Club NameClub EmailAdvisorClub DescriptionClub Meeting Time/Place
Academic Decathlonhsnacdec@gmail.comLaura WheelerAcademic Decathlon is a series of interscholastic competitions for high school teams nationwide. The Decathlon tests knowledge and academic skills. The regional and state competitions are comprised of 10 categories: Speech, Interview, Essay, Math, Science, Fine Arts, Economics, Social Studies, Literature, and Super Quiz.Thursdays 3-5pm in Room 212 & 214
(A Capella) Out of the Blueken.carter@wwprsd.orgKen CarterHS North’s premiere a cappella group. New members are selected through auditions at the end of each school year for the following year, and they typically remain in the group until their graduation. This mixed-voice (SATB) ensemble of approximately 12-15 students ranging from grades 10-12 aims to continually build upon its signature tradition. Each member is a student in 1 of our 3 curricular music programs (choir, band, or orchestra). OOTB rehearses weekly throughout the year on Wednesday evenings from 6-8 pm with extra rehearsals as needed, and performs frequently throughout the community, as well as at North’s own concerts. The group's evolving repertoire often includes a variety of current pop music, older classics, jazz standards, 16th-Century madrigals, traditional carols, contemporary choral selections, and more. Under the guidance of Dr. Carter, to a large extent this outstanding group is led by student members and achieves a high level of collaborative self-sufficiency and growth.Rehearsals are weekly throughout the year on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm

Choir Room
(A Capella) Silver Liningken.carter@wwprsd.orgKen CarterHS North’s all-treble a cappella group. New members are selected through auditions annually in late September, and they typically remain in the group until their graduation. Comprised of approximately 10-14 students ranging from grades 9-12, this ensemble aims to continually build upon a tradition of joyful harmonizing, camaraderie, and dedication. Each member is a student in 1 of our 3 curricular music programs (choir, band, or orchestra). Silver Lining rehearses weekly throughout the year on Wednesdays from 3 - 4:15 pm, and performs throughout the year at local events as well as at North’s own concerts. Under the guidance of Dr. Carter, the group is led by student members and organized with a goal of collaborative self-sufficiency and growth.Rehearsals are weekly throughout the year on Wednesdays from 3-4:15pm

Choir Room
(A Capella) Knight Owlsken.carter@wwprsd.orgKen CarterHS North’s tenor / bass a cappella group. New members are selected through auditions annually in late September, and they typically remain in the group until their graduation. Comprised of approximately 10-14 students ranging from grades 9-12, this ensemble aims to continually build upon a tradition of joyful harmonizing, camaraderie, and dedication. Each member is a student in 1 of our 3 curricular music programs (choir, band, or orchestra). Knight Owls rehearses weekly throughout the year on Wednesdays from 4:30 - 5:45 pm, and performs throughout the year at local events as well as at North’s own concerts. Under the guidance of Dr. Carter, the group is led by student members and organized with a goal of collaborative self-sufficiency and growth.
Rehearsals are weekly throughout the year on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:45 pm

