A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | ||
1 | Index | 論述 | Narrative | Time | Type | Narrative Creation | Creation | PRC Amp | RU Amp | |
2 | 1 | COVID-19 疫苗供應不足 | COVID-19 Vaccine Shortage in Taiwan | Mid 2021 | ||||||
3 | 1 | 美國沒賣台灣疫苗 | US has not sold a single vaccine to Taiwan | May 2021 | D | 香港中通社 | PRC | 1 | ||
4 | 2 | 中共疫苗大外宣:中國出口 2.52 億劑疫苗、美國只出口 300 萬劑、美國搶購囤積 26 億劑疫苗 | China exported 252 million doses of vaccines, US only exported 3 million, US rushing to stockpile 2.6 billion doses of vaccine | May 2021 | D | 赵立坚 - PRC FMA | PRC | 1 | ||
5 | 3 | 美國黑水公司投資聯亞疫苗研發 | US company Blackwater invests in UB-612 vaccine R&D | Early Jun 2021 | E | 雷倩 | TW | |||
6 | 4 | 台灣用軍購、用晶片換美國疫苗 | Taiwan uses arms purchase and microchips in exchange for US vaccines | Jun 2021 | D | PTT account comment | TW | 1 | ||
7 | 5 | 美國黑水公司投資聯亞疫苗研發,製造針對中國人的生化武器,提供蔡英文人身安全保護,以武謀獨 | US company Blackwater invests in UBI vaccine R&D, produces biochemical weapon targeting Chinese people, provides protection for Tsai Ing-wen, using force to plot for independence | Mid-Jun 2021 | E | 王炳忠 | TW | |||
8 | 6 | 美、台蟑螂集團炒作聯亞股票賺錢 | US-Taiwan cockroach syndicate props up UBI stocks for profit | Late Jun 2021 | E | 黃智賢 | TW | 1 | ||
9 | 7 | 週四買武器,週日送疫苗 | Thursday buys weapons, Sunday gifted vaccines | Jun 2021 | D | Anon. LINE message | TW | 1 | ||
10 | 8 | 美國對台軍售:台灣社會「要疫苗不要武器」 | Taiwan society wants vaccines not weapons | Early Aug 2021 | D | 新华 Xinhua | PRC | 1 | ||
11 | 9 | 因為台灣購買了美國萊豬、武器,所以應該得到美國疫苗 | Taiwan purchased US ractopamine pork and weapons therefore should receive US vaccines | Apr-Aug 2021 | D | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
12 | ||||||||||
13 | 2 | 拜登政府首次對台軍售 | Biden Administration’s First Arms Sale to Taiwan | Aug 2021 | ||||||
14 | 7 | 週四買武器,週日送疫苗 | Thursday buy weapons, Sunday gifted vaccines | June 2021 | D | Anon. LINE message | TW | 1 | ||
15 | 8 | 美國對台軍售:台灣社會「要疫苗不要武器」 | Taiwan society wants vaccines not weapons | Early Aug 2021 | D | 新华 Xinhua | PRC | 1 | ||
16 | 9 | 因為台灣購買了美國萊豬、武器,所以應該得到美國疫苗 | Taiwan purchased US ractopamine pork and weapons therefore should receive US vaccines | Apr-Aug 2021 | D | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
17 | 10 | 中國制定《反外國制裁法》及《不可靠實體清單》是開始給美國立規矩,震撼全球 | China’s Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law and Unreliable Entity List is setting rules for the US, shocks the world | May 2021 | B | 匯賢起動 | Chinese | 1 | ||
18 | 11 | 美國對台軍售「又在騙錢」、「掏空台灣」 | US-Taiwan arms sales is cheating money again, hollowing out Taiwan | Early Aug 2021 | D | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
19 | 12 | 中國外交部、國台辦、國防部「堅決反對」:美國對台軍售損害台海和平穩定 | US-Taiwan arms sale is damaging to the peach and stability of the Taiwan Strait | Early Aug 2021 | C | PRC FMA | PRC | 1 | ||
20 | 13 | 美國國務院批准對台軍售,受西方媒體譴責 | US State Department approves arms sale to Taiwan, rebuked by western media | Early Aug 2021 | G | 青年参考 | PRC | 1 | ||
21 | 14 | 台美軍購是買喪鐘,美國火砲會被打爛或成為解放軍戰利品,日本自衛隊會被解放軍消滅 | Taiwan-US arms purchase is buying the bell of death, US artillery will be destroyed or seized by the PLA, Japan’s SDF will be annihilated by the PLA | Early Aug 2021 | B | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
