend.
The advice I would give to another student wishing success in this class is: practice all different problems over and over again to the mere point of grasping them (regardless of how tedious it can be).
No I do not have any suggestions.Not exactly.
To be honest, I am open to changes of study group memberships. If one wants to switch from one group to another, so be it.
3/17/2021 1:37:2023802590IrinYelaI am good. Thank you.
Overall I am still hanging on, but I would prefer if the webwork hws could be reopened after we went over the lessions in class.
Before the exam, I was confident that I could do at least half of the questions. And I was able to do that. I am a little slow on getting the concept so I have to review the material multiple times.
I would like to do it better, I need to improve in using the right words to describe to work.
Now, I am improving. I just had to watch the class videos again. Plus, if I do the HOT Topic problem multiple times, with trial and error, I learn where I am making a mistake in.
No, the presentation is better. From the presentation I get a lot of time , and I can get a feedback on the spot and not have to worry about remembering the problem from the quiz a week or 2 later.
It is helpful to listen to the areas other people are having a problem on.
The lessons and videos prepare for us is helpful, but I still look at other videos on the topic to better understand what I am doing.
I look at the recordings of COLD sessions, it is very helpful.
The study group is helpful , we talk about the problems we are struggling on.
reading the lessons: 2-3 hours
spend working on WeBWorK: 1 and half hours
HOT Topics presentation: 3 hours
spend meeting with your classmates: about 2 hours
I haven't went yet, I had someone I know explain some of the parts to me.
N/AN/AN/ANo, I like my group.
3/11/2021 14:09:3823803380KelvinMichaca
yeah I'm doing fine and not struggling much.
It's going great. So far I enjoy all my classes.
I feel I did great in the test. It was a bit easy due to the hot topic presentations which prepared me to understand each question and the details in how to solve it. The hard part it that it was Time consuming. But overall I felt prepared.
The Hot Topics presentations are going great so far.
I try to review the question a couple times before the presentation.
I find it better than the quiz due to go through the questions foundation and learning each necessary step to solve it.
It's helpful because we go through the questions together and ask things that we couldn't understand when doing the questions alone.
I use both the course hub and outside resources to expand my knowledge and try to find easier ways to solve a question to deal with the timing.
I look at the Cold session notes from time to time to see what I had to do when answering a tough question.
Yeah it has helped. Having other people give me help on how to solve a question.
I spent like 2 hours on notes and webwork. I spend 30 min on the hot topic presentation. I spend the meeting time during Wednesday meetings. Everything's is working so far for me.
I don't attend tutoring. I don't have time for it.
Just look over the notes provided in the course hub they usually have answers to questions similar to yours.
I'm okay with the current grading schemeN/A
uncomfortable since I got use to my group.
3/10/2021 22:16:5523897061Leviza
To be honest, I am struggling to keep up with all the assignments plus 5 other main course I take.
Calculus II is probably the most I am worried about. The order classes I hanging in there, are going smoothly. With all the online websites to take control of, it is confusing.
I felt like I was prepared best to my abilities, I believe I passed, but may not be with the highest grade. I am still trying to work out my schedule to go to tutoring.
I need more help with time management, they are going fine lately.
I prepare them week ahead, they are very organized and prepared. But I loose confidence as I begin to speak, all the prepared work becomes mess.
I do not enjoy speaking in person, I tend to write more and learn visually than tactile and speaking.
Helpful because the sessions keep you updated. not helpful spending more time explaining the due dates rather than spending time on helping out with homework problems.
Not all the course hub lessons answer my problems from rederly. They are hard to differentiate.
I take notes during cold sessions.
I would like us to take time to help with each other's presentations.
I spend at least 8 hours a week for this class. within and with out the class.
With the time I have right now, I was not able to, yet.
Prepare your presentations.Solving Exam practices together.
I really appreciate the favor of rescheduling the HOT topic presentations. It helps to manage my time and help out at work too.
Not bothered.
3/12/2021 0:14:1523568657MichaelRobayoI'm hanging in there.
Calculus 2 is my only class this session and not very well, trying my best to understand material
Some questions were only easy due to lessons others were still confusing got a 50% on it
I haven't had a presentation since the first, I plan to do double standards to maybe triple for the coming weeks
I havent prepared for any yet but for the future i plan to write out what i did beforehand and then redo for the presentation.
This type of learning doesn't really work for me as I am unreliable of teaching myself things. It definitely has been a hard process of trying to attempt this type of learning as this was the first class that has taken this approach.
Whats helpful is going over questions from the past week, yet also whats unhelpful is the time wasted trying to explain openlab rather than going over the Calc Aspect of the class yet its due to the approach of the class learning.
I seek for outside resources/ the videos for most of my questions/assignments because visually it helps me understand what i need to understand and do.
Not Regularly.
It's sorta helpful and unhelpful because if there are questions present that need assistance it is helpful but otherwise it seems like a waste when there aren't any.
As my week is pretty busy, I havent put enough time into Calc 2 as i should but trying to manage to push for better results.
I haven't nor attend tutoring regularly because I havent found the right times for me also i havent been actively looking for it.
To put more time into the lessons/ questions to help grasp the understanding of the material. Also Alot of visual aid helps understand alot .
I dont have anything on the top of my head to suggest besides possibly more visual aid.
Nothing in particular comes to mind. It wouldn't bother me
3/10/2021 21:03:4023931435
I am struggling not only this class but all the classes I am taking this year.
Its not going as I planned to be honest, I feel like its harder than it should be and I don't mean the understanding the math itself.
I prepared for the test but the time was not enough which made me rush through them.
They are fine.
I just watch the videos and solve my question with my understanding form the videos so sometimes my explanation don't contain the technical names for the things I do, I just know how they work.
