Newborn by SwiftaluPrevious Staff Litter Hint ChartSTAFF LITTER 2018Artist list: Aquila Fuga, Bernouli, Cerru, Coalchaser, Dama, Desmond, Dia., EmberWolf, Fiery Gatoh, Jayfrost, juice box., katsue, kerstin, Lacuna, Metallic Dragon, Nadine, Pi., Pluma, raey, Raire, Saikiyo, Schuyler, Seasonal, Simon, sketchi, Solloby, Swiftalu, tarkeli, Vampiric, Yağmur, Zeena and Zelery. <3

Artists:Pup's Name:Hints:Hyperlinks:
AquilaFugaFeel free to join our staff litter Discord!

1. Blue will be the main color of the dog and it will not be food/drink related
2. TruBlue: "Ooh I’d love to see a cherry blossom pup!" Bernouli Replied with: ":3c"
3. "I think you guys are really grabbing at straws with these hints and yet I posted once on this thread and nobody has run with that? I am disappointed. (< Mushu GIF) Dishonor on your whole family!"
4. Both ears of outcome are floppy
5. Does not have blue, green, or purple eyes
6. Normal amount of stages
7. Puppy has an unedited tail.
8. Adult stage has nothing protruding from its back
Hint 1: DiscordHint 2: Pg. 3
Hint 3: Pg. 35Hint 4-7: Pg. 109
Hint 8: Pg. 109

1. Dog's design has some pink in it
2. Responded to a user who said they were looking through their pets groups with
"Not there! It is right in front of your eyes"
3. Small text in top left corner of siggy that says "Hard?"
4. Small text in bottom left corner of siggy that says "nahsoft"
5. "My dog isn't insecure and likes to show off what it has (although there are definitely some prettier and cooler around)"
(we have discovered Cerru can be bribed with double chocolate cake >:D )
6. Cerru answered some questions on the forum, and in small and invisible text it says, "Either a colour from the palette or a colour close to those. Meaning any tone of blue, pink, brown, black, yellow or white. Both eyes might or might not be the same colour or hidden though."
7. Signature has hidden letters that spell out the word "quiet"
Hint 1: Pg. 46Hint 2: Pg. 48
Hint 3: Image with text saying 'Hard?Hint 4: Image with text saying "nahsoft"
Hint 5: Pg. 73Hint 6: Pg. 135
Coalchaser1. Pup has at least 3 different colors
2. Blue is not the primary color
Hints 1 and 2: Pg. 143


1. More feminine than masculine
2. Invisible text in their signature "the crow, the owl and the dove"
3. Kandyrock pointed out that there's a song with that as it's title but didn't
think that that was relevant. Dama edited with the response
"Maybe ... maybe not .."
4. Dama implied that the band name is relevant
- The band's name is "Nightwish"
5. User asked: "dama is one hint in your pet groups?"
Dama replied: "Nope"
Hint 1: Pg. 64Hint 2: Image with text saying the crow, the owl and the dove
Hint 3: Pg. 65Hint 4: Discord
6. This message was found on the team bio page : ".stnih ruof era ereht"
- This message is simply "there are four hints." backwards
7. Dama's interests contains the words "I pray for the wicked on the weekend"
which is a lyric from the P!ATD song "Say Amen"
- when asked if it was a hint, Dama said "maaybe"
Hint 5: DiscordHint 6: Team bio page
8. On Dama's listography page, there is a link to the song "The Night We Met"
9. Dama has confirmed that the song "I Love to Love" is another hint.
10. In response to another asking if their pup had to do something with the night, Dama responded with a "perhaps" meme
Hint 7: Link to profile for interestsHint 8: Listography Page
Hint 9: Pg. 121Hint 10: pg. 125
DesmondDorje1. Invisible text "You did figure out the meaning of that message, though. C: But how it pertains to my outcome is a mystery. Possibly, even to me."
2. The following exchange happened between Desmond and Dia.
Desmond: O GE OB D
Desmond: O OK GL OB D
Dia.: D BTU OC O
3. Desmond's signature has the words in small text, "I am very particular with my words."
4. Desmond put a link to Shobits' post about a pet named Mr. Miles in one of Desmond's groups.
Hint 1: Pg. 270Hint 2: Discord
Hint 3: pg. 349Hint 4: pg. 354