Choir Room
Animation Clubwwpanimationclub@gmailstudent led (supervised by Bryan Manolakos)The Animation Club is designed for individuals who are interested in visual and moving representations of a variety of concepts. This club aims to provide a platform for students interested in delving into the art of animation, focusing on key aspects such as motion analysis and actual animation practice.Wednesday 3-4 Room A117
Art Clubhsnartclub@gmail.comStudent LedArt Club is a student led group that bonds over a love of art and encourages imrprovement of artistic skills through interesting projects and activities. These range from collaborating to create huge murals for the school or doing small independent pieces. Above all, Art Club supports the artistic development, learning, and exploration of each of its members. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability level. Thursdays 3-4pm in UDH
Black Student Union (BSU)hsn.bsu@wwprsd.orgRosalyn WashingtonSHADES, the Black Student Union, at HSN is a student club formed to give a diverse group of students a voice to advocate for students of color and bring awareness to the controversial issues that center around racial disparities. This club aims to inspire, educate, and encourage while promoting cultural diversity and peaceful coexistence within our community.Wednesdays 3-4pm in Room A105
Book Clubhsnbookclub@gmail.comStudent led (Supervised by Kathryn Carroll)Monthly on Wednesdays during lunch in the Library Private Room
Business Clubhsnbizclub@gmail.comStudent-ledNorth's Business Club is a great way to immerse yourself in the world of business through learning and competing in national and international competitions in topics such as finance/investing, entrepreneurship, marketing, economics, and more! Join our Discord server and follow us on Instagram for updates on when we are starting new units, when we are having guest speakers in, when we are starting new competitions, and much more! As always, email us at with any questions.Tuesday 3-4pm in UDH
Chamber Music Club / String QuartetCollin.Oettle@wwprsd.orgColin OettleThe Chamber Music Club is for musicians who have a desire to pursue the art of chamber music. Rehearsals occur on the initiative and schedule of the members of the chamber group. Each group also meets with Mr. Enz at least once every two weeks and at the beginning they are coached on a weekly basis for instruction and support. There is a recital in March and June.
Chess Clubhsnchess@gmail.comEllen FrederickThe chess club is where we come together to study, learn, and play the game of chess. The goals are to build skills in playing the game of chess, to learn different moves and strategies, and to have club members develop a competitive team.Every other Tuesday 3-4pm in Room A112
Chinese Culture Clubhsnchineseclub@gmail.comVivian Yu Lei HuangIn the Chinese Culture Club, students learn about Asian culture through playing games (such as go and Chinese chess), learning food, learning origami, and other cultural activities. In coordination with South's Chinese Club, we host the annual China Night event, a Chinese New Year's celebration. We also host events, such as a Go tournament and a Super Smash Ultimate tournamentThursday 3-4pm Room 226
Class Council - 2025Shannon Campbell Ashley MatraleShannon Campbell Ashley Matrale2025 Class Council is an organization which trains students in the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship, using the school environment as the primary training ground. This is an elected position, It falls under the realm of Student Council, interacting closely with the student governing body as well as conduct their own order and raise funds for future events like prom and senior trip for the class of 2025.B day lunches (once a month)

Room 214
Class Council - 2026Kathryn Carroll Gabriella RiveroKathryn Carroll Gabriella Rivero2026 Class Council is an organization which trains students in the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship, using the school environment as the primary training ground. This is an elected position, It falls under the realm of Student Council, interacting closely with the student governing body as well as conduct their own order and raise funds for future events like prom and senior trip for the class of 2026.
Class Council - 2027Christine Newbury Lorraine CalabroChristine Newbury Lorraine Calabro2027 Class Council is an organization which trains students in the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship, using the school environment as the primary training ground. This is an elected position, It falls under the realm of Student Council, interacting closely with the student governing body as well as conduct their own order and raise funds for future events like prom and senior trip for the class of 2027. Certain class officers also participate in the graduation ceremony to address their class, help present diplomas by calling student names, and end the ceremony.First Tuesday of every month @ Lunch

Room 305
Class Council - 2028Daniel Valentin Tracy ZarodnanskyDaniel Valentin Tracy Zarodnansky2028 Class Council is an organization which trains students in the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship, using the school environment as the primary training ground. This is an elected position, It falls under the realm of Student Council, interacting closely with the student governing body as well as conduct their own order and raise funds for future events like prom and senior trip for the class of 2028.Once per month

Room 200
Color Guard (backup contact Marching Band)Michelle.Fisher@wwprsd.orgMichelle FisherColor guard is a section within the marching band that adds to the visual element of the marching band performance through coordinated dance and flag work. Color Guard always performs with the marching band and attends competitions as well as football games. Students do not need to be in the music program. Dance experience is helpful but not required.Wednesday, Thursday 5:45-8:30pm; Friday 3-5pm and weekends (also refer to Marching Band schedule)
Computer Science Clubhsncsclub@gmail.comTom ConnollyThe Computer Science Club teaches students more about computer science outside the scope of regular classes offered at North. The NorthCS Club also participates at several national high school computer science competitions and hosts one itself.Wednesdays 3-4pm

