Health Curriculum Map
TopicLearning opportunitiesYear group
Mehow we are all unique; that recognising and demonstrating personal strengths build self-confidence, self-esteem and good health and wellbeing7
how to identify and articulate a range of emotions accurately and sensitively, using appropriate vocabulary7
to understand what can affect wellbeing and resilience (e.g. life changes, relationships, achievements and employment)8
the characteristics of mental and emotional health and strategies for managing these8
strategies to understand and build resilience, as well as how to respond to disappointments and setbacks8
how self-confidence self-esteem, and mental health are affected positively and negatively by internal and external influences and ways of managing this10
strategies to develop assertiveness and build resilience to peer and other influences that affect both how they think about themselves and their health and wellbeing10
about change and its impact on mental health and wellbeing and to recognise the need for emotional support during life changes and/or difficult experiences10
a broad range of strategies — cognitive and practical — for promoting their own emotional wellbeing, for avoiding negative thinking and for ways of managing mental health concerns10
to recognise warning signs of common mental and emotional health concerns (including stress, anxiety and depression), what might trigger them and what help or treatment is available10
Friendship and relationshipto recognise and manage internal and external influences on decisions which affect health and wellbeing8
about the purpose, importance and different forms of contraception; how and where to access contraception and advice (see also Relationships)9
that certain infections can be spread through sexual activity and that barrier contraceptives offer some protection against certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs)9
about specific STIs, their treatment and how to reduce the risk of transmission10
how to respond if someone has, or may have, an STI (including ways to access sexual health services)10
to overcome barriers, (including embarrassment, myths and misconceptions) about sexual health and the use of sexual health services10
the different types of intimacy — including online — and their potential emotional and physical consequences (both positive and negative)11
about healthy pregnancy and how lifestyle choices affect a developing foetus11
that fertility can vary in all people, changes over time (including menopause) and can be affected by STIs and other lifestyle factors11
about the possibility of miscarriage and support available to people who are not able to conceive or maintain a pregnancy11
about choices and support available in the event of an unplanned pregnancy, and how to access appropriate help and advice11
Health body, healthy mindthe impact that media and social media can have on how people think about themselves and express themselves, including regarding body image, physical and mental health7
the importance of, and strategies for, maintaining a balance between school, work, leisure, exercise, and online activities7
the benefits of physical activity and exercise for physical and mental health and wellbeing7
the importance of sleep and strategies to maintain good quality sleep7
strategies for maintaining personal hygiene, including oral health, and prevention of infection7
the risks and myths associated with female genital mutilation (FGM), its status as a criminal act and strategies to safely access support for themselves or others who may be at risk, or who have already been subject to FGM7
the positive and negative uses of drugs in society including the safe use of prescribed and over the counter medicines; responsible use of antibiotics7
strategies to manage the physical and mental changes that are a typical part of growing up, including puberty and menstrual wellbeing7
a range of healthy coping strategies and ways to promote wellbeing and boost mood, including physical activity, participation and the value of positive relationships in providing support8
the causes and triggers for unhealthy coping strategies, such as self-harm and eating disorders, and the need to seek help for themselves or others as soon possible8
how to recognise when they or others need help with their mental health and wellbeing; sources of help and support and strategies for accessing what they need8
the role of a balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle and the impact of unhealthy food choices8
to evaluate myths, misconceptions, social norms and cultural values relating to drug, alcohol and tobacco use8
information about alcohol, nicotine and other legal and illegal substances, including the short-term and long-term health risks associated with their use8
what might influence decisions about eating a balanced diet and strategies to manage eating choices9
the importance of taking increased responsibility for their own physical health including dental check-ups, sun safety and self-examination; the purpose of vaccinations offered during adolescence for individuals and society9
how to access health services when appropriate9
how different media portray idealised and artificial body shapes; how this influences body satisfaction and body image and how to critically appraise what they see and manage feelings about this10
the importance of and ways to pre-empt common triggers and respond to warning signs of unhealthy coping strategies, such as self-harm and eating disorders in themselves and others10
how to recognise when they or others need help with their mental health and wellbeing; to explore and analyse ethical issues when peers need help; strategies and skills to provide basic support and identify and access the most appropriate sources of help10
to make informed lifestyle choices regarding sleep, diet and exercise10
the benefits of having a balanced approach to spending time online10
the consequences of substance use and misuse for the mental and physical health and wellbeing of individuals and their families, and the wider consequences for communities10
to identify, manage and seek help for unhealthy behaviours, habits and addictions including smoking cessation10
about the health services available to people; strategies to become a confident user of the NHS and other health services; to overcome potential concerns or barriers to seeking help11
how to take increased personal responsibility for maintaining and monitoring health including cancer prevention, screening and self-examination10
the purpose of blood, organ and stem cell donation for individuals and society10
Equality and diversitythe link between language and mental health stigma and develop strategies to challenge stigma, myths and misconceptions associated with help-seeking and mental health concerns9
Safety and riskhow to get help in an emergency and perform basic first aid, including cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of defibrillators7
the personal and social risks and consequences of substance use and misuse including occasional use8
the law relating to the supply, use and misuse of legal and illegal substances8
about the concepts of dependence and addiction including awareness of help to overcome addictions9
how to identify risk and manage personal safety in increasingly independent situations, including online9
wider risks of illegal substance use for individuals, including for personal safety, career, relationships and future lifestyle10
ways to identify risk and manage personal safety in new social settings, workplaces, and environments, including online10
to increase confidence in performing emergency first aid and life-saving skills, including cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of defibrillators10
strategies for identifying risky and emergency situations, including online; ways to manage these and get appropriate help, including where there may be legal consequences (e.g. drugs and alcohol, violent crime and gangs)11
Preparing for the futurethe risks associated with gambling and recognise that chance-based transactions can carry similar risks; strategies for managing peer and other influences relating to gambling9
to understand and build resilience to thinking errors associated with gambling (e.g. ‘gambler’s fallacy’) the range of gambling-related harms, and how to access support for themselves or others9