What are factions and how do I join one?Factions are the main way players access AoC gear, all armor and most weapons come from joining a faction, as well as lots of utilities and decorative items. There are six factions which can be joined immediately, and each faction has two sub-factions that unlock after completing a faction quest at level 80.
In order to join a faction, you should visit the Faction Hall which can be found at H-2. After going through the portal and entering the faction hall, you'll find six rooms, three on each side, that contain the six factions. The ghostly NPCs in those rooms will explain a bit about the faction, and some examples of the faction gear and building materials are displayed in the room. Note that you can only join one faction without administrator intervention or restarting your character, so choose carefully. You can consult the Crafting Guide to see everything (except decorations) that each faction and sub-faction unlocks, or you can watch videos of each faction and sub-faction on Ragnarrock's YouTube channel, which also contains guides to the sub-faction quests that unlock at level 80.
How do I access AoC character customization options, they're not showing up in the character creator?Customization options must be learned from NPCs in the world and applied later at the Customize Your Character station in the Faction Hall, or at an Orb of Nergal, which you can make for your base at level 45. All of the customization options can be found on the Face slider of the Head Options tab, including custom eyes and pointed ears. Cosmetics are learned from the following NPCs, all but one are found in faction hubs:
Frost Eyes - Lord Skyre Anarious (Empyrus room in the Cold Embrace hub)
Vanghoul Character Cosmetics - War Commander Malisha Sargorian (Downstairs in the Vanghoul hub)
Elven Character Cosmetics - Grandmaster Ferongar Quan'thus (Elvanor hub)
Elven Character Cosmetics - Night Commander Shenarah Alury (Elven Covenant hub)
Demonic Blood Eyes - Necromancer Felakai Rotheart (Sandswept Ruins)
How do I get Tin Coins?Small amounts of Tin Coins can be looted from Stormhold, Cold Embrace, Felgarth and Elvanor faction mobs, including the low-level camps. The main way to get AoC currency is to participate in the Profession system. Players can join a Profession Guild in the Faction Hall and build resource crates for that profession that can be sold at Market Vendors in Sepermeru and Flotsam. There is a full guide to professions available here. Players can also sell resources to the Gem Vendor, Mineral Trader, and Bounty Collector merchants, their locations and items they buy can be seen on the Resource Buyers tab of the Crafting and Item Guide.
What is Moon Silver used for?Moon Silver can be used to buy certain specific items, such as a Grunt Pet for Vanghouls as an example. Moon Silver can be looted and/or exchanged at the Master of Coin.
How do I cast spells with my magic staff?Although some factions get a magic staff when they choose their faction, you'll still need to get attuned to magic and craft spells to use as ammo for the staff. When you examine the staff it will tell you what schools of magic it can cast. First, you'll need to learn the Ancient Arts feat, which is available from Ferongar in the Faction Hall.
You'll then need to get Nature Attunement to learn Fire, Air, Water, or Earth Magic, Mystic Attunement to learn Arcane Magic, Demonic Attunement to learn Blood Magic and Divine Attunement to learn Divine Magic. You then find the altar for your school of choice, get a Tome for that school, and finally you can craft the magic station that makes magic weapons and spells, as well as a harvesting tool to get Power Gems for your school. Here is a complete guide to magic. The Interactive Map contains the locations of magic altars, books and spells. The Crafting Guide shows which feats unlock which spells as well as magic item stats.
What stat affects AoC magic damage?AoC magic damage, whether from magic weapons or staves, is affected by the Accuracy attribute. Accuracy perks do not apply to AoC magic.
Which AoC crafter thralls go where?Profession thralls (Miner, Lumberjack, Fisherman, Brewer, Farmer, Skinner) are used in their respective Profession's crafting stations, with the exception of the Skinner, which also works in vanilla tanneries, tanner's tables and artisan tables.
Smelter thralls go in vanilla furnaces and blacksmith benches and the AoC Master Furnace.
Blacksmith thralls go in vanilla blacksmith benches and the AoC Iron Smithy.
Alchemist thralls go in vanilla alchemy benches, firebowl cauldrons and dyer's benches, and in AoC Alchemy Desks and Plague Furnaces.
Worker thralls go in vanilla carpenter's benches, armorer's benches, artisan tables, tanner's tables and saddler's worktables and the AoC Sewing Station, Woodworking Bench and decorative Garden stations
Chef thralls go in vanilla campfires, bonfires, and stoves, and in AoC Cooking Stoves, used in the Farmer profession.
Enchanter thralls go in the vanilla casting table and the AoC Studies of the Ancient Arts and Enchanting Table.
Keeper thralls go in AoC magic stations.
Taskmaster thralls go in vanilla torturer's worktables and wheels of pain and the AoC faction equivalents.
Jeweler thralls go in vanilla tinker's benches and the AoC Gem Crafting Station.
Peasant thralls go in the Construction Platform and the Felgarth equivalent, the Construction Altar.
