A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ||
1 | Name | Link | Description | Offered By | Degree | Citizenship | Estimated Value | Duration | Deadline | Field/Institute Specific | |||||||||||||||||
2 | Adel S. Sedra Distinguished Graduate Award | https://alumni.utoronto.ca/events-and-programs/awards/awex/sedra-award | The Adel S. Sedra Distinguished Graduate Award is a fellowship of up to $25,000 awarded annually to a doctoral student who demonstrates outstanding academic and extracurricular leadership. | School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto | Doctoral | Domestic, International | 25000, finalists receive $1000 | 1 year | No | ||||||||||||||||||
3 | Al and Hannah Perly Graduate Scholarship | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF. To be awarded to graduate (MSc/PhD) students who are studying in the area of Women's Health in the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of financial need. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $2900 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
4 | Allied Health Kidney Doctoral Fellowships | https://kidney.ca/Research/Funding-Opportunities# | The Kidney Foundation offers a limited number of fellowships that fund full-time academic study and preparation for research at the doctoral level. The objective of this program is to promote and enhance the development of allied health investigators in Canada in the field of nephrology and / or organ donation. | Kidney Foundation | Doctoral | $31,000/year | November | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | ALS Canada-Brain Canada Trainee Program | https://braincanada.ca/funding-opportunities/ | The ALS Canada-Brain Canada Trainee Program supports doctoral trainees and postdoctoral researchers supports compelling breakthroughs across the spectrum of brain-related disease. | ALS Canada-Brain Canada | Doctoral | $25,000/year | up to 3 years | December for Letter of Intent, March for Application | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||
6 | Alzheimer Society Research Program | https://alzheimer.ca/en/research/information-researchers/apply-alzheimer-society-research-program | Doctoral Awards provide an opportunity for promising individuals, pursuing a PhD, or combined master’s degrees and PhD, to begin the process of becoming future independent investigators in the field of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. | Alzheimer Society | Doctoral | Domestic, International | $22,000/year + $500/year research allowance | 3 years | July for Letter of Intent, November for Application | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
7 | Apple Scholars in AI/ML | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/apple-scholars-in-ai-ml/ | The Apple Scholars in AI/ML Program recognizes the contributions of emerging leaders in computer science and engineering at the graduate and postgraduate level. The PhD fellowship in AI/ML was created as part of the Scholars program to support the work of outstanding PhD students from around the world, who are pursuing cutting edge research in machine learning and artificial intelligence. | School of Graduate Studies | Doctoral | Domestic, International | 2 years | Summer - set by graduate unit. | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||
8 | ASH Minority Hematology Graduate Award | https://www.hematology.org/awards/medical-student/minority-hematology-graduate-award | ASH Minority Hematology Graduate Award (MHGA), part of the ASH Minority Recruitment Initiative, encourages graduate students from historically underrepresented minority groups in the United States and Canada to pursue a career in academic hematology. The award provides funding for students conducting research on hematology-focused projects and is open to doctoral students in their first, second, or third year of graduate school at the time of application. | American Society of Hematology | Doctoral | Domestic to Canada or USA | $40,000 | 2 years | February | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
9 | Autism Scholars Awards | https://cou.ca/resources/awards/ | The Autism Scholars Awards Program was established with the support of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to ensure that Ontario attracts and retains pre-eminent scholars studying autism. | Council of Ontario Universities | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic | $18,000 for Masters, $20,000 for Doctoral | 1 year | January | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
10 | Baden Havard Endowment Fund | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Endowed Awards. To be awarded to graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine conducting research related to the cause and cure of Multiple Sclerosis. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | An estimated $4000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
11 | BBDC-University Health Network Graduate Awards | https://bbdc.org/funding/funding-opportunities/bbdc-university-health-network-graduate-awards/ | This funding program supports original discovery basic science and discovery clinical research in diabetes that would be published in a diabetes-focused journal. Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time master’s (MSc, MPH, etc.) or doctoral (PhD) degree program in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine or the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. | Banting & Best Diabetes Centre + UHN | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Person | $22,000 | April | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||
