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1 | Day | Time | End Time | Timezone | Name | Group | Location | Formatted Address | City | State | Country | Regions | Types | Notes | Website | Paypal | Conference URL | Conference URL Notes | Conference Phone | Conference Phone Notes | Coordinates | Slug | Link | Updated | ||
2 | Monday | 6:00 PM | 7:00 PM | Australia/Sydney | [ZOOM] Waverley Syd DA | Waverley Syd DA | Sydney, Australia | Sydney NSW, Australia | Sydney | NSW | Australia | NSW | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86310471070?pwd=WW92K3V5OUdmRzFmeDlRUnBBQjFiUT09 | -33.57814,151.34302,-34.11835,150.52093 | sydney-da-monday | LINK | 8/14/2023 | |||||||||
3 | Monday | 6:30 PM | 7:30 PM | Australia/Sydney | [F2F] Bondi DA ‘Huzzah’ meeting | Bondi DA ‘Huzzah’ meeting | Sydney, Australia | Waverley Park, Cnr Bondi Road, Park Parade, Birrell St, Bondi NSW 2026, Australia | Bondi | NSW | Australia | NSW | Margaret Whitlam Recreation Centre in Waverley Park, Bondi. Close to Bondi Road. In the Club Room: top level, first room on the right. Enter through glass door from behind the grandstand seats. | https://goo.gl/maps/m9LAcVZDmshbarzb8 | -33.89495,151.25779 | bondi-da-huzzah-meeting | LINK | 8/27/2024 | ||||||||
4 | Tuesday | 7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Australia/Sydney | [F2F] East Sydney BDA Breakfast Meeting | East Sydney BDA Breakfast Meeting | Darlinghurst Community Space | 277 Bourke St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia | Darlinghurst | NSW | Australia | NSW | Darlinghurst Community Space, 277 Bourke Street, Darlinghurst. (entry from Berwick Lane at rear of building) Weekly Business Check-up | https://g.page/darlinghurst-community-space?share | -33.87747,151.21728 | east-sydney-bda-breakfast-meeting | LINK | 1/19/2024 | ||||||||
5 | Tuesday | 6:00 PM | 7:00 PM | Australia/Melbourne | [ZOOM] Armadale Melb DA | Armadale Melb DA | Melbourne, Australia | Melbourne VIC, Australia | Melbourne | VIC | Australia | VIC | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6313873933 | open zoom: https://zoom.us/join meeting ID: 631 387 3933 password: 0000 | -37.51127,145.51253,-38.43386,144.59374 | armadale-melb-da | LINK | 1/19/2024 | ||||||||
6 | Wednesday | 7:00 PM | 8:00 PM | Australia/Sydney | [SKYPE] Creative BDA | Creative BDA | Sydney, Australia | Sydney NSW, Australia | Sydney | NSW | Australia | NSW | https://join.skype.com/yLo2jdwRFftC | Skype: experiencestrengthhopebda | -33.85891,151.20876 | creative-bda | LINK | 5/15/2024 | ||||||||
7 | Wednesday | 8:00 PM | 9:00 PM | Australia/Sydney | [ZOOM] Tools and Abundance DA | Wednesday night Tools and Abundance DA | Sydney, Australia | Sydney NSW, Australia | Sydney | NSW | Australia | NSW | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84664078861 | waiting room process for entry | -33.85891,151.20876 | ultimo-rainbow-room-da | LINK | 1/11/2024 | ||||||||
8 | Thursday | 6:30 PM | 7:30 PM | Australia/Sydney | [ZOOM] BDA Sydney Spiritually Sustainable Earnings Speaker Meeting | BDA Sydney Spiritually Sustainable Earnings Speaker Meeting | Sydney, Australia | Sydney NSW, Australia | Sydney | NSW | Australia | NSW | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4768955026 | Meeting ID: 476 895 5026 passcode entry: bda777 | -33.85891,151.20876 | bda-spiritually-sustainable-earnings-speaker-meeting | LINK | 4/10/2024 | ||||||||
9 | Thursday | 6:30 PM | 7:30 PM | Australia/Sydney | [F2F] Glebe BDA Meeting | Glebe BDA Meeting | Benledi House, Glebe, NSW, Australia | 186 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe NSW 2037, Australia | Glebe | NSW | Australia | NSW | Benledi Room Benledi House 186 Glebe Point Rd Glebe NSW 2037 | https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/landmarks/benledi-house?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_content=benledihouse&utm_campaign=googlemybusiness | -33.87804,151.18502 | glebe-bda-meeting | LINK | 8/14/2023 | ||||||||
10 | Thursday | 7:00 PM | 8:00 PM | Pacific/Auckland | [ZOOM] Ponsonby Auckland NZ Abundance | Ponsonby Auckland NZ Abundance | Auckland, New Zealand | Auckland, New Zealand | Auckland | New Zealand | New Zealand | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6215185880?pwd=c3g2UzBnMXliSUdKVzl0WWp5QSt6Zz09 | direct link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6215185880?pwd=c3g2UzBnMXliSUdKVzl0WWp5QSt6Zz09 meeting ID: 621 518 5880 password: abundance | -36.6606,174.96843,-37.05902,174.44382 | ponsonby-auckland-nz-abundance | LINK | 8/14/2023 | |||||||||
