descriptioz_aaanamecategorystatus_plastatus_grotopicvisionjmap-indexdescript_2postcodesourcelinkimage urlLabellonlatz_aaaz_bbbstatus_pla2
174We’re transforming the world of private renting through our legal advice and support services; and for renters generally through our campaigning work – telling politicians what the problems are and what they could do to resolve them. We’re not antiJSadvice4renters (Brent)Group0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace
170Barnet Housing Action Group was set up by members of the Barnet Alliance for Public Services; members of Occupy and Unite the Community to work with tenants; homeowners and the homeless; victims of housing benefit cuts and of the bedroom tax to fight forRHNBarnet Housing Action Group
Group0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgBarnet Housing_AG-0.15293651.6251502aaaBorough0
168We want to support our friends; our neighbours and one another to fight against cuts to vital benefits and to the threat to our homes an communities. RHNBrent Housing ActionGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.org Housing_Ac-0.2712249851.56640019aaaBorough0
Camden & Islington Community Unite has been set up for local people who aren't in paid employment: if you are unemployed, volunteering, caring for others, retired, or over 16 and studying we'd like you to join us
RHNCamden & Islington UniteCommunityGroup0action groupeconomyalternative3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgFacebook: Islington_UC-0.117416381851.54291882aaaBorough0
206Like our parent organisation; LCC; our main aim is to increase the number of people who cycle and to provide a better cycling experience for those that already do.aaaCamden CyclistsGroup0group2transportalternative3There are many benefits to cycling including better health; reduced travelling time and greater enjoyment. More cycling means less pollution and less congestion.Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference
161DIGS have come together to campaign for a better deal for people renting locally. We’re a private tenant information and support group; run by Hackney renters; for Hackney renters.<br>Email | hello[at]hackneyrenters[dot]org<br>TwRHNDIGS - Hackney RentersGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgDIGS_Hackney
149Standing up for Haringey’s community-run Community Centres of all kinds; linking
up and supporting each other throughout the sector; and celebrating the widespread and vital range of services and activities carried out on behalf of a diverse community
OTHaringey Community Centres NetworkGroup0action groupcommunitycampaign3Ax yBC2016/10_JM-direct CCN-0.0941562751.59786756aaaBorough0
151Haringey Housing Action Group meets regularly to give and receive support on housing problems and campaign for better housing; working collectively to solve each others’ problems.. Opposing unaccountable property developers; Councillors and private comaaaHaringey Housing ActionGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/02_startingwebsite:
imgHaringey Housing_A-0.1096272551.59097593aaaBorough0
124We are a new group of Lambeth and Southwark residents who believe that decent housing is a right. We are organising together to support each other with housing problems we face and to take action to ensure that everyone has decent homes.Get in touch: HASRHNHousing Action Southwark and LambethGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgSwk/Lbeth Hsg_Ac-0.0947570851.48683474aaaBorough0
196is a collection of people and organisations who work together to make sure that healthy; sustainable; locally produced food is available to everyone living in Lambeth; regardless of income; both now and in the future.aaaIncredible Edible LambethGroup0group2ecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway Lambeth-0.109080125951.481703aaaBorough0
195 Unemployed Workers Group
Group0group2economycampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgKilburn Unemployed
145We are activists involved in Tenants and Residents Associations; housing co-ops; private renters groups; homeless organisations; trade unions and other housing campaign groups. We’ve come together to organise action in response to the housing crisis. WRHNLambeth Housing ActivistsGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgLambeth Hsg_Activists-0.113124851.4628845aaaBorough0
144We’re a new group of renters in Lambeth and are exploring ways we can work together to improve things for people who rent from private landlords in our borough.If you want to know more or would be interested in getting involved; find us on Twitter; droRHNLambeth RentersGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgLambeth Renters-0.122909545951.45700196aaaBorough0
193aaaLambeth Tenants CouncilGroup0group2housing / planning03Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conferenceimgLambeth Tenants-0.116184933151.46221798aaaBorough0
186We are all ages; all communities and all of us are claimants; or people who understand what it is to exist on benefit & like to help with form-filling.aaaNewham Claimants UnionGroup0group2housing / planning03The answer may come from someone who's had to claim for a while and knows how the system really ticks. Or it might be a wild idea from the newest member that works!Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference Claimants_U0.024303300851.53765911aaaBorough0
