A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | |
1 | CUSA Clubs Data Transparency | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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3 | Purpose: CUSA Clubs and the CUSA Clubs Oversight Commission will only require the collection of information for which it has a legitimate purpose or which is essential to accomplish the administration of the CUSA Clubs system, the CUSA Clubs Oversight Commission, and affiliated services. Clubs, Clubs Executives, and Club members always have a right to ask CUSA Clubs and the CUSA Clubs Oversight Commission what data is being held related to them, and can ask for much of that data to be deleted from CUSA Clubs and CUSA Clubs Oversight Commission databases before the routine deletion of data. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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5 | Will this data be passed on to someone else? | If yes, to whom, and for what purposes | Normal Data Deletion Procedures | |||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Type of Data | Provider of Data | Mechanism of collection (3rd party softwares) | Data Receiver | Data Controller | Purpose of colleciton | ||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Type of Club | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be posted on cusaclubs.ca directory to make for easier search 2. to be used by Clubs administration if they have content or notices to pass along to only specific types of clubs 3. Carleton Athletics will be informed which groups are Clubs and which groups are Competitive Clubs by e-mail from CUSA 4. Carleton's International Student Services Office (ISSO) will be informed by e-mail from CUSA which groups self-identified as National, Religious, Ethnic, or Cultural groups. 5. A list of existing Academic Society Clubs will be provided to the Carleton Provost or delegate by e-mail from CUSA. 6. The Clubs Oversight Commission will use "Type of Club" data in assessing the need for new classifications of Club. 7. Type of Club will be posted publicly on the cusaclubs.ca website 8. Campus ecology project. | Yes | Carleton Athletics - confirmation of competitive sports clubs. ISSO - ability to invite specific types of clubs to participate in International Welcome Event or other initaitives (e.x. Global Dance Series). Carleton Provost - to ensure Carleton knows which programs have certified societies. CUSA Communications Team & externally contracted web designers - To ensure maximum functionality of cusaclubs.ca website | Permanently archived | |||||||||||||||||
8 | Organization Name | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be posted on cusaclubs.ca directory to make for easier search 2. to be used by Clubs administration if they have content or notices to pass along to only specific types of clubs 3. Carleton Athletics will be informed which groups are Clubs and which groups are Competitive Clubs by e-mail from CUSA 4. Carleton's International Student Services Office (ISSO) will be informed by e-mail from CUSA which groups self-identified as National, Religious, Ethnic, or Cultural groups. 5. A list of existing Academic Society Clubs will be provided to the Carleton Provost or delegate by e-mail from CUSA. 6. The Clubs Oversight Commission will use "Type of Club" data in assessing the need for new classifications of Club. 7. Club name will be posted publicly on cusaclubs.ca website. 8. Carleton's Student Experience Office (SEO) will be provided the name of every club certified at any point in the year for inclusion in the Co-Curricular Record. 8. Campus ecology project. | Yes | Carleton Athletics - confirmation of competitive sports clubs. ISSO - ability to invite specific types of clubs to participate in International Welcome Event or other initaitives (e.x. Global Dance Series). Carleton Provost - to ensure Carleton knows which programs have certified societies. CUSA Communications Team & externally contracted web designers - To ensure maximum functionality of cusaclubs.ca website. SEO - will receive info in a locked excel document from CUSA in advance of Co-Curricular Record deadlines. The SEO will also verify certified CUSA Clubs & Members (Executive Officers and provided name) for Space Booking. | Permanently archived | |||||||||||||||||
9 | Club Introduction | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be posted on cusaclubs.ca website 2. Campus ecology project. | Yes | CUSA Communications Team & externally contracted web designers - To ensure maximum functionality of cusaclubs.ca website. | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||
10 | Club Mandate | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be held on file with CUSA Clubs Administration and consulted by Clubs Oversight Commission when deciding on certification of new Club applicants to ensure there is no overlap in Club mandates within the certified system. 2. Campus ecology project. | Yes | To the Clubs Oversight Commission so they can ensure no new clubs are certified with overlapping mandates of currently existing groups. | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||
11 | Departmental Affiliation (or lack of) | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To keep track of which Clubs may receive guidance or assistance (informational, reputational, financial, legal, or otherwise) from a Carleton entity other than CUSA. 2. To track how many clubs have a non-CUSA advisor. 3. Campus ecology project. | Yes | Carleton Provost - provided with a list of academic societies with a specific departmental affiliation. Carleton Human Resources - provided with a list of Clubs with specific departmental affiliation. Clubs Oversight Commission - provided with meta-data on how many clubs have a departmental affiliation and may be given names of those clubs without a departmental affiliation. | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||
