A | B | C | |
1 | 2024-2025 BES Staff Directory | ||
2 | Name | Position | |
3 | Alfano, Payton | palfano@brielleschool.org | 6th Grade |
4 | Annesi, Kristen | kannesi@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
5 | Arzt, Audrey | aarzt@brielleschool.org | Physical Therapist |
6 | Barra, Amie | abarra@brielleschool.org | 7th Math |
7 | Beaty, Sandy | sbeaty@brielleschool.org | Custodian |
8 | Booth, Jessica | jbooth@brielleschool.org | Interventionist Math |
9 | Brzozowski, Maureen | mbrzozowski@brielleschool.org | Nurse Assistant |
10 | Bucolo, Alexa | abucolo@brielleschool.org | 3rd Grade |
11 | Byrne, Tracey | tbyrne@brielleschool.org | 7th and 8th Grade |
12 | Caldwell, Kate | kcaldwell@brielleschool.org | Guidance Counselor |
13 | Campbell, Kelsey | kcampbell@brielleschool.org | Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade |
14 | Cardamone, Kelly | kcardamone@brielleschool.org | Eighth Science / REACH |
15 | Carhart, Shirley | scarhart@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
16 | Caulfield, Meaghan | mcaulfield@brielleschool.org | Speech Therapist |
17 | Chiasson, Brian | bchiasson@brielleschool.org | Physical Education/Health |
18 | Cole, Kaitlin | kcole@brielleschool.org | Spanish |
19 | Coughlan, Erin | ecoughlan@brielleschool.org | 1st and 2nd Grade |
20 | DeBenedetto, Peter | pdebenedetto@brielleschool.org | Media Center/Technology |
21 | Devereux, Bonnie | bdevereux@brielleschool.org | 1st Grade |
22 | DiVona, Katie | kdivona@brielleschool.org | 2nd Grade |
23 | Dolan, Kim | kdolan@brielleschool.org | Physical Education/Health |
24 | Donnelly, Courtney | cdonnelly@brielleschool.org | Sixth Language Arts |
25 | Dymek, Jillian | jdymek@brielleschool.org | Kindergarten |
26 | Eberling, Victoria | veberling@brielleschool.org | 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade |
27 | Echeverria, Jorge | jecheverria@brielleschool.org | Facilities Manager |
28 | Egan, Jeanne | jegan@brielleschool.org | School Secretary |
29 | Fallon, Matthew | mfallon@brielleschool.org | Physical Education/Health |
30 | Gilbertson, Alison | agilbertson@brielleschool.org | 4th Grade |
31 | Greenfield, Brett | bgreenfield@brielleschool.org | Supervisor of Educational Technology |
32 | Healey, Tara | thealey@brielleschool.org | Occupational Therapist |
33 | Hennessy, Kristin | khennessy@brielleschool.org | 6th Grade |
34 | Hyland, Vanessa | vhyland@brielleschool.org | Sixth/Seventh Science |
35 | Jackwicz, Kelly | kjackwicz@brielleschool.org | 5th Grade ELA |
36 | Jenkins, Curtis | cjenkins@brielleschool.org | Custodian |
37 | Kennedy, Alison | akennedy@brielleschool.org | School Secretary |
38 | Kenny, Lisa | lkenny@brielleschool.org | School Psychologist |
39 | Kern, Lori | lkern@brielleschool.org | 4th Grade |
40 | Killeen, Amy | akilleen@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
41 | Kotar, Benjamin | bkotar@brielleschool.org | Custodian |
42 | Krieg, Megan | Mkrieg@brielleschool.org | Art |
43 | Labrecque, Steve | slabrecque@brielleschool.org | 5th Math |
44 | Langeveld, Kathy | klangeveld@brielleschool.org | Assistant to the Business Administrator |
45 | Leddy, Caitlin | cleddy@brielleschool.org | 3rd Grade |
46 | Lembo, Elisanne | elembo@brielleschool.org | 5th Grade Social Studies/Science |
47 | Lomet, Diane | dlomet@brielleschool.org | 8th Math |
48 | Looney, Kereth | klooney@brielleschool.org | School Nurse |
49 | Lovgren, Sarah | slovgren@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