The hot topics are fine m always push me to do more research to understand them so thats good.
Its helpful but I wish there was a teacher to help us with tougher questions because I personally learn form watching add adding to my knowledge while I am stuck really helps because its like overcoming obstacles and it gives me some sense of victory which is some of the things keeping me going in these tough times.
I always seek outside sources but I try not to use their different ways of solving the questions because its not on the course hub.
Not yet I haven't had the need to revisit the notes and I take my own notes too.
I would say we help each other with presentations and assignment. Usually the one who understands most takes the lead.
It takes too much much time especially with the home work. It feels like I am in a research class sometimes.
not yet haven't had the time as I started the semester late.
I don't know because I feel like I am failing this class maybe because all this is new for me.
As I said earlier maybe I am not just used to this way of learning but I will try to keep up and it not we still move.
I have been complaining for a while now but not anymore, I am facing reality as in the future I will be facing similar things. So no.
I am used to them I don't want to change them and its too late to get to know new people again. plus my group are very good at contribution and I have been in different groups and they weren't easy.
3/11/2021 17:19:4315202398OwenDiazStruggling
Calc is going much worse than my other classes because I’m not used to being so on my own when it comes to lessons
Bombed it. Not prepared in the least
Fine, once I understand the topic I have no problem presenting it. It’s the helping to understand where I feel this class is lacking
The large amount of time spent not doing math is quite unhelpful
The lessons and videos are a poor substitute for a teacher teaching
No. I’d much prefer it be disbanded and the time used for lessons
ZZZMore teaching, fewer learning dedicationsZZ
3/12/2021 1:32:2323774325
I am ok and I am trying my best to hang in there
It is going well but it’s overwhelming with all my other classes combined.
It was easy at some parts and at some hard parts, I feel like I came prepared but since I have taken a math class online before it feels different and weird which I had to take a second test to get a better feel of the test.
For my hot topic I can manage , it make think about how I use to do problems on the board when I was asked to come to the board.
I usually practice the question before the hot topic presentation days before then refresh my memory.
I can see as like a quiz, whether it is a written quiz I would preform the same , since I am use to it.
Cold sessions help with understanding the topic more in depth, covering things we don’t understand.
The video in the course hub as very helpful for me understanding the assignments
Since I take pictures and screenshot of the problems done in classes, it helps me understand more similar problem I have.
In our study group we help each understand how we can solve the problem which increases our knowledge on the problem we have.
I usually don’t have enough time for studying much because of other classes work , rederly homework and work which take up much my time, to practice the hw , which make it so stressful. I would have like if the rederly hw be all open until the semester old and new. This would help me have less stress in worrying much.
No I haven’t attended tutoring because I don’t really have a problem solving the problem and also the way my schedule is set up make it so hard.
I would say, just keeping until the end never gives up. Give it 110% until the end.
I don’t have an suggestions yetI don’t have any questions
I wouldn’t like it because it would feel different
3/13/2021 19:22:2814180768ReginaVegaI'm hanging in there. Not doing too bad
I think calculus II is going a lot better than I anticipated. I expected to struggle a lot more than I am. My other classes are good as well. Just can't wait to be done and get my degree!
It wasn't too bad. I first struggled figuring out which approach to use for the equations but after doing a few I knew, it was easier
I think my HOT topic presentations are going great
I usually go over the equation and how I solved it before we meet. I think its a really good system that has worked so far. I think I just need to find a way to write everything down more clear and concise
No I actually really like doing the presentations! I'm typically a VERY shy person so doing these presentations has gotten me more comfortable with talking face to face with others and I believe is improving my communication skills since I have to be pretty clear about what I want to say
Cold sessions really help nail in the online homework and help me better understand the lessons.
I feel like the lessons and videos are really helpful especially the ones with examples you can pause and try or get a walk through
Yes! I look at the recordings if I have any questions that I'll need to get answered for HOT topic presentations
It has helped a lot. My study group is really good at helping each other solve problems and figure out exactly where we went wrong. They also are really helpful with HOT topic presentations since some students have the presentation earlier than others so we have a clear idea of what youll be asking
I tend to read the lesson and watch the videos right before I plan on doing the homework so I have a guide on the side to help me through any questions. I spend maybe 3 hours studying a week and about 30 minutes on my hot topic presentation, depending on how hard the question is
No, I haven't attended and to be honest, I'm not exactly sure why.
I would suggest watching the videos on the lessons and pausing the examples before they walk through solving them. Repeat a few times until you can do it without the video telling you the next step. Then find a similar question on the homework and try it.
I don't have any suggestions Nope
I would be pretty sad I like my study group
I am doing okay.I am struggling with Calculus2 a little. I intend to go to tutoring by the times are not really working for me. My other classes are going pretty decent I guess.There were 2 problems in which I could not remember how to solve. Also, there was a third problem I knew how to solve but I ran out of time. I am not doing too good on Hot Topic presentations because I tend to make mistakes in including all of my notes. Math tends to get jumbled in my brain.I write out a step by step presentation. I include notes on the side. I practice the presentation at least twice. I find I learn the material better with Hot Topics but I often do not learn it in its entirety.During Cold sessions I get to ask the questions that I do not get in tutoring or generally problems, I just can't wrap my mind around.Honestly I find course hub does not always help me with the problems I can't solve. It is generally good but there are cases in which I can not find the answers I need.I haven't had a chance to review the recordings as of yet. I intend to.I often get to the study group and my group members arrive at different times. we actually communicate better through email.I try to divide my time through learning the Material and finishing webwork assignments, but I find It leaves me little time to perfect my presentations. As, I am a rambler and need more practice.maybe once or twice. I do not attend regularly as I have other classes to keep up on.Shoot! I need all the advice. I think I find the more I solve a problem the more I understand the subject.12 minutes for Hot Topics. However, the professor has been quite lenient as it is.That' s more of a personal problem I need to figure out for myself.
