MemberDistrictPartyGradeScore 2022Vote #695Vote #736Vote #735Vote #820Vote #680Vote #812Vote #677Vote #681Vote #682Vote #785Vote #849Vote #748Vote #723Vote #693Vote #878Vote #600Vote #694Vote #784Vote #745Vote #750Vote #879Vote #821Vote #665Vote #651Vote #652Vote #464Vote #829Vote #465Vote #755Vote #570Vote #778Vote #476Vote #503Vote #780Vote #496Vote #615Vote #492Vote #497Vote #777Vote #482Vote #483Vote #616Vote #597Vote #598Vote #549Vote #581Vote #782Vote #661Vote #562Vote #623Vote #568Vote #779Vote #669Vote #645Vote #671Vote #643Vote #628Vote #758Vote #667Vote #660Vote #564Vote #794Vote #593Vote #844Vote #798Vote #711Vote #877Vote #789Vote #686Vote #860Vote #751Vote #754Vote #494Vote #475Vote #828Vote #528Vote #614Vote #526Vote #587Vote #576Vote #654Vote #760Vote #612Vote #551Vote #534Vote #573Vote #870Vote #559Vote #563Vote #565Vote #783Vote #527Vote #574Vote #688Vote #757
Passage by Substitute
PassagePassage by SubstitutePassagePassage
Motion to Engross: Hb 1302, Hb 1320
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PassagePassage by SubstitutePassage by Substitute
Agree to House Amendment to Senate Substitute
Passage by Substitute
Adopt Conference Committee Report
Motion to Engross: Hb 424, Hb 934, Hb 997, Hb 1034, Hb 1041
PassagePassagePassagePassage by Substitute
Motion to Remove From the Table
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Agree to House Substitute as Amended
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Agree to House Substitute
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Agree to House Substitute
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Motion to Engross
Passage by Substitute
Agree to House Substitute
Motion to Engross
Passage by Substitute
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PassagePassage by Substitute
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Passage by SubstitutePassagePassage by SubstitutePassage by Substitute
Agree to House Substitute
Passage by Substitute
Passage by Substitute
Adoption of Amendment #1 by the Senator From the 48th
Adoption of Amendment #1 by the Senator From the 53rd
Motion for Reconsideration
Agree to House Amendment to Senate Substitute
Motion to Engross
Passage by Substitute
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Agree to House Substitute
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Agree to House Substitute
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Adoption of Amendment #1 by the Senator From the 27th
Adopt Conference Committee Report
Agree to House Amendment to Senate Substitute
Passage as Amended
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Passage by SubstitutePassage as AmendedPassage
Agree to House Substitute
BillHB 1049HB 1053HB 1069HB 1216HB 1233HB 1283HB 1302HB 1302HB 1320HB 1428HB 1435HB 1452HB 246HB 275HB 275HB 342HB 385HB 409HB 424HB 424HB 893HB 937SB 108SB 171SB 171SB 330SB 330SB 332SB 332SB 337SB 337SB 338SB 343SB 343SB 358SB 359SB 361SB 361SB 361SB 370SB 370SB 378SB 381SB 393SB 397SB 403SB 403SB 468SB 479SB 487SB 496SB 496SB 537SB 539SB 545SB 556SB 566SB 566SB 572SB 591SB 319HB 469SB 345HB 1HB 1056HB 1064HB 1084HB 1178HB 304HB 681HB 752HB 997SB 277SB 326SB 345SB 346SB 357SB 360SB 382SB 456SB 576SB 588SB 377SB 435SB 449SB 514HB 1437HB 218SB 259SB 319SB 319SB 331SB 514HB 304SB 226
This bill expands the State Board of Nursing Home Administrators to take away power from the everyday person and increase representation for nursing home administrators and administrators for either personal care or assisted living. This board is responsible for giving occupational licenses to nursing home administrators.
This bill extends tax credits for certain corporations.
This bill creates a new occupational licensing for adult mental health programs. The idea of this is to actually give authorities to people they could not otherwise have with these licenses. A conservative would do this much differently however. Rather than create new licenses we should expand the powers of the current licenses and in a very ideal world we would move away from occupational licensing all together.
