Witness NameVirtual Steem Paid $GoalsWeek 1 Update - June 1stWeek 2 Update -- June 8thWeek 3 June 15Week 4 June 21June 28July 4Week 7 July 14Week 8 July 21Week 9 July 28Week 10Week 11Week 12Week 13Week 14Week 15Week 16Week 17Week 18Week 19Week 20Week 21Week 22Week 23Week 24
smooth.witnessImmediate: Onramping of key early adopter demo
Longer term: adding value to currency network effect
1) Steem onramping initiative for bitcointalk
2) Providing simple and clear explanations and welcoming support on Steem, bitcointalk, Slack and other channels -- important to overcome the perceived intimidating complexity of Steem for new users
3) Financial support to extend reach of promotional marketing with Kushed
4) Partnering on steem-related web site with Kushed
onramping of approximately 10 bitcointalk users, most high-level
assistance and answer question for community members (bitcointalk, Slack)
partner with Kushed on promtion and marketing
onramping of 3 bitcointalk users, most high-level
assistance and answer question for community members (bitcointalk, Slack)
partner with Kushed on promtion and marketing
nextgencrypto1. Promote Steemit on Twitter via organic Tweets and paid Ads
2. Create promotional material for Steemit
3. Maintain with information on resources and tools
4. Provide weekly updates to the community demonstrating our success on
- Began paid Twitter Ads placement to drive engagement and traffic to
- Created a new Steemit promotional image
- Added a media page to to allow everyone to download media we have created
- Updated witness to v0.5.0
Additional info:
- Initiated "Retweet for Steem Power" Twitter campaign that will be donating a minimum of 500 Steem converted to Steem Power each week
- Published multiple new images for promotion
- Updated with RT4SP promotion info
- Continued "Retweet for Steem Power" campaign and rewarded 1000 Steem as SP to participants. We now have over 140 retweeters that account for 76k followers.
- Created image for @donkeypong for his project
- Donated 500 Steem to @void for his Slack integration project
silversteem1. Promote Steemit and introduce new content creators to the platform
2. Grow the user base by spearheading new marketing initiatives
3. Drive Steemit user sign ups through
- Worked with our designer to create CMC ad for Steemit
- Updated witness to v0.5.0
- Brought in a new content creator to Steemit (sonarous)
- Initiated "Retweet for Steem Power" Twitter campaign that will be donating a minimum of 500 Steem converted to Steem Power each week
- Assisted in graphic promotion
clayop1) Promote Steem to Korea community
2) Develop alternative GUI
3) Attract Korean bloggers and small news medias to Steem
4) Build Python-based tools (e.g. Steemfeed, Noteefi)
- Preparing to open Noteefi source
- Updated witness to v0.5.0
- Searching for JS developer
- Opensourced Noteefi (
- Updated steemfeed (
- Contacted some Korean bloggers
- Studying Steem Dollar Mechanism
- Fixed Steemfeed bugs
pharesimPublishing and evaluation of scientific papers on Steemworked on whitepaper, pushed designer to design harder, contacted local university, user support on steem
pushing designers isn't as effective as i wished
started own js lib for steemd
brought influencers: adsactly&gamecredits dev
preparing teaser site
started a questionnaire
steemdice gui
Pevo teaser Site
got stuck in a stupid
discussion loop.