22 | 15 | 俄國官媒衛星通訊社:美國以天價賣給台灣要報廢的火炮,奇跡般騙了台灣一把 | US sold Taiwan soon-to-be scrapped artillery at a sky-high price, miraculously cheated Taiwan | Early Aug 2021 | D | Sputnik | RU | 1 | ||
23 | 16 | 美國的目標是永遠不和中、俄開戰,因此美軍無法保衛盟友 | US goal is to never be at war with China and Russia, therefore US military cannot protect its allies | Mid-Sep 2021 | B | 浩瀚宇宙 | Chinese | 1 | ||
24 | ||||||||||
25 | 3 | 美軍撤離阿富汗 | US Withdrawal from Afghanistan | Aug 2021 | ||||||
26 | 17 | 美國只是現在挺台,終究會拋棄台灣 | US supports Taiwan for now, will eventually abandon Taiwan | Mid Aug 2021 | A | 芒果治國 | TW | 1 | ||
27 | 18 | 美國放棄越南、香港、阿富汗,所以會放棄台灣 | US abandoned Vietnam, Hongkong, Afghanistan, therefore will abandon Taiwan | Mid Aug 2021 | A | 韓家軍鐵粉聯盟 | TW | 1 | ||
28 | 19 | 引用紐時「美國不會無限支持盟友」 | US will not unlimitedly support its allies | Mid Aug 2021 | A | 經濟日報 | TW | 1 | ||
29 | 20 | 阿富汗是台灣的前車之鑑 | Afghanistan is an lesson of failure for Taiwan | Mid Aug 2021 | A | 趙少康 | TW | 1 | ||
30 | 21 | 今日阿富汗,明日台灣 | Today Afghanistan, tomorrow Taiwan | Late Apr-Aug 2021 | A | CNEWS 匯流新聞網 | TW | 1 | ||
31 | 22 | 美中實力消長,美國打不贏塔利班,所以也打不贏中共,沒有實力保護台灣 | US has receded while China has risen, US cannot win over the Taliban, therefore cannot win over China, has no sufficient power to protect Taiwan | Mid-Aug 2021 | B | 臺灣建國促進聯盟 | TW | 1 | ||
32 | 23 | 阿富汗成為美國弱點,使美國面對中國無力保護台灣 | Afghanistan is a weakness of the US, making the US powerless in protecting Taiwan against China | Late Aug 2021 | B | 兩岸頭條 | TW | |||
33 | 24 | 美國在西太平洋軍力不如中國,不足以防衛台灣 | US military power in the West Pacific is no match to China, not enough to defend Taiwan | Late Aug 2021 | B | 琦琦看新聞 | MY | 1 | ||
34 | 25 | 美國在世界各地引起戰爭 | US starts war in many places around the world | Mid-Aug 2021 | C | 蔡增家 | TW | 1 | ||
35 | 26 | 引用川普「中國從阿富汗看見美國的軟弱,台灣會發生不好的事」 | China sees US weakness through Afghanistan, bad things will happen for Taiwan | Mid-Aug 2021 | C | 和坛 | Chinese | |||
36 | 27 | 美國挑釁中國,企圖引起台海戰爭 | US provotes China and intends to start a Taiwan Strait war | Late Aug 2021 | C | 韓黑父母不崩潰 | TW | 1 | ||
37 | 28 | 台海開戰時,蔡英文會逃亡至美國,漢光演習是逃跑訓練 | Tsai Ing-Wen will flee to the US once Taiwan Strait war begins, Han-Kuang Exercise is a drill for running away | Mar-Sep 2021 | E | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
38 | ||||||||||
39 | 4 | 台灣 4 項全國公投 | National Referenda in Taiwan | Late 2021 | ||||||
40 | 9 | 因為台灣購買了美國萊豬、武器,所以應該得到美國疫苗 | Taiwan purchased US ractopamine pork and weapons therefore should receive US vaccines | Apr-Aug 2021 | D | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
41 | 29 | 台灣政府進口美國萊豬,出賣民眾健康 | Taiwan government imports US ractopamine pork, selling out people’s health | Apr-Sep 2021 | E | 岛内网民 - 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
42 | 30 | 台灣軍隊已經吃了美國萊豬 | Taiwan military has already eaten US ractopamine pork | Early May 2021 | D | 中時 China Times | TW | 1 | ||
43 | 31 | 美國、日本讓台灣人當炮灰,吃毒豬,蔡英文和台灣政客權貴詐騙集團得利 | US and Japan let Taiwanese people be cannon fodder and eat toxic pork while Tsai Ing-Wen and Taiwanese political elite fraud syndicate reap benefits | May-Aug 2021 | E | Anon. LINE message | TW | |||