185aaaNewham Tenants UnionGroup0group2housing / planningalternative3(not sure about the exact position)Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference
imgNewham Tenants_U0.0107261751.53180634aaaBorough0
128We believe our much-loved neighbourhood is under threat from the planning policies of Southwark Council. Support our campaign and help us protect this; our homeJSSaving SouthwarkGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Southwark-0.1048651.49688aaaBorough0
Southwark Can Anti-Knife Crime Forum
essential services
alternative3to be completedAx yBC2017/02-Networked_CitySouthwark
Anti-Knife Crime
126We exist to promote the rights of tenants and residents and to empower them through training to help them take control of their housing needs and improve where they live and their environment.JSSouthwark Group Tenants OrganisationsGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Tenants_GO-0.06913091451.477429aaaBorough0
127Run for and by private tenants; Southwark Tenants exists to improve the housing condition and rights of all private tenants in Southwark. Tenants
Group0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgSouthwark Tenants
122We support private tenants in Tower Hamlets and campaign for real change towards greater housing for everyone. JSTower Hamlets Renters
Group0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgTowerHamlets Renters-0.029182434151.51985259aaaBorough0
179We are a local cycling campaign group in the East End of London. Our main objectives are: to encourage more people to cycle; to improve conditions for cyclists; to raise the profile of cycling in the East End
This involves bringing the issues to the atte
JSTower Hamlets WheelersGroup0group2transportalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Wheelers-0.02865201151.51144aaaBorough0
210Help to migrants. Moved from old location. Managed by Josef Oladoso.JSAction for Community DevelopmentGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace CyDevt-0.023818016151.47521538aaacross London0
173ASF-UK aims to make places that are more sustainable; more environmentally friendly and are ordered and designed by the people who live in them. We are realising this vision by creating the next generation of architects and building professionals who havJSArchitectes Sans Frontières-UKGroup0action grouphousing / planningalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace NoBoarders-0.1050789351.532222aaacross London0
172Architects for Social Housing has been set up in order to respond architecturally to London’s housing ‘crisis’.JSArchitects for Social HousingGroup0action grouphousing / planningalternative3ASH offers support; advice and expertise to residents who feel their interests are not being represented by local councils or housing associations during the regeneration process.Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference London0
171The campaign – formerly the ‘Kill The Housing Bill’ campaign – was started in late 2015 to bring together campaigners; groups; trade unions and anyone who wants to fight the current Conservative Governments Housing & Planning Act.aaaAxe The Housing ActGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3The Axe The Housing Act campaign is currently supported by the following groups:
Unite the Union Housing Branch; Defend Council Housing; The Radical Housing Network; The Lambeth Housing Activists.

Ax yBC2016/11_LandForWhatimgAxe
-0.1247119951.52901107aaacross London0
209we support hundreds of local groups and individuals around the country; and bring together dozens of national organisations. Together; we campaign in a number of different ways for sustainable transport.JSCampaign for better TransportGroup0group2transportalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Transport-0.0960108151.532201aaacross London0
205Campaign for real AleaaaCAMRAGroup0group2ecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway London0
204Confederation of Co-operative HousingaaaCCHGroup0group2housing / planningalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway Housing-0.475851927851.65676947aaacross London0
165is a platform to provide support for architecture and planning professionals and communities fighting for housing in London. This space is for those working in building design; planning and construction to anonymously provide advance information on propJSConcrete ActionGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace
-0.060231685651.53220809aaacross London0
200Helping people to reduce; reuse and recycle empty shops and other spaces in towns and cities…Dan Thompson Studio
aaaEmpty Shops
Group0group2ecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway
-0.4760236151.65208294aaacross London0
158We’re a small campaign with a shoestring budget; but we think big. We think privately rented homes should be decent; secure and affordable; and we think authorities should intervene when they’re not. We want every private renter in London to stand upJSErenters' Rights LondonGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace' Right_Ldn-0.1514905351.546461aaacross London0
