1. Admissions/ Management Information
Title of the programme – including any lower awards
Please provide the titles used for all awards relating to this programme. Note: all programmes are required to have at least a Postgraduate Certificate exit award.

See guidance on programme titles in:
Masters Marine Environmental Management
Postgraduate Diploma Please indicate if the Postgraduate Diploma is available as an entry point, ie. is a programme on which a student can register, is an exit award, ie. is only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.N/A
Postgraduate Certificate Marine Environmental ManagementPlease indicate if the Postgraduate Certificate is available as an entry points, ie. is a programme on which a student can register, is an exit award, ie. is only available to students exiting the masters programme early, or both.Exit
Level of qualificationLevel 7
This document applies to students who commenced the programme(s) in:2019
Awarding institutionTeaching institution
University of York University of York
Where more than one department is involved, indicate the lead department
Board of Studies
Lead Department EnvironmentEnvironment
Other contributing Departments:
Route code
(existing programmes only)
Admissions criteria
English Language requirement, one of the following: IELTS: at least 6.5 with at least 6.5 in writing and no less than 6.0 in each other component; PTE: 61, with no less than 55 in each component; TOEFL: 87, with no less than 21 in each component; Trinity ISE: level 3 with Merit in all components; or, successful completion of a recent undergraduate degree at a UK University. Other English Language tests may also be accepted.
Length and status of the programme(s) and mode(s) of study
ProgrammeLength (years/ months) Status (full-time/ part-time)
Please select
Start dates/months
(if applicable – for programmes that have multiple intakes or start dates that differ from the usual academic year)
Face-to-face, campus-basedDistance learningOther
Marine Environmental Management1 yearFull-timeSeptemberPlease select Y/NYesPlease select Y/NNo
Language(s) of study
Language(s) of assessment
2. Programme accreditation by Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies (PSRB)
2.a. Is the programme recognised or accredited by a PSRB
Please Select Y/N: Noif No move to section 3
if Yes complete the following questions
3. Additional Professional or Vocational Standards
Are there any additional requirements of accrediting bodies or PSRB or pre-requisite professional experience needed to study this programme?
Please Select Y/N: Noif Yes, provide details
4. Programme leadership and programme team
4.a. Please name the programme leader for the year to which the programme design applies and any key members of staff responsible for designing, maintaining and overseeing the programme.
Julie Hawkins (Programme Leader), Claire Hughes (Chair of Board of Studies), Sylvia Toet (Chair of Teaching Committee)
5. Purpose and learning outcomes of the programme
5.a. Statement of purpose for applicants to the Masters programme
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective masters student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
This highly vocational programme, that includes an external placement with a professional practitioner, is designed to provide you with specialised knowledge of the marine environment and how it is managed. During the course, you will be thoroughly grounded in environmental problems affecting the oceans and will discover the latest thinking in how to manage marine resources. The course places strong emphasis on the importance of understanding marine ecosystem structure, function and processes and how human activities and global change are affecting these and the socio-economic implications involved. During the MSc you will develop research and practical skills to a high level. A compulsory module in fisheries provides knowledge that is key to this discipline, while optional modules allow considerable flexibility in what you can study. Throughout the MSc you are required to participate in teamwork activities and an optional fieldtrip provides in depth training in transferable sampling techniques. You will emerge from this programme as a solution-oriented, inter-disciplinary thinker who can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, to a range of audiences about key problems that affect the sea and how management can try to address them.                                           
This MSc will equip you for a career in marine environmental management which could be with: a non-governmental conservation organisation, a government environmental, conservation or fishery agency or an environmental consultancy company. It also provides a firm foundation from which to launch an academic career.  After completing this MSc many MEM students have had their dissertations published in either Governmental or Non-Governmental reports or in the scientific literature.

