Settings allow anyone to comment. Make suggested edits and addition by commenting. Please share links.Please reach out to confirm that programs are accepting applications, and are able to fund their students.fully funded = all admitted MA students receive tuition remission + stipend or salary
competitive = applicants apply/are nominated for fellowship/TAships (which cover all or part of tuition)
partial = students receive varying levels of support (like, partial tuition no stipend or full tuition and partial stipend)
Note: Funding may be based on fellowship/stipdent, teaching assistantships, research assistantships. See department websites for more info, and email their graduate administrators if anything is unclear.

List maintained by: jennifer dot doyle at ucr dot edu; v21collective at gmail dot com
Campus (note: default in Canada is full funding for all admits. We have listed only a few Canadian programs here.)full/partialwebsitenotes (language direct from dept., observatiosn where things are not clear - applicants should contact departments directly for more info.)
Auburn Universityfully funded offer all accepted MAs a graduate teaching assistantship which provides tuition remission and stipend.
Baylor UniversityMA's receive full tuition remission, a significant health insurance package, generous stipend with research and teaching opportunities in the department
Boston Collegecompetitive? TAships, RAships (unclear if students are fully funded - "anecdotal evidence indicates they are partially fuded")
Bucknell Universityfully funded SUSPENDED FOR F 2021 cohort. [stipend of approximately $12,000 and a tuition remission scholarship that covers the tuition for four courses, two each semester. plus summer funding grants]
Carnegie Mellon partial, competitive tuition remission, work opportunities (hourly, plus TAships)
Clemson Universityfully funded M.A. in English program offers 20 graduate assistantships for new graduate students, including a stipend of $16,000 and tuition reduction. First year G.A.s typically perform fifteen hours of research assistance, administrative support, or writing tutoring per week. Second year Graduate Teachers teach two sections of first-year composition each semester, with moderate supervision from the Director of First-Year Composition. GTRs receive a stipend of $16,500 and tuition reduction."
Coastal Carolina Universitypartial, competitive Carolina Univ. has a Masters of Writing program (comp / rhet and creative writing as primary focus areas); not automatically funded, but TAships exist, which most students are on, and which cover tuition + some more left over.
Colorado State Universitycompetitive State University also has Master's program with four different focus areas. If you are awarded one of the graduate teaching assistantships, your costs (minus fees) are covered. It's a fabulous GTA program.
George Mason Universitypartial, competitive$12k + tuition remission for 1 or 2 students per year (TA ship: 1st year tutor at WC, 2nd year teach FYW/Lit); Some students get TAship of $12k w no remission; Some get no funding at all but can apply for funding in 2nd year.
Georgetown University partial, competitive applicants considered for competitive partial tuition remission; hourly work opportunities, including TA-ships and RA-ships, are available and governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated by the graduate student union
Idaho State Universityfully funded vast majority of full-time students are awarded TAships (part-time students are not eligible). Awards include a full tuition waiver and stipend (roughly $13,000 over 9 months).
Iowa State Universityfull funded tuition remission, work opportunities (TAships in Speech Comm or Composition, and Research Assistantship offered first semester). Annual stipend $19,200
James Madison Universityfully funded virtually all full-time students, the M.A. in English Program is fully funded. Students receive funding through a combination of Graduate Assistantships held by the English Department and partnerships with other offices on campus, which provide valuable professional experience that supplements their graduate coursework. Graduate Assistants receive a full tuition waiver and a stipend for their two years in the program in this multifaceted assistantship structure.
Kansas State Universitycompetitive"We offer competitive GTA funding ($12,000 per annum, full tuition waiver, opportunity to enroll in university's health insurance program). Our GTAs teach 1-2 load. Funding often supplemented by awards and scholarships."
Lehigh Universityfully funded of students funded, mainly via TAships
Miami Universityfully funded all students awarded TAships, other options available
Michigan State University this fully funded? Website isn't clear.
Mississippi State Universitypartial, competitive 70% tuition waiver and stipend for TAs
North Carolina State University competitive also offer fully-funded graduate teaching assistantships to top applicants.