Im hanging in thereCalc 2 is going well at the moment, my other classes are going well tooTest felt pretty fair, I felt prepared for the examIm doing well on my HOT topics only behind by one topic, I plan on doing a double Hot topic session soonIm starting to solve my problem beforehand and send a pdf to you so that way it can be easier to see my work. I feel like my way of presenting is working and no need in improvement at the momentI feel like I am learning the material better, me presenting my work helps me memorize the steps I need to do to get the answerIt helps me keep track of work that is due and what is upcoming.I use the course hub to guide me through a problem that is similar to what I would be working onyes I do just to get a refresher on what I have met with my study group once to discuss an OpenLab assignment.usually my weekend is spent on MAT1575 in morning for about 2 hours each dayNo I have not practice a lot no I think the way we are right now is working very wellno not at this moment
Spiritually crushed, but chugging along. School as a distraction helps. As an older student I don't mind the isolation as much, I find online classes to work better than I expected. Thanks for asking.This is one of my favorite classes! I like learning on my own. The weekly boost of help on specific problems and the one on one to reinforce and make sure that it's getting through is great! Any questions I have are answered, and the Hot Topics make me really think about the process and nitty gritty of each lesson we're learning. My other classes are going well and taught in very different styles, for example one teacher holds our hands through everything, it would be nearly impossible not to get an A, while another threw us in the deep end without a floaty and is almost annoyed with how much people don't understand. I feel really great about it! I got 8/8 right on the webwork part. I know I'll still be judged for all the "style points" but feel good about it. I got thrown off on a couple of them, but I was prepared for a much hard test so I had a well organized cheat sheet (that thankfully included the FTC). My main concern was identifying which type of integration to use for which problem. But I had made a list and crossed it off as I used each one to help narrow it down. That could have come back to bite me, but it worked out. Especially with the substitution problem, which really confused me until I realized how simple it was. My HOT topics are going well. They've especially helped me to be better at writing things down more clearly. My work for Webwork problems has become a lot more legible. Which has helped for when I get it wrong so I can go back and see where I may have made a mistake or am just totally off the mark and need a new way of thinking about it. I try to do the HOT topic right after I've gone through the lesson or done the Webwork. This way it is fresh in my head. Then before the presentation I do it one more time to make sure I remember the steps. The videos in course hub help a lot to describe in words the math that is happening. So I'll sometimes make notes when they describe it in a way that made something click for me so I can use it during the Hot topic but also to help in general. My preparation could be improved in making sure that every equal sign is in there! I try to show as much work as possible, but I also don't want it to be too cluttered or messy. Also, I think going along with the suggested class lesson plan helps. Everything builds on top of each other nicely. I like the presentations more. When you have to learn the material enough to explain it to someone else then it really has to make sense to you first. In the weekly quizzes you wouldn't always know what to prepare for, or they'd seem like trick questions because they were going for something more conceptual.. I like being prepared. Though that makes it less of a "test", I think more learning is happening. Tests feel like a punishment, while the presentations feel like an opportunity. Cold sessions were especially helpful in the beginning because there was so much to navigate. They have been a good mix of math and general check in. It is also helpful that not everyone has to stay for the math if they're confident with it. I usually stay anyway to see how you answer the problem. I follow along week by week and that works for me. I've only had to search elsewhere for trig substitution, where the speaker went too fast for me and kept skipping over what was the most important part (for me to understand). But once I got a hold on that it was fine. I will also seek outside resources occasionally to remind myself about things that aren't in the lesson. Like how to find the derivative/ antiderivative of ln and e^x, or limits of infinities... I do not. My math class last semester did the tests similarly so that wasn't new and webwork is nothing new either. Also, the checklists and other updates are so clear and thorough I haven't been confused about anything. Thanks!I tried in the beginning and it was difficult. The project was ok, but difficult to do as a group. I haven't sought out help (yet) because so far I have a clear understanding of the math. But when something comes up I wouldn't have a problem reaching out to my group. I have a full load this semester, so I carve out times of the week for each classes HW and then change depending on difficult that week's lesson is. I usually spend an hour or so on each lesson and practice and then a few more on webwork. I then like to keep a few webwork problems to try throughout the week so I don't forget it. I spend about an hour or so on the HOT topic. And then about 15 minutes before the presentation to do the problem one more time. If the problem is especially long, more time. This week in preparation for the test I did practice problems throughout the week, maybe 30 minutes or so a day. I have a hard time thinking about time so this could be off. But I definitely spend one long afternoon and then a few evenings a week on each lesson. I have not, I did not love my experience last year and this year no one has been available when I have the time. I tried doing it on a Friday. Turns out it's a good day to have off. Go along with the suggested lesson plan. For me, that weekly check list is incredibly helpful. I know exactly what I've done and need to do. Also practicing the HOT topics out loud or with someone has been helpful. I like to do the HOT topic along with the lesson, while it's still fresh and then over again before the test as well. Nothing I can think of at this moment!No, thanks!!