12 | Brain Canada Rising Stars Trainee Awards | https://braincanada.ca/research/programs/rising-stars/ | In response to the need voiced by the academic community, the Brain Canada Rising Stars Trainee Awards aim to recognize the excellent research being conducted at Canadian institutions by graduate students (M.Sc., Ph.D.), postdoctoral fellows, and residents in all fields spanning neuroscience research. | Brain Canada | Masters, Doctoral | Multiple | June | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | Canadian Cancer Society Training Awards | Masters - https://cancer.ca/en/research/for-researchers/funding-opportunities/rta24/rta2024-masters Doctoral - https://cancer.ca/en/research/for-researchers/funding-opportunities/rta24/rta2024-phd | The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) Training Awards are designed to support the growth and innovation of the next generation of diverse cancer researchers. | Canadian Cancer Society | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic (Masters award only open to Black and Indigenous students) | $30,000/year + $5000 training budget for Masters, $45,000/year + $10,000 training budget for Doctoral | up to 2 years for Masters, up to 5 years (2yr minimum) for Doctoral | March | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
14 | Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral Program (CGS-D) | https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/students-etudiants/pg-cs/cgsd-bescd_eng.asp | Government of Canada | Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Person | $35,000 per year + $5000 per year research allowance | 36 months | October. Results announced in April. | No | ||||||||||||||||||
15 | Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Masters Program (CGS-M) | https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PG-CS/CGSM-BESCM_eng.asp | The CGS M program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in eligible master’s or, in some cases, doctoral programs in Canada (refer to Eligibility). This support allows these scholars to fully concentrate on their studies in their chosen fields. | Government of Canada | Masters | Domestic, Protected Person | $17,500/year | 1 year | December | No | |||||||||||||||||
16 | Canadian Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements | https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PG-CS/CGSForeignStudy-BESCEtudeEtranger_eng.asp | The Canada Graduate Scholarships – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (CGS-MSFSS) are available to Canadian citizens, permanent residents or Protected Persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) who hold a Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) at the master’s or doctoral level, or a Vanier CGS at the doctoral level. | Government of Canada | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic | Up to $6000 | October, June | No | ||||||||||||||||||
17 | Cancer Research Society Doctoral Research Award | https://cancerresearchsociety.ca/funding-programs/doctoral-research-award/ | The Doctoral Research Award (DRA) is an annual program open to PhD level trainees which supports cancer-related research. | Cancer Research Society | Doctoral | Domestic, International | $70,000 ($35,000 year year) | 2 years | April | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
18 | CanHep Trainee Fellowships | https://www.canhepc.ca/en/training/canhepc-fellowships#trainee | Annually, CanHepC extends fellowships to provide transdisciplinary training and stipend support to both Canadian and foreign individuals involved in hepatitis C research as graduate researchers. This program and the stipends it provides are meant to further trainees' knowledge and understanding of hepatitis C. | Canadian Network on Hepatitis C | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | $25,000/year for Masters; $30,000/year for Doctoral | 2 years for Masters, 4 years for Doctoral | March | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
19 | CANTRAIN/CanTap Talent/CBITN Awards in Clinical Trials for Master's and Doctoral Students | https://wecantrain.ca/home/studentships-fellowships-and-internships/msc-phd-studentships/ | These awards support full-time Master's and Doctoral Students who are conducting various types of clinical trials. | Canadian Consortium of Clinical Trial Training | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | Up to $17,500 (Master's) Up to $35,000 (Doctoral) | 1 year | May | ||||||||||||||||||
20 | CRND Graduate Student Aid Endowment | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to graduate (MSc/PhD) students in the Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases in the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of financial need. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $28,000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
21 | David Raw Graduate Student Scholarship | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to graduate students who are studying in the areas of leukaemia and lymphoma at the Faculty of Medicine. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $5900 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
22 | Dr. Bernard Lau Memorial Scholarship | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to a graduate student in the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of financial need who best demonstrates the qualities of Dr. Lau: In addition to extracurricular activities and a demonstrated concern for disadvantaged members of the community, the committee will also consider the candidate's work in developing countries, or with the native people of Canada or in remote areas. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $1500 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | No | |||||||||||||||||
23 | Dr. Edward Ketchum Graduate Student Scholarships | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine whose studies are in the area of hematological and small intestinal malignancies, especially those with celiac disease. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $9000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
24 | Dr. Goran Enhorning Award in Pulmonary Research | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to an academically strong MSc or PhD candidate in the Faculty of Medicine who is doing innovative basic science or clinical research related to pulmonary physiology. Award will only be given in a year a qualified student is identified. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $1800 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
