Advisor DetailReport #Report descriptionWhat's happening to this report?Where to find this report after launch?More info
Student Group Roster2The Student Group Roster provides either a term-based list of students active in the selected student group for the selected term or a list of students who are currently active in the selected student group depending upon your prompt selections.

This report now replaces the Honors Roster report. To get a list of students in your institution's honors program, select the the appropriate honors student group in the student group prompt. For Duluth, you may select an individual honors cohort student group or choose HO** to get a list of students active in any of the honors cohort student groups.
Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Grade Changes - Class Detail18This report has been replaced by the Grade Change Reason report, which provides detail information on indivdual class grade change requests. Includes previous grade, person submitting the request, and approval status of request.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Grade Changes - Number of Changes - Submitter Detail19This report has been replaced by the Grade Change Reason Report, which provides detail information on indivdual class grade change requests. Includes previous grade, person submitting the request, and approval status of request.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Grade Changes - Classes with All Grades of I, K, or X20This report provides colleges and departments with a way to monitor the number of grades changes submitted and the person submitting the changes. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Leave of Absence21Lists all students for the selected academic program and plans that are currently on leave of absence or who have a future-dated leave of absence scheduled and shows if they have a future-dated return from leave scheduled.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
My Advisees - Leave of Absence23Lists your advisees who are either currently on leave or have a future-dated leave scheduled and shows if there is a future-dated return from leave of absence scheduled.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Financial Aid Funds Summary25The Financial Aid Funds Summary report allows users to determine by Aid Year, Institution, Campus, Academic Career, Source, Type and Item Type the amount of money that has been offered, accepted, disbursed and cancelled/declined from any Office of Student Finance managed financial aid funds. Users first select funds by aid year and institution and then have the choice of selecting a fund by name or by source, type and career. Access to these reports is limited to users who have PeopleSoft financial aid access. The Financial Aid Funds Detail report is available as a drill-through from this summary report. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center. Reporting Center:
Student Services/Financial Aid
Click here for more information.
Financial Aid Funds Detail26The Financial Aid Funds Detail report is a drill-through report from the Financial Aid Funds Summary report. The Detail report lists details for the fund selected from the Summary report including the students who were award aid from the fund along with the amounts they were offered, accepted, disbursed and cancelled as well as program/plan and gpa information.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center. Reporting Center
(Drill-Through report from the Financial Aid Funds Summary report)
Click here for more information.
Student Financial Service Indicator33Lists students who have the selected SF/FA service indicators on their records.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed.N/AClick here for more information.
Complete Cancel34Lists students who have completely canceled their registrations on the specified institution for the specified term.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Enrollment
Click here for more information.
Graduate Career Demographics41The information on this report was added to the Student Roster Detail report (accessed through the Student Roster Summary report). Run the Student Roster Summary report for totals of students by enrollment status, academic level, gender, ethnicity/international status, and admit type. This UM Report will be retired. Faculty and staff will use an alternate UM Report, for data after Feb 15. The Student Roster Detail Report (accessed through the Student Roster Summary report with added columns is the identified alternative.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records (Student Roster Summary Statistics report)
Click here for more information.
Instructor Activity - Campus/Organizational Summary42This report provides aggregate instructor activity information such as number of courses/classes, students, student credit hours, etc. as reported by the budgeted or "working" department (from which the instruction was paid) mapped to the institution or provost level.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed.N/AClick here for more information.
NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering44A suite of reports designed to help departments fill out the annual NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/NSF-NIH
Click here for more information.
NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering - Sources and Mechanisms of Support - Full Time45This suite of reports was designed to help departments fill out the annual NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center (Drill-Through report from the NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science & Engineering report)Click here for more information.
NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering - PostDocs Largest Source of Financial Support46This suite of reports was designed to help departments fill out the annual NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center (Drill-Through report from the NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science & Engineering report)Click here for more information.