156Fuel Poverty Action campaigns against the injustice of cold homes by turning up the heat on rip-off energy companies and the politicians in their pockets. We take action for warm; well insulated homes and clean and affordable energy; under the control ofRHNFuel Poverty ActionGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgFuel Poverty_Ac-0.140738251.5491606aaacross London0
155Campaigning with private renters for professionally managed; secure; decent and affordable privately rented homes.aaaGENERATION RENTGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference RENT-0.061181174151.52991025aaacross London0
154GMB Young London is an active forum for all GMB members living in the region who are 27 years old or younger. We meet regularly to discuss campaigns organised by ourselves and supported by our regional office. Currently working on our Howl For Housing CaRHNGMB Young LondonGroup0action groupeconomycampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgGMB_Young Ldn-0.135655451.5263345aaacross London0
194KORI is a registered charity; founded in 2002 to support the development of children and young people aged 5-25 years. We have four core; connected; programmes : Home from Home; The Haven; Talent Match; The VesselaaaKORIGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway London0
192London Community Resource Network (LCRN) is a charity pioneering community solutions to London’s waste challenge.aaaLC Ressource NetworkGroup0group2ecologyalternative3We help organisations to engage and involve communities in reducing; re-using; recycling and redistributing resources – for maximum social; economic and environmental benefit.Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference Ress_Ntwk-0.083895162351.52740704aaacross London0
190JSLondon Federation of Housing CoopsGroup0group2housing / planningalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpaceimgLdnFed HsgCoop-0.33382251.426895aaacross London0
142LGTU is involved in campaigning and planning work around the London Plan; national planning policy and local authority plans; particularly focusing on policies related to Gypsy and Traveller accommodation.JSLondon Gypsy and Traveller UnitGroup0action groupcitizenshipcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Traveller-0.0578251.53789aaacross London0
143is a charity established 'for the public benefit to protect and to improve the quality of life of people living in; working in; or visiting the area comprising Greater London'.JSLondon of Civic and Amenity SocietiesGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Amenity-0.1034285751.519894aaacross London0
140Coalition of London housing action groups; more information here: Renters
Group0networkhousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgLondon Renters
-0.125312805251.49474411aaacross London0
139LTF aims to provide a strong regional voice for tenants of social housing landlords; focused on influencing and challenging regional housing and planning policy (determined by the London Mayor) and national policy in the way it impacts on London. This isJSLondon Tenants FederationGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpaceimgLondon TenantsFed0.0050151.52779aaacross London0
131RA is a network of activists aiming to support revolutionary movement against all systems of oppression. We arrange direct action; demonstrations; discussion events; film nights; socials; workshops and more.aaaRadical AssemblyGroup0action groupcitizenshipcampaign3Our online spaces act as hubs of information for people to find out about grassroots campaigns in their area. We try to create a supportive environment for people new to or marginalised from activism.Ax yBC2016/11_LandForWhat Assembly-0.1303768251.4649165aaacross London0
130People all over London are doing battle with planners; politicians and developers to defend their neighbourhoods. It is time for us to stand together and demand change – to Reclaim London from the private and powerful interests wrecking our city.JSReclaim LondonGroup0action groupcitizenshipcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace
-0.1105775551.502141aaacross London0
129Proposal for new Gipsies traveller site. Land designated in Local Plan.aaaRooms of Our OwnGroup0action groupcitizenshipproject3Ax yBC2016/06_ConwayimgRooms.of Our.Own-0.033356536351.5452408aaacross London0
267Seeking to provide permanent, affordable, accessible spaces for women's organisationsRooms of our OwnGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3E17 4SQ2018_google_formroomso4own.wordpress.comRooms of our Own-0.01623251.588801cross London
183takes direct action for domestic violence servicesaaaSisters UncutGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway
-0.191015768451.50834371aaacross London0
125Squatterss action for secure homesRHNSQUASH campaign
Group0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/ campaign
-0.1251411451.49933946aaacross London0
180We’re calling on the Greater London Authority – in collaboration with London boroughs – to set up a new; people-powered energy company.