44 | 32 | 160 個國家禁止進口美國萊豬 | 160 countries have banned import of US ractopamine pork | Sep-Nov 2021 | G | 蔣萬安 趙少康 | TW | 1 | ||
45 | 33 | 因為台美簽訂天然氣長期合約的利益,所以民進黨一定要推中火、蓋三接、除藻礁、廢核四 | For the benefit of the signed Taiwan-US long-term natural gas contract, DPP must promote Taichung Coal-fired Power Plant, build Guantang LNG Terminal, kill algal reefs, and abolish the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant | Late Oct-Early Nov 2021 | E | 雙標黨的雙標物語 | TW | 1 | ||
46 | ||||||||||
47 | 5 | 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭 | Russian Full-Scale Invasion Against Ukraine | Feb 2022 | ||||||
48 | 34 | 北約東擴、烏克蘭挑釁,所以俄烏戰爭爆發 | NATO expanded east-ward and Ukraine provoked, therefore the Russia-Ukraine war broke out | Nov 2021 | C | 全球華人軍事聯盟 + 匿名粉專集團 | MY | 1 | ||
49 | 35 | 聯合國投票打擊納粹,只有美國、烏克蘭反對 | UN voted to combat Nazi, only the US and Ukraine opposed | Nov-Dec 2021 | C | Sputnik | RU | 1 | 1 | |
50 | 36 | 美國把烏克蘭當棋子,引發戰爭,所以台灣不該當美國棋子 | US makes Ukraine a chess piece, incites war, therefore Taiwan should not be a US chess piece | Dec 2021 | A | 時聞香港 | Chinese | 1 | ||
51 | 37 | 美國訓練烏克蘭新納粹「亞速營」,殘害烏東人民、暴力推動港獨 | US trained Ukrainian neo-Nazi “Azov”, oppressed people in eastern Ukraine, promoted Hongkong independence with violence | Jan 2022 | C | RT - 聯合 UDN | RU | 1 | 1 | |
52 | 38 | 今日烏克蘭,明日台灣 | Today Ukraine, tomorrow Taiwan | Jan-Feb 2022 | A | Anon. LINE message | TW | 1 | ||
53 | 39 | 蘭德公司:拜登政府不要把俄、中逼得太緊,防止引發世界大戰 | RAND: Biden Administration should not push Russia and China too much, in prevention of a world war | Mid-Feb 2022 | C | Anon. LINE message | TW | |||
54 | 40 | 俄羅斯承認烏東兩地獨立,就像美國承認科索沃獨立;俄羅斯併吞烏克蘭,就像美國併吞德州 | Russian recognition of the independence of two eastern Ukrainian provinces is just like the US recognition of the independence of Kosovo; Russian annexation of Ukraine is just like US annexation of Texas | Mid-Late Feb 2022 | C | 和坛 | Chinese | |||
55 | 41 | 烏克蘭有 180 個邦交國,沒人救援,所以台灣也不會有 | Ukraine has 180 diplomatic allies and no one has come to its aid, therefore no will will help Taiwan | Late Feb 2022 | A | 快點 TV | TW | |||
56 | ||||||||||
57 | 6 | 拜登總統宣布推動印太經濟架構 | Info-Pacific Economic Framework Announcement | May 2022 | ||||||
58 | 42 | 美國國會議員訪台,警告台灣不要挑釁中國 | US Senator visits Taiwan, warns Taiwan not to provoke China | Mid-Apr 2022 | B | 陳一新 | TW | 1 | ||
59 | 43 | 美國支持台灣加入印太經濟架構,就是美國要把台灣變成戰地 | US support of Taiwan’s membership in IPEF is the US making Taiwan a battlefield | Late May 2022 | H | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
60 | 44 | 台灣未被納入印太經濟架構,所以台灣又被美國拋棄了 | Taiwan is not included in IPEF, therefore Taiwan is again abandoned by the US | Late May 2022 | A | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
61 | 45 | 台灣跟美國買武器、開放進口萊豬、花費巨額公關經費遊說賄賂,所以美國應該讓台灣加入印太經濟架構 | Taiwan purchased weapons, granted ractopamine pork import, spent massive amount in public relations, lobbying, and bribes, therefore the US should allow Taiwan to join IPEF | Late May 2022 | D | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
62 | ||||||||||
63 | 7 | 裴洛西議長訪台 | Speaker Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit | Aug 2022 | ||||||