NSF-NIH Race Ethnicity of Full-time and Part-time Graduate Students by Gender Detail47This report is a drill-through report from the Race/Ethnicity of Graduate Students by Gender report and provides detailed information on the Graduate students who are included in the counts shown on the summary report and is based on the selections made in the prompts leading up to the summary report.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center (Drill-Through report from the NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science & Engineering report)Click here for more information.
NSF-NIH Sources and Mechanisms of Support for Full-Time Graduate Students Detail48A suite of reports designed to help departments fill out the annual NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center (Drill-Through report from the NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science & Engineering report)Click here for more information.
My Active Advisees - Midterm Alerts62The data of this report is static historical data prior to the Upgrade. Lists your advisees who have midterm alerts for the selected term and selected midterm alert estimated grade. Faculty and staff will use the existing UM Report for static, historical data older than Feb 2015. Faculty and staff will use a new PeopleSoft (PS) Report, with a similar look to the existing UM Report, for data after Feb 2015.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Advising
Click here for more information.
My Active Advisees - Index Page63The Index Page gives you a graphical view of your current graduate and undergraduate advising load. From this page, you can access additional reports about your advisees including: Academic Record, Advisee Roster, Registration Holds, Registration Summary, Registration Appointment Times, Midterm Alerts, No Enrollment, Dean's List and Graduated Students. Includes links to other advising tools: Grad Planner, APAS, and Portfolio.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
My Active Advisees - No Enrollment64The My Activie Advisees - No Enrollment report lists the advisor’s current active advisees that are not currently enrolled for the selected term and lists any service indicators that hold registration. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Advising
Click here for more information.
My Active Advisees - Registration Holds65Lists your current active advisees who have service indicators on their records that hold registration. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Advising
Click here for more information.
Discontinued Students67The Discontinued Students report provides detailed information for all students who have been discontinued in a given term for a specific institution and college/academic program. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
My Advisees - Roster69Provides a list of your current advisees including those who are on leave of absence as well as any advisees assigned to you in the future. (Students who have a future-dated change of advisor will appear on both the old advisor's list and the new advisor's list during that period of time before the change takes effect.) Report includes information on advisees' majors, minors, sub-plans, international student group, enrollment status, # of credits, 13 credit exemption, term and cum GPA, academic level, expected grad term, and # of planned courses in Grad Plan.PeopleSoft pages with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access these pages through the Reporting Center. Several of these pages will also be available through the Advisor Center in the new MyU.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Advising
Click here for more information.
Student Addresses88This report is linked to list reports and uses the same parameters used to run the original report. It lists mailing addresses of students on a given list report (prior to any filtering you may have done). The default address presented is the student's current mailing address. If the student does not have an active current mailing address, the permanent home address is used. For degree-related reports, the student's diploma name and diploma mailing address are also included.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
(Drill-Through report)
Click here for more information.
Academic Record90Faculty and staff will use PeopleSoft pages for this data. The PS pages replace the existing UM Report and provide real-time data.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Employed Students with Need and No Work Study Awards91This report displays students who are employed by the University, but not in a work-study position, and have identified financial need but have not been awarded college work study funds. This report is used by financial aid offices to help spend down work study accounts when funds are available.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center. Reporting Center:
Student Services/Financial Aid
Click here for more information.
Graduate Education Student Profile98This report was replaced by information available in the Student Services Center which includes the current program status, milestones, examining committees, advisors, minors, sub-plans, and degrees awarded.PeopleSoft pages with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this pages through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Class Schedule Summary111The Class Schedule Summary Report provides users with data about all classes offered Fall 1999 or later. The report can be used by departmental class schedulers as well as the OCM/OFAR to verify submission of Class Schedule information. The data comes from multiple pages in PeopleSoft and the report allows users to see class data on one page for verificaton.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Course Scheduling
Click here for more information.