This bill increases penalties for subsequent offenses of fleeing or refusing to stop for a police officer. This bill is a part of the Governor's push to solve Atlanta crime. Fleeing suspects are an issue but that is largely because of liberals instituting no chase policies, and criminals know they can just flee and not get chased, so it is not clear how this bill will solve that. We don’t need to add things to our already bloated state code if it is unnecessary and does not even do what it is intended to do.
This bill changes the list of birds one must have a license to hunt to include all migratory birds.
This bill mandates local school districts to schedule recess once per day for elementary school. The Governor vetoed this bill in 2019 because he believed this would be a decision better left to the local school districts.
This is the Governor's $250 per person payout. Conservatives don't give handouts, they give tax cuts. This bill pays someone who paid $500 in taxes the same amount as someone who paid $5,000,000 in taxes. This is not a rebate, this is a bribe to win over voters.
This is the Governor's $250 per person payout. Conservatives don't give handouts, they give tax cuts. This bill pays someone who paid $500 in taxes the same amount as someone who paid $5,000,000 in taxes. This is not a rebate, this is a bribe to win over voters.
This bill is the annual internal revenue code update. The things of substance it does is allowing for tax deadline extensions in the case of disasters, makes certain bonds tax exempt, and adopting the extension of an interest rate smoothing formula for defined benefit plans. Interest rate smoothing is a scummy accounting measure for hiding the true exposure/fiscal situation of the state.
This is just the annual code revision bill, fixing grammar and things of that nature in the code.
This bill outlines a needs-based completion grant for college students. It builds off the governor’s federally funded pilot started in 2020 to help students with unmet financial need pay their college bills and needs-based financial aid language passed by the Legislature in 2018 but not yet funded.
This bill changes the definition of dating violence to include 12 months after the relationship ended, whereas now it is 6. We already have an overcriminalization problem and this bill is punishing people for dating violence against people they are not dating. Stricter punishment often doesn't prevent people from doing the action either.
This bill raises the price of getting a replacement drivers license, in the case of someone losing their previously issued drivers license, from $5 to $10. It further raises the price of a limited driving permit from $25 to $32 and raises the renewal of that license from $5 to $10.
This bill disallows life insurance providers from denying someone based on the donation of an organ.
This bill disallows life insurance providers from denying someone based on the donation of an organ.
This bill prohibits people who are not licensed as plumbers from from advertising a service as a plumber unless the service in performed by a licensed plumber. This bill defends the government's ability to enact and enforce occupational licenses. Furthermore, with services like yelp, the consumer is more than capable of deciding for themselves whether or not the plumber is qualified.
This bill allows public schools to hire beneficiaries of the Teacher Retirement System of Georgia as full-time teachers and further allows them to keep collecting this retirement while working as a teacher, though this time does not count as credits towards their retirement benefits.
This bill provides a legal defense fund for judges who are getting sued and not represented by the Attorney General. The House and Senate have been unable to agree on whether or not this should require advice and consent on appointments to the commission.
This bill establishes a tax credit for contributions made to foster care services for the purpose of post-secondary education. While the foster care system is valuable, important, and a crucial thing for pro-life legislators, this should not be a whole life thing.
This bill establishes a tax credit for contributions made to foster care services for the purpose of post-secondary education. While the foster care system is valuable, important, and a crucial thing for pro-life legislators, this should not be a whole life thing.
This bill extends a sunset on hazardous waste fees which are merely used to raise money for the government.
This bill requires insurers to provide written notice to women annually after they turn 40 that they should receive an annual mammogram. This notice must alert them to the coverage of their insurance pertaining to this mammogram also.
This bill takes blind and visually impaired issues out of the hands of the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) and creates a separate commission to oversee this, though licensing will be handled still by the GVRA.