64 | 46 | 盜用 PTT 帳號冒充文旦農家:裴洛西訪台只為干預晶片產業、選舉造勢、撈金騙錢,造成文旦禁運中國,使家庭失去生計,台灣亦失去台海中線、失去和平 | Hijacked PTT account poses as pomelo farmer: Pelosi visits Taiwan only for interfering the microchip industry, campaigning for election, hoarding and cheating money, causing shipping of pomelos to China banned, family livelihoods lost, Taiwan Strait midline lost, peace lost | Early Aug | D | PTT clamp226 | TW | 1 | ||
65 | 47 | 台灣政府花 9,400 萬遊說裴洛西訪台 | Taiwan government spent 94 million in lobbying Pelosi to visit Taiwan | Early Aug | E | 李勝峯 理性鋒爆 | TW | 1 | ||
66 | 48 | 美軍航空母艦雷根號跑走,是拋棄台灣,默認中共封鎖台灣 | USS Ronald Reagan ran away and abandoned Taiwan, recognizing in silence China’s blockade of Taiwan | Early Aug | A | 郭正亮 - 快點 TV | TW | 1 | ||
67 | 49 | 台灣故宮準備將國寶撤離至美國及日本 | Taiwan’s National Palace Museum prepares to evacuate national treasures to the US and Japan | Early-Mid Aug | E | Kevin Ho | TW | 1 | ||
68 | 50 | 裴洛西是醜聞纏身的投機份子,貪財愛權,訪台是為了家族及私利 | Pelosi is an opportunist enveloped in scandals, greedy and power hungry, visits Taiwan for family and personal benefit | Early Aug | F | 玉渊谭天 - CRI | PRC | 1 | ||
69 | 51 | 裴洛西訪台一意孤行,美國國內意見四分五裂 | Pelosi is self-willed in visiting Taiwan while internal opinion fractures the US | Early Aug | F | 玉渊谭天 - CRI | PRC | 1 | ||
70 | 52 | 全世界 160 國家支持中國,譴責裴洛西來台是挑釁、魯莽、不負責 | 160 countries around the world support China, condemns Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan as provocative, reckless, and irresponsible | Early Aug | G | 玉渊谭天 - CRI | PRC | 1 | ||
71 | ||||||||||
72 | 8 | 台積電赴美設廠 | TSMC’s US Expansion | Late 2022 | ||||||
73 | 53 | 台積電赴美設廠是美國掏空台灣 | TSMC’s US expansion is the US hollowing out Taiwan | May 2021-Nov 2022 | D | 华夏经纬网 | PRC | 1 | ||
74 | 54 | 台積電赴美設廠是受到美國脅迫 | TSMC’s US expansion is coerced by the US | Oct 2021-Nov 2022 | D | 汪文斌 - PRC FMA | PRC | 1 | ||
75 | 55 | 開戰時,美國會採取焦土戰術,摧毀台積電 | When war breaks out, US will implement scorched earth tactic, destroy TSMC | Jan 2022 | H | 黃光國 | TW | 1 | ||
76 | 56 | 開戰時,美國會撤離台積電工程師,採取焦土戰術,摧毀台灣 | When war breaks out, US will extract TSMC engineers, implement scorched earth tactic, destroy Taiwan | May-Nov 2022 | H | 环球 Global Times | PRC | 1 | ||
77 | 57 | 台積電赴美設廠是受到美國脅迫,民進黨政府以台積電為籌碼,交換利益 | TSMC’s US expansion is coerced by the US, DPP government is using TSMC as a bargaining chip to exchange for profit | Aug-Nov 2022 | E | 蔡壁如 陳文茜 | TW | 1 | ||
78 | 58 | 民進黨政府協助美國出賣台積電,放棄台灣 | DPP government is helping the US to sell out TSMC and abandon Taiwan | Nov 2022 | E | 非說 book | TW | 1 | ||
79 | 59 | 民進黨政府協助美國出賣台積電,放棄台灣,開戰時逃到美軍航空母艦上 | DPP government is helping the US to sell out TSMC and abandon Taiwan, when war breaks out, flee onto US carriers | Late Nov 2022 | E | 蔡正元 | TW | 1 | ||
80 | ||||||||||
81 | 9 | 麥卡錫議長擬訪台 | Speaker McCarthy’s Potential Taiwan Visit | Late 2022 | ||||||
82 | 60 | 麥卡錫訪台在亞太地區引戰,就像是美國以北約拉攏烏克蘭在東歐地區引戰,是美國讓台灣烏克蘭化 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan and evoking war, just like US using NATO in incentivizing Ukraine to evoke war in eastern Europe, is the US Ukrainianizing Taiwan | Mid Nov 2022 | C | 介文汲 | TW | 1 | ||