Course Scheduling - Peak vs Non-Peak Minutes112This report provides collegiate and departmental schedulers with actual minutes and percent of total of scheduled class minutes that fall in peak or non-peak hours.  The report is available for Duluth for terms fall 1999 and on.  Effective fall 2012, the report is no longer available for the Twin Cities.  Please see the OCM Classroom Scheduling Distribution Summary for Twin Cities information.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Course Scheduling - Projected vs Actual Enrollment113The Projected vs Actual Enrollment Report looks at the difference between the projected vs. actual enrollment for UMNDL and UMNTC classes. The report lists those classes where the % actual vs projected enrollment variance is greater than +/- 10%.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Course Scheduling - Non-Standard Times114The Non-Standard Times Report provides information about UMNTC and UMNDL classes that are identified as meeting in "non-standard" times.  The Duluth version of the report also includes classes where the course contact hours do not match the number of credits assigned to the class. This report will help departmental/collegiate class schedulers identify those classes in violation of the standard meeting time policy.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Course Scheduling - Cancelled Classes115The Cancelled Classes Report helps UMNDL and UMNTC departments and colleges monitor class cancellations. Artificial demand for classroom space is created when as excessive number of classes are cancelled. Classes that are offered, then scheduled and subsequently cancelled, have a negative impact on available classroom inventory for scheduling.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Class Pictures (Yearbook view)130Get a 'yearbook' view of pictures for all students in an individual class section. Thumb-nail pictures of each student in a class section are sortable by name, student ID, and academic career.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Faculty Center.N/AClick here for more information.
My Advisees - Dean's List135Lists your current active advisees that are on the Dean's List (and Chancellor's List in Crookston) for the selected term. This report allows you to quickly identify your advisees that made the Dean's List so that you can send them a congratulatory message. The Office of the Registrar runs a batch process to identify students who qualify for the Dean's List at the end of fall and spring terms. College student services offices may request the OTR post the notation manually for students who qualify after the batch process is run (e.g., when a late grade is submitted). Contact your college office if you have questions about adding students to the Dean's List. Changes made in PeopleSoft today will show up on the report tomorrow. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Advising
Click here for more information.
My Advisees - Graduated Students136Lists your advisees who have graduated effective Fall 1999 or later. You may run the report for one or more terms at a time or see all of your graduated advisees on one list.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Advising
Click here for more information.
Wait List137This report returns a full list of courses by designator and when you select a course it will display the list of students who are on the wait list roster for the selected institution, term, and class section(s). Rosters will display in the list whether or not any students are currently on the wait list.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Enrollment
Click here for more information.
Class Permission Numbers139jiobA PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Faculty Center.N/AClick here for more information.
Grade Distribution by Class Section140This report provides a full Grade Distribution by course and class section level. Values displayed in the report include both raw grade counts as well as percent of row total. In addition, this report includes a class GPA column.New UM Analytics Reports will replace this report. UM Analytics is a new reporting tool with more flexibility in data analysis and display.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Grade Distribution by College/Academic Group and Course Level141This report provides a full Grade Distribution by College/Academic Group and course level. Values displayed in the report include both raw grade counts as well as percent of row total. If multiple Colleges are selected, a grand total row will display at the bottom of the report. Drill down reports available to the Class Section Level (access to private student data is required for Grade Distribution reports at the course and class section levels).New UM Analytics Reports will replace this report. UM Analytics is a new reporting tool with more flexibility in data analysis and display.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Grade Distribution by Subject and Course Level142This report provides a full Grade Distribution by subject and course level for the term and College/Academic Group selected. Values displayed in the report include both raw grade counts as well as percent of row total.New UM Analytics Reports will replace this report. UM Analytics is a new reporting tool with more flexibility in data analysis and display.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Grade Distribution by Course143This report provides a full Grade Distribution by subject and course level for the term and College/Academic Group selected. Values displayed in the report include both raw grade counts as well as percent of row total.New UM Analytics Reports will replace this report. UM Analytics is a new reporting tool with more flexibility in data analysis and display.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Big Ten GPA Roster146Access is restricted to designated staff. Report lists athletes in one or more Twin Cities sports and displays their UM GPA, Big Ten GPA and other demographic information. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Athletics
Click here for more information.
