Request #ColorProject TitleLink to ProposalBrief DescriptionReplacement or New?additional install base?DepartmentPrimary ContactAmount RequestedIT ReviewerIT Reviewer Notes / Recommendationsstudent notesCommittee Review CriteriaDecisionCommittee Tentative Decision NotesMAX (TETNATIVE)SARAH (TENTATIVE)DAN (TENTATIVE)Amount Requested
1Sky BlueNROC AccessNROC AccessMembership for online course contentNewnoSTEMElliot Stern X1626$6,000.00Vic PortoleseThese are annual subscription fees for online curriculum content materials. Are these fees considered a technology that TIMC wants to fund? This would open up the door for other requests such as library materials, online course content, etc., that has not been traditionally funded by TIMChow many ftes do we have, content =/= tech?ApprovedWe support this new creative technology for the first year of membership. This committee asks the proposee to find funding for future years if this membership proves to be successfullYES, this is accessible for all students and can have positive impact on students takning pre-college leve coursesYESYES$6,000.00
2Lilac SmoothIPad Project 2.0iPad Project 2.010 iPads, keyboards, and VGA adaptersNewyesSTEMElliot Stern X1626$5,000.00Ben KimNote: These iPads are for faculty use in instruction. Although IT was involved with this pilot, the results have revealed that we are not ready to roll out the back end of this project on an enterprise level. There are still some infrastructure upgrades required and questions to be resolved before expanding the program, such as how to address secure wireless in the classrooms for this purpose, and who will be supporting and loading all the apps onto the iPads?what is the report from last yearNot ApprovedThis project is not feasabile at this time. Additionally we do not support this proposal as we have started the project from the previous year and would like to see the STEM department contributye more to the implementation of this project and coordinatate more with IT to see this project come to life YES, the technology provides another opportunity for faculty to take advantage of to better the academic experience for students. We will need additional infomration for the usage of the ipads and the project itself and feedback from the faculty.NO, ipads not sustainable, pending usage from previous yearNO, SERVICE =/= TECH$5,000.00
3Bright RedALD 101 Computer ReplacementALD 10132 "HP SB 8300"ReplacementnoACSJessica Wallace$33,616.32Tina TorresNo IT concernsend of 3 year cycle,easy to replace than to repairApprovedYESYESYES$33,616.32
4Bright OrangeALD 101 LCD ReplacementALD 10131 "HP SB LA2205WG" 22in LCD DisplayReplacementACSJessica Wallace$4,582.24Tina TorresNo IT concernsenergy efficientApprovedYESYESYES$4,582.24
5Bright YellowALD 103 Computer ReplacementALD 10332 "HP SB 8300"ReplacementACSJessica Wallace$33,616.32Tina TorresNo IT concernsApprovedYESYESYES$33,616.32
6Bright GreenALD 103 LCD ReplacementALD 103 LCD31 "HP SB LA2205WG"ReplacementACSJessica Wallace$4,582.24Tina TorresNo IT concerns17'' upgraded to 22'', more energy efficientApprovedYESYESYES$4,582.24
7Neon YellowSNH 104 Computer ReplacementSNH 10432 "HP SB 8300"ReplacementACSJessica Wallace$18,616.32Tina TorresNo IT concernsthis is an option with #8, why is the game dev club mentioned and not the game dev class?ApprovedWe approve this proposal over the Swap Drives. The additional funds for the convience for the Game Developers club is not warranted and the committee supports academics on a larger scale.YESYESYES$18,616.32
8Electric PinkSNH 104 Computer Replacement (Tower Computers, Swap Drives)SNH 10432 "HP SB 8300 LFF" with 1 TB 8GB w/ Video CardReplacementACSJessica Wallace$34,217.18Tina TorresNo IT concernsthis is an option with #7. Would the extra 16K be an efficient use to accomodate for the Game Dev club?Not Approved (See #7)*$15,000 contribution from WorkForce DevnoNO, affects small groupNO, pending response$34,217.18
9Lime GreenSNH 104 LCD ReplacementSNH 104 LCD31 "HP SB LA2205WG"ReplacementACSJessica Wallace$4,582.24Tina TorresNo IT concernsApprovedYESYESYES$4,582.24
10Baby PinkProjector Replacement in MUK Mediated ClassroomsMUK Projector Replacement21 Projectors, 10 replacement lamps, 21 security devicesReplacementITBen Kim $44,500.00Jessica WallaceNo IT concernsApprovedYESYESYes$44,500.00
11Navy BlueUpgraded Edpass Reader Upgraded EdPass Reader1 Cardpass readerReplacementAthletics/PE/HealthJorge de la Torre$1,800.00Ben KimNo concerns.what will they do to prevent damage again? what is the current status of the current edpass reader in placeNot ApprovedWe do not approve this proposal as it does not pertain to academics and the guidelines of the TIMC.NO, will need more information on what the state of past e-reader is. There is currently a e-reader inplace what is the plan for it?NO, is not academicsNO, is not academics$1,800.00
12Egg ShellTwo Rolling Media CartsRolling Media Carts2 Projectors and accessoriesNewAthletics/PE/HealthJorge de la Torre$1,592.13Ben Kim- MCDS has not been consulted about this and are not sure of the spec'ed out technology
- projector has no digital inputs. This projector will have compatibility problems with new and future laptops as they are not all shipping with analog outputs.
