AE compName of the scene:100.00%< Animation progress
All scenes are now complete. Tab 2 shows any QA work remaining.
Template composition100.00%Premade from prior bullshittieres. A simple template comp containing frequently used items. So I can copy and paste quickly.
Template Comp - Masks100.00%Masks of UI elements (hud, health, spell names, etc) so I don't need to do them from scratch each time.
Template Comp - Text100.00%Text in pre-made positions and with the correct fonts, strokes, spacing, etc.
04-01.aepWe go to smack Digby with our axes (Intro)100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 286/04-01.aep100.00%Single layer and single null. No scaling.
04.02.aepI'm not smart enough to wear my own trousers100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 290/04-04.aep100.00%Single null and very light masking
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 287/04-02.aep100.00%Single Null. All manual keyframing. Automated tracking struggles with Divinity.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 288/04-02.aep100.00%
Commission - Short cartoon of Lump walking into a village in just his underpants100.00%Three animated sequences in this cutaway joke.

01 - Barkeep - Complete
02 - Lump in the doorway - Complete
03 - Lump talking to the guard - Complete
04.03.aepDigby likes fire "do you think he likes fire"100.00%Had to be entirely manual keyframing, compensating for rapid shifts in position and particle effects.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 289/04-03.aep100.00%Initially two nulls. But I had to dial it back. Too many particle effects. Entirely manual keyframing.
04.04.aepComp of Digby summoning or making noises for his incarnate100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 290/04-04.aep100.00%Mostly one null. Entirely manual. Have yet to decide if the text layer is a simple wiggle. Or maybe particle effect with textured square? Particles might be too much. Also am I masking the ships rigging or not? So many cut out rope shapes might actually look more like a bug than anything.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 291/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 292/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 294/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 295/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 296/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 297/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 298/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 299/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 300/04-04.aep100.00%Ditto
Missing scene - Plot exposition100.00%Position tracking done - scaling work heavy - text being synced
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 338/04-05.aep
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 339/04-05.aep
100.00%A complication with this scene. Am I including this here? Might it be more appropriate to have it just before the Advocate scene, because Quebec's next line is about going ot see the Advocate? Or is that too late in the edit to leave such important context for new people who have not seen Divinity 1-3 and have no idea what this video is about.

Two scenes to edit - the 10 second version for 1:05 seconds into the edit. Or the 22 second version for the 4:30 second mark.

Edit both together then decide which one works in post.

It's two text scenes with part auto tracking and manual - about 50/50. But I've put a Null Controller to handle all the scaling. Because that camera zips in and out like crazy. The Null Controller handles both.
04.05.aepTorture is a "conversation starter"100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 301/04-05.aep100.00%A really, really tough scene to edit. Our characters are so close together. There's position, scaling. And autotracking is possible. But it's very very skippy. I had to strip away dozens of keyframes to make it smooth. Should have just done it manually.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 302/04-05.aep100.00%Same. I've done it, but I'm also not sure about it. Looks pretty rubbish on the preview. Earmarking for reanimating.
04-06.aepGoofy looking new helmet100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 303/04-06.aep100.00%Fairly simple. Very little keyframing. Really just Null Controller zooming.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 304/04-06.aep100.00%Again simple. All autotracked. Very skippy though. Had to spend ages deleting keyframes to make it smooth. AE keeps trying to compensate for motion that's unncessary.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 305/04-06.aep100.00%Very complicated. Entirely manual with scaling, position and some masking. Might add additional scaling. Auto tracking was absolutely useless.

