Program NameInfoApplication Deadline (23-24 dates coming soon)Program Dates (23-24 dates coming soon)CostEntrance RequirementsGrade LevelFlyer linkAdditional Information
Girls on Ice Girls Expeditions is a tuition-free program that interweaves field science, artistic inquiry, and backcountry travel.FreeApplicants must be 16-18 years old on June 1 of the expedition year, and currently enrolled in high school (including graduating in the spring before expeditions start). *We welcome cis girls and trans girls, as well as non-binary and gender non-conforming youth to our programs.9, 10, 11, 12
Women In Natural Sciences (WINS) Program Women In Natural Sciences (WINS) Program is a free after-school and summer science enrichment program at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University. The WINS program focuses on students whose households may be facing financial limitations and places a special emphasis on households headed by single parents, grandparents, non-parent guardians and foster parents.FreeWe request you nominate students who might fit the above criteria to the WINS program and who are:
Currently in 8th grade and planning to attend a Philadelphia public or charter high school
Grades of B average or better; and
Motivated and prepared to invest in their own success
Youth Technology Apprenticeship Camp
YTAC is a first-of-its-kind workforce training program for youth that intertwines e-Sports competition and game development with a custom development curriculum that exposes High School students to career pathways in technology. Said another way, this program meets students in areas that naturally interest them, and uses e-Sports and friendly competition as a gateway to STEM, and how technology and coding can offer an exciting career and life. FreeAll current high school students are eligible to participate (9th – 12th grade & recently graduated students)!9, 10, 11, 12
Penn Summer Science Initiative LRSM has organized a free PSSI four week summer program for local high school students interested in materials science and engineering since 1993. Typically 24-28 students, usually juniors but occasionally well qualified sophomores, are accepted. The program consists of lectures on materials, a computer lab, experimental labs, and field trips to both industrial and Penn facilities. Students are drawn from schools in the Delaware Valley within easy commuting distance of the LRSM. Students from under-represented groups in science are encouraged to apply, especially those from the School District of Philadelphia, women, minorities and the disabled. Student should apply through our on-line application form. The application will require a resume, school transcript, and two letters of recommendation.
The FREE Penn Summer Science Initiative, PSSI, is sponsored by the Penn Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, MRSEC, which is funded by the National Science Foundation. It will accept up to 28 students entering their junior or senior year of high school from the greater Philadelphia region for a four-week intensive materials science course from July 5 – July 28, 2022 (Monday to Thursday). The course will run from approximately 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM daily. The course may include formal lectures from Penn faculty and affiliated researchers, materials science workshops, lab report writing seminars (very useful for college!), projects, hands-on activities, and field trips. Students will get exposure to a variety of materials characterization techniques, such as scanning electron and optical microscopies, thermal analysis techniques, mechanical testing, and x-ray diffraction. Students will be expected to work on reports, projects, and other assignments outside of program hours.
FreeStudents will be selected for this program based on their scholastic achievements, resume, interest in science, and recommendations. Students must have taken chemistry and/or physics courses. Qualified applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.10, 11, 12
Fox Chase Cancer Center Teen Research Internship Program TRIP Initiative is a comprehensive science research training program for high school students interested in scientific careers. Beyond the lab, students also receive one-on-one mentoring with Fox Chase faculty; they learn team building and leadership skills and become part of a family of driven and curious students.
Fox Chase Cancer Center, in partnership with Temple University, is offering the Teen Research Internship Program (TRIP) Initiative during the Summer of 2022. This program is open to students who are currently in 8th-12th grades. TRIP is an intensive 5-week science exploratory program for select high school students from Philadelphia and the surrounding communities. The mission of the TRIP Initiative is to foster an enthusiasm for science by offering students a chance to do hypothesis-driven research and hands-on learning in a lab.
FreeCurrently enrolled in grade 9-12. Completion of at least one high school Biology or Chemistry course is preferred, but not required. Students must commit to attend ALL days of the program in either Session A or B as well as an ALL DAY symposium.9, 10, 11, 12 & Thursdays from Tuesday July 5, 2022 to Thursday August 4, 2022 (5 consecutive weeks) plus a symposium date.
After the in-lab portion of the course concludes, students present their work at a scientific symposium on Saturday August 13, 2022.
Biomedical Student Competition - Essay Contest. the connection between biomedical research, animal research, and your life! The contest recognizes students who artfully demonstrate a superior understanding of the connection between their life and biomedical research (including the need for animals in that research).