Room 119
Debate Clubnorthdebate@gmail.comChristian FletcherDebate League consists of three main seasons, during which members have the chance to participate in interscholastic debate competitions. Competitions range from policy debates to values debates to constitutional law. Preparation for the competition dominates most of the meetings and entails improving oratorical skills and analytical stills, discussing research and holding practice debates. The goal of the club is to help every member improve, regardless of the level of debating experience.Tuesdays 2-4pm in Room 209
Disabled Student Union wwpdsu@gmail.comStudent LedThe Disabled Student Union creates a safe space for disabled and non disabled students to discuss issues like disability identity, accessibility advocacy, and ableism in-school and beyond. Sessions will have open-ended discussions where members can choose topics, as well as fun team-building activities and planning for school-wide advocacy events.Wednesdays 3-4pm in Media Center Conference Room
Economics Clubhsnfedchallenge@gmail.comStudent Led (Uma Shenoy)North Economics club aims to provide members with a broad range of knowledge in economics, especially macroeconomics, in preparation for our three main competitions: Euro Challenge, Fed Challenge, and the National Economics Challenge - we have won many national awards in all three competitions. If you're interested in learning more about the world around you, exploring your interests, doing well on the AP Macroeconomics and Microeconomics exams, or having a great activity for your resume, join North Economics. We meet every Friday from 3-4 PM in room 115. Can't wait to see you there! Tuesdays 3-4pm in UDH
Environmental clubwwpnorthenvironmentalclub@gmail.comStudent Led (Charlie Xiang)The Environmental Club educates the community on the importance of cleaning up the environment through various public awareness initiatives at North. Members can also compete in Envirothon, which enhances students environmental knowledge by teaching them more about the environment and our natural resources.Tuesdays 3-4pm in UDH
ESportsTBDEsports is a club for students interested in competitive online multiplayer, team-based or individual playing. Students will use critical thinking, situaltional awareness, communication, problem-solving, anaylsis, and reflection skills.Virtual Matches Tuesday-Thursday 3:30-4:30pm, vary by team
Fall Dramadeborah.goodkin@wwprsd.orgDeb GoodkinPresented in mid-November, the Fall Drama is the North Campus' first school-wide theatrical production of each year. The quick production schedule leads to close working relationships and a strong sense of individual accomplishment. Auditions take place over several days in early September, after which the cast (or sometimes multiple casts!) rehearses daily after school until 5:00 pm. Some rehearsals are scheduled for weekends or evenings , to accommodate the needs of both the cast and the show. In addition to actors, the Fall Drama needs behind-the scenes helpers in stage management, costuming, makeup, and business.
Fashion Clubhsnfashionclub@gmail.comStudent Led (Supervised by Samhitha Sreenivasan)The Fashion Club invites students at High School North to explore the multifaceted nature of fashion and recognize fashion as not only a form of art and self-expression but also as a powerful force for social and environmental change. From the intricate legal frameworks governing intellectual property to the cultural significance of fashion in different societies, our exploration encompasses a diverse range of topics along with a range of intriguing activities. Furthermore, we are deeply committed to addressing pressing issues within the Fashion Industry, such as worker exploitation, child labor, and unsustainable production practices.Tuesdays (biweekly) in UDH and A210
Christian Fellowship (previously Fellowship of Christian Athletes)wwphsnfca@gmail.comStudent-led (Supervised by Ardie Allen)The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a forum for members to meet and develop community.Thursdays during lunch in Room A211
French Culture Clubhsnfrenchclub@gmail.comStudent LedStudents will learn about France’s unique culture, linguistic aspects, and the lasting impacts it has had on other countries, languages, and customs, plus how it can be seen in America. All of this will be learned through games, celebrations of holidays (i.e. Poisson d’Avril - France’s April Fool’s Day; Bastille Day), watching French films/cartoons, reading French literature, French food, etc.Wednesdays every other week - UDH
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)hsn.fbla@wwprsd.orgRosalyn WashingtonFuture Business Leaders of America is a dynamic student organization that prepares young people for success in business and leadership roles. FBLA provides opportunities for students to develop business skills, leadership qualities, and real-world experience through various activities, competitions, and educational programs. Members engage in activities related to entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, management, and more, all with the goal of fostering their growth as future business leaders.Every Thursday

