IDYearsep 5843?AuthorReferencequali / quanticitations Gloogle Scholar / dateAnalysis time frameSample SizeSample observationSource Typekeywordsdatabasessnowballmain focusobjectivetechniquesContributionsDIferenças com relacao ao nosso artigoreview typefindings@
12006TukkerTukker, Arnold, and Ursula Tischner. "Product-services as a research field: past, present and future. Reflections from a decade of research." Journal of cleaner production 14.17 (2006): 1552-1556.QualiNot mentionedNot MentionednoNot Mentionednot mentionednot mentionedNMsustainabilityIs the PSS concept indeed the road to the Factor 10 world? Is it the road to enhanced competitiveness? Is PSS a theoretical field in its own right? What is needed to really use the potential of the concept?Content Analysis (qualitative)
Baines et al.Baines, Tim S., et al. "State-of-the-art in product-service systems." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 221.10 (2007): 1543-1552.Quali1995-200640noNM (journal)servitization, sustainability, service economy, remanufacturing, service design, productization, product substituting service, dematerialization, system solution, and functional economyCompendex, Inspec and Emeraldyesgeneral PSS1. What is a PSS and how is it commonly defined? 2. How does an enterprise that deliberately configures itself around PSS differ from a conventional design and make enterprise, and what are the consequences? 3. Where are the leading examples of PSS practice? 4. Where are the strengths and weaknesses in the existing literature?Content Analysis (qualitative)
320122018Cavalieri and PezzotaCavalieri, S., & Pezzotta, G. (2012). Product–Service Systems Engineering: State of the art and research challenges. Computers in industry, 63(4), 278-288.QualiNot mentioned79models, methodologies, methods and tools under the Service Engineering perspective. No publication older than 10 yearsNot Mentioned‘Service Engineering’; ‘Product–Service System; Service Development’’ and ‘‘Service DesignWOS and ScopusNot MentionedPSS designthe purpose of this paper is to provide a holistic conceptualisation and an up-to-date review of the literature on Service Engineering with a specific focus on its adoption in the PSS context.Content Analysis - not explicited
42012Vasantha et alVasantha, G. V. A., Roy, R., Lelah, A., & Brissaud, D. (2012). A review of product–service systems design methodologies. Journal of Engineering Design, 23(9), 635-659.QualiNot mentionedNot MentionednoArticles describing PSS methodsnot mentionednot mentionedNot MentionedPSS design methodologiesIdentify research directions by analysing eight methodologies proposed in state of the art PSS design. It will focus on the similarities and differences in the way these methodologies define service and PSS, their objectives, the proposed tools/methods and the elements used in the toolsContent Analysis (qualitative)
52013Beuren et al.Beuren, F. H., Ferreira, M. G. G., & Miguel, P. A. C. (2013). Product-service systems: a literature review on integrated products and services. Journal of Cleaner Production, 47, 222-231.Quali2006-2010149nojournalproduct-service system; Servitization and/or productization, COMBINED sustainability, remanufacturing,service design, service economy, product substituting, service, dematerialization, system solution, and functional economyDatabases ISI/Web of Science Scopus Compendex Springer linknogeneral PSSthe present paper examines the ways in which the contemporary literature characterizes the concept of PSS in terms of its scope and content as well as its evolution, classification and applicationssome citation analysisa maturity model has been developed to visualise the current state of development of PSS design through twenty dimensions.
620132018Boehm and ThomasBoehm, M., & Thomas, O. (2013). Looking beyond the rim of one's teacup: a multidisciplinary literature review of Product-Service Systems in Information Systems, Business Management, and Engineering & Design. Journal of Cleaner Production, 51, 245-260.Quali/Quanti1973- 2012265nojournal + conferenceProduct-Service Systems, Compack, Complex Package, Value Bundle, Covalent Product, Servicification, Post Mass Production Paradigm, Hybrid Product, Hybrid value creationEbscoHost, Springer Link, ScienceDirect, WISO Database, AIS Electronic Library, EmeraldInsight, Wiley InterScience, IEEEXplore, INFORMS, ProQuestyesFocused on PSS - covering IS, BM, and ED disciplinesWhat is the state-of-the-art in PSS research in the Information Systems (IS), Business Management (BM), and Engineering & Design (ED) disciplines and what are future directions especially concerning PSS development?Traditional citation analysis + content analysis
720132018Lightfoot et al.Lightfoot, H., Baines, T., & Smart, P. (2013). The servitization of manufacturing: A systematic literature review of interdependent trends. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(11/12), 1408-1434.Quali/Quanti1960-2010148nojournal + conferenceservice integration, servitization, sustainability, service economy, product substituting service, functional economy, integrated solutions, product-related services, service marketing, aftermarket, customer service, value, value in use, intangibility, service operations, tangibility, product marketing, service infusion, service science, classification and framework COMBINED TO “manufacturing” or “product”Compendex, Inspec, Web of Science, Proquest, ABI Inform and Emeraldyescomparing different research communities related to ServitizationRQ1. Where are the knowledge stocks and flows amongst the research communities?

RQ2. What generic research concerns are being addressed by the research communities?
Traditional citation analysis + content analysisServices marketing IMM, JM, HBR, JBIM, MIT Sloan; Service management SQM, JSR, IJSIM, HBR; Operations management IJOPM, JOM, EMJ, MIT Sloan, EurOMA Conferences, HBR 48; Product-service systems JCP, CIRP Conference Proceedings 25, Service Science JSSSE, CACM, Grid Computing, Service Science, Proc. ISS 12
82015Reim et al.Reim, W., Parida, V., & Örtqvist, D. (2015). Product–Service Systems (PSS) business models and tactics–a systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 97, 61-75.quali1982-201267nojournalPSS, IPSS, Service-dominant logic, Servitization, Servicification, Functional product, Functional product Development, Integrated product service engineering, Integrated product service offering, Functional sales, Service infusion, Service transition, Product bundling, Hybrid offerings, Sharing economy, Shared economyElsevier, Emerald, Springer, and Wiley, among othersyesFocused on PSS and Business Model practicesknowledge
about how companies can adopt and implement PSS has remained limited

To address this shortcoming, the present study undertakes a systematic literature review that focuses on implementing PSS business models.
Systematic Review - qualitativeroz?? definitPSS is increasing
rapidly as a research field, which is spread across a variety of disciplines and research domains
92015Eloranta et al.Eloranta, V., & Turunen, T. (2015). Seeking competitive advantage with service infusion: a systematic literature review. Journal of Service Management, 26(3), 394-425.qualiNM79noJournalServitization, service infusion, service-driven manufacturing, service addition, service transition, manufacturing, service orientation, integrated solution, customer solutions, total solutions and business solutionsWOS and (SciVerse Scopus)yes JOSM IMM IJOPMservice infusion research and strategic management to explain competitive advantageHow does the service infusion literature explain competitive advantage?
through services]The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the service infusion literature explains competitive advantage through services. The four strategic management theories – competitive forces, the resource-based view, dynamic capabilities, and relational view
Content Analysis
102015Sassanelli et alSassanelli, C., Pezzotta, G., Rossi, M., Terzi, S., & Cavalieri, S. (2015). Towards a Lean Product Service Systems (PSS) Design: state of the art, opportunities and challenges. Procedia CIRP, 30, 191-196.QualiNot mentionedNot MentionedNMdiscussion on how the so-called Lean Product Development discipline could support the design and development of PS
112015Vasantha et alVasantha, Gokula Vijaykumar Annamalai, Rajkumar Roy, and Jonathan Roy Corney. "Advances in designing product-service systems." Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 95.4 (2015): 429-448.qualiNM23noNMauthors’ assessmentauthors’ assessmentyesFocused on review reviewing papersThis paper reviews recent advances in the existing literature, and assesses the essential components required for designing a sustainable PSSSystematic Review - qualitative and qualitative
1220152018TukkerTukker, A. (2015). Product services for a resource-efficient and circular economy–a review. Journal of cleaner production, 97, 76-91.Quali/Quanti2000-2013278nojournalproduct’ and ‘service’ and ‘system’. After ‘sustainability. The top 600 articles were checked and yielded 67. The top 30 most productive authors were reviewed and their publications were added. At last, references were included. scopusyes (very)Evoluton on PSS concept, development methodolog and sustainable PSS1.      Is there a clear, uniform definition of the PSS concept? 2. Is there a clear, common approach to PSS development? 3. What do case studies and other scientific approaches tell us about 4.) the conditions under which PSS contributes to sustainability? the conditions under which PSS enhances competitiveness? 4. Why have sustainable Product-Service Systems not been widely implemented?” 4. Is PSS nowa consolidated science field with a clear paradigmatic concept and tried and tested research hypotheses?Systematic Review - some citation analysis and qualitativeThe author compares evoution in PSS research field regarding the following topics: a) ontology b) PSS development c) PSS and sustainability. No radical contributions have been made after 2006.
1320162018Annarelli et al.Annarelli, A., Battistella, C., & Nonino, F. (2016). Product service system: A conceptual framework from a systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 1011-1032.Quali/Quanti1988-2016224noJournal“product-service system” or “product service system” scopusyes PSS and its main research fields (and sub-fieldsThe main objective is to identify emerging research stemming from different fields and subject areas.
Propose and discuss main future research directions
Citation Analysis(roz) proposta mais proxima do nosso artigo
1420172018Baines et al.Baines, T., Ziaee Bigdeli, A., F Bustinza, O., Shi, V. G., Baldwin, J., & Ridgeway, K. (2016). Servitization: revisiting the state-of-the-art and research priorities. International Journal of Operations and Production Management.Quali1988-2015232noJournalservice operations, service integration, servitization, service economy, integrated solutions, product-related services, aftermarket, and service science. Three more keywords combined with “services” were also used including sustainability, classification, and framework. Many of these keywords were combined with manufacturing and product to ensure their relevance to this study.Compendex, Inspec, Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, ABI Inform, and EmeraldyesFocused on context, content and process of servitization a) it comprehensively examines organisational change management literature for selection of a theoretical framework, b) it classifies extant studies within the framework through a systemic literature review, and (c) it analyses 232 selected papers and proposes a research agenda
(roz) GAP: reviews provide invaluable signposts for researchers, reflecting debates and priorities at various times, and are cited extensively. Consequently, review papers have yet to address the processes of servitization. But no models explain change towards servitization. a picture of how manufacturing organisations should be configured to deliver advanced services is emerging, but researchers have given less attention to processes of servitization.

