Podcast member names & phone#
Soundcloud Link/URL: Your podcast name (show/episode title)
Explanation of the submission (limited to 200 words; Provide a short summary of your podcast. If you're not sure how to get started, you can begin with, "In this podcast....")
If you use any music or sounds effects, please list the sources here. Note: You cannot use copyrighted sound effects or music for the sole purpose of making your podcast sound better. However, there are limited fair use exceptions. See the contest rules for more information. IF YOU HAVE NONE OF THIS SAY NONE.
Are your submitting this to NY TImes Podcast contest (5min max) & Do you plan to submit this to NPR Podcast contest in 2024?
Who is doing the actual submitting if any "yes" answers in the prior question
Anything else I should know
On a final note, any comments about your year in AP Language? Anything I need to work on as a teacher, things that need to be kept, removed or features of the course we should resequence or spend more/less time on. New ideas/things we should try with the course? Any other famous last words for me...
5/19/2023 13:19:25ryan gayton and nick meyer
last 2 brain cells episode south park and simpsons explained
basically we talked about how eric cartman is very racist and homophobic to everyone and if it will he cancelled if it where to be made in 2023 then we talked about how the simpsons predict the future.
no we did not all where produced on our own voices
No to eithernono sir
5/19/2023 18:22:31
Skye Ehmann & Leah Spalding (386-295-2661)
Your Daily Tips: How to get a Boyfriend
This podcast is basically a complete joke and none of It should be taken literally. So many kids these days get themselves into such toxic controlling relationships so for this podcast we acted like we where experts but yet every single thing we said was the opposite of what actually makes good qualities.
For this podcast we downloaded an app called, "Instant Buttons Soundboard Pro". All of our effects where used from this.
No to eitherNope
I definitely feel like I have improved in many areas this year thanks to your class and really appreciate the work you have put into my to help me improve.
5/21/2023 12:34:56Ava Werner (386)-212-7445
The Stories Next Door- Ms. Pauline Colbert
In this podcast I sat for an interview with my neighbor Ms. Pauline Colbert. She turned 90 this past summer, and shared with me stories from her life so far.
Created music in Garage Band with the help of Wyatt Lucas
ONLY submitting for NPR
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
This conversation was over 2 hours long, so I had to do a fair bit of editing. Please excuse any editing errors, this is the first time I've ever done this :)
I loved this class, and that most of the assignments required thinking outside of the box. This is the class in which I learned the most about the world as a whole. Current events, history, writing, and introductory philosophical thinking. I also really enjoyed the AP Lit unit with Gatsby and the Crucible , as well as the book reading and interviewing just recently. Pretty cool stuff!
5/22/2023 11:57:00Shawn, Sarah, Emma
Skinny Minnie’s
In this podcast, you will listen to a group of teenagers ages 16-17 criticizing the world today. Because let’s be for real, not enough people are talking about the murder of our beloved cousin and love Princess Diana nor are we talking about how the Illuminati is living amongst us right next door or worse, in our toilets. The talk of the murder of princess Diana will be lead with her long lost cousin Sarah. We will also take a deep dive into fashion with fashion icon and world renowned model Shawn, with the met gala as the topic of discussion. But in the midst of both the topics there is talk of the Illuminati as there is a Freemason building in the area where we live.
NONENo to either
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
We ate
I enjoyed it and enjoyed u as my teacher
5/22/2023 13:33:36Molly/Max/Emily W
MEM Podcast Episode 1
In this podcast we dive deep into different Disney secrets. We talked about conspiracies' involving Walt Disney and some of his work including the movie Frozen and the tv show Phineas and Ferb. We also mentioned secrets hidden in the classical film Whinny the Pooh and how it relates to our everyday lives.
Disney's 100 years of wonder intro
No to eitherNo
Overall I think the course was really good and we all felt well prepared for the test.
5/22/2023 14:05:42
Daniel Mai (386)-282-1564
Demario Dawkins (325)-307-8600
Racism at its FinestNoneNo to either
Audio might be choppy due to removal of unnecessary words
Please stay yourself, you are the most unique teacher and should stay that way. We should watch movies as a class and write an essay on it.
Daniel Mai Final words: "I hope to see you next year"
Demario Dawkins: "You are a great teacher and one of my favorite classes of all time"
5/22/2023 21:50:56
Travis M. Lide (407-732-1628), Matthew Sanders (386-871-8989), Pujan Patel (386-333-8500), Benjamin Kim (386-872-8923)
Roholing Stones (The mysterious society of the Free Masons)
This podcast episode entails the Roholing Stones (along with special guest Tilanna Peterson) exploring the secret society of the free masons. Ben theorizes about how they control our society. Pujan debates the intensity of the integration of the free masons in modern society. Travis questions how the free masons relate to the average citizen. Tilanna gives her firsthand experiences and knowledge of the topic. Matthew works behind the scenes to refine the final product you'll be listening to.
