TopicPollWho was surveyedDate rangeURLQuestionPolicySupportive response option(s)U.S. adults (%)Democrats (%)Republicans (%)Democrats - Republicans
EducationYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsJune 10 - 13, 2022
Do you favor or oppose more government spending on security services in public K-12 schools?
Increasing spending on security services in public schoolsFavor666175-14
EducationYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsApril 28 - 29, 2022
Should high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy that includes lessons on topics such as credit scores, managing debt, and filing taxes?
Requiring high school students to take a class on financial literacyYes798283-1
EducationYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensMay 2 - 6, 2022
Do you agree or disagree with the following: The U.S. government should invest more in trade schools and other college alternatives
Increasing investment in trade schools and other college alternativesAgree7277761
EducationYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose requiring public high schools to stock Narcan or other similar medications that can be used to prevent an opioid overdose?
Requiring high schools to stock medications that can be used to prevent an opioid overdose
Strongly or somewhat support6270664
EducationYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensAugust 16 - 19, 2022
Do you think public schools should provide the following to...Free lunch to low-income students
Providing free lunch to low-income students in public schools
All students or low-income students
EducationYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsJune 10 - 13, 2022
Do you favor or oppose more government spending on mental-health programs in public K-12 schools?
Increasing spending on mental-health programs in public schoolsFavor67805525
Elections and governmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensNovember 4 - 6, 2022
Do you support or oppose the following? Setting a maximum age limit for elected officials to hold office
Setting a maximum age limit for elected officials to hold officeStrongly or somewhat support626374-11
Elections and governmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsAugust 5 - 6, 2020
Would you support or oppose presidential candidates being required to take drug tests administered by an independent third party and have the results released to the public?
Requiring presidential candidates to take a drug testStrongly or somewhat support707377-4
Elections and governmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensApril 25 - 28, 2022
Do you support or oppose allowing political candidates to accept donations in cryptocurrency, which can obscure the identities of people donating?
Banning political candidates from accepting donations in cryptocurrency
Strongly or somewhat support626667-1
Elections and governmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsAugust 5 - 6, 2020
Would you support or oppose presidential candidates being required to take cognitive exams administered by an independent third party and have the results released to the public?
Requiring presidential candidates to take a cognitive examStrongly or somewhat support6771710
Elections and governmentThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensFebruary 5 - 8, 2022
Do you support or oppose...? Banning lobbyists from participating in redistricting
Banning lobbyists from participating in redistrictingStrongly or somewhat support6567652
Elections and governmentThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensFebruary 5 - 8, 2022
Do you support or oppose...? Requiring all districts are drawn in public and in a fully transparent manner
Requiring all districts to be drawn in public and in a fully transparent manner
Strongly or somewhat support7477752
Elections and governmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensNovemebr 8, 2022
Do you support or oppose states offering the option of straight-ticket voting, which enables voters to select one political party's complete slate of candidates for every office by making a single mark on his or her ballot?
Offering the option of straight-ticket votingStrongly or somewhat support4657543
Elections and governmentThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensFebruary 5 - 8, 2022
Do you support or oppose...? Requiring public input on proposed congressional and legislative voting districts
Requiring public input on proposed congressional and legislative voting districts
Strongly or somewhat support6368635
Elections and governmentThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensFebruary 5 - 8, 2022
Do you support or oppose...? Requiring that redistricting is conducted by a nonpartisan redistricting commission
Requiring that redistricting be conducted by a nonpartisan redistricting commission
Strongly or somewhat support6368635
Elections and governmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensAugust 25 - 29, 2022
Currently, groups not affiliated with a candidate are able to spend unlimited amounts of money on advertisements during a political campaign. Do you think this kind of spending should be limited by law, or should it remain unlimited?
Limiting how much money groups not affiliated with a candidate are able to spend on advertisements during a political campaign
Limited by law60695415
Elections and governmentThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJanuary 22 - 25, 2022
Do you support or oppose...? Requiring states to make voting more accessible for people with disabilities
Requiring states to make voting more accessible for people with disabilities
Strongly or somewhat support79897415
Elections and governmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensNovember 4 - 6, 2022
Do you support or oppose the following? Making Election Day a national holiday
Making Election Day a national holidayStrongly or somewhat support59735716
Elections and governmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsJuly 24 - 27, 2020
Should presidential candidates be obliged to publicly disclose their health records?
Requiring presidential candidates to publicly disclose their health records
Yes, they should62725616
Elections and governmentThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 1 - 4, 2022
Would you support or oppose Congress passing a law doing the following? Reaffirming the vice president has no role in validating a presidential election beyond overseeing the counting process
Reaffirming that the vice president has no role in validating a presidential election beyond overseeing the counting process
Strongly or somewhat support58755718
Elections and governmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsMay 3 - 4, 2022
Would you support or oppose establishing term limits for Supreme Court justices?
