Committee NameChairChair EmailProjects CompletedProjects in ProgressNew Project Ideas
Composition CommitteeNick Meyersnmeyers@ecok.edu2020 Composition Contest
Six original compositions from committee members for the Rhythm! Scene Blog.
Reviews of the winning composition and honorable mentions were completed and submitted. Selection of judges for the 2020 Composition Contest. Articles by Composition Committee members in PN's.
2021 Composition Contest - closes on August 1, 2021. Six original compositions from committee members throughout 2021 for the Rhythm! Scene Blog. Review of winning work and honorable mentions will be submitted in Decmember of 2021. Article for PNs from committee members throughout year. Selection of judges for the 2021 Composition Contest. Selection of the 2022 Composition Contest category. Various articles by Composition Committee members for PN's. In progress - Category for the 2023 Composition Contest.
Further ideas on how to reach as many people as possible for future contests. Articles geared toward high school stundets who are interested in composing. Adding a second composition category that would be more educational based.
Drum Set CommitteeMark Powerspowersdrums@gmail.comSpotify Lists
Artist Interviews for Oral History Project
Drum Set Curriculum for Middle School Students
Continued Listening Lists
Drum Set Styles Study
Education CommitteeOliver Molinaomolina21@gmail.comPASIC session application reviews
PASIC scholarship reviews
Educators' Companion (Fall 2020 edition)
PAS Classroom (on-going)
Revamping the Percussion Specialist Subcommittee
Beginning Percussion Resources
New Subcommittee: focusing on primary/secondary education especially underrepresented groups and small rural programs
New Subcommittee: creating partnerships with MUED organizations and state MEAs and developing materials for percussion methods class
Health & Wellness CommitteeBrad PN: (Oct., 2020): Brad Meyer and Sherry Rubins: “PASIC 2020 Health & Wellness Session”
- PN: (Aug., 2020): Darin Workman: “Back Pain? Lighten Up!”
- PN: (June, 2020): Darin Workman: “Your Body: The Musical Instrument”
- PN: (Feb., 2020): Brad Meyer: “Creating Positive Mental Health Strategies”
- PN: (Nov., 2019): James Lindroth: “Musculoskeletal Disorders and the Percussionist”
- R!S: (8.26.20) James Vilseck: “Stick Yoga”
- R!S: (6.29.20) Bill Shaltis: “Unplugging to Recharge: Untethering from Technology and What to do Next”
- R!S: (Dec., 2019) Elizabeth DeLamater: “Make a Plan for Your Audition”
- R!S: (March, 2020) Elizabeth DeLamater solicited Clark Silva’s “Three Easy Yoga Poses for Percussionists”
- R!S: (9.22.20) Nathaniel Gworek: “My Student Seems Depressed: What Now?”
- R!S (May, 2020) Laurel Black: “Tennis Elbow”
- Brad Meyer - Invited to present H&W clinics at Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic and National Conference on Percussion Pedagogy (both cancelled due to COVID-19)
- Elizabeth DeLamater - Gave a H&W clinic to Eastern Illinois University (Jan., 2020) and a H&W clinic to Lawrence University NAFME (Feb., 2020)
- Matt Halligan - Presented a H&W Clinic to Norther Virginia Community College (fall, 2020)
- Cailtin Jones - Gave a virtual presentation for the students of Queens University of Charlotte entitled "Healthy Habits In and Out of the Practice Room - Creating Longevity in the Performer, Educator, and Student."
James Lindroth - Pending R!S article: “Staying Focused”I plan to keep improving the H&W Committees involvement in PASIC, Percussive Notes, and Rhythm!Scene, as well as increase H&W clinics/masterclasses outside of PASIC, Percussive Notes, and Rhythm!Scene by the H&W Committee members to create more interest in PAS's H&W Committee.
Interactive Drumming CommitteeJohn Yost & Robert; rdamm@colled.msstate.eduArticles published in Percussive Notes
A. “Comfort sound drumming successfully adapting the traditional drum circle for hospitalized cancer patients and their caregivers” by John R. Beck (Vol. 58, No. 2, April 2020)
B. “Exploring Meter in a Drum Circle” by Robert J. Damm (Vol. 58, No. 6, December 2020)
C. Drum Circle Facilitators Guild published a reprint of a Percussive Notes article in their newsletter.
A. IDC had a virtual meeting on December 5th to check on status of Projects in Progress.
B. Selected drum circle/interactive drumming articles from the archives on the PAS website can be accessed through “Resources,” “Specialties,” and “Interactive Drumming.” Access to these articles does not require PAS membership login. Robert Damm is sharing these resources as the IDC “Article of the Month” on his FaceBook.
C. Kimberly made an inquiry to Joshua about the need for an interactive drumming editor for Percussive Notes.
New Project Ideas:
A. IDC can write a CUMULATIVE ARTICLE calling up members’ expertise.
B. Tom Teasley proposed an article to be co-authored by the IDC on cultural diplomacy through interactive drumming.
C. Kimberly Brower proposed an article with the purpose of educating people about the many different types of interactive drumming. Bob mentioned a related topic covered in the 2019 IDC panel discussion (John Yost, Kalani, and Greg Sule Wilson, moderated by Robert Damm) “Taxonomy of Interactive Drumming.”
D. Gary Huber has started an article about interactive drumming for senior populations. His article also covers protocols for populations with dementia and alzheimers disease. He is looking for other facilitators with expertise on this topic to co-author the article with him.
E. Marciano has proposed an article based on his survey.
F. Kimberly proposed an article on procedures for safe interactive drumming for face-to-face session in light of COVID-19 pandemic. This could provide information for all percussion teachers. This is perhaps the work of the technology sub-committee led by Tom Teasley.
International CommitteeDaniel Tonesdaniel.tones@gmail.comReviewed applications for committee membership and welcomed new committee membersInternational Committee Visioning Exercise (November 2021)Establishing a credentialing mechanism to recognize membership in PAS, attendance at PASIC, and the completion of professional development/continuing education opportunities.

