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Market Friendly INDCs
This information comes from the UNFCCC INDC Portal, please refer to the links below for further information.
For any questions, please email Stefano De Clara:
#CountryTargetBaselineBaseline EmissionsPercentage of the Economy CoveredRole for MarketsRole for REDD+Date of SubmissionLink
1Switzerland50% by 2030199053.3 Mt C02e100%Switzerland will realize its INDC mainly domestically and will partly use carbon credits from international mechanisms. Switzerland will use carbon credits from international mechanisms that deliver real, permanent, additional and verified mitigation outcomes and meet high environmental standards. Switzerland intends to use the CDM.The same IPCC methodology as used to account for forest management in the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol will be applied. 27/02/2015
2-29EU40% by 20301990Not specified in the INDC. 5370 MtCO2e in 1990, as specified in DG CLIMA's Staff Working Document (see: )100%No contribution from international credits.Policy on how to include Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry into the 2030 greenhouse gas mitigation framework will be established as soon as technical conditions allow and in any case before 2020.
30NorwayAt least 40% by 20301990About 52.0 Mt CO2e100%Yes, Norway participates in the EU ETS and for non-ETS sectors, Norway assumes access to flexibility in implementation in line with what EU member states have. In this situation, there will be no use of international market credits towards the target. Norway plans to use international credits only if it cannot secure a collective agreement with the EU. Norway does, however, support inclusion of market based mechanisms in the 2015 agreement, and the opportunity to continue using units accruing from the CDM and JI. In the case of a collective delivery with the EU and its member states, the final approach to accounting for emissions and removals in the land sector will be decided upon later, based on the dialogue with the EU. Norway will work towards a common framework for land sector accounting, for all Parties. In the event that Norway will implement the commitment individ.ually, its commitment will include emissions and removals in the land sector27/03/2015
31Mexico25% below BAU by 2030 (22% of GHG and a reduction of 51% of Black Carbon). Could rise to 40% subject to a global agreement addressing important topics such as carbon pricing, technical cooperation and access to financial resources and technology.BAUNot Specified 100%In order to achieve rapid and cost efficient mitigation, robust global market based mechanism will be essential.
Mexico´s unconditional INDC commitment will be met regardless of such mechanisms, although these would assist cost-effective implementation. Achieving the conditional 40% goal will require fully functional bilateral, regional and international market mechanisms.
Not Specified28/03/2015
32United States26-28% by 20252005Not Specified100%No. At this time, the United States does not intend to utilize international market mechanisms to implement its 2025 target.The United States intends to include all categories of emissions by sources and removals by
sinks, and all pools and gases, as reported in the Inventory of United States Greenhouse Gas
Emissions and Sinks; to account for the land sector using a net-net approach; and to use
a “production approach” to account for harvested wood products consistent with IPCC
33Russian Federation25-30% by 20301990Not Specified100%No, the Russian Federation does not intend to utilize international market mechanisms to implement its 2030 target.The INDC states that ‘limiting anthropgenic greenhouse gases in Russia to 70-75% of 1990 levels by the year 2030 might be a long-term indicator, subject to the maximum possible account of absorbing capacity of forests.’ This implies that land-use accounting and foresk sink absorbtion capacity will help the Russian Federation achieve its target.31/03/2015
34Gabon At least 50% by 2025 compared to reference scenarioBAUNot Specified Not Specified No use of international credits. A law on sustainable development is already in place that require the government to set up (date tbd) a national sustainable development fund. This fund will stimulate more financial flows dedicated to emission reductions and sustainable development and will include revenues from sales of domestic carbon credits amongst other revenue sources. The INDC excludes emissions from forest and biomass activities. 01/04/2015
35Liechtenstein40% by 20301990228.7 Kt CO2e100%In putting forward its commitment, Liechtenstein assumes to achieve emission reductions abroad which may be accounted towards its reduction target in 2030. However, primary focus will be given on domestic emission reductions.Not Specified23/04/2015
36Andorra37% by 20301990547.4 Kt C02e98.8%No role for international creditsNot Specified30/04/2015
37Canada30% by 20302005731 MT C02e100%Canada may use international mechanisms to achieve its target, subject to robust systems that deliver real and verified emissions reductions.Not Specified15/05/2015
38Morocco32% by 2030 compared to BAU projections. 13% unconditionally, 19% conditionally. BAU9.4 Mt C02e100%Morocco considers the establishment of an international market mechanism vital to reduce the total costs to achieve the target of limiting the temperature increase to 2°C. Morocco does not exclude the possibility of using these mechanisms to achieve its conditional and/or unconditional targets.No REDD+ specifics, but 2030 goal includes afforestation goal of 50,000 ha per year.