Note that masking is now complete. But only on the fluttering banner that appears in the foreground, and the map. The masking at the very start (the inventory) is intentionally left out because it would render the first word of the text illegible.
04-07.aepMessy gives me panties100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 307/04-07.aep100.00%I might replace that double track for the panties coming out of the inventory. It's tracked properly. But it looks like a bug because it happens so quickly. That set of panties beneath the cursor is just a sort of "ghost" before the real item is put down. Maybe I should just freeze the wood planks entirely and make it so nobody even notices? Or maybe I should desaturate the ghost so it's more obvious to a Youtube viewer?
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 306/04-07.aep100.00%
04.08.aepWoods cottage has big boobie lady that kills us100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 308/04-08.aep100.00%Entirely manual tracking. The picture quality with all the foliage is terrible. Two nulls and two text layers.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 309/04-08.aep100.00%I've not yet included the reaction line and tracking on Lump as I pan into view.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 310/04-08.aep100.00%Extremely complicated scene. 3 frame by frame layers, all manual with extremely obscured points of tracking due to the players blocking each other as the camera pans. This took hours.
04.09.aepDigby eats an egg100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 311/04-09.aep100.00%Single null currently. With manual frame by frame tracking over Digby's lizard head. It moves a great deal. And at the end there's scaling as the camera zooms out twice. And masking work on the UI to the left.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 312/04-09.aep100.00%Very simple. Static text only. Digby isn't on the screen.
04.10.aepMy character is too dumb to wear mittens100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 313/04-10.aep100.00%Single Null, with a single layer of text. This one is almost entirely automated due to the character never turning around. Despite the camera pan. Simple enough.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 314/04-10.aep100.00%Same as above. I actually got quite lucky here. Despite the overlays, my character never actually turned his head. Meaning autotracking didn't get confused and I was able to use it for all position Null adjustments. That being said, the scaling auto tracking went absolutely bananas. Did it myself with about 8-10 keyframes a couple of easy-ease.

A single text Null and text layer. With one null controller and a simple shape layer for a yellow highlight.
04.11.aepPoutine is level 18100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 315/04-11.aep100.00%5 minute job. Very simple. A 3 second scene with a single, immobile piece of text that says "Poutine". Easily copied from a template.
04.12.aepDigby makes an ice sculpture then it breaks100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 316/04-12.aep100.00%A sincerely odd-duck of a composition. For the "ice totem" in question has few easy 'points' to follow due to a spinning camera. Therefore I reverted to an ancient form of keyframing in which I made an arrow with Webdings font, then slid it up and down the right side of the ice as it changed shape. Then moved the anchor point to make it look like its floating nearby. An older method, but it looks great.

This is up until around the 8th second, then it switches to automated tracking because the camera stops swinging or zooming. And I have a consistent shape for the tracker to identify.

Single layer, frame by frame keyframing, mostly manual up until the 7th second.
04.13.aepQuebec how much have you stolen? "Don't talk to ANY of them"100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 317/04-13.aep100.00%This ended up being three specific nulls. One for Digby, one for Q and one for me. Thankfully the fixed camera angle meant that auto tracking was relatively easy. Job completed in about 40 minutes. Though Quebec's head tracking had to be tweaked because that giant bow of his is throwing off the tracking.
04.14.aepThe advocate sequence100.00%Warning - It appears that this comp has defaulted to the wrong frame rate. Correct before tracking
Exposition intro scene to explain why we're on bloodmoon island100.00%This has been placed here temporarily as an expanded scene in 339/04-05.aep. See notes up on row 27 for more information.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 318/04-14.aep100.00%A very simple scene. Just a single text null. No keyframing. I could, but Quebec bounces off the screen so often that it would likely look strange. He's running at the back of the party. Heavily obscured by the UI.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 319/04-14.aep100.00%The challenge in this scene isn't the tracking, but the large amount of the screen space taken up by NPC, dialogue box, etc. With the entire party cramped into the top left corner.

I'm going to keyframe and text up the dialogue. But I will also activate a Null Controller to enable some light zooming aftrer the fact, if this proves to be a headache for the viewer.

Two text layers. Both auto tracked because the camera doesn't move during the dialogue.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 320/04-14.aep100.00%This is 3 text layers with two nulls. Digby and the NPC are easy to track. But Quebec has unintentionally made things difficult.