The essay contest is FREE to enter and consists of CASH prizes and an Awards Dinner Invitation.
FreeAll 7th-12th grade students in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and New Jersey including (but not limited to): public and private schools, home and cyber schools, and youth organizations.7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Biomedical Student Competition - Poster Contest the connection between biomedical research and your life! The poster contest provides the opportunity for students to illustrate different aspects of biomedical research and science through art. The contest is free to enter.

Contest Themes:

3 R's: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement
Advancements in Biotechnology
Animal Research Saves Lives
Careers in Biomedical Research
Veterinary Advancements: Animal Research Helping Animals
FreeAll students in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and New Jersey including (but not limited to): public and private schools, home and cyber schools, and youth organizations.
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Biomedical Student Competition - Digital Media Contest
The purpose of this contest is to recognize students who digitally demonstrate a superior understanding of the connection between their life and biomedical research (including the need for animals in that research). The contest is free to enter.

Media Theme: "Biomedical Research and My Life." Do you know someone who has benefited from vaccinations, pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, surgery, or transplants? How does animal research help advance medicine and science? How have these life-saving technologies been developed? How has biomedical research affected the health of your dog, cat, or other pet? You must demonstrate that you understand the topic and present it with originality and creativity, clearly presenting the benefits from biomedical research.
FreeAll 6th-12th grade students in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and New Jersey including (but not limited to): public and private schools, home and cyber schools, and youth organizations.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Schuylill Acts & Impacts Acts & Impacts is a 6-day watershed expedition along the 120-miles of the Schuylkill River, from its headwaters in the anthracite coal lands of Schuylkill County to its confluence with the Delaware River in Philadelphia. Twelve select students from all 5 counties in the watershed come together to experience first-hand the impact of land use on water quality through guided tours, fieldwork, water sampling and interactive presentations with policy makers and planners. Students camp out each night and need to bring a sleeping bag, but all other necessary gear, food and transportation including tents, kayaks, and life jackets will be provided.FreeStudents must be high school age and live or attend school in Schuylkill, Berks, Chester, Montgomery or Philadelphia counties.9, 10, 11, 12
Exelon Foundation STEM Leadership Academy Exelon Foundation STEM Leadership Academy is a free, week-long in-person event. Learn from women working in STEM and business leaders. Visit energy facilities. Explore sustainability, energy efficiency, renewable energy and climate change. Connect with like-minded peers.FreeYoung women currently in 10th or 11th grade10, 11
College of Physicians George and Judy Wohlreich Junior Fellows Program interest in careers in healthcare and medicine through hands-on learning and interaction with professionals. The program also provides academic counseling and support to better prepare these students for college and their future careers. Through the resources of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, including The Mütter Museum, the Historical Medical Library, and the College’s vast network of Fellows, our dedicated instructors seek to provide a safe, friendly, and engaging environment for students to obtain a unique education and prepare for their futures.FreeThey must be entering the 10th grade in Fall 2021.
They must be a Philadelphia resident.
They must be attending a Philadelphia public or charter high school (home schooled students are also welcome to apply).
They must have an interest in healthcare or medicine.
They will be the first in their immediate family to graduate from a college or university.
They must qualify for a FREE or REDUCED PRICE school lunch.
They may not have any disciplinary problems on their school record.
They must have permission from a parent/guardian to take part in the program.
They must be prepared to provide a work permit if they are brought in for an interview (more information on obtaining a work permit).
9, 10
Tech it Out Philly
Tech it Out Philly is a student group from the University of Pennsylvania that works with Philadelphia public high school students to explore social change through computer science.
Tech it Out teaches its students to be engaged in their communities as social activists as much as it teaches computer science skills. Tech it Out hopes to grow the next generation of diligent advocates that create thoughtful technology and contribute to our world in productive, meaningful ways.
Together, we can be thoughtful activists and be the change we want to see in the world.
FreeHigh School Student in Philadelphia
Access to a computer/laptop and internet required
9, 10, 11, 12
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
9 - 12:
6 - 8:
This FREE celebration will immerse girls in the world of STEM as they learn about related careers from professionals, and (virtually!) walk through “a day in the life” of a STEM student. They’ll also hear about all of the possibilities Community College of Philadelphia’s Pathways program offers students interested in STEM careers and professions. Schools will also have the opportunity for students to participate in our Biomedical Engineering Maker Challenge, where girls will be tasked with a fun and hands-on activity that mirrors engineering concepts used by professionals!Free6 - 12 grade students
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
STEM Educator Career Exploration Fair
Explore the STEM educator pathway, and why YOU might want to become one!FreeHS Students9, 10, 11, 12
Widener Engineering Mini-Camp for High School girls
Girls in grades 10 -11 are invited to spend the day exploring engineering careers with volunteers from Widener's School of Engineering and from the Philadelphia section of the Society of Women Engineers.
he camp will consist of labs from Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Robotics Engineering:

