A | B | C | D | E | |
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3 | -This resource guide was compiled by Congressman Earl Blumenauer (OR-03) and his team. It is updated regularly. Please share with your networks: www.earlblumenauer.com/coronavirus | ||||
4 | -If you have additional resources for consideration, please email us at team@earlblumenauer.com | ||||
5 | -We have done our best to verify information, but things are changing at a rapid pace, so be sure to contact businesses for updates and verification before visiting. | ||||
6 | -In Oregon, call 211 from a cell phone, 503-222-5555 from a landline, text your zip code to 898211, or email help@211info.org to find services and answer your questions about COVID-19. | ||||
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8 | Name | Area Served | Support Offered | Website | Notes/Additional Info |
9 | Food Access/Resources | ||||
10 | Oregon Food Bank Statewide Food Finder | Oregon | Type in zip code and access free groceries, meals, produce, and other programs in your area. Note: Food pantries and food assistance sites across the state remain open with increased cleaning and changes in service to help minimize contact among large groups of people. Though hours of operation are updated as frequently as possible, please call ahead before visiting a partner agency. | https://www.oregonfoodbank.org/find-help/find-food/ | Note: Most pantries are still open, but this could change. Pantry services will change. Many are moving to a box model to reduce social distancing. Call pantries in advance if you are able to for more information. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
11 | Free Meals Calendar | Portland metro area | Calendar listing times, locations, and dates for free food. | https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ohf9hp6njrkmgl378b0utir7mk@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles&fbclid=IwAR0kXZWxOx6YfiZZLwX6sjO2YSmkzp7phrBCnwWNWMleZl4PKW5IAQqXJ30&pli=1 | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
12 | List of all Oregon school districts providing meals (by Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon) | Oregon | Click on link to the right to find a list of all Oregon school districts with links to their meal plans during the Coronavirus school closures. You do not have to attend that specific school or district to have access to these meals–free meals are available to children age 0-18 to pick up “grab and go” style. | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQdNuwGk2d3GnFHMqWP5EOM4C9sTKriEoTXNlbCFjJuxHlOz8wKv89L-dtDAOf4lWcjl8QM82L-mOW3/pubhtml?gid=1537028636&%3Bsingle=true&%3Bwidget=true&%3Bheaders=false&urp=gmail_link | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
13 | One H.O.P.E. Food Pantry | Portland metro area | ONE H.O.P.E. Food Pantry is open for drive-through and pick up on Saturday from 1 pm-3 pm. They give out food boxes each week as well as serve a hot meal on the 2nd and 4th Saturday. | https://onehopepdx.church/one-hope-food-pantry/ | 5425 NE 27th Ave Portland, Oregon 97211 Saturdays 1-3pm (verified/updated 5/12/21) |
14 | Need Food? | Oregon | State Food Resource Page - new and expanded list of food resources in Oregon. | https://govstatus.egov.com/or-dhs-food | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
15 | Free Food Boxes | Oregon | A USDA grant has made it possible for Oregon families to receive FREE produce, dairy or combo boxes that are distributed at selected Archdiocese of Portland Catholic Churches, other faith-based organizations, local food pantries, civic organizations and homeless shelters. | https://evangelization.archdpdx.org/usda-food-box | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
16 | SnowCap Food Pantry | East Multnomah County | SnowCap is the largest food pantry distributor in Oregon and services thousands of people in Portland/Gresham. They will be distributing pre-packed boxes and as much fresh/frozen food as possible. Food is being given outside of front doors so dress warm. Some food can be delivered upon request. | http://www.snowcap.org/ | Food pantry hours: M-F (10am - 2pm), M & W (6pm - 8pm), 17805 SE Stark St., Portland, OR 97233 (directly behind Rockwood Center), (503) 674-8785, info@snowcap.org. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
17 | Preston's Pantry (Lift Up) | NW and Downtown Portland | Food pantry located at First United Methodist Church. Free food market will reopen the 4th Wednesday of every month starting on August 26th at 1200 NW 23rd Ave from 11am- 1pm. | http://www.lifturbanportland.org/ | 1838 SW Jefferson St. (First United Methodist Church). Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 3pm to 6pm. Food will be pre-bagged to reduce contact between individuals. Please do not arrive after 5pm. Check website for the most updated information. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