Encouraging the development of a shared fund for international artists that could be used to enhance PAS Day of Percussion activities.

Supporting the growth of PAS's international membership, engagement, and accessibility by increasing the organization's online presence: (1) Continue translating PAS articles for international audiences, (2) adding subtitles to pre-recorded masterclasses at PASIC.
Keyboard CommitteeAdam Blackstocktblackstock@troy.eduMembers of the KC were active via social media platforms, which provided much-needed exposure during the pandemic/quarantine.

Members have completed/submitted multiple articles for review/publication within PN and Rhythm!.
Each member shall submit a minimum of 1 publication per year to PN or Rhythm!.

Solicitation of applications to PASIC 2021 - specifically related to the Vibraphone Centennial.

Discussions regarding plans for a special "late0night" session at PASIC 2021; this would involve a rhythm section for guest vibraphonists.
The "collage" concert from PASIC 2019 (marimba and winds) was great. WE would like to pursue another "keyboard and..." collage concert, which would involve multiple artists within the 50-minute time slot.
Marching and Rudimental CommitteeSean Womackpercussionsw1@gmail.comDiversity Panel Discussion
PAS Fundamental Friday
PAS Classroom
Standardized Marching Notation (2019)
Continuing to produce content for FUNdamental Friday and PAS Classroom.
Music Technology CommitteeVictor
New Music/Research CommitteeJoseph Van Hasseljoseph.vanhassel@uncp.eduPASIC 2020 Virtual New Music/Research Presents Performance: "Music for Percussion and Voice"

Selection of new members: Louise Devenish and Sean Hamilton
PASIC 2021 New Music/Research Presents: "Music for Percussion and Voice" (11/2021)

PASIC 2022 New Music/Research Presents: "Centering the Margins: Celebrating Underrepresented Identities in Contemporary Percussion" (11/2022)

Various articles and posts for Percussive Notes and Rhythm!Scene (12/2021)

A subcommittee has been formed to look into writing a New Membership rubric for NM/R committee applicants (3/2021)

A subcommittee has been formed to look into writing a rubric for selecting applications for PASIC "New Music /Research Presents" (12/2021)