Haggler thralls go in vendors like the Ingredients Trader, Shepherd, etc. and in the Market Trading station. Hagglers enable Bobby to buy resources.
What benefit do I get from using AoC crafter thralls?AoC crafting thralls make recipes 25% cheaper, rounded down, and give +100% crafting speed, with some exceptions. However, you'll need named AoC crafter thralls to be able to add any stats to the items they craft.
I bought a Dispatch Unit in the Faction Hall,
what can I do with it?
Dispatch Units, sold by Sofia Damere in the Faction Hall, can be placed in Dispatch Boards, sold by William Windshire right next to her. This lets you send the unit out on Dispatch Missions, in which you pay the unit in AoC currency to go searching for resources and items at random. Each mission has a small pool of possible rewards, you can see them all in the Dispatch Missions tab of the Crafting & Item Guide.
What is the Elarikan Plague and how do I deal with it?The Elarikan Plague is a very deadly feature of AoC Scourge mobs, which can usually be identified as: black creatures with red eyes. When these mobs are killed, they release a green cloud of gas that applies a damage over time effect that stacks, becoming extremely deadly. Note that the cloud only appears green if the Effects Quality graphics slider is on High or Ultra, on Low or Medium the cloud has no color and is much more difficult to see.
The principal way to combat the Elarikan Plague is simply to run away as a scourge enemy is killed. The cloud lasts about 20 seconds, so running away, waiting it out, and coming back to loot is the safest option. This gets more complicated with thralls and pets, who tend to be slow to comply or will refuse to follow move commands. The best solution for followers is to use an AoC pet (not thrall,) most of which can be made immune to the plague.
For thralls and pets that are not immune, some tactics include running quite far from the fight before it's over, so that when the thrall kills the mob it'll run toward you or sometimes teleport to you (setting behavior to Guard Me may help with this.) This doesn't work as well when fighting more than one scourge mob, as the thrall will tend to attack the next one while still standing in a plague cloud. You can change thrall behavior to Attack Nothing, then it will only attack what it is commanded to and will return to you once the mob it was commanded to attack is dead.
There do exist two items in the game that provide some form of plague protection, both are faction-specific. The Ring of Era'vosh, from the Felgarth Stormcaller sub-faction, can be equipped in the hand armor slot and provides a buff that removes all stacks of plague every 4 seconds. This is not plague immunity and you will still die if you stand in it, but it provides much more leeway to get out of the plague in time, as you never build very high stacks. Note that the ring is extremely expensive to craft, takes an armor slot, and has very low durability so it must be repaired often with Heirloom Armor Patch Kits. The other item is the Plague Orb from the Cold Embrace faction. This is a placeable item that can provide a buff when you interact with it that works similarly to the ring, but only drops the stacks every 8 seconds. Orbs have a chance of working based on the user's magic skill; the Plague Orb is dependent on the user's Blood Magic level. At Blood Magic V the orb has a 100% chance of providing the buff, which lasts 1 hour. At lower levels, there is a chance of a serious debuff or death occuring when attempting to use the orb, and there is no chance to gain the buff if the user is unskilled in Blood Magic.
There is an admin-only item called Ring of Immunity that can be equipped in the hand armor slot to make a player or thrall immune to Elarikan Plague. Server administrators can make the choice whether and how to offer these to players.
How do I get to the top of the pillar in The Passage, or how do I get to the Sand Reaper Hive Queen in The Passage?Video guide here
The pillar in The Passage has been made un-climbable in AoC, so we'll need an alternate way to get up to access the Tome of Nature Ascension Vol, 4 and the Tome of Blood Magic. Also, the Sand Reaper Hive Queen was moved to a cage hanging from the top of the cavern because it was difficult to fight with all the plague spiders that are now infesting The Passage. Every enemy in The Passage besides the Sand Hive Queen will drop a cloud of Elarikan Plague, and the scourge spiders have very fast respawn times, so it's quite deadly to fight in here. It's not necessary to fight any of the scourge mobs to traverse through The Passage, so it's recommended to not bring a follower and to pack lightly if you drop items on death.
To get up to the books and boss, there are jump pads available which look like glowing white symbols. The first is on the left if you enter from the jungle. When you walk into the jump pad it'll launch you more or less in the direction it is facing, but there is some variation based on how you approach it, so it's best to line up your jumps. The easiest way to do this is to stand with your back to the jump pad, while facing your intended destination, then back into the pad and launch in the direction you're facing.
The first jump pad leads to a platform attached to a pillar hanging from the ceiling. Aim for the pillar as it is climbable, so you can cling to it and descend safely. There is a scourge spider on this platform but it is best ignored, once killed it'll drop a plague cloud that you can't avoid while on the platform. Use the jump pad on this platform to launch to another platform, this one without a spider but with two pads on it. Be careful not to land directly on the next jump pad or you'll get launched immediately without much control. The two jump pads on the third platform lead to the Sand Reaper Hive Queen cage or the platform with the vendors for the magic books. If you're here for both, head to the Hive Queen first as the jump pad from her cage also leads to the platform with the books. Not much aiming is needed for the Hive Queen cage, but the book platform on the big pillar can be difficult to hit. Note that you do have a lot of air control once launched, hold back to slow your speed significantly if needed. The column of water coming down from the ceiling and landing on the pillar platform is swimmable, you should aim to hit this column of water to stop your flight and allow you to descend safely. Finally, a jump pad on the pillar platform leads across the way to the elevated area at the end, which leads to the Underwater Cavern dungeon (swim straight down in the body of water up there) or up the stairs and out into the snowy north.