We want an energy company that cuts bills and cuts polluting carbon emissions. A company under public ownership
JSSwitched On LondonGroup0group2ecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace On_Ldn-0.192796851.440453aaacross London0
123is a growing group of disillusioned Londoners who have come together to make our voices heard.JS RoSTake Back the CityGroup0action groupcitizenshipcampaign3Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference theCity0.019664421351.51599181aaacross London0
176A History Of Land Rights And Protest In Folk Song And Story - touring around country increasing social history land literacy
Community Food Growers Network; London wide network of community food growing groups. Support CFGN coordinator to feed into food
JSThree Acres And A CowGroup0action groupecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpacemail@robingrey.comimg3Acres
-0.0360151.58115aaacross London0
120consists of an inter-generational group of experienced African heritage change agents (practitioners; managers; activists; academics; freelancers and other business people drawn from a wide range of sectors); who have come together to learn and use a vaJS RoSUbele InitiativeGroup0action groupcitizenshipcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace
-0.06834852651.599463aaacross London0
175We at Action East End want to see an alternative; one based on a genuine sense of community and solidarity. Action East End is a local group based in East London that wants to contribute to resistance; both defending ourselves in our communities and workRHNAction East End
Group0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgAction East_End
166Developed by Westway 23 : Software project to help communities to to fill applications for ACV (Assets Community Value)aaaCO-CitGroup0action grouphousing / planningalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_ConwayimgCO-Cit-0.2083861851.51857747aaalocal0
163 Council Housing
Group0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgDefend Council_Hsg
201he EETG is a co-operative of proprietor owned and run businesses working together in the interests of all the small independent traders of the East End. As well as offering goods and services our members provide social spaces; sustaining relationships beJSEast End Trades GuildGroup0group2economyalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Trades-0.02469580451.591192aaalocal0
159We are concerned local; trade union ACTIVE-ist residents who believe in mutual support action and campaigning for positive change in areas such as local housing; employment; mental health; local government and such.JSEast London Unite CommunityGroup0action grouphousing / planningalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Unite_Cy-0.0033651.58179aaalocal0
157The Focus E15 campaign began in September 2013 and was led by a group of young mothers living in a hostel called Focus E15. The mums were served eviction notices by East Thames Housing Association after Newham Council cut the funding to the mother and baRHNFocus E15 campaignGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgFocus E150.002553451.5417044aaalocal0
197created in 1982 : develop cooperative enterprises; organise training programmes (eg Cookery); create community hubs; promote healthy lifestyles.aaaGreenwich Co-operative Development AgencyGroup0group2economyalternative3Ax yBC2016/09-Deptford_Old_Tidemill_G2
188project to develop a local wifi network which also intensifies human relationships in the communityaaaMAZI networkGroup0group2communityalternative3Ax yBC2016/06-Deptford_Old_Tidemill_G network-0.0198531651.47801906aaalocal0
199serve free community lunches at T.Chances (399 High Rd; London N17 6QN) on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month @ 1pm.aaaNorth London Food Not BombsGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Food Not Bombs is dedicated to taking action around issues of capitalism; food waste; poverty; hunger and militarism that affect our society; as well as to supporting local activist and community groups in their fight against intersecting structures of oAx yBC2016/10_JM-direct Not Bombs-0.107824851.59681455aaalocal0
133 before profit
Group0action groupcitizenshipcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgPeople bfr_profit-0.0082397551.46427483aaalocal0
132RHNPeople's Republic of Southwark
Group0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgPeople's Republic_Swk-0.09630251.4930875aaalocal0
184South East London Community Energy; generating sustainable energy for SE London 'by the community; for the community'. Seven schools have been fitted with solar panels on their roof. It represents an important saving for the school that can dedicate thisaaaSouth East London Community EnergyGroup0group2ecologyalternative3It is also very pedagogical thanks to different energy meters that children can observe. Energy is redistributed locally when it is not consumed.Ax yBC2016/09-Deptford_Old_Tidemill_G2
207activities fro youthsaaaBrighter VisionGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Ax yBC2016/09-Deptford_Old_Tidemill_G2imgBrighter Vision-0.0349760151.48942348aaamicro local0
164DC Resists is a private renters and leaseholder group on Dorchester Court fighting a landlord/freeholder who has let this historic listed estate fall into disrepair while imposing massive rent rises on tenants and service charge rises on leaseholders. AnRHNDC ResistsGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03_radicalhousingnetwork.orgimgDC Resists-0.096956551.4580081aaamicro local0
Before WWII there were more independent councillors in London (dixit an activist from Brixton)
aaaIndependent councillorsGrouplostpubliccitizenshipchanges2.5to be completed and checkedAx yBC2017/01-Civic_University
no more independent councillors
-0.105505630151.46877683aaamicro local0
191London Community Neighbourhood Co-op believes that we can create a place in an urban setting where we put sustainability; community and social justice at the centre of our lives. (precise position)aaaLCNCGroup0group2housing / planningalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway local0
30 people evicted from a squat in 2016 - where they rejuvenated a derelict plant nursery and theatrical prop warehouse in Camden. Moved to Highbury Bowl and now evicted again
Rochester Square Come Unity Gardens
Rochester Square Gardens
-0.13549563951.54339592aaamicro local0
208is a symbol that has been created to remember ALL African/Black people who have contributed in a number of ways towards various war efforts across the globe; since the 16th Century.aaaBlack.Poppy RoseGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway Rose0.032737043151.51758761aaaNational0
202We campaign for a beautiful and living countryside. We work to protect; promote and enhance our towns and countryside to make them better places to live; work and enjoy; and to ensure the countryside is protected for now and future generations.JSCampaign for Protection of Rural England (CPRE)Group0group2ecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace
203Citizens UK organises communities to act together for power; social justice and the common good.