Establishing term limits for Supreme Court justicesStrongly or somewhat support59725418
Elections and governmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsAugust 8 - 9, 2022
The Presidential Records Act says that official presidential documents and classified materials must be given to the National Archives when a president leaves office. Do you generally support or oppose this rule?
Requiring former presidents to give official documents to the National Archives
Strongly or somewhat support69836122
Family and reproductive careYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 10 - 14, 2022
Should people who were conceived with the use of sperm or egg donors have a legal right to receive information on their donors’ identities after turning 18?
Providing a legal right for adult children of sperm or egg donors to receive information on their donors’ identities
Family and reproductive careYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose a law that requires all new or renovated buildings with public bathrooms to make baby changing tables available in bathrooms used by both men and women?
Requiring baby changing tables in bathrooms used by both men and women
Strongly or somewhat support7076688
Family and reproductive careYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsJuly 23 - 26, 2021
Do you believe diapers should or should not be subject to state sales tax?
Exempting diapers from state sales taxesThey should not be taxed6063549
Family and reproductive careYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose requiring companies to provide some amount of paid parental leave to mothers and fathers after the birth or adoption of a child?
Requiring companies to provide paid parental leave to mothers and fathers
Strongly or somewhat support71827012
Family and reproductive careThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJuly 2 - 5, 2022
Would you support or oppose Congress passing a law doing the following? Legalizing abortion when the woman’s health is endangered by her pregnancy
Legalizing abortion when a woman’s health is endangered by her pregnancy
Strongly or somewhat support77867115
Family and reproductive careYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensMay 17 - 20, 2022
Would you support or oppose a law that ensures that people who experience pregnancy losses are not subjected to government investigation?
Ensuring that people who experience pregnancy loss are not subject to government investigation
Strongly or somewhat support65795821
Family and reproductive careThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJuly 2 - 5, 2022
Would you support or oppose Congress passing a law doing the following? Legalizing abortion in the case of rape or incest
Legalizing abortion in cases of rape or incestStrongly or somewhat support74866422
Family and reproductive careYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose the federal government increasing the affordability of birth control and expanding people's access to it?
Increasing the affordability of birth control and expanding people's access to it
Strongly or somewhat support64795623
Family and reproductive careYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsJuly 19 - 20, 2022
Would you support or oppose Congress passing a law that legalizes contraception throughout the United States?
Legalizing contraception throughout the United StatesSupport64765224
Family and reproductive careYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensMay 9 - 12, 2022
Should private health insurance plans be required to cover the cost of birth control?
Requiring private health insurance plans to cover the cost of birth control
Family and reproductive careThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensFebruary 16 - 18, 2020
The Equal Rights Amendment, first proposed in 1972, guarantees equal rights for all citizens regardless of sex. Would you support or oppose such an amendment being added to the US Constitution?
Passing the Equal Rights AmendmentSupport67855332
Foreign affairs and immigrationYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 16 - 20, 2022
Would you support or oppose requiring employers to use the E-Verify system to establish the legal immigration status of current employees and all new applicants?
Requiring employers to use the E-Verify system to establish the legal immigration status of employees
Foreign affairs and immigrationYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsApril 27 - 28, 2022
Do you generally support or oppose the U.S. engaging in prisoner exchanges with hostile countries, where each country releases a citizen that they have imprisoned from the other country?
Engaging in prisoner exchanges with hostile countriesStrongly or somewhat support5665569
Foreign affairs and immigrationYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsAugust 16 - 17, 2021
The US recently increased the number of Afghans eligible for refugee status to include current and former employees of U.S.-based news organizations, U.S.-based aid and development agencies and other relief groups that receive U.S. funding. Do you support or oppose these groups being accepted as refugees into the US?
Expanding the number of Afghans eligible for refugee statusStrongly or somewhat support65745618
Foreign affairs and immigrationYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adults
September 29 - 30, 2022
Do you support or oppose allowing Ukraine to join NATO?Allowing Ukraine to join NATOStrongly or somewhat support56725319
Foreign affairs and immigrationThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizens
September 24 - 27, 2022
Do you think the United States should or should not accept refugees fleeing violence in Ukraine?
Accepting refugees fleeing violence in UkraineShould77896920
Foreign affairs and immigrationYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsFebruary 22 - 23, 2021
Once vaccinations in the US are complete, would you support or oppose donating most of the US' excess COVID-19 vaccines to developing countries?