This paper address this gap by consolidating
the servitization knowledge base from the perspective of organizational change,
Systematic Review - basic citation analysis and mostly qualitative com framework de process org change(roz) Table 3. Overview of proposed agenda and summary of research topics regarding manufacturers’ adoption of advanced services.

structured in the change mgt framework and divided into
1) the developed topics illustrate the research contributions and so relatively established knowledge,
(2) the developing topics illustrate the growing concentrations and so opportunities for relatively incremental and confirmatory studies, and
(3) the undeveloped topics represent significant opportunities for new and exploratory studies. The topics
foca no processo de mudanca e estabele uma agenda de pesquisas nesta area
152016Qu et al. Qu, M., Yu, S., Chen, D., Chu, J., & Tian, B. (2016). State-of-the-art of design, evaluation, and operation methodologies in product service systems. Computers in Industry, 77, 1-14.Quali/Quanti2000-2015258journalproduct service system, extended products’’, ‘‘servitisation’’, ‘‘functional sales’’, ‘‘hybrid offerings’’, ‘‘product service bundling’’, and ‘‘value bundle’’scopusYes (tukker´ string)PSS methodolto understand state-of-the-art of PSS design, evaluation, and operation methodologies (PSS-DEOM for shortSome citation analysis + content analysisIt is a SLR focused on identifying methodologies and tools in three main areas: PSS design, PSS evaluation and PSS operation. For instance, in PSS design the most used methodologies are related to customer requirements and needs, modularization, modelling, visualization methods, TRIZ and system dynamics. The authors provide examples from the literature. It is too descriptive.É um artigo mais voltado para área de engenharia/PSS. É focado na identificação de metodologias em PSS design, avaliação e operações.
1620172018Brax and VisintinBrax, S. A., & Visintin, F. (2017). Meta-model of servitization: The integrative profiling approach. Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 17-32.Quali1988 to early 2015154 (mas 35 contem propostar originais)conference papers included (?)scholarly or peer reviewed research papersservitization, servitiz* and servitis*, the terms “service infusion”, “integrated solution*”, “service addition*”, “service transition*” and “product service system*” were used. Combination with “manufact*”Ebsco, Emerald, ProQuest, Sage, Science Direct, Springer and Taylor & Francis.yesServitizationDeveloping a conceptual meta-model to analyze, conceptualize and define forms of servitization. This model can be used as a generalized framework to study paths of organizational transition when data from different time pointsContent Analysis(roz) This study contributes to servitization research by developing the first comprehensive meta-model capable of arranging the pre-existing transition models and frameworks in a cross-comparison framework and explaining the key differences between these different value constellations. The analysis first recognized three kinds of framework approaches representing servitization; end-state, gradual transition and stepwise progression models.ROZ > limit the literature review to management/business
related journals > exclusion of contributions coming
from some engineering and design related journals
1720172018Fliess and LexuttFliess, S., & Lexutt, E. (2017). How to be successful with servitization–Guidelines for research and management. Industrial Marketing Management.Quali1988 to 2015263only B2B - excluded PSS design and environmentalarticles + gray literatureservice transition, servitization, service integration, service infusion, service paradox, product service system, hybrid offering, service addition, integrated solutions, customer solutions, solution provider, solution business, and value-added solutions + substituting service, product related services, transition from products to services, service strategies in product manufacturing companies and industrial service offering + orientation, service logic, service business, service strategy, and service revenue, in combination with manufacturing, success, and performanceEBSCO and Web of SciencenoServitization critical factors1) to identify and structure the different perceptions of service transition and service transition strategies in the literature;
2) to identify and categorize the critical factors that affect the success of manufacturers' servitization endeavors within a comprehensive framework, formulating testable propositions.

Ultimately, such a framework should consolidate our knowledge in the field, serving as a guide for future research and as support for informed management decision making
Content AnalysisIt is a really a goop paper. Based on a SLR, the authors contribute with: i) clarifying the concepts of service offering, service transition path and servitization strategy; ii) proposing a house of servitization in which the authors analyze three groups of factors impacting on the success of the service transition. These are company-related factors (e.g, service integration, organizational culture, resources, adapting HRM and culture), customer-related factors (demand for advance, willingness to pay, customer interactivity and trust), and organizational environment (market size, competition, ICT and legislative); and iii) research questions for groups of critical factors). It is another article searching for the theoretical foundations of servitization. the effects that have been confirmed in quantitative studies Focus on business perspective. Table 6 (Summary of GUIDELINES for research) we summarize the research areas and corresponding propositions in the order of their priority for research, and formulate research questions to stimulate future research. !!!focado em fatores criticos de sucesso e mais voltados para a servitização. Também propõe questões de pesquisas. Não aborda diretamente PSS design e sustenabilidade
182017kowalkowski et al. 2017Kowalkowski, C., Gebauer, H., Kamp, B., & Parry, G. (2017). Servitization and deservitization: Overview, concepts, and definitions. Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 4-10.QualiNot mentionedNot MentionednoNMservitization, service infusion, deservitization and service dilution: not mentionedNMServitizationThis paper examines challenges related to service growth strategies, as well as strategies involving deservitization or a retreat from service offeringsContent Analysiscore concepts and definitions deployed by servitization (roz)
192017Zhang and BanerjiZhang, W., & Banerji, S. (2017). Challenges of servitization: A systematic literature review. Industrial Marketing Management, 65, 217-227.Quali/Quanti1988–2016631B2B contextpeer-reviewed journalsservitization* OR servitisation* OR servicizing* OR servicising*) AND (challenge* OR difficulty* OR barrier* OR obstacle*ProQuest, Scopus, and Science and snowballServitization challengescreate a formal construct of the challenges and develop a set of hypotheses through a systematic review of the servitization literature to build a theoretical model explaining the underlying relationshipsCo-citation and content analysisIt is a conceptual paper based on a SLR. The authors identified five constructs of servitization challenges (organizational structure, business model, development process, customer management, and risk management). For each construct, they emphasize the main challenges. For instance, in the organization structure, we have: culture change, communication, service expertise, cross-collaboration and business model modification. Furthermore, they propose a theoretical model to be tested in future research in which the constructs are linked to strategic, financial and marketing benefits. This is the main contribution of the paper. The narrative is well developed for discovering the challenges; however, the connections with benefits seem to be pushed.propõe um modelo teórico que relaciona os desafios da servtização com benefícios. Além disso, relaciona teoricamente benefícios ao desempenho.
2020172018Luoto et al. 2017Luoto, S., Brax, S. A., & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Critical meta-analysis of servitization research: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions. Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 89-100.QualiNot mentioned55noJournal(Serv*) AND industry (Indust* OR Manuf*); AND transformation OR change OR transition OR transformation OR infusion OR adapting OR migration.62 journals (ABS list - 3 and 4)Reference listServitization theoretical foundationsThis study is the first systematic analysis of the paradigmatic assumptions of servitization research. This systematic review identifies both stylistic and structural aspects characterizing servitization researchContent AnalysisIn contrast to normative studies, our approach has not been a quest for scientific truth in the realist frame but a quest for patterns and (hidden) meanings
This critical study contributes in three main areas.
1) it is the first systematic review on the paradigmatic assumptions of servitization research, targeting the underlying basic assumptions in servitization studies.
2) by doing so, it identifies areas for paradigmatic extensions and alternative research topics for servitization researchers.
3) it introduces a new methodological concept, the model-narrative, for use in conducting critical reviews
The review discovered four paradigmatic assumptions that guide servitization research: 1) alignment to the Western narrative of constant development; 2) realist ontology; 3) positivist epistemology; and 4) managerialism
ROZ> processa os textos e usa a narrativa dos textos dos artigos para fazer uma analise, que é bem completa e chega em caracteristicas das pesquisas da area (observar anotacoes na aba 20)
2120172018Martin-Pena et al. 2017Martín-Peña, M. L., Pinillos, M. J., & Reyes, L. E. (2017). The intellectual basis of servitization: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 43, 83-97.Quanti/Quali1992 to March 2015343nojournalIndustrial Product-Service, Systems (IPSS), Integrated Product-Service (IPS), Manufacturing Servitization, New Product-Service Development (NPSD), Product-Service, Product-Service System (PSS), PSS Design and Planning Strategies, PSS Development Process, PSS Strategies, Service business orientation, service integration, Service orientation, service-centred, Service-Dominant Logic, Service-Embedded Manufacturing, Service-Oriented, Servitization, Servitization of Manufacturing, Servitization Strategy, Servitize and Servitizing.Web of Science (WoS).noServitizationto illustrate the intellectual structure of Servitization. Papers that have great influence in the fieldbibliometric techniques of citations and co-citations. Network analysisUsing mainly co-citation and factor analysis, this article identifies the intellectual structure of servitization, which is formed by three main domains: (1) service strategy in industrial firms, (2) service innovation and (3) service dominant logic. Moreover, the service strategy deals with three lines: types of service strategy, effects of servitization and contextual factors (internal and external) influencing the transition. The service innovation domain has the following lines: technological innovation (PSS design) and sustainability. The SDL logic refers to value in use and co-creation. The authors also mentioned research communities related to each domain. More important, they say that servitization is an emerging discipline lacking your own theoretical basis. According to the authors, it uses more advances bibliometric methods than other reviews. In my opinion, although the use advanced bibliometric methods, it is a confusing article1) não identifica tópicos de pesquisa clareamente 2) usa co-citation para identificar principais autores e artigos 3) não traz uma análise completa (autores não devem ser do campo)
222017Bigdeli, A. Z., Baines, T., Bustinza, O. F., & Shi, V. G. (2017)Bigdeli, A. Z., Baines, T., Bustinza, O. F., & Shi, V. G. (2017). Organizational change towards Servitization: A theoretical framework. Competitiveness Review, 27(1), 12–39.