39Ethiopia64% by 2030 compared to BAU projections.BAU150 Mt C02eUnknown. Sectors include: agriculture, buildings, electric power, forestry, industry (including mining), transportYes, Ethiopia intends to sell carbon credits during the period to contribute towards achieving its Green Economy Strategy. Ethiopia supports the development of effective accounting rules under the UNFCCC to guarantee the environmental integrity of market mechanisms.Ethiopia plans to protect and re-establish forests under its mitigation plan in the INDC. It aims to increase the carbon stocks in landscapes while also sequestering significant amounts of C02 through forests. 10/06/2015
40Serbia9.80%1990Unknown100%Unknown in the INDC, but as a candidate for the EU it will have to comply with EU ETS regulations in the future upon being granted ascension into the EU. Furthermore, as a member of the European Energy Community, Serbia faces time-sensitive regulations to decarbonise its energy sector. Unknown30/06/2015
41Iceland40% by 203019903.5 MT C02e100%Yes, Iceland is a party to the EU-ETS, due to membership of the European Economic Area, and over 40% of Iceland‘s emissions fall under the trading scheme. It is foreseen that this will continue after 2020. For a small economy like Iceland access to markets is important, as it provides flexibility that bigger economies do not need to the same extent; a single project can contribute a high percentage of emissions in a small economy like Iceland‘s but hardly register in bigger economies.Iceland intends to include LULUCF in its post-2020 contribution to climate mitigation, in accordance with established and accepted methodology for LULUCF accounting. In particular Iceland intends to employ afforestation and revegetation to contribute to its goals. Iceland will also use wetland restoration as part of its climate efforts, and possibly other LULUCF activities.30/06/2015
42China60-65% carbon intensity reduction by 20302005Unknown100%According to its INDC, China is committed to steadily implement its national carbon market, building upon the existing ETS pilots to ensure that the market ‘plays the decisive role in resource allocation’. It also committed to develop MRV and accounting provisions for the national carbon market, and to ensure that its ETS operation is open and fairAccording to its INDC, China is committed increase its forest stock by 4.5 billion cubic meters on 2005 levels30/06/2015's%20INDC%20-%20on%2030%20June%202015.pdf
43South Korea37% below BAU by 2030 BAU850.6 Mt CO2e100%Korea will partly use carbon credits from international market mechanisms to achieve its 2030 mitigation target, in accordance with relevant rules and standards. Credit types are not defined in the INDC. In assessment of mitigation performance, a decision will be made at a later stage on whether to include greenhouse gas emissions and sinks of the land sector as well as the method for doing so.30/06/2015
44Singapore36% carbon intensity reduction by 2030200540.9 MtC02e100%Singapore intends to achieve the mitigation objectives under its INDC through domestic efforts, but will continue to study the potential of
international market mechanisms.
Singapore has begun a longterm programme to monitor and report carbon storage and carbon fluxes related to land use change and forestry. As there are no commercial forestry or plantations in Singapore, emissions or carbon storage from land use change and forestry are expected to be small.03/07/2015
45New Zealand30% by 20302005Not Specified100%Yes, New Zealand’s INDC will remain provisional pending confirmation of access to carbon markets. NZ calls for unrestricted access to global carbon markets that enable trading and use of a wide variety of units that meet reasonable standards and guidelines to:
- ensure the environmental integrity of units/credits generated or purchased
- guard against double-claiming/double-counting, and
- ensure transparency in accounting.