Donating excess COVID-19 vaccines to developing countriesStrongly or somewhat support75866422
GunsThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 4 - 7, 2022
Do you favor or oppose any of the following? Requiring criminal and mental background checks for all those buying guns, including at gun shows and private sales
Preventing people with a history of mental illness from owning gunsFavor strongly or somewhat7680773
GunsThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 4 - 7, 2022
Do you favor or oppose requiring criminal and mental background checks for all those buying guns, including at gun shows and private sales?
Requiring criminal and mental background checks for all gun salesFavor strongly or somewhat77847113
GunsYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsJune 10 - 13, 2022
Do you favor or oppose expanding criminal and mental background checks for buying guns to include juvenile records?
Expanding gun background checks to include juvenile recordsFavor66766214
GunsThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 4 - 7, 2022
Do you favor or oppose any of the following? Requiring people who purchase handguns to wait five days before they receive that gun
Requiring a five-day waiting period to buy a handgunFavor strongly or somewhat70826517
GunsYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsJune 10 - 13, 2022
Do you favor or oppose raising the age to purchase selected semi-automatic firearms referred to as assault weapons from 18 to 21?
Raising the minimum age to purchase assault weapons from 18 to 21Favor68805921
GunsThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJuly 9 - 11, 2022
Do you favor or oppose any of the following? Creating red flag laws that allow a court to temporarily remove guns from people that are believed to pose a danger to themself or others
Creating red flag laws that allow guns to be temporarily taken from people believed to pose a danger
Favor strongly or somewhat67855629
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose banning anti-wrinkle and filler injections for people under the age of 18 who are seeking them for cosmetic, non-medical reasons?
Banning filler injections for people under 18 for cosmetic, non-medical reasons
Strongly or somewhat support595969-10
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose allowing people to purchase glasses or contact lenses without a prescription?
Allowing people to purchase glasses or contact lenses without a prescription
Strongly or somewhat support505255-3
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose requiring prescription drug makers to disclose information about their prices in television advertisements?
Requiring prescription drug makers to disclose their prices in television advertisements
Strongly or somewhat support677073-3
Health care and social servicesThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensMarch 15 - 17, 2022
Should a state that bans certain medical treatments be able to make laws that prevent people who live there from traveling to other states to receive the treatment?
Allowing people to travel to other states to receive medical treatment that is illegal in their own state
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensApril 19 - 25, 2022
Would you support or oppose the government taking the following action to address homelessness? Funding more counseling programs for people with mental illness
Funding more counseling programs for people with mental illness as a solution to homelessness
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensApril 19 - 25, 2022
Would you support or oppose the government taking the following action to address homelessness? Funding more rehabilitation programs for people with addiction
Funding more rehabilitation programs for people with addiction as a solution to homelessness
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose providing parents who can't afford it with free health care for their children?
Providing parents who can't afford it with free health care for their children
Strongly or somewhat support7381738
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose making it legal for terminally ill people to seek life-ending medication?
Legalizing life-ending medication for terminally ill peopleStrongly or somewhat support57695514
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensApril 19 - 25, 2022
Would you support or oppose the government taking the following action to address homelessness? Incentivizing developers to build more low-income housing
Incentivizing developers to build more low-income housing as a solution to homelessness
Health care and social servicesYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsFeburary 16 - 17, 2022
Do you think parents should be required to have their children vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella?
Requiring childhood vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubellaYes71836419
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensApril 19 - 25, 2022
Would you support or oppose the government taking the following action to address homelessness? Funding more emergency rental assistance programs
Funding more emergency rental assistance programs as a solution to homelessness
Health care and social servicesThe Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 25 - 28, 2022
Do you approve or disapprove of requiring tobacco companies to reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes sold in the U.S. to minimally addictive or nonaddictive levels?
Requiring nicotine levels in cigarettes to be at levels that are nonaddictive or minimally addictive
Strongly or somewhat approve68805921
Health care and social servicesYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsOctober 1 - 4, 2021
Here are some additional economic proposals. Please tell us which ones you favor or oppose? Extending Medicare coverage to include dental, vision and hearing
Extending Medicare coverage to include dental, vision, and hearingFavor75886721
Health care and social servicesYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsOctober 1 - 4, 2021
Here are some additional economic proposals. Please tell us which ones you favor or oppose? Increasing funding for in-home care of older Americans and those with disabilities
Increasing funding for in-home care of older Americans and people with disabilities
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensApril 19 - 25, 2022
Would you support or oppose the government taking the following action to address homelessness? Building housing for chronically homeless people to permanently live in
Building housing for chronically homeless people to permanently live in
Health care and social servicesYouGov PollU.S. adult citizens
August 29 - September 5, 2022
Would you support or oppose the government providing some relief to people with the following types of debt? Medical debt
Providing some government relief to people with medical debtStrongly or somewhat support67855728
Infrastructure and environmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsMarch 15 - 16, 2022
Would you like to see Daylight Saving Time made permanent?Making Daylight Saving Time permanentYes, I would596165-4
Infrastructure and environmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 3 - 6, 2022
Should there be a financial or tax incentive for food establishments in the U.S. to donate or compost leftover food, rather than throwing it away?