We are the home of community organising in the UK; with diverse civil society alliances in London; Milton Keynes; Nottingham; Birmingham; Wales and Leeds.
JSCitizens UKGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace UK-0.05715675951.517572aaaNational0
198We campaign for solutions to environmental problems.

We're a member of Friends of the Earth International; which has groups in more than 75 countries including Scotland.

We also have a network of more than 200 local groups.
JSFriends of the EarthGroup0group2ecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Earth-0.1177582351.476133aaaNational0
147We enable local groups and churches to provide practical help to people in housing need. At the same time we work for change in housing policies at national and local level. We do this by embracing partnership with people of all faiths (and none) who shaJSHousing JusticeGroup0action grouphousing / planningcampaign3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Justice-0.08245321251.497305aaaNational0
189We’re working to redefine a generation’s definition of transport and making walking the norm. And it's a mission we've been on for quite some time. Our amazing supporters; staff and partners across the UK have achieved some incredible results over thJSLiving StreetsGroup0group2transportalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Streets-0.07185406551.516996aaaNational0
187national council for voluntary organisations champions the voluntary sector and volunteering because they’re essential for a better society. We do this by connecting; representing and supporting voluntary organisations.aaaNCVOGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway
182Solidarity with convoys CalaisaaaStand Up to RacismGroup0group2citizenshipalternative3Ax yBC2016/06_Conway to.Racism-0.183109731851.5294553aaaNational0
181The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals; improve the working and living environment; enrich society and culture and promote equity.JSSustainGroup0group2ecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace
178Through campaigning; educating and community work; we aim to empower women and others to become agents of change in their society; enabling them to participate equally in a fair; healthy and sustainable future.

Our current focus is local food production
JSWomen's Environmental NetworkGroup0group2ecologyalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace's Environ_Nwk-0.07427115551.524958aaaNational0
135Tottenham is a great place with a rich social and architectural history; made up of vibrant; diverse and talented communities. We want to ensure this continues!RoSOur TottenhamNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace
177We are local residents; traders and others who have an interest in the regeneration of the Elephant & Castle. We engage in planning matters ranging from housing to public realm and sustainable development. Associated with the Elephant Amenity Networkaaa35% CampaignNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/06_Conwayimg35% Campaign-0.098353283951.49179623aaalocal0
169has been formed by local residents and businesses as a response to poor consultation by Southwark Council regarding its Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Objective to create a Neighbourhood ForumaaaBermondsey Village Action GroupNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference Village-0.084085469651.50106887aaalocal0
160Deptford Neighbourhood Action. Created 18 months ago (approx january 2015). Meetings in the new Deptford public library (lounge). They want to create a Neighbourhood forum.