5.a.i Statement of purpose for applicants registering for the Postgraduate Diploma programme
Please express succinctly the overall aims of the programme as an applicant facing statement for a prospectus or website. This should clarify to a prospective diploma student why they should choose this programme, what it will provide to them and what benefits they will gain from completing it.
5.b.i. Programme Learning Outcomes - Masters
Please provide six to eight statements of what a graduate of the Masters programme will be able to do.
If the document only covers a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma please specify four to six PLO statements in the sections 5.b.ii and 5.b.iii as appropriate.
Taken together, these outcomes should capture the distinctive features of the programme. They should also be outcomes for which progressive achievement through the course of the programme can be articulated, and which will therefore be reflected in the design of the whole programme.
PLOOn successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able to:
1Debate, interpret and explain the ecological principles and human interactions which underlie marine environmental management at a range of scales using appropriate methods and norms, and engage critically with theory, knowledge and emerging issues in marine biology and marine environmental management [Knowledgeable and critical]
2Identify, synthesise and critically evaluate information from a wide range of reliable sources, and collate this information to establish current understanding and independently identify key research questions in specialised areas of marine biology and marine environmental management [Independent researcher]
3Cut across disciplinary boundaries to link knowledge and experience from a wide range of research areas to understand the relationship between economic and social pressures and their impacts on the sea [Interdisciplinary thinker]
4Identify knowledge gaps and to plan, design and execute advanced research in marine environmental management as an individual or as part of a team using critically-selected qualitative, quantitative or field-based methods [Creator of new perspectives]
5Design and undertake critical analyses of quantitative data using appropriate tools to draw conclusions from advanced research on the ecological and economic implications of human interactions with the sea [Analytical]
6Effectively communicate knowledge, complex ideas and persuasive arguments to professional and non-specialist audiences using oral, written, visual and digital media [Effective communicator]
7Recommend and criticially evaluate sustainable solutions to environment and development problems affecting the sea that consider broader social, political, economic and environmental contexts, and the ethical implications of their application by applying knowledge, theories and approaches from marine biology, economics and policy studies [Innovative problem solver]
8Work responsibly as part of a team or as a team-leader in a range of settings to attain goals in marine environmental management [Team player]
5.c. Explanation of the choice of Programme Learning Outcomes
Please explain your rationale for choosing these PLOs in a statement that can be used for students (such as in a student handbook). Please include brief reference to:
i) ... in what way will these PLOs result in an ambitious, challenging programme which stretches the students?
Through achieving our programme outcomes you will be equipped with the abilities and confidence to improve our understanding of the world around us and work towards developing sustainable solutions to today’s environmental problems. Our outcomes require you to be critical in terms of the information you use and the research tools you employ, persuasive and clear in the ways in which you communicate and interdisciplinary in your approaches towards understanding the environment and recommending solutions to problems. These are all characteristics that we will help you to develop through our MSc in Marine Environmental Management and will enable you to be successful in your future career. (max 500 words)
ii) ... in what way will these PLOs produce a programme which is distinctive and advantageous to the student?
The programme outcomes capture the key employability skills that graduates of an MSc in Marine Environmental Management will be asked to demonstrate when applying for successful and rewarding careers in this field of work. By providing you with a clear pathway towards achieving these learning outcomes through core skills training and plentiful opportunities to use and practice these skills you will be able to draw on specific examples of work that you have undertaken to evidence your accomplishments to potential future employers. This training will build on your existing skills to help you to become a creator of new perspective, an innovative problem solver and creative and critical. Through interactions with external environmental and industrial organisations you will see how the skills embedded in our programme outcomes can be used in the workplace. (max 500 words)
iii) ... how the design of the programme enables students from diverse entry routes to transition successfully into the programme? For example, how does the organisation of the programme ensure solid foundations in disciplinary knowledge and understanding of conventions, language skills, mathematics and statistics skills, writing skills, lab skills, academic integrity
The MSc in Marine Environmental Management has been designed to be accessible to students without a science background. It is geared towards those who have a life-long love of the sea and/or practical experience in marine conservation. To allow non-scientists to effectively transition onto the more technical aspects of the programme including statistics and spatial analysis these modules have been designed to start with the basics before advancing to MSc-level  concepts and material. Additional support for statistics is provided through an online peer support group and the University Maths Skills Centre. In addition our online Skills Hub helps you to develop strong digital, communication and mathematical skills in your own time and receive formative feedback on how well you are doing. The University also has a Writing Centre that can provide help and support. (max 500 words)
iv) ... how the programme is designed to enable students to progress successfully - in a limited time frame - through to the end of the award? For example, the development of higher level research skills; enabling students to complete an independent study module; developing competence and confidence in practical skills/ professional skills. See QAA masters characteristics doument
The programme has strong core skills training and an online skills hub that allow you to develop competence and confidence in key employability and professional skills. You  will undertake practical activities that are in line with those undertaken in a professional setting, and have interactions with employers that will show how the skills you are developing through this programme can be used in the workplace. Core modules are specifically designed to prepare you to undertake an advanced piece of research in the dissertation, and to work with an external organisation in a summer placement.
v) ... how this programme (as outlined in these PLOs) will develop students’ digital literacy skills and how technology-enhanced learning will be used to support active student learning through peer/tutor interaction, collaboration and formative (self) assessment opportunities (reference could be made to such as blogging, flipped classroooms, response 'clickers' in lectures, simulations, etc).
a. Digital literacy - Through our MSc in Marine Environmental Management you will develop the key digital skills needed for effective communication, for finding and using reliable sources, and for how to analyse quantitative and qualitative datasets. You will receive training in the use of the relevant digital tools at key points throughout your studies and be provided with opportunities to use them in a range of applications. This will ensure that when you graduate you are ready to effectively apply these tools in a work-based setting; b. Technology-enhanced learning - We have developed an online site for MSc students (the Skills Hub) that you can use to develop key skills, and to help you improve your existing ones. The online Skills Hub complements the teaching you will receive during contact hours and gives you the tools and flexibility to work on key skills development in your own time. (max 500 words)
vi) ... how this programme (as outlined in these PLOs) will support and enhance the students’ employability (for example, opportunities for students to apply their learning in a real world setting)?
The programme's employablity objectives should be informed by the University's Employability Strategy:
The programme outcomes capture the key employability skills that graduates of an MSc in Marine Envrionmental Management will be asked to demonstrate to successfully achieve rewarding careers in this field of work. Via a clear pathway towards achieving these learning outcomes through core skills training and plentiful opportunities to use and practice these skills you will be able to draw on specific examples of work that you have undertaken to evidence your accomplishments to potential future employers. Through interactions with external environmental and industrial organisations you will see how the skills embedded in our programme outcomes can be used in the workplace. In addition to this, University Careers services offer workshops on preparing CVs and job applications, and general career planning that are open to students on the Marine Environmental Management. We encourage students to attend these sessions from early in the programme to get a good sense of what is required to boost their employability.  (max 500 words)
viii) ... how learning and teaching on the programme are informed and led by research in the department/ Centre/ University?
We are a research-active department and share our latest research findings and methods with students through our teaching. Throughout your studies you will be actively involved in designing and performing research projects aimed at both understanding the world around us and solving environmental problems. All of our courses include examples of current research that allow you to see how the theory and knowledge you have been taught in lectures apply in a range of national and international settings. Through tutorials and seminars you will gain experience in discussing cutting-edge research and develop key communication skills. Lectures are supplemented by guest speakers from the environmental think-tank the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), and a range of external environmental and industrial organisations, exposing you to potential areas of future employment throughout your studies. (max 500 words)
5.d. Progression
For masters programmes where students do not incrementally 'progress' on the completion of a discrete Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma, please summarise students’ progressive development towards the achievement of the PLOs, in terms of the characteristics that you expect students to demonstrate at the end of the set of modules or part thereof. This summary may be particularly helpful to students and the programme team where there is a high proportion of option modules and in circumstances where students registered on a higher award will exit early with a lower one.