Oakland Universitycompetitive students apply for TAships, 6 are available
Oklahoma State Universitycompetitive for TAships and tuition waivers; granted to most students; travel/conference funding available
Oregon State Universityfully funded, fellowships, most students fully funded
Purdue Universityfully funded admitted students receive full funding as TAs, RAs, or research fellows
Rhode Island College
fully or partially funded, competitive
We offer Graduate Assistantships (usually two/year) that include tuition waivers and stipends for student work as research and teaching assistants. We also have two endowed scholarships that defray partial or full tuition for two full-time students. Current annual tuition for in-state Rhode Island residents is around $6,400; for “Northeast Neighbors” (applicants from MA, CT, ME, NH, VT, and parts of NY, NJ and PA) around $9,400; and for out of state residents around $12,000.
Sam Houston State Universitypartial, competitive Department provides assistantships and scholarships for outstanding graduate applicants. The graduate assistant is awarded a $9,800 stipend for an academic year (two long terms) and qualifies for state health benefits.
San José State University competitive, partial funding for TAships
Texas A&M Universitypartial
Texas State San Marcoscompetitive how this works for incoming MA students
Texas Tech Universitypartially funded offer accepted MAs a graduate teaching assistantship which provides partial tuition remission and stipend. We also keep a waitlist of accepted students who are in line for the funded positions.
University of Alabamafully funded admitted to the graduate program are guaranteed up to five years of full financial support (up to four years for the MFA; up to two years for the MA). All admitted students qualify for Graduate Assistantships, which include a stipend paid over nine months (currently $14,125), and full payment of up to 15 credit hours of graduate tuition.
University of Alberta, Canadafully funded have excellent internal funding packages and a very high success rate for external funding. We are often able to offer incoming students a funding package approaching, and occasionally, exceeding $30,000 for PhD and $20,000 for MA students annually
University of Arizonafully funded information 12/24: funded MA paused, some GATships available but not guaranteed.
University of Cincinnatifully funded students funded through TAships
University of Colorado Bouldercompetitive funding within the MA in Literature program are eligible to apply for a number of scholarships and awards offered by the English Department (Including TAships; TA jobs also available through the writing program)
University of Connecticut competitive funding attempts but does not guarantee to provide four semesters of financial support for students selected for subsidy in the M.A. program. "All are funded with full waiver and very competitive stipend. Most attractive MA package in the country, probably."
University of Delawarefully funded was put on here, but I don't see that they have an MA?
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa partial, competitive Mentoring Teaching Assistantships (2 year appointment); Half UHM tuition waiver (excluding student fees) for Fall and Spring semesters; Stipend of approximately $9,465 per year; 10 hours of work required per week, typically mentoring in an ENG 100 class or tutoring in the Writing Center;Approximately 5-7 positions available to newly admitted students
University of Idaho
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaignfully funded is keyed to PhD students but seems to apply to MAs: We guarantee a very long term of full financial support to students in good standing: seven years for students entering with the B.A. or B.S. degree." From a current student (2023): "Current student: UIUC does offer funding for all MA students at the 25-36% level."
University of Illinos, Chicagopartial, competitive students may be eligible for a 50% FTE Teaching Assistantship in their second year. (For 2019-2020 the rate was $19,730 for 9 months.) The Assistantship carries a tuition and partial fee waiver and a stipend,
University of Kansasfully funded"All our admitted MAs receive GTAshpis that include a tuition waiver plus a competitive stipend"
University of Kentuckyfully funded Students are offered teaching assistantships in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies (WRD) for a stipend plus full tuition remission and student health insurance.
University of Louisvillecompetitive funding department awards up to 10 Graduate Teaching Assistantships to our top M.A. applicants each year. M.A.GTAships run 10 months and offer tuition remission, insurance, and a stipend. GTAs will work for their first year in the University Writing Center and will teach introductory writing courses for the First-Year Composition program in their second year.
University of Mainefully funded greatest number of our funded M.A. students are recipients of graduate teaching assistantships. We award twenty-one teaching assistantships each fall, with approximately half of these usually assigned to new students.
University of Marylandcompetitive funding applicants will be considered for funding through TAships, which provide a stipend and partial tuition remission. Those who do not obtain such funding are eligible to apply for graduate assistantships on campus, which carry tuition remission and stipends.
University of Massachusetts, Bostoncompetitive funding assistantships and research assistantships for qualified students
University of Mississippicompetitive funding English Department provides a number of opportunities for graduate students to fund their studies, including Teaching Assistantships, Graduate Assistantships, and numerous scholarship opportunities.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln competitive admitted into the M.A. program are eligible for up to 2 years of funding.