12 | Facuty Advisor Name and email (or lack of) | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To keep track of which Clubs may receive guidance or assistance (informational, reputational, financial, legal, or otherwise) from a Carleton faculty member. 2. for CUSA Clubs Administration to liaise directly with the faculty advisor on matters relating to the club (for example, leadership succession crisis, financial mis-management, complaints submitted about club/exec, etc). 3. Campus ecology project. | Yes | Carleton Provost - provided with a list of academic societies with their specific faculty advisor name and e-mail. | Updated yearly in May - September with old data discarded | |||||||||||||||||
13 | Staff Advisor or Coach name and email (or lack of) | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To keep track of which Clubs may receive guidance or assistance (informational, reputational, financial, legal, or otherwise) from a Carleton staff member or Athletics recognized Coach. 2. for CUSA Clubs Administration to liaise directly with the staff advisor or coach on matters relating to the club (for example, leadership succession crisis, financial mis-management, complaints submitted about club/exec, etc). 3. Campus ecology project. | Yes | Carleton Human Resources - provided with a list of Clubs with specific staff advisor name and e-mail. | Updated yearly in May - September with old data discarded | |||||||||||||||||
14 | Executive Officer Full Name | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To maintain records for Co-Curricular record, banking, response to complaints, and other clubs business such as personalized outreach on the part of the clubs office to invite the club to participate in initiatives or to request information. 2. Campus ecology project. 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Carleton Student Experience Office point person for the Co-Curricular Record & Space Booking | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
15 | Executive Officer email | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To enrol the individual in and Brightspace or Teachable training, sign up for regular newsletters relating to clubs issues, and to be passed along to the bank and Carleton SEO office for administrative tasks such as bank account signing authority management and Co-Curricular record verification. Campus ecology project. 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA.. | Yes | Carleton Student Experience Office point person for the Co-Curricular Record and Space Booking. Additionally- Scotiabank CUSA Clubs accounts point people. e-mails may be passed along to the CUSA communications team so they can be asked if they want to subscribe to a CUSA newsletter | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
16 | Executive Officer phone number | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To be contacted only in cases of emergecny complaint or to verify identity with scotiabank. 2. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Scotiabank to asisst in identification verification during transition of signing authorities | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
17 | Executive Officer student number | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To enrol the individual in Brightspace training or the CUSA Brightspace course 2. to verify identity with Scotiabank. Campus ecology project. 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Scotiabank to asisst in identification verification during transition of signing authorities. SEO for CCR and Space Booking services. | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
18 | Executive Officer mailing address | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To be used for banking, either in setting up an account or in transfering signing authority. 2. Address will be used to verify identity with scotiabank 3. address will be used by CUSA Clubs office to determine which type of bank letters should not be created for specific needs 4. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Scotiabank to asisst in identification verification during transition of signing authorities | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
19 | Finance Officer Full Name | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To maintain records for Co-Curricular record, banking, response to complaints, and other clubs business such as personalized outreach on the part of the clubs office to invite the club to participate in initiatives or to request information. Campus ecology project. 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Carleton Student Experience Office point person for the Co-Curricular Record | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
20 | Finance Officer email | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To enrol the individual in and Brightspace or Teachable training, sign up for regular newsletters relating to clubs issues, and to be passed along to the bank and Carleton SEO office for administrative tasks such as bank account signing authority management and Co-Curricular record verification. 2. Campus ecology project. 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Carleton Student Experience Office point person for the Co-Curricular Record and Scotiabank CUSA Clubs accounts point people. e-mails may be passed along to the communications team so they can be asked if they want to subscribe to a CUSA newsletter | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
21 | Finace Officer phone number | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To be contacted only in cases of emergecny complaint or to verify identity with scotiabank. 2. Campus ecology project. 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Scotiabank to asisst in identification verification during transition of signing authorities | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