1. "meow?" in signature along with "missing something?" in invisible text
2. Main colour wont be brown "I stepped outside of my comfort zone and didn't use brown as the main color."
3. Keeps talking about how "mods are hungry" and that "the palette is just delicious"
- Could be a subtle hint about the theme for this year
4.There won't be any eye edits on the pup "NOPE eyes are hard."
5. Nose is either brown or pink.
Hint 1: Image of invisible textHint 2: Pg. 102
Hint 3: DiscordHint 4: Pg. 126
Hint 6: Team bio page
6. Dia hid a hint in her team bio "---"
- This translates to "O"
- Dia has confirmed that this has to do with her outcome's name
7. We came to the conclusion that Dia's outcome's name is Oscar
- This has been confirmed
8. The following exchange happened between Desmond and Dia.
Desmond: O GE OB D
Desmond: O OK GL OB D
Dia.: D BTU OC O
EmberWolf1. "Chocolate and cheetos is such a weird combination, and yet, I'm intrigued. I don't think my pup would care much for either, to be honest, just not their deal."
2. "I'll ask if my pup likes cake and if it's worth giving info about it up or not... tune in later"
3. "2012/08/02" in interests
4. Brown is not the main color of the pup
5. No edits to the ears on pup
6. No edits to the pup
7. Not flower themed
8. Refer back to hint 3: post of art of clouds in the oekaki which was posted Aug. 2, 2012 (8/2/2012)
Hint 1: Pg. 83Hint 2: Pg. 84
Hint 4 and 5: Pg. 231Hint 6 and 7: Pg. 232
Hint 8: The pic
Fiery GatohNeo
JayfrostChika1. Small invisible text reads "zzrbpe jdt vdry" (in trade rules)
2. They have a group with 17 cats called "oh? >:3c" (staff often use that emoticon during the month of september, they also have "oh? >:3c" in invisible text in their sig)
3. Their outcome is more feminine than masculine
4. Invisible text in signature saying: "where have you been before?"
5. *Picture of day 2 pup with curly tail* "Hello, little cutie!! :0 <3"
{Raire edited the post with the reply of: ":3c hi"}
6. Has referred to outcome as 'her" twice
Hint 1 : Trading RulesHint 2 : ">:3c" pet group
Hint 2 : Image of invisible text in signatureHint 3 : Pg. 65
Hint 4 : Image of invisible text in signatureHint 5 : Pg. 92
6.5. When asked whether their dog would be the oldest child, the middle child, the youngest child or an only child, they answered this :
"I'd consider her an only child!"
Hint 6.5 : Pg. 95Hint 6 : Discord
7. Another group was found, called "♥ ari"
- It has 17 pets in it
- They are all Jayfrost's outcome from last year's staff litter
- Ari was the name of Jayfrost's last outcome
- One of the pets is named "shift" and another named "scramble"
7.5. We shifted the weird jumble of invisible text found in jay's trade rules 17
times in Cesaer code and got this : hame cms nykaii
- This was unscrambled to say "my name is chika" and it has been confirmed
8. No bob tail and uses all but one color (page 260)
Hint 7 : Link to pet groupHint 7.5 : Pg. 99
Juice boxSugar1. "Soft and fluffy, mmm" in sig in invisible text
2. Morse code was found in their bio "--- -. .-.. -.-- / - .. -- . / -.-. .- -. / - . .-.. .-.. / .-- .... .- - / .. ... .-.-.- / .--. .- - .. . -. -.-. . --..-- / -- -.-- / ... .-- . . - .-.-.-"
- means: "only time will tell what is. patience, my sweet."
3. In juice's team bio area there was the word "cerise"
- French word for cherry
4. "heres a basic hint, which probably wont help you B)
- my pup's name starts with an S."
Hint 1: Image of invisible text in signatureHint 2: Image of morse code in interests
Hint 2: More infoHint 3: Team bio
Hint 4: Pg. 85Hint 5: Image of text in signature
5. Invisible text in signature reads : "they're right in front of you."
6. Binary code was found in their interests
01000100 01101111 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100001 01110100 00101110
- This translates into "Do not over beat"
- Could have to do with Lacuna's invisible text "egg whites"
Hint 6 : Link to profile for interestsName Confirmation
KatsuePazu1. Invisible text in signature reads "where is the destination?"
2. In their interests they have written "Izha x" (lzha translates into "lie")
3. Has confirmed that salad has to do with their outcome
4. "CCLCCCXXX" = 250 330 (Roman Numerals)
- Possibly 25th or 33rd day for growth
5. On their listography page, the first letters of the songs that they like spell out
6. Has confirmed that the caeser code has to do with their outcome
- This is probably why they were talking about salad
7. (refer back to hint 2) Izha can be shifted using caesar cypher into "east"
8. "i will go ahead and be a little helpful and say that north and east are the only directions you should be going"
9. "Follow the horses to find the name" in invis text in a post
10. "pretty in pink group" has pets named "x" when broken down into what number pup on each line we get 1215554. This is linked to East.
11. North and East plus the numbers are coordinates to Taiwan: N25 03 30 E121 55 54
Hint 1: Image of text in SignatureHint 2: Link to profile for interests
Hint 3: DiscordHint 4 & 5: Listography page
Hint 6: DiscordHint 7: Pg.116
Hint 10: Pet Group
Kerstindoesn't have a name1. Their outcome is neutral - not more feminine, not more masculine
- ("neutral - i guess mostly because i'm not into labeling things")
Hint 1 : Pg. 69