18 | Neighborhood House | SW and NE Portland | Neighborhood House Food Pantry is now operating on a delivery-only model. The Pantry is no longer open for food pickup. Click link on website to the right to fill out the delivery order form, or call 503-246-1663 x5004 to place an order. Delivery takes place during normal pantry hours and is free to clients. | https://nhpdx.org/ | Delivery hours: Monday: 10:00 am-noon and 1:30-5:00 pm, Wednesday: 10:00 am-noon and 1:30-5:00 pm, Thursday: 3:00-8:00 pm (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
19 | Blanchet House of Hospitality | Portland | Anyone in need of a free hot meal can visit Blanchet House of Hospitality at 310 NW Glisan. All are welcome. You will be served with dignity and respect. Breakfast: 6:30-7:30. Lunch: 11:30-12:30. Dinner: 5:00-6:00. | https://blanchethouse.org/covid-19-coronavirus-updates-blanchet-house/ | 310 NW Glisan St., Portland, OR 97209, 503-241-4340, info@blanchethouse.org, (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
20 | Sisters of the Road Cafe | Portland | Sisters of the Road is a nonprofit Cafe in Portland’s Old Town/Chinatown neighborhood working to create systemic change that will end poverty and homelessness by providing nourishing meals in a safe, dignified space. | https://sistersoftheroad.org/?fbclid=IwAR00MoAY9a5W7cDuyisE0m3idRvNdxCrZpwUTMBhrZfrhN9WKis8g8Yt55s | Offering hospitality meals out of to-go boxes from 10am-12pm Thursday-Saturday. info@sistersoftheroad.org, (503) 222-5694 (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
21 | Hunger Fighters Oregon | Lake Oswego | Once a week grocery distribution for any resident, Lake Oswego School District student, family or employee. Hygiene items, pet food and masks also provided weekly. No proof of need required. Delivery program also provides weekly at-home grocery deliveries in the area. Requests for delivery must be made through the website. All services provided on Saturdays. | https://www.hungerfightersoregon.org/ | All services provided on Saturdays from 1 - 3 pm. 2301 Hazel Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034 (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
22 | Arab American Cultural Center of Oregon | Portland | Periodically providing community relief bags with lentils, tea, olive oil, coronavirus masks and more. | Check Facebook page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/aaccopdx | Website: https://www.araboregon.org/index.php/en/ (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
23 | Union Gospel Mission | Portland | Providing meals and food boxes to people in need. Click on link to the right for schedule and info. | https://ugmportland.org/meals | 3 NW 3rd Avenue. M, Tu, Th, 7am - Sack lunch (1 per person). W, F 6:30am - Breakfast, Tu-Fr, 2:00pm - Light lunch, beverages, referrals. Christian spiritual support/prayer. 4:00 pm: Clothing distribution while supplies last. 8:00pm dinner. Friday, 11:30am - Food boxes, Sat., 2:00pm - Lunch. All meals are to go. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
24 | William Temple House | Portland | Offering food boxes at Hoyt Street location. Hours will be limited to 11:00 am a.m. to 1:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. | http://www.williamtemple.org/ | 2023 NW Hoyt St., 503-226-3021. Tuesday - Thursday, 11am-1pm. To better protect the health of clients, staff and volunteers, clients will be checked in and provided food in the parking lot of William Temple House. They will still be able to choose the food items desired. No other Social Services will be available at this time. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
25 | Portland Adventist Community Services | Portland | Distributing pre-made boxes and as much fresh/frozen food as possible. | http://www.pacsonline.org/ | 11020 NE Halsey St. Hours: Drive through pantry open Monday – Friday, 9am-11am. Questions: email pacsfood2020@gmail.com. PACS Thrift Stores temporary hours: Mon – Thurs (9:00 am – 5:00 pm), Friday (9:00 am – 2:30 pm), Dental Clinic, and Office are CLOSED temporarily (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
26 | Outside In | Portland | Drop in Day Program, avaialble to 16-24 year olds, provides: Healthy Meals, Showers and Laundry Facilities, Mail and Internet Access, Connections with Supportive Staff, Case Management, Housing Resources. | https://outsidein.org/young-adult-services/meals-housing-and-support/ | All services running as usual. Day Program: 1132 SW 13th Ave, 2nd Floor, Portland, OR (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