232009Baines et al. (2009) Baines, T. S., Lightfoot, H. W., Benedettini, O., & Kay, J. M. (2009). The servitization of manufacturing: A review of literature and reflection on future challenges. Journal of manufacturing technology management, 20(5), 547-567.58
242008Sakao et al. (2009) Sakao, T., Ölundh Sandström, G., & Matzen, D. (2009). Framing research for service orientation of manufacturers through PSS approaches. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(5), 754-778.103
252011Velamuri et al. (2011) Velamuri, V. K., Neyer, A. K., & Möslein, K. M. (2011). Hybrid value creation: a systematic review of an evolving research area. Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 61(1), 3-35.169
262013Hou and Neely (2013) Hou, J., & Neely, A. (2013). Barriers of servitization: Results of a systematic literature review. Frameworks and Analysis, 189.166
272012Gebauer, H.,Gebauer, H., Ren, G. J., Valtakoski, A., & Reynoso, J. (2012). Service-driven manufacturing: provision, evolution and financial impact of services in industrial firms. Journal of Service Management, 23(1), 120-136.Journal
Manufacturing industries, Competitive advantage, Service climate, Service strategies, Service evolution, Financial impact, Research work
to provide a review of key research contributions on the topic of service strategies in manufacturing by focusing on descriptions of the phenomenon and theoretical explanations of its evolution and financial consequences.
282015Kohtamäki, M., et. al,Kohtamäki, M., & Helo, P. (2015). Industrial services–the solution provider’s stairway to heaven or highway to hell?. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 22(2), 170-185.
Manufacturing, Service strategy, Dynamic capabilities, Service organization, Industrial services, Remote diagnostics
to discuss the solution providers perspective by illustrating central approaches tapping into industrial services, such as environment-strategy-fit, scope of industrial service offering, industrial service business capabilities, and servitization process. The paper reviews literature related to industrial service phenomenon providing a: framework for environment-strategy-fit in the context of Industrial Services taking Fit; defining industrial service business; defining industrial service business capabilities; and a critical perspective toward industrial service business research.
292007Ren, GRen, G., & Gregory, M. J. (2007). Servitization in manufacturing companies: a conceptualization, critical review, and research agenda.
302007Neely, A.Neely, A. (2007, June). The servitization of manufacturing: an analysis of global trends. In 14th European Operations Management Association Conference (pp. 1-10). Turkey Ankara.
3120182018Rabetino, R.,, R., Harmsen, W., Kohtamäki, M., & Sihvonen, J. (2018). Structuring servitization-related research. International Journal of Operations & Production Management.quali1000MUITAS OLHAR NO PAPERISI e SCOPUS inicialmente, depois complementou com muitasThe purpose of this paper is to organize and connect past research from different servitization-related scholarly communities. the aim of this study is
to discuss the intellectual structure of the field.
combining author co-citation and qualitative content analyses.sociology of science can serve as a vehicle to assess the intellectual
The structure and boundaries of the field are mapped, and the characteristics of the three identified servitization-related communities are assessed qualitatively. These three communities are product-service systems, solution business, and service science. this review critically evaluates servitization-related research and offers a list of themes that are considered important to the future development of the field. Regarding future research, the main recommendations are as follows: increasing the use of well-established theories from adjacent mature fields, borrowing ideas from different research communities to stimulate knowledge accumulation within and across communities, and reducing the level of description while increasing the number of confirmatory, quantitative, and longitudinal research designsna bibliometria ele se concentrou na rede de co-citacao o que foi bom para definir se existem trabalhos "pontes" entre as areas, mas poderiamos combinar isso com a analise das palavras chave

o pessoal de servitizacao considera o PSS uma area de conhecimento.. acho q podemos dar uma volta por cima e diferenciar chamando PSS e servitizacao de cluster of conhecimento com varios streams q vem de varias areas de conhecimento
322017Pinillos, M. J.Pinillos, M. J., Díaz-Garrido, E., & Martín-Peña, M. L. (2017, November). The evolution of the servitization concept: a co-word analysis. In Book of Abstracts (p. 81).quanti2006 - 2016 term ‘servitization’ The objective of this paper is to study the evolution of
the term ‘servitization’ and the changes that have taken place in its structure throughout the different stages of its historical development.
1) identification of the unit of analysis; 2) deconstruction of
the definitions; 3) creation of families of words or conceptual
elements; and 4) performance of a co-word and centrality analysis.
different studies have analysed
the evolution and state of art of servitization as a scientific
discipline using qualitative techniques and to less extend quantitative
techniques. However, we believe that a quantitative analysis of one
of the essential elements that comprise a discipline is still missing,
that is, its object of study: the servitization concept.
332017Kowalkowski, C et. al,Kowalkowski, C., Gebauer, H., & Oliva, R. (2017). Service growth in product firms: Past, present, and future. Industrial marketing management, 60, 82-88.The evolution of the research field can be divided into two distinct
phases (see Fig. 1).
themes for further research on service growth
342020sem detalhe, só aquiPirola, F.; Boucher, X.; Wiesner, S.; Pezzotta, G.Pirola, F. et al. Digital technologies in product-service systems: a literature review and a research agenda. Computers in Industry. v. 123, 2020.Qualitative and QuantitativePapers in journals: 1999-2019; Papers in conferences: 2009-2019413 (167 journal papers and 246 conference papers)Limited to English and limited to engineering, management and economics fieldsJournals and Conferences(("PSS" OR "product service" OR "Product service system*" OR "servitization" OR "functional product" OR "IPSS" OR "extended produc*") AND ("digital*" OR "digitization" OR "digitalization" OR "digital technologies" OR "digital business strategy" OR "smart" OR "Big data" OR "Data-driven" OR "Data driven" OR "model based" OR "model-based" OR "data mining" OR "machine learning" OR "artificial intelligence" OR "expert system*" OR "decision making" OR "decision-making" OR "iot" OR "internet of things" OR "CPS" OR "cyber physical system*" OR "cyber-physical-system*" OR "4.0" OR "i4.0" OR "industry 4.0" OR "forth industrial revolution" OR "smart factory" OR "factory of the future"))ScopusPSS design; Digital servitization; Assessing tool for PSS decisions; Knowledge management along the lifecycle; Sustainable business modelsBy analyzing the concept of Smart PSS, this paper questions the convergence between digital and service orientations and considers how digital technologies are used to enable decisions along the PSS lifecycle and/or at different planning levels.Semi-structured literature review with topic modeling LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)The semi-structured literature in this paper has identified five main topic areas that consider digital technologies in PSS research and has defined a new research agenda for Smart PSS.A semi-systematic literature review- PSS design: A commonly agreed conceptual vision and framework for Smart PSS is still missing and is thus a
primary objective for future research.
- Digital servitization: Three main research directions can be highlighted today, which are complementary: (i) the analysis of strategic innovation factors and paths, for the convergence between digitalization and servitiza- tion; then (ii), an external view concerning the links between digital servitization and management of the ecosystem; and, finally, (iii) a more internal view, addressing the impact of IT platforms on digital servitization strategies.
- Assessing tools for PSS decisions: Three subcategories can be defined: decision support for PSS strategy definition, decision support for service operations and PSS concept assessment.
- Knowledge management along the lifecycle: Two main research streams can be identified qualitatively in the publications, one more technical and one more organizational: (i) utilization of (big) data along the PSS lifecycle with the help of IoT and ontologies; and (ii) combining human and machine intelligence for PSS decision support.
- Sustainable business model: Three main research directions can be summarized under the topic of sustainable business models for PSS that integrate the environmental, business and digitization perspective: (i) sustainability and resource sharing; (ii) sustainable business models; and (iii) how digitalization can contribute to sustainable PSS.
3520202021Paschou, Rapaccini, Adrodegari e SaccaniPASCHOU, T. et al. Digital servitization in manufacturing: A systematic literature review and
research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management, v. 89, n. November 2019, p. 278–292,
ago. 2020.
quali2008-201884NMJournalFirst group: ‘servitization’, ‘servitisation’, ‘product (-) service system* (PSS/IPSS)’, ‘integrated solution*’, ‘service transformation’, and ‘service infusion’
• Second group: ‘3D printing’, ‘additive manufacturing’, ‘advanced manufacturing solutions’, ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘autonomous robots’, ‘big
data’, ‘analytics’, ‘cloud’, ‘cyber security’, ‘horizontal and vertical integration’, Internet of Things (IoT)’, ‘simulation of connected machines',
‘virtual reality’, ‘augmented reality’, ‘mixed reality’, and very general terms such as ‘digital technologies', ‘digital transformation’, ‘digitalization’,
‘digitization’, ‘information and communication technologies (ICT)’, ‘Industry 4.0‘, ‘digital twin’, ‘digital*’, ‘embedded systems', ‘machine learning’, ‘mobile computing’, ‘network’, ‘platform’, ‘predictive*’, ‘realtime optimization’, ‘remote*’, ‘sensors', ‘smart manufacturing’, ‘technology/-ies',
‘virtual reality’ and ‘wearables'
ScopusYes (n = 3)“This paper addresses this digital servitization phenomenon and aims to
collect evidence from the literature, which is quite sparse in the various related
research fields.Based on a systematic literature review, the paper aims to systematise the scientific
knowledge of the phenomenon and set directions for research
“RQ1. To what extent does digital servitization find consideration in current
literature and how is it characterised?
o RQ2. What are the main research directions suggested by the analysis of
the literature?
Systematic Literature Review (Descriptive analysis with deductive approach and thematic analysis with inductive nature)"The systematic review of the available scientific literature revealed limited but rapidly growing coverage of the phenomenon by scientific studies, which have mainly focused on the role of a few digital technologies (above all, the Internet of Things), studied in isolation. The research has mainly adopted an empirical, case-based methodological approach, mostly investigating the industrial equipment, automotive, and IT industries and focusing on the role of digital technologies for the implementation of intermediate and advanced services. This picture calls for future research endeavours to extend the scope of investigation into digital servitization (regarding the technologies covered and their combinatory effect, the potential benefits, and the application domains) and to develop models and frameworks to support decision-making by practitioners.Systematic Literature ReviewFinding 1. The convergence of servitization and digital technologies is recent but shows a fast-growing trend, with papers coming especially from Northern and Western Europe. Moreover, the knowledge stocks appear fragmented and distributed among different fields such as engineering, business, marketing, computer science, decision science, social science, economics, and energy and environmental science.