Steemdice SD
Pevo RL meetings
Unvote bot
started to work on plagiarism checking
Traveling (family)
voted out another time
this log is useless
arhagAdd value to the Steem ecosystem by finding and fixing bugs, reviewing code changes by core devs and providing them with assistance when necessary, writing code for new features for Steem and new Steem-related tools, and creating proposals for Steem standards and features.- Fixed UTF8 bug in comment patching code. (
- Found a solution to speed up mining hash rate on Windows build. (
- Created proposal for a moderation standard. (
- Assisted James with the unescaped/unfiltered HTML security bug on
- Spent some time trying to find reason for MinGW-build blockchain corruption bug (unfortunately no success yet).
- Improved script to generate July 4th content/curation reward estimates and leaderboards.
- Found a likely fix for the mixed content bug on (
- Brainstormed and researched ideas for smart contract sidechains on Steem (suggestion originally brought up by Dan in #proposals Slack channel).
- Discovered and fixed bug that would have caused blockchain to hang on July 4th (
- Reviewed mvanderberg's changes for witness hard forking logic.
- Reviewed significant code changes with v0.8.0 release and reported potential issues/bugs in code to devs.- Assisted devs with review and fixes for the various v0.8.x versions
- Sanitizing submitted hardfork versions bug (
kushed1) Promoting and Marketing Steem.
2) Steem related Website (details TBA)
- Running an Add on 6 banners set for 10K views for the next 30 days.
- Translated Info Graphic to Russian and posted within Bitcointalk Russian Section.
- Promotional Twitts.
- Continuing STEEM Blitz promo campaign.
- Renewd Ad subscription on 6 banners set for 10K views for the next 30 days.
- Translated Info Graphic to Russian and posted within Bitcointalk Russian Section.
- Designed New banners to target Reddit Audiance
- Promotional Twitts.
- Continuing STEEM Blitz promo campaign.
- Contacting known names for an AMA.
abit1) Core code review, help dev team find and fix bugs.
2) Develop features/plugins to support other services built on the top
3) Chinese community development
review 0.5.0 rc1, found a forking bug when removing a post
suggested an improvement about witness version communication.
review 0.5.0 release, found bugs about witness version communication and hard fork voting/switching.
the bug about post removal hasn't been solved entirely.
found a bug which will cause network hang (no new block will be produced) under certain condition
suggested a solution to kill potantial rounding issues in internal market
found a bug which causes "block_num != 0" assertion failure
Fix `block_num != 0` syncing issue #89
Fix reindex crash when have <= 100 blocks. #93
Fix positive pending_payout when net_rshares is negative. #70
Review fix for witness version communition issues #90
Review fix for inconsistent `virtual_supply` #82
Curation reward distribution analysis
No much work on code review due to no new code submitted to Github
Fix witness voting issue #104
Code review, see Github issue #106 #107 #108 #109 #110 #115 #122 #123 #80
Code review, see Github issue #128 #132 #136
(no new issue found from 0.8.3/0.8.4)
Code review 0.8.5 and hard fork 9, related issue #141 ~ #150
market making on internal market and OpenLedger
Code review 0.9.0
Spent a lot of time on internal market, hardly find time for other things.
Code review 0.12.2, see github issue #214
Started working on Chinese community development
hard fork 13 and reputation scoring related code review
Curation, reputation recovery for some people, fight spamming
Activities in Chinese community
TravellingTravellingTravellingCode review for hard fork 14, see github issue #239 #278 #329 #343
au1nethyb1Primarily focussed on initiatives/projects to help remove friction for new communities/sites to adopt steemit
Current Projects:
Currently scoping/researching two new adoption projects
Completed Projects:
Adoption Accelerator Incentive - 3 Projects part funded - Providing 2nd Round of funding - 4rth July
Announced SteemFeeder Project - Enabling existing bloggers to easily replicate content on steem
Preparing specifications for SteemFeeder and working on implementation plan / collaborative parntership with xeroc and steemian
Making good progress with extending rss feed parsing and expect to start testing with a MVP later this week
Initaited witness power-down to help fund steemian / steemit new account registrations
Continued testing setup process for blog cross posting at
Created test blog site for posting and registration process
Excellent progress on refactoring for streemian RSS.
Blog re-posting development with RSS is is working with basic front end. See example...

Expecting/aiming to enable basic beta testing for bloggers week of 4rth July ;-)

Funded streemian account 2000 STEEM for new account registrations fron au1nethyb1 witness earnings
Issued 2nd part of 'Reducing friction for critical mass adoption of steemit' project accelrator prize of $735.578 SBD to pharesim on 4rth July

Testing and documenting steemian registration process for new users

On family vacation this week so will provide next update on Tue 19thStreemian backend has been re-deployed to a new virtual server to enable SSL support by xeroc and development of a tool/page to allow users to modify their account to use streemian based on the recent fork / protocol permission changes.