27 | New Avenues for Youth Drop-In Center | Portland | A safe space where youth (ages 16-24) experiencing homelessness can receive three meals a day, six days a week, as well as access to showers, laundry, clothing, drug and alcohol recovery and mental-health supports, computers and internet, free legal counsel, monthly veterinary clinics for those with pets, and engagement activities focused on skill-building, music and art, health and wellness, recreation, and self-empowerment. | https://newavenues.org/dropin | 314 SW 9th Ave Portland, OR 97205, (503) 432-3986, Monday-Friday: Breakfast 9-10am, Lunch 1-2pm, Dinner 5-6pm. Saturday: Lunch 1-2pm, Dinner 5-6pm (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
28 | Meals on Wheels People | Multnomah, Washington, Clark County (note: not serving Clackamas County) | Provides meals to vulnerable seniors. | https://www.mowp.org/2020/03/meals-on-wheels-people-modifies-service-model/ | NOTE: They have suspended meal service at all of their dining centers in Clark, Multnomah and Washington counties. They will continue to deliver to homebound elderly people; however, their delivery model has changed. To limit contact between volunteers and homebound participants, meal delivery will be limited to three days per week rather than five. They have instituted a “no contact” meal delivery system and instructed volunteers to keep a distance of at least six feet from those who are receiving meals. For up-to-date information on what is happening at Meals on Wheels People during this health emergency, call their COVID-19 Hotline at 503.953.8158. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
29 | p:ear | Portland metro area | p:ear will be providing “out the door” sack lunches, essential resources, and services Monday through Friday from 9:00am – 1:00pm. | https://www.pearmentor.org/covid/index.html?mc_cid=db8283e05a&mc_eid=88bd408692&fbclid=IwAR2LjgU82wz4hmcffPWUTUlJqtkRXG8ZnHgj39NDA99XFeQkWNz_IN7Tpfk | Until further notice, p:ear will be providing to-go meals Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am – 1:15pm at 338 NW 6th St. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
30 | St. Barnabas Church | Portland metro area | Free food bags every Saturday at 5 pm. Bags include a selection of fresh food, toiletries, and dry goods. Vegetarian & no-cook options also available. | https://www.saintbarnabaspdx.org/ | 2201 SW Vermont Street, Portland, OR 97219, TriMet bus lines 44 & 45. Questions? 503-246-1949 or stbarnabas@hotmail.com. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
31 | Esther's Pantry | Milwaukie area | Esther’s Pantry has accommodations and extended service to meet the challenges that COVID-19 has produced. During this crisis, Esther’s Pantry is no longer only serving HIV clients. They have opened their doors to the community and will provide food and care boxes to all community members in need of additional resources. | https://www.ourhouseofportland.org/esthers-pantry | 10202 SE 32nd Ave, Milwaukie, OR 97222. Hours: Monday 1-4pm, Tuesday 2-5pm, Thursday 2-5pm (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
32 | Estacada Area Food Bank | Estacada, Eagle Creek, Barton, Carver, Colton, Damascus | Provides food to residents of Estacada, Eagle Creek, Barton, Carver, Colton, Damascus. Online ordering available through our website. | http://estacadafoodbank.org/ | 272 S. Broadway St., Estacada, Oregon. Change in hours: Open the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month 10am-1pm (closed the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month); Wednesdays 2pm-4pm ONLY for households with a student enrolled in the Estacada School District and 4pm-6pm for all; Fridays 10am-2pm. Be prepared to wait outside. Please request groceries before you come via form on website. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
33 | Sandy Community Action Center | Oregon Trail School District | Food pantry for residents of the Oregon Trail School District. | https://sandyactioncenter.com/ | 38982 Pioneer Blvd., Sandy, 503-668-4746. Food Panty Hours: Wednesday and Friday, 10 am-4 pm. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
34 | Columbia Gorge Helping Hands Food Salvage | East of Sandy River | Program supporting families east of the Sandy River. | https://m.facebook.com/columbiagorgehelpinghands/ | $10 fills two shopping bags, plus what’s available outside (typically 6-12 pallets of produce and dry goods). Open for shopping on Monday and Thursday. Special senior and vulnerable shopping hours. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
35 | JOIN | Portland | Working in partnership with Multnomah County Joint Office of Homeless Services and coordinating with community partners to provide outreach and supportive services that prioritize the safety of our houseless neighbors. | https://joinpdx.org/covid-19-response/ | NOTE: The Day Space is open Monday – Friday, 10 am – 3 pm. Please visit during these hours and bring photo identification. Friends who are visiting will have access to hygiene items and nutritional support (sack lunches, snacks, coffee, water, etc.) through their ADA entrance at 1435 NE 81st Ave, Portland. (503) 232-2031, info@joinpdx.org. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