This bill would increase the penalties for crimes such as blocking a highway, assaulting someone or damaging property if it involves groups of two or more, this is further enhanced with 7 or more. It further allows for an affirmative defense that one injured or killed someone partaking in these illegal activities while fleeing from the activity. The bill requires permits for protests, though specifies there must be no fees. It further provides liability to local governments that enable violent or destructive protests. The affirmative defense in this bill is good; the rest is bad, however. This bill contributes to overcriminalization and grossly violates the right to assemble and free speech by requiring a permit. Amidst a time where we are passing constitutional carry, because we recognize that for a right one need not have the government's permission, this bill is trying to restrict rights.
This bill would increase the penalties for crimes such as blocking a highway, assaulting someone or damaging property if it involves groups of two or more, this is further enhanced with 7 or more. It further allows for an affirmative defense that one injured or killed someone partaking in these illegal activities while fleeing from the activity. The bill requires permits for protests, though specifies there must be no fees. It further provides liability to local governments that enable violent or destructive protests. The affirmative defense in this bill is good; the rest is bad, however. This bill contributes to overcriminalization and grossly violates the right to assemble and free speech by requiring a permit. Amidst a time where we are passing constitutional carry, because we recognize that for a right one need not have the government's permission, this bill is trying to restrict rights.
This bill places a monument in honor of Clarence Thomas within the state Capitol or on the grounds using no public funding.
This bill places a monument in honor of Clarence Thomas within the state Capitol or on the grounds using no public funding.
This bill mandates online marketplaces to require sellers to disclose personally identifying information. It provides for requirements to notify sellers, verify the information, and partially disclose this information to consumers. This bill gets in the way of business by adding more roadblocks to the market.
This bill mandates online marketplaces to require sellers to disclose personally identifying information. It provides for requirements to notify sellers, verify the information, and partially disclose this information to consumers. This bill gets in the way of business by adding more roadblocks to the market.
This bill enacts that, upon indictment, a public officer will have their compensation granted for their position suspended. This is totally against due process and fails to presume the accused as innocent.
This bill enacts that, upon indictment, a public officer will have their compensation granted for their position suspended. This is totally against due process and fails to presume the accused as innocent.
This bill expands postpartum medicaid coverage from six months to one year. This is a medicare for all type of program.
This bill requires state agencies to match 401k payments to employees. The auditor certification admits this will require bigger budgets for state agencies.
This bill requires state agencies to match 401k payments to employees. The auditor certification admits this will require bigger budgets for state agencies.
This bill establishes for the taxpayers to fund law enforcement training for active duty, retired, or honorably discharged members of the United States armed forces. There are about 10 people per year this would apply to, according to the Director of the Georgia Public Safety Training Center. The Director further says that there is $3600 in tuition, and they can cover it in their current budget. Though the Director claims with the current amount of people who this would apply to, they can use their current budget to cover the cost, upon availability more people will likely try to use this carve out.
This bill increases penalties for possession of firearms against prior convicted domestic violence abusers, details that gangs should be considered criminal enterprises, clarifies that evidence from criminal trials for street gang crimes can be used in civil trials, ensures that all evidence relevant to the crimes can be presented at trial, enacts recidivist punishments for subsequent acts against elder disabled persons and minors, encourages pretrial adjudication of evidentiary rules, allows the GBI to partake in gang cases, and generally fights gang violence. It also adds requirements one must fulfill to be a constable of the court which is very basic and nonintrusive.
This bill provides tax credits for donations to law enforcement.
This bill provides tax credits for donations to law enforcement.
This bill provides tax credits for donations to law enforcement.
This bill establishes a tax credit for contributions made to foster care services for the purpose of post-secondary education. While the foster care system is valuable, important, and a crucial thing for pro-life legislators, this should not be a whole life thing.
This bill establishes a tax credit for contributions made to foster care services for the purpose of post-secondary education. While the foster care system is valuable, important, and a crucial thing for pro-life legislators, this should not be a whole life thing.
This bill expands the definition and penalties for hazing. Frankly, we are generally talking about adults in college willingly allowing themselves to be hazed. Things like assault are already illegal.