Identified brand new wordpress blogger to go through beta testing of the streemian service to aid step-by-step guide devlopment an iron out any signup bugs this week.
bitcubePromote Steem and Steemit to wider audiences via simple-and-easy-to-use and yet rich in user experience tools and interfaces.
Currently working on

1) Telegram Witness Alert Bot - alerting witnesses if their nodes are missing blocks, on a wrong chain or simply down. The bot also alerts witnesses of new Steem github releases so that they get to upgrade their nodes soon.
2) Telegram Bot for the general public and Steemians. Get information on Steem network.
3) Easy access to Steem posts and statistical data via Telegram
4) Provides Windows-built CLI tools for Steem. Windows users can now have their own Steem wallet and perform mining just like their Linux friends.
- Provided Winbuild for Steem new release 0.5.0
- Fixed 64bit assembly codes compilation problem for WinBuild's secp256k1 in Visual Studio
- Further improved WinBuild mining performance by including GMP number-crunching optimised codes
- WinBuild mining performance is now one of the highest as reported by users. Mining speed has improved 2- to 3-time as compared to the previous release.

- Retraced and document Winbuild
- Restructure Telegram bot db for Full Text search

- Telegram bot is ready for Full Text search alpha tests
- Research on CMake to make WinBuild easier
- Learning STEEM API get_content in order to retrieve SP value of a post

- Reviving Sharebits into a new server. The original author, freebie unfortunately has stopped work on it and refuses to maintain it nor offer any help to Fuzzy who wishes to take over maintaining it.

- Long term is to get Sharebits working for Steem

- Currently alpha testing the revised Sharebits

- Other work on Steem is put on hold while the main work is getting Sharebits working
-Fixing Steem 0.8.x compilation problems on Windows VC++.

-Fixed Steem 0.8.x compilation problems on Windows VC++.

-Released binaries built for Windows 0.8.4 and 0.85b

- Released two complete guides for Windows mining -1) For builders, 2) For miners
-Fixed Steem 0.9.x - 0.11.x compilation problems on Windows VC++.

-Released Windows Wallet for v11.0 and 0.12.0

- Released guide for Recovering hacked accounts with Windows Wallet. See bitcube's Steemit's blog.
-Released Windows Wallet for v0.12.2

- Revamp Sharebits to first make it work (Goal is to enhance it to support Steem)

- Fixed Sharebits's Invalid Objects and Invalid Assets bugs
- Revamp Sharebits to first make it work (Goal is to enhance it to support Steem)

- Fixed Sharebits's Deposit problems
riverhead1) Provide stable IT infrastructure in terms of Seed, API, and Witness nodes
2) Develop monitoring tools for steem witnesses
3) Recruit creators of original content
Vacation- Resolved issue with forking nodes (seed, backup, and main)
- In wake of above and at the advice of arhag and smooth switched to a better node failover strategy
- Work on "SimpleDash" has not progressed. Will be getting back on that as other things settle down.
- Resume work on "Simple Dash"
- Implement Steempty's failover script
complexringProject 1.
1) User login page connected through the Steem API to show case on landing page:
a) User's Learning Proposals
b) User's Supported Proposals
2) Filter Content to display in pre-defined categories, e.g. steemscholarships
3) Use witness funds to promote learning

Project 2.
1) User login page connected through the Steem API to show case on landing page:
a) User's Learning Proposals
b) User's Supported Proposals
2) Filter Content to display in pre-defined categories, e.g. steemscholarships
3) Use witness funds to support small business endeavors and, in the future, fundamental scientific research.

Project 3. Steem Data Analytics - Data mining on the Steem Blockchain

1) Develop tools for users / witnesses to find good content based on previous voting patterns.
Key areas to mine :
a) users who consistently write quality content
b) users who consistently locate quality content before others

2) Develop tools for researchers to extract real time data analytics for large social networks
-- This is a big money-maker for Twitter. They sell this access (and sometimes
only part of the access to US and Europe-based researchers and who are paying
for this access with public monies.)