Note: it is not expected that a position statement is written for each masters PLO, but this can be done if preferred.
On completion of modules sufficient to obtain a Postgraduate Certificate students will be able to:
If the PG Cert is an exit award only please provide information about how students will have progressed towards the diploma/masters PLOs. Please include detail of the module diet that students will have to have completed to gain this qualification as an exit award.
Students exiting with a PGCert will have completed 30 credits of core modules and 30 credits of optional modules. This will have provided them with a fundamental understanding of marine environmental management. The student will have gained all aspects of PLOs 1, 3 and 6 but will not have achieved all aspects of the other PLOs.
On completion of modules sufficient to obtain a Postgraduate Diploma students will be able to:
If the PG Diploma is an exit award only please provide information about how students will have progressed towards the masters PLOs. Please include detail of the module diet that students will have to have completed to gain this qualification as an exit award.
6. Reference points and programme regulations
6.a. Relevant Quality Assurance Agency benchmark statement(s) and other relevant external reference points
Please state relevant reference points consulted (e.g. Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, National Occupational Standards, Subject Benchmark Statements or the requirements of PSRBs): See also Taught Postgraduate Modular Scheme: Framework for Programme Design:
- QAA, Characteristics Statement, UK Quality Code for Higher Education, Part A: Setting and maintaining academic standards Master's Degree
6.b. University award regulations
The University’s award and assessment regulations apply to all programmes: any exceptions that relate to this programme are approved by University Teaching Committee and are recorded at the end of this document.
7. Programme Structure
7.a. Module Structure and Summative Assessment Map
Please complete the summary table below which shows the module structure and the pattern of summative assessment through the programme.