JSDeptford Neighbourhood ActionNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/06-Deptford_Old_Tidemill_G
153project to set up a neighbourhood forum (embryonic)aaaGrange WoodNeighbd+Group0group2housing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference
imgGrange Wood-0.074862519751.49602956aaalocal0
152Started from resistance: In 2011; when developers applied to demolish the historic Baring Hall Pub (built in 1882) in the centre of Grove Park and replace it with a block of flatsaaaGrove Park Neighbourhood ForumNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningproject3; many local residents and campaigners came together with the Grove Park Community Group and the campaign successfully saved the pub from demolition.Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference
imgGrove Park_NF0.022196470351.42954482aaalocal0
150The forum covers Hayes (West Middlesex / West London); with Harlington; Harmondsworth; Longford; Sipson and part of Cranford. The forum is a representative grouping of over 200 local community and voluntary organisations campaigning for improvements toJSHayes Community Development ForumNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Community-0.4694617151.549349aaalocal0
211Neighbourhood Forum Set up to respond to the Localism Plan and formulate a Neighbourhood Plan for Highgate - meet at the Bull Pub, Highgateaaa
Highgate Neighbourhood Forum
Neighbd+Group0group2housing / planningproject32017/01-Civic_University
Highgate Neighbourhood Forum
148In July 2014; the Crofton Park and Honor Oak Park Neighbourhood Forum (HopCroft Forum) was formally constituted by Lewisham Council to lead on pulling together a Neighbourhood Plan for the designated area.JSHopcroft Neighbourhood ForumNeighbd+Group0group2housing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Neigh-For-0.04088371351.452383aaalocal0
146In our Neighbourhood Forum we have more control and say over planning decisions that affect housing; shops and most other types of planning decisions. We can influence where we want development and what sort of development we want.aaaKENTISH TOWN NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUMNeighbd+Group0group2housing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference TOWN_NF-0.132495754251.54821411aaalocal0
141Neighbourhood ForumaaaLee Neighbourhood ForumNeighbd+Group0group2housing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference
imgLee Neigh:F0.015720613651.4481098aaalocal0
138A sustainable community hub for creative Entrepreneurship; Talent & Work; based in London's Millbank-Pimlico-Victoria area - Media Design Art MusicJS RoSMillbank Creative WorksNeighbd+Group0action groupculturealternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Creative_W-0.1305751.49103aaalocal0
137The area would covered the 4 residential areas aroundaaaNeighbourhood Forum projectNeighbd+Group0group2housing / planningproject3Ax yBC2027/03_Old OakimgNeighb. Forum-0.2555394251.52925136aaalocal0
136Friends of Old Kent Road is a community-led consortium of individuals who live; work or run a business on the Old Kent Road and within the area defined by the Old Kent Road Area Action Plan.aaaOKR peopleNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningalternative3Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference people-0.075590855751.48743312aaalocal0
134Peckham Vision is a consortium of residents; artists and businesses pioneering citizen action to revitalise Peckham town centre linking past; present & future for the benefit of all.JS RoSPeckham VisionNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpacehttp://www.peckhamvision.orgimgPeckham Vision-0.06822751.469761aaalocal0
162community group open to anyone who is an active & supportive member of the Deptford community. Against gentrification; community kitchen; woman workshop; Arts & local culture; bank clothes ...aaaThe Deptford people projectNeighbd+Group0action groupcommunitycampaign3location ?Ax yBC2016/09-Deptford_Old_Tidemill_G2
Deptford people project
121We are ordinary local residents who want to make Kentish Town less dependent on fossil fuels; and a happier; greener and more neighbourly place to live.aaaTransition Kentish TownNeighbd+Group0action groupecologyalternative3Transition Kentish Town is part of Transition Towns; an international movement that aims to inspire and support communities to respond to climate change; inequality and shrinking supplies of cheap energy.Ax yBC2016/04-JustSpace_conference Kentish_T-0.144543974751.54678272aaalocal0
118I am organising local people to develop Vassall and Coldharbour Forum as a Green Flag neighbourhood; this is an attempt to resist redevelopment and preserve and enhance our living environment. I am also involved in trying to save Minet library: Lambeth wRoSVassall and Coldharbour ForumNeighbd+Group0action grouphousing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Coldharbour_F-0.105651.47266aaalocal0
29People's Empowerment Alliance for Custom House : CUSTOM HOUSE one of England's most deprived Wards in one of the country's most deprived Boroughs. That is how most people see Custom House. The statistics corroborate these assumptions and the facts tell uJSPEACHNeighbd+Groupunder threataction grouphousing / planningproject3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace localunder threat
111THCH was formed in March 2000 with Government funding of £21 million secured from Round 3 of the Estates Renewal Challenge Fund for the transfer of 1;249 homes owned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets; including 215 leased properties.JSTower Hamlets Community HousingPlacepreserved0housing / planningalternative3Ax yBC2016/03-survey_JustSpace Hamlets_CyHg-0.05508166651.514516aaaBorough0