22 | Finance Officer student number | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To enrol the individual in Brightspace training or the CUSA Brightspace course 2. to verify identity with Scotiabank. Campus ecology project. 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Scotiabank to asisst in identification verification during transition of signing authorities | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
23 | Finance Officer mailing address | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To be used for banking, either in setting up an account or in transfering signing authority. 2. Address will be used to verify identity with scotiabank 3. address will be used by CUSA Clubs office to determine which type of bank letters should not be created for specific needs. 4. Campus ecology project. 5. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Scotiabank to asisst in identification verification during transition of signing authorities | within a calendar year of four years of the executive being out of the position | |||||||||||||||||
24 | Club Constitution | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To be evaluated by the Clubs Oversight Commission in certification and recertification applications. 2. As of May 1st, 2023, all Club Constitutions will be added to the "Resource sections" of club profile pages for public viewing. Clubs who do not want to have their consittuions made public must email clubs@cusaonline.ca 3. As of March 28th, 2023, dormant club's consitutions can be sent to any current Carleton student, if they indicate that they want to restart the club. | No | with a calendar year of four years of collection, unless no more recent document remains on file, in which case the constitution will remain on file until there is a new version supplied or the club has been decertified for four years | ||||||||||||||||||
25 | Club Member names | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To ensure clubs have the required minimum number of members to remain certified. 2. To be used as a consideration in funding, sanctioning, and other disperate decision making within the Clubs Oversight Commission responsibilities. 3. Campus ecology project. 4. As per CUSA's Master Fees and Services Agreement with Carleton University, if there is a criminal investigation taking place into the activities of a club, CUSA is obligated to share member information as part of the investigation. | No | within a calendar year of six years of collection | ||||||||||||||||||
26 | Club Member emails | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To ensure clubs have the required minimum number of members to remain certified, and to check identity along with names provided. 2. To be used as a consideration in funding, sanctioning, and other disperate decision making within the Clubs Oversight Commission responsibilities. 3. Campus ecology project. 4. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Club member e-mails may be passed along to the communications team so they can be asked if they want to subscribe to a CUSA newsletter | within a calendar year of six years of collection | |||||||||||||||||
27 | Club Member student numbers | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To ensure clubs have the required minimum number of members to remain certified, and to check identity along with names provided. 2. To be used as a consideration in funding, sanctioning, and other disperate decision making within the Clubs Oversight Commission responsibilities. 3. Campus ecology project. 4. As per CUSA's Master Fees and Services Agreement with Carleton University, if there is a criminal investigation taking place into the activities of a club, CUSA is obligated to share member information as part of the investigation. | No | within a calendar year of six years of collection | ||||||||||||||||||
28 | Club executive names | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. This data is required to submit. CUSA Clubs or Clubs Oversight Commission may request the data if pertinent to an investigation, complaint, or dispute. 2. Campus ecology project. 3. To register for Clubs Monthly 4. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | No | within a calendar year of four years of collection | ||||||||||||||||||
29 | Club executive titles | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. This data is required to submit. CUSA Clubs or Clubs Oversight Commission may request the data if pertinent to an investigation, complaint, or dispute. 2. Campus ecology project. . 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | No | within a calendar year of four years of collection | ||||||||||||||||||
30 | Club executive student numbers | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. This data is required to submit. CUSA Clubs or Clubs Oversight Commission may request the data if pertinent to an investigation, complaint, or dispute. 2. Campus ecology project. 3. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | No | within a calendar year of four years of collection | ||||||||||||||||||
31 | Club executive emails | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. This data is required to submit. CUSA Clubs or Clubs Oversight Commission may request the data if pertinent to an investigation, complaint, or dispute. 2. may be passed along to be asked if they want to subscribe to a CUSA newsletter. 2. Campus ecology project. 3. To register for the Clubs Monthly newsletter (executives can unsubscribe at any time) 4. Information compelled by Carleton University through Article 6 "Compliance with University Rules and Policies" of the Student Association Fees and Services Agreement between Carleton University and CUSA. | Yes | Club executive e-mails may be passed along to the communications team so they can be asked if they want to subscribe to a CUSA newsletter | within a calendar year of four years of collection | |||||||||||||||||