Struggling not only in this class, but meeting the requirements and deadlines of other classes as well. Quarantine has situated me into a cycle of working then playing, it has thrown my time management out the window; I usually do my assignments immediately, but the fact of being at home and having plenty of time to complete it leads to procrastinating or even forgetting about assignments and deadlines.Calculus 2 is one of two of my most challenging classes, the other consisting of programming. Three of my classes are mostly read and respond, which is easy. Calculus requires the most help as I need tutoring and can't rely on open sources and videos like in programming. My first attempt is a fail. Time management was the biggest issue as well as doing problems without tutor help and having to rely on notes where the examples aren't as complex as the test questions. Studying and creating a reference sheet was useless.I've gotten 4 H grades and will need to find a way to match questions to the appropriate Hot Topic.Hot Topics for me mostly consist of getting the question right. I go to a tutor to get help then after completing the question, I make it presentable for screen sharing.I prefer Hot Topics as it gives time to study the material and attempt the question as opposed to a quiz where it's timed. I just don't like presenting.COLD sessions are good to keep track of lessons and see if I'm falling behind. It's also here where I could see a difficulty question be solved step by step without having to go to a tutoring appointment.Outside resources are much more better since I've already become used to them from previous math courses such as Calc 1 and Physics 1 & 2.I've only watched a recording once because I missed it when it actually occurred.I've attempted to meet with my group, but the room has always been empty.A week consists of the COLD session, finishing the Hot Topic and its presentation, then completing as much WebWork.I have only done drop in tutoring and tutoring outside of City Tech because I need constant help.Tutoring and asking questions is crucial. When you do work, write each step in order to know where you are and how you got there.WebWork could incorporate practice tests for tests and quizzes prior to the date.Will the Spring 2021 semester be online as well?
You know I'm hanging in there, chilling. Minding my own business. Focusing on myself. You know the vibes. I think Calc II is going alright! Little behind in presentations but I'll get them done! HORRIBLE! I'm not the best test taker. I've spent a whole hour on one problem and then when I looked into other problems, my mind went completely blank. I felt ready to take this test like 80% ready. But I don't know when actually taking it, I felt like this sudden moment where I just froze and forgot how to do the problems.I think I'm doing pretty well on them. So far got them H's !I pretend I'm in a call with my professor and I try to do my best to teach the problem.I think presenting it makes it easier to understand it!
Going over the weekly list/announcements to get a better understanding of what to do!
They do help and make it easy to do the assignments!NoYes one time for the group work.Go to class, present HOT topic, do webwork and other homework, look over lessons, REPEAT!No because honestly anytime I went to tutoring I really don't learn anything.GET THEM HOT TOPICS DONE!Extra Credit please.No, not that I can think off the top of my head!
I'm hanging in there. I'm getting used to learning the material on my own and I'm surprised that I have been pretty much on top of things. Calc 2 is going good so far. I have been able to keep up with the lessons and doing things on my own. My other classes are also going okay as well. I was very nervous about this first test but I was able to answer a majority of the questions. There were a couple that I wasn't able to finish and that let me know what I need to work more on. The hot topics are going great. I am starting to become more familiar and comfortable with them. A day or two before my hot topic presentation I do the problem and once I solve it I keep doing the problem over and over until the day of my hot topic presentation. I feel like the presentations are really good because teaching someone else the material is a good way to tell if we are understanding it. It's helpful that the cold sessions help remind me of the things I have to do for the week so I don't fall behind. I watch all the videos and write down every example they show in the video. I wasn't sure in the beginning if I would learn anything from the videos but they are very helpful and I am able to understand the material. I don't look at the cold session recordings since I am always at the cold sessions. I have met with other classmates to go over material and help with hot topics presentation. A typical week of mat 1575 week for me is I join the cold session and after that I spend an hour or two on the lessons for the days I have math. I look at my Webworks on the weekend since those are the days I'm not busy. Then on Sunday I look at my hot topics and practice until it's my presentation. I have not attended tutoring yet. I have this thing about asking people for help and I shouldn't let it get in the way but it does. I would tell them to definitely watch the lessons, maybe find a study buddy to do the lessons and study with so you don't feel alone (it's like you're back in school) and practice....a lot. Extra credit would be helpful.Nope.
I'm doing okay, can't complain.I'm taking 3 other classes and they're going pretty well. Calc 2 is the only class that I'm worried about. Calc has never really been my strong suit, things just don't click for me like they do for some people. Pre-calc was fine for me but when I got to Calc and now Calc 2, it's just on a whole different level. It's also a little weird for me since this is my first class where there's no lecture and we have to complete the lessons on our own. Personally, I would have preferred a lecture throughout class because I feel I learn better that way and that's what I'm used too but I'm trying my best. It hasn't been bad now that I'm experiencing it. The videos, textbooks and COLD sessions are really helpful. Everything is extremely well organized on openlab, thank you for that. Also, this is my first math class where the tests aren't worth the bulk of the grade rather presentations are. I know that doesn't mean I should slack on tests but it kind of takes away some of the test related stress which really helps me out.I definitely could have done better, I should have prepared more. There were two questions in a certain form that I was not expecting and it kind of threw me off. Also I really need to work on trig substitutions way more, that was the hardest thing for me. I ran out of time before I could even finish the question.They're going well. I'm on track and I have 5 H's so I'm halfway through.I got a O once and it put into perspective what I should really do. It was on something that I didn't know in detail how I got. It was because I was watching a video on the course hub that followed a similar process to my HOT topic presentation question. One of the steps they took was the same thing I had to do so I just wrote it down without questioning where it came from. So I learned that I shouldn't just depend on the videos and I need to be very thorough and know exactly where everything is coming from for myself. Other than that I think I've been preparing okay to give a successful presentation.Yes because you really have to make sure you know the question and material inside out before presenting. It's different because a quiz is on the spot but these presentations we have time to prepare for, which is way less stressful.It's really great that COLD sessions are held because although we're doing the lessons on our own, any questions we have can be asked and answered live. Also it does keep us on track by discussing what should be done each week. Announcements on openlab are also thoroughly explained during this time.They do really prepare me for my assignments. They are very detailed.Recordings always help because just in case you miss something you can always look back at it. The notes provide further clarity on questions.I've only met with them for the group work that we did and that went very well. I honestly haven't done much webwork. I think I do everything for the week over the span of about three/four days. I do webwork and study maybe over two/three days and it takes one day for me to prepare my HOT topic presentation. I do need to invest more time.I have notPractice a lot, do many different types of questions. I definitely need to do this more.nono