GPA Detail147The GPA Detail report gives the detail used in the Big Ten GPA calculation for an individual athlete. You can get to the GPA Detail by running the Big Ten GPA Roster for one or more sports and either clicking on the individual athlete's Big Ten Term GPA or using the check boxes on the report to select multiple athletes. Then select the GPA Detail from the drop down menu at the bottom of the report and hit submit. You can also run the detail for an individual student by selecting Type in an ID on the sport prompt for the GPA Roster.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Student Assistance Account Summary153Summarizes offers, payments and cancellations of funds from Student Assistance accounts by Department based on the selection of a fiscal year, and one or more item types, Deptids (area-orgs prior to FY 09), or RRC (area classes prior to FY09). This report requires access to Financial Aid data in PeopleSoft.This UM Report will be retired. Faculty and staff will access the data from an external source after Feb 15. N/AClick here for more information.
Directory Information154This report was replaced by information available in the Student Services Center which includes public directory information.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access these pages through the Student Services Center.N/A
Student Assistance Account Detail155This report provides a list of recipients of assistance from a selected Student Assistance Item Type or CUFS account. The list includes student names, programs/plan and performance information as well as amounts of assistance offered, disbursed or cancelled. This report comes in two different layouts. One for an individual student, is displayed when the Emplid prompt is used, and one for an account. The account detail version is displayed when a account is selected from the Student Assistance Account Summary report.This UM Report will be retired. Faculty and staff will access the data from an external source after Feb 15. N/AClick here for more information.
Course Enrollment Status159The Course Enrollment Status Report provides enrollment information for each class section of a course.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Enrollment
Click here for more information.
Course Enrollment Status - Class Detail (drill down from Course Enrollment Status 159)160Class Detail provides days, times, facility, and campus for each class meeting pattern. Instructor information is also provided.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center
(Drill Through from Course Enrollment Status)
Click here for more information.
Classes Missing Instructor Information - Campus Summary162This report is designed to help colleges and departments identify classes with student enrollment that are missing instructor information. The report starts at the campus level with drill through capability to the college and department level. Improved instructor information is critical to documenting instructional activity and enables University web information systems to deliver a higher level of service to students, faculty, and staff. PLEASE NOTE: this reports only lists departments with classes missing instructors.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Classes Missing Instructor Information - College Summary163This report is designed to help colleges and departments identify classes with student enrollment that are missing instructor information. The report starts at the campus level with drill through capability to the college and department level. Improved instructor information is critical to documenting instructional activity and enables University web information systems to deliver a higher level of service to students, faculty, and staff. PLEASE NOTE: this reports only lists departments with classes missing instructors.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Classes Missing Instructor Information - Component Summary164This report is designed to help colleges and departments identify classes with student enrollment that are missing instructor information. Improved instructor information is critical to documenting instructional activity and enables University web information systems to deliver a higher level of service to students, faculty, and staff. Also, grades for a class section can only be entered by the instructor (or proxy) added to the class section. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Course Scheduling
Click here for more information.
Grade Submission - Extended Session/ODL174Grade Submission Inquiry allows colleges and academic departments to monitor final grade submission. Results for the report can be viewed by: Campus Summary, College/Academic Group Summary, Class Detail. ODL/Distance Education sessions can be monitored by using the Get Session link and selecting any one of the ODL sessions.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Degree Applicants (GRD)190Lists students who have applied to graduate in the specified date range and indicates those students whose degrees have been posted.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Degree Applicants (not 08GRD)195The Degree Applicants report lists students who have applied to graduate in the specified term and indicates those students whose degree has been posted. The report shows all students who originally applied for the term selected and indicates the new expected graduation term if the student has changed terms. This allows you to keep track of the status of all degree applicants. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Degree Clearance
Click here for more information.