Room 222/223
Future Problem Solving (FPS)hsn.fps@wwprsd.orgDonna GrygielFuture Problem Solving is a creative writing competition where members dissect a futuristic story for potential problems and then create relevant solutions to those problems. Members can participate in both teams and as individuals and will be taught the 6-step problem solving process. Teams will represent HSN at both state and international competitions.Thursdays @ 3-4pm in Room A115
Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
Jamie CrystalThis organization heightens student and teacher awareness, and teaches tolerance and acceptance of differences. This is done through guest speakers and films, as well as meeting with health educators, teachers, and other students. The club is open to all students.Thursdays from 2-4pm in Room A101
Girls Who Code
Suparna Mahableshwarkar, Advisor
Tracy McPhail Millard, Co-advisor
HSN Girls Who Code is a club that aims to close the gender gap in technology by teaching girls about Computer Science. Members work in groups to create coding projects that help the community, participate in hackathons, and learn about inspiring women in technology. Fridays 3-4pm in Room 119
Hands Across the Water North (HAW)northhaw@gmail.comStudent Led Hands Across the Water is a club that primarily focuses on raising money for our sister school in the Democratic Republic of Congo. High School North members also work with Community Middle School students for some fundraisers. Students involved with the club will be able to develop and improve upon their communication skills, as they will talk to various organizations and stores, creativity, because they will be brainstorming and planning fundraisers, and teamwork skills, as they will be working in groups to organize these fundraisers. Wednesdays 3-4pm (every other week) in UDH
HEALyü/Neuropsychhealyuneuropsych@gmail.comStudent Led (Supervised by Dr. Rebecca McLelland-Crawley / Mrs. Adrienne Stanley) HEALyu/Neuropsych club is involved in creating research papers that studies students. Aside from that, we create lessons on neuroscience, making it accessible to students who wish to study the subject. Another activity we have been involved in creating our own podcast centered around neuroscience, soon to be published on Spotify. We have also participated in volunteering as a club for charities such as the Alzheimers Association Walk.Thursdays 3-4 UDH (HEALyu)