1. Hidden text in her signature reads "egg whites"
2. In the forums, Lacuna stated, "If you want to figure out my pup don’t you need all the ingredients?"
3. "666H43" invisible text in trade rules (can be shifted to a color hexcode (fff8dc) called Cornsilk)
4. In response to a user asking on discord if their outcome had anything to do with cocoa, Lacuna said "perhaps"
5. Three pups in staff litter group, named "don't" "forget" and "me" (stand for forget-me-nots)
6. image link in interests
7. In the forums, Lacuna stated, "I wonder what they all mean... and in what proportions you must add them to bake the right pup? [if my pup is even based on food...]" [invisible text]
8. Has denied that her pup's name is Florine, Aloisa or Gianna
9. Not mainly blue
10. "Find the ones I've spurned"
10.5. If you go to "Lacunas rejects" there are past staff pets of hers that have extra letters at the end (w o g n r i g) which can be unscrambled to growing.
Hints 1-7 were posted by her to make sure everyone could see themHint 8 : Pg 189
Metallic Dragon
2. mine is not mine. & Brown.
3. "Somewhere my pup appears to be attributed to me," and "the attribution is more literal than a style choice," were both hints given out.
Hint 1 : Link to the groupHint 2 : Pg 279
Hint 3: pg. 367
Nadine1. "I may or may not have used all the colors in the palette."Hint 1 : Pg. 103

1. This was wrriten in their interests : "01010000 01100001 01110100 01101001 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100000"
- Translates to "patience"
2. Final stages eyes are not a primary color
3. Does not have more than one tail
4. Has line edits
5. Has either a long tail or a bob tail
6. Invisible text reads "aye aye" in their signature
7. The pet is based off of something close to Pi, and that something isn't a person (the post also says "Look out below!" on it in invisible text)
Hint 1 : Link to profile for interestsHints 2 - 5 : Pg. 156
Hint 6 : Image of invisible textHint 7: pg. 317
Hint 7: pg. 350
PlumaSirena1. Invisible text in post saying "Mine MIGHT be named Sirena."
- Sirena is mermaid in Spanish
2. Account theme is water
3. Their dog might be chubby: Italics are invisible text "I'm on a diet. My pet might not be though."
4. Invisible text in a post saying "Eirik might have a hint on him though."
- Eirik is a pet from Christmas 2017 with a large tail made of water
5. Later recommended we check out a pet by the name of "Percy"
- Percy is a corgi with music notes
6. Hm. So neither Eirik or Percy wanted to help out too much... Ah! How about Ciervos?? He is a friendly guy.
- Ciervos is Pluma's 2012 Staff Pet, his dress up has a lot of candy.
7. Croatia is heavenly, just as some might think of my pets theme. - transparent in a post.
Hint 1 : Pg. 5Hint 1 : Pg. 6
Hint 3 : Pg. 75Hint 4 : Pg 132
Hint 4 : EirikHint 6 : Ciervos
Raire1. Posted an image of their rabbits and the message "HAVE FUN FIGURING THIS OUT!!"
-(Rabbits names: King philipp (Breed: Dutch Mix), Miss Ria (Breed: at least Harlequin/Dwarf), Tikki (Breed: ?) Tikki is their child.
2. Mentions possible eye colours saying that "I will admit that my pup doesn't have green eyes" then continued to say "or it could have one green eye..."
3. She will never hide hints in her pet groups
5. Confirmed that their dog has/will have edited lines
6. Responded to a post talking about a dressup they did with ">:3c"
7. Another rabbit picture was posted on the forums
8. Even yet another rabbit picture was posted.
9. The dressup that was noted a while ago was said by Raire to be extremely important
- Mainly the colors of the items used
10. Raire has confirmed that she did her own custom lineart for the tail of her pupper
11. "1
To see the future, you must look at the past."
11.5 Referring to hint 11: "You want to figure out my future, the third pet I made, so you have to look and my past, pet one and two.
Compare the first two pets.
What do they have in common? What might my third pet have? 1, 2, ..."
12. Is confirmed to have 3 bunnies on staff pet
Hint 1 : Pg. 58Hint 2 : Pg. 60
Hint 3 : Pg. 3Hint 4 : Pg. 95
Hint 5 : Pg. 97Hint 6 : Pg 115
Hint 7 : Pg. 130Hint 7.5 : Pg 131
Hint 8 : Pg. 133Hint 10 : Pg. 191
Hint (11 and) 11.5: Pg. 222Hint 12: Pg. 223
13. "I don't like flop/lop ears, but those crimped ears ("half flop") are fine. My first staff pet has a crimped ear. :3
Just a little reminder: flop eared pups can change drastically in their final stage. You shouldn't rule them out because of what I said about the ears."
14. Confirmed her grown pup will be splooting
Hint 13: Pg. 224 Hint 14: Pg. 282