Finding 2. The reviewed literature addresses the intersection between servitization and digital technologies, mainly through empirical, qualitative methods. In particular, the majority of the work was based on case studies, thus confirming the early stage of this research stream, wherein confirmatory and normative works are almost non-existent.
Finding 3. Machinery and industrial equipment is the sector most addressed by empirical studies as it constitutes one of the most promising domains for exploring and/or exploiting the benefits of digital servitization. The automotive sector has also attracted significant attention from researchers. The rest of the literature is quite sparse around the different industrial sectors. Research tends to analyse cases from a single sector or two sectors, while broader cross-industry comparisons are almost absent.
Finding 4. Digital servitization can be conceptualised as the development of new services and/or the improvement of existing ones through the use of digital technologies. These can be exploited to enable new (digital) business models, to find novel ways of (co)creating value, as well as to generate knowledge from data, improve the firm's operational and environmental performance, and gain a competitive advantage.
Finding 5. The body of literature is mostly focused on how digital technologies enable benefits traditionally related to servitization (e.g., strengthening competitiveness and reducing costs). Some studies referred quite generically to the role of digital technologies in enabling new business opportunities and revenue streams, and only a few studies indicated new, specific types of benefits, such as enabling platform based business or empowering customers. A few studies addressed environmental benefits, indicating a relevant future area of convergence between digital servitization and the circular economy.
Finding 6. Among the studies, the adoption of the IIoT as a servitization enabler, the role of big data and analytics, and the role of a more generic ‘digitalization’ are highlighted. Limited research addresses the cumulative effect of technologies on digital servitization.
Finding 7. The studies in the literature focus, in particular, on the role of digital technologies – especially IIoT, big data and analytics, cloud computing, and horizontal and vertical integration – in supporting the development of intermediate and advanced services such as remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, customer support agreements, and performance-based contracts. Following this line of reasoning, we can assume that digitalization could favour the shift towards the frontier – or simply a more sophisticated extent – of the service business.
362020Li. A.Q., Kumar M., Claes B., Found P. The state-of-the-art of the theory on Product-Service SystemsQualitative and Quantitative1998-2020Inicial: 414, Final 60Limited to English Journal(TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( “Product-Service systems” OR
“integration of products and services” OR serviti*ation
OR producti*ation OR “Service infusion” OR “Service
growth” OR “Service transition” OR “Service science” OR
“Integrated solution” OR “Solution offering” OR “Hybrid
offering”) ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (( “systematic review”
OR “systematic literature review” OR “multidisciplinary
review” OR “multidisciplinary literature review” OR
“comprehensive review” OR “comprehensive literature
review” OR “extensive literature review” OR “extensive
review” OR “structured review” OR “critical review” OR
“thematic analysis” OR “bibliometric analysis” OR
typology OR evolv* OR agenda OR journey OR “state-ofthe-
art”) )) AND DOCTYPE (ar OR re) AND PUBYEAR >
(TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( dematerialisation OR
dematerialisation OR “Eco-efficient Services” OR
“Functional Economy” OR “Functional sales” OR
Servitisation OR Servitisation OR Servicization OR
Servicisation OR Servicification OR Servicizing OR
“Service transition” OR “Service transformation” OR
“Service paradox” OR “Service infusion” OR “Goods
service continuum” OR “Product service continuum” OR
“Product-Service Systems” OR “Integrated Product-
Service” OR “Integrated Product and Service Offerings”
OR “Integrating Product Services” OR “Combining
Product Services” OR “Bundling Product Services” OR
“Mixing Product Services” OR “Integrated solutions” OR
“Solution selling” OR “Solution offerings” OR “Solution
network” OR “Customer solution” OR “Complex
Products and Systems” OR “Hybrid Offering” OR
“Performance-based logistics” OR “Outcome-based
contracts” OR productisation OR productisation) ) AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY ((theory OR theories OR theoretical))
AND ALL (( interac* OR interrelate* OR interdependen*
OR holis* OR system*) )) AND DOCTYPE (ar) AND
Scopus3 artigos (citation analysis)'This paper aims to address this issue
through a two-stage systematic review. Initially, we conducted a first-stage ‘review of reviews’ to set up a broad
database for the preliminary understanding of PSS evolution and its theoretical progress. Subsequently, we
undertook a second-stage review to explore the use of different theories for developing PSS research.''
'assess the state-of-theart
of PSS in order to understand the progression in PSS research
through different theoretical lenses and how each lens provides a
different perspective for explaining PSS. We do so by asking the
following two questions: (1) What is the state-of-the art of theory
development in PSS? (2) How do scholars use different theories to underpin
a systems approach in PSS?''
Specifically, we designed a two-stage review: in stage I, we
reviewed the extant literature review articles published on PSS and
compiled a ‘review of reviews’. In stage II, we conducted a specific review
to assess the theory development in the PSS field. Notably, the two
review stages complement each other (Fig. 1). For each review, we
followed a two-stage reporting process: (1) first, we carried out a
descriptive analysis to report a statistical summary of the findings and
(2) second, we conducted a thematic analysis to convey the main themes
'The major contributions of this paper are threefold. First, following
the work of Kowalkowski et al. (2017) and Rabetino et al. (2018), we
visually relate various fragmented PSS terms in a chronical order in
order to oversee the big picture of PSS evolution. Second, distinct from
other review papers on PSS, our work is the first review paper that
specifically reports theory development in PSS, which enriches the
extant PSS literature. Third, we provide a framework of using five
theoretical lenses (identity, competence, efficiency, power and systems)
to systematically explain PSS and the issues practitioners are facing.''
systematic literature reviewFrom the above discussion, we identified several research directions
that we argue need scholars’ attention to ground the PSS literature on a firmer base. First, while servitisation has attracted significant scholarly attention in the recent years, (empirical) research on productisation has been so far largely overlooked. Second, value co-creation is emerging as an interdisciplinary topic across many fields including marketing, sustainability, service management, and business and operations management. Third, a systems approach will help to systematically study the emerging phenomenon such as the service paradox and value cocreation. Many papers investigating PSS limit their scope to the service side in the manufacturer’s organisation. Fourth, the difficulties in overcoming the service paradox is a joint effect of insufficient theoretical explanation and a lack of systems approach to managing the synergy between product and service, and the tensions between product and service organisations, which directs scholars to consider the theoretical aspect and all the possible interactions in PSS by asking several questions. Which theoretical lens can best explain the service paradox? Theories in resources and capabilities, social and organisational theories, or systems theories? Will the study of organisation tensions bring in the development of emerging theories such as paradox theory (Rabetino et al., 2018)? Is the paradox owing to a lack of systemic consideration of identity, competence, efficiency, power and systems?
3720212021Paolo Gaiardelli; Giuditta Pezzotta; Alice Rondini; David Romero;Farnaz Jarrahi; Marco Bertoni; Stefan Wiesner; Thorsten Wuest; Tobias Larsson; Mohamed Zaki; Philipp Jussen; Xavier Boucher;
Ali Z. Bigdeli; Sergio Cavalieri
GAIARDELLI, Paolo et al. Product-service systems evolution in the era of Industry 4.0. [s.l.] : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021. v. 15 DOI: 10.1007/s11628-021-00438-9. Disponível em: mentionedProduct-service systems; Servitization;Service transformation;
Industry 4.0; Digitalisation; Research agenda
However, research is still far from identifying how companies can pursue new PSS value propositions by embedding and integrating digital technologies. This paper aims to contribute to this gap by answering the following research question:
• What are the directions that companies are undertaking to offer new value to their customers in the context of Industry 4.0?
To answer this question, an overview of the literature on PSSs and their related technologies was conducted to support the opinions of 12 international experts col- lected through a focus group (Krueger and Casey 2014). TheThe aim is to understand a complex new phenomenon and provide insights into the dominant dimensions according to which the evolution of PSS models in the era of Industry 4.0 can be analysed. In addition, it proposes future steps of these dimensions through which a company may tend to evolve in the future and shows, as an example, how companies can position themselves along with different drivers. (GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 178–179)
This paper contributes to this understanding by identifying the main trajectories that would shape a future scenario in which PSS and Industry 4.0 would merge. In addition, future research directions addressing (a) the transformation of the PSS value chain into a PSS ecosystem, (b) the transformation inside a single company towards becoming a PSS provider, and (c) the digital transformation of the traditional PSS business model are identified. (GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 177)A focus group generally involves creating an initial list of 20–25 experts with similar characteristics and interests and aiming for a core of at least 10–12 fully committed participants from within that group (Krueger and Casey 2014). By these selection criteria, a list of 25 participants was created, and 12 experts responded positively to the invitation to participate in the focus group. The current study relied on the participation of 12 different experts working in the fields of PSS and Industry 4.0, coordinated by one moderator assisted by three facilitators to keep the discussion flowing and to enable the strong involvement of each panel member. The geographical distribution of the experts is mainly centred in European and North American universities and research centres. They have been selected due to their multiple expertise in research areas concerning PSS business management (BM), PSS design and engineering (D&E) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0). (GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 182)The aim is to point out the main trajectories of the PSS ecosystem in the context of new industry trends, such as the demand for customised products, the rise of
servitization, rapid technological changes combined with a highly competitive market, digitalisation of the economy, and production automation. The four main PSS evolution dimensions, with their corresponding continuum, are (1) value oferings manifestations, (2) customer value experience, (3) value creation mechanism, and (4) value creation interactions. Figure 3 reports the four dimensions and the steps that characterise their continuum. As can be observed, for each continuum, four different steps have been identifed. Three of them represent previous or current confgurations, whereas the last one constitutes the future step that, according to the focus group experts, can be foreseen. This ‘future confguration’ is the contribution of the experts and represents the starting point for defning future research topics and agendas.
Tópicos comuns da evolução do PSS para o “cenário de indústria 4.0.