25 | DRI EDIA Champions Pilot Program | https://alliancecan.ca/en/funding-opportunities/dri-edia-champions-pilot-program | The DRI EDIA Champions Pilot Program is awarded to a graduate or post-graduate researcher at a Canadian instituion who self-identifies as a member of an equity seeking group AND/OR has relevent expertise in EDIA with a strategy to reach an equity-seeking group; and will propose a new project to promote the awareness and uptake of Alliance DRI to an rquiity-seeking audience. | Digital Research Aliance of Canada | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | $35,000 | 1 year | July | ||||||||||||||||||
26 | Dr. Jesse Keshin Graduate Student Award | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to a Faculty of Medicine graduate (MSc/PhD) student on the basis of financial need. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $1200 is available for scholarship(s) | Date set by Graduate Unit | No | ||||||||||||||||||
27 | Dr. Joe A. Connolly Memorial Award | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. This annual award was created in the memory of Dr. Joe Connolly primarily through generous donations from the Connolly family. The award will be made to a senior student currently registered in the PhD programme (3rd year or beyond) at the University of Toronto who demonstrates excellence in cell biology research and is involved and interested in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $6800 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
28 | EPIC Doctoral Awards | https://epic.utoronto.ca/opportunities/doctoral-awards/ | EPIC Doctoral Awards are designed to support a cohort of multi/interdisciplinary trainees engaged in collaborative research with an infectious disease focus. | The Emerging and Pandemic Infections Consortium (EPIC), University of Toronto | Doctoral | Domestic, International | $10,000 | 1 year | November | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
29 | endMS Doctoral Studentship Awards | https://mssociety.ca/information-for-researchers/funding-opportunities/endms-research-and-training-network-awards-and-programs/endms-doctoral-studentship-awards | The endMS Doctoral Studentship Award provides opportunities for research training and broadening the scientific understanding of MS for students currently enrolled in a Doctoral level program. The MS Society will support studentships aligned with the MS Society of Canada’s (MSSC) new strategic plan. | MS Society of Canada | Doctoral | Domestic, International | $22,000/year | 4 years (maximum) | October | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
30 | Frank Fletcher Memorial Fund | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to a graduate student in the Faculty of Medicine who is pursuing research on the cause and cure of cancer. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $76,000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
31 | RHSE Leave of Absence Stipendiary Fund | https://rhse.temertymedicine.utoronto.ca/leave-absence-stipendiary-fund | For research-stream graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine, the Leave of Absence Stipendiary Fund is available for an approved Leave of Absence (LOA) due to health issues (i.e. physical) and/or mental health challenges which temporarily impair a student’s functioning during his/her graduate studies. Funding is available up to $5,000 per student for one term on a one-time only basis. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic/International | $5,000 | one term | August/December | No | |||||||||||||||||
32 | Parkinson Canada Graduate Student Award | https://www.parkinson.ca/research/apply-for-funding/#dates | Parkinson Canada is pleased to offer its graduate award program (the “Program”) as a strategic initiative to encourage promising young scientists to enter the field of Parkinson's research and to invest in research training that offers promise for future work in the area of Parkinson’s disease. | Parkinson Canada | Doctoral | Domestic, International | 10000/year | 2 years | November | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
33 | Harry C. Sharpe Fellowship | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Endowed Awards. This award was given by the late Harry Sharpe in honour of Alcoholics Anonymous and is to be awarded to a graduate student in the Faculty of Medicine whose studies and research are in the fields of addiction, substance abuse and/or gerontology. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | $1,000 | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
34 | Hayden Hantho Award | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to Faculty of Medicine graduate students who are registered in MSc or PhD degree programs studying pediatric neuroscience at the University of Toronto. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $5000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
35 | Health System Impact Award for Doctoral Trainees | https://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/51211.html | The Health System Impact (HSI) Fellowship provides highly-qualified doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows studying health services and policy research (HSPR), or related fields, a unique opportunity to apply their research and analytic talents to critical challenges in health care that are being addressed by health system and related organizations (e.g., public, private for-profit, not-for-profit, and Indigenous health organizations that are not universities) outside of the traditional university setting, and to also develop professional experience, new skills, and networks. | Government of Canada | Doctoral | Domestic, International | $45,000/year | 1 year | February | No | |||||||||||||||||
36 | Heart and Stroke Foundation Master's and Doctoral Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars | https://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do/research/for-researchers | The Heart and Stroke Foundation is designed to increase the number of highly qualified Indigenous trainees from First Nations, Inuit, or Metis communitites, committeed to working in hear and/or brain research. | Heart and Stroke Foundation | Masters, Doctoral | Self identifying Canadian Indigenous (First Nations, Metis, or Inuit) person | $25,000/year (Masters), $30,000/year (Doctoral) | Up to 2 years | March | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