36 | SNAP, ERDC, TANF | Oregon | To apply for SNAP, ERDC, and/or TANF, visit website to the right. | https://govstatus.egov.com/or-dhs-benefits | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
37 | Senior and Vulnerable Shoppers - Special Hours | Oregon/Nationwide | Many stores are opening early or offering special shopping times for seniors and vulnerable shoppers. See list to the right and be sure to check with individuals stores in your area to verify. | See easy to read graphic here: https://www.facebook.com/KGWTV8/photos/a.111202985735/10156957410035736/?type=3&theater | New Seasons (8-9am every weekday and extending senior discount to all open hours), Whole Foods (first hour of operation each day for 60 and over), Fred Meyer and QFC (Mon.-Th. from 7-8am), Trader Joes - senior line 9-10 am daily), Albertsons and Safeway (Tues. and Th. from 7-9am), Market of Choice (Tues/Fri/Sun 7-8am), Dollar General (first hour of operation daily), Target (first hour of operation each Wednesday), Walmart (one hour before opening every Tuesday), Costco (Tues. and Th. 8-9am), Walgreens - (Tuesdays from 8-9am), Winco (Tues/Thurs 6-7:30am). Call individual stores to verify. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
38 | Portland Public Schools | Portland | Offering 7 days worth of meals to all Portland children ages 1-18. Meals are available for pickup on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-5 pm at locations throughout Portland. | https://www.pps.net/Page/15846 | Monday: 2 days worth of food. Wednesday: 2 days worth of food. Friday 3 days worth of food. Pickups offered at 38 locations as well as home delivery. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
39 | Restaurants: | ||||
40 | Lionheart Coffee | Beaverton | Offering brown bag lunches for anyone in need (particularly students) Tuesdays and Thursdays at the 4590 SW Watson Ave location. Grab and go. Honor system. If you need lunch delivered, contact them via social media pages listed on website. | http://www.lionheartcoffee.com/ | 503-521-7051. Lionheart Scholls – 11421 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton OR 97008, Lionheart Watson – 4590 SW Watson Ave, Beaverton OR 97005, (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
41 | Grain & Gristle | Portland | Free lunch for students on free/reduced lunch. Honor system - ask for "school lunch special" and choose from cheeseburger, burger, grilled cheese (comes with fruit, french fries, carrot sticks and ranch dressing). | https://www.grainandgristle.com/ | 1473 NE Prescott St, Portland, OR 97211, lunches available Wednesday-Saturday 12-8pm. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
42 | Sugar Street Bakery & Bistro | Portland | Amid COVID-19, they are handing out free, made-to-order meals for kids. They have three hot options and two cold options while supplies and donations last. They have enough for about 1,500 meals and can take orders over the phone or in person to carry out. | http://sugarstreetportland.com/ | 1430 SE Water Ave, Portland, OR 97214. Call: 503-234-7085. (Sorry, NO online orders for this offer). (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
43 | Shelters | ||||
44 | 211/Multnomah County Joint Office of Homeless Services | Multnomah County | 211info provides assessment services for homeless families in Multnomah County, in partnership with the Joint Office of Homeless Services. | https://www.211info.org/housing | CALL 211 or 1-866-698-6155, TEXT your zip code to 898211 (TXT211), EMAIL help@211info.org. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
45 | Shelter Directory | Nationwide | Directory of shelters in cities across the country. Website link to the right is for Portland listings. | https://www.shelterlistings.org/city/portland-or.html | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
46 | City Team Ministries | SE Portland | Is continuing to provide hot meals, safe shelter, showers, recovery programs, and other essential care while taking precautions to reduce spread of the virus. | https://www.cityteam.org/portland | NOTE: All meals will be provided to go style directly in front of building as advised by City Officials and the Joint Office of Homeless Services. 526 SE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97214, (503) 231-9334 (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
47 | Portland Rescue Mission | NW Portland | Continuing to provide services in a limited capacity. As an essential service to those without homes in our community, Portland Rescue Mission continues to remain open 24/7 for all who need us. See info to the right for details. | www.portlandrescuemission.org | All services are being offered in a limited capacity and they are not taking any new participants into their transitional program. In their men's shelter, they are limiting to 55 spots each night to increase space between shelter beds. 111 W. Burnside St., Portland, OR 97209, 503-906-7690 (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