- projector also has low lumens
- If this is approved, MCDS will NOT support it (although they've received "panic" calls in the past from Seaview)
- Is a 2nd media cart needed if the aerobics room gets funded for technology?
- what will be used for a screen?
are the carts furniture? is the money for athletics? do they need to include a request for a backdrop? does TIMC fun athleticsNot ApprovedNO, this is not pertaining to academics and is primarily used by athletics and not instructionNO, is not academicsNO, is not academics$1,592.13
13BrownLabQuest2s for STEM teaching labsLabquest2s24 LabQuest2 and charging stationsReplacementSTEM/Chemistry and PhysicsCaroline Mann$9,650.00Jessica WallaceNo IT concerns, no IT support neededApprovedYES, this supports students in academics and I suggest for additional funding for cases to prolong the life of these devicesYESYes$9,650.00
14Christmas RedGas Chromatograph / Mass Spec (GC/MS)GC/MSGC/MS system and installion and training (they are looking for matching funding)NewSTEM/ChemistryCaroline Mann$32,500.00Jessica WallaceNo IT concerns, no IT support neededApprovedYES, this supports students in academics and I suggest for additional funding for the cost that includes tax, the department is providing $34,295YESYes$32,500.00
15Light Green6 New computers for the Learning Support CenterLearning Support Center6 "HP 8300 SFF" and 6 "HP SB LA2205WG"NewLearning Support CenterPat Marks$6,271.66Rod HalversonNo IT concerns. Small amount of additional support needed. REFRESH PLANNING NOTE: THIS INCREASES SUPPORT BASE OF COMPUTERS BY 6 - Which will be due for Replacement in 2018-19ApprovedYES, this supports students in academics and supports students as curriculum is become more computer basedYESYes$6,271.66
16Light BlueDevelopment of Simulation Across the LifespanDevelopment of Simulation Across the LifespanEducational Videos and recording/training sessionsNewNursing/Health and Human ServicesKyra McCoy$4,429.00Jessica WallaceNo IT concerns, no additional support needed. Per Kyra, this module expands the use of the simulation mannequins to include the needs of the aging population. The classes are already doing similar simulation work with child and adult mannequins. This would allow the adult mannequin to simulate the needs of the elderly.are they going to have students doing the videos? will the money pay students? staff?ApprovedThe committee will support the cost of the scenarios at the proposed cost and will not approve the cost fo the training sessions. The training sessions are salary expenses and it does not fall under the TIMC guidlines. This proposal is contingent of some form of contribution to the project to the training and editing sessions.YES, this supports academics and gives students the ability to practice their skills. The cost to record and edit the videos is a concern for who is doing it, will it be student, staff, faculty being paid?YESYes - Software only. Rest looks like wages.$4,429.00
17PecanLaptops / Tablets / IPADS in the Library and DSCiPads in the Library20 Laptops and 20 TabletsLaptop Replacement + New tablet computersLibrary and Diversity Student CenterDale Burke$22,065.00Rod HalversonREFRESH PLANNING NOTE: This request is an increase in the support base by 28 devices. No lab fees are collected, so this setup and on going support would (most likely) fall on SDS or ACS (part of annual TIMC contribution for support). Application says they have the necessary funds and personal for support; however, IT was not approached to offer this support. ApprovedYES, this supports academics by providing access to to technology that will help students access academic tools and resources. There is concern regarding the safety and security of these devices, and there is consideration of allocation of funding for covers, cases, and keyboards.YESYes, estimate appears low, allocate extra.$22,065.00
18WineTRiO Student Support Services - Misc. Tech UpgradesTRiOTRiO Student Support ServicesReplacementTRiOMelissa Uyesugi$19,012.00Vic PortoleseThis is a grant funded program that purchased the original equipment, but there is no funding in the grant for equipment replacement. If not funded through TIMC, the computers could be replaced with "trickle down" from ACS lab replacements, which would provide a significant upgrade to what they currently have.exclusive to small group. ApprovedWe approve the allocation of graphing calculators, Digital Camera, Headphones, Color Printer/Scanner/Fax. According to the IT department, there are computers possibly available for "trickle down" and it is the recommendation of this committee to obtain these "tricke down" computers for TRiO.YES, this supports academics by helping those students that have high risk of non-completion. These technological resrouces will aid students to achieve academic success and completion.Yes, but only partial funding. I like the idea of utilizing the trickle down for thisNo - Restricted to TRiO students only.$19,012.00
19BasilCAMERA READY AT THE BLACK BOXCamera Ready at Black Box4 XF305 Professional Camcorder 3 Field Monitors and accessoriesReplacementBlack Box Theatre/Work Force Development & Training Media ServicesJen Mathews$101,418.35Ben KimWho will support this equipment? - Pt.5 #4: Media Services? Is this Dootson?