37 | Hilda and William Courtney Clayton Paediatric Research Fund | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Endowed Awards. To be awarded to domestic or international doctoral-stream graduate students (MSc/PhD) in the Faculty of Medicine doing children’s health research. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | An estimated $30,000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
38 | Iranian Student Memorial Scholarship | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/iranian-student-memorial-scholarship-grad-app/ | The University of Toronto has established the Iranian Student Memorial Scholarship Fund in honour of those who lost their lives in the crash of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight PS752, including eight members of the University of Toronto community. This endowed fund will provide needs-based awards to international undergraduate and graduate students from Iran who have been admitted to the U of T or students from any background studying Iranian studies at the U of T. | School of Graduate Studies | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | Up to $1300 | 1 year | November | No | |||||||||||||||||
39 | James F. Crothers Family Fellowships in Peripheral Nerve Damage | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to graduate level students in the Faculty of Medicine on the basis of financial need and academic excellence. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate an involvement in basic research into the causes and treatment of peripheral nerve damage, repair and regeneration. Interviews may be required at the discretion of the Selection Committee. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $52,000 is available for scholarship(s) | Up to 3 years | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
40 | Joseph Bazylewicz Fellowships | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/the-joseph-bazylewicz-fellowships/ | The Joseph Bazylewicz Fellowships is one of the endowed awards within the SGS University-Wide Awards competition for citizens of Poland, who demonstrate financial need. | School of Graduate Studies | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | Up to $6000 | 1 year | Winter | No | |||||||||||||||||
41 | Krescent Program: Allies Health Kidney Doctoral Award | https://kidney.ca/Research/For-Researchers/Kidney-Foundation-Opportunities | The KRESCENT Allied Health Kidney Doctoral Award is designed to provide for full-time academic and research preparation at the doctoral level. The objective of this program is to promote and enhance the development of nephrology/organ donation allied health investigators in Canada. | Kidney Foundation | Doctoral | $35,000/year | November | Yes | |||||||||||||||||||
42 | Kristi Piia Callum Memorial Fellowship in Ovarian Cancer Research | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded on the basis of financial need to graduate students. First preference is to graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine who are doing research in the field of familial ovarian cancer; second preference is to graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine doing research in the field of ovarian cancer. Academic excellence will also be considered. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $17,500 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
43 | Kwok Sau Po Scholarship | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/the-kwok-sau-po-scholarship/ | The Kwok Sau Po Scholarship is one of the endowed awards within the SGS University-Wide Awards competition, for citizens of Hong Kong or China who demonstrate academic merit. | School of Graduate Studies | Masters, Doctoral | International | Up to $2000 | 1 year | Winter | No | |||||||||||||||||
44 | Lorne F. Lambier, Q.C. Scholarship | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/lorne-f-lambier-q-c-scholarship/ | The Lorne F. Lambier, Q.C. Scholarship is one of the endowed awards within the SGS University-Wide Awards competition, for graduate students engaging in cancer research who demonstrate financial need and academic merit. | School of Graduate Studies | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | Up to $3000 | 1 year | Winter | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
45 | Marathon of Hope Health Informatics & Data Science Award | https://www.marathonofhopecancercentres.ca/funding-opportunities/program/health-informatics-data-science-award | The Marathon of Hope Health Informatics & Data Science Award provides outstanding young researchers in health informatics and related fields with funding to support research in precision oncology. | Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | $40,000 | 1 year | January | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
46 | Margaret & Howard Gamble Research Grant | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine who are involved in basic science research related to adults and/or children with cognitive disabilities. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $40,000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
47 | Mary Gertrude l'Anson Scholarship | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/university-wide-award-the-mary-gertrude-lanson-scholarship-osotf/ | The Mary Gertrude l’Anson Scholarship (OSOTF) is one of the endowed awards within the SGS University-Wide Awards competition, for doctoral students in the health sciences who demonstrate financial need and academic merit. | School of Graduate Studies | Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | Up to $4500 | 1 year | Winter | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
48 | Mitacs Accelerate Award | https://www.mitacs.ca/en/programs/accelerate/program-details | This program enables graduate students to apply their knowledge and skills to paid internships at an organization that needs their expertise. | Mitacs | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | $15,000 | Apply at any time | No | ||||||||||||||||||