50 | Luethold, Rena | rluethold@brielleschool.org | Interventionist Reading |
51 | Magnotta, Payton | pmagnotta@brielleschool.org | Kindergarten |
52 | Mahon, Adrienne | amahon@brielleschool.org | Social Worker |
53 | Mahon, Anthony | ajmahon@brielleschool.org | World Language/Math/ESL |
54 | Mahon, Kerry | kmahon@brielleschool.org | Pre School |
55 | Martin, Susan | smartin@brielleschool.org | 6th, 7th and 8th Grade |
56 | Matter, Lisa | lmatter@brielleschool.org | Interventionist Math |
57 | McNamara, Nancy | nmcnamara@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
58 | Menture, Jami | jmenture@brielleschool.org | 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Grade |
59 | Morris, John | jmorris@brielleschool.org | 7th / 8th Social Studies /Financial Literacy |
60 | Mulligan, Jim | jmulligan@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
61 | Murphy, Thomas | tmurphy@brielleschool.org | Custodian |
62 | North, Marissa | mnorth@brielleschool.org | 7th ELA |
63 | O'Reilly, Elizabeth | boreilly@brielleschool.org | Guidance Counselor |
64 | Otchy, Jillian | jotchy@brielleschool.org | 3rd Grade |
65 | Paolella, Lisa | lpaolella@brielleschool.org | 3rd Grade |
66 | Pearson, Nancy | npearson@brielleschool.org | Director of Pupil Personnel Services/Guidance |
67 | Pennetti, Stephanie | spennetti@brielleschool.org | Dean of Students |
68 | Petosa, Peter | ppetosa@brielleschool.org | 6th / 7th Social Studies |
69 | Petrone, Janney | jpetrone@brielleschool.org | 2nd Grade |
70 | Petrucelli, Christine | cpetrucelli@brielleschool.org | STEM |
71 | Philips, Pamela | pphillips@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
72 | Poelstra, Stacie | spoelstra@brielleschool.org | Superintendent/Principal |
73 | Prendergast, Maria | mprendergast@brielleschool.org | Interventionist Reading |
74 | Pringle, Meghan | mpringle@brielleschool.org | 6th Grade Math |
75 | Prol, Timothy | tprol@brielleschool.org | Instrumental Music/Music |
76 | Quigley, Diane | dquigley@brielleschool.org | Business Administrator/Board Secretary |
77 | Randel, Stephanie | srandel@brielleschool.org | 2nd Grade |
78 | Rosen, Sydney | srosen@brielleschool.org | Music |
79 | Saito, Quinn | qsaito@brielleschool.org | Child Study Team Secretary |
80 | Salsido, Julia | jsalsido@brielleschool.org | 7th Grade |
81 | Schwarz, Meranda | mschwarz@brielleschool.org | Speech Therapist |
82 | Scotto Rosiello, Maria | mrosiello@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
83 | Sevastakis, Susan | ssevastakis@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
84 | Shaak, Cheryl | cshaak@brielleschool.org | Kindergarten |
85 | Siano, Carrie | csiano@brielleschool.org | 1st Grade |
86 | Smith, Summer | sasmith@brielleschool.org | 5th Grade |
87 | Solomon, Kristen | ksolomon@brielleschool.org | Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC) |
88 | Spinapont, Noreen | nspinapont@brielleschool.org | Confidential Secretary to Superintendent/Principal |
89 | Stover, Dana | dstover@brielleschool.org | 8th Grade ELA |
90 | Terracciano, Katherine | kterracciano@brielleschool.org | 3rd and 5th Grade |
91 | Thompson, Margaret | pthompson@brielleschool.org | Reading Interventionist |
92 | Tobon, Hugo | htobon@brielleschool.org | Custodian |
93 | Vendittoli, Carly | cvendittoli@brielleschool.org | Instructional Aide |
94 | Yee, Kenn | kyee@brielleschool.org | Science K-3 |
95 | York, Laura | lyork@brielleschool.org | 4th Grade |
96 | Ziroli, Deborah | dziroli@brielleschool.org | 1st Grade |
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