Aerodynamics - investigate what makes airplanes fly with engineers from Boeing
Electromyography - see your muscles at work
Land Development - design your own housing development
3D Printing - make plastic parts as stiff as steel
Robotics - program a robot to feed a baby
Red Blood Cell Measurements in Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Materials - learn how to manufacture foam
FreeGirls in grades 10 and 1110, 11
UX Design Sprint
In our UX Design Sprint, students will learn and practice key design skills that are also applicable to other types of design. This program is a great fit for any student who enjoys tech, design, and mobile apps.
In each individual class students will learn a new design technique/method and apply it to the app they are working on. The different lessons will help you take the idea through the design process to a finished app design
Free11th and 12th Grade students11, 12
PVSC Middle and High Schol Competition
This year, the most important photovoltaic conference in North America is taking place both in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA and online June 5-10, 2022. Students of all ages (grades 4 - 12) from around the world are invited to participate in two competitions to showcase their solar projects and ideas:
- Solar Energy 90-second Video Pitch Competition
- Solar Future Narratives, a storytelling competition

In each competition, students are encouraged to think about how solar energy (photovoltaic) power systems can benefit the environment and at the same time enhance their community. Students are asked to present a new technology or concept, a new way to utilize solar power, or a broader use of solar energy conversion through a video pitch or a creative story. Previous knowledge about solar cells is not required. All that is needed is a desire to learn more about solar energy and to participate in the competition. Submissions can be in any language.

The competition will take place virtually, but we also hope to invite participants to exhibit their work in person if COVID-19 health concerns allow. Stay tuned for more information about this!

We structure the competition to mirror how researchers conceive of novel ideas, develop the ideas into specific design objectives, implement the designs, and report the findings. Throughout the competition, we will provide guidance and direction by phone, email, and face-to-face meetings when possible.
Free4th - 12th grade students
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 12
Pre-College Programs at UPenn
The Pre-College Programs are designed for academically curious high school students interested in the intellectual challenge of Ivy League academics. Students enroll in undergraduate courses from a wide array of disciplines taught by Penn faculty, staff, and visiting scholars and are in class alongside other Penn undergrads.