49 | Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship | https://www.mitacs.ca/en/programs/accelerate/fellowship | The Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship provides a long-term funding and internship option for master’s and PhD students. Recipients can also access professional development training that helps them ensure project success and gain in-demand career skills. | Mitacs | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | $20,000/year (minimum) | 1.5-4 years | Apply at any time | No | |||||||||||||||||
50 | NSERC Postgradate Scholarships - Doctoral Program (PGS-D) | https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PG-CS/BellandPostgrad-BelletSuperieures_eng.asp | The NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships – Doctoral (PGS D) program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in an eligible doctoral program in the natural sciences or engineering. This support allows these scholars to fully concentrate on their studies and seek out the best research mentors in their chosen fields. | Government of Canada | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Person | $40,000/year | 3 years | October | No | |||||||||||||||||
51 | Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) | https://osap.gov.on.ca/OSAPPortal/en/A-ZListofAid/PRDR019245.html | Students in graduate studies at the master’s and doctoral levels can apply for a merit-based scholarship through the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program. Awards are available to graduate students for all disciplines of academic study at participating schools in Ontario. Applications are submitted through the academic institution. | Government of Ontario | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Individuals, International | $15,000/year ($5000/term) | 1 year | Deadlines vary by academic institution and department | No | |||||||||||||||||
52 | Ontario Women's Health Scholars Awards | https://cou.ca/resources/awards/ | The Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Awards Program was established with the support of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to ensure that Ontario attracts and retains pre-eminent scholars studying women’s health. | Council of Ontario Universities | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic | $25,000 for Masters, $35,000 for Doctoral | 1 year | January | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
53 | OSOTF Unilever/Lipton Graduate Fellowship | https://uhntrainees.ca/covid-19/funding/osotf-unilever-lipton-graduate-fellowship-2022/ | On behalf of University of Toronto’s (UofT) Faculty of Medicine, the Office of Research Trainees (ORT) is pleased to administer the 2022-2023 OSOTF Graduate Fellowship to support research trainees at the University Health Network (UHN). These fellowships are awarded to graduate students, registered with UofT’s Faculty of Medicine, on the basis of financial need and academic excellence who are studying within the neurosciences field at UHN. | Office of Research Trainees | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic | Varies | one year | July | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
54 | Paul Starita Graduate Sudent Fellowships | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to Faculty of Medicine graduate (MSc/PhD) students on the basis of financial need who are studying within the field of molecular medicine as it applies to prostate cancer. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $28,000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
55 | Peterborough K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation Graduate Awards | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Endowed Awards. To be awarded to Ph.D. students (Year 1 – 5) studying in the Faculty of Medicine and researching in one of the following areas: arthritis, cerebral palsy, cancer, diabetes, glaucoma, heart and stroke, lung disease, mental health, neurodegenerative disease, or nutrition. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Doctoral | Domestic, International | Ten studentships of up to $30,000 each will be awarded. | up to 3 years | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
56 | Professor R. Paul Young Fellowship | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/professor-r-paul-young-fellowship/ | Established by Colleagues and Friends of Professor R. Paul Young, this fellowship is designed to honour outstanding PhD students who are conducting research that addresses issues crossing traditional faculty boundaries. | School of Graduate Studies | Doctoral | Domestic, International | Up to $3000 | 1 year | Winter | No | |||||||||||||||||
57 | Queen Elizabeth II/Graudate Scholarships in Science and Technology | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/queen-elizabeth-ii-graduate-scholarship-in-science-technology/ | The Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII‐GSST) program is designed to encourage excellence in graduate studies in science and technology. The program is supported through funds provided by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and funds raised by the University of Toronto from the private sector. | Province of Ontario/University of Toronto | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | $15,000 | 1 year | April | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
58 | Scace Graduate Fellowship | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/the-scace-graduate-fellowship/ | The Scace Graduate Fellowship is one of the endowed awards within the SGS University-Wide Awards competition, for citizens from South Africa or the United Kingdom who demonstrate financial need and academic merit. | School of Graduate Studies | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | Up to $4000 | 1 year | Winter | No | |||||||||||||||||
59 | SCACE Graduate Fellowship in Alzheimer's Research | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded on the basis of financial need to graduate (MSc/PhD) students in the Faculty of Medicine who are doing research in the field of Alzheimer's disease. Academic merit will also be considered. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $17,000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