Providing an incentive for establishments to donate or compost leftover food, rather than throwing it away
Infrastructure and environmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose a law prohibiting coal companies from depositing mining debris in local streams?
Prohibiting coal companies from depositing mining debris in local streams
Strongly or somewhat support6976733
Infrastructure and environmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 3 - 6, 2022
France bans large grocery stores in the country from throwing away unsold food that could be given away. Would you support or oppose the U.S. adopting such a rule?
Banning large grocery stores from throwing away unsold food that could be given away
Strongly or somewhat support7681756
Infrastructure and environmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsOctober 11 - 12, 2022
Would you support or oppose a law banning the testing of pesticides, chemical substances, and other products on cats and dogs?
Banning the testing of pesticides, chemical substances, and other products on cats and dogs
Strongly or somewhat support6868608
Infrastructure and environmentYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 21 - 29, 2022
Would you support or oppose planting a trillion trees to absorb carbon emissions?
Planting a trillion trees to absorb carbon emissionsSupport7077698
Infrastructure and environmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsAugust 3 - 4, 2022
Would you support or oppose a law that limits the ownership of big cats (including tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars, and cougars) to wildlife sanctuaries, universities, and certified zoos?
Limiting the ownership of big cats to wildlife sanctuaries, universities, and certified zoos
Infrastructure and environmentYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsOctober 1 - 4, 2021
Here are some additional economic proposals. Please tell us which ones you favor or oppose? Making drinking water clean for all Americans by replacing lead pipes
Making drinking water clean for all Americans by replacing lead pipesFavor80927022
Infrastructure and environmentYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsMarch 23 - 24, 2021
Do you support or oppose increasing federal spending on infrastructure construction and repair if it also increases the budget deficit?
Increasing federal spending on infrastructure construction and repairStrongly or somewhat support69835429
Policing and crimeYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose making it illegal to encourage someone to kill themselves?
Making it illegal to encourage someone to kill themselvesStrongly or somewhat support575969-10
Policing and crimeYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose making it illegal for pedestrians to look at their cellphones while walking in a crosswalk?
Making it illegal for pedestrians to look at their cellphones while walking in a crosswalk
Strongly or somewhat support565965-6
Policing and crimeYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose making it illegal to joke on an airplane about having a bomb?
Making it illegal to joke on an airplane about having a bombStrongly or somewhat support657071-1
Policing and crimeYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose a law that requires law enforcement agencies and hospitals to submit rape kits to labs for testing before a certain amount of time has elapsed after their collection?
Requiring rape kits to be submitted to labs for testing within a certain time frame
Strongly or somewhat support738081-1
Policing and crimeYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose arresting and charging suspected perpetrators of intimate partner violence in cases where the victim opposes prosecution?
Arresting perpetrators of intimate partner violence in cases where the victim opposes prosecution
Strongly or somewhat support5461601
Policing and crimeYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsAugust 15 - 16, 2022
Police quotas are goals police leadership set for officers in terms of the number of stops, tickets, or arrests within a defined period of time. Overall, do you think police quotas are a good idea or a bad idea?
Ending police quotas in terms of the number of stops, tickets, or arrests required within a defined period of time
Bad idea6160591
Policing and crimeYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsMay 29 - 30, 2020
Here are some things that have been proposed to reduce deadly force encounters involving the police. Which of these do you favor or oppose? Outfitting all officers with body cameras.
Outfitting all police officers with body camerasFavor7691829
Policing and crimeYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsMay 29 - 30, 2020
Here are some things that have been proposed to reduce deadly force encounters involving the police. Which of these do you favor or oppose? Train police on how to de-escalate conflicts and avoid using force.
Training police to de-escalate conflicts and avoid using forceFavor88948311
Policing and crimeYouGov PollU.S. adult citizens
August 30 - September 4, 2022
Should it be illegal for a clergyperson to exploit an adult congregant’s emotional dependency on them for sex?
Making it illegal for a clergyperson to exploit an adult congregant’s emotional dependency on them for sex
Policing and crimeYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose requiring police officers to document each instance in which they point a gun at someone?