Monday 3-4 A102 (Neuropsych)
Hindu Cultural Student Associationwwpnorthhcsa@gmail.comStudent Led (Thaniha Mohan)Tuesdays (biweekly) UDH
Hispanic Culture Clubhispanicultureclubwwp@gmail.comStudent Led (Piero Medrano)
Knights 4 Homefronthsnhomefrontclub@gmail.comStudent Led (Ananya Lal, Jaisal Yadav)Thursdays 3-4pm in UDH
Interacttara.mccarthy@wwprsd.orgTara McCarthyInteract ClubMonthly
International Thespian Societydeborah.goodkin@wwprsd.orgDeb GoodkinThe Thespian Society at North is an opportunity for members to expand their experience with theater from performance to management to technology. Workshops will be offered to improve acting skills and other opportunities to perform outside of North will be available.Every other Friday, Room A104
Jazz Band/Stage Bandmark.bencivengo@wwprsd.orgMark BencivengoThe Jazz Band is an ensemble with standard "Big Band" instrumentation that plays music from the dawn of the swing era to modern times (swing, funk, Latin, etc.). A strong emphasis is placed on stylistic integrity and improvisational skills are further developed. The group plays in the community and at local jazz festivals.
Jewish Community Youth Club (JCYC)HSN.JCYC1@gmail.comStudent Led (Supervised by Randi Greenhouse)The JCYC is a club where Jewish students as well as students with other cultural/religious backgrounds can come together and celebrate their customs. Our goal to promote cultural diversity through community service opportunities will help support local charities, such as the underserved in Mercer County.First Thursday of the month in Ms. Greenhouse's room
Junior Statesmen of America (JSA)wwpnorthjsa@gmail.comJess IllingworthThe mission of JSA is to strengthen American democracy by educating and preparing high school students for life-long involvement and responsible leadership in a democratic society. JSA allows students to experience first-hand the drama and power of politics as well as the challenges and responsibilities of leadership. JSA chapters serve as the center of political awareness at their schools and JSA conventions bring thousands of students together to share their opinions and learn from each other. At these conventions, students participate in debates, thought talks, and special activities about current politics, and are educated by guest keynote speakers who aid them in becoming more politically aware and active. Meets Tuesdays in the Upper Dining Hall.Tuesdays 3-4pm in Room A200
Key Clubhsnorthkeyclub@gmail.comStudent LedKey Club is a volunteer and community service based club. We help our community through various projects such as food drives, clean ups, activism projects and many more! Members are encouraged to engage with their local community and have an impact on their school environment. Wednesdays 3-4pm in UDH
Leo Club25ap0093@wwprsd.orgStudent Led (supervised by Courtney Shein)
Lighting Booth- SEE Stagecraft Club (Stage Crew)Christa.Hannon@wwprsd.orgChrista Hannon Amanda GagnonStudents learn how to control the stage lighting and assist during Fall and Spring Musical performances.Theater M-F 3-5, weekends and evenings as needed
Literary Magazinetheliterarymagazine@gmail.comCarolyn HoytThe North Literary Magazine features the art, photography, music, and writing of students in grades 9 -12 as well as faculty and staff. Students in the club develop ways to encourage submissions, as well as determine which works to accept, and design the magazine layout. The Literary Magazine also has a website which members help maintainFridays from 3-4pm in Room A106
Marching Bandjason.verblaauw@wwprsd.orgJason VerblaauwMarching Band is a club for students in the music program who wish to use the skills they have developed during the school day in a competitive, drum corps style marching band. The band rehearses music and marching after school several times a week and performs at all football games. They also compete against other marching bands in the region and participate in local parades. Wednesdays and Thursdays 5:30-9:00pm, Fridays 3-5pm plus football, Saturdays depending on competition schedule
Math Clubnorthmathclub@gmail.comSamhitha SreenivasanThe main objective of this organization is to provide students interested in mathematics and problem solving with an opportunity to solve unique problems and compete with others from schools in New Jersey and across the United States. Math League consists of in-school and traveling competitions.Fridays @ 3-4pm in Room A210
Med Forum/ Future Doctors of America/ Susan Kocher Taylor MasropasquaMedForum/HOSA gives North students the opportunity to learn more about a future career in medicine. Members attend doctor visits, speak with current pre-med/medical students, and volunteer for health-related causes. Several times throughout the year, students have the opportunity to tryout for HOSA, a competitive medical competition. HOSA members train together, and represent North in knowledge or leadership events at the regional, state, and international levelsFriday in Room A101
Model Congressnorthmc@gmail.comChelsea JuliusModel Congress is a simulation of the U.S. government. Students tackle the most pressing issues facing the nation as they assume the roles of the three branches of American government. The program is hosted by major universities across the country. The members train each other and compete for positions at 3-4 conferences each year.Thursdays from 3-4pm in Room 209
Model United Nations (MUN)hsn.mun@wwprsd.orgDonna Grygiel Thomas FotiMUN is a forum for honing speaking skills, developing skills of compromise and negotiation, and understanding a myriad of global issues and dilemmas that exist today. A comprehensive training program is provided in September for new members. Three conferences are attended during the year at the nation's leading universities.Tues and Wed as needed at 3-4pm in 208-209
Morning Announcements Clubmacathsn@gmail.comTBDThe Morning Announcement Club is an advisor-led club dedicated to delivering school news through engaging videos and intercom announcements. Students direct, anchor, and edit their own videos to be shown to the entirety of High School North school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students provide announcements through the school’s intercom system. Club members meet every week during the first half of lunch on their assigned day, Monday for Wednesday video, Wednesday for Friday video, Friday for Monday video. Morning announcement requires outside of school work if they choose to be director and/or editor. By being part of the Morning Announcement Crew, students can establish team building experience, speaking proficiency, and sense of school spirit. Time: Mon, Wed, Thur during lunch (3x a week)