University of Nebraska-Omahacompetitive full funding apply for TAships which cover tuition, fees and a stipend.
University of Nevada, Las Vegascompetitive program applicants are eligible to apply for Graduate Assistantship (GA) funding. The current GA stipend for an MA student in English is set at $11,250.
University of New Mexicocompetitive English Department provides a number of opportunities for graduate students to fund their studies, including Teaching Assistantships, Graduate Assistantships, and numerous scholarship opportunities.
University of North Carolina-- Charlottepartial / competitive The MA in English offers 7 competitive Teaching Assistantships each year. TAs work as tutors in the Writing Resource Center in their first year and as TAs in the English department in their second year. TAs receive tuition support (at the in-state rate) and a stipend of approx. $14,000 per year.
University of North Dakotafully funded? by TAships. Website not clear if that is all MA students admitted.
University of Northern Coloradocompetitive half of our graduate students also lead undergraduate composition classes as teaching assistants or shape departmental programs as graduate assistants. Assistantships include tuition waivers and stipends. All applicants for admission are invited to apply for assistantships.
University of Notre Damepartial students admitted into the M.A., the M.F.A. , and the Ph.D. programs receive full tuition scholarships. Additional fellowships, funding possibilities.
University of Oklahomafully funded? support MA students; unclear if all admits are funded
University of Rochesterpartial tuition scholarships for up to half of the annual tuition; no TAships
University of Tennessee, Knoxvillecompetitive students in the department have access to several kinds of financial aid, some from sources at the university level, other from within the department. Note from faculty: "It may be officially competitive, but students applying in medieval and early modern always receive full funding through the MARCO institute."
University of Texas, Dallasfull and partial funding in Arts, Tech and Emerging Communication; need more info but this looks like its mainly funded
University of Toledocompetitive funding majority of MA students in English serve as Teaching Assistants in the Composition Program. New students who wish to be considered for a TAship (also known as a Graduate Assistantship/GAship) should submit their application for GAship (PDF) at the same time as their application for admission.
University of Utahcompetitive assistantships are awarded to MA and MFA students on a competitive basis.
University of Vermontfully funded"Each year, the English Department awards approximately six Graduate Teaching Assistantships. GTAs are awarded a tuition waiver plus a stipend (of around $15,500) in each of their two years in the program. All GTAs receive training and mentoring in pedagogy and teach in the university’s First-Year Writing Program.We are occasionally able to offer small tuition scholarships (of around $5000) to first-year out-of-state students."
University of Victoriafully funded MA students receive a one-year funding package of $15,000-$17,500 (including a mix of fellowships, awards, and TAships). International students will receive a top-up to account for the difference between domestic and international tuition fees.
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukeecompetitive Department of English offers a number of graduate Teaching Assistantships (TAs) each year. Assistantships include salary, health insurance and full tuition remission. [This looks need-based, fully funded]
University of Wyomingfully funded full-time students admitted to the program receive full funding, including free tuition, teaching opportunities, and a generous living stipend.
Villanova Universitycompetitive partial funding program offers a considerable number of graduate Tuition Scholarships and Assistantships.
Virginia Techfully funded students receive graduate assistantships with full tuition and a competitive stipend. Some teaching is required.
Virginia Commonwealth Universitycompetitive funding Graduate Assistantship is the MA program’s primary source of funding for its students. Assistantships include a full tuition waiver plus a stipend of $12,500.
Washington State Universityfully funded’s English graduate program is one of the few programs in the nation that fully funds almost all of its M.A. and Ph.D. student
Weber State University State University (Ogden, Utah) offers TAships that waive tuition & provide hourly wage
West Virginia University fully funded student admitted to the M.A. program is guaranteed funding for two academic years, the customary time to degree, as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (G.T.A.). This position includes an annual salary of $16,000, a waiver of university tuition, and student health insurance.
Western University, Canada funded for Canada residents.
York University, Canadafully funded"Funding in the form of a York Fellowship is part of each funding package and is pro-rated so that students receive equal payments in each term in which they are registered active and in full-time status. This important structure supports students and enhances their academic experience.

The funding model is indexed to cover increases in tuition fees."Student Receives (Funding less Fees): 5,423