1. Saikiyo said this on the forums: "I should probably get in on this...Here's two truths and a lie
1) My outcome uses all the colors
2) My outcome has a long tail
3) My outcome has edits"
2. "Spots or stripes? Or both"
3. "isnwneoecte nbtl ufsahc e" - unscrambles to "innocent face sweet blush"
4. a scramble was found on one of Saikiyo's posts, which read: b o r n w and i k p n, a user guessed it to be "brown and pink"
5. Saikiyo said in the forums that the faun dog was their's, but they would only offically confirm it if someone would link all the hints in a post.

Hint 1: Pg. 127Hint 3 : Pg. 259 and 263
Hint 4: Pg. 272Hint 5: Pg. 278
Schuyler1." £ʃð″.ʃð¿.Δʃðþʒπ§.ʃð¿.þſ″ " in tiny invisible text in top right of signature.
2. In response to a user asking for hints, they said "Go find it." in invisible text.
3. Schuyler also said in a reply to a user trying to figure out what the invisible
text meant, "You are on something of the right track, but none of your letters
are right. It has nothing to do with the alt key and there should be no numbers
in there."

Hint 1: Image of invisible text in their signatureHint 2 : Pg. 88
Hint 3 : Pg.105Hint 4 : Pg. 105
4. "You are correct that each symbol corresponds to a letter. However ... Looking at keyboards, alt codes, symbol meanings, other languages, etc. is not likely to get you very far."
5. "It is a sentence and the letters are not scrambled. That is to say, if you figure out which letter each symbol represents, you will be able to read what it says without further decoding. If your guesses aren't producing actual words, you have something wrong."
6. Eyes are not a primary colors (blue, red, yellow)
7. More code found in one of Schuyler's posts: þſ£.″ʃð″.πƩπ&*″ʃ@þʒ @¿.ſ¶″.ſ%.″ʃπ.ƿ÷ðþΩπ″(,).ʃſ£.ðƿſ¶″.ðþſ″ʃπ&.ʃ@þ″(?).#*.¢¶¢.ʒð@þ¿.¿ſ#π″ʃ@þʒ.ƿπ¿@§π¿.#ð&Ω@þʒ¿.£ʃπþ.@″.ʒ&ſ£¿(.) Tip: Punctuation in parenthesis is punctuation.
8. The above is deciphered as: "Now that everything is out of the blanket, how about another hint? My pup gains something besides markings when it grows."
9. "My puppy stage has solid areas of more than one color without blending or gradienting"
10. "Hmm, I could see mine being a pretty bold fighter! Might depend on the size of the dragon, though. I mean, are we talking Mushu or Smaug here ... ?" (pg. 254)
Hint 7 : Pg. 266Hint 9 : Pg. 172
SeasonalClarice1. Outcome doesnt have yellow eyesHint 1 : Pg. 121
Simon1. 1-4-5-21-40
- Has nothing to do with growths
2. "The hint that you guys found does not have to do with when my dog grows."
{User replies: Will it have something to do with your dog?}
"Yes once you figure out the hint it will reveal a major aspect about my dog <:"
3. "cuts glass" - transparent in signature.
4. Referring to hint 4: Has confirmed that it was leading towards a group called "Pound Diamonds"
4.5 A user {Shobits} discovered "1-4-5-21-40
Each of the pets in Pound Diamonds matching those numbers have FLOWERS!"
5. "Good job guys! I'll confirm that my dog is one of those three."
(Proceed to link to see the three.)
Hint 1: Team Page BioHint 2 : Pg. 87
Hint 4: Pg. 227 Hint 5: Pg. 234
SketchiDemi1. Their dog is called Demi, it is written in very tiny font
- Demi is half in french
2. Scrambled letters over multiple posts were unscrambled to say "My pup has an unedited tail"
Hint 1 : Pg. 20Hint 2: Pg. 248
SwiftaluMarshmallow1. "I suppose I will take the cookie and answer that, they would probably prefer sweet foods. o:"
2. {Posts a picture of a candle} "Ok, I actually got this candle yesterday and it has my pups name in it, if you can identify the candle you'll find their name. C:"
- Candle was guessed correctly as "Marshmellow Fireside"
3. On the staff page, R2C11 was found.
- A user believed that this meant Row 2, Column 11, which Swiftalu said was along the right lines.
- Row 2, column 11 of Swiftalu's stamp collection leads to a stamp that says "I believe in dragons."