Background music for the entire track: Bossa Hustle (DRUMMR)
No to either
Maybe more practicing of COMPONENTS of writing each essay rather than just all at once. If you see that the class is consistently struggling with thesis synthesis maybe hold a workshop or something along those lines (I wouldn't know because I am an expert essay writer). That is all.
5/22/2023 22:51:43Ariana Khan 3868534115
Ep 1-Intro to black market debate Different Market and Issues to explore and to informYes to both in 2024
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
5/23/2023 10:44:28
sophia sequeira (512-915-6914) alexis legge (386-334-2043)
The Unsolved: Lady Bird Lake Ripper
In this podcast, we talk about the facts of the Austin Lady Bird Lake case and mention how there's speculation of a serial killer involved. We then discuss the possibility of there being a killer and our own ideas on the case.
Youtube (No copyright/Royalty Free)
No to either
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
Good structure on the different areas of the course
5/23/2023 11:12:39Cali Copeland, Tilanna Peterson
Pros/Cons of IBIn this podcast we discussed the pros and cons of being in IB
we used cruel summer by taylor swift
No to either
seamus Heaney is overrated
5/23/2023 11:43:36
Emily 386-405-5565, Fathema 386-872-1147, Dhara 386-299-6549
Love Through Generations
In this podcast we questioned the "love stories" of two couples coming from different generations. The apparent and heartfelt relationship between the wife and spouse of a previous generation compared to the young couple from this generation sharing a seemingly nonexistent love story. The interviews ultimately bring value to the claim that love is lost in this generation.
noneNo to either
5/23/2023 11:49:36
Cali Copeland and Tilanna Peterson
5/23/2023 11:57:07
Sophia Gao & Sonie Singh (813-327-9159 & 386-281-0870)
Minority Chat Episode 12 - Eating grapes under the table?
In this episode of Minority Chat we talked about the differences between our culture (growing up/childhood life, parental styles, common struggles, belonging & identity)
noneNo to either
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
5/23/2023 12:29:05
Olivia Velez, Noah Hernandez, Charles Gatz
Good Baby Name - Bad Baby Name
In this podcast we explored what makes a baby name a bad baby name and we talked about some of the baby names we think are bad.
NONENo to either
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
This class was fun but I am so glad it's over. Have fun next year.
5/23/2023 12:31:39
Taylor Smith, Ella Sorrell, Delaney Sullivan
Music Through the Decades
In this podcast we talk about songs from the 60s to the early 2000s. Each group member lists out bands we've heard of from each decade and lists songs from those bands that we've heard of. After the listing of bands we've heard of, we each say a band that we haven't heard from that decade. We also incorporate songs from each decade that may be familiar to listeners.
"Wonderwall"-The Oasis, "Y.M.C.A"-The Village People, "Africa"-Weezer, "Twist and Shout"-The Beatles, "Bye Bye Bye"-NSYNC, "Yellow"-Coldplay
No to either
Keep teaching, but give us more time in between the 4th quarter book reading and the podcast.
5/23/2023 13:00:17
Tia (386-451-8338), Gavin (386-451-5537), Libby (360-509-5406)
SCHS Trends, by LTG Nuke News
Essentially this episode is about certain trends we've seen students indulge in around the school. In the episode, we talked about these trends and interviewed people around the school who've been seen to participate in these trends. Overall, we just wanted a funny episode that included funny students.
iMovie sound effects.No to either
It gets good at the end I promise.
In all honesty, I felt good about the AP exam and the stuff we did this year was pretty fun. I actually liked this class a lot.
5/23/2023 13:11:17Niko Martin 386-299-3222
An analysis of queer culture before and after the preset
In this podcast, I touch on important people/ events before the 21st century that have added to the queer community/ experience vs. people/ celebrities in the present and how much progress we have made in our community in the past 100 years. I go over some names like Marsha p Johnson, Emily DIckinson, lil Nas X, and many others.
Non copyrighted intro and outro music is used- website used:
No to eitherNo
I really enjoyed my time in this class, and I enjoyed your teaching style and the interesting and educational assignments and reads we did in this class. Because it is an AP class, I wish it was more challenging or engaging ( it was my easiest class this year despite it being one of my few AP classes, and was a lot easier than some of my standard grade classes and electives). I also wish it wasn't so dependent on oral class presentation, or we had another option for these grades. Honestly, the hardest part of this class was the verbal or oral presentations, and less the prep for these and the writings we did. I hope I will see you again for TOK next year.
5/23/2023 13:53:18
Lillian Geary (386-506-1978) Zoe Ruffin (386-315-1335) Sammy Loukes (386-846-9275)
Gen X vs Gen Z
What is up with the beef between Gen x and Gen Z? Well these three high students take a gander and try to explore that question. Follow the journey of these girls discussing hard truths and their own opinions on their generation and their persecutors.
noneNo to eithernope
I loved it and I have recommended it to everyone who can still take it. I personally believe that the poetry section should be longer but I loved this class and it has helped me in all of my classes, expect theatre. The mention of "frog sex" was weird but I guess the skills i learned made up for that.