Scheduled Courses216The Scheduled Courses Report allows colleges and departments to view the classes they offer beginning with Fall semester 2001. The report is selected using term, college, and subject and will display course information, including instructor name, role, enrollment counts and total contact minutes for each instructor. The report can be sorted to identify missing instructor names, and downloaded to Excel to create a spreadsheet to update missing instructor emplid, name, role, and contact minutes.This report will be retired. The Student work stream team determined through business process analysis that a replacement was not needed. N/AClick here for more information.
Address Lookup217Search for a student in the Student Services Center and get addresses in PeopleSoft listed by type (e.g., billing, campus, current mailing, diploma, etc.)A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access these pages through the Student Services Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Advisor Detail218See a complete listing of all advisor/advising committee information available in PeopleSoft for a student.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access these pages through the Reporting Center. Several of these pages will also be available through the Advisor Center in the new MyU. Reporting Center:
Student Services/Advising
Click here for more information.
Demographic Detail219This report was replaced by information available in the Student Services Center which includes demographic information for a student.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access these pages through the Student Services Center.N/AClick here for more information.
Program/Plan/Degree Detail220See information on a student's U of MN degrees and certificates, majors or minors earned after degree, and a listing of information from the program/plan/sub-plan pages in PeopleSoft.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Registration Summary221See a student's registration activity for all academic years (based on the last term of enrollment), including cumulative and term-by-term statistics, grade dates, and more.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Enrollment
Click here for more information.
Service Indicator Detail222This report was replaced by information available in the Student Services Center which includes information service indicators on the student's record.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Student Group Detail223This report was replaced by information available in the Student Services Center which includes student groups on the student's record.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Degree Detail Prior to Fall 1999228Drill through report from the Degree Summary reportA PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access these pages through the Reporting Center. Several of these pages will also be available through the Advisor Center in the new MyU. Reporting Center
(Drill-Through from the Degree Summary report)
Click here for more information.
Dean's List230Get a list of students by academic plan who have the Dean's List notation (or Chancellor's List in Crookston) on their records. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Grade Selector231Lists students by primary academic program and plan who have earned the selected grade(s) for a specified term.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
Honors Roster232The information on this report was added to the Student Group Roster report. Run the Student Group Roster report for the appropriate honors student group to obtain a list of students in the honors program. This UM Report will be retired. Faculty and staff will use an alternate UM Report, for data after Feb 15. The Student Group Roster (report ID: 2) is the identified alternative.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Major/Minor Roster233Lists all students who are active in the selected plans (major, minor, certificate) for the specified term regardless of whether the students registered for the term and regardless of students' primary program (college). Report includes student photos, term statistics and other academic information, demographics and links to mailing addresses.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information
Midterm Alerts235The data of this report is static historical data for Spring 2015 and earlier terms. Lists students receiving midterm alerts for the specified term by the students' primary academic program and plan. Faculty and staff will use the existing UM Report for static, historical data older than Spring 2015. Faculty and staff will use a new PeopleSoft (PS) Report, with a similar look to the existing UM Report, for data after Spring 2015.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Grading
Click here for more information.
No Enrollment236The No Enrollment By Program report lists students who aren't enrolled in the selected term (whether they never registered at all or completely cancelled). Results can be narrowed based on academic program. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Enrollment
Click here for more information.
Probation237The report lists undergraduate students by primary academic program and primary plan who should be reviewed by student services staff to determine their probation status and academic standing.A PeopleSoft report with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this report through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Class Permission Numbers for Instructors247Takes you directly to a list of the classes where you are assigned as a primary, secondary, TA, or proxy instructor in PeopleSoft and the classes have valid permission numbers. A printable PDF file is automatically generated for each class section you select.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Faculty Center.N/AClick here for more information.