How do I grow AoC plants, they're not working
in the regular planter?
AoC has planters specifically made for AoC plants. Indoor Planter and Outdoor Planter are learned from the level 18 feat Gardener in the survival tab. Temple Planter is available to Elvanor players as well. To grow AoC plants you need a Bucket, which is an AoC specific item crafted at the Woodworking Bench, and you need to fill that bucket with water at any water source. AoC seeds can be harvested with AoC plants, but some seeds are only available from the Ingredient Vendor. With a Bucket of Water and the correct seeds, you'll finally need either Compost or Potent Compost, depending on the plant.
What fuel do I use in my Profession Building
(Resource Mine, Lumbermill, etc.)?
Tin Coins or higher
...Master Furnace/Iron Smithy?Any vanilla burnable like coal or wood
...Plague Furnace?Unstable Substance
...Altar of the Sun?Topaz (any quality)
...Earth Altar?Emerald (any quality)
...Tempest Altar?Sapphire (any quality)
...Sanctum of Coralina?Sapphire (any quality)
...Arcance Sanctuary?Amethyst (any quality)
...Shattered Crystal?Emerald (any quality)
...Shrine of the Harbinger?Ruby (any quality)
...Altar of Divinity?Topaz (any quality)
...Construction Altar?Sapphire (any quality)
How do I get Cursed Unded Remains?Use a cleaver on a Servant of Rayth, the dark undead with glowing eyes. You can find them in the Unnamed City and the Mounds of the Dead.
...Ectoplasm?Use a skinning knife on a Servant of Rayth, the dark undead with glowing eyes. You can find them in the Unnamed City and the Mounds of the Dead.
...Devil Bear Cub?Use a cleaver on the Spawn of Scargath, a raid boss Devil Bear located at F-1.
...Scourge Hound Head?Use a cleaver on a Scourge Hound corpse. They can be found around D-10. Be careful as they call other nearby Scourge Hounds and drop Elarikan Plague upon death.
...Blue Bell/Dragonfern/Bitter Crinila Dust?Crush Blue Bell/Dragonfern/Bitter Crinila plants in a Crusher, one plant yields 10 dust.
...Shrine of the Harbinger?Handcrafted, unlocked at Blood Magic IV.
...Heart of a Vanghoul?Use a cleaver to harvest Vanghoul Grunts, which are the large Vanghoul with no nameplates and the Frost Giant model. You can find them around J-7 and on the east side of L-6.
...Firebloom?Harvest Black Lotus in the Black Garden in the jungle.
...Aluminium?Harvest Tin Nodes in the Unnamed City or Crystal Nodes
...Amethyst?Loot Devil Bears, Scourge mobs, and AoC bosses. Harvest Plague Meteors in the Unnamed City
...Honor Tokens?Loot non-human AoC mobs.
...Loyalty Tokens?These are only available as admin spawns, and are most commonly used in Pippi kits or quest rewards.
...Onyx Core?This is crafted at the Volcanic Forge. Refer to the Crafting Guide for the recipe.
...Kronyxium and Elarikan Cores?These are crafted at the Frost Temply Smithy. Refer to the Crafting Guide for the recipe.
...Skull of the Harbinger?Looted from Rayth, an undead raid boss in the Unnamed City, above the slave pits at D-6.
...a Dispatch Contractor?There is a Dispatch Contrator in your faction hub. You can buy one for your base if you like, for 1 AoC Gold Coin.
...a Market Vendor?There are public Market Vendors at B-7, N-7, and J2 that process profession crates very quickly. You can buy a private Market Trading station for your base from the Dispatch Contractor for 2 Gold, 5 Silver and 20 Copper Coins.
Why aren't I getting AoC resources when I harvest?If you are using a pickaxe, they do not harvest AoC resources (in exchange for a higher rate of gathering vanilla resources.) If you're using another harvesting tool, you may have a mod conflict that can hopefully be solved by adjusting your mod order. This conflict will likely be with a mod that also changes the resources gathered when harvesting vanilla resource nodes. Mods like this need to be loaded BEFORE Age of Calamitous so that the AoC values will overwrite them and allow you to harvest AoC resources properly.
Does Age of Calamitous work with Isle of Siptah or other custom maps?AoC is not officially supported for Siptah or any other custom map. However, admins can place faction NPCs, Spell Altars and monuments, faction thrall camps, AoC mobs, etc. Here is a guide to getting AoC set up on Isle of Siptah or any other map.