This bill changes the pimping and pandering offenses in Georgia from misdemeanors to felonies. The bill also establishes that those who commit the same offense subsequently will be punished more harshly. These offenses against someone under 18 is already a felony, though subsequent offenses will be punished more harshly with this bill. This bill does not pertain to human trafficking and does not change any of those offenses or the penalties thereof. The bill has been further amended to prevent judges from practicing reasonable discretion on lighter sentences for these crimes.
This bill requires social media companies to disclose their policies for removing users from their platforms, promoting, and diminishing access to content, and moderating content. They must also disclose accurate information regarding their content management, data management, and overall business practices. They must further publish a biannual transparency report. This bill provides citizens of Georgia the right to legal action to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the required disclosures as well as the truthfulness of the social media platform’s representations and terms of service. A user has the right to bring civil action against any social media company that violates any provisions of this bill. This bill simply requires that the terms of service be clear and that the contract entered to thereof be followed by the service provider.
This bill broadens the ability to receive GED vouchers by making all approved high school equivalency courses valid rather than just the GED program.
This bill adds transportation to the list of immunities for healthcare workers so long as they acted in good faith. This bill creates a partnership between law enforcement and community service boards to better enable the use of co-responder units by requiring these boards to employ mental health professionals. A good example of a co-responder unit is a law enforcement officer having a mental health professional with them while they respond. This is a voluntary relationship, and no law enforcement officer or mental health professional is required to participate, they can also accompany an officer virtually. Officers involved in this program may elect to receive training for it, and community service board members involved in this program must receive training. The community service boards may evaluate incarcerated people as they deem fit. When a co-responder team responds to a behavioral health crisis, the community service board of the service area where the crisis occurred shall contact the individual within two business days following the crisis, regardless of whether that individual was incarcerated. If the individual resides in a different community service board area, the case shall be transferred to the appropriate community service board. The community service board handling the case shall work to identify the types of services needed to support the individual's stability and to locate affordable sources for those services, including housing and job placement. If the individual was incarcerated, the community service board may make recommendations for inclusion in a jail release plan. Following the behavioral health crisis, the community service board shall provide voluntary outpatient therapy as needed. Funding of this program shall be solely contingent upon appropriations from the General Assembly. Though this bill does many good things such as reducing dangers to law enforcement by providing mental health professionals to them in the field, it also does bad things such as creating a welfare type program to provide for jobs and housing and reaching outside the scope of government generally.
This bill adds transportation to the list of immunities for healthcare workers so long as they acted in good faith. This bill creates a partnership between law enforcement and community service boards to better enable the use of co-responder units by requiring these boards to employ mental health professionals. A good example of a co-responder unit is a law enforcement officer having a mental health professional with them while they respond. This is a voluntary relationship, and no law enforcement officer or mental health professional is required to participate, they can also accompany an officer virtually. Officers involved in this program may elect to receive training for it, and community service board members involved in this program must receive training. The community service boards may evaluate incarcerated people as they deem fit. When a co-responder team responds to a behavioral health crisis, the community service board of the service area where the crisis occurred shall contact the individual within two business days following the crisis, regardless of whether that individual was incarcerated. If the individual resides in a different community service board area, the case shall be transferred to the appropriate community service board. The community service board handling the case shall work to identify the types of services needed to support the individual's stability and to locate affordable sources for those services, including housing and job placement. If the individual was incarcerated, the community service board may make recommendations for inclusion in a jail release plan. Following the behavioral health crisis, the community service board shall provide voluntary outpatient therapy as needed. Funding of this program shall be solely contingent upon appropriations from the General Assembly. Though this bill does many good things such as reducing dangers to law enforcement by providing mental health professionals to them in the field, it also does bad things such as creating a welfare type program to provide for jobs and housing and reaching outside the scope of government generally.
This bill authorizes the general assembly to appropriate funds to indemnify public safety officers who died of COVID-19 in the line of duty.
This bill enacts into law that, for felons who have been found in possession of firearms, each firearm will constitute a separate criminal charge.