Mainly focused on Project 1.


1) Preparing layout of website, what to be placed on each page, what should be displayed, etc.
2) Several proposals regarding graphic design and front-end development
a) Work in progress in verifying front-end developers' references
b) Deciding on skill-set that is needed
c) Discussions on how the back-end will be interacting with the front-end
3) Working on back-end code to extract the specific information that will be displayed on

Goal of this is to provide a set of open-sourced and publicly tools for other web-developers
to interact with the Steem blockchain

Project 2. I expect the results from Project 1 will lead to a near seamless integration to this project.

Project 3. Developing the algorithms that identify users who write quality content and identify it early.
Found a front end-dev and graphics designer within the community who can set up a landing page and login database
bhuzUse witness pay to directly or indirectly:

1) Promote Steemit and funnel new users/original-content-creators, curating and rewarding their works to give them the best first-impression possible
2) Develop an all-in-one python-tool for managing and monitoring witness node, with telegram/slack bot integration and support for external script (eg pricefeed)
3) Develop a Java Steem library
4) Supporting ongoing development of primary steem tools by other non-paid workers
5) Constant support on telegram/slack for witnesses/miners/new users issues and questions
1), 2) and 5): ongoing

3) and 4): unable to since inactive witness.
Improving and bug fixing the python script for witness monitoring - started working on a basic script for the pricefeed - keep on promotion and curation
joseph1) Contact Tech writers on media outlets to write about steemit.
2) Promote steemit on crypto-community slack boards.
3) Provide seed and witness nodes for steemit.
4) Provide a Twitter feed to promote steemit.
Contacted Jeff Reifman a tech wtiter acivist:
Jeff wrote a series about open source social media platforms:
Started a twitter feed with targeted keywords
Spoken with a few known whales in crypto to invest and hold SP
Still pushing on slack of popular coins.
Cryptocommunity slack 700 members.
Waves Platform over 2000 members.
next target Rise and Wings.
invited more people on twitter to blog on steemit.
Got analysis of twitter success on tweets,
This week will re-use tweets that get more clicks.
I need to cut my grass or the neigbor will call the city.
Summer is heating up. We need Steem T-shirts <--
I live around Cleveland, We are the Champions my friend. :)
blocktradesSupport Steemit via various partnerships with BlockTrades. Provide marketing and technical advice to Steemit team.Added ability to purchase powered-up steem via BlockTrades. Assisted James with usage of BlockTrades APIs. Assisted abit with network accept-loop bug (bug applicable to bitshares and steem clients).Worked with Tim to update SteemPower purchase interface on steemit. Participated in technical and marketing discussions with Steemit team.Provided advice on various business matters.Worked out a methodology for steemit to efficiently sell steem for working capital.Got some reviews for steemit book.Working on adding support for SBD->BTC.Finished adding support for SBD->BTC and fixed some related bugs. Met with steemit team.Fixed some bugs in delayed node code for Steem. Debugging issues with wallet sometimes failing to send. Updated BT eth wallet after hardfork.Assisted Dan with synchronization problems and network participation issue. Handled various support issues for steem sales. Provided misc business and technical advice to steemit.Made a small optimization to peer-to-peer operation. We found a case where a node could request a block after it had already received it from a peer due to a race condition. Also investigated the possibility of improving the forking logic for Steem.Completed changes to BitShares wallet GUI to support Steem Dollars and to allow sending of memos when withdrawing Steem and Steem Dolllars. Among other things, this allows users to directly withdraw OPEN.STEEM to other exchanges without having to first send to their Steem wallet. Also updating server hardware.
wackouDevelop tools to help witnesses in their "daily" tasks and work towards more security of the network