Quebec took up a "firing position" up hill, expecting a confrontation. But effectively meant his character was out of frame for the entire recorded conversation. I'm having to simply float his text nearby in a manner that looks intensely out of place, since the rest of the party are in full view.

Hopefully nobody notices how odd it looks.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 321/04-14.aep100.00%Three text layers and nulls. Note that the lower left freezes with a quiet mask that nobody will notice. It's to stop those annoying steam notifications that constantly bounce around. Distracting eyeline with unncessary motion.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 322/04-14.aep100.00%Two text nulls. The lack of space above mine and Messy's head is making this keyframing job very tricky.

Hopefully it doesn';t seem too cramped.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 323/04-14.aep100.00%Despite being functionally complete, this segment may need to be revised in quality assurance. There's a lot going on. Lots of people are speaking quickly on four text layers. It may be better to strip it back and keep it simple with only two major speakers? Reconsider on quality assurance.

Four nulls, four text layers, a lot of rapid fire source text changes. And by extension Anchor point and Scaling. Complicated comp.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 324/04-14.aep100.00%This normal comp includes a "First poll" comp with two numbers and a slider for each poll, to replicate the Strawpoll we did.

I might need to modify this later when I introduce "Second poll" if there's not enough room for the scribbles and added percentages.

Beyond that it's a single text layer, auto tracked. With a slight wiggle (position) for key tapping sound from my keyboard.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 325/04-14.aep100.00%Two nulls. This one is really weird, as Digby and Messy and talking directly over each other in the chaos of the moment.

I'm going to start with Messy but then cut to the tail end of Digby's sentence. Purely to put emphasis on the chaos.

Two text nulls. Both automated tracking.

Also note that I cut this really short on purpose for the sake of comedy. So don't return to its original length, despite what the .avi says.

The avi lies.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 283/01-01.aep100.00%Keeping this, despite it being part of a completely different comp for the sake of a draft.

Challenging actually. Consider re-recording this pose in single player? Quebec made a save at this precise moment, which greyed out of the screen. Looks okay ish, but it certainly confusing insofar as why the screen goes dark for a moment. Perhaps I could make a fake "saving" icon, for those who might notice

Have added a great big pink heart shape, which is just a pink solid with a mask cut out of it.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 326/04-14.aep100.00%Two text layers. Auto tracking on only me, as Quebec is off screen.
GoPro recording - Flipping a coin behind my monitor.100.00%To do - Retrieve the GoPro from its current location, get the batteries charged, and record a mocked version of this scene. Copying the actions I performed on the night with that coin.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 328/04-14.aep100.00%I've made a duplicate entry of the original first poll. But have scribbled out the 2.) Advocate entry. But I worry it's too visually busy?

It might be best to review this in quality assurance.
Commission - Brexit bus parody art? But with "Support the literal demons" on it100.00%Quickly knocked up a photoshopped version of the Brexit bus with the words "Let's support the literal demons" on it. And "take back control"
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 329/04-14.aep100.00%A single text layer. But entirely frame by frame and manual keyframing due to how much the camera moves around. The auto-tracking had a heart attack.

Am I keeping a second static layer for Quebec who is off screen?
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 330/04-14.aep100.00%Single yellow null with associated "Webdings" arrow. But it's entirely manual because of all those spell effects and flame. The auto tracking cannot handle it. There's also one static text layer which is fairly simple. No movement.

Question for later though, am I drawing the eyeline to the top left or the lower left? Where does Quebec's text in the next scene start? TO DO
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 331/04-14.aep100.00%Bit of a special job. Rather than do tracking text, I'm going to do Null Controllers to zoom in. Then get some png files from the game itself to represent the potions Quebec starts drinking under AI control. Then I'll go to the marketplace in Divinity to calculate how much its all worth.

Have made 12 assets in 4 different layers. Each one bounces in with a small Scaling null for eyeline attention. Along with a small pile of coins, recorded in game, that grows with each potion "wasted" by the AI.