Notably, concerning the most relevant question ‘In your opinion, what are the main drivers that characterise the transformation of the product-service ecosystem towards Industry 4.0?’, the following concepts were identified.(GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 183)
For each, they identify the past and existing features and then put their effort into proposing a possible future evolution. Here is a summary of the main points tackled during the conversation that led to the final output described in this work.(GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 185)

- Conceito de PSS e as tecnologias: trajetórias de evolução
The aim is to point out the main trajectories of the PSS ecosystem in the context of new industry trends, such as the demand for customised products, the rise of servitization, rapid technological changes combined with a highly competitive mar- ket, digitalisation of the economy, and production automation. The four main PSS evolution dimensions, with their corresponding continuum, are (1) value offerings manifestations, (2) customer value experience, (3) value creation mechanism, and (4) value creation interactions. (GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 187)

- Configurações do PSS
(1) Configuração 2:
This second configuration is characterised by OEM inviting selected and certi- fied service providers to its value chain to offer specific complementary services for its products for its customers (i.e. after-sale services). The main collaboration is focused on the exchange of relevant information along the product lifecycle to reactively support customer needs. This context is mainly characterised by an OEM (dominant partner), which drives decisions both in the area of product and service and from the strategic to the operational levels. (GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 194–195)

(2) Configuração 3:
The third configuration can be represented by an ecosystem of actors formed and controlled by one specific OEM, which is generally the product provider. In this con- figuration, service providers are allowed to provide any service for the OEM’s prod- ucts, and therefore customers, after the OEM approval.
In detail, the product acts as a platform, technologies are decided and developed by the OEM, and in the meantime, different service sup- pliers can develop services that are subject to the dominant company decision. (GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 195)

(3) Configuração 4:
As long as companies in an ecosystem start collaborating with external compa- nies and with competitors, interactions among multiple actors and interested par- ties increase. Such interaction pushes all involved actors to collaborate along with various value co-creation processes within a balanced customer-centricity. (GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 196)

- Agenda de tecnologia para o PPS
Concerning the value chain, the future configurations of the four dimensions identified by the experts pointed out the strong changes that could take place. Network configuration; Risk and revenue management; Data management. (GAIARDELLI et al., 2021, p. 196–197)
382021Rodrigo Rabetino;
Marko Kohtamaki; Saara A. Brax; Jukka Sihvonen c
RABETINO, Rodrigo; KOHTAMÄKI, Marko; BRAX, Saara A.; SIHVONEN, Jukka. The tribes in the field of servitization: Discovering latent streams across 30 years of research. Industrial Marketing Management, [S. l.], v. 95, p. 70–84, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.04.005.

Qualitative and Quantitative3398 artigos inicialmente e 550 no finalIndustrial Marketing Management
Volume 95, May 2021, Pages 70-84
Servitization; Topic modeling;Narratives; Literature review
(TITLE-ABS-KEY ("servitization" OR "servitisation" OR "service infusion" OR "service transition" OR "service transformation" OR "servicification" OR "servicisation" OR "servicization" OR "from products to services" OR "complex products and systems" OR "customer solutions" OR "product-service offerings" OR "solution business models" OR "advanced services" OR "integrated solutions" OR "industrial services" OR "performance-based contract" OR "outcome-based contract" OR "service-driven manufacturing" OR "solution selling")) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE,"ar") OR LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE,"re") OR LIMIT-TO (DOCTY
Scopus SimThus, the present article aims to explain how the servitization metanarrative has emerged and developed over the past three decades.
Specifically, novel use of the dynamic topic modeling (DTM) methodology allows this SLR to pursue a threefold research purpose, to 1)
explore the constitutive foundations of the servitization research
domain; 2) increase transparency on the nuances in the text that signal
proximity with sub-streams; and 3) reconstruct the development of the
sub-streams over time.
This study reverses the meta-analysis direction to deconstruct the servitization body of knowledge using the dynamic topic modeling (DTM) methodology to analyze 550 research articlesTherefore, this study combines DTM and SLR methodology to
analyze the vocabulary of the research domain, addressing two research
1. What internal dynamics (sub-streams and other patterns, either
explicit or latent) are discovered in servitization research?
2. How have internal dynamics and patterns evolved during the 30 years
following the introduction of the servitization concept?
The research process was designed to identify the sub-streams and themes of the servitization research domain based on their preferred concepts and language by focusing on the relative differences in their vocabularies. The clustering method of the current research design considerably extends the systematic literature review methodology (Tranfield, Denyer, & Smart, 2003) by incorporating elements that inherently exploit the evolutionary nature of scientific discovery. Specifically, dynamic topic modeling allows efficient inductive discovery of latent topics from a broad mass of literature, based on the likelihoods of certain words to be members of topic vocabularies as a function of time. The method falls under the domain of unsupervised machine learning, as the researcher must assess the best fit among the alternative clustering results and examine them further to produce theoretically relevant observations of the literature set. This task requires implementing the following three steps: 1) the formation of the article data set; 2) the processing and modeling of article data; and 3) content analysis
As explained above, DTM classifies articles based on vocabularies
embedded in latent topics that represent different research streams, and
the best fit for the modeling was apparent with the model that distinguished seven topics. Based on the content analysis of the path-defining
articles in each topic, we labeled the latent topics as the following substreams of servitization:
1) Strategic fit for a profitable service transition,
2) Customer relationships and business logic in B2B service infusion,
3) Solutions marketing and delivery,
4) Complex solutions in capital goods,
5) Managing performance-based contracting and complex
6) Operations and supply chain management for after-sales industrial
services delivery, and.
7) Product-centric servitization.
Servitization research shares foundational characteristics and theoretical legacy with service marketing and service operations management (e.g., focus on services, close interaction between academics and practitioners, interdisciplinary, and internationalization) and appears to follow a similar developmental path. Servitization is moving beyond the problem-centered phase and entering the consolidation stage (Kowalkowski, Gebauer, & Oliva, 2017). This evolution is characterized by 1) a more in depth examination of traditional topics Visintin, 2017; Finne et al., 2013; Kowalkowski, Gebauer, Kamp, & Parry, 2017), 2) the incorporation of theories from consolidated disciplines (Valtakoski, 2017; Lee, Yoo, & Kim, 2016; Reim, Sjodin, ¨ & Parida, 2018), 3) an increase in methodological and theoretical rigor without losing practical relevance, and 4) a stronger mobilization of the members materialized in the consolidation of major conferences and an increase in international co-authorships.
Against the literature analysis, the following stylized facts outline the evolution of the servitization domain. Servitization scholars come from different research disciplines and have socially constructed their scientific narratives by integrating their disciplines’ institutionalized vocabularies with vocabulary that characterizes the research topics in the servitization context. In doing so, they reproduce the disciplinary vocabularies and underlying assumptions by embedding them in the language of the servitization research domain. Thus, disciplinary roots shape the vocabularies and influence the collective processes through which the identity of servitization as scholarly field unfolds and the servitization meta-narrative (Luoto et al., 2017) emerged and has been developing.
392020Ai Qiang Li; Maneesh Kumar; Bjorn Claes; Pauline Found Ai Qiang Li, Maneesh Kumar, Björn Claes, Pauline Found,
The state-of-the-art of the theory on Product-Service Systems,
International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 222, 2020, 107491, ISSN 0925-5273,
Análise descritiva 1998 a 2018313 artigos na fase I // 414 artigos na fase IIsomente artigos em inglês Journal Revisão de comentários; Sistemas de produto-serviço; Servitizção; productização; Cocriação de valor, Abordagem de sistemasScopus A terminologia de product-service systens (PSS) está se tornando cada vez mais comum entre as disciplinas de gerenciamento. Apesar do rápido crescimento no número de publicações de PSS, relativamente pouca atenção tem sido dedicada ao avanço dos fundamentos teóricos necessários para pesquisas robustas de PSS. O objetivo deste artigo é abordar uma revisão sistemática em duas etapas sobre PSS e a sua evolução e seu progresso teórico. Para responder às perguntas da pesquisa, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura. os autores projetaram uma revisão em duas fases. Fase I - revisão dos artigos de revisão da literatura exixtentes e publicados no PSS e compularam uma "revisão das revisões". Fase II - realizaram uma revisão especifica para avaliar o desenvolvimento da teoria na área de PSS. As principais contribuições deste artigo são três. Primeiro, seguindo o trabalho de Kowalkowski et al. (2017) e Rabetino et al. (2018), relacionamos visulamente vários termos de PSS fragmentados em ordem Crônica para supervisionar a evolução do PSS. em segundo lugar, diferente de outros artigos de revisão sobre PSS, nosso trabalho é o primeiro artigo de revisão que relata especificamente o desenvolvimento de teoria de PSS, o que enriquece a literatura existente sobre PSS. Terceiro, forncemos uma estrutura de uso de cinco lentes teóricas (identidade, competência, eficiência, poder e sistemas) par explicar sistematicamente PSS e os problemas que os profissionais estão enfrentando. revisão sistematica A descoberta descrita no artigo mostra que houve um crescimento significativo no numero de artigos sobre desenvolvimento de teorias nos ultimos anos. Estudiosos de diferentes disciplinas aplicam uma gama cada vez mais ampla de teorias para sustentar os teemas de pesquisa que foram encontrados na literatura. Essa revisão também apóia o fato de que os artigos de PSS com aplicações teóricas fortes são mais poderosos do que artigos com aplicações teóricas fracas ou nenhuma para explicar como e/ou por que fenômenos como paradoxo de serviço e cocriaçã de valor ocorrem. além disso, duas ou até mais lentes teórica. Aplaudimos esse desenvolvimento, pois ele aborda as lacunas preocupantes identificadas por tukker e Tischner, 2006, baines et al., 2007, Claes e Martinez, 2010 e Kowalkowski et al (2017).