Green screen/Podcasting Room in the Media Center
Muslim Student Associationwwpnorthmsa@gmail.comStudent Led (Supervised by Nabil Jemal )MSA or the Muslim Students Association is a faith-based organization that aims to provide a welcoming environment for all students & the greater community.Thursdays 3-4pm in Room A113
National History Day (NHD)wwpnationalhistoryday@gmail.comChelsea JuliusStudents will participate in the New Jersey National History Day (NJNHD) and National History Day (NHD) competitions. By doing so, students will develop critical analysis skills through historical research, gaining an appreciation for the past and a new perspective for the future.Tuesdays from 3-4pm

Room A203
National Honor Society (NHS)wwpnorthnhs@gmail.comBrendan McCannNHS is a merit-based organization comprised of some of the school's leaders in academic and extracurriculars. Students in the eleventh and twelfth grades with a unweighted GPA of 3.5 or higher are invited to apply for selection into NHS. A faculty council reviews the applicants' leadership, community service, and overall character to make the final selections. Once admitted, members of NHS serve the community by tutoring fellow students, raising money for charity, and performing other community service projects.Monthly meetings occur virtually at the discretion of Advisor and Officers
Newspaper:The Knightly News (Journalism Club)theknightlynews@gmail.comCarolyn HoytThe Knightly News is an extracurricular activity which complements the Journalism electives offered to students through the Language Arts Department. Students interested in becoming a writer or editor for the paper are required to enroll in Journalism courses. Opportunities for students not enrolled in Journalism courses include: guest columnists and reviewers, cartoonists, photographers, and web managers.Every Friday

Room A105
Opening Knightsdeborah.goodkin@wwprsd.orgDeb GoodkinOpening Knights is HSN's traveling performance troupe. There are several casts, each of which perform a different play. "Bang Bang You're Dead" is a play highlighting the dangers of gun violence and the importance of friendship and tolerance. Auditions are held in September and May. Other plays are performed for health classes at Community Middle School. These plays audition in September. Topics of these plays include eating disorders, bullying, tolerance, and peer pressure. All plays are followed by interactive discussion of the topic with audience members.Every other Friday, Room A104
Peer Leadersmaria.pyle@wwprsd.orgMaria PyleThrough the Peer Leadership program, students perform many vital services to the school and community; these include peer mediation, 8th grade transition groups, freshmen peer groups, building tours, event ushering, community service projects, and other tasks as requested by administration or the guidance department. Peer Leaders are also involved with a number of other activities acting as role models for the middle school students. The members are frequently asked to become involved in other aspects of the high school when their skills and insights can be integral to helping their peers. Peer Leaders are selected through an application process during sophomore year.2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month during lunch

Room A104
Percussionmark.bencivengo@wwprsd.orgMark BencivengoThis ensemble is intended for serious percussionists and adventurous non-percussionists wishing to expand their musical abilities and play advanced literature written specifically for percussion instruments. Students are placed in groups based on their ability and experience. The ensemble plays a concert and performs at local festivals.
Philosophy Clubhsnphilosophyclub@gmail.comStudent ledTuesdays UDH (biweekly)
Pit Orchestramark.bencivengo@wwprsd.orgMark BencivengoThe Pit Orchestra plays for the annual musical production in the spring. It is intended for advanced music students. The instrumentation varies from year to year based on the musical being performed. The rehearsal schedule varies in intensity depending on the proximity to the performance.
Quiz Bowlnorthquizbowl@gmail.comStudent led (Aleesha Ilahi)Quiz Bowl teaches students to compete in the National Quiz Bowl, featuring knowledge from topics including but not limited to: art, literature, science, mythology, history, and geography.Wednesdays 3-4pm in UDH
Radio Clubwwph1079fm@aol.comGlenn Allison107.9—FM is a non-commercial radio station run by the students of both North and South Campuses. The station broadcasts live to West Windsor and Plainsboro on most school days from 7:00 am until 5:00pm. Additionally, there are live night and weekend broadcasts for sports and special events. Broadcasts can be heard on the radio and on the internet, and listeners can also hear a show “on demand” by downloading podcasts at iTunes or at the radio station website: Any student may participate in the club on or off the air. Positions include news, sports, publicity, production, promotions, etc. Additionally, students who take the Broadcast Writing course earn a license that allows them to host their own shows. Students may choose to participate in one or more seasons (fall, winter, spring).Thursdays @ 3pm (additional meetings as needed)

