Factions of Twilight Imperium - Fourth Editionrev
Home SystemNestphar: 3/2
Faction AbilitiesMitosis:
Your space docks cannot produce infantry. At the start of the status phase, place 1 infantry from your reinforcements on any planet you control.
Promissory NoteStymie Ω:
After another player moves ships into a system that contains 1 or more of your units:
You may place 1 command token from that player's reinforcements in any non-home system.
Then, return this card to the Arborec player.
Codex 1
Starting Fleet1 Carrier
1 Cruiser
2 Fighters
4 Infantry
1 Space Dock
Starting TechnologiesMagen Defense Grid (R)
Special UnitsLetani Warrior I:
Arborec Infantry
Cost: 1 (x2)
Combat: 8
Production 1
Faction TechnologiesLetani Warrior II (GG):
Arborec Infantry
Cost: 1 (x2)
Combat: 7
Production 2
After this unit is destroyed, roll 1 die. If the result is 6 or greater, place the unit on this card. At the start of your next turn, place each unit that is on this card on a planet you control in your home system.

Bioplasmosis (GG):
At the end of the status phase, you may remove any number of infantry from planets you control and place them on 1 or more planets you control in the same or adjacent systems.
FlagshipDuha Menaimon:
Cost: 8
Combat: 7 (x2)
Move: 1
Capacity: 5
Sustain Damage
After you activate this system, you may produce up to 5 units in this system.
MechLetani Behemoth:
Cost: 2
Combat: 6
Sustain Damage
Production 2
Planetary Shield

Deploy: When you would use your Mitosis faction ability, you may replace 1 of your infantry with 1 mech from your reinforcements instead.
AgentLetani Ospha:
Action: Exhaust this card and choose a player's non-fighter ship; that player may replace that ship with one from their reinforcements that costs up to 2 more than the replaced ship.
CommanderDirzuga Rophal:
Unlock: Have 12 ground forces on planets you control.
After another player activates a system that contains 1 or more of your units that have Production:
You may produce 1 unit in that system.
HeroLetani Miasmiala:
Unlock: Have 3 scored objectives.
Ultrasonic Emitter: Overgrowth
Action: Produce any number of units in any number of systems that contain 1 or more of your ground forces.
Then, purge this card."
Argent FlightPOK
Home SystemYlir: 0/2
Valk: 2/0
Avar: 1/1
Faction AbilitiesZeal:
You always vote first during the agenda phase. When you cast at least 1 vote, cast 1 additional vote for each player in the game, including you.

Raid Formation:
When 1 or more of your units use Anti-Fighter Barrage, for each hit produced in excess of your opponent's fighters, choose 1 of your opponent's ships that has Sustain Damage to become damaged."
Promissory NoteStrike Wing Ambuscade:
When 1 or more of your units make a roll for a unit ability:
Choose 1 of those units to roll 1 additional die.
Then, return this card to the Argent player.
Starting Fleet1 Carrier
2 Destroyers
2 Fighters
5 Infantry
1 Space Dock
Starting TechnologiesChoose two of the following:
Neural Motivator (0)
Sarween Tools (0)
Plasma Scoring (0)
Special UnitsStrike Wing Alpha I:
Argent Destroyer
Cost: 1
Combat: 8
Move: 2
Capacity: 1
Anti-Fighter Barrage 9 (x2)
Faction TechnologiesStrike Wing Alpha II (RR):
Argent Destroyer
Cost: 1
Combat: 7
Move: 2
Capacity: 1
Anti-Fighter Barrage 6 (x3)
When this unit uses Anti-Fighter Barrage, each result of 9 or 10 also destroys 1 of your opponent's infantry in the space area of the active system.