1) develop the bts_tools project:
2) maintain a seed node at (status:
3) maintain
4) coming soon: deploy script for seed nodes / api nodes / etc.
mostly bugfixes and some doc updates on the bts_tools. Activity for the week can be seen here:
not much, unfortunately, was travelling a lot and had to attend to personal issues.
I have a new idea for a project, though, and have been thinking thoroughly on how to implement it.
It will look like this:
bought a license for geoip2, some progress on the world map view
should have something showable by next week
steemed1. SteemReader mobile app ( that provides a news
reader-like interface. It will enable following which can be publicly
known through transaction metadata, or private at the app-level. It will be
a limited mobile-friendly experience optimized for reading, voting, and
commenting. It will have fast dependable loading of images (all hosted and
served to subscribers from SteemReader servers).
2. Continued improvement of the rich list.
3. Tutorial and tools for robust witness failover.
Purchased domain for SteemReader, registered @steemreader Steem and twitter accounts.
Set up mysql databases for rich list to keep track of divestment and witness earnings.
Reorganizing richlist code for greater extensibility.
Created unlikely to be adopted proposal for blind curation voting.
steempty1) developing/maintaining System tools for steemd
Docker integration (steemd)
Scripts (price feed script)
2) search engine (system integration) with steemd, using open source tools

steemit content/promotion
working with my mother (PHD retired) to add scientific/educational content
added nagios monitoring script for seed node

maintenance for Docker build for 0.5.0 version
added script for automatic failover of witness's public key
for witnesses who runs a hot backup server
Testing open source search engines (mysql, solr, elasticsearch), started to experiment and learning RPC client (using @void's go rpc client) and fetching data for indexing
working for open source (Docker compose) deployment of search engine
will have more results at the weekend
first divest from witness account
payed STEEM steemle and steemwatch operators for help with hosting
xeldal1) Promote/recruite for new users.
2) Use SP to help reward and curate new users content.
3) Build open-source market making bot for steem and steem dollars.
4) Provide liquidity for Steem on all external markets (OpenLedger, BitTrex, etc.)
5) Build open-source GoLang Steem library.
Intigrated Steem into market maker and arbitrage bot.
Continue to provide liquidity on steem markets.
Promoting Steem on Facebook and Reddit. Recruiting bloggers / content producers.
work on SD market maker
Continue to provide liquidity on external steem markets
work on golang price feed script
Recruit/Promote steemit content producers/bloggers etc.
Work on SD market maker
Continue to provide liquidity and link external steem markets
Recruit/Promote steemit content producers/bloggers etc.
Provide feedback and testing for web issues.
steemychicken11)Promoting, helping, talking to people for steemit, since the day 0 on slack... 2) Helped secure-tested a lot of seed - witnesses nodes, 3) Ready to attack an attacker at anytime... :)
1) Created for https picture uploading, currently trying to use ipfs, and after that some login capability,
so that users can keep track of their images.
2) i am trying to develop an android wallet,(an steemit android gui actually) i ve done it for scrypt coins,
but this is me next project after i finish up with steemitup.
1) downloadble steemchain,refreshed
every five minutes. 2) Ipsf working on steemitup, just needs a user database, and trying to mass upload+ mass generate links, so creating a post could be done with a single click
3) Started writting a script, a small web
based-series of the new blochain hero, the Steeman.
Filming will start i a week.
First episode will be released in 4th of July :)
Started shooting the steeman series...
Ordered the steeman suit, a bit
expensive but it will be fan...
maybe next year, it will be among the marvel heroes :)
witness.svkProvide JavaScript tools for interacting with the Steem blockchain:

1) Api library
2) Crypto library
3) Mobile client
Released open-source javascript library for API connections.
Updated the library with tests, examples and a browser-ready precompiled file.
- Updated steem-rpc with option to fetch additional apis from steemd
- Added market api tests to steem-rpc
- Created a live-updating market view @
- Open-source code for the market page:
roadscapeTo grow Steemd (, a blockchain explorer and power-user tool. The goals are to expose the internals of the chain/network to increase engagement & visibility, as well as to provide data services such as APIs and analytics. - Paginated account pages (now 250 per page)
- Live voting weight calculation on account pages
- Proper www redirect
- Cleanup acct page data
- 0.5.0 upgrade & witness version tracking
Work travel
Account/levels framework pt1:
Account/levels framework Pt2: