A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | AD | AE | AF | AG | AH | AI | ||
1 | UCSB Access for Databases | Assigned Lead Researcher | Access at UCSB, CSUN, and/or UM? | Nations Included | Subpopulaton groups (if any) for which source faciliates research | Year Begin (full-digital text access) | Year End (full-digital text access) | Specific Publications (examples or all) | Format(s) -- full text, PDF, etc. | API? | Database Metadata Format/Access | Notes on searching / downloading methods. (Test search on "humanities") | License or Technical issues bearing on scripted searching/scraping | Additional description or info about the source (link out to a document about the source if needed) | Links to Articles or Discussions of the Source | Comments | Trial Search & Download Run (link to output or a file of representative excerpts from output) | |||||||||||||||||||
2 | British Newspapers Archive | No | Sage Gerson | No | England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales | 1700 | 2017 | • Provides access to millions of digitized articles from UK newspapers • List of newspapers available here: http://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/search | No API -- can only view 3,000 pages per month | Discussion about API: https://opendata.stackexchange.com/questions/7597/british-newspaper-archive | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Cengage NewsVault | We do have access to some of Gale's databases, but it doesn't look like UCSB has access to NewsVault. UM does, however. | Sage Gerson | CSUN, UM: https://caneid.miami.edu/cas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fcaneid.miami.edu%2Fidp%2FAuthn%2FMCB%2FRemoteUser | UK, International | 1785 | 2006 | • Provides access to 15 million digitised facsimile pages spanning more than 400 years of content • List of newspaper specific archives here: http://gale.cengage.co.uk/product-highlights/general-reference/gale-historical-newspapers/gale-newsvault.aspx | pdf, I think: digitised facisimile pages | Also known as the Gale NewsVault. See Lindsay's entry for Gale NewsVault for more information. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Chronicling America | UCSB Access | Ryan Leach | UCSB | US | •State, County, City •Ethnicity: African American, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Indians of North America, Irish, Jewish, Latin American, Mexican, Pacific Islander, Polish, Slovenian, Spanish •Language: Cherokee, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Hawaiian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Slovenian, Spanish •Labor Press: includes different industries as well as topics "anti-capitalist movements," "Catholic labor unions," "women's rights," etc. | 1789 | 1924 | •Provides access to 2,241 digitized newspapers •Entire list available here: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:2048/newspapers.txt | PDF, full-page, text, .jp2 | API | "In certain situations the granular access provided by the API may be somewhat constraining. For example, perhaps you are a researcher who would like to try out new indexing techniques on the millions of pages of OCR data in Chronicling America. Or perhaps you are a service provider and anticipate needing to support a high volume of fulltext searches across the corpus, and do not want the Chronicling America API as an external dependency. To support these and other potential use cases we are beginning to provide bulk access to the underlying data sets. The initial bulk data sets include: Batches: each batch of digitized content that is provided by awardees is made available via the Batches HTML, Atom and JSON views. These views provide links to where the files comprising the batch can be fetched with a web crawling tool like wget. OCR Bulk Data: the complete set of OCR XML and text files that make up the newspaper collection are made available as compressed archive files. These files are listed in the OCR report, and are also made available via Atom and JSON feeds that will allow you to build automated workflows for updating your local collection." (http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:2048/about/api/) | •2,832,759 results for "humanities" search (12,139,190 pages) •Allows sorting by: Relevance, Date, Title, and State •Results available in PDF, Text, and JP2 Image •Not sure how to download/scrap data | The Library of Congress is providing access to bibliographic information and newspaper pages digitized under the National Digital Newspaper Program for noncommercial, educational and research purposes. While the Library is not aware of any copyrights or other rights associated with this material, the written permission of any copyright owners and/or other rights holders (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for reproduction, distribution, or other use of any protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with the persons desiring to use the item. The NEH awardee responsible for producing each digital object is presented in the Chronicling America page display, above the page image – e.g. Image produced by the Library of Congress. For more information on current NDNP awardees, see http://www.loc.gov/ndnp/listawardees.html. For more information on Library of Congress policies and disclaimers regarding rights and reproductions, see http://www.loc.gov/homepage/legal.html http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:2048/about/ | Open source software/github site: https://github.com/LibraryofCongress/chronam | Ryan Cordell: http://ryancordell.org/research/qijtb-the-raven/ and http://viraltexts.org/2015/05/22/computational-methods-for-uncovering-reprinted-texts-in-antebellum-newspapers/ | http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/list/?date1=1789&rows=20&searchType=basic&state=&date2=1924&proxtext=humanities&y=0&x=0&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=1&sort=relevance | |||||||||||||||||||
5 | Europeana: Newspapers | No | Jamal Russell | European natons | 1618 | Present | Gallery of Newspaper titles linked here: http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org/tel4/newspapers/gallery?view=discover | Newspaper results link out to images of original newspapers. Results from "Everything" search are linked out to the pages of the original contributor, from which the document can or cannot be accessed (seemingly mostly cannot). | "Humanities" only brings up 2 newspaper results (3 without the quotes). An "Everything" search for "Humanities" brings up 124,845 results. Top 5 languages are English (93,246 results), German (3542), Dutch (3323), French (2959), and Russian (1081) with 13, 614 undetermined. The results seem to be commissioned reports on the humanities sitting in research libraries (first page is completely from the UK's research collections). Autocomplete options such as "humanité" brings up both a more expanded version of the word "humanity," as well as many disprate results from the French newspaper L'Humanité. | From initial poking around with the site, can't say that this will be too useful to our research on its face. | Info page at: http://www.europeana-newspapers.eu/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Gale NewsVault (database) | CSUN, UM | [Lindsay:] "A quick search for articles from the 1950s and 60s in Gale reveals representation from a few publications, all from the UK: The Times, Financial Times, Sunday Times, Economist, Times Literary Supplement, Illustrated London News, Dundee Courier. The articles seem to be in PDF form." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | Hemeroteca Nacional Digital de México | Giorgina Paiella | Open Access | Mexico (vast majority); Spain | •Spanish language publications •Mexican newspapers •Local and regional Mexican perspectives •Also includes some English and French sources | Earliest digitized source is from 1722 | Most recent digitized source is 1994 | Have list of publication titles saved | Digital conversion of microfilm; OCR | •Test search on “humanidades” •Top five countries: Mexico (19,949); United States (11); Chile (10); Spain (6); France (2) •Top five states: Distrito Federal (6,884); Nuevo León (5,073); Yucatán (141); Veracruz (83); Campeche (26) •Top five cities: Guadalajara (7,605); Mexico City (6,884); Monterrey (5,073); Veracruz (65); Puebla (28) •Access type: 10,951 restricted; 9,027 public •Languages: Spanish (19,965); English (11); French (2) •Top five periodicity: Daily (18,299); weekly (783); monthly (375); bimonthly (149); Irregular (95) •Have list of publication titles saved •Date range: 1790-2006 | Description of database scope and restrictions: "Due to the limitations indicated by the legislation on intellectual property, only the digital representations of the publications that, over time and in accordance with national legislation, have already passed into the public domain are available through the Internet; The official publications of state governments and the federal government; Some others in which the UNAM is the owner of the economic rights and those that have the express authorization of the holders of those rights. Therefore, the digital versions of the publications still under the protection of copyright are accessible only inside the facilities of the National Library of Mexico. It should be noted that not all the collection of the National Library of Mexico is digitized, and that the pages contained in the HNDM do not necessarily reflect the physical stocks of a particular publication." | •Largest virtual repository of newspapers and magazines printed in Mexico between 1722 and 2010 •Nearly nine million digital pages total • User's guide can be downloaded here (also have PDF saved): http://www.hndm.unam.mx/index.php/es/guia-de-usuario | •Overview of preservation and access, 2002-2013 http://www.hndm.unam.mx/files/acerca-de-hndm/diez-anios-de-la-hemeroteca-nacional-digital-de-mexico.pdf | •Link to search page (may have to re-input “humanities” as search term because no way to save searches): http://www.hndm.unam.mx/consulta/busqueda/buscarPalabras | ||||||||||||||||||||||
8 | LexisNexis | UCSB Access | Teddy Roland | UCSB | Global, weighted US & European; Multi-lingual, weighted English | Language, Geography, Source Type (incl. newspaper, tv/radio transcripts, magazine), Topic, Coverage (dates) | 1970 | present | Newspapers: major and local; TV/Radio: broadcast (ABC, NPR, etc), Magazine (sparse but includes majors like Vanity Fair, Jet, National Review) | full text | https://www.lexisnexis.com/webserviceskit/ | Rich metadata at level of publication/source (not article-level): http://amdev.net/rpt_download.php | Limits returned records to first 1000. Results sorted by "relevance" or chronology. Option to de-duplicate results. Manually download batches of 500 documents | https://www.lexisnexis.com/terms/general.aspx Use of the Online Services via mechanical, programmatic, robotic, scripted or any other automated means is strictly prohibited. Unless otherwise agreed to by LN in writing, use of the Online Services is permitted only via manually conducted, discrete, individual search and retrieval activities. | http://dlab.berkeley.edu/blog/ceos-and-automated-text-analysis http://dlab.berkeley.edu/blog/human-rights-coverage-over-time-tutorial-automated-text-analysis | http://www-lexisnexis-com.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:2048/lnacui2api/delivery/DownloadDoc.do?delFmt=QDS_EF_GENERICTYPE&fileSize=5000&dnldFilePath=%2Fl-n%2Fshared%2Fprod%2Fdiscus%2Fqds%2Frepository%2Fdocs%2F2%2F01%2F1825%3A616023012%2Fformatted_doc&zipDelivery=false&dnldFileName=Company_Profiles_and_Directories_US_Law_Revi2017-08-24_00-18.TXT&jobHandle=1825%3A616023012 | ||||||||||||||||||||
9 | National Library of Finland | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | National Library of the Netherlands | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 | National Library of Wales | Giorgina Paiella | Open Access | Wales | Welsh newspapers; English language newspapers | •Earliest newspaper publication date in database is 1814 (Seren Gomer) •Earliest source for “humanities” test search is December 14th, 1822 | •Most recent newspaper publication date in database is 1919 (several newspapers) •Most recent source for “humanities” test search December 19th, 1919 | •List of all publications found on the Welsh Newspapers Online homepage: https://www.llgc.org.uk/index.php?id=4723 | OCR digital scans | "The Library is committed to sharing the data behind the Welsh Newspapers Online website. Access to the APIs that the website is built on will be available soon." | •381 results for “humanities” test search •Top five newspaper titles for “humanities” test search: o Evening Express (59) o The Western Mail (27) o The Cambrian News and Merionethshire Standard (24) o The Cambrian (22) o South Wales Daily News (19) • Categories include news (378); detailed lists, results, and guides (2); advertising (1) • Languages: English (375); Welsh (6) | •Copyright on given publication is noted in search criteria | •Homepage for Welsh Newspapers Online, including history of Welsh newspaper publishing, the digitization process and list of newspaper publications: https://www.llgc.org.uk/index.php?id=4723 •“Welsh Newspapers Online is a free online resource from the National Library of Wales where you can discover millions of articles from the Library’s rich collection of historical newspapers. Welsh Newspapers Online currently lets you search and access over 1,100,000 pages from nearly 120 newspaper publications generally up to 1910. This resource also includes newspaper content that has been digitised by The Welsh Experience of World War One project.” | http://newspapers.library.wales/search?range%5Bmin%5D=1804&range%5Bmax%5D=1919&query=humanities+ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
12 | NewsBank (aka: Access World News) (database) | UCSB Access | Jamal Russell | UCSB | c 1980s-1990s beginning with born-digital for individual papers | present | newspapers from all over the world, filterable by region, nation, state, city. | full-text | • | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 | Newspaper Source (EBSCOhost) | UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | UCSB | Publications predominantly from United States, U.K., Ireland, Canada, Australia; also includes publications from Quatar, Barbados, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Romania, Japan, India, Fiji, Israel, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Phillipines, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Slovakia, France, and Costa Rica. Coverage is global. | •United States (national and regional) •English language newspapers •Complete television and radio news transcripts from CBS News, CNN, CNN International; FOX News, NPR, and more (multimedia coverage) | 1985 (May 23rd, 1985 is earliest full-text article) | (July 25th, 2017 is most recent full-text article) | •More than 60 full-text national (U.S.) and international newspapers • More than 300 full-text regional (U.S.) newspapers •Top five publications for “humanities” test search: o The Times; U.K. (2,942) o Toronto Star; Canada (2,786) o Arabic 200; Middle East and Africa (2,427) o The Australian (1,593) o The Sunday Times (998) o The Irish Times (971) • Full HTML title list found here (have Excel sheet saved): https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/nfh-coverage.htm 40 U.S. and international newspapers; select full text for more than 370 U.S. newspapers, and full-text television and radio news transcripts, including CBS news, CNN, Fox news, NPR and more | Full-text, but only selected articles are availble in earlier years of date range | •46,801 results total for “humanities” test search; 41,352 full text •Of full text sources, top five subjects are: United States (34); research institutes (19); crimes against humanity (15); human beings (13); humanity (9) • Of full text sources, top publishers are: Christian Science Publishing Society (327); Evening Standard Limited (228); Solo Syndication LTD (135); Transcription Company (48) •Languages: English (4,883) | •EBSCOhost Newspaper Source Homepage: https://www.ebsco.com/products/research-databases/newspaper-source | •Test search for "humanities" also included results for “humanity” • Many of the “humanities” and “humanity” results are focused on human rights and human rights violations more than the context in which we are exploring the humanities, which is to be expected with global news reporting | http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/resultsadvanced?vid=2&sid=82be3075-1e43-4e60-8222-7c263a7e9abc%40sessionmgr4007&bquery=humanities&bdata=JmRiPW5maCZ0eXBlPTEmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl | ||||||||||||||||||||||
14 | New Zealand's PapersPast | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | ProQuest News & Newspapers (this is the main ProQuest newspaper database) | UCSB Access | Jamal Russell, Giorgina Paiella | UCSB, CSUN, UM | Global; predominantly US | •See report on Ethnic NewsWatch, GenderWatch, and Alt-PressWatch. | 19thC | present | Ethnic NewsWatch GenderWatch Los Angeles Times New York Times Chicago Defender Chicago Tribune Los Angeles Sentinel Los Angeles Times The New York Times San Francisco Chronicle The Wall Street Journal The Washington Post The Wall Street Journal | full-text after c. 1980; PDFs only before 1980 (but metadata and abstracts available as text or XLS) | We have a data-scraping method worked out for Proquest | •As noted in other columns for this source, we have a dedicated workflow for scraping the database, and given the limitations of the ProQuest export function (depending on the publication, you cannot get the full text along with the article metadata through it), it would be best to simply have a good idea of the publications for which we can access full-text, and use our workflow to rescrape the database. •Related to the subject of the EthnicWatch and GenderWatch databases: the contents of those databases seem to peek through in the results of a "humanities" test search of the full database. Out of 95,272 results for "humanities," subject results #'s 3 and 4 are Minority & Ethnic Groups (2,145 results) and Culture (1,889 results) respectively. Women and African-Americans also place highly in the results. | •https://search-proquest-com.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:9443/news/results/C68DE13DD67A49CCPQ/1?accountid=14522 •file:///C:/Users/WE1S/Documents/ProQuestDocuments-2017-08-24.html | |||||||||||||||||||||||
16 | Proquest Black Newspapers | •No UCSB Access •Note: Info included is from scan of the source; no UCSB access to this in ProQuest databases | Giorgina Paiella | No UCSB Access or UM Access - potentially CSUN Access (login required to view breakdown of ProQuest databases available) | United States | •American history •African-American culture, history, politics, and the arts •Major historical and cultural movements, including the Harlem Renaissance and Civil Rights movements •Access to “perspectives and information that was excluded or marginalized in mainstream sources.” | •Earliest newspaper span dates to 1893 (The Baltimore Afro-American), but predominantly 20th-Century •Unable to see earliest full-text source | •Most recent newspaper span end date is 2005 (Los Angeles Sentinel) | Titles included: •Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003) •The Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988) •Chicago Defender (1910-1975) •Cleveland Call and Post (1934-1991) •Los Angeles Sentinel (1934-2005) •New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993) •The Norfolk Journal and Guide (1921-2003) •The Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001) •Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002) | •Full-text image; abstract and index | ProQuest terms and conditions: http://www.proquest.com/about/terms-and-conditions.html | Source homepage: http://www.proquest.com/products-services/histnews-bn.html#accordionOne | •Black Press Research Collection (BPRC) list of archives and online resources, incluidng ProQuest Black Newspapers: http://blackpressresearchcollective.org/resources/scholarship-archives/ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17 | ProQuest Black Studies Center Newspapers | •No UCSB Access •Sources can be found at the following link: http://bsc.chadwyck.com/common/mainViewContent.do | Giorgina Paiella | No UCSB Access; CSUN access | Global (predominantly United States, Carribean, and Africa) | Black studies; African American newspapers; | •Black Literature Index includes periodicals and newspapers dating from 1827-1940 | •From “humanities” test search, includes sources as recent as 2011 (and presumably sources extend to the present) | •View source content: http://bsc.chadwyck.com/common/mainViewContent.do •Includes historical backfiles of The Chicago Defender (1910-1975); International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP) in full text; Black Literature Index; Schomburgh Studies on the Black Experience (includes primary and secondary sources; reference materials, and a complete multimedia library that is fully captioned and searchable) | Full text; bibliographical citations | •Search for “humanities” on Black Studies center website produces results in the following content types and categories: Essays (9); Readings (63); Timeline (0); Multimedia (1); Reference (5); Journals (4218); Newspapers (1413); Black Literature Index (0) • Can search by term, source, and content type | ProQuest terms and conditions: http://www.proquest.com/about/terms-and-conditions.html | •Backfiles of newspapers, journals, and other sources from the database found here: http://bsc.chadwyck.com/home/home.do •Black Studies Center Homepage (including brochure): http://www.proquest.com/products-services/bsc.html •“The Black Studies Center is the resource you’ve been waiting for—a digital core collection of primary and secondary sources that record and illuminate the Black experience, from ancient Africa through modern times.” | •More information on the included databases: http://bsc.chadwyck.com/marketing/about.jsp | "Libraries can enhance Black Studies Center with multiple add-on modules. The HistoryMakers includes 100 interviews of contemporary African Americans who have broken barriers or accomplished significant achievements. Each video is two to three hours in length, fully subject-indexed and accompanied by transcripts. Nine historical Black newspapers can be added individually and are fully cross-searchable with ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Our final add-on module, Dissertations for Black Studies, contains 1,000 doctoral dissertations and Masters’ theses relating to Black Studies." | http://bsc.chadwyck.com/search/displayMultiResults.do?ssbeSearch=quick | ||||||||||||||||||||
18 | ProQuest Ethnic Newswatch | UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | UCSB, CSUN, UM | United States, Israel, China, India, Armenia, Africa, Canada, Ukraine, Turkey, South Africa, Philippines, Germany, Iraq, Russia, Haiti, France, Palestinian Territory, Poland, Ireland (Top 20 nations for "humanities" test search; have list of all countries and locations discussed or represented) | •Together with Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989 • Community publications and top scholarly journals on ethnicities and ethnic studies • Multilingual (nearly a quarter of the more than 2.5 million articles in the collection are in Spanish) • Largest full-text archive of Native American publications • From homepage: Ethnic NewsWatch™ comprehensively covers these ethnic categories: o African American/Caribbean/African o Arab/Middle Eastern o Asian/Pacific Islander o European/Eastern European o Hispanic o Jewish o Native People | Oldest full-digital source in “humanities” test search is a dissertation from 1950 Coverage generally starts between 1970 and 2000 depending on the newspaper | Present Most recent full-digital source in “humanities” test search is July 20, 2017 | •Top five publications for “humanities” test search: o The Epoch Times o Philadelphia Tribune o India Abroad oLos Angeles Sentinel oNew York Amsterdam News • Entire title list found here (have Excel sheet saved): http://tls.search.proquest.com/titlelist/jsp/list/tlsSingle.jsp?productId=10000018 News, culture and history from 200 publications of the ethnic, minority and native press. Nearly 500,000 complete articles dating back to 1990 are available, along with archival material dating back to the mid 1980's. More than 7,500 new articles are added each month. Ethnic NewsWatch is searchable in both English and Spanish, with titles in both languages; more than 100,000 articles are in Spanish. | Full-text; all others are citation, abstract, or indexing only | •Only conducted “humanities” test search for full text (61,069 total results) • Number one subject result was “minority and ethnic groups,” followed by “African Americans,” “culture,” “politics,” and “religion” • Top five document types: News (23,625); Commentary (14,097); Article (12,119); Feature (11,659); Review (5,041) • Top company/organization: United Nations (572 with combined “UN” abbreviation); Epoch Times (662); Habitat for Humanity; (349) • Top five source types: Newspapers (44,936); Scholarly Journals (8,078); Magazines (6,854); Dissertations and Theses (477); Trade Journals (271) | ProQuest terms and conditions: http://www.proquest.com/about/terms-and-conditions.html | •Ethnic NewsWatch Homepage: http://www.proquest.com/products-services/ethnic_newswatch.html • Ethnic NewsWatch Brochure: http://media2.proquest.com/documents/ethnicnewswatch.pdf •"Ethnic NewsWatch is a full-text database containing newspapers, magazines, journals, and newsletters of the ethnic, minority, and native press. Designed to provide the other side of the story, Ethnic NewsWatch titles offer additional viewpoints from those proffered by the mainstream press. Alongside the current module, the complete collection also includes Ethnic NewsWatch: A History, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989." | •ProQuest Diversity Databases brochure: http://media2.proquest.com/documents/diversity_database.pdf •We are including some of the databases and sources listed in the above brochure (like ProQuest Historical Newspapers—Black Newspapers, GenderWatch, and Ethnic NewsWatch), but other sources that may be worthwhile for WE1S to explore include Latin American Newsstand, US Hispanic Newsstand, and Publicaciones y Revistas Sociales y Humanísticas (PRISMA), among others. Descriptions for each of these databases begin on page three of the brochure. | https://search.proquest.com/ethnicnewswatch/results/94485F4664AA4069PQ/1?accountid=14522 | |||||||||||||||||||||
19 | ProQuest GenderWatch | UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | UCSB, CSUN, UM | United States, Canada, India, Australia, England, Ireland, South Africa, China, Nigeria, France, Israel, Japan, Germany, Russia, Iran, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq (Top 20 nations for "humanities" test search; have list of all countries and locations discussed or represented) | •Women •Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender groups •Multilingual (have list of represented languages) •Global sources (33% of titles published outside of U.S.) •Radical, community, and independent presses •Academic and grassroots perspectives | Oldest full-digital source in "humanities" test search is 1970 | Present Most recent full-digital source in "humanities" test search is July 13th, 2017 | •Top five publications for "humanities" test search: o ProQuest Dissertations and Theses o Windy City Times o Hypatia o Journal of Women’s History o Off Our Backs •Entire title list found here (have Excel sheet saved): http://tls.search.proquest.com/titlelist/jsp/list/tlsSingle.jsp?productId=1006729 | Full-text; all others are citation, abstract, or indexing only Over 300 titles, with more than 250 full-text | •Only conducted “humanities” test search for full text • Number one subject result was “women,” followed by “literature,” “feminism,” “gays and lesbians,” “personal relationships”… •4,403 of 10,702 full-text results peer-reviewed •Top-five source types: scholarly journals (5,346); magazines (3,196); newspapers (818); dissertations and theses (671); reports (414) | ProQuest terms and conditions, including restrictions: http://www.proquest.com/about/terms-and-conditions.html | GenderWatch homepage: http://www.proquest.com/products-services/genderwatch.html GenderWatch brochure: http://media2.proquest.com/documents/genderwatch.pdf "This is a database of unique and diverse publications that focus on how gender impacts a broad spectrum of subject areas. With its archival material, dating back to 1970 in some cases, GenderWatch is a repository of important historical perspectives on the evolution of the women's movement, men's studies, the transgendered community and the changes in gender roles over the years. Publications include scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books and NGO, government and special reports." | Also discovered Alt-Press Watch: Homepage: http://www.proquest.com/products-services/alt_presswatch.html Brochure: http://media2.proquest.com/documents/altpresswatch.pdf Title list (have Excel sheet saved): http://tls.search.proquest.com/titlelist/jsp/list/tlsSingle.jsp?productId=1006728 This may be a good database for non-mainstream perspectives, independent publications, and alternative sources. | https://search.proquest.com/genderwatch/results/DE2A9713A9CF40E1PQ/1?accountid=14522 | |||||||||||||||||||||
20 | ProQuest U.S. Hispanic Newsstand | No UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | No UCSB Access; UM has access to Latin American newsstand (will be taking notes on that source) | United States; Latin American countries | •Spanish language publications •Major cities with large Hispanic populations •Cities with growing Hispanic populations | •Entire title list found here (have Excel sheet saved): http://tls.proquest.com/tls/servlet/ListForward?productID=2723&productName=US+Hispanic+Newsstand&format=formatHTML&IDString=2723&combined=combined&issn=issn&prflag=prflag&pmid=pmid&cit=cit&abs=abs&lh_opt=lh_all | Full text | ProQuest terms and conditions: http://www.proquest.com/about/terms-and-conditions.html | •2008 ProQuest press release on the source: http://www.proquest.com/about/news/2008/ProQuest-Introduces-Largest-Digital-Collection-of-U-S-Hispanic-Newspapers-Available-on-a-Single-Interface.html •“ProQuest U.S. Hispanic Newsstand currently contains coverage from more than 30 titles representing both major cities with large Hispanic populations, as well as cities with growing Hispanic populations. Key titles include: Conexion (San Antonio, TX), Deporte Total (Tampa, FL), El Comercio (Manassas, VA), El Imparcial (Cicero, IL), El Periodico USA (McAllen, TX), El Vocero Hispano (Grand Rapids, MI), Extra (Chicago, IL), Fin de Semana (NY, NY), Hispanic PR Wire (Miami, FL), Hispano de Tulsa (Tulsa, OK), Hoy (NY,NY), La Palma (West Palm Beach, FL), NOTIMEX (Mexico City, Mexico), Prensa Mexicana (Tampa, FL), Que Onda! (Houston, TX), and Reflejos (Arlington Heights, IL).” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 | Readex America's Historical Newspapers collection: African American Newspapers, 1827-1998 | Scott | CSUN, UM | [Scott:] "Searchable, but yields PDFs only. The Terms of Use suggest that an API for text is unlikely." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22 | TROVE: Digitized Newspapers | No Library Link | Ryan Leach | Australia | •Allows refining search for specific regions in Australia •Allows searching particular sections of newspapers | 1803 | present | •21,706,985 newspaper pages and 1,153,698 gazette pages •Over 1,000 newspapers | text, PDF, JPG | API | •Search for "humanities" produces 4,631,947 results •Results can be sorted by relevance or date •Results can be filtered by: region, (newspaper) title, category (media type), existence of illustrations, decade, and word count. | Terms of Use | http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/result?q=humanities | |||||||||||||||||||||||
23 | Alternative Press Index | UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | UCSB link included | North America | •Alternative press •Coverage from about 380 alternative, radical, and left publications •Practices and theories of cultural, economic, political, and social change •Works of journalists, theories, and writers | Oldest source for "humanities" test search is Summer 2011, but sources in the database date back to 1991 | Most recent source for "humanities" test search is February 2nd, 2016 | Directory of periodicals: http://www.altpress.org/mod/apc_directory/index.php •Top five publications for “humanities” test search: o The Nation o Theory, Culture, and Society o Green Left Weekly o The Independent Film and Video Monthly o Cultural Studies | Some linked full text | •933 search results total; 132 are linked full text •Top source types: Magazines; book reviews; editorials; interviews •Top five subjects: humanities; crimes against humanity; national endowment for the arts and humanities; academia; art funding | Index Homepage: http://www.altpress.org/mod/pages/display/8/index.php?menu=pubs "The Alternative Press Index is widely regarded as the leading guide to the alternative press in North America. Its citations are drawn from roughly 380 alternative, radical, and left publications, which report and analyze the practices and theories of cultural, economic, political, and social change. API indexes such important periodicals as: Cineaste, Environmental Action, Socialist Review, and Women's Review of Books." | •Test search on “humanities” reveals that the top subjects may be on interest to the project, especially “National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities,” “academia,” and “art funding” | http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/resultsadvanced?vid=2&sid=48a49d51-7220-4d9a-a0de-dc7e4e67aec7%40sessionmgr102&bquery=humanities&bdata=JmRiPWFwbiZ0eXBlPTEmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl | ||||||||||||||||||||||
24 | Latin American Newspapers, Series I and II | UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | UCSB link included | Latin American nations | •Predominantly Spanish sources, but also includes English, French, and Portuguese languages •Diverse titles from more than 280 newspapers published between 1805 and 1922 in Latin America •Earlier coverage, but may be too early for our purposes | 1805 | 1922 | •World Newspaper Archive for Latin American Newspapers, Series I: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/HistArchive/?p_product=WHNPX&p_theme=ahnp&p_nbid=I5DJ60DXMTUwMTk2NTM4Mi44MTIwMjg6MToxNToxNjkuMjMxLjE4My4xNzE&f_header=false&p_action=sourcelist •World Newspaper Archive for Latin American Newspapers, Series II: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/HistArchive?p_product=WHNPX&p_action=publications&p_theme=ahnp&p_nbid=U59V5CNTMTUwMTk2NTYwOS40NDgxNTg6MToxNToxNjkuMjMxLjE4My4xNzE&p_clear_search=yes&d_refprod=WHNPX&s_category=none&d_collections=WHNPLAN2 | OCR; issues available for PDF download | •Test search for “humanities” •Only 12 results •Earliest result from August 6th, 1846 •Most recent result from July 24th, 1919 | •More info: http://www.readex.com/content/latin-american-newspapers-series-1-and-2-1805-1922 | •May be too early to be useful to us •Very few search results •Not full-text; download •Also available is the World Newspaper Archive, which includes local, regional, and intenational perspectives, including a lot of local papers from the U.S.: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/HistArchive/?p_product=WHNPX&p_theme=ahnp&p_nbid=Q5AN5DUUMTUwMTk2NTYwOS40NDEzNzI6MToxNToxNjkuMjMxLjE4My4xNzE&p_action=publications&p_queryname=11&d_hlTerms=&d_customSearchFields=0&d_locations=&d_languages=&d_locations_abbrev=&d_locchecks=&d_dates=&d_datestext=&d_datetype=&d_publication=&d_publicationHistory=&f_lochistory=reset&f_datehistory=reset&d_collections= | Latin American Newspapers, Series I “humanities” search: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/HistArchive/?p_product=WHNPX&p_theme=ahnp&p_nbid=J5CY4EBFMTUwMzQ1Mjk1Ni41MjYwMDM6MToxNToxNjkuMjMxLjE4My4xNzE&p_action=list&p_queryname=3&d_collections=WHNPLAN1&d_dates=&d_datestext=&d_locations_abbrev=&d_lastmap=&d_lastmaptype=&d_locchecks=&d_languages=&d_publication=& Latin American Newspapers, Series II “humanities” search: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/HistArchive?p_action=search | ||||||||||||||||||||||
25 | Women's Studies International | UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | UCSB link included | •Predominantly United States with global coverage; multiple languages represented (listed in “humanities” test search results cell) | •Women; gender studies; feminist studies; LGBT | •Coverage spanning 1908 to present •For “humanities” test search, earliest source is January 20th, 1881 | •Coverage spanning 1908 to present •For “humanities” test search, most recent source is forthcoming in October 2017 Women’s History Review; otherwise June 2017 | •Top five publications for “humanities” test search: o Journal of Education (227) o Dissertation Abstracts International; humanities and social sciences subdivision (92) o Women in Academia Report (43) o American Sociological Review (42) o Social Forces (35) o Sociological Review (28) • Entire HTML title list found here (have Excel sheet saved): https://www.ebsco.com/products/research-databases/womens-studies-international | •Full text; PDF; indexing and abstracts | •1,805 total results for search term “humanities,” and 268 are linked full-text •Top subject results for “humanities” test search: women’s studies (236); feminism (205); United States (199); humanity (144); humanities (143); women’s rights (119) •Languages: English (1,586); Spanish (10); French (9); Portuguese (4); German (2); Dutch (1); Swedish | •EBSCO policy on metadata and other user policies: https://www.ebsco.com/company/metadata-sharing-policy | •Women’s Studies International Homepage: https://www.ebsco.com/products/research-databases/womens-studies-international • Includes six database files: o Women Studies Abstracts o Women's Studies Bibliography Database o Women's Studies Database o Women Studies Librarian o Women of Color and Southern Women: A Bibliography of Social Science Research o Women's Health and Development: An Annotated Bibliography. | •Noticed some digital humanities results in test search •Women in Academia Report (one of the top sources for “humanities” test search) seems like a very valuable contribution to WE1S exploration of gender issues: https://www.wiareport.com/about/ | http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/resultsadvanced?vid=2&sid=b751f8a4-e4ba-4518-a5ea-9908beb0f9eb%40sessionmgr103&bquery=humanities&bdata=JmRiPWZ5aCZ0eXBlPTEmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl | |||||||||||||||||||||
26 | Women and Social Movements, International: 1840 - Present | UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | UCSB link included | Global | •Women; female activists; gender studies; letters and diaries; conference proceedings | •Coverage spanning from 1840-present •Earliest source for “humanities” test search is 1889 | •Coverage spanning from 1840-present •Most recent source for “humanities” test search is 2010 | •Browse all works here: http://wasi.alexanderstreet.com/Browse | PDF download | •728 results for “humanities” test search (but note that many other sources discuss women and education and women in the arts and humanities without explicitly using the term “humanities”) •Can search by term, subject, institution, proceedings, language, recipients, personal discussed, historical event, etc. •Top five subjects for “humanities” test search: Transnational Women’s Movement (664); Women and Social Reform (508); Reproductive Rights (114); Women