48 | Raphael House | Portland metro area | Shelter for anyone impacted by domestic violence regardless of gender identity, ethnicity, disability, immigration status, primary language, or sexuality. Multigenerational families with kids (and adults) of all ages are supported and companion animals are welcome. | https://raphaelhouse.com/emergency-shelter/ | Emergency Shelter is open and staffed year-round, 24/7. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
49 | Transition Projects (TPI) Resource Center | NW Portland | Continuing to deliver services during COVID-19. The Transition Projects Resource Center is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Resource Center is the point of access to all other services Transition Projects offers and is the first place people should visit if they are looking to meet basic needs or be connected to emergency or residential shelter services. | http://www.tprojects.org/ | 650 NW Irving St., Portland, OR 97209, (503) 280-4700 (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
50 | Rose Haven Day Shelter for Women and Children | Portland metro area | Rose Haven will be continuing to offer services. They will be serving meals from 9 am-12 pm, M-F as well as offering supplies. They are letting a limited number of people in at a time for their restrooms. Services include: Utilities Support, Storage Unit Assistance, Education and Employment Support, Prepaid Phones, Sustenance, Outdoor Supplies, Rental Application Fees, Medical Co-Pays/RX. | https://rosehaven.org/ | (503) 248-6364, 627 NW 18th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 (verified/updated 1/28/21) |
51 | Portland Homeless Family Solutions | SE Portland | Continuing to provide shelter and services to homeless families with children. | http://www.pdxhfs.org/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
52 | PSU Landing at FUMC | PSU students | The PSU Landing at FUMC is a collaborative effort between Portland State University, First United Methodist Church and community members that provides temporary, safe-haven housing in the Goose Hollow neighborhood for PSU students navigating a housing crisis or homelessness. | https://fumcpdx.org/landing/ | 1838 SW Jefferson St, Portland, OR 97201 (verified/updated 8/13/21) |
53 | Utilities | ||||
54 | Impact NW | Portland metro area | Impact NW provides a safety net for families in crisis, with services that connect them to housing and energy assistance while supporting them as they move toward independence. | https://impactnw.org/programs/housing-and-safety-net/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
55 | Oregon Energy Fund | Oregon | Oregon Energy Fund provides funds for energy assistance to 30+ partner agencies and nonprofits throughout Oregon. If you need help paying your electric bill, enter your county or zip code on website to the right to find out who has energy assistance in your area and how to contact them. | http://www.oregonenergyfund.org/energy-assistance/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
56 | 211 Utility Assistance Programs | Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington County | Online database to find utility assistance programs in Oregon and Southwest Washington. | https://www.211info.org/energy#Multnomah | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
57 | Oregon Free Wifi Hotspots | Oregon | Find free wifi hotspots in Oregon. | http://www.openwifispots.com/state_free_wifi_wireless_hotspot_Oregon_OR.aspx | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
58 | Portland General Electric | Portland | They have suspended non-payment disconnection. Urging customers to call them if you need help with your bill so they can work with you to find a solution that fits your needs. You can request a payment extension 24/7 by logging in to your account or calling their automated phone system. | https://www.portlandgeneral.com/our-company/news-room/covid-19 | Call 503-228-6322 (Portland) or 800-542-8818 (elsewhere) & have your PGE account number handy. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
59 | NW Natural Gas | Oregon | Will not disconnect customers who can’t make utility payments due to the impacts caused by Coronavirus. | https://www.nwnatural.com/ContactUs | 503-226-4211 or 800-422-4012, Available Monday through Friday, 7am - 6pm. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