New Zealand’s INDC will remain provisional pending confirmation of the approaches to be taken in accounting for the land sector06/07/2015
46Japan26% by 2030 (equivalent to 25.4% reduction compared to 2005)2013Not Specified100%Yes, Japan aims at reducing 50-100 MtC02e/year through the Japanese Crediting Mechanism (JCM)Japan's target for removals by LULUCF is set as approximately 37 million t-CO217/07/2015's%20INDC.pdf
47Marshall Islands32% reduction 2025. It also has an indicative target of 45% by 2030.20100.85 MtCO2e100%No intention to use market mechanismsN/A for Marshall Islands21/07/2015
48Kenya30% below BAU by 2030BAU143 MtCO2eq (BAU in 2030)Unknown. Sectors covered: Energy, Transportation, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use
(AFOLU) and waste sector.
Kenya does not rule out the use of international market-based mechanisms in line with agreed accounting rules.The INDC reduction target includes emissions from the land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector. 24/07/2015
49Monaco50% below 1990 levels by 203019900.11 Mt CO2e100%Monaco plans to use international emission reductions, because domestic emission reductions are ‘insufficient’ to meet the end goal.Not Specified29/07/2015
50The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia30% reduction of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion below BAU by 2030. 36% reduciton in case of higher level of ambition.BAU18 MtCO2eq (BAU in 2030)80% of total GHG emissionsYes. Macedonia will consider linking its national mitigation actions to an international framework in the future, once an international market mechanism is defined at the UNFCCC level. Not Specified
51Trinidad and Tobago15% below BAU by 2030 (conditional on international financing)BAUNot specified, the reduction target in absolute terms is 103 MtCO2eSectors covered: power generation, transportation and industryYes (Domestic). The Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago is developing a feasible carbon trading scheme that will result in reduced emissions in the industrial sector.Not Specified07/08/15
52Benin Reduction of 120Mt CO2e in the period 2016-2030 N/AN/ASectors covered: Energy and forestryNot Specified
The INDC commitment includes the forestry sector. Reforestation, afforestation, and reduction of the deforestation are part of the national strategy. 07/08/2015
53Australia 26 to 28% by 20302005Not Specified100%Not specifiedNot specified11/08/2015
54Djibouti40% below 2010 levels by 2030201014 MtCO2eNot Specified
Foresty included in Djibouti's proposed adaptation policies.14/08/2015
55Democratic Republic of the Congo17% below 2000 levels by 20302000430 MtCO2eOnly agricrulture, forestry and energy are included in the INDC.Not Specified
Yes. The DRC is implementing a national REDD framework.18/08/2015
56Dominican Republic25% below 2010 levels by 20302010100%Yes, the INDC's target is conditional upon the Dominican Republic having access to existing market mechanisms.Not Specified
57Algeria7-22% below BAU levels by 2030BAUNot Specified
Energy, Industrial processes, Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use, and Waste sectors are covered in the INDC.Not Specified
Not Specified
58Colombia20% below BAU by 2030 (30% subject to international support)BAUBAU in 2030 is 335 Mton of CO2eq100%Yes. Colombia will explore the use of market instrumentsThe AFOLU sector (agriculture, forestry and other land uses) is included in the economy-wide target. To estimate the BAU and emissions reductions scenarios, the carbon emission and removals from forest plantations and permanent crops are included; it excludes removals from natural forests that still remain as natural forests07/09/2015
59Jordan1.5% below BAU by 2030 (12.5% conditional target on top of the unconditional target)BAUNot Specified
Sectors covered: energy (including transport), waste, industrial processes, agriculture and land-use, land-use change and
forestry (LULUCF) and solvents.
Yes, through the package of national measures outlined in the INDC Jordan aims at "increasing the level of involvement in carbon market business".