and Family (112); Women and Health (112) •Top five authors: International Council of Women (40); United Stations Commission on the Status of Women (28); World Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (28); Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (19); Inter-American Commission of Women (18) •Format: Text (726) and Video (2) •Places discussed: Asia (90); Europe (75); North America (56); Africa (52); South and Central America and the Caribbean (23); Oceania (22) •Original languages: English (387); French (15); Arabic (6); Spanish (4); German (3); Dutch (1); Finnish (1) | •Info on the source, including a downloadable brochure and bibliography: https://alexanderstreet.com/products/women-and-social-movements-international •“Backed by a global editorial board of 130 leading scholars, Women and Social Movements, International is a landmark collection of primary materials drawn from more than 300 repositories. Assembled and cross-searchable for the first time, these resources illuminate vast areas of modern history. Through the writings of women activists, their personal letters and diaries, and the proceedings of conferences at which pivotal decisions were made, Women and Social Movements, International lets you see how women’s social movements shaped many of the events and attitudes that have defined modern life. To the present, women’s international organizations have focused on issues related to peace, poverty, child labor, literacy, disease prevention, and global inequality. Only by exploring traditions of women’s activism can we reach a full understanding of modern society and history.” | •Noticed in "humanities" test search that most widely covered region is Asia - worth considering for greater global coverage •Searchable themes include women and development, women and education, women and immigration, women and religion, women and sexuality, women of color, women, colonization, and empire, and work and class identity, which may facilitate research for a number of subgroups and issues of interest •Includes conference proceedings and political documents, so offers a glimpse into how these issues play out on a global, visible manner •Includes diaries, personal works, and ephemera, which offers a glimpse into more private or personal reflections and is a nice balance to more academic sources | http://search.alexanderstreet.com/wasi/search?searchstring=humanities | ||||||||||||||||||||||
27 | Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 | UCSB Access | Giorgina Paiella | UCSB link included | United States | •Women; U.S. history; U.S. women’s history; social movements; social activism; primary and secondary sources | •Coverage spanning from 1600-2000 •Earliest source for “humanities” test search is 1859 | •Coverage spanning from 1600-2000 •Most recent source for “humanities” test search is 2017 | •Legislation (includes Declaration of Independence, British Reform Act, and state acts, for example); newspapers (local and national); non-fiction and fiction texts; can filter out to hone in on texts or subjects of interest | Full-text | •Alexander Street Press and editors of Women and Social Movements in the United States Digital Humanities Initiative Statement: http://asp6new.alexanderstreet.com/was2/was2.help.aspx?dorpID=1006982685 •Excerpted from above: “Beginning in Fall 2015 scholars at institutions with subscriptions to Women and Social Movements in the United States or Women and Social Movements, International will be able to request downloadable, machine-readable versions of full-text sources in the databases, as well as the selected metadata provided by Alexander Street Press." | •Test search on “humanities” yields 385 results | •Database review: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09612025.2010.524020?scroll=top&needAccess=true | •Includes gender bias reports and information from commissions on the status of women, which may provide statistical information of use to the project •Review notes that coverage is strongest in the 20th-Century | http://asp6new.alexanderstreet.com/was2/was2.search.advanced.results.aspx?quick+search=humanities | |||||||||||||||||||||
28 | Access World News | UCSB Access | Jamal Russell | UCSB link included | 144 Countries, including the United States, England, Australia, and Canada | •Includes French, German, Italian, Portugese, Spanish (111 sources), and Welsh language sources from around the world. •Includes local newspapers from around the world, as well as state AP newswires. •Includes English language newspapers from India, Brazil, China, among other countries. •Includes Audio and Television transcripts. | Stated 1978; earliest artidcle from "humanities" full-text search dated August 12, 1974 (article after that dated October 26, 1979). | Present | Directory of publications: http://infoweb.newsbank.com/resources/search/nb?p=AWNB&b=pubname | Full-text; can save individual articles as PDF | •"Humanities" test search yielded 432,176 results (431,682 English, 1,079 Welsh, 530 Spanish, 22 French, 11 German, 4 Portugese, 2 Italian). •Top source types: Newspaper (356,670 results), Newswire (61,807 results), Web-only Source (8,948 results), Journal (1,231 results), Transcript (1,163 results). •Top Results: US, England, Australia, India, Canada. | More info can be found here (UCSB Library description): https://www.library.ucsb.edu/research/db/access-world-news | • http://infoweb.newsbank.com.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:2048/resources/search/nb?p=AWNB&b=results&action=search&fld0=alltext&val0=%22humanities%22&bln1=AND&fld1=YMD_date&val1=&sort=YMD_date%3AD | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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