Aerie Hololattice (Y):
Other players cannot move ships through systems that contain your structures.
Each planet that contains 1 or more of your structures gains the Production 1 ability as if it were a unit.
Cost: 8
Combat: 7 (x2)
Move: 1
Capacity: 3
Sustain Damage
Other players cannot use
Space Cannon against your ships in this system.
MechAerie Sentinel:
Cost: 2
Combat: 6
Sustain Damage
This unit does not count against capacity if it is being transported or if it is in a space area with 1 or more of your ships that have capacity values.
AgentTrilossa Aun Mirik:
When a player produces ground forces in a system:
You may exhaust this card; that player may place those units on any planets they control in that system and any adjacent systems.
CommanderTrrakan Aun Zulok:
Unlock: Have 6 units that have Anti-Fighter Barrage, Space Cannon, or Bombardment on the game board.
When 1 or more of your units make a roll for a unit ability:
You may choose 1 of those units to roll 1 additional die.
HeroMirik Aun Sissiri:
Unlock: Have 3 scored objectives.
Helix Protocol:
Action: Move any number of your ships from any systems to any number of other systems that contain 1 of your command tokens and no other players' ships. Then, purge this card."
Barony of Letnev
Home SystemArc Prime: 4/0
Wren Terra: 2/1
Faction AbilitiesMunitions Reserves:
At the start of each round of space combat, you may spend 2 trade goods; you may reroll any number of your dice during that combat round.

The maximum number of non-fighter ships you can have in each system is equal to 2 more than the number of tokens in your fleet pool.
Promissory NoteWar Funding Ω:
After you and your opponent roll dice during space combat:
You may reroll all of your opponent's dice.
You may reroll any number of your dice.
Then, return this card to the Letnev player.
Codex 1
Starting Fleet1 Dreadnought
1 Carrier
1 Destroyer
1 Fighter
3 Infantry
1 Space Dock
Starting TechnologiesAntimass Deflectors (0)
Plasma Scoring (0)
Special Units
Faction TechnologiesNon-Euclidean Shielding (RR):
When one of your units uses Sustain Damage, cancel 2 hits instead of 1.

L4 Disruptors (Y):
During an invasion, units cannot use Space Cannon against your units.
FlagshipArc Secundus:
Cost: 8
Combat: 5 (x2)
Move: 1
Capacity: 3
Sustain Damage
Bombard 5 (x3)

Other players' units in this system lose
Planetary Shield.
At the start of each space combat round, repair this ship.
MechDunlain Reaper:
Cost: 2
Combat: 6
Sustain Damage
Deploy: At the start of a round of ground combat, you may spend 2 resources to replace 1 of your infantry in that combat with 1 mech.
Agent Viscount Unlenn:
At the start of a space combat round:
You may exhaust this card to choose 1 ship in the active system; that ship rolls 1 additional die during this combat round.
CommanderRear Admiral Farran:
Unlock: Have 5 non-fighter ships in 1 system.
After 1 of your units uses Sustain Damage:
You may gain 1 trade good.
HeroDarktalon Treilla:
Unlock: Have 3 scored objectives.
Dark Matter Affinity:
Action: Place this card near the game board; the number of non-fighter ships you can have in systems is not limited by laws or by the number of command tokens in your fleet pool during this game round.
At the end of that game round, purge this card.
Clan of Saar
Home SystemLisis II: 1/0
Ragh: 2/1
Faction AbilitiesScavenge:
After you gain control of a planet, gain 1 trade good.

You can score objectives even if you do not control the planets in your home system.
Promissory NoteRagh's Call:
After you commit 1 or more units to land on a planet:
Remove all of the Saar player's ground forces from that planet and place them on a planet controlled by the Saar player. Then, return this card to the Saar player.
Starting Fleet2 Carriers
1 Cruiser
2 Fighters
4 Infantry
1 Space Dock
Starting TechnologiesAntimass Deflectors (0)
Special UnitsFloating Factory I:
Saar Space Dock
Move: 1
Capacity: 4
Production 5
This unit is placed in a space area instead of on a planet. This unit can move and retreat as if it were a ship. If this unit is blockaded, it is destroyed.
Faction TechnologiesChaos Mapping (B):
Other players cannot activate asteroid fields that contain 1 or more of your ships.
At the start of your turn during the action phase, you may produce 1 unit in a system that contains at least 1 of your units that has

