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Todd MayAbout DeleuzeOn Deleuze's "Difference and Repetition": Lecture 1 and 2.1
Todd MayAbout DeleuzeOn Deleuze's "Difference and Repetition": Lecture 2.2 and 3
Todd MayAbout DeleuzeOn Deleuze's "Difference and Repetition": Lecture 4 and 5.1
Todd MayAbout DeleuzeOn Deleuze's "Difference and Repetition": Lecture 5.2 and 6
Todd MayAbout DeleuzeOn Deleuze's "Difference and Repetition": Lecture 7
Alex Gendler
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
Plato's Republic: Allegory of the Cave accurate presentation of the allegory of the cave
BBC Nigel Warburton
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
Plato's Republic: Ship of State BBC video that gets the metaphor across well and accuratelyclass in progress, will also be using History of philosophy without any gaps podcasts and share resources on teaching with them
Caleb Cohoe
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
Plato's Republic: Analogies of the Sun, Divided line, and Cave slides:
Caleb Cohoe
Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
Plato's Republic: Democracy and the descent into tyranyComing March 20Coming March 20Powerpoint slides:
Tyron GoldschmidtAnimal ethics (for Ethics 102)More objections and replies (and more recordings in playlist on topic) of the above, etc
Tyron GoldschmidtAnimal ethics (for Ethics 102)Singer, some objections and replies, Regan of the above
Tyron GoldschmidtAnimal ethics (for Ethics 102)Singer's arguments, Regan, Carruthers, etc
Caleb CohoeApplicable to any classstudent feedback
Student survey for reflection on class and sharing concernsCaleb Cohoe: I used a version of this for both my Intro to Ethics and Ancient Philosophy classes
Jonathan VajdaApplicable to any classHow to write philosophy papers
I assign my students an explanation paper, critique paper, and defense paper (or philosophical movie). In each of them I require an argument constructed in Standard Form. In this I describe taking a text and converting it to standard form (by recognizing premise and conclusion indicators), and then explaining each premise. Then summarizing the argument's context.
Jeffrey KaplanApplicable to Various ClassesAristotle's Worldview
Jeffrey KaplanApplicable to Various ClassesOccam's Razor
Jeffrey KaplanApplicable to Various ClassesThe Difference between Arguments and Conclusions
Jeffrey KaplanApplicable to Various ClassesThe fallacious move from different perspectives to relativism about truth
Jeffrey KaplanApplicable to Various ClassesThe Normative-Descriptive Distinction
Jeffrey KaplanApplicable to Various ClassesWhat is Philosophy? (also good for convincing parents to let their children major in philosophy)
Monte JohnsonAristotle on the Purpose of Lifeshort wi-fi video introducing Aristotle's ethics
Christina VanDykeAristotle's Ethics function argument
Christina VanDykeAristotle's Ethics intro
Christina VanDyke
Aristotle's Ethics misconceptions of happiness
Rick RoderickBaudrillard308 Baudrillard: Fatal Strategies (1993)
Josh MayBioethics (whole course)
Physician-Assisted Death, Euthanasia, Ethical Theory, Assisted reporoduction, Cloning, Abortion, Animal experimentation, Medical finance 30 video lectures with slides, each about 30-45 mins.
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsClimate Change: John Nolt A, Individual Responsibility free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsClimate Change: Joakim Sandberg, Inconsequentialism free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsClimate Change: John Nolt B, Intergenerational Injustice free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsClimate Change: Andrew Fiala, Climate Despair free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsClimate Change: Raphael J. Nawrotzki, Climate Migration free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsClimate Change: Henry Shue, International Inequality free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsRobots: Matthias Sheutz, Social Robots free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsRobots: Noel Sharkey & Amanda Sharkey, Robot Caregivers free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsRobots: David Levy, Robot Love & Sex free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsRobots: John P. Sullins, Robot Soldiers free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsRobots: Wendell Wallach & Colin Allen, Robot Morality free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsRobots: Steve Petersen, Robot Slaves free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsSpace Exploration: Gonzalo Munevar, Space Colonies free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsSpace Exploration: Charles Cockell, Microbial Life free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsSpace Exploration: Keekok Lee, Extraterrestrial Nature free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsSpace Exploration: James S.J. Schwartz, Yay for Terraforming free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsSpace Exploration: Sean McMahon, The Aesthetic Objection free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsSpace Exploration: George Michael, Contacting Aliens free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsThe City: Robert Kirkman, Urban Sprawl free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsThe City: Nicholas Holm, Urban Wildlife free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsThe City: Richard Florida, The Creative Class free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsThe City: Margaret Kohn, Against Gentrification free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsThe City: Simon Feldman & Derek Turner, Against Gentrification free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsThe City: Sondra Bacharach, Street Art free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsEthics of Food: Peter Singer, Vegetarianism free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsEthics of Food: Timothy Hsiao, Carnivorism free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsEthics of Food: Brian G. Henning, Meat and the Environment free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsEthics of Food: G. Owen Schaefer & Julian Savalescu, Genetic Modification free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsEthics of Food: Gregory R. Peterson, Locavorism free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsEthics of Food: Gary Comstock, GE Food free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsHuman Reproduction: Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, A Life Worth Living free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsHuman Reproduction: Judith Jarvis Armstrong, The Unconscious Violinist free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsHuman Reproduction: Michael Sandel, Human Enhancement free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsHuman Reproduction: Nick Bostrom, Transhumanism free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsHuman Reproduction: Christine Overall, Why Have Children: Deontology free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsHuman Reproduction: Christine Overall, Why Have Children: Consequentialism free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsImmigration: Joseph Carens, Open Borders free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsImmigration: John Isbister and Joseph H. Carens, Border Controls free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsImmigration: Chandran Kukathas, Free Immigration free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsImmigration: David Miller, Limiting Immigration free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsImmigration: Sarah Fine, Freedom of Association free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsImmigration: Shelley Wilcox, Duties to Outsiders free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsGun Control: Michael Huemer A, The Prima Facie Right to Own a Gun free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsGun Control: Michael Huemer B, Overriding Gun Rights free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsGun Control: Michael Huemer C, Harms and Benefits of Guns free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsGun Control: David DeGrazia A, Moderate Gun Control free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsGun Control: David DeGrazia B, For Moderate Gun Control free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenContemporary Ethical ProblemsGun Control: Nicholas Dixon, The Right to Self-Defence free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryThomas Hobbes free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryImmanuel Kant free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryKarl Marx free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryAntonio Gramsci free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryTheodor Adorno free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryJurgen Habermas free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryCarl Schmitt free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryGiorgio Agamben free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryJacques Derrida free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryJean Baudrillard free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryMichel Foucault free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryGilles Deleuze free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheorySimone de Beauvoir free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryJudith Butler free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryJulia Kristeva free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryFrantz Fanon free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryGayatri Chakravorty Spivak free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryEdward Said free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryJacques Rancière free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Michael HemmingsenCritical IR TheoryPaul Virilio free to use for the duration of the crisis: if you want to use after that, please ask first
Shelly KaganDeath307 Derrida and the Ends of Man (1993)* Pasted here by Ty, many parts
Rick RoderickDerrida it
Ben PageDivine HiddennessIntroduction to the problem of divine hiddenness
Jonathan ParsonsEnvironmental EthicsMark Sagoff on Animal Liberation vs. Environmentalism Part 1