Hint 1 : Pg. 87Hint 2 : Pg. 101
Hint 2 : Pg. 102Hint 4 : Trade rules
Hint 3: Pg 251
TarkeliSchnell1. "Oh my! I guess I'm a bit behind the 8-ball - time to get suited up for the staff litter event!"
2. "Last edited by tarkeli on Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:47 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: "I want candy." - Aaron Carter ;P"
3. This message was found in invisible text when they responded to hint 2 being called a hint:
"Maybe it's a hint. But then again, maybe it's not. But either way I'm sure my pup loves candy. We'll have to wait until it wakes up to find out, though!"
4. "Okay, okay, I cave. I will confirm that my pup is not made of candy, but probably loves it nonetheless."
5. "The sock pup is very quiet with those soft socks. Like Raire, I’ve also missed one outcome each day. Im so glad people are so kind with trades! (in invisible text) p.s. new hint to be found in one of my groups. Find the Three Cats. They’ll help you out."
6. The letters "CLSHLNE" was found in a group. It was decoded to Schnell by a user.
- Tarkeli edited the post with the guess and put "Mayyyyyybe! ;)" for the reason.
7. Eyes are a muted primary colour - will change from pup to adult stage
8. There are no line edits to the ears on my pup and both are the same.
9. Pups nose is not brown.
10. Says "there may be hints on where you will find Schnell. Check out my first pet group..." in invis text
11. We checked the group, and it had two pets in it. One of their names was "Can you help me find Schnell?" and the other name was "No, but the dress-ups could help.
12. We then went to the dressup group, and found a pet with the name "Maybe he's in the XX 2018 Staff Pup grou[p]"
13. The "XX 2018 Staff Pup" group has each outcome thats grown so far
- So now we think that Tark's outcome is in that group/has already grown
14. "So in the spirit of transparent hints, I will give you this: you will know when my pup grows because it has a change in its tail." in tiny transparent text
Hint 1: Pg. 91Hint 2: Pg. 92
Hint 3: Pg. 93Hint 4: Pg. 94
Hint 5: page 110 Hint 6: 119
Hint 7 : ScreenshotHints 8 + 9: Discord
Hint 10: Pg. 188Hint 11: Pets without a group
Hint 12: Dressup groupHint 13: XX 2018 Staff Pup group
Hint 14: Pg. 262
YağmurRancid1. Has confirmed that their pupper will be a skeleton dog/skull dogHint 1 : Most of Pg. 112

1. "The secret number in my profile does not have anything to do with a cake dog/pet on CS/anything CS-related. It's not a code for something either so don't go too deep into trying to find out what it means. xD"
2. "172014. Try looking at it like 1.7.2014 instead. c:"
3. "I can confirm it's M/D/Y and something was released on that day that gives a major hint about my pup! c:"
4. "Hmmm I might answer a few questions about my pup tonight, and maybe release another hint. ^^ ♪♫♬♪" When asked if there was a song released on January 7th, 2014 they edited the post with "perhaps"
Hint 1 : Pg. 63Hint 2 : Pg. 87
Hint 3 : Pg. 148Hint 4 : Pg. 286
Zelery1. This message was found in their team bio:
"[toastness intensifies]
.. / .- -- / . .-. .-. --- .-."
- The morse code translates to "i am error"
2. Their interests reads this:
3. Their interests now just says "11"
4. Is hinting that 11 has to do with paramore recently said; "what if I said 11 had nothing to do with Paramore"
5. Their interests now says b4
Hint 1 : Team page bioHint 2 & 3 : Link to profile for interests
Hint 4 : Discord