402007Baines, T; Lightfoot, H; Evans, S; Neely, A; Greenough, R; Peppard, J; Roy, R; Shehab, E; Braganza, A; Tiwari, A; Alcock, J; Angus, J; Bastl, M; Cousens, A; Irving, P; Johnson, M; Kingston, J; Lockett, H; Martinez, V; Micheli, P; Tranfield, D; Walton, I; Wilson, HBAINES, Tim S. et al. State-of-the-art in product-service systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: journal of engineering manufacture, v. 221, n. 10, p. 1543-1552, 2007. DOI: 10.1243/09544054JEM858Estudo descritivo 1995 e 200680 artigos artigos de revistas servitização, sustentabilidade, economia de serviço, remanufatura, projeto de serviço, produção, serviço de substituição de produto, desmaterialização, solução de sistema e economia funcional.Compendex, Inspec e Emerald, catalogação de biblioteca de publicações de Havard, Business Review até o Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Design Research e Proceedings of Eco-design, relatatórios nternacionais como programa ambiental das nações unidas e dos departamentos dos governos holandês e sueco. O foco principal deste artigo tem sido nos artigos que são centrais e relevantes para o PSS em um contexto de manufatura mais amplo. O objetivo da pesquisa apresentada neste artigo foi identificar, interpretar e resumir a literatura atualmente disponivel no PSS. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida primeiro identificando as fontes de dados relevantes, periodo de tempo e palavras chaves. Inicialmente, foi identificada uma seleção muito ampla de banco de dados, para cobrir uma ampla gama de formatos de publicação, incluindo artigos e periódicos, anais de conferencias, teses, livros e artigos de periodicos especializados. As contribuições foram as gerações das principais descobertas como: 1) definição de um sistema de serviço de produto; 2) evolução do conceito de Product service-system; 3) caracteristicas de um sistema de serviço de produto; 4) aplicações de sistemas de serviço de produto; 5) os beneficios de um serviço de produto-sistema; 6) barreiras à adoção de um sistema de serviço de produto; 7) recursosno projeto eficaz de um sistema de serviço de produto; 8) ferramentas e metodologias para projetar um sistema de serviço de produto; 9) desafios de pesquisa futura na literatura de PSS. revisão clinica de literatura A descoberta deste artigo trata se de algumas lacunas que existem na literatura e que os autores define coo questoes para futuros trabalhos.
412021Sayantan Khanra a, Amandeep Dhir b,c,d, Vinit Parida e,f,*, Marko Kohtam¨ aki fKHANRA, S. et al. Servitization research: A review and bibliometric analysis of past achievements and future promises. Journal of Business Research, v. 131, p. 151–166, jul. 2021. Qualitativebefore October 15,
275From journals rated three or more (3, 4, 4*) in ABS
AJG (AJG, 2018)
journals, books, and conference
proceedings in the subject area of business management and other
related fields.
“Servitization OR product-service systems”Scopus NM Review the servitization literature published in quality journals in business management and related subject areas to identify and discuss
current themes and propose areas for future research.
RQ1: Who are the prominent contributors to the literature on
RQ2: Which prominent thematic areas emerge from the
literature on servitization?
RQ3: How can the literature on servitization
be advanced?
Bibliometric techniques (Caviggioli & Ughetto, 2019; Fahimnia, Sarkis, & Davarzani, 2015; Xu, Chen, Jia, Brown, Gong, & Xu, 2018). VOS Viewer. RQ1 through bibliographic coupling, co-occurrence analysis, citation analysis, and co-authorship analysis of the prior studies. Our co-citation analysis helped us answer RQ2 by identifying four main thematic areas in the literature. Consequently, the dynamic co-citation analysis traced the evolution of these thematic areas. Our content analysis of leading articles within the important thematic areas, meanwhile, briefs discussions from prior research and identifies actionable future research agendas, as required by RQ3.The study findings enrich the industrial marketing research by organizing the
fragmented literature on servitization and offer a conceptual framework
to overcome the challenges in servitization, thereby providing important
insights for managers and offering inspiration for future academic
Literature ReviewKey contributors: Baines, Parida, Bustinza, Kohtamaki, Neely, and Raddats
Organizationa driving research: University of Vaasa (Finland), Aston University (UK), the University of Linkoping ¨ (Sweden), Cranfield University (UK), the
University of Luleå (Sweden), the University of Cambridge (UK), the Hanken School of Economics (Finland), and the University of Manchester (UK).
The thematic areas of the four major clusters identified relate to the capabilities, value creation and delivery, business logic and models, and transformational
challenges for servitization.
Future trends: Digital servitization, Ecosystem servitization, Sustainable servitization
422021Alessandro Annarelli, Cinzia Battistella, Francesco Costantino, Giulio Di Gravio, Fabio Nonino, Riccardo PatriarcaAlessandro Annarelli, Cinzia Battistella, Francesco Costantino, Giulio Di Gravio, Fabio Nonino, Riccardo Patriarca,
New trends in product service system and servitization research: A conceptual structure emerging from three decades of literature,
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Volume 32, 2021, Pages 424-436, ISSN 1755-5817,
qualitativo 196Journal TITLE-ABS-KEY ("product service system" OR "servitisation" OR "servitization" OR "servicification") OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("functional product*" OR "integrated solution*" OR "extended product*" AND ("service" OR "servitization" OR "servitisation" OR "servicification"))) AND (SRCTYPE (j)) AND LANGUAGE ("English") AND NOT (TITLE (review) OR KEY (review))Scopus O foco do artigo foi esclarecer as contribuições de trinta anos de pesquisa, lançando luz sobre o cerne da literatura sobre servitização e sistema de serviço de produto. o objetivo do artigo é esclarecer o estado da arte da produção academica no campo da servitização e PSS. RQ1 - Quais sao os conteudos mais relevantes que constituem o nucleo da literatura sobre servitização e sistemas de atendimento ao produto? RQ2 - Quais sao as areas mais rlevantes para a futura consolidação do conhecimento da literatura basica sobre servitização e sistemas de serviços de produtos? Foi definida a chave de pesquisa do scopus, com string, extração dos metadados dos artigos obtidos da chave scopus, construi se um vetor de pares de citações, e uma matriz de cocitação, apos foi realizado a analise fatorial de primeira ordem e a reealização da analise fatorial de segunda ordem. Este estudo proporcionou uma análise abrangente do conhecimento produzido em torno dos temas Servitização e PSS, com o objetivo de incluir todas as publicações que adotaram sinônimos como Produtos estendidos ou Soluções integradas , de forma a incluir toda a produção acadêmica desenvolvida em torno dos principais conceitos em vez de apenas termos e definições. A utilização de técnicas bibliométricas, com base na análise de cocitação, permitiu-nos identificar o cerne da literatura e o estado atual do desenvolvimento do conhecimento em todas as correntes de investigação convergentes em torno da Servitizaçãorevisão e literatura No artigo ele ainda existem áreas de pesquisa pouco exploradas que representam “áreas cinzentas” do conhecimento que precisam ser aprofundadas. A análise da literatura básica e as ligações entre os fatores nos permitiu identificar claramente as áreas mais relevantes para o desenvolvimento futuro dentro do núcleo da literatura sobre Servitização e PSS.
432020Kamal M. M., Sivarajah U., Bigdeli A. Z., Missi F., Koliousis Y.Servitization implementation in the manufacturing organisations:
Classification of strategies, definitions, benefits and challenges
Qualitative and Quantitative1988 - 2018204 articlesAll selected articles were grouped into
four categories, more precisely STRAT, which stands for Servitization
Strategy, DEF, which stands for servitization definitions, BEN,
which stands for benefits of transitioning towards servitization
manufacturing including the reasons for transitioning towards servitization
manufacturing and CHA, which stands for challenges in
transitioning towards servitization)
Conference articles
“Servitisation” OR “Servitization” OR “Servitisation Processes” OR
“Servitization Processes” OR “Servitisation Process” OR “Servitization
Process” OR “Servitisation Supply Chains” OR “Servitization Supply
Chains” OR “Servitisation Supply Chain” OR “Servitization Supply
Chain” OR “Service Strategy Implementation” OR “Service Business
Models” OR “Service Business Model” OR “Advanced Service
Implementation” OR “Product-Service Formulation” OR “Product-
Service Implementation” OR “Product-Service System” OR “Product-
Service Systems” AND “Manufacturing Site” OR “Manufacturing Sites”
OR “Manufacturing Firm” OR “Manufacturing Firms” OR
“Manufacturing Organisation” OR “Manufacturing Organisations” OR
“Manufacturing Organization” OR “Manufacturing Organizations” OR
“Manufacturing Company” OR “Manufacturing Companies” OR
“Manufacturing Enterprise” OR “Manufacturing Enterprises” OR
“Manufacturing Sector” OR “Manufacturing Industry”.
ScopusNothis paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the servitization implementation in
manufacturing organisations. In order to respond to the latter, we propose the following three research questions
“Q1 – what are the different types of servitization strategies”, “Q2 – what are the different servitization definitions”, “Q3
– what are the potential benefits in selecting a servitization strategy?”, “Q4 – what are the challenges in transitioning
towards servitization?”.
understand the past trends and extant
patterns/themes in the servitization strategy research area, evaluate contributions, summarise knowledge,
thereby identifying limitations, implications and potential further research avenues
This study adopts a SLR methodology to review the extant conceptual
and empirical research on servitization (Tranfield et al., 2003).
According to Tranfield et al. (2003) undertaking a literature review to
provide the best possible manifestation for enlightening policy and
practice in any discipline, is a key research objective for the academic
and practitioner communities.
This paper provided
a number of insights into the extant status of research into servitization
phenomenon, how it is defined and conceptualised. In reviewing
the articles, it was evident that the prime emphasis was on
qualitative (case study based) research studies, followed by very limited
studies using quantitative approach, including some articles focusing on
design research, analytical, action and experimental research.
Diferença entre este artigo e o artigo "Servitization and organizational performance in the machinery and equipment sector": O primeiro é baseado em uma análise bibliometrica, enquanto o segundo é uma survey prática.SLR methodologyThe key findings confirm
servitization studies have contributed both conceptually and empirically to the development and accumulation
of intellectual wealth to the manufacturing operations and supply chain discipline. Moreover, the findings
clearly indicate the potential of servitization in transitioning manufacturing organisations (e.g. benefits) and
utilising innovative technologies to generate business value. Nevertheless, some voices are backing further research/
development in the area of servitization due to the several existing challenges.
4420202021HAN, J.; HESHMATI, A.; RASHIDGHALAM, M.HAN, J.; HESHMATI, A.; RASHIDGHALAM, M. Circular Economy Business Models with a Focus on
Servitization. Sustainability. v. 12, n. 21, p. 1-17, 2020.
4520182021SOUZA JUNIOR, W. C. DE, TORRES JÚNIOR, N., & MIYAKE, D. I.SOUZA JUNIOR, W. C. DE, TORRES JÚNIOR, N., & MIYAKE, D. I. (2018). a Servitização E O Desempenho Organizacional No Setor De Máquinas E Equipamentos. Revista de Administração de Empresas, 58(5), 475–493.