60 | Portland Water Bureau | Portland | The Portland Water Bureau offers financial assistance in the form of payment arrangements, bill discounts for sewer and water charges, crisis vouchers, fixture repair services, and the Utility Safety Net program. To respond to the impacts of COVID-19, they have expanded financial assistance program qualifications. | portlandoregon.gov/water/financialassistance | For detailed information about these programs, click on the links on website or contact the Financial Assistance Group at 503-865-4357 or email Program Manager Corbett White: Corbett.White@portlandoregon.gov. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
61 | Pacific Power | Oregon, Washington, California | Pacific Power is temporarily suspending disconnections and late fees for non-payment for customers in Oregon, Washington and California to support the state of emergency declared in all three states in response to the COVID-19 virus. | https://www.pacificpower.net/about/newsroom/news-releases/pacific-power-to-suspend-disconnections-in-response-to-covid-19.html | Customers can call 1-888-221-7070 at any time to speak with a customer care agent who can help answer any questions. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
62 | Spectrum (Charter Communications) | Oregon | They won't terminate service for residential or small business customers and won't charge late fees for those customers facing difficult economic circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Customers should contact them about qualifying for payment extensions related to COVID-19. | https://mobile.spectrum.com/support/article/360040980371/coronavirus-covid19-update | (833) 224-6603 (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
63 | Comcast | Oregon | They will make it easier for low-income families who live in a Comcast service area to sign up by offering new customers 60 days of complimentary Internet Essentials service, which is normally available to all qualified low-income households for $9.95/month. They are also increasing Internet speeds for the Internet Essentials service for all new and existing customers. | https://corporate.comcast.com/press/releases/internet-essentials-low-income-broadband-coronavirus-pandemic | To sign up, applicants can simply visit www.internetessentials.com. The accessible website also includes the option to video chat with customer service agents in American Sign Language. There are also two dedicated phone numbers 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
64 | Auto Insurance Refunds and Credits for Oregonians | Oregon | As of June 15th, the companies listed on website to the right have agreed to provide premium refunds or credits to Oregonians. | https://dfr.oregon.gov/insure/health/understand/Documents/DFR_AutoInfographic.pdf | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
65 | Fund for PPS Students - Free Internet | Portland Public Schools | Comcast’s Internet Essentials is a program designed for low-income families and individuals to acquire access to the internett.The Fund for PPS has made an initial commitment to sponsor up to six months of free internet connectivity for 2,000 families. Fill out form (to the right) to access. | https://fundforpps.org/internet | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
66 | Resources for Businesses/Workers | ||||
67 | Oregon Mandatory Mask Requirements | Oregon - Clackamas, Hood River, Lincoln, Marion, Multnomah, Polk & Washington counties | County specific mask, face shield, face covering guidance. Includes access to printable signs for businesses. | https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le2351j.pdf | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
68 | Oregon Employment Department's COVID page | Oregon | COVID-19 Related Business Layoffs, Closures, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits. | https://www.oregon.gov/employ/Pages/COVID-19.aspx | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
69 | Oregon's Early Learning Division (ELD) | Oregon | ELD is actively recruiting child care substitutes. People can apply to be a substitute at website to the right. | https://fs22.formsite.com/QRIS/subemergency/index.html | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
70 | Resources for Greater Portland Businesses | Portland metro area | This page provides information about resources for Greater Portland businesses affected by COVID-19. It is being updated as new information becomes available | https://greaterportlandinc.com/covid-business-resources | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
71 | Ongoing List of Companies Hiring | Portland metro area | Google doc of companies hiring in the Portland metro area. | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GqF4d9AWm0MZP2w8mlofNW2tfYuFSe7vSVLow26boZc/edit#gid=0 | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