Floating Factory II (YY):

Saar Space Dock
Move: 2
Capacity: 5
Production 7
This unit is placed in a space area instead of on a planet. This unit can move and retreat as if it were a ship. If this unit is blockaded, it is destroyed.
FlagshipSon of Ragh:
Cost: 8
Combat: 5 (x2)
Move: 1
Capacity: 3
Sustain Damage
Anti-Fighter Barrage 6 (x4)
MechScavenger Zeta:
Cost: 2
Combat: 6
Sustain Damage
Deploy: After you gain control of a planet, you may spend 1 trade good to place 1 mech on that planet
AgentCaptain Mendosa:
After a player activates a system:
You may exhaust this card to increase the move value of 1 of that player's ships to match the move value of the ship on the game board that has the highest move value.
CommanderRowl Sarring:
Unlock: Have 3 space docks on the game board.
When you produce fighters or infantry:
You may place each of those units at any of your space docks that are not blockaded.
HeroGurno Aggero:
Unlock: Have 3 scored objectives.
Armageddon Relay:
Action: Choose 1 system that is adjacent to 1 of your space docks. Destroy all other players' infantry and fighters in that system.
Then, purge this card.
Council KeleresCodex 3
Home SystemArgent Flight:
Avar: 1/1
Valk: 2/0
Ylir: 0/2
Mentak Coalition:
Mol Primus: 4/1
Xxcha Kingdom:
Archon Ren: 2/3
Archon Tau: 1/1
Keleres - Legendary
Custodia Vigilia: 2/3
While you control Mecatol Rex, it gains Space Cannon 5 and Production 3.
Gain 2 command tokens when another player scores VP using Imperial.
Faction AbilitiesThe Tribunii:
During setup, choose an unplayed faction from among the Mentak, the Xxcha, and the Argent Flight; take that faction's home system, command tokens, and control markers. Additionally, take the Keleres hero that corresponds to that faction.
Council Patronage:
Replenish your commodities at the start of the strategy phase, then gain 1 trade good.
Law's Order:
You may spend 1 influence at the start of your turn to treat all laws as blank until the end of your turn.
Promissory NoteKeleres Rider:
After an agenda is revealed:
You cannot vote on this agenda. Predict aloud an outcome of this agenda. If your prediction is correct, draw 1 action card and gain 2 trade goods.
Then, return this card to the Keleres player.
Starting Fleet2 Carriers
1 Cruiser
2 Fighters
2 Infantry
1 Space Dock
Starting TechnologiesChoose 2 non-faction technologies owned by other players
Special Units
Faction TechnologiesI.I.H.Q. Modernization (Y):
You are neighbors with all players that have units or control planets in or adjacent to the Mecatol Rex system.
Gain the Custodia Vigilia planet card and its legendary planet ability card. You cannot lose these cards, and this card cannot have an X or Y assimilator token placed on it.

Agency Supply Network (YY):
Whenever you resolve one of your Production abilities, you may resolve an additional one of your Production abilities in any system; the additional use does not trigger this ability.

Cost: 8
Combat: 7 (x2)
Move: 1
Capacity: 3
Sustain Damage
Other players must spend 2 influence to activate the system that contains this ship
Cost: 2
Combat: 6
Sustain Damage
Other players must spend 1 influence to commit ground forces to the planet that contains this unit
AgentXander Alexin Victori III:
At any time:
You may exhaust this card to allow any player to spend commodities as if they were trade goods.
CommanderSuffi An:
Unlock: Spend 1 trade good after you play an action card that has a component action
After you perform a component action:
You may perform an additional action.
HeroArgent Flight - Overwing Zeta:
Unlock: Have 3 scored objectives.
Artemiris Ascendant:
At the start of a round of space combat in a system that contains a planet you control:
Place your flagship and up to a total of 2 cruisers and/or destroyers from your reinforcements in the active system.
Then, purge this card.