The Pre-College Programs are offered in two distinct formats:

In the Pre-College Residential Program, students reside in campus residence halls and are enrolled in on-campus courses alongside Penn undergraduates. Residential students cannot enroll in online courses.
Learn more about the Pre-College Residential Program >
In the Pre-College Online Program, students enroll exclusively in online courses and participate from home. Online students do not have access to or participate in on-campus resources and activities.
Learn more about the Pre-College Online Program >
variesCurrent 10th and 11th grade students10, 11
Penn Summer Prep Program
The Penn Summer Prep Program allows ambitious students to enroll in two undergraduate-level modules from across disciplines while benefiting from the rich educational resources of the University. Students can also experience college life on Penn’s historic campus and explore the vibrant city of Philadelphia.

Choose modules from across the humanities and STEM: Once admitted into the Penn Summer Prep Program, students select two modules within Session A or Session B. Each student must select one morning module and one afternoon module from the same session. In addition to class time, students should be prepared to complete readings, group activities, or other coursework outside of the classroom.

Set yourself up for success: Modules are designed to engage students as critical thinkers and global citizens, and to hone analytical skills necessary for sustained academic growth. Upon successful completion of the program, students are awarded a Certificate of Completion and may request letters of recommendation from their Penn instructors.
varies... If you attend a School District of Philadelphia public or charter high school, you may be eligible to attend Penn Summer Prep free of charge with a Penn Summer Scholarship.Current 9th-11th grade students9, 10, 11
Summer Academies at UPenn
Academies are subject-intensive three-week programs that fuse sophisticated scientific or social theory with relevant applications. The science academies draw upon Penn's cutting-edge technology and resources to provide innovative lab experiences while the social academies draw upon the rich history and diversity of Philadelphia to provide a sociologically comprehensive summer experience.varies... Financial aid for select Philadelphia StudentsCurrent 9th-11th grade students9, 10, 11
Summer Mentorship Program at the University of Pennsylvania
The Provost’s Summer Mentorship Program began in 2006 as a summer college preparatory experience offered to rising 10th grade and 11th grade students, attending Philadelphia Public Schools, and Charter Schools. Admitted participants are paired with one of our five affiliate professional schools determined by their interests expressed in their completed application. These schools include: Perelman School of Medicine, Nursing School, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Carey Penn Law, and School of Dental Medicine. Participants experience hands-on, experiential learning, through a creatively designed curricula developed to highlight and offer exploration in various career choices and featured professions offered by the Provost’s Summer Mentorship Program. Each year roughly 100 participants share in this experience. In addition to the curricula provided participants are also exposed to SAT test preparation, wellness workshops, financial literacy, life skills and post-secondary educational access workshops, as well as other services provided to help our participants hone their skills by enhancing their scholarly confidence.Free, Students are provided a $400 stipend for participation10 and 11 (also 9 for Engineering applicants)9, 10 11
PCOM Opportunities Academy for 9th-12th Grade Students in Philadelphia
This free program, run by the Philadelphia College for Osteopathic Medicine, offers traditionally underrepresented students the opportunity to accelerate their STEM+M skills, learn about the college and medical school admissions process, and explore careers in medicine.FreePhiladelphia High School Students9, 10, 11, 12
ProFESS, formerly the Philadelphia Watershed Stewardship (PWS) program, is an initiative originally run in partnership with the Philadelphia Water Department to empower high school students to become environmental scientists and stewards. LandHealth supports students in ProFESS to become change-makers, scientists, leaders, advocates and stewards for a better tomorrow, through natural history, urban ecology, and watershed health. Centered in immersive, exploration-based learning--at-the-source--to better understand the plants, animals, soil, water, and air of our city. ProFESS offers opportunities for students to share what they learn with community groups and the general public, becoming ambassadors for green spaces and clean water.