Not Specified
60Côte d’Ivoire28% below BAU by 2030 (36% conditional target)BAUBAU in 2030 is 34,253 kt CO2e
100%Yes, Côte d'Ivoire supports the inclusion of international carbon markets and market-based mechanisms in the Paris Agreement. International transfers of carbon credits could help finance part of Côte d'Ivoire's INDC commitment.LULUCF emissions will be further studied between now and 2030 in order to evaluate their possible inclusion in the target11/09/2015'Ivoire/1/Document_INDC_CI_11092015.pdf
61Tunisia13% unconditional carbon intensity reduction by 2030, 41% conditional2010Not Specified
100%Yes. To finance the achievement of its mitigation target Tunisia plans to use, in addition to the direct financial support outlined above, carbon market mechanismsNot Specified
62Comoros84% below BAU by 2030BAUNot Specified
Sectors covered: Energy, Agricolture, LULUCF, WasteNot Specified
LULUCF emissions are part of the country's commitment 17/09/2015
63Grenada30% reduction by 2025, with an indicative reduction of 40% by 2030.20100.25 MtCO2e100%Yes. Grenada currently uses no market mechanisms but is willing to explore the potential of markets if relevant.Not Specified18/09/2015
64Equatorial Guinea20% by 20302010Not Specified
Energy, Transport, Forestry, Agriculture, and IndustryYes. Equatorial Guinea's INDC is conditional on climate finance and market mechanisms.Yes. Equatorial Guinea will implement a national REDD+ strategy21/09/2015
65Montenegro30% below 1990 levels by 203019905239 ktons CO2e100%Yes, Montenegro intends to sell carbon credits during the period to contribute towards achieving its emission reduction objectives as assistance to cost-effective implementation of the low emission development pathway. Having relatively high uncertainty regarding emissions in the LULUCF sector Montenegro reserves its right to review its INDC until 2020 upon the availably of more accurate data and improved technical conditions regarding land use, land use change and forestry and include it in its nationally determined contribution.23/09/15
66Mauritania22.3% below BAU by 2030 (88% of the reduction is conditional)BAUNot Specified
Energy, Forestry, Agriculture, and IndustryNot Specified
Not Specified
67Ghana15% unconditional, 45% conditional below BAU by 2030BAUBAU in 2030 is 73.95MtCO2e
100%Yes. Ghana intends to generate compliance grade emission reductions units from actions in the waste and energy sectors and REDD+. Access to market-based mechanisms where these emission reduction units would be fungible and tradable forms an important component of the strategy to mobilize longterm support for the INDCs. These market-based mechanisms must have robust accounting rules and standards, avoid double-counting and ensure environmental integrity.Yes. Ghana intends to generate compliance grade emission reductions units from actions in the waste and energy sectors and REDD+.23/09/2015
68Mongolia14% below BAU by 2030BAUBAU in 2030 is 51 MtCO2e100%Yes. Mongolia is interested in opportunities to access international climate funds namely the Green Climate Fund and in participation with crediting mechanisms to implement these measures.The INDC excludes LULUCF at the moment. Mongolia plans to include the sector in the future. 24/09/2015
69Albania11.5% below BAU by 2030BAUNot SpecifiedSectors: Energy and IndustryAlbania intends to sell carbon credits during the period until 2030 to contribute to cost‐effective implementation of the low emission development pathway and its sustainable development. Albania foresees that for the utilization of international market mechanism is conditional on having effective accounting rules developed under the UNFCCC to ensure the environmental integrity of the mechanisms.LULUCF will be included in the INDC when better data is available24/09/15
70Madagascar14% below BAU by 2030 (conditional)BAUNot Specified
100%No reduction based on carbon credits purchased outside of Madagascar.For the LULUCF sector, Madagascar is currently developing a diversified reforestation program, including the promotion of REDD+.24/09/2015
71Indonesia29% below BAU by 2030, 41% conditionalBAUBAU in 2030 is 2.881 GtCO2e100%Yes. Indonesia will meet its unconditional commitments regardless of the existence of international market mechanisms. Indonesia welcomes bilateral, regional and international market mechanisms.LULUCF sector is included in the country's contribution24/09/2015
72Eritrea39.2% unconditionally and 80.6 % conditionally below BAU by 2030BAUBAU in 2030 is 6331 ktCO2energy, industry, transport, forestry, agriculture, and waste sectorsNot Specified
The forestry sector is included in the country's commitment24/09/2015'S%20INDC%20REPORT%20SEP2015.pdf
73Bangladesh5% unconditional and 15% conditional reduction below BAU by 2030BAUBAU in 2030 is 234 Mt CO2e power, transport and industry sectors,Yes. Bangladesh does not rule out the use of international marketbased mechanisms in line with agreed modalities and accounting rules.LULUCF emissions are not included in the INDC commitment 25/09/2015
74Seychelles21.4% in 2025 and 29% in 2030 below BAUBAUNot specified95%No. Seychelles does not intend to use market-based mechanisms to meet its target/LULUCF is not part of the commitment25/09/2015
75South AfricaSA’s commitment takes the form of a peak, plateau and decline GHG emissions trajectory range. SA's emissions will peak between 2020 and 2025, plateau for approximately a
decade and decline in absolute terms thereafter.
N/ASouth Africa’s emissions by 2025 and 2030 will be in a range between 398 and 614 Mt CO2e.100%Not Specified
Agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) are included as one of the major IPCC categories. The greater uncertainty in AFOLU emissions should be noted, as well as the intention to reduce uncertainty over time.
76Georgia15% unconditional and 25% conditional emissions reduction below BAU by 2030BAUBAU in 2030 is 38.42 Mt CO2e
100%Not Specified
Not Specified
77Belarus28%1990Not specifiedNot specified25/09/2015
78Moldova64-67%1990Not specifiedYes. The Republic of Moldova may use bilateral, regional and international market mechanisms to achieve its conditional 2030 target, subject to robust systems that deliver real and verified emissions reductions. The unconditional INDC commitment will be met through domestic actions, although these would assist cost-effective implementation.Not specified25/09/2015
79Kiribati12.8% by 2030 below BAU. Additional 49% reduction is conditional. BAUNot specifiedSectors: Power and TransportYes. Kiribati will consider market based mechanisms to support establishment and operation of a National Climate Change Trust Fund.Kiribati plans to use appropriate methodologies drawn from international best practice to quantify sequestration from mangrove plantations.28/09/2015
80Senegal5% unconditional and 21% conditional below BAU by 2030. BAUBAU in 2030 is 35000 Ktons CO2eSectors: Energy, Industry, Waste and AgricultureYes. Senegal does not intend to meet its contribution by purchasing emission reduction units from market mechanisms. Nevertheless, Senegal will be a host country projects of any international mechanisms with standards that offer real, permanent, additional results, while avoiding double counting of emissions.Not Specified
81Central African Republic5% below BAU by 2030BAUBAU in 2030 is 116,285.49 kt CO2eIncluded sectors: LULUCF, energy, agriculture, waste, and industrial processes and use of solventsYes. The Central African Republic supports the inclusion of international market instruments, such as the Clean Development Mechanism, in a post-2020 climate agreement. Such an instrument may be used to help finance certain investments in low-carbon infrastructure that is resilient to climate change. LULUCF is part of the Country's commitment and represents nearly 90% of the emissions28/09/2015
82Brazil37% below 2005 by 2025, 43% by 2030 (indicative)2005Not Specified100%Brazil reserves its position in relation to the possible use of any market mechanisms that may be established under the Paris agreement. Brazil emphasizes that any transfer of units resulting from mitigation outcomes achieved in the Brazilian territory will be subject to prior and formal consent by the Federal Government. Brazil will not recognize the use by other Parties of any units resulting from mitigation outcomes achieved in the Brazilian territory that have been acquired through any mechanism, instrument or arrangement established outside the Convention, its Kyoto
Protocol or its Paris agreement.
LULUCF sector is key for Brazil's commitment28/09/2015
83Mauritius30% below BAU by 2030BAUNot specifiedSectors: Energy, Transportation, Industry, Agriculture, Forestry, land use and solid waste managementNot SpecifiedLULUCF emissions are included28/09/2015
84MyanmarN/AN/AN/AN/ANot Specified
Yes. Myanmar submitted its REDD+ readiness roadmap in 2013.29/09/2015's%20INDC.pdf
85Cameroon32% below 2010 levels by 20352010100%Yes. Cameroon supports the inclusion of international carbon markets in a post 2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting system, could be used to help finance certain investments in infrastructure sober carbon and climate resilient. The Cameroon considers that some of the actions of this SCOND, or shares. More could be supported in whole or in part by the international transfer of carbon assets by ensuring compliance with the principles environmental integrity and transparency.Not Specified
86The Gambia44.4% in 2025 and 45.4% in 2030-both below 2010 levels2010Agriculture, Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), Transport, and Waste Management.Yes. The Gambia does not plan to achieve any of its commitment by buying certificates from any potential new market mechanisms. The Gambia would be a host country of projects from any international climate mechanism aiming at securing the protection of the planet by meeting standards that deliver real, permanent, additional and verified mitigation outcomes, avoid double counting of emissions. Elements of the INDC that are conditional to international support could potentially include projects that are registered under the new market mechanism established under the Convention. Furthermore, The Gambia supports the continuation of the CDM established under the Kyoto Protocol and its continuation under the new agreement.Treatment of the Land Use Land Use-Change and Forestry (LULUCF) emissions category has not been considered in the INDC.29/09/2015
87MaldivesUnconditional target of 10% below BAU by 2030, conditional target of 24%BAUEnergy, transportation, and waste.Not SpecifiedNot Specified29/09/2015
88KazakhstanConditional target of a 15% reduction, unconditional target of 25%.1990100%Yes. Kazakhstan supports inclusion of market based mechanisms in the 2015 agreement, and the opportunity to use carbon units recognised by the UNFCCC. Kazakhstan retains the option of using market based mechanisms under the UNFCCC. Kazakhstan will consider adequately discounting international units for compliance to ensure a contribution to net global emission reductions.Not specified29/09/2015
89Peru Unconditional target of 20% below BAU by 2030, a 30% conditional target is possible with international support.2010170 MtCO2e100%Yes. At the time of submitting the iNDC proposal, the acquisition of emission reductions through existing or new international market mechanisms is not considered for its compliance. This is in order to avoid adjustments or duplications for ownership or accounting reasons. However, Peru is considering selling emission reductions provided this is not an obstacle for the compliance with the national commitment. In the international agreement, mechanisms that allow countries to increase their ambition and fulfill their
commitments shall be established, such as market mechanisms.
Yes. REDD+, as defined in the Warsaw framework and the related decisions, will be an important tool for the country to achieve its mitigation commitments, and there is the need to reinforce support for this mechanism under the new agreement.29/09/2015
90ChadUnconditional target of 18.2%, conditional target of 71%-both below 2010 levels201083 MtCO2e100%Yes. Chad will not seek international credits to achieve its target, but is supportive of CDM and REDD+ investments in its country.Yes. Chad is supportive of REDD+ investments in its country.29/09/2015
91Guyana52MtC02e reduction by 2025BAUForesty and energy sectors are covered in the INDC.With the current state of carbon markets, Guyana does not foresee using this source at this time, but the door is open to use carbon markets in the future, subject to robust MRV systems to ensure environmental integrity.Not Specified
92Barbados37% below BAU levels by 2025, and 44% below BAU levels by 2030200818.2 MtCO2e100%Yes. The flexibility offered by the existing (i.e. CDM) and future emission reduction mechanisms under the UNFCCC will be used where possible to achieve Barbados’ contribution domestically or jointly with regional/international partners.Not Specified29/09/2015,%202015.pdf