This bill says, "A health benefit policy that provides coverage for diagnostic examinations for breast cancer shall include provisions that ensure that the cost-sharing requirements applicable to diagnostic and supplemental breast screening examinations are no less favorable than the cost-sharing requirements applicable to screening mammography for breast cancer." This is yet another government mandate on insurance companies.
This bill requires that all deaths of pregnant females be investigated by a medical examiner.
This bill requires that all deaths of pregnant females be investigated by a medical examiner.
This bill establishes the Food Insecurity Advisory Council in order to provide council on how to improperly grow the role of government into a more charitable organization.
This bill makes it unlawful to secretly record or photograph people without consent in health care facilities. This protects medical privacy but also infringes on the rights of the individual violating this bill.
This bill mandates local school systems to require first aid training to students.
This bill creates an instructional program to teach people how to deal with law enforcement as a driver.
This bill changes the surprise billing act to include mental health and inpatient stays as billable treatments. The current extreme regulation in healthcare is why it is so expensive and we will not support adding regulation.
This bill changes the surprise billing act to include mental health and inpatient stays as billable treatments. The current extreme regulation in healthcare is why it is so expensive and we will not support adding regulation.
This bill creates a vaping product directory which is established by the Attorney General.
This bill enhances penalties for stealing metals and makes it a felony above $1500 in value after a third offense.
This bill removes the requirement of Georgians to have a permit in order to carry a weapon.
This bill moves to cap many tax credits. Tax credits are generally unfair, and simply the government picking winners and losers, and this bills caps them. This bill had a cap on the film tax credit and then those were amended out.
This bill bans vaccine passports in state and local governments until June 30, 2023. Other than the sunset for this bill, it is great.
This bill prohibits public Universities from creating "Free Speech Zones" and instead allows the students to practice their first amendment all over campus so long as the conduct and lawful and not disruptive.
This bill raises the percentage from 10 to 15 percent of money allowed to be invested alternatively rather than simply into the Georgia Firefighters Pension Fund. This does not change anything other than that.
This bill allows up to $17,500 of pensions related to military service to be exempted from state income taxes.
The bill bans divisive concepts in schools and creates a process for getting divisive concepts removed from schools. This bill works to prevent critical race theory from entering our schools.
This bill codifies that it is a parent’s fundamental right to determine their minor child’s upbringing and the government shall not infringe on this right. This includes the right to direct morals and religion, the right to review all instructional materials their minor child is exposed to, the right to enroll their child is the school of their choice, the right to review all school records relating to their minor child, the right to access requirements for graduation along with promotion and retention policies, the right to consent prior to the audio or video recording of their minor child, and the right to request all the aforementioned things in writing, requests must be dealt with in no more than three business days. Any failure to abide by a request can be appealed to the local Board of Education, or governing authority thereof, and is entitled to being placed on the agenda at the next meeting of the Board of Education, or governing authority thereof, and each governing body shall adopt a policy to promote parental involvement, with parents being involved in the determination of that policy which determines procedures for a parent to review and object to material being taught and further provides the process for a parent to withdraw their child from any sex education program being taught in the school.
This bill temporarily suspends the fuel tax.
This bill says that the Georgia public school curriculum will have a financial literacy course in it.
This bill gives one the right to control their own mental health treatments via an advanced directive prior or by appointing an agent to make decisions on their behalf. This bill makes it less likely someone is treated wrong by the state after being declared as incapable of making their own decisions.
This bill creates a ballot initiative to authorize an ad valorem tax exemption for timber equipment and products. Currently, timber products are actually discriminated against and everything else of this nature is not subject to these taxes. Only timber equipment.
This bill allows for active law enforcement officers to carry their service handgun inside of courthouses while in uniform.
This bill places a monument in honor of Clarence Thomas within the state Capitol or on the grounds using no public funding.
This bill bans vaccine passports in state and local governments until June 30, 2023. Other than the sunset for this bill, it is great.
This bill disallows any state agency from contracting with any company owned or operated by the communist Chinese government. State agencies will require that a company which submits for a bid will certify that it is neither owned nor operated by the communist Chinese government.
This bill allows for children of those in the military to attend school out of district so long as it is within the state. The parents are responsible for transportation.