72 | Portland Tech Jobs | Portland | If you are a tech professional looking for employment opportunities, or a tech employer looking for immediate assistance, visit website to the right to view an updated list of tech professionals who are ready to be hired, provided by the Portland tech startup community. | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tWXVCPIAmW8NTaslA6zUivX7ph1OV7lq8fla1nLfC9U/edit#gid=853911755 | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
73 | SBA COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Grants | Nationwide | Your small business (even if you're an independent contractor or self-employed) is likely eligible for a $10,000 grant. Apply at link to the right. The video in the far right column explains everything you need to know. Please forward this to everyone you know who is self employed or owns small business. These COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Grants can be used to pay the rent or mortgage, outstanding bills, or any salaries you owe (including your own) and can arrive in just a few days. | https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
74 | Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association Resources & Announcements | Oregon | Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources & information for the hospitality industry. | https://www.oregonrla.org/covid19_info.html | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
75 | Business Oregon | Oregon | Offering direct loan programs (OBDF, ORF, and EDLF) that can help with access to capital. | http://www.oregon4biz.com/How-We-Can-Help/Finance-Programs/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
76 | The Portland HR Management Association (PHRMA) Resource LIst fpr Employers | Portland | The Portland HR Management Association (PHRMA) has compiled a series of resources for local employers, including articles on sick leave, crisis leadership, and webinars from HR experts. | https://www.portlandhrma.org/news/496788/COVID-19-Resources.htm | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
77 | Oregon Employment Department - Unemployment Claims | Oregon | Website to file unemployment claims. | https://secure.emp.state.or.us/ocs4/index.cfm?u=F20200317A055946B89883528.6819&lang=E | Unemployment Claimant Handbook: https://www.oregon.gov/employ/Unemployment/Claimant_Handbook/Pages/default.aspx (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
78 | Oregon Employment Department - Rules for Unemployment | Oregon | Employment Department Temporary Rules for Unemployment Insurance Benefits Flexibility | https://www.oregon.gov/employ/Documents/OAR%20471-030-0070-temporaryrule.pdf | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
79 | State of Oregon Sick Time Info | Oregon | COVID-19/Coronavirus in Oregon: Facts about Sick Time | https://www.oregon.gov/BOLI/WHD/OST/Pages/index.aspx | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
80 | Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries | Oregon | Info about time off, wages, and more. | https://www.oregon.gov/BOLI/Pages/index.aspx | Employers can call Technical Assistance Hotline at 971-673-0824 or email bolita@boli.state.or.us. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
81 | Oregon OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration | Oregon | Health and Safety Concerns: Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration | https://osha.oregon.gov/Pages/topics/infectious-disease.aspx | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
82 | Chamber of Commerce - Coronavirus Survival Guide | Nationwide | Resources to Help Your Small Business Survive the Coronavirus | https://www.uschamber.com/co/start/strategy/small-business-resources-for-surviving-coronavirus | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
83 | CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers | Nationwide | This interim guidance is based on what is currently known about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will update this interim guidance as needed and as additional information becomes available. | https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/specific-groups/guidance-business-response.html | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
84 | Restaurant Workers Community Foundation | Nationwide | Information and links to resources that will help restaurants and workers deal most effectively with the COVID-19 Emergency | https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/news/2020/3/15/resources-for-restaurants-and-workers-coping-with-the-covid-19-emergency | info@restaurantworkerscf.org, (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
85 | U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Assistance | Nationwide | The SBA provides low-interest disaster loans to help businesses and homeowners recover from declared disasters. Oregon small business owners impacted by coronavirus can now apply for SBA disaster loans up to $2M. | https://www.sba.gov/disaster-assistance/coronavirus-covid-19 | Disaster Customer Service Center -1-800-659-2955 (for the deaf and hard-of-hearing 1-800-877-8339), Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET, or email: disastercustomerservice@sba.gov. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