4620172020Lenka, S., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2017)Lenka, S., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. (2017). Digitalization capabilities as enablers of value co‐creation in servitizing firms. Psychology & marketing, 34(1), 92-100.Qualitative345 (May, 2022).Not mentioned04 Cases study (Firms)noneJournalsNot mentionedNot mentionedNoThe research indicates how the providers’ digitalization capabilities enable value co-creation in implementing a servitization strategy. The study builds on qualitative data from fourindustrial manufacturing firms to conceptualize three underlying subcomponents of digitalizationcapabilities, namely, intelligence capability, connect capability, and analytic capability.Qualitative case-study approach, so, multiple case study allows adapting to the terminologies across the different industries and finding patterns across the organizations (Eisenhardt, 1989, Yin, 2003). Their selection owes to their position as pioneers of servitization in their respective industries. In addition, these firms offer a wide portfolio of advanced services and have advanced digitalization capabilities that support servitization and business operations in general.The study contributes to the servitization literature by showcasing how digitalization capabilities are enabling value co-creation in a business-to-business context.NoneNoneFrom a theoretical perspective, this study contributes to the servitization literature by highlighting the role of digitalization capabilities in the value co-creation process and showcasing the mechanisms of this value co-creation in a manufacturing firm and customer interaction process. The study also contributes to the growing view in service research that sees skills and capabilities as important for co-creating value (Salomonson et al., 2012; Vargo et al., 2008). Furthermore, the study outlines the content and structure of digitalization capabilities in the context of providing service in manufacturing companies; thus, answering the literature call for conceptualizing digitalization capabilities and understanding its effect for value co-creation.
472018Wang, W., Lai, K. H., & Shou, Y. Wang, W., Lai, K. H., & Shou, Y. (2018). The impact of servitization on firm performance: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38(7), 1562–1588.
482021Zhou, C., & Song, W.Zhou, C., & Song, W. (2021). Digitalization as a way forward: A bibliometric analysis of 20 Years of servitization research. Journal of Cleaner Production, 300.
4920202020Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., Patel, P. C., & Gebauer, H. (2020). The relationship between digitalization and servitization: The role of servitization in capturing the financial potential of digitalization. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 151, 119804.
5020212022Linde, L., Sjödin, D., Parida, V., & Wincent, J. Linde, Lina et al. Dynamic capabilities for ecosystem orchestration A capability-based framework for smart city innovation initiatives. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v. 166, p. 120614, 2021.Qualitative51 (May, 2022).Not mentioned04 Cases studynoJournalsEcosystem innovation; Dynamic capabilities; Smart cities; Digitalization; Digital servitizationNot mentionedNoFocused on how dynamic capabilities can support firms to be competitive in an era of digitalization and increasing ecosystem innovation.This study investigates how firms can develop dynamic capabilities to orchestrate ecosystem innovation and, thus, gain from it. Multiple cases study (04 innovation ecosystems) (Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007; Yin, 2018)
Semi-structured interviews (Yin, 2018)
Data Triangulation (Jick, 1979)
This study has both theoretical and practical implications relating to ecosystem innovation, dynamic capabilities, digital servitization, and smart city ecosystems. First, it proposes a general description of dynamic ecosystem capabilities and their micro-foundations. Second, our study illustrates how ecosystem innovation is accomplished through the deliberate ecosystem orchestration through concrete mechanisms which leverage on the combination of dynamic ecosystem capabilities. We approach this from the perspective of the ecosystem leader and the orchestration of ecosystems. Third, contribute by empirical insights on the debate on the role of dynamic ecosystem capabilities for ensuring profitable smart cities initiatives.NoneNone The ecosystem innovation is highly dependent on continuous adaptation to the evolving nature of customer needs, emerging technologies, and new entrants. Thus, having processes and routines that enable an adaptable organization to handle new market needs and requirements is necessary for innovativeness and long-term competitiveness. In this regard, we find that successful ecosystem leaders (i.e., case firms from E1, E3, and E4) develop dynamic capabilities in order to cope with the demands of ecosystem coordination and management. In contrast, the ecosystem leader in E2 that struggled to create a new innovative value proposition and viable ecosystem lacked capabilities such as complementary competence acquired through partnerships.
The analysis reveals that sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring capabilities, routines, and processes on the part of an ecosystem leader facilitates ecosystem-innovation orchestration through the joint process of value creation and capture with ecosystem partners. These findings build on the concepts of the microfoundations of capability Teece (2007) by identifying the formalized routines that underpin how firms secure competitiveness. In the following sections, we present our findings connected to sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring capabilities for ecosystem innovation. Second, the study illustrates how ecosystem innovation is accomplished through the deliberate ecosystem orchestration through concrete mechanisms which leverage on the combination of dynamic ecosystem capabilities.Third, contribute by empirical insights on the debate on the role of dynamic ecosystem capabilities for ensuring profitable smart cities initiatives.
5120172022Adrodegari, F., Bacchetti, A., Saccani, N. Arnaiz, A., Meiren, T.Adrodegari,I, F et al. The transition towards service-oriented business model: A european survey on capital goods manufacturers. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, v 10, p. 1–10, 2017Quantitative272001 - 201735 articles95 companiesNot MentionedServitization, service transformation, survey, business model, capital goodsnot mentionedNot Mentionedcapital goods(a) to empirically investigate the way BMs of capital goods companies are configured and (b) to analyse the degree of service orientation of such BMs. Finally,SurveyThis article contributes both to the practice and academic discussion about servitization, providing empirical data and adopting a novel perspective (i.e. the BM one) to analyse the service orientation of manufacturing firms. In particular, the business practice has been investigated through a specific research framework that defines a set of elements that can be used to assess the service level of companies operating in capital goods sector. Moreover, through this novel approach, we also identified significant gaps for each element to be fulfilled by companies seeking to develop new service-oriented value propositions.surveyImportant differences emerge among industrial sectors; in fact, companies operating in the transportation sector appear to have a more extended service offering with a consistently higher average score on almost all the services that aim to increase the product life cycle and this can enable new SOBMs. In fact, segmenting customers with specific criteria can enable the development of new, more customer-oriented value propositions. Therefore, customers should be segmented using multiple and advanced criteria. However, our results show that the most common criteria to segment customers are still based on the revenue generated by customers through the product sales (84%) and their geographical location (72%), both based on information easy to collect for companies. Shows that the majority of the responding companies has still not implemented such tools. All different after-sales activities are performed mainly internally by the majority of the companies (67%) and no particular patterns emerge looking at how answers are distributed across different contextual variables with the exception of the supply chain positioning. Respondents consider the assessment of product reliability as the most important way to help customer to evaluate their offering, followed by other tangible and basic methods, such as comparisons of performance, use cases and on-site visits of previous and successful clients, that are typical of traditional product-oriented BM.
Companies seem to adopt only rarely integrated and advanced information systems that can ease and support the information management needed to develop SOBMs. Moreover, in order to effectively deliver the new service offerings, manufacturers have to develop new sales strategies. In fact, new service development and service engineering activities may help product-centric firms to successfully extend their service offering and its integration level with the tangible component. To this end, specific processes, responsibilities, methods and tools should be defined. Due to the specific sectors analysed, it is not surprisingly that respondents are actually oriented towards long-lasting partnerships, although the majority of them (56%) still prefers to manage a wide portfolio of suppliers instead of focusing on few key partners. Our results show that although the main reason for developing SOBMs stands in the possibility of locking-out competitor and achieve new competitive advantages, quite surprisingly, customers are perceived more as an obstacle rather than a driver in the servitization journey. Most of the respondents perceive production and purchase as the most impacting activities, in line with the results of the revenue model analysis and confirming that these companies are still product-oriented.
5220182022Bressanelli, G., Adrodegari, F., Perona, M., Saccani, N.Bressanelli, Gianmarco et al. Exploring how usage-focused business models enable circular economy through digital technologies. Sustainability, v. 10, n. 3, p. 639, 2018. Qualitative306Not mentioned1 case studyNot MentionedNot MentionedCircular business model; sustainability; servitization; Product-Service System (PSS); Internet of Things; Big Data & Analytics; Industry 4.0; household appliances.Not mentionedNot MentionedDigital technologies as a foundation for servitization and circular economyContribute to building knowledge on how digital technologies can accelerate the deployment of servitized BMs and the transition to CE.Literature review and case studyContribution to Research: This paper adds to current research, since it highlights the relationship between IoT, Big Data and analytics, the product life cycle stage, the three CE value drivers, and the functionalities of usage-focused BMs. Thus, the paper develops an original conceptual framework to operationalize the linkages between the above-mentioned digital technologies and the three CE value drivers. Finally, the paper adds to current research since it shows how digital technologies help overcome the drawback of usage-focused BMs to achieve CE.
Managerial Implications: The paper also constitutes a useful reference for managers who desire to start converting the BMs of their companies towards servitization and CE. The paper also constitutes a useful reference for managers who desire to start converting the BMs of their companies towards servitization and CE. Moreover, the identification of the relations among digital technologies, CE value drivers and life cycle phases allows managers to align their company strategy to the desired path, in order to achieve CE at the micro level. Managers may use the conceptual framework developed in this paper in order to design a BM digitalization path, by purposively choosing a set of functionalities of usage-oriented BMs.
The first version of the conceptual framework explains eight features of digital technologies that enable the transition to CE: 1. Enhancing product design, thus extending product lifespan and closing the loop. 2. Enhancing marketing activities by attracting target customer segments, thus reaching a wider diffusion of the CE offering and therefore creating value through all the three CE value drivers. 3. Allowing the monitoring and tracking of product activity, thus preventing incorrect usage behavior and enabling the sharing of products among multiple users, extending product lifespan and increasing resource efficiency. 4. Enhancing the provision of technical support, thus extending product lifespan. 5. Allowing the provision of preventive and predictive maintenance, thus extending product lifespan. 6. Optimizing the usage of the product, thus increasing resource efficiency. 7. Enhancing product upgrading, therefore increasing resource efficiency and extending product lifespan. 8. Enhancing the execution of renovation and end-of-life activities such as refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling, thus closing the loop.