- If IT isn't supporting this then no concerns. NOTE: Check the calculations. BBTheater is funding $4200, but that is still in the total. Also check last year's TIMC Request that was funded. FYI - the Blackbox Theater is a self-support department that collects fees for events.
Approved Partial FundingYES, this oommiittee approves the funding of $43,055 for the purchase of the cameras, cyc lights,TBDYes - but funding not to include labor / staffing costsNO, not contributing to academic progress$101,418.35
20MahogonyEdPass Printer Refresh projectEdPass Printer Refresh2 ID card printers and accessoriesReplacementICSBen Kim $26,023.00Vic PortoleseNo IT concernsApprovedYESYES, this will help students with the wait times to get a EdPass card. I support the purchase of the ID Card Printer and one year annual maintenance agreement. This proposal will need to find additional funding for the installation, training, and to maintain this project. YesNo, does not advance student academics.$26,023.00
21GrapeAdvising at our FingertipsAdvising at your fingertips3 Surface Pro 2 and accessoriesNewAcademic AdvisingGail Dunavan$3,898.09Rod HalversonNo IT concerns. ApprovedYES,YES, this supports academics by providing more opportunites for academic advisors to help students with their academic planning. There is consideration for pruchaing the Surface Pro 3 at $999.00 to have an improved computing experience.TBD - Leaning more towards no. Same concerns as IPAD Project. Improving advisors work environment but does it really impact student academia? YES, would like to see it to benefit studentsNo, does not advance student academics.$3,898.09
22AquaVirtual Global Classroom projectVirtual Global Classroom10 Webcams and acessoriesNewISSJesse Aspree$689.85Ben Kim- unsure of impact to campus bandwidth
- where will this be used? who will be installing software on computers?
- if problems with software, webcam, headset, who supports it? who will install updates to software?
- will software need to be loaded onto different computers each quarter?
ApprovedYES, The committee request that this project will have quarterly reports on the usage, security and progress report. We also request any and all usage so that we can see the impact on the campus bandwidth.YES, this supports academics by providing access to technology that will enhace the students academic experience. Additional information regarding the model number of the devices will be needed, along with additional information for the Virtual Global Classroom ProjectYES- IT's concerns with bandwith? Yes - encourage student home use, software installation and bandwidth issues. Movement to full classroom application should wait for infrastructure.$689.85
23MossTechnology for Physical EducationTechnology for Physical EducationTv, Apple, Tv, and accessoriesNewPhysical Education, Health and Human ServicesMegan Toney$4,950.00Ben Kim- IT is extremely hesitant to roll out Apple TV in our environment
- support (if needed) has not been identified
can this be teamed up with rolling carts? how about security? what about hte dimmable wall ligting and sconces. What about the electrical and network wiring?ApprovedYES, this committee approves this proposal with the caveat that this proposal is able to function with out the apple tv.YES, this supports academics by providing students, staff, and faculty access to technology. The television is a new piece of hardware that has not been seen in the aerobics room before and this can support the curriculum for classes in the Aerobics room. The sconces will not be able to fall under the TIMC for appropriate fundingYESYes - TV
No - Lighting/Apple TV
24Replacement of aging wireless access pointsReplacement of aging wireless access pointsReplacement of aging wireless access pointsWifi access pointsReplacementI.T. / Networks and TelecomBen Kim $34,546.79Ben KimNo IT concerns. ApprovedYES, this technology will support the college in every day use of the Wi-Fi. The money spent will need to be under some consideration after the external internt auditor makes recommendationYESYes - Allocate additional funds.$34,546.79
TIMC FUNDS$430,268net total$439,542.41$439,542.41
Total Replacement$206,135.86$206,135.86
Total New$233,406.55$233,406.55
total for yeses$258,508.13
Approved by TIMCAmount Requested (recommended, either full or partial funding)Amount Requested (not recommended)