86 | The Nonprofit Association of Oregon | Oregon | COVID-19 guidance for nonprofits in Oregon | https://nonprofitoregon.org/news/covid-19-resources | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
87 | Family Meal Covid Relief Grant | Oregon | Family Meal, a nonprofit founded in 2019 and 100% volunteer-run, provides financial relief to Oregon’s food service and agricultural workers in a medical debt crisis. | https://www.familymealpdx.org/covid-19 | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
88 | Prosper Portland | Portland | Business resources through Prosper Portland include information about commercial rent freezes, and deferral of loan payments. | https://prosperportland.us/covid-19-business-resources/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
89 | PDX Restaurant Alliance Resources for Employees | Portland | Resources for employees. | http://pdxrestaurantalliance.org/for-employees | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
90 | PDX Restaurant Alliance Resources for Employers | Portland | Resources for employers. | http://pdxrestaurantalliance.org/for-employers | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
91 | Business for a Better Portland Switchboard | Portland | A forum where leaders in the PDX business community gather to do business together, share resources, advice, and make a positive difference in the city we love. | https://bbpdx.switchboardhq.com/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
92 | Business Survival Tips During a Pandemic | Oregon | Business Finance Officer Tom Schnell put together this helpful guide that walks businesses through steps they can take to deal with coronavirus fallout, including managing cashflow, payments and guidance on long-term planning. | https://oeda.biz/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Business-Survival-Tips-During-Coronavirus.pdf | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
93 | Oregon Business Adversity Response Plan Regarding COVID-19 | Oregon | Guidelines developed by The Oregon SBDC Network for you to consider in not only this unprecedented situation created by COVID-19, but in any situation that may create significant impacts to your business operation. | https://climb.pcc.edu/blog/oregon-business-adversity-response-plan-regarding-covid-19#Staffing | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
94 | Freelance Artist Resources | Nationwide | Aggregated list of free resources, remote job opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines. | https://covid19freelanceartistresource.wordpress.com/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
95 | Resources for Musicians and Live Music Professionals | Nationwide | List of resources for musicians and live music professionals during COVID-19, as well as ways fans can support artists right now. | https://sheshredsmag.com/covid-19-resources-for-musicians/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
96 | Restaurant Workers Community Foundation Covid Relief Program | Nationwide | Emergency relief for workers, small businesses and nonprofits. | https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/ | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
97 | USBG Bartender Emergency Assistance Program | Nationwide | Emergency relief and resources for bartenders. | https://www.usbgfoundation.org/covid-19-response | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
98 | Urban Gleaners - Food Purchasing Request Form | Oregon | If you are a farm struggling to sell or move your product/crops, fill out this form. They are trying to purchase food directly from farmers to distribute to kids and families in need. | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXKUFrpusuwW8LmC-cfWsxk97KGKlaFbkzGDw0SGMwS-SN0A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 | (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
99 | WeeCare Childcare | Nationwide | Handling requests for emergency childcare and are waiving placement fees for all essential workers. Some locations are providing discounted childcare rates. | https://weecare.co/ | 24/7 support at (310) 929-9579. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |
100 | Lines for Life Virtual Wellness Room | Oregon | This Virtual Wellness Room was created to offer support to helpers, mental health professionals, first responders, social workers and anyone considered an essential worker during the COVID-19 pandemic in Oregon. Each check-in call will have a facilitator to guide the conversation. | https://zoom.us/j/4848426773 | The meetings are held using Zoom conference calls from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the link to the left. (verified/updated 12/9/20) |