From the case study, the framework was complemented and validated. It encompasses the investigated digital technologies, the eight functionalities, the phases of the product life cycle and the three value drivers of the circular economy:
• Regarding digital technologies, two of the eight functionalities can be enabled through the IoT without investing in proper analytics. They make it possible to increase resource efficiency and extend product life. Thus, to close the cycle, it is necessary to invest in technologies capable of analyzing the collected Big Data.
• In view of the life cycle, as digital technologies are important for the transition to CE in the three cycles of the life cycle, with half of the functionalities integrated in the product use phase. However, these do not close the cycle. Therefore, exercises should be intensified at the beginning and end of the product's life.
• Related to CE value creation, six functionalities help extend product life, four increase resource efficiency, and three close the loop. Therefore, the most common way to enable EC when investing in IoT, Big Data and analytics is through product lifecycle extension.
Finally, the authors point out that usage-focused BMs can effectively provide a transition to the Circular Economy, as long as they are supported by digital technologies.
5320172022Cenamor, J., Rönnberg Sjödin, D., Parida, V.,Cenamor, J., Rönnberg Sjödin, D., Parida, V., (2017). Adopting a platform approach in
servitization: Leveraging the value of digitalization . International Journal of Production
Economics. 192, 54-65
Qualitative53047 entrevistasContribuiu para a literatura de servitização ao explicar como uma abordagem de plataforma pode levar à superação do paradoxo do serviço. A este respeito, nossas descobertas estendem a pesquisa atual sobre paradoxos (Cunha et al., 2016; Smith et al., 2010) por explicando como as funções da plataforma podem permitir que os fabricantes superem o paradoxo do serviço. De fato, contribuiu para a pesquisa sobre a servitização digital (Coreynen et al., 2016; Vendrell-Herrero et al., 2016) explicando como as plataformas digitais permitem fabricantes alavancar e agregar valor as unidades backend e front-end. Como a distinção tradicional entre as unidades back-end e front-end está sendo desafiada (Gebauer & Fleisch, 2007; Oliva & Kallenberg, 2003) por uma abordagem de plataforma que gera novo valor para a organização. O presente estudo complementa a literatura de plataforma (Gawer, 2014; Thomas et al., 2014; Zhang, 2015) ao propor um tipo de plataforma que pode ser um passo intermediário de plataformas de produtos para ecossistemas de plataformas. Como contribuições práticas o artigo oferece implicações gerenciais aos responsáveis de empresas por impulsionarem e implementar a servitização na indústria de manufatura. Primeiro, foi identificado como adotar uma plataforma que permite que os fabricantes descubram módulos para a proposição de valor. Nesse sentido, as empresas do presente estudo destacam o papel central da informação em realizar com sucesso a servitização. Assim, os achados recomendam que gerentes de empresas de manufatura podem redesenhar arquiteturas modulares com ênfase específica em módulos de informação no núcleo e atuando como base para conectar produto e módulos de serviço. A implementação de plataforma permitiu que as empresas do estudo de caso reavessem seus papéis tradicionais e responsabilidades. As descobertas podem encorajar gerentes de empresas manufatureiras para realizar a transformação, assumindo uma visão clara e posição determinada.
5420192022Parida, V., Burström, T., Visnjic, I., & Wincent, JParida, V., Burström, T., Visnjic, I., & Wincent, J. (2019). Orchestrating industrial ecosystem in circular economy: A two-stage transformation model for large manufacturing companies. Journal of business research, 101, 715-725.Qualitative140Not mentioned6 cases study53 interviews with respondents at different organizational levels and units within the case companiesNot MentionedBusiness models; Sustainability; Servitization; Industrial ecosystems; Product-service system; Circular economy; Ecosystem; Inter-organizational relationships; Orchestration .Data were collected from open-ended interviews, for which we had developed themes related to the research purpose (Yin, 2017). This interview offered respondents with a high degree of freedom to express their opinions and steer the interviews in the most interesting direction (Eisenhardt, 1989; Siggelkow, 2007). We conducted 53 interviews with respondents at different organizational levels and units within the case companies. The respondents belonged to R&D, sales and distribution, and regional units. They were chosen based on their participation in organizational transformation toward the circular economy or in the implementation of circular business models.
Not MentionedThe focus of the study was to advance the understanding of how large manufacturing companies implement the circular economy paradigm, changing their business models and influencing their ecosystem partners.The article aims to discuss the mechanisms of ecosystem transformation and their purpose, use and interdependencies in the shift towards a circular economy paradigm.Literature review and case studyThis study makes three contributions to the circular economy lit-
erature by explaining how manufacturing firms orchestrate ecosystem- wide transformation to the circular economy paradigm. The first is that we argue that the role of ecosystem orchestrator or leader is critical for implementation of circular economy principles. Kortmann and Piller (2016) indicate that the move to the circular economy is accompanied by the emergence of an ecosystem orchestrator role, what they term a platform owner. Second, current the research on the circular economy has ignored
the need for a comprehensive ecosystem readiness assessment (Bocken et al., 2016; Frishammar & Parida, 2018). We therefore warn manu- facturing companies not to overlook internal and external readiness assessments. The third contribution is the recognition that the transformation to the circular economy conducted by ecosystem orchestrators is oriented toward different types of ecosystem partners (Parida et al., Forthcoming; Visnjic et al., 2016)
-Different mechanisms for orchestrating ecosystems, through which several benefits were achieved through the implementation of circular business models. Ecosystem readiness assessment provides an important starting point for understanding the orchestration and transformation processes that manufacturing companies and their ecosystem partner must un- dertake to move toward a circular economy paradigm. Although ecosystem readiness assessment provided a good first step, to ensure real change, manufacturing companies reported the need for diverse orchestration mechanisms, which we present below. he large manufacturing companies in this study reported their involvement in many activities (e.g., lobbying) and investments (e.g., publishing early technology test reports) devoted to formulating and establishing industrial requirements associated with circular business models. Nurturing activities and their potential influence on the ecosystem's shift toward a circular economy have scarcely been discussed by the research community, although nurturing has been described as essen- tial in the orchestration of new business opportunity exploitation for ecosystems. Williamson and De Meyer (2012) describe how orches- trators should nurture the ecosystem to ensure a high speed of in- novation that in turn contributes to a successful business ecosystem. Orchestrating a cir- cular economy ecosystem requires aligned actions across multiple ecosystem partners that, at times, may have inconsistent incentives Ecosystem.

5520192022Yang, M., & Evans, S.Yang, M., & Evans, S. (2019). Product-service system business model archetypes and sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 220, 1156–1166. mentioned3 cases studyThe study was conducted in three firms. The primary data was collected from a one-day focus group (24 participants) and 17 semi-structured interviews/workshops (25 participants)Not MentionedProduct-service system; PSS; Sustainable business models; Sustainable value; PSS archetypes; ServitizationPrimary data were collected from interviews in three firms, workshops and focus group; and secondary data from annual reports and company documents.Not MentionedThey will first review the current literature on the sustainability effects of PSS business models, and then present the findings from our empirical studies on three manufacturing firms, each of which has transformed to servitized companies and has co-existence of PSS business models archetypes. The sustainable value created in different PSS archetypes and the main reason for the differences will be discussed.The purpose of this paper is to understand how different archetypes of PSS business models create economic, environmental and social value.Literature review , multiple-cases study, focus group and cross-case analysisThey developed a framework of PSS business model archetypes and sustainability based on theoretical and empirical studies. They provided empirical evidence to demonstrate the levels sustainable value which are provided by all PSS archetypes, as well as the sustainable value specific only to one or more archetypes. They analyses the main reasons for the differences and identified that the integration level of product maker, owner and user play an important role in influencing the sustainability of PSS business models.
noneReview the current literatureThe findings show that PSS business models have positive effects on improving the environmental and economic sustainability and a minor social benefit (little evidence). The research also confirms that in theory the more a PSS is result-oriented, the higher the potential for sustainable benefits. The findings also indicate that the integration level of maker, owner and user plays a key role in affecting the sustainability of PSS. The more a PSS business model involves manufacturers owning products, the greater the potential for creating sustainable value. This study provides rich empirical data from manufacturing companies having co-existence of different archetypes of PSS business models.
5620192022Frank, A.G., Mendes, G.H.S., Ayala, N.F., Ghezzi, A.Frank, A. G., Mendes, G. H. S., Ayala, N. F., & Ghezzi, A. (2019). Servitization and Industry 4.0 convergence in the digital transformation of product firms: A business model innovation perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 141(July 2018), 341–351.
Industry 4.0
Digital transformation
Digital innovation business model innovation
Scopus Not MentionedWe explore the integration of servitization types and digitization levels.
The highest level of digitization considers the Industry 4.0-related technologies.
Servitization types can be offered in three levels: manual, digital and industry 4.0.
Industry 4.0-related services add value for customers and for internal processes.
To develop a conceptual framework that connects Servitization and Industry 4.0 concepts from a business model innovation (BMI) perspectiveLiterature review , framework and reported cases.framework is based on three Servitization
levels (i.e. smoothing, adapting and substituting) and three levels of digitization (i.e. low, moderate and high
levels). We show that matching these levels results in nine possible configurations classified in manual, digital
and industry 4.0-related services, which can focus on smoothing, adapting or substituting services. We use
reported cases from the literature to support and illustrate these configurations. We also discuss different levels
of complexity for the implementation of these configurations.The study hence provides a foundation for the growing research on the interface between Servitization and Industry 4.0.
nonesystematic literature review
5720192022Kohtamäki, M., Parida, V., Oghazi, P., Gebauer, H., & Baines, TKohtamäki, M., Parida, V., Oghazi, P., Gebauer, H., & Baines, T. (2019). Digital servitization business models in ecosystems: A theory of the firm. Journal of Business Research, 104, 380-392.quali465artigosRevisão de LiteraturaWe extend the dialogue on digital servitization by presenting a typology of five business models (Huikkola & Kohtamäki, 2018; Kowalkowski et al., 2015). The goal is to describe digital servitization business model configurations within ecosystems. We craft a three-dimensional model consisting of the dimensions of solution customization (standardized, modular, or customized), pricing (product-, agreement-, availability-, or outcome-oriented pricing), and digitalization (monitoring, control, optimization, or autonomous). These dimensions are then used to define five business models: 1) the product business model, 2) industrializer, 3) integrated solution provider, 4) outcome provider, and 5) platform provider. (Table 3)