If the structure of your programme does not fit the usual academic year (for instance students start at the beginning of September or in January) please contact your Academic Quality Team contact in the Academic Support Office for guidance on how to represent the structure in an alternative format.

To clearly present the overall programme structure, include the name and details of each invidual CORE module in the rows below. For OPTION modules, ‘Option module’ or 'Option from list x' should be used in place of specifically including all named options. If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists by term of delivery or subject theme these lists should be provided in the next section (7.b).

From the drop-down select 'S' to indicate the start of the module, 'A' to indicate the timing of each distinct summative assessment point (eg. essay submission/ exam), and 'E' to indicate the end of teaching delivery for the module (if the end of the module coincides with the summative assessment select 'EA'). It is not expected that each summative task will be listed where an overall module might be assessed cumulatively (for example weekly problem sheets).

Summative assessment by exams should normally be scheduled in the spring week 1 and summer Common Assessment period (weeks 5-7). Where the summer CAP is used, a single ‘A’ can be used within the shaded cells as it is understood that you will not know in which week of the CAP the examination will take place. (NB: An additional resit assessment week is provided in week 10 of the summer term for postgraduate students. See Guide to Assessment, 5.4.a)
Full time structure
CreditsModuleAutumn TermSpring Term Summer Term Summer Vacation
10ENV00004MFisheries Ecology and ManagementSAAAE
20ENV00049MResearch Skills and Statistical MethodsSE
50ENV00031MSummer PlacementSE
50Option list AE
Option list BSE
Full-time Route: Please indicate when the Progression Board and Final Exam board will be held and when any reassessments will be submitted.
NB: You are required to provide at least three weeks notice to students of the need for them to resubmit any required assessments, in accordance with the Guide to Assessment section 4.9
Progression BoardSummer Term & Week 6
ReassessmentSummer Term & Week 9-10
Exam BoardAutumn Term & Week 7
7.b. Optional module lists

If the programme requires students to select option modules from specific lists these lists should be provided below. If you need more space, use the toggles on the left to reveal ten further hidden rows.
Option List A - choose 20/30 from 40Option List B - choose 20/30 from 50Option List COption List D
ENV00027M Marine EcosystemsENV00030M Maldives FieldtripN/AN/A
ENV00080M Ocean and Coastal ScienceENV00071M Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Areas
ENV00007M Spatial AnalysisENV00047M Ecotoxicology
ENV00082M Current Research and Communication in Marine Conservation
ENV00005M Environmental governance
ENV00057M Environmental Impact Assessment
7.c. Explanation of the programme and assessment design
The statements should be in a form that can be used for students (such as in a student handbook). It should make clear to students why they are doing the key activities of the programme, in terms of reaching the PLOs.
i) Students’ independent study and formative work Please outline how independent study and student work has been designed to support the progressive achievement of the programme learning outcomes (for example, the use of online resources which incorporate formative feedback; opportunities for further learning from work-based placements).
Each module leader provides resources and activities on the VLE. We have developed an online Skills Hub that will help students to develop academic skills through guidance documents and online activities that provide formative feedback and advice on how to improve.
ii) Contact with staff
Please explain how the programme’s design maximises the value of students’ contact time with staff (which may be face-to-face, virtual, synchronous or asynchronous), including through the use of technology-enhanced learning. For example, giving students resources for their independent study which then enables a class to be more interactive with a greater impact on learning.
Contact with staff is through lectures, computing, laboratory and field practicals and seminars. Small-group discussions, often led by the students themselves, are a key feature of our MSc programmes. To ensure that staff contact time is maximised we have developed an online Skills Hub that will allow students to develop generic skills in their own time. This is particularly important for a programme of this type where students come from diverse backgrounds. Each module leader also provides reading materials and activities on the VLE to help our students to prepare for face-to-face sessions.
iii) Summative Assessment
Please outline how summative assessment within and across modules has been designed to support and evidence the progressive achievement of the programme learning outcomes. (For example, the use of different assessment methods at the ‘introduction’ stage compared to those used to evaluate deeper learning through the application of skills and knowledge later in the programme).