5/23/2023 13:55:49
Ella Dietrich Bella Cobb (386)299-1966
Is Water Wet?
In this podcast we discuss the commonly dicussed question, Is Water Wet. We asked many of our peers this question and they gave us their own opinion on the question. Some took the scientific approach while some just said that "you can drink it so its wet." Enjoy some of our fun sound effects as well as our take on the question!
All sounds from iMovieNo to either
Do you think water is wet?
Very fun class
5/23/2023 14:25:42
Samantha Powell (386)-679-4277 , Rupika Singh, Isabella Lankford, Reed Johansson, Bradley Bingham
Bachoo Ep. 7: The Downfall of Disney
In our podcast, we explore the changes in Disney from our childhood to what it is nowadays. We discuss the difference between what was made during our childhood to what is being made now from the way characters look to the story lines and even a dabbling for a few seconds into the parks.
Yes, the online piano and self-made
No to eitherIt can be loud
give rupika more york peppermint patties
5/23/2023 15:25:48
Marcus Martinez (732-678-6164) & Hunter Smith (386-249-9840)
Are you smarter than a 4th grader?
This podcast consists of multiple interviews of two types of questions, easy and hard. We've asked a group of a couple middle schoolers these questions to see how intelligent these responses are. The easy portion of these questions consist of questions such as; why isnt 11 pronounced "onety-one"? As well as, "if a child is refusing a nap, are they resisting arrest? The hard topic questions are mainly theory questions about the incident of 9/11. Such as; " Did the jewish community know about the terrorist attack? Why did 93% of the Jewish workers at the World Trade center not show up to work? (intro Music)
No to either
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
I loved this class more than anything. A lot of work but I enjoyed mainly every topic, it very much helped with my theory provoking brain.
5/23/2023 16:29:49William Schmidt - (631)-617-7429
Skylar Johnston - (386)-316-2007
Kylie Hinkle - (386)-278-9440
JonBenét Ramsey Murder Mystery Podcast
In this podcast we discuss the story of the death of JonBenét Ramsey with each of talking about our own personal beliefs as to what happened.
Murder Mystery Background music
No to either
The audio bit be a bit loud
Honestly one of my personal favorite teachers who actually taught what we needed to know. I did really appreciate how for each of our essays you gave us personal advice on what to do next time.
5/23/2023 18:10:47
Logan Walden, Donny Pultz, and Koen Snipes
Beyond the Rabbit Hole: Navigating the World of Conspiracy Theories
The podcast goes in-depth on the ins and outs of Bohemian Grove and partially the Denver Airport. These are linked together in similar ways such as the weird statues in both areas.
Virtualpiano.netNo to either
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
NopeClass was good
5/23/2023 20:27:15Taylor & Isabella 5th period
The world's view on Christianity vs. the reality of it
In this podcast we addressed some common misconceptions people may have about Christians or Christianity in itself. We included references to outside sources, our own thoughts and interpretations, and interviews with students.
We used sound effects we found on TikTok
No to eitherSlay
5/23/2023 21:50:52
Isaac Doroba, Anthony Nelson (386)-299-2433
Misfit Theories Volume 1: Resource Wars
In this podcast we talk about resource wars and the circumstances around the starting of them.
No to eitherplease give us a 100
class was really funny, famous last words: Its a great day to be a hawk
5/23/2023 22:09:37
Brianna Miller, Alex Spanos 386-315-3718 (Brianna)
athletes vs. student trainers
in this podcast we look at high school athletes and student athletic trainers points of view on high school athletics and its execution. we see what they do well and what they could improve on.
NONENo to eithernope
This year was real and it was fun, but it wasnt real fun.
5/23/2023 23:51:09
Brigit Marzinko (386-872-0545) Brian Wenger (386-220-0802)
Sent through emailPonyo podcast
In this podcast we discuss a few studio ghibli films (mostly revolving around ponyo) and dive into the reasons they are so loveable and memorable.
We used merry go round of life (i looked it up and it didn’t say it had any copyright restrictions but it could’ve been wrong)
No to either
It wouldn’t upload to soundcloud
Thank you for showcasing your bromance with Mr.Platt to us this year and im the best at blooket hacking and catching cheaters.
5/24/2023 8:14:43
Brigit (386-872-0545) Brian (386- 220-0802)
The ponyo Podcast ep.1In this podcast we fan over studio ghibliMerry go round of lifeNo to eitherNoAlready submitted them
5/24/2023 10:29:23
Jayden, Jack, Landon; 386-275-8159
In this podcast, the viewers will be experiencing different viewpoints on how society depicts movies or films. Each person has a different way of expressing how they feel about the selected movies, along with having different opinions and views. The discussion is based on a bracket made to rank the movies, and slowly gets to the end where everyone person agrees on a certain movie.
Homecoming, Kanye West
No to either
The student group will handle the official submission on their own
Sorry about the Kanye at the end, and for Landon’s kissing sound effects scattered across the audio
Year was perfect, great teacher and great course