This bill defines a "disabled minor" as anyone who is under 18 as someone who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities and has a record of such impairment. A drug user does not qualify as a disabled minor. The bill says that someone charged with cruelty to children in the first or second degree against a disabled minor will receive a minimum of 10 and maximum of 30 years in prison.
This bill is a simple change to clear up code section that does not make sense currently. Currently, if one was to commit an act of child molestation against a 13 year old they would be subject to life in prison however if they committed an act of aggravated child molestation it would be a misdemeanor.
This bill bars abortion inducing drugs from being prescribed without an in-person appointment. While there is genuine concern about these pills being given to those whom are at risk by taking them, this bill greatly serves to decrease access to abortion and save unborn lives. Prior to Biden's emergency use authorization these pills were only able to be given out via a prescription, this bill simply goes back to that.
This bill gives certain visitation rights to grandparents in the instance that the child has been removed from the parent's care.
This bill requires that all meetings of a local board of education shall be open to the public. The public at all times shall be afforded access to such public meetings. No member of the public shall be removed from a public meeting of a local board of education except for actual disruption of the proceedings and in accordance with the rules of conduct for meetings open to the public adopted and published by the local board of education. Visual and sound recording shall be permitted at all meetings of a local board of education that are open to the public.
This bill addresses the teaching of the tenants of critical race theory in local public schools, the University System, the Technical College System, along with State government. This bill prevents divisive ideologies from being taught while ensuring history can still be taught.
This bill prevents biological boys from competing in girls sports and vice-versa.
This bill codifies that it is a parent’s fundamental right to determine their minor child’s upbringing and the government shall not infringe on this right. This includes the right to direct morals and religion, the right to review all instructional materials their minor child is exposed to, the right to enroll their child is the school of their choice, the right to review all school records relating to their minor child, the right to access requirements for graduation along with promotion and retention policies, the right to consent prior to the audio or video recording of their minor child, and the right to request all the aforementioned things in writing, requests must be dealt with in no more than three business days. Any failure to abide by a request can be appealed to the local Board of Education, or governing authority thereof, and is entitled to being placed on the agenda at the next meeting of the Board of Education, or governing authority thereof, and each governing body shall adopt a policy to promote parental involvement, with parents being involved in the determination of that policy which determines procedures for a parent to review and object to material being taught and further provides the process for a parent to withdraw their child from any sex education program being taught in the school.
This bill requires local school districts to provide an opt out option for parents when there is a mask mandate.
This bill reduces the state income tax.
This bill would authorize anyone, who is licensed to carry a weapon in any other state, to carry a weapon in the state of Georgia. It also would allow citizens of Georgia to receive Weapons Carry Licenses through an online application and by first-class mail. It further bars the state from using states of emergency to restrict the sale of guns and ammo.
This bill removes the ban on carrying a weapon inside a place of worship, establishes the ability to apply online for a weapons carry license, and says that those barred from having a weapons carry license if they were treated voluntarily (whereas now nobody is able to with mental health history). This bill further provides for a means for those who were part of a multijurisdictional database on who has a Weapons Carry License to sue the person or entity that maintained the database. The bill also bars local government from enacting restrictions on the discharge of weapons on land 10 acres or bigger, though one must have consent of the land owner. Lastly, the bill requires an auction for seized firearms within 12 months of the seizure.
This bill removes the requirement of Georgians to have a permit in order to carry a weapon.
This bill removes the requirement of Georgians to have a permit in order to carry a weapon.
This bill prohibits local governments from regulating the amount of time someone works, their schedule, or their output.
This bill requires local school districts to provide an opt out option for parents when there is a mask mandate.
This bill temporarily suspends the fuel tax.
This bill creates a process for parents to file complaints in regard to obscene materials in school libraries. The principle makes this determination and their decision can be appealed to the local board of education. The bill is supposed to be an anti-obsenties bill though it has become more of a right to be heard bill.
TypeBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadBadTerribleTerribleVery BadVery Good GoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatVery GoodVery Good
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