We would like to continue with clarifying for applicants the new membership selection process as well as the "New Music/Research Presents" selection process.
Percussion Ensemble CommitteeBrian Westb.west@tcu.edu1. International Percussion Ensemble Competition
1. International Percussion Ensemble Competition (April 30 application deadline)
2. New Literature Session
3. Concert Chamber Percussion Ensemble Competition
1. Although this isn’t a new project, we are currently discussing the possibility of expanding the Concert Chamber Percussion Ensemble Competition.
2. The committee is working on a few ideas to assist the membership with ideas for literature, all ensemble directors are continually looking for new literature ideas.
Scholarly Research CommitteeSean Millmanscmillman00@gmail.como Reviewed PASIC ‘20 applications
o Several new documents were added to the dissertation repository. Sean Millman took over from Graeme Francis as the repository point-person.
o Reviewed and accepted two articles for the Percussive Notes Online Research Edition
o Formed a subcommittee to assist with PAS Archives Project
o Selected a theme of “Diversity” for a thematic issue of the Percussive Notes Online Research Edition and created a Call for Papers that was subsequently approved by the Board
o Four committee members wrote articles for Percussive Notes (two were published in 2020; two await publication in 2021).
o We will continue to add documents to the dissertation repository as they are sent in. There is no target completion date for this because documents are sent in on a rolling basis.
o We plan to publish another issue of the Percussive Notes Online Research Edition. We have a current Call for Papers for a thematic issue on “diversity.” The deadline for papers is January 31, 2021. We have two articles that have already been accepted. We hope to publish in the late spring of 2021.
o A subcommittee of five members is assisting with the PAS Archives Project. Each member will write an introductory article for one of the collections. The deadlines for these articles have yet to be set (they are contingent upon when the archivists want/need them completed).
o We need to complete the Website Audit. It is overdue, so we need to complete it ASAP.
o We would like to continue to publish thematic issues of the Percussive Notes Online Research Edition. Future themes have yet to be selected.
o Committee members have discussed alternate formats for sharing research via PAS. Some of these include the following: podcasts, written podcast summaries, round-table discussions, “collisions” (as seen in philosophy journals), etc. We plan to continue discussion ideas for new ways to share research.
o We would like to assist with the PAS Classroom Project (making short videos related to research).
Symphonic CommitteeKeith Aleokeith.aleo@interlochen.orgJanuary 14, 2021 PAS Symphonic Committee Report Phillip O’Banion, chair Our annual committee meeting was held virtually via Zoom on November 9, 2020 (agenda attached). Chris Hanning from the EC joined us. The majority of the committee was present - a record. Out of 33 members, only 5 were unable to attend; directly inverse to the 2019 meeting attendance. Unable to join were Keith Aleo, John Kilkenny, Peter Kogan, Laura Noah, and Nick Petrella. We plan to now meet quarterly via Zoom. Our next meeting will occur on February 1st. As far as 2020 activities, there is little news to report other than PASIC 20.20. Once it was decided that PASIC would move online, Peter Kates and I spent several weeks recruiting new artists, many from abroad. Peter was instrumental in contacting and securing all of the international artists that presented at PASIC 20.20, and I’d like to thank him publicly for his exceptional service this past Fall. We hope to continue more international involvement, even if virtually, in future PAS conventions and events. Our members are now assigned onto subcommittees. These subcommittees will focus on work in three main areas: 1) PASIC, 2) Education & Publications, 3) Community. All members will be tasked with projects related to either PASIC or educational initiatives. Several members are additionally interested in various kinds of community outreach to support a more robust, diverse, and international representation within the symphonic percussive arts. I must acknowledge and thank Joshua, Chris, and the Board for making time for the tribute session to Alan Abel last November. Alan’s service to PAS and his energy will be missed. He was the founding symphonic chair in 2001, and helped to shape what all PAS committees now do with regard to term limits and rotation, since they adopted what this committee was already doing. His void has caused many former students and colleagues to become more closely involved with their own teaching and service to PAS, no doubt due to reflection upon his legacy. The Symphonic Emeritus section is unsure if it can continue without his leadership (and performance ability). I’m optimistic about other ideas that would feature symphonic artists in group performance – perhaps an ‘All-Star’ symphonic showcase or a chamber music concert. I am grateful for the EC extending our application deadline this year to March 1, 2021. I am certain this will be tremendously helpful going forward. In normal years it will allow for proper season schedule announcements in February before artists commit to PASIC week. In 2021, it buys us a little more time for artists to understand what their work/life balance will look like later this year, since many of my colleagues still have rather tenous situations at the moment. Since my second term is ending, I have begun to reach out to a few individuals who might consider chairing in 2022. In the meantime I’m focusing on getting everyone more involved in committee business to lighten the workload on the incoming chair, whomever that may be. Respectfully submitted, Phillip O’Banion“Preserving Symphonic Percussion History, through interviews, photos and information.”