32 | Club email address | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be included in the clubs and CUSA newsletters 2. to be used as a point of contact from the CUSA Clubs office and Clubs Oversight Commission for any matter arising in accordance with the various ByLaws and Procedures which cover the CLubs system 3. may be passed along to CUSA Vice Presidents on a limited basis 4. will be public on the cusaclubs.ca website 5. International clubs may have data passed along to Carleton ISSO 4. As per CUSA's Master Fees and Services Agreement with Carleton University, if there is a criminal investigation taking place into the activities of a club, CUSA is obligated to share member information as part of the investigation. | Yes | 1. In rare instances, CUSA VPs may be provided with a limited mailing list, limited in scope by what the Clubs Office reasonably assumes could be club interest in the specific portfolio initiative 2. Similarly, may be provided to the SEO so they can invite international clubs to participate in events rather than grabbing all the e-mails from the directory | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||
33 | Club Website | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be on public facing website | No | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | ||||||||||||||||||
34 | Club Logo | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) | Student Groups Administrator | Communications Coordinator | 1. to be on public facing website 2. to be used in promotional materials where the Club partners with CUSA 2. Campus ecology project. | Yes | CUSA Communications will be given access to a secure google drive folder with all club logos to reference when a club partners with CUSA and graphics are requested | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||
35 | Prefered Social Media | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be on public facing website 2. to be analyzed in conjunction with all club responses to see what trends are emerging write large and specifically within the clubs community 2. Campus ecology project. | Yes | May be passed along to CUSA Communications or specific CUSA VP if they are assessing the best social media through which to reach students ot strategizing where to invest CUSA resources based on usage or lack thereof | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||
36 | Facebook Group | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be on public facing website | No | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | ||||||||||||||||||
37 | Facebook Page | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be on public facing website | No | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | ||||||||||||||||||
38 | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be on public facing website | No | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||||
39 | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be on public facing website | No | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||||
40 | Discord | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be on public facing website | No | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | ||||||||||||||||||
41 | Other Social Media | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to be on public facing website | Yes | Unique platform use may be passed along to the CUSA Communications office not for engagement, but as a means of staying on top of current trends | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||
42 | Bank Account Name | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. for CUSA to have the information in case of emergency access to account, or should the club cease to exist for a number of years without notice | No | within a calendar year of confirmation of bank account closure | ||||||||||||||||||
43 | Bank Account Number | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. for CUSA to have the information in case of emergency access to account, or should the club cease to exist for a number of years without notice | No | within a calendar year of confirmation of bank account closure | ||||||||||||||||||
44 | Bank Account Balance | Club/Executive | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. To be used in funding decisions, and to ensure no over-draft. | No | within a calendar year of confirmation of bank account closure | ||||||||||||||||||
45 | Non-Cognitive Variable Responses | Individual Club Executive | Google Form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. to assess student development | Yes | Individual response and question meta-data will be used to assess and inform professional development | Permanently archived to assess skill over long periods of time | |||||||||||||||||
46 | Executives that are Responsible for Space Booking | Club/Executive | Certification/Recertification Form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator | 1. For CUSA to be able to clarify and validate members who are eligible to make room bookings. | Yes | SEO- Point Person for Space Booking | within a calendar year of four years of decertification | |||||||||||||||||
47 | Clubs Oversight Commission decisions from Sanctioning Procedure | Clubs Oversight; Complainant; Respondant | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator; VPI | Student Groups Administrator; VPI | 1. To be displayed on the CUSA Clubs website so the public will have access to the decisison | No | |||||||||||||||||||
48 | Clubs Oversight Commission- Membership Removal Committee Petitions and Requests | Clubs Oversight; Petitioner | cusaclubs.ca (internal cusa site, run on Wordpress) and google form | Student Groups Administrator | Student Groups Administrator; VPI | 1. To be evaluated by the MRC if the request fits within the scope of the Membership Removal Committee | No | |||||||||||||||||||
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