Room 109
Red Crosshsnredcrossmarchofdimes@gmail.comCarl RomeroThe Red Cross Club provides students with a variety of meaningful service opportunities throughout the year. Club members have access to many Red Cross programs and have received extensive training in areas such as disaster response and First Aid/CPR. Members do everything from teaching children courses in water safety and disaster preparedness, visiting nursing homes on a monthly basis, to organizing food and blood drives. Each member must participate in a minimum of 5 hours of service with the club annually to be recognized as a contributing member.Thursdays 3-4pm (monthly)

Room A200
Relay for Lifewwpnorthrfl@gmail.comStudent LedRelay for Life is a charitable organization of the American Cancer Society. Members at HSN will work in small teams to independently raise money for the American Cancer Society with various events and fundraisers.Wednesdays 3-4pm in UDH (Monthly)
WWP Robotics Team (The MidKnight Inventors FRC #1923)Libby.Kamen@wwprsd.orgAdvisor: Libby Kamen

Assistant Advisors: Jeff Bunca, Sam Mulvey, Thomas Foti
FIRST Robotics Competition Team 1923, The MidKnight Inventors designs, builds & programs a 150-lb competition robot each year. We are a unified program between HSN and HSS, with student leadership from both schools represented and a year-round competition schedule. Our team helps promote STEM to the local area by competing throughout the year, hosting demos, summer camps, and community events. In addition to building and programming, our team maintains a media subteam, business committee, and community outreach committee - no matter what you're interested in, there is a space for you to pursue it on our team!Weekly in Room 208
SAASAMelissa McGradyMelissa McGradyHigh School North's largest student organization SAASA allows students to discover the rich culture of South Asian art forms through dance, music, skit and more!! SAASA creates specialty styles from all over India, sing with our bollywood fusion group and each grade class performs a dance!Email for up-to-date info
Science Club (includes Science Bowl)wwpscienceclub@gmail.comKerry ProssScience Club is for students to explore and expand upon STEM concepts.
Science Bowl is a quiz like competition testing the students’ knowledge of various subjects in science. Meetings will teach students more about science outside of their classes and broaden their knowledge. Students will compete representing HSN in Science Bowl and the Merck Science Competition.
Wednesdays in Room A-204
Science Club (Astronomy)Student LedTuesday 3-4 UDH
Science StrausScience Olympiad is a National Competition that includes regional, state, and national competitions in 25 different events in engineering, chemistry, biology, earth science, and problem solving. Many events require the construction and testing of a vehicle, bridge, robot, or other device. Team members who are selected at the beginning of the year work as a team to compete in tournaments at the state and national level.Fridays @ 3-4pm