93Burkina FasoUnconditional target of 11.6% by 2030, unconditional target of 18.2% by 2030.200721 MtCO2eSectors: Agriculture, Energy and ForestsYes. Burkina Faso supports the use of market mechanisms such as the Mechanism Clean Development (CDM) as a powerful tool for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification for mitigation activities and a tool for results-based financing. Burkina therefore supports the use of Certified Emissions Reduction Units (CERs) issued by projects and programs of activities of the Clean Development Mechanism to meet pre-2020 mitigation targets. Yes. Burkina Faso supports REDD+ investments as a means to meet its reduction target.29/09/2015
94Chile30% unconditional emission intensity reduciton, 35-45% conditional2007Not SpecifiedSectors: energy, industry, solvents, agriculture, LULUCF, wasteYes. Chile does not exclude participating in international carbon marketsLULUCF is part of the commitment29/09/2015
95Vanuatu100% reduction for the power sector by 2030, 30% reduction for the energy sector as a whole2012Not SpecifiedEnergy sectorNot SpecifiedThe Country plans forestry sector measures to reduce deforestation and promote good land care to accepted mitigation practices according to REDD+29/09/2015
96Mali29% reduction below BAU by 2030 for agriculture, 31% for energy and 21% for forestsBAUNot SpecifiedSectors: Agriculture, Energy and ForestsNot Specified
LULUCF emissions are included in the commitment for the forest sector29/09/2015
97ArmeniaEnsure total emissions of Armenia do not exceed 663MTC02 and 189 tonnes per person by 20301990Sectors: Energy, transport, urban development, industrial processes, waste management, and land use and forestryYes. In case of non-exceeding its total emissions quota (633 million tons) set for the period of 2015-2050 Armenia can credit non-utilized reduction to ‘carbon market’, or transfer it to the balance of emissions limitation envisaged for the period of 2050-2100.Not Specified
98NigerUnconditional target of 2.5% below 2020 BAU levels by 2020 and 3.5% below 2030 levels by 2030. Unconditional target of 25% below 2020 BAU levels by 2020 and 34.6% below 2030 BAU levels by 2030200030.81 MTC02e100%Yes. Niger supports the mechanisms of an international CO2 market, such as the CDM but redesigned to facilitate access of LDCs to financing. In this regard, it wants a strong CO2 price (50 USD / t) enabling it achieve the overall objective of 2 ° C. Niger wants its communities to be able to sell carbon credits to achieve and finance its emission reduction actions.Not Specified
99Cabo Verde30% renewable energy target by 2025. With international support, 100% renewable energy by 2025. Overall GHG reductions will be calculated and submitted in 2016.Not specifiedNot specifiedSectors: Energy, transport, waste, and land-useYes, several conditional measures envisaged in Cabo Verde's INDC may be financed through mechanisms and/or carbon markets, including the Clean Development Mechanism, new market and nonmarket based mechanisms, and credited NAMAs. A proper GHG accounting system needs to be established to address the risk of, and ultimately avoid, doublecounting of outcomes, in accordance with UNFCCC guidance and technical specifications.Not Specified29/09/2015
100Kyrgyzstan11.49 to 13.75% below BAU levels by 2030. Additionally, with international support
it could reduce emissions by 35.06 - 36.75% below BAU in 2050.
2010Sectors: Energy, industrial processes, agriculture, land use and forestry, and waste. Not specifiedNot specified29/09/2015
101VietnamUnconditional target of 8% compared to BAU levels by 2030, conditional target of 25% with access to international cooperation and mechanisms. 2010246.8 MTC02e100%Yes. Vietnam supports carbon markets to help achieve its mitigation target. Yes. Vietnam supports REDD+ projects to increase forest conservation. 29/09/2015'S%20INDC.pdf
102UruguayUruguay expects to be a net CO2 sink by 2030.1990100%Not Specified
Yes. With a REDD+ framework, Uruguay will be able to remove carbon and preventing emissions that could primarily be estimated in a further 2100 Gg of CO2 in 2030.29/09/2015
103Namibia89% reduction compared to BAU levels by 2030.2010100%Yes. Namibia does not rule out the use of international market-based mechanisms to achieve its 2030 target in accordance with agreed accounting rules. The country also intends to set up a carbon register to record the outcome of all development activities linked with emission reductions and removals. The same carbon register will be used for emission offsets and trading
on the international market.
