Shalidor's Stoat SearchThis tracker was created by Wizardry #155680 to keep track of stoats. Please PM Wizardry if you have any questions or if you spot any errors.

To use this tracker, please go to File > Make a Copy in the upper left. This will allow you to create your own tracker to edit!

All you need to do is enter your stoat image URLs and this sheet will fill out all of their traits. You can also organize them, give them names, and more!
This tracker belongs to:
Doozie #574805
Stoats Enter your stoat images in this tab! Paste the image URL given to you by your attendant The sheet will automatically fill out your stoat's features just by reading the URL. Additionally, you can name your stoats, label their trading status, and sort them!
BBCode Format Options
This tab will help you to autogenerate BBCode of your stoats for use in dragon bios or forum posts! There are a variety of options on this tab, such as options for whether you would like to paste into a bio with no vista, or if you would like to post in the forums/bio with a vista.

You can also decide what information you wish to display in the BBCode. This is also where you can select labels for your stoats, such as "Keep" and "Up for Trade."
PreviewThis tab will show you images of your stoats in the order they appear in your Stoats Tab with the number of columns there will be in your BBCode display based on your seelctions in BBCode Format Options.

This will help you see if you like the way your stoats look in that order!
Stoat SeparatorThis tab will allow you to split the code given to you by attendants into rows of image URLs to copy and paste into the Stoats tab.
VariablesThis tab keeps track of all sorts of variables that are needed in this spreadsheet to track stoat traits and to generate BBCode.
Emoji KeyThis tab identifies different Flight Rising Emojis and assets that can be used in your BBCode.
IDs/Generator CodesThese tabs are used to automatically generate BBCode with your goats, there's no need to touch them unless you suspect there may be an error with your generator.