Mentak Coalition - Harka Leeds:
Unlock: Have 3 scored objectives.
Erwan's Covenant:
Action: Reveal cards from the action deck until you reveal 3 action cards that have component actions. Draw those cards and shuffle the rest back into the action card deck.
Then, purge this card.

Xxcha Kingdom - Odlynn Myrr:
Unlock: Have 3 scored objectives.
Operation Archon:
After an agenda is revealed:
You may cast up to 6 additional votes on this agenda. Predict aloud an outcome of this agenda. For each player that votes for another outcome, gain 1 trade good and 1 command token.
Then, purge this card.
Embers of Muaat
Home SystemMuaat: 4/1
Faction AbilitiesStar Forge:
Action: Spend 1 token from your strategy pool to place either 2 fighters or 1 destroyer from your reinforcements in a system that contains 1 or more of your war suns.

Gashlai Physiology:
Your ships can move through supernovas.
Promissory NoteFires of the Gashlai:
Action: Remove 1 token from the Muaat player's fleet pool and return it to his reinforcements. Then, gain your war sun unit upgrade technology card.
Then, return this card to the Muaat Player.
Starting Fleet1 War Sun
2 Fighters
4 Infantry
1 Space Dock
Starting TechnologiesPlasma Scoring (0)
Special UnitsPrototype War Sun I:
Muaat War Sun
Cost: 12
Combat: 3 (x3)
Move: 1
Capacity: 6
Bombardment 3 (x3)
Sustain Damage
Other players units in this system lose the Planetary Shield ability.
Faction TechnologiesPrototype War Sun II (RRRY):
Muaat War Sun
Cost: 10
Combat: 3 (x3)
Move: 3
Capacity: 6
Bombardment 3 (x3)
Sustain Damage
Other players units in this system lose the Planetary Shield ability.

Magmus Reactor Ω (RR):
Your ships can move into supernovas.
Each supernova that contains 1 or more of your units gains the Production 5 ability as if it were 1 of your units."
Codex 1
FlagshipThe Inferno:
Cost: 8
Combat: 5 (x2)
Move: 1
Capacity: 3
Sustain Damage
Action: Spend 1 token from your strategy pool to place 1 cruiser in this unit's system.
MechEmber Colossus:
Cost: 2
Combat: 6
Sustain Damage
When you use your Star Forge faction ability in this system or an adjacent system, you may place 1 infantry from your reinforcements with this unit.
Action: Exhaust this card to choose a player; that player may produce up to 2 units that each have a cost of 4 or less in a system that contains one of their war suns or their flagship.
Unlock: Produce a war sun.
After you spend a token from your strategy pool:
You may gain 1 trade good."
HeroAdjudicator Ba'al:
Unlock: Have 3 scored objectives.
Nova Seed:
After you move a war sun into a non-home system other than Mecatol Rex:
You may destroy all other players' units in that system and replace that system tile with the Muaat supernova tile. If you do, purge this card and each planet card that corresponds to the replaced system tile."
Emirates of Hacan
Home SystemHercant: 1/1
Arretze: 2/0
Kamdorn: 0/1
Faction AbilitiesMasters of Trade:
You do not have to spend a command token to resolve the secondary ability of the "Trade" strategy card.

Guild Ships:
You can negotiate transactions with players who are not your neighbor.

When you are negotiating a transaction, action cards can be exchanged as part of that transaction.
Promissory NoteTrade Convoys
Action: Place this card faceup in your play area.
While this card is in your play area, you may negotiate transactions with players who are not your neighbor.
If you activate a system that contains 1 or more of the Hacan player's units, return this card to the Hacan player.
Starting Fleet2 Carriers
1 Cruiser
2 Fighters
4 Infantry
1 Space Dock
Starting TechnologiesAntimass Deflectors (0)
Sarween Tools (0)
Special Units
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