Requiring police officers to document each instance in which they point a gun at someone
Strongly or somewhat support69786612
Policing and crimeYouGov PollU.S. adult citizens
August 30 - September 4, 2022
Should clergy be required to report plausible cases of child abuse even if they were told about the abuse in confidence during a person’s spiritual confession?
Requiring the clergy to report plausible cases of child abuse even if told about the abuse in a spiritual confession
Policing and crimeYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adults
September 9 - 10, 2021
Would you support or oppose allowing a person who was convicted of a crime and sentenced to death to have someone they choose by their side at the moment of execution?
Allowing people on death row to have someone they choose by their side during their execution
Strongly or somewhat support62715219
Policing and crimeYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsJune 9 - 10, 2022
Here are some things Congress is considering to reduce police violence. Which do you favor or oppose? Require law enforcement agencies to report data on the use of force
Requiring law enforcement agencies to report data on the use of force
Policing and crimeYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsMay 29 - 30, 2020
Here are some things that have been proposed to reduce deadly force encounters involving the police. Banning neck restraints.
Banning police officers from using neck restraintsFavor67805822
Policing and crimeYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsMay 30 - 31, 2022
Would you support or oppose a federal policy requiring police officers to intervene if they see other law-enforcement officials using excessive force?
Requiring police officers to intervene if another officer is using excessive force
Policing and crimeYahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsJune 9 - 10, 2022
Here are some things Congress is considering to reduce police violence. Which do you favor or oppose? Create a national registry to track police misconduct
Creating a national registry to track police misconductFavor73856223
Policing and crimeYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsDecember 7 - 8, 2020
Do you support or oppose expunging marijuana-related convictions for non-violent offenders?
Expunging marijuana-related convictions for non-violent offendersStrongly or somewhat support70815724
TechnologyYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 16 - 20, 2022
Would you support or oppose a law that increased fines on spam robocallers?
Increasing fines on spam robocallersSupport777884-6
TechnologyYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsApril 12 - 13, 2022
Should social media sites be allowed to collect data on users who are under 18?
Banning social media sites from collecting data on users under 18No727073-3
TechnologyYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsMay 10 - 11, 2022
Should search engines and social media sites be required to allow users to opt-out of being targeted with ads on certain sensitive topics such as pregnancy, alcohol, or weight loss?
Requiring search engines to allow users to opt out of targeted sensitive ads
TechnologyYouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose requiring social media companies to identify automated accounts — often known as bots — to users as computer-generated accounts?
Requiring social media companies to identify bots to users as computer-generated accounts
Strongly or somewhat support697172-1
TechnologyYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsJune 7 - 8, 2022
In order to reduce electronic waste, a recent rule from the European Union will require all manufacturers of smartphones and other small electronic devices to use the same type of charging connector. Would you support or oppose implementing a similar rule in the United States?
Requiring all smartphone manufacturers to use the same charging connectors
TechnologyYouGov Daily QuestionsU.S. adultsMay 18 - 19, 2022
Should every American have the right to access high-speed Internet?
Ensuring universal access to high-speed InternetYes75896425
Work and corporations YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensOctober 26 - 28, 2022
Would you support or oppose increasing the number of available national service positions with organizations such as the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps?
Increasing the number of available national service positionsStrongly or somewhat support52665511
Work and corporations YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 16 - 20, 2022
Would you support or oppose closing tax loopholes that allow corporations to create tax havens in places such as Bermuda or the Cayman Islands?
Closing tax loopholes that allow corporations to create tax havensSupport60695613
Work and corporations YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensJune 16 - 20, 2022
Would you support or oppose banning companies found guilty of not fully paying their workers from bidding on government contracts?
Banning companies guilty of wage theft from bidding on government contracts
Work and corporations The Economist / YouGov PollU.S. adult citizens
September 17 - 20, 2022
Do you support or oppose the Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department conducting antitrust probes (e.g., investigations into price fixing, monopolizing actions, and predatory pricing) into major companies?
Conducting antitrust probes into major companiesStrongly or somewhat support66775621
Work and corporations YouGov PollU.S. adult citizensMarch 11 - 15, 2022
We will now ask you to share your opinion on a number of different issues relating to transgender people in the United States. Do you support or oppose...Allowing employers to fire people or refuse to hire people for being transgender.
Making it illegal to fire or refuse to hire a person for being transgender
Strongly or somewhat oppose65775522
Work and corporations Yahoo! News / YouGov PollU.S. adultsApril 6 - 8, 2021
Here are some additional economic proposals. Please tell us which ones you favor or oppose? Providing advanced training for millions of workers in manufacturing and other industries
Providing advanced training for millions of workers in manufacturing and other industries