Room 213
Sikhism Club26ab0611@wwprsd.orgStudent Led (Aldric Benalan)Thursdays 3-4 UDH
Social Club (Formerly LARK Social Club); Roxanne.lackey@wwprsd.orgKelly Lee, Roxanne LackeyThe Larkability Club is a weekly social meeting that is run by the HSN LARKS students. Each week, the students organize activities such as movies, arts, and crafts, games, and listening to music. The Larkability club provides an after school opportunity for students of all backgrounds to socialize. All students are welcomed to join.Tuesdays 3-4pm in Room 112
Spring Musicalrobert.corriveau@wwprsd.orgBob CorriveauThe spring musical is open to all students who are interested in the on and off stage aspects of musical theatre. To perform on stage students must audition. Auditions consist of three components: singing, dancing and acting. A workshop is held each year before auditions so students can familiarize themselves with that year’s musical. Rehearsals take place after school, during the evenings, as well as on Saturdays. If being on stage is not for you, there are many opportunities to get involved backstage in opportunities such as building and painting sets, lighting and sound.
Stagecraft Club (Stage Crew)Robert.corriveau@wwprsd.orgBob Corriveau Stage Crew works to construct the sets for the HSN fall drama and musical, as well as working during the actual performances.
Steel Bandmark.bencivengo@wwprsd.orgMark BencivengoThe Steel Band is a Caribbean style percussion ensemble made up of steel drums and other percussion instruments. It is intended for advanced music students who are capable of playing syncopated rhythms associated with calypso and soca music. The students play at least two concerts.
Student Council (Eboard & All Councils); christine.newbury@wwprsd.orgMatthew Gore Christine NewburyTwice a month @ 3pm or 5pm (alternating Wednesdays)

Media Center or LDH
Tamil Sangamhsntamilsangam@gmail.comStudent LedThe Tamil sangam is a collaborative and engaging association which is committed to promote, preserve and celebrate the cultures,traditions and heritage of Tamil Nadu. Our club provides a golden opportunity for those who are interested in learning about tamil culture and language.Thursdays 3-4 UDH
Technology Student Association (TSA)northtsa2018@gmail.comStudent LedTuesdays 3-4 UDH
Tutoring Societytutoringsociety@gmail.comStudent Led (Supervised by Courtney Shein)The Tutoring Society is a student-based organization that offers free tutoring to the school community. Tutors meet at the High School Library for community service hours. Those students needing additional support in a particular class are encouraged to stop by the North Media Center after school to receive free tutoring.Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4 pm in the HSN media center

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3-4 pm in the CMS Media Center
Ultimate Frisbee (boys & girls teams)wwpultimatefrisbee@gmail.comMichael JacksonUltimate Frisbee is a club for students who wish to play Ultimate Frisbee. Members will train, practice, and compete at several high school Ultimate Frisbee tournaments throughout the year.
UNICEFhsnunicef@gmail.comStudent ledUNICEF is a United Nations program that provides aid and assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. The UNICEF club works to raise awareness of these issues and to fundraise for the UNICEF program to assist impoverished children in 190 countries around the world.Every other Wednesday 3-4pm in UDH
Brian AliseoThe Waksman Science Research Club works in partnership with the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers University through their Waksman Student Scholars Program (WSSP). Club members will engage in hands-on scientific inquiry and conduct an authentic research project focusing primarily on molecular biology, genetics, and bioinformatics. These projects culminate in presentations and reports throughout the school year. Students who successfully complete all requirements set out by the Waksman Institute have the opportunity to publish their findings in a scientific journal.Tuesdays at 3-4pm in Room 214
Weight Lifting Clubhsnweightliftingclub@gmail.comJeff ReillyEveryday from 3:00-4:15pm in the Weight Room
Girls Learn Internationalnorthgliclub@gmail.comStudent LedGLI, standing for Girls Learn International, is an organization dedicated towards bringing awareness to a myriad of gender-related issues across the world. Through informational sessions, fundraising for our partner school, and engaging in local outreach, this WW-P North Chapter strives to bring attention to equity problems both within and outside our district and state. Focusing on empowering and educating our club members to advocate for equality, human rights, and universal accessibility to education, the foundation of GLI is built off of well-informed young men and women determined to bring global change. Thursdays 3-4pm in UDH
86;Courtney Johnson
Nancyann Lowrey
The yearbook is created for students to look back on their year of high school. It is created and designed by the students for the students with guidance from faculty advisors. An integral part of the yearbook experience is dealing with weekly plans and deadlines to complete an entire high school yearbook by June. Members format pictures, enter information into computers and promote Excaliber, HSN’s official yearbook.Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-4pm in Room A106
Young Entrepreneur Clubhsnyoungentrepreneursclub@gmail.comStudent Led-volunteer advisorWednesday 3-4pm A110