ProFESS started in Cobbs Creek, home to vibrant communities in west Philadelphia, its historically preserved hundreds of acres of open space offset by mass industrialization and modernization. In Cobbs and citywide, our watersheds have suffered from hundreds of years of polluted storm water runoff, inadequate drainage systems, leaking septic tanks, illegal dumping, and other ills. This is where ProFESS comes in!
FreeGrades 8 - 128, 9, 10, 11, 12
SLAS - NOBCChE Scholarship
The SLAS - NOBCChE Scholarship aims to increase the diversity of the global science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce by supporting young people of color, who are often underrepresented in the STEM field. The SLAS - NOBCChE Scholarship is designed to support U.S.-based high school students through their post-secondary studies by providing financial assistance, extensive mentorship, networking and early career opportunities as well as access to diverse student and professional role models.FreeThe SLAS-NOBCChE Scholarship is intended for U.S.-based students of color entering an undergraduate STEM program, specifically Black, LatinX and other racially underrepresented students interested in the STEM field (African-American, Hispanic, Native/Indigenous; Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders; Alaskan natives). Students must be of sophomore or junior standing in secondary school level or higher.10, 11
Penn LENS (Laboratory Experiences in Natural Science) Program
When you enter the Penn LENS program you will have the opportunity to join a research lab and take part in current scientific research. Every LENS participant is assigned a mentor and participates in a research project from one of the natural science disciplines, such as biology, chemistry physics or veterinary science. This program is open to current 10th and 11th grade high school students from Philadelphia School District or Charter schools and underrepresented students and students from underserved schools are especially encouraged to apply.
Over the course of four weeks, School of Arts and Sciences’ natural science faculty and other lab members will provide guidance and mentorship to aid students in developing laboratory and research skills. Students will meet faculty from a variety of disciplines, participate in workshops to develop essential lab and science communication skills, discuss career paths in science and present their work at the end of the program.
The program will be in-person and take place at the University of Pennsylvania.
Any questions regarding the program can be directed to the Director of Penn LENS, Lori Spindler at
This program is FREE and students will receive a $1500 financial award.underrepresented minority, first generation and low income
rising 11th and 12th graders in SDP and City charter schools.
10, 11
STEM Makers Camp
The Greater Philadelphia STEM Center (GPSC) Summer Camp is a 4-week day camp that provides activities, experiments, projects, and field experiences for students entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade in the fall of 2022. Students attend the camp free of charge. The camp aims to increase awareness and interest in STEM careers, particularly in coding, engineering, and national security, and defense. This camp will encourage students to see themselves as college students and in scientific careers through college campus exposure and interactions with scientists and engineers.
We live in a global community, constantly changing and frequently challenging. For the challenges that currently exist and the changes that are sure to come, the US needs a nimble workforce of STEM innovators and entrepreneurs. To create and design new products, develop better devices, and make fully informed decisions, students need to understand the role of STEM and big data in the world. In this camp experience, students will use STEM content to support product design and improvement with specific attention to ROVs, gliders, and machines. Students will design and create prototypes while learning technologies that include digital die-cutting, 3D printing and laser printing. Data science applications will help students navigate the world of big data in which they live. Students will use data analytics to inform and study real STEM problems and challenges. Students will compete in a culminating STEM Challenge Day, racing robots and racecars, generating electricity, and more!
FREEStudents currently in 5th, 6th, or 7th grade must have an interest in science and mathematics
 Students must have at least a B average in science and mathematics courses
 Students must have a passing score on standardized science and mathematics tests
 Students must reside in the Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Area
5, 6, 7 Recommendation:
STEM-UP Leadership Experience
The STEM-UP Summer Leadership Experience is a 6-week day program that provides activities, experiments, projects, and field experiences for students entering 9th, 10th, or 11th grade in the fall of 2022. Students attend the program free of charge. STEM-UP aims to increase awareness and interest in STEM careers, particularly in coding, engineering, and nationalsecurity, and defense. It also encourages studentsto see themselves as college students and in scientific careers through college campus exposure and interactions with faculty, scientists and engineers.
The curriculum explores the sciences students should be taking during their high school years. Depending on grade level, students will take Chemistry, Biology or Physics.