The Symphonic Committee is leading a project called “Preserving Symphonic Percussion History, through interviews, photos and information.” Unlike most symphonic instruments, percussion has changed significantly in the past 100 years. Composers are writing in a completely different style and level of virtuosity. Instruments, and playing demands on these instruments, are at a much higher level as well. Additionally, percussion education has changed and improved considerably. To preserve the path of this change, interviews of retired symphonic percussionists will be conducted and posted via the PAS website. Interviews will take place in person, virtually or in writing.
University Pedagogy CommitteeMichael Sammonssmike.sammons@utah.edu1. PASIC 2020 Session: Building a Positive Performance Mindset
2. Articles published
Hemphill: University Percussion Studies: Changes to the Percussionist's Venn Diagram,
Hicken, Jones: Resume and CV Review Article
Kihle, Licata: Connecting Course Objectives to Assignments
Hall: Secrets to Success on Drumset,
Armstrong: The Solo Vibraphone Literature of Bill Molenhof
Baker: Life in the Trenches
Baker, Hall, Ragsdale: Teaching Sustainable Practice Habits to Undergraduate Percussion Students
Sammons: The One Thing: Building Culture in a University Percussion Studio
The Vibraphone’s Role in the College Percussion Curriculum: Interviews with Christopher Deane, Brian Graiser, Joe Locke, Lisa Rogers and Warren Wolf
1. Social Media Page - hosting monthly pedagogy spotlights - 2 successful events so far - Udow and Campell. On deck: Nancy Zeltsman, Johnny Lee Lane and Norm Weinberg. 2. PASIC 2021 Proposal ACCEPTED. UPC Workshop: Creating Diverse University Curriculum 3. PASIC Scholarship Reviews - Zildjian Scholarship

1.New resources list on percussion pedagogy for PAS website
2. Various articles from committee for Percussive Notes (2021). new mandate / goal for every member of the committee to be involved in an article or project of some kind.
3. PASIC 2022 - re-create pre-PASIC professional development day within existing PASIC schedule / logistics. PASIC 2021 proposal a test run of what could be a model 4. Survey of Band Directors - Percussion Methods Course feedback - could result in an article or document on pas website.
University Student CommitteeEmily USC Handbook
- Subcommittee design/goals
- "Tips for the Online Music Student" on RhythmScene! Blog
- Videos/Collaboration with "PAS Classroom"
- Maintenance Videos for Outreach Subcommittee to reference (February 1)
- Types of Percussion Studios video series for the Professional Development Subcommittee (on going video series addition. first video target = end of February)
- Promotion of the Delegate Program (delegate posters sent out, application designed, and subcommittee chairs assigned by end of January)
The only BIG new project is for us to have the new model up and running by the end of the year. Each subcommittee has projects to run on its own, such as outreach maintenance videos, publication contribution, or tools for student professional development.
World CommitteeMarkstone@oakland.eduAudit of PAS World Percussion Resources

Curated seven presentations for PASIC 2020

1) Grand Master Bolokada Conde on djembe: organized and hosted by Michael Taylor

2) Joseito Fernández Hernández - From Ñongo to Bembé: A connection between two Afro Cuban liturgical drumming styles: organized and hosted by Andrés Espinoza Agurto

3) Kodo - Journey to Kodo Village: organized and hosted by Kaoru Watanabe

4) Education Africa - The Marimba as an Agent of Social Change in South Africa:
organized and hosted by Mark Stone

5) Vikku Vinayakaram - Three Generations: organized and hosted by Poovalur Sriji
and Rohan Krishnamurthy

6) Saakumu Dance Troupe – Celebrating Bernard Woma: organized and hosted by Kay Stonefelt and Michael Vercelli

7) World Panel Discussion “Skin on Skin, a round table discussion” moderated by Ruben Alvarez and Mark Stone with panelists Andrés Espinoza Agurto, Chinelo Amen-Ra, Taku Hirano, Valerie Naranjo, and Eric Paton.

Compendium of Global Arts Organizations - July 2021Creation of short educational videos as future world percussion resources