Hanging in thereDecentThe easiest thing was Improper Integration and Partial Fractions. The hardest part was Trig Substitution because I have to remember most of the trig identities. Making sure people can understand the flow of my workWrite it all on paper with explanations and then present it live.I would say that I am learning the material better. It's different because although it seems like a quiz every week its not at the beginning of class then get into what we would learn.Being able to go over some problems from the WebWork is helpful since it help the person and others who also had issues.I use the course hub to learn about the next topic by using the videos and the textbook. I feel like the course hub lesson and videos prepare me for the assignments.The cold session note help me for when I forget how to solve a problem.Other than the project no. 2 Hours reading the textbook and watching the videos to help me with my WebWork problems. Around 1-3 hours. 1 hour. 1 hour 40 min. No because I don't know if I need it as yet. I probably will when Finals come around or when I have no clue to what I'm doing.Watch and follow along with the videos.No. Nothing really.Nope
nookall hard, not preparedokstudy, watch videoi dont knowprofessor can teach usyesnosometimeweekendnostudy hardnono
This semester is very complicated for me. I don' t like online class at all and the work load is just too much so I'm overwhelmed all the time. Engineering is not an easy major so taking it online made it 10 time harder.Calc 2 class is okay because I feel like sometime I'm not fully understanding certain topic like I would in a classroom.I feel like I did okay. It wasn't my best work. It's not because the test was hard but just that I have received some bad news during the week that causes me to not be prepared for this test. What I found hard about the test was the fundamental theorem where we have the arctan function. We didn't really talk about it much during the cold session. My Hot topics presentation is going great so far. I'm haft way to finishing with them. I don't really need any help with them but just to figure out how to present them in the limited time that I have.I prepare them a week in advance and make sure that I can explain everything that I wrote on the paper. If I see that I'm struggling with it than I won't present it but do another one. I like to practice with my little sister just to make sure that I don't go over time with it. I could improve my explanation a little bit because sometimes I forgot to include some major steps of the problem and that cause me to be stuck during the presentation to try and figure it out.Giving a presentation for me is better because it gets you to think more and do more work. It help me understand my mistakes and fix them on the spot instead of not being able to fix them at all because the professor has grade it if it were to be an in class quiz. I understand the material better because I get to do it on my own without the professor's help or giving a head start to the problem. I like the presentation method it has help me a lot.Getting to ask question about a topic that I'm stuck with is what I like about the Cold session. I learn from one example that the professor answered during the session and I can do the rest of my hw base on that example.The course hub is a major help for me when it comes to doing my hw. I watched the videos and they do a great job at explaining every topic. I sometime seek outside help if I still don't understand the problem even after watching the course hub videos.I don't really look at the recording but I do look over the notes and the ones I took during the session as well. The notes are very helpful for the WebWork hw.I have met with my study group and we tried to do most of the webwork questions together and it has been very helpful. I met with some members of other groups as well depending on their schedule to study together.MAT 1575 is basically consuming all of my time. I have to spend like 2 to 3 hours on the WebWork hw because the questions are so long and webwork is not helpful either. If you forget to put parenthesis all of your answers will be wrong which is frustrating. I spend an hour in half for the Hot topics question. Most of my time is spend doing math hw.I don't attend tutoring because I just don't have time. I'm taking 5 classes and work as well so it's very difficult for me to go.I will advice them to take some time to study and not to be afraid to ask for help if they don't understand certain topic. To do all their work on time and not miss one hot topic presentation. My only suggestion is about the study group. We can make the group study mandatory so that everyone shows up because sometime other members of the groups are present and need help but the others don't show up that day.I'm having a major internet issues in my house so sometimes it takes me a log time to submit some of my work or it will cut off during my hot topic presentation.
It's been a rough road. I am struggling financially but I'm hanging in there.It was a bad start for me but as I kept practicing, studying, and keep trying, I was able to understand topics. Other classes, I'm doing my best to pass.I thought this test was fair. I was able to figure out most of the questions. I found the questions with Integration by Substitution, FTC, Partial Fraction, and Integration By Parts simple. I still struggle understanding Trigonometric Substitution and Improper Integration. I felt prepared for this test in general, despite having some difficulties in few questions.I think I'm doing fine in Hot Topic Presentations. I'm glad that I am understanding some topics to the point where I, at least, get a grade of "O". I'm glad that my time practicing and studying is paying off as I got my first "H" the other day. I feel like I need more help and practice on Trigonometric Substitution and Improper Fractions.I usually prepare by going over what problem I plan to present and sometimes practice presenting to myself. I feel like I need to prepare more because sometimes, I fail to notice even a small mistake in my problem. I feel like I could do better by continuing to review my problem and pay close attention to even the smallest mistakes.I feel like doing HOT topics definitely help me to understand the material more because we are given one week to solve and prepare one specific question, while in written quiz, we have less than 10-20 minutes to solve which we have significantly short time to solve one or two questions. This is different to me because at least on HOT topic, I can ask the professor on advices, help, and I can get notified on what I did wrong in my presented question. And I also have another chance to present the same question and get the "O" or "T" to be changed to "H", while on written quiz, you only have one chance to get a higher grade. There's no make up or do-over.I think what's helpful is that I get to see that I know what I'm doing on certain topics. Students may even ask questions that hasn't crossed my mind, that could be beneficial to me in the future. I think COLD sessions are a good way to understand and keep up with the class.I always make sure to review and copy down notes to help me for an upcoming HOT topics presentation, exams, and webwork. I really think their videos and lessons really help me. At times I may also use Organic Chemistry Tutor on YouTube to help me guide through certain topics for more practice and tips.I normally use the Course Hub and my own notes to help me through problems. I normally only view COLD sessions when it's live.I only meet with my study group if Openlab assignment requires me to work with them and to study together on problems that I find myself stuck in. When it comes to HOT topic presentation and assignments, I normally do it on my own.I spend at least 3-4 hours reading, studying, practicing, and solving questions. I spend around 1-2 hours on Webwork but it may be more depending on how many questions webwork has on certain homework sets. I spend at least 20 minutes preparing for my HOT Topics presentation. I don't spend a lot of time with my classmates since I normally work on my own. I feel like if I keep practicing, studying, and reviewing, I should be okay and everything may work out.I used to attend tutoring before COVID-19 pandemic happened. I don't anymore because since we're stuck home, I also have to help out family while managing time for hobby and other college work.Keep practicing. Always ask questions. Always remember that your grade and future is in the line and you have to make sure that line doesn't get cut by bad decisions, or else, you'll fall and land very painfully.At the moment, I have no suggestions in my mind. I'm okay with what we're doing right now.I would ask the professor what she would do if she was struggling with money if unemployed, especially since we're stuck home from the pandemic. I would also ask her if she can help me understand more on trigonometric substitution and Improper Fractions more in a near future when the time comes for reviewing.
Kinda struggling but hanging onCalculus II is fun but somewhat tedious since aalot of work needs to be used to integrate compared to derivates.I felt like I did somewhat good in Test #1 as some questions were simple while others required a lot of time managing.My HOT Topics are going good. I need more help in simplifying integral equations.I use help from the videos on openlab along with khan academy. I feel like it helps me prepare for presenting, but some steps can be foggy to me.I find that HOT Topics are way better than written quizzes because you must actively learn the steps to solving the problem along with showing the professor that you learned the topic correctly.COLD sessions are helpful as you help us with questions online and simulate a real class. What's unhelpful is that it isn't a physical class (For anything Math related I like to be in person for class).I use it as my Thursday COLD class lecture for when I work on webwork assignments. I seek both resources as more ways to solve a problem can be helpful to me.I look at the COLD session recordings which help me if I forget something vital.So far I have not met my study group yet. For Tuesday I connect to the COLD session and have a 2 hour window of watching Math videos or completing my webwork. Wednesday I prepare for my presentation. Thursday I watch the openlab videos+khan academy and fully complete my webwork assignments. I have not attended tutoring due to me being more used to video tutorials compared to real life help.In the timeframe you learn basic integrals in MAT1475, memorize those notes and youll have a headstart in the class.So far I have no ideas for any modifications as everything regarding MAT1575 is well set. For certain questions that regard long work to be shown, what steps could be minimized to shorten the work, but still deliver the steps like normal?
It just been really weird doing online classes and all. My whole major goes around hands on experience which is not possible now. I been hanging in there but it just stressful because I have to worry about out of school things as well. To make thing worse my zip code area may go back to lockdown.I say its going so so for my Calculus II class. In my other class I been doing fine with but it mostly lab reports and a lot of math.I feel like I prepared good on paper but when taking the test it didn't go as planed. I really in to time manage better on timed test because I'm not the best at it specifically for math.I say its been fine in the HOT topics because I just focused in one problem. I just in help with presenting better since I don't mind speak out loud but I usually just work on the problems and move on without explaining to other people.I just take 3 days to prepare before the presentation in which I solve the problem and write my solution. Then practicing how I was going to present the topic and try to predict what the possible question I could be asked. I think I can improve by doing practice sessions with my groupmates before my usual HOT topic session.I would say yes because with quizzes for me at least makes me only study for that quiz and I forget afterwards, but with HOT topics it makes me remember better because I have to know what the topic was. I rather do a HOT topic than take a quiz due to me not like taking tests and quizzes.The helpful thing with the COLD sessions are the reviews of the lessons and the problem that we had questions about. Sometimes I don't get a chance to review so it's helpful.I usually use the course hub to follow the lessons and videos. I feel like the lessons and videos do prepare me for the assignments but I also use outside resources when I really don't understand something. I use the outside resources because most of the time it helps me understand the topic better if explained differently.Yes I do look at the recordings and notes from the COLD sessions. They are really useful because I tend to forget key things from the lessons that are important.Yes I have met with my study group to discuss course material. I do feel like it did help with other assignments and would use my study group for the future.My typical week in MAT 1575 is usually going to the COLD sessions and before that on Monday I have my HOT topic session. I start on my assignments on Thursday and work on everything from Friday through Sunday. I usually spend a while on WeBWork and the same can go for preparing my HOT topic on the weekend. I meet with my group usually on Thursday but would meet on other days if need.I have before not currently now because I have other responsibilities after most classes. I have back to back classes so I usually don't have time to go to tutoring.Keep you head up high through the struggle of everything and to take time for yourself as well as study often.I don't have any suggestions for right now.Are test going to be curved or given other chance to improve my grade?
It is a difficult time, however I think I'm doing good so far I try to keep myself away from things that can affect my mental health. I think for now I'm doing good there are some parts that are challenging, but we have a lot of resources available including explanation from our professor on problems that are difficult. For instance I thought I wouldn't make it within the time range (2hrs), I think I did good there were a couple of questions that were really challenging and required more time to figure out the solution. In terms of the HOT topics I'm doing really good, as of now I didn't need an extra help but may be in future topics.What I do is that some days before I try to go over the question and write down what the possible solution could be. Afterwards, with the help of openlab and the book I confirm if my solution is correct or make the corresponding changes. I add sticky notes if any formulas is required to solve the problem so I can keep it mind. I think this is a better way of showing that we understand the different topics as we still have to practice and apply the different required formulas in order to do well in the presentation. Everything in the COLD sessions is helpful because we go over problems that are challenging and then we can understand it better. We also go over what is for next week and that helps us well so we keep ourselves in track. I definitely use the course hub and the videos that are given because they are straight forward and easy to follow. I do seek for other resources as well when I encounter difficult questions. Yes they are because I can go over them in my own time at my own rate. I only did it once for the Open Lab assignment and it went well as we discussed about the problem and the right solution for it. Since then I have not join them, I really prefer that time to do my own research and learn by myself. On Tuesday during COLD session when the problem that is being discussed was not challenging for me, I prefer to start taking notes for the new topic and learning about and it goes on until I head to work at 12:30. On Wednesdays I spend between 1-2hrs preparing for the HOT topic presentation. On Thursdays I do my presentation and afterwards I start doing my homework on webwork while learning more about such a topic. During the weekends ( Saturday or Sunday ) I spend 2-3 hours doing my webwork homework and going over the material on the course hub. I have not as I feel confident in this class for now. I would recommend to write down as many notes as you can so you kind of memorize them while you write them down. I would also recommend to write down the examples from the videos and the steps to solve those problems. As of now I don't have any suggestions for this class, in my opinion the course is really good as it is structured. no for now, I do know that I can email the professor if any question arises, or I can also seek help through open lab for any challenging web work question.
Im doing well, getting through the tough times. Calculus ll has been good so far. My other classes are sort of hard, as they would require in person sessions. I was anxious about taking test 1. The questions involving simple integration were easy. The questions involving divergence and convergence determination were a bit tough. I felt like i was prepared for test 1. They are going great. I was very nervous at first but im doing pretty well, thus I feel more confident now. I just give it a test run, I make sure I understand every step i have written, then i set a timer, explain it to my younger sister and boom. Most of the time the audience wont get it, thus we have to start over again. I think i want to improve the way i speak, as i can be very fast. I feel like it is the same, as I explain quiz questions to myself before submitting it. I go over it as much as i can, the hot topic presentations are the same, i just have to say what i did. cold sessions are helpful as i get to understand webwork questions and learn various ways to approach a question. I use the course hub to learn various ways to approach a question, as i can complicate question solutions very much. I seek outside resources when i feel like i dont understand the concept from the beginning. Yes and no , i do look at the recordings, its only when i feel like i missed out on an awesome point made in class and they are very helpful.Yes I have met with my study group and other classmates to discuss course material, the main discussion is about the hot topic. We offer to be the audience so that everyone can feel comfortable presenting. I spent about an hour working on webwork and hot topic preparations. I meet up with groups once every week.Nope i have not attended tutoring.It takes time and patience to understand math concepts, dont underestimate yourself. Try again, try different approaches, its all about how you convey the solution. I feel like the course has been layed out perfectly fine. As it is online, the best has been done.I am trying my best!
I am hanging in there just lot of stuff going at home it slowed me down.My calculus II is going okay just a lot work to do. As for my other classes I am also trying to catch up from being sick for few weeks.For test 1 I felt I did okay. The hardest part was making sure I do the problems correctly. I am currently behind from being sick and my whole family falling ill. Im struggling to manage my time but I need to keep pushing and I hope by Early November I am all caught up.Usually I try to prep for my HOT topic on weekends because it takes time for me to think of how to present the problem.With HOT topics I feel that I over stress on learning the materials and that is whats making it hard to adjust. Im used to doing quizzes too often.I have not been fully using the COLD sessions to get on track. I tend to try to get the weekly checklist in progress.I use the course hub for the class but some topics I seek outside resources like khan academy or the Organics Chemistry tutor on youtube. I use them because they have helped me through most of my classes.Sometimes I look at the COLD session recordings. It is helpful however, I am off track so currently overwhelming.I have not met with my group yet. But I'm trying to get on track.Before when I was somewhat on track. I usually do my homework on Fridays and Saturdays. But the quantity of homework and assignments has changed for all my classes so I need to build a new schedule.I don't do tutoring unless I practice first. I need to accumulate materials that I need help on and show it to the tutor help me.I would say time is everything and if you can manage your time you can easily manage the work.I don't have any suggestions.I am behind and also in few other classes I do want to catch up and it will take time. I am mostly clear from COVID but for some of my family it has bounced back so I hope I catch up soon.
So far so good So far so good I feel pettry well about Test #1 because I did some preoared for the test. So fas so good, I think that I need more practices before presentation. Usualy I wantched the video. If I dont understand some part of vedio. I might read the text book again. I think that giveing a presentaion is much better than taking a quize. Because if we did some mistakes, Professor can immediately point out it. Like more efficient way to deal with the problem. During the COLD sessions, we can disscuss the questions together. It is wonderful that teaching the concept of each topic with examples. We can clearly understand each session. It is very helpful for me, sometimes I have no idea how to solve the Webwork. I had met with my study group. I spend less than 40mins for the lesssons with textbook. For the homework, I perfer to speed more than 1 hours. I have not attended tutoring yet, because I have not encounterd a serious problem so far. Working hard and pay attention during the class. I dont have much idea about it. NO
I'm struggling with all of my classes due to meeting deadlines. There are two classes, including Calc 2, where I struggle and need to set time for tutoring which takes time away from working on other class assignments.I'm not enjoying any class at all.Test 1 was extremely stressful since the time put a lot of pressure on getting all the work done. Time forced me to prioritize the problems I had better understanding of.Hot Topics aren't difficult to present, but they're hard to prepare for when it comes to explaining and getting the question correct beforehand.Hot Topics mainly consist of attempting the problems then getting help. Presentations are just showing a pic and pointing.This is much better than quizzes since it enables me to my resources.COLD sessions are good for quick verification for work and deadlines as opposed to waiting for email responses.Course hub became a study guide for me in prep for tests.COLD session notes are better since I can just read as opposed to waiting for the verbal explaination.No.A week consists of preparing the Hot Topic and trying as much of the WebWork problems.I've done drop in tutoring and outside tutoring. These are the best sources for help.Tutoring and personal reference sheets will help solve problems.The tests if online need more time than 2 hours.So far my laptop and wifi have been sufficient for classes, but now connecting, storing work, and running apps is becoming more difficult. This results in lagging and crashes.
I am alright I guess. I feel like I am doing okay in all of my classes. The questions were not really hard. I was feeling sick and I ended up making made few mistakes on some of the questions. But I feel like If I had been more careful I could have avoided those mistakes. The hot topic presentations are going well for me. I always go over the course hub lessons. From beginning to end. While I am doing that I take notes on my notebook. Then When I am certain I understood what I went over, I go over some of the webwork assignments. Then I stop after solving about 5 problems and I take a look at the hot topic problems, pick the one that I am supposed to be solving and solve it. If I am stuck , I would go back to the notes I took, and to the course hub and see if I did not miss anything. I'm usually able to solve it without having to go back and look at the course hub. The next thing is to input the answer and see if I got the right answer.I don't think it is different. If I were taking a hand written quiz I wouldn't know if I am doing something wrong right away. With the hot topic presentations, I have more time to check my work and I get feedbacks from the prof.I just feel like I don't get to ask all the questions I encountered during the week. I go over the entire lesson. However, there were times when I had to find videos on khan academy. I honestly don't. The reason being is that I don't get to ask the questions I have. One of my group members and I have met. It is definitely helpful. I am taking 6 classes in total and it is hard to find time to do anything. I always write down the different assignments, projects, tests, midterms, etc I have to do for each one of my classes every week. Then based on what I have to do, I plan some time accordingly. I have not yet attended tutoring. The time spots don't work for me so I end up figuring things out myself. I will try to go to tutoring. The main advice I can give is to go over the course hub lessons and ensure you understand it. Do the webwork assignments. It really helps to understand the course hub. It might be long from time to time but if you don't understand it you'll be lost. nothings coming to my mind right now but I'll share if I think of anything I was wondering if the final will follow the sample final exam that can usually be found on the math department website. or if webwork will create one? Also, Can we just solve the problems on paper and not have to input the answers on webwork. I am asking that because I am taking a test, I focus on writing and I don't pay attention to inputting the answers or I just forget that webwork can log me out.
I am doing fine. I am not struggling that much and I am hanging on.My calculus class is doing fine, but my communication class is iffy I think I did bad on my test 1. The easy thing about it was the u substitution and fraction decomposition My HOT Topic presentation is doing very good, and I don't need help for anything so far. I usually start to do the work around 2 hours before my appointment and get all the information I need to present. I then take a break by doing other things and then answer the question blind 30 minutes before my appointment. I feel like I am preparing enough and the right way. I think I could improve the amount of time it takes to present.I don't think there would have been a difference between the written quiz and presentation, however I may retain the information for a longer period of time because of the environment I am in. For the few times that I am been in the COLD sessions they are very helpful for getting information instead of not being in them. The course hub is only confusing when I am posting something because I don't know how to add a category unless I edit it after I finish the work. The only time I ever sought outside sources was towards the beginning of the class for when the webwork questions asked for something that wasn't reviewed of the lesson. Additionally I usually just go straight to the videos because the text is confusing for me unlike the videos that speak and show the example in which I can understand at the same time.I do not look at the COLD sessions recordings. The only time I met with my study group was during our group assignment.A typical week starts on Tuesday when I begin to prepare for the HOT topic presentation. Then I don't look at class work until Sunday when I start to look at the week's work for about 1 hour to understand it and take notes. Afterwards I spend about 4 hours sometimes more or less depends on the amount of questions and work I must do.No I have not attended tutoring. Look at the videos to similar questions that you are having trouble on for a guide. I don't have any suggestions. No I don't have any questions.
I am doing good, despite the COVID-19 pandemic going on. It is unfortunate that we can't go outside as much due to safety protocols in place.I was able to play catch up with the topic "Integration with Substitution" during Week 5, when we learn Improper Integrals. I did generally good with Integration by Parts, except when I needed to use it more than once per problem. But with trig substitution, it was really hard...For 6/8 questions, I was able to ace them without an obstacle. However, for integration by parts and trig substitution, it wasn't easy to do, but I used the right techniques.The HOT Topic presentations are up to par as of right now.I prepare my HOT Topic presentations by writing down the numbered steps on my paper, so I can navigate myself as I am doing the HOT Topic presentation(s).I actually prefer the HOT Topic presentations, because the way the HOT Topics presentations are graded. Having the HOT Topic presentations allow students to make progress without the risk of a failing grade in this category.COLD sessions are actually helpful for me, in order to get a sneak peek of what we are currently learning.I use the course hub by watching videos of worked solutions for examples.I haven't looked at the recordings of the COLD sessions.I neither have meet with my study group, nor any other classmates for math-related issues. I prefer to work independently.My typical week for MAT 1575 is doing WeBWorK homework, watching videos, doing assignments for participation credit, etc.I have attended tutoring once, but I need more experimenting with other tutors.n/aI don't.I just want to say... I love the topic "Sequences and Series". It is like doing Frames-and-Arrows problems in Everyday Mathematics back in 1st - 4th grades.