• Chemistry in the Lab and in the World, a rigorous course introducing critical topics in chemistry including stoichiometry and reactions, synthesis of chemical compounds and polymers. Analysis of reaction products and chemistry in our garages, basements, and kitchens will be discussed. As well as the fate of chemicals in our environment.
• The Investigating Physics course will be taught using the building, analyzing, sharing, and extending (BASE) approach to teaching. The BASE approach will engage the student in a design and build activity, building a device, designing a circuit, etc. They will analyze their device and create a video or live presentation of the physics behind the device, while demonstrating how their device works. The class’s knowledge will be extended by presentations and active learning activities delivered by a university faculty member.
• Our biology course, Life as we Know It, will investigate life forms from the microbe to man. Who discovered the microbe and how? What are they? Where are they? Hydroponic gardens and habitat destruction, coupled with urban and suburban ecology will be studied to understand the survival challenges faced the species.
Our data science course will provide instruction in python, an introduction to statistics and applications to the sciences including analysis of DNA data, laboratory data and COVID infection. Lastly, students will utilize 3D printing, laser printing, and die cutting in project design activities that are part of each of the science courses.
FREEStudents currently in 8th, 9th, or 10th grade must have an interest in science and mathematics
Students must have at least a B average in science and mathematics courses
Students must have a passing score on standardized science and mathematics tests
Students must reside in the Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Area
8, 9. 10 Recommendation:
Transition to College
Ready, Set, STEM!
The Transition to College: Ready, Set, Stem! (RSS) program is a 6-week day program that provides activities, experiments, and projects for students entering 12th grade in the fall of 2022. Students attend the program free of charge. RSS aims to increase awareness and interest in STEM careers. It also encourages students to see themselves as college students and in scientific careers through college campus exposure and interactions with faculty, scientists, and engineers.
Planning for college requires intense coursework in STEM as well as excellent reading and writing skills. This program will challenge students with math and chemistry coursework simply because mathematics and chemistry are gateway courses for many STEM majors. In addition, the program will emphasize analytical reading and writing in STEM areas. All courses will be taught at the college level with academic support at all levels.
And most IMPORTANTLY, the RSS program will put theory into practice by engaging students in an authentic research experience. This authentic research will form the basis of a Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) research submission for the Spring 2022 competition. Students will be able to continue their projects into the Fall and compete for scholarships in the JSHS research competition.
FREEStudents currently in 11th grade must have an interest in science and mathematics
Students must have at least a B average in science and mathematics courses
Students must have a passing score on standardized science and mathematics tests
Students must reside in the Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Area
11 Recommendation:
2022 CGCS-Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarships
The Council of the Great City Schools and Dr. Bernard Harris strongly believe that education
is key to progress, development and economic growth in our country. Together, they have
developed a partnership to increase awareness about the need for more math and science
graduates, especially among underrepresented populations. This scholarship is part of their
efforts to support students of color who plan to pursue math- and science- related degrees.
Four scholarships for two boys and two girls, with a value of $5,000 each, will be awarded
in June 2022 to two Black and two Hispanic students currently completing their senior
year of high school in a member district of the Council of the Great City Schools (see
list of member districts on left). Applicants must be accepted for full-time enrollment at a
four-year college or university in the next academic year and pursuing a degree in Science,
Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM).
The scholarships, named in recognition of Dr. Bernard A. Harris, Jr., serve underrepresented
students pursuing careers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
As a former astronaut, physician and businessman, Dr. Harris is an outstanding role model
dedicated to serving as a mentor to the scholarship recipients.
Applications will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Council of the Great City
Schools. Recipients will be selected by Dr. Harris and notified in June. The scholarship will
be paid to the university of the recipient’s choice and can be applied to tuition and related
expenses during the 2022-2023 academic school year.
FREEBlack and Hispanic students currently completing their senior year of high school in a member district of the Council of the Great City Schools
Applicants must be accepted for full-time enrollment at a four-year college or university in the next academic year and pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)
Widener Engineering Summer Camp for HS Students
If you're interested in engineering, Widener's summer camp is the perfect place to start exploring. We’ll introduce you to this exciting field through the eyes of our top-ranked engineering program.