Tuition Allocation Summary248The Tuition Allocation Summary report displays the Budget Office allocation of tuition and University Fee revenue received by the University from students enrolled in classes within and outside their college of enrollment subtotaled across the terms selected in the report prompts.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
Tuition Cross College Summary249This report attributes collegiate tuition for the selected college in two parts. The first section shows the tuition attributed to the college of enrollment (25% of total collegiate tuition) across the colleges offering instruction. The second section shows the tuition attributed to the college offering instruction (75% of total collegiate tuition) across the colleges of enrollment for the students registered in the college's courses. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
Tuition Registration Type Summary250This report shows the allocation of total tuition by college and term. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
Class List251The Class List displays students registered for a selected term and class for staff use. Faculty, instructors, and proxies access the class list by navigating to the Teaching tab in MyU.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Enrollment
Click here for more information.
Tuition Cross College Course Detail252This drill through report shows the course detail behind the Tuition Cross College Summary report for two colleges: the base college selected in the prompt for the parent report and the cross college selected when you clicked the tuition amount listed for that college in the parent report.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition (drill through from the Tuition Cross College Summary report)
Click here for more information.
Class List - Associated Sections253The Class List - Associated Sections shows the associated sections for each student in a class section through the Related Content of the Class Roster.A PeopleSoft page with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this page through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Enrollment
Click here for more information.
Tuition Campus and Organizational Summary255This report shows the 75% tuition allocated for providing instruction by campus and provostal unit for each term in the selected fiscal year. Tuition and enrollment information is broken out by Day Registrations, CCE Registrations and Total Registrations for each term.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
Tuition Provostal Summary256This report shows the 75% tuition allocated for providing instruction by campus and provostal unit for each term in the selected fiscal year. Tuition and enrollment information is broken out by Day Registrations, CCE Registrations and Total Registrations for each term. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
Tuition Collegiate Summary257This report shows the 75% tuition allocated for providing instruction by collegiate unit and academic organization (department) for each term in the selected fiscal year. Tuition and enrollment information is broken out by Day Registrations, CCE Registrations and Total Registrations for each term. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
Tuition Course Subject and Level Summary258This report shows the 75% tuition allocated for providing instruction by subject and course level for the selected academic organization (department) for each term in the selected fiscal year. Tuition and enrollment information is broken out by Day Registrations, CCE Registrations and Total Registrations for each term. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
Tuition Course Summary259This report shows the 75% tuition allocated for providing instruction by course level and course for the selected subject for each term in the selected fiscal year. Tuition and enrollment information is broken out by Day Registrations, CCE Registrations and Total Registrations for each term. Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
Tuition Section Summary260This report shows the 75% tuition allocated for providing instruction by class section for the selected course for the selected academic organization (department) for each term in the selected fiscal year. Tuition and enrollment information is broken out by Day Registrations, CCE Registrations and Total Registrations for each term.Being updated - users will notice little or no change.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Tuition
Click here for more information.
English Language Proficiency - Eligibilty for Tas262The University of Minnesota requires all current and prospective teaching assistants who are non-native speakers of English to take the SPEAK Test or the TSE; this includes individuals who have degrees from institutions in the United States or in other countries where English is the medium of instruction.

The student's score on the SPEAK Test is used to determine eligibility for a teaching assistantship. Departments may check on the eligibility of their students for a teaching assistantship using the Emplid or Institution/Academic Program prompts through this report.
Faculty and staff will use a PS report for this data after Feb 2015. The PS report replaces the existing UM Report and provides real-time data.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Financial Aid Award Record270The Award Record lists student financial aid award information for the academic year (aid year) in which the selected term falls.This UM Report will be retired. Faculty and staff will access the data from an external source after go-live. N/AClick here for more information.