11 | Thursday | 7:30 PM | 8:30 PM | Australia/Brisbane | [ZOOM + F2F] DA in Brisbane, Queensland | DA in Brisbane, Queensland | Brisbane, Australia | 10 Windsor Rd, Red Hill QLD 4059, Australia | Brisbane | QLD | Australia | QLD | hybrid: face-to-face venue meeting + zoom zoom Meeting ID: 894 0919 9902 password: BrisbaneDA direct link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89409199902?pwd=TC9EVTI3OVF5a3dvZHMrWjhpUHVKZz09#success Thomas Leitch Memorial (Lower) Hall 10 Windsor Road, Redhill QLD 4059 meeting in Lower Hall, walk through gate, turn left and down ramp parking on grounds of Windsor Road Baptist Church, 16 Windsor Road Contact: Patrick 0438 830 609 | https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89409199902?pwd=TC9EVTI3OVF5a3dvZHMrWjhpUHVKZz09#success | Meeting ID: 894 0919 9902 password: BrisbaneDA direct link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89409199902?pwd=TC9EVTI3OVF5a3dvZHMrWjhpUHVKZz09#success | -27.45396,153.00668 | da-in-brisbane-queensland | LINK | 8/14/2023 | |||||||
12 | Thursday | 7:30 PM | 8:30 PM | Australia/Adelaide | [F2F] First Thursday of Month - Adelaide DA | Adelaide DA | Adelaide, Australia | Corner South Rd and, Ashwin Parade, Torrensville SA 5031, Australia | Torrensville | SA | Australia | SA | 1st Thursday of the month only Thursday 7.30pm ACST/ACDT - Australian Central Standard Time or Daylight Time Adelaide DA venue meeting Thebarton Community Centre cnr South Road & Ashwin Parade, Torrensville Contact: 0434 407 206 | -34.91529,138.56575 | adelaide-da | LINK | 8/14/2023 | |||||||||
13 | Friday | 6:00 PM | 7:00 PM | Australia/Melbourne | [ZOOM] Hope in Action - Steps Study | Hope in Action - Steps Study | Melbourne, Australia | Melbourne VIC, Australia | Melbourne | VIC | Australia | VIC | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83856644640?pwd=VzVUdUlWenBRR2V0dENLa2d2R1BLQT09 | meeting ID: 838 5664 4640 password: solvent direct link (no password): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83856644640?pwd=VzVUdUlWenBRR2V0dENLa2d2R1BLQT09 | -37.51127,145.51253,-38.43386,144.59374 | hope-in-action | LINK | 8/14/2023 | ||||||||
14 | Saturday | 9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Australia/Sydney | [ZOOM] Saturday BDA Experience, Strength & Hope | Saturday BDA Experience, Strength & Hope | Sydney, Australia | Sydney NSW, Australia | Sydney | NSW | Australia | NSW | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83835552085 | Meeting ID: 83835552085 Passcode: 12steps | -33.57814,151.34302,-34.11835,150.52093 | sydney-bda-experience-strength-hope | LINK | 5/25/2024 | ||||||||
15 | Sunday | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM | Pacific/Auckland | [ZOOM] Mahi Aroha, BDA Visions | Mahi Aroha, BDA Visions | Auckland, New Zealand | Auckland, New Zealand | Auckland | New Zealand | New Zealand | mahiarohabdavisions@gmail.com | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84448786672 | -36.6606,174.96843,-37.05902,174.44382 | mahi-aroha-bda-visions | LINK | 8/14/2023 | |||||||||
16 | Sunday | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM | Australia/Sydney | [ZOOM] BDA Recovery & Prosperity in Business | BDA Recovery & Prosperity in Business | Sydney, Australia | Sydney NSW, Australia | Sydney | NSW | Australia | NSW | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3913658575 | direct link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3913658575 Password: 0000 | -33.57814,151.34302,-34.11835,150.52093 | bda-recovery-prosperity-in-business | LINK | 8/14/2023 | ||||||||
17 | Sunday | 5:00 PM | 6:00 PM | Australia/Perth | [ZOOM] Carlisle Perth DA | Carlisle Perth DA | Perth, Australia | Perth WA, Australia | Perth | WA | Australia | WA | sandy71801@hotmail.com | https://us02web.zoom.us | Contact meeting secretary for details | -31.62449,116.23902,-32.45564,115.68405 | carlisle-perth-da | LINK | 12/21/2023 | |||||||
18 | Monday | 8.30am | 9:00 AM | Australia/Melbourne | [ZOOM] BDA Tech Industry Focus | BDA Tech Industry Focus | Melbourne, Australia | Melbourne VIC, Australia | Melbourne | VIC | Australia | VIC | For members of BDA who operate in the tech industry (tech startups/professionals operating in the tech sector) | jeremyinrecovery@yahoo.com | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84069565655?pwd=ZWNuS2Z5ajAvTjFBYWN0RVRXOFRkUT09 | Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84069565655?pwd=ZWNuS2Z5ajAvTjFBYWN0RVRXOFRkUT09 Meeting ID: 840 6956 5655 Passcode: 737828 | -37.51127,145.51253,-38.43386,144.59374 | zoom-bda-tech-industry-focus | LINK | 4/28/2024 | ||||||
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