Widener’s Engineering Summer Camp is serious fun. You’ll explore engineering in hands-on interactive sessions, computer activities and engineering demonstrations in the fields of biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical and robotics engineering. You'll also meet and interact with our engineering faculty.

Widener's Engineering Summer Camp was developed by engineering faculty at Widener to introduce high school students to the field of engineering in a nurturing, noncompetitive, "hands-on" environment. Students experience four half-days full of hands-on activities, computer workshops, demonstrations, laboratory exercises, and presentations, all while having fun!
$400 with early bird registration until June 15, 2022. After June 15, 2022: $450High school students9, 10, 11, 12
2022 Jr. STEM Academy Summer Camps
Drones Camp
Hands-on learning and innovative technology experiences await you at Community College of Philadelphia’s Jr. STEM Academy Virtual Summer Camps. Offered through the Division of Access and Community Engagement, the camps provide a fun and engaging experience for students in grades 6-8.
Campers will begin their day with math, focusing on Algebra I readiness, then move into our scientific inquiry hour learning about the scientific method and the engineering design process while working on their mini-science project ideas. In the afternoon, campers will learn how to build and pilot a drone. They will learn the basics of drone flight using a flight simulator, then move outdoors to pilot drones using in-sight piloting as well as first-Person view goggles.

$200students in grades 6-86, 7, 8
2022 Jr. STEM Academy Summer Camps
Minecraft Camps
Hands-on learning and innovative technology experiences await you at Community College of Philadelphia’s Jr. STEM Academy Virtual Summer Camps. Offered through the Division of Access and Community Engagement, the camps provide a fun and engaging experience for students in grades 6-8.

Introduction to Coding with Minecraft
This is an introduction to coding class focusing on basic coding terms and concepts. Campers will learn about conditionals, functions, coordinates event handlers and more in block-based coding and JavaScript.

Python with Minecraft
Campers will be introduced to Python in Minecraft with MakeCode, a block based coding system. In this introductory course, they will learn the basics of Python, including syntax, data types, variables, conditionals, 'for' and conditional loops, lists and functions.
$50students in grades 6-86, 7, 8
STEM Hope Pathways Summer Camp
The Hope Pathways Summer Camp is a hands-on, informative, inquiry-based event that is a great introduction to how experiments are performed in research labs.
In ONE week the program runs from Benchwork Bootcamp to Experimental Analysis ALL performed by you, the students, using techniques and equipment common to researchers all around the world.
You will be introduced to basic genetics, observe the stages of fruit fly development, and work to make connections between diet and health.
FreeStudents finishing 10th, 11th or- 12th grade are welcome to apply.
Students MUST commit to participate in all 5 days of the camp.
Student must complete an application form and write a 1-2 page essay;
Submission of a letter of recommendation (See details, page 3)
Have a parent’s or guardian’s permission to apply.
10, 11, 12
Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences (PGSS) was established in order to provide a summer enrichment experience in the sciences and mathematics for talented Pennsylvania high school students and to encourage them to pursue careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering or mathematics. The program provides instruction in biological sciences, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science, with emphasis on collaborative learning and team research.

PGSS is proud to offer talented students the opportunity to participate in true scientific research and specialized scientific study. These opportunities are rarely available at even the best high schools, where top students are unable to be challenged at a suitably high academic level. The program also seeks to maintain a pipeline of modern technological talent throughout the state of Pennsylvania, where cities such as Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and State College are quickly becoming medical, technological, and entrepreneurial hubs. Finally, PGSS takes a special interest in promoting the involvement of under-represented minorities in STEM fields and strongly encourages students from all backgrounds to apply.
All program costs are covered for accepted students; no cost to applyHigh academic ability in science, high level of motivation, two essays, recommendations from a math teacher, a science teacher and either a guidance counselor or significant other school educator, resume11