83 | 61 | 麥卡錫訪台,將引發台海危機 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan will trigger a Taiwan Strait crisis | Late Nov 2022 | C | 李路 郁慕明 旺報社評 - 中時 China Times | TW | 1 | ||
84 | 62 | 麥卡錫訪台,是美國基於對抗中國的政治利益考量,犧牲台灣 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan is the US sacrificing Taiwan for the political benefit contending against China | Late Nov 2022 | A | 陳朝平 - 中時 蔡正元 | TW | 1 | ||
85 | 63 | 麥卡錫訪台,是美國在誘逼中國攻打台灣 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan is the US baiting and forcing China to attack Taiwan | Late Nov 2022 | C | 郭正亮 - Yahoo TV 風向龍鳳配 | TW | 1 | ||
86 | 64 | 麥卡錫訪台,是共和黨在為選舉造勢 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan is the Republican Party campaigning for elections | Late Nov 2022 | D | 郭正亮 - Yahoo TV 風向龍鳳配 | TW | 1 | ||
87 | 65 | 麥卡錫訪台,是美國政客把台灣當成提款機 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan is US politician using Taiwan as ATM | Jan-Feb 2023 | D | 介文汲 - 中時 China Times | TW | 1 | ||
88 | 66 | 麥卡錫訪台,是美國把台灣當真棋子,疑美才是台灣的真民意 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan is the US treating Taiwan as a true chess piece, US skepticism is the true opinion of the people in Taiwan | Jan-Feb 2023 | A | 中国台湾网 中時 China Times | PRC | 1 | ||
89 | 67 | 麥卡錫訪台,是民進黨勾結美國,讓美國收保護費 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan is the DPP colluding with the US and allowing the US to collect protection racket | Late Jan 2023 | E | 中天 CTI | TW | 1 | ||
90 | 68 | 只要親美就會帶來戰爭,人民流離失所,陷入絕望深淵 | Tendency towards the US will bring about war, people will be displaced and plunged into the abyss of despair | Late Jan 2023 | C | 觸極者 | TW | |||
91 | 69 | 麥卡錫訪台,是民進黨勾連美國,不顧戰爭風險 | McCarthy visiting Taiwan is the DPP colluding with the US and disregarding risks of war | Late Jan 2023 | E | 中時 China Times | TW | 1 | ||
92 | ||||||||||
93 | 10 | 蔡總統訪美 | Tsai’s US Transit | Apr 2023 | ||||||
94 | 70 | 美國是世界亂源,蔡英文訪美會帶來戰爭 | US is the source of chaos in the world, Tsai’s US visit will bring about war | March 2023 | C | 台灣統派團體 | TW | 1 | ||
95 | 71 | 蔡英文在加州會晤麥卡錫是因為蔡英文害怕麥卡錫、裴洛西訪台會帶來戰爭 | Tsai meeting McCarthy in California is due to the fear of McCarthy and Pelosi’s visiting Taiwan will bring about war | March 2023 | C | 盧秀芳辣晚報 | TW | |||
96 | 72 | 蔡英文訪美是和美國勾結,謀取民進黨及蔡英文個人利益 | Tsai visits the US is collusion with the US and plotting for DPP and personal benefit | Mid-Mar-Early Apr 2023 | E | 朱凤莲 - PRC FMA | PRC | 1 | ||
97 | 73 | 馬英九訪中為了和平,蔡英文訪美帶來戰爭 | Ma visits China for peace, Tsai visits the US to bring about war | Late Mar-Early Apr 2023 | C | 中時 China Times | TW | 1 | ||
98 | 74 | 蔡英文訪美紅地毯短、簡報取消、旅館頒獎、演講取消,證明台美關係差,是蔡英文被美國利用,當成棋子、籌碼、踏腳石 | Tsai visits the US and receives a short red carpet, briefing cancelation, award ceremony in hotel, speech cancelation, is evident of bad Taiwan-US relations, Tsai is being used by the US as a chess piece, a bargaining chip, a stepping stone | Mar-Mid-Apr 2023 | D | TVBS | TW | 1 | ||
99 | 75 | 蔡英文訪美待遇不如馬英九訪中 | US treatment of Tsai is inferior to Chinese treatment of Ma | Late Mar-Early Apr 2023 | D | 觸極者 | TW | |||
100 | 76 | 台灣政府收買哈德遜研究所,使其頒獎給蔡英文 | Taiwan government buys off Hudson Institute to present an award to Tsai | Late Mar 2023 | E | 大公文匯 | PRC | 1 |