Not Specified
104ZambiaUnconditional target of 25% compared to BAU levels by 2030, conditional target of 47% compared to BAU levels by 2030. 2010Sectors: Energy, agriculture, waste, and land-use and forestryYes. Zambia does not rule out the possibility of using market based mechanisms in meeting emission reduction target.Yes. Zambia will leverage REDD+ programmes to meet its INDC.29/09/2015'S+INDC_1.pdf
105Swaziland N/A20100.8 MTC02eNot specifiedNot specifiedNot specified29/09/2015's%20INDC.pdf
106Tanzania10-20% below BAU emissions by 2030BAUSectors: Energy, transport, waste, and land-use and forestryNot specifiedTanzania will impelement REDD+ activities.29/09/2015
107Azerbaijan35% below 1990 levels by 20301990733 MTC02eSectors: Energy, agriculture, waste, and land-use and forestryNot specifiedNot specified29/09/2015
108Congo48% below BAU levels by 2025, 55% by 20302000All sectors with the exception of land-use and forestryNot specifiedYes. Congo will impelement REDD+ activities.29/09/2015
109Dominica39.2% below BAU levels by 2025, and 44.7% below BAU levels by 20302014100%Yes, Dominica intends to introduce market-based mechanisms to promote energy conservation/efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector principally through incentives to promote the import of hybrid vehicles.Not Specified29/09/2015
110Israel26% below 2005 levels by 20302005100%Not specifiedNot specified30/09/2015
111Guatemala11.2% unconditional, 22.6% conditional below BAU by 2030BAUBAU in 2030 is 53.85 MtCO2e100%Guatemala considers participating in international carbon marketsNot specified30/09/2015
112Sao Tome and Principe24% reduction below 2005 levels by 203020059.3 MtCO2e100%Yes. According to the Marrakesh Call for Climate Action, agreed at the Ministerial Dialogue of the Seventh African Forum of Carbon, in April 2015, Sao Tome and Principe recognizes the experience gained from the implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism and want to be supported by market mechanisms with high environmental integrity, contributing to sustainable development and establishing strong incentives to harness the power of private sector.Not Specified30/09/2015
113HaitiUnconditional target of 5% below BAU levels by 2030. Conditional target of 26% below BAU levels by 2030.2000100%Yes. The Republic of Haiti is planning to access carbon markets to finance part of its INDC.Yes. The Republic of Haiti would like access to both a REDD+ mechanism and the CDM to reduce deforestation.30/09/2015'Haiti.pdf
114UkraineUkraine will not exceed 60% of 1990 emission levels by 2030. 1990944.4 MTC02e100%Yes. Ukraine will participate actively in the development of existing international market mechanisms and implementation of new ones. The declared GHG emissions level does not account for the participation of Ukraine in international market mechanisms.Not specified30/09/2015
115LebanonUnconditional target of 15% compared to BAU levels by 2030. Conditional target of 30% compared to BAU levels by 2030. 2011200 MTC02e100%Yes. International market mechanisms other than the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) are still to be developed to a stage which allows Lebanon to make an informed decision on their use in achieving its INDC target. While at present, their use is not envisaged, Lebanon does not exclude the possibility of making use of international market mechanisms to achieve its INDC targets.Not specified30/09/2015
116BurundiUnconditional target of 3% compared to BAU levels by 2030. Conditional target of 20% compared to BAU levels by 2030. 2005Sectors: Energy, agriculture, and forestry.Yes. Burundi will rely on international market mechanisms to finance its emission reduction activities. Yes. Burundi will rely on international market mechanisms to finance REDD+ activities.30/09/2015
117Guinea-BissauAccording to 2006 data, Guinea-Bissau is an absolute sink for greenhouse gases and as such has not put forward a GHG reduction target. It will however, implement new policies to combat deforestation in the country. Sectors: Energy and forestry.Yes. Guinea-Bissau participates in carbon markets.Guinea-Bissau will participate in REDD+ mechanisms30/09/2015
118Solomon IslandsUnconditional targets of 12% below 2015 levels by 2025 and 30% below 2015 levels by 2030. Conditional targets of 27% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025; and
45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to BAU levels.
BAU95%Yes. Solomon Islands will consider other avenues as well as market based mechanisms to support establishment and operation of a National Climate Change Trust FundNot Specified30/09/2015
119TurkmenistanStablisation of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. 2000100%Not specifiedNot specified30/09/2015
120Zimbabwe33% reduction in carbon intensity below BAU levels by 2030. 200027 MTC02eOnly the energy sector is included in the INDC.Yes. Zimbabwe also intends to leverage on its resources including carbon credits or sell
of emission reductions units through international and regional carbon markets
and/or carbon pricing mechanisms to mobilise more resources for managing
climate change.
Not specified30/09/2015