60 | SCACE Graduate Fellowship in Prostate Cancer Research | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded on the basis of financial need to graduate students. First preference is to graduate students doing research in the field of prostate cancer with the Fleck Tanenbaum Chair in Prostatic Diseases. Second preference is to graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine doing research in the field of prostate cancer. Academic excellence will also be considered. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $32,000 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
61 | SGS Fellowships and Bursaries for Indigenous Students | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards-category/indigenous-student-postdoc-awards/ | School of Graduate Studies | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International | Various | No | ||||||||||||||||||||
62 | SGS Parental Grant | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/sgs-parental-grant/ | Established in 2017, The SGS Parental Grant program, aims to provide financial support to doctoral students within the funded cohort by helping to offset the loss of funding as a result of taking an approved parental leave of absence at the time of birth or adoption in order to provide full-time care during the child’s first year or the first year the child comes into care (see SGS Leave of Absence Policy). | School of Graduate Studies | Doctoral | Domestic/International | up to $5833 per session | Fall/Winter/Summer | No | ||||||||||||||||||
63 | Sona Naran Pancha Graduate Award in Leukemia Research | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Endowed Awards. To be awarded to a graduate student enrolled in a doctoral stream Master’s or PhD program in the Faculty of Medicine with preference given to students whose research is focused on understanding the molecular events leading to the initiation and propagation of leukemic cells and the factors triggering those events. Selection will be based on excellence and outstanding achievement in this area of Leukemia research. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Doctoral | Domestic, International | $1,800 | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
64 | Toronto Dementia Research Alliance (TDRA) Scholarship for Graduate Dementia Research by Black Students | https://tdra.utoronto.ca/scholarship-graduate-dementia-research-black-students | This Toronto Dementia Research Alliance (TDRA) scholarship is created to respond to the historical under-representation of Black students and faculty in research, particularly in the field of dementia research. | Toronto Dementia Research Alliance (TDRA) and Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, International (living in or planning to move and study in Canada) | Masters ($10k/year for 2 years; $20k total), PhD ($15k/year for 2 years; $30k total) | 2 years | June | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
65 | Theodore I. Sherman Graduate Award in Neuroscience | http://graduate-awards.knowledge4you.ca/graduateawards/awards.cfm | This award is part of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine OSOTF Awards. To be awarded to graduate students (MSc/PhD) in the Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Should there not be a suitable candidate in any given year, then the award will be more broadly open to other Faculty of Medicine graduate students in the field of neuroscience. Academically qualified students will be eligible to receive aid from U of T's OSOTF based on financial need. | Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | An estimated $2600 is available for scholarship(s) | 1 year | Date set by Graduate Unit | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
66 | Training Graduate PhD Salary Award | https://arthritis.ca/researchers/research-programs-awards/current-funding-opportunities/training-graduate-phd-salary-award-(tgp) | Salary awards are offered to graduate students who are undertaking full-time research training in an area of clear relevance to arthritis and the Arthritis Society’s new Strategic Plan 2020-2025: Accelerating Impact - Research Strategy which aims to identify research avenues that focus on areas of highest priority to patients and achieve the highest levels of scientific excellence and rigour. | Arthritis Society | Doctoral | Domestic, International | $21,000/year (maximum) | 3 years | April | Yes | |||||||||||||||||
67 | UTFA Al Miller Memorial Award | https://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/awards/the-utfa-al-miller-memorial-award-osotf/ | The UTFA Al Miller Memorial Award (OSOTF) is one of the endowed awards within the SGS University-Wide Awards competition, for graduate students who demonstrate leadership in graduate student life, demonstrate financial need, and demonstrate academic merit. | School of Graduate Studies | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic, Protected Persons | Up to $5000 | 1 year | Winter | No | |||||||||||||||||
68 | Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships | https://vanier.gc.ca/en/home-accueil.html | Named after Major-General Georges P. Vanier, the first francophone Governor General of Canada, the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Vanier CGS) program helps Canadian institutions attract highly qualified doctoral students. | Government of Canada | Doctoral | Domestic, International | $50,000/year | 3 years | October | No | |||||||||||||||||
69 | Vision Science Research Program Award | https://vsrp.uhnresearch.ca/content/vsrp-osotf-award | The Vision Science Research Program provides support for MSc and PhD trainees from across the University of Toronto studying novel questions in vision science. Our mission is to support research and training excellence in the area of vision and eye disease. Innovative projects that may have high risk but with a chance of high reward will be prioritized for funding. | Visual Science Research Program | Masters, Doctoral | Domestic | 2 -4 years | November | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||
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