Certificate/Endorsement Plan Students271The Certificate/Endorsement Plan Students report provides users with a list of students in Certificate, Endorsement or Graduate School Certificate programs and who also have been offered student financial assistance through the Office of Student Finance. The report prompts include Institution, Aid Year and Term. This report is also linked, via the Emplid field, to a secondary report which lists an individual student's award record.An internal PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report for the Financial Aid Office.N/AClick here for more information.
Students with Only Grades of F, N, I or W272The Students with Only Grades of F, N, I, or W report lists students who did not receive passing grades in any of the courses in which they were enrolled during a specified term.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. These reports will be accessed through the Reporting Center. Reporting Center:
Student Services/Financial Aid
Click here for more information.
Promissory Notes Report273The Promissory Note report provides users with a list of students for whom a promissory note has been either added, cancelled, decreased, or increased based during a time period specified in the report prompts.This UM Report will be retired. Faculty and staff will access the data from an external source after Feb 15. N/AClick here for more information.
Graduate Education Applications by Applicant274This report provides a summary of Graduate Education application activity for an individual student. Users can access the report by using a student emplid or name. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Admissions
Click here for more information.
Graduate Education Applications by Program275This report provides information on the applicant pool for a specified term and program. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Admissions
Click here for more information.
Graduate Education Milestones276The Graduate Education Milestones report is a drill-down report from the Graduate Education Milestones and Committees report and provides information on degree-specific milestones for an individual student's graduate education academic plan. The committee type listed in the view committee column is a link to the Graduate Education Committees reportPeopleSoft pages with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this pages through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center (drill-down report from the Graduate Education Milestones and Committees report)Click here for more information.
Graduate Education Committee277The Graduate Education Committee report is a drill-down report from the Graduate Education Milestones and Committees report and provides the members and their roles on the specified committee.PeopleSoft pages with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this pages through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center (drill-down report from the Graduate Education Milestones and Committees)Click here for more information.
Graduate Education Degree Award279This report was replaced by the Official Degrees Granted Report which lists all degrees granted for the specified college and term(s) with majors, minors, and subplans.Faculty and staff will use a PS report for this data after Feb 2015. The PS report replaces the existing UM Report and provides real-time data.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Degree Clearance
Click here for more information.
Graduate Education Milestones and Committees283This report was replaced by information available in the Student Services Center which includes an individual student's graduate education (GRD) academic plans, sub-plans and current program status.PeopleSoft pages with real-time data will replace this UM Report. Faculty and staff will be able to access this pages through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Student Records
Click here for more information.
Diploma Ordering: Degrees Conferred284Generates an Excel report of degree information for OTR staff to use in diploma ordering. Access is limited to the designated OTR staff responsible for diploma ordering; others should use the Degree Information for Colleges Report or the Official Degrees Granted Report.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through PeopleSoft.N/AClick here for more information.
Degree Information for Colleges285This report was replaced by the Official Degrees Granted Report which lists all degrees granted for the specified college and term(s) with majors, minors, and subplans.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Degree Clearance
Click here for more information.
Diploma Holds for Graduating Students286This report lists students whose degrees were conferred but who have service indicators indicating that their diplomas will not be sent until the student takes action to clear the hold.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through PeopleSoft.N/AClick here for more information.
Diploma Holds on Backdated Degrees287Lists students whose degrees were conferred and backdated with a confer date in the past and who have service indicators indicating that their diplomas will not be sent until the student takes action to clear the hold.A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through PeopleSoft.N/AClick here for more information.
Official Degrees Granted289The Offical Degrees Awarded report lists all degrees granted for the specified college and term(s) with majors, minors, and subplans. Links to Student Services Center for access to additional information. Students with multiple majors, multiple minors or multiple subplans will appear on the list multiple times. A PeopleSoft Report will replace this UM Report. PeopleSoft Reports have a similar look and feel to UM Reports with real-time data and lower maintenance costs. This report will be accessed through the Reporting Center.Reporting Center:
Student Services/Degree Clearance
Click here for more information.