Note for later, you kind of goofed because you didn't setup the Opacity setting on a Null Controller. You put it all on the layers themselves. Dummy.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 332/04-14.aep100.00%The "snookums" animation actually does a roar. But it was played in the troll bridge take? A bug? Can I restore it in post? Can I record the incarnate roar in isolation in single player?

Single text layer for "snookums" above his head. As to subtitle the others would drawe the eyeline away from the action. Automated tracking can't handle it because the subject is entirely on fire and shrounded by particle effects. Keyframing manually.

- Once I have more "roar" audio files, shall I add some zooming nad a bit of wiggle to make the screen shake a couple of times?
- I've got a Gaussian blurr on the text. If keeping it, shall I see if there's a flame particle effect that matches the Incarnates?
- Replace troll bridge ambience with that of bloodmoon island.
04.15.aepLady Gaga Hat 1100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 333/04-15.aep100.00%Reasonably complicated. Three text layers on Digby, Quebec and me. The spin around stops the tracking. And also there's quite a bit of background and foreground movement. Autotracking only in part.

Added a 3D layer but it's intentionally incomplete for the following reasons:
- The 3D turning on Digby's helmet makes it all the more obvious that its not happening when the camera spits for Lump. And I can't do it for lump because he's speaking at the time and the text would be illegible. Decide whether I'm keeping it.
- If I am keeping it, I need to mask the front of the helm when I spin.

- Also I need to mask the staff and its flittering 'ribbon' as it moves over Lumps head. Only spend the time if it's a sure thing. As that could be a very long frame-by-frame job.
04.16.aepMine bow conversation and feeling superfluous100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 334/04-16.aep100.00%Two text layers with auto tracking.

Included Null Controller for zooming but only at the end
Are you going to keep Quebec's text or just do some zooming with a Null controller? Decide in post. You have both and it looks weird.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 335/04-16.aep100.00%Two text layers and two nulls. Manually done as the camera is spinning far too much to be properly automated. Except from about 10 seconds onwards where it becomes static.

My text layer looks problematic, because there's just so much UI on opening the inventory. So determine in post if this is smooth or not.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 336/04-16.aep100.00%Two text layers. Entirely manual. The scaling and rotation is too extreme. Auto handling couldn't handle it
A frustrating scene. Has taken hours to manually keyframe through all that motion.
I may need to revisit this scene. The motion may be too much. It looks very messy.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 337/04-16.aep100.00%Easily done, because the words "Critical Hit" remain above my head at all times in bright red letters. A piece of cake for automation.
04.17.aepThe healing fire betrays us100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 340/04-17.aep100.00%Two text layers being controlled by two nulls. One for Digby and one for Lump.

Has to be entirely manually done. We're both spamming fire and water spells, our characters spinning and being lit up with flame and light. Automated tracking would stand NO chance.

Manual tracking complete. Digby's voice in particular is a nightmare to track smoothly,. mostly due to how many fire effects obscure the highly animated lizard casting animations. His head bounces and dances around so much, it's easier just to aim for his staff.

Lump gave me a bit of a lucky break. The magic fire failed to get through his magic armor, leaving me with the text "block by magical armor" as an easy point of automated tracking through most of the scene.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 341/04-17.aep100.00%This comp consists of one primary element - the words "fire" and "healing fire" warbling over some flames in game.

Tracking the position of the flame has been difficult to due the nature of the animation. There's not a lot to lock onto with the anchor point. But I think I've made it look acceptable with a lot of manual keyframing/trial and error. What is currently unacceptable is the "scaling" (zooming). For After Effects does it smoothly whilst the game (or at least the frames recorded) are all over the place.

Making attempts to do scaling with automation. But its often very difficult. The scaling motion tracking often "introduces the skittishness" as I like to put it, into the text. Making it bounce around in line with the recording. But it often looks terrible.


Experiments done - scaling my auto tracking a couple of barrels is acceptable. But frankly not great.
- The visual effect on the fire isn't finished yet. Wait for what you've decided to do with the Incarnate fire. Then copy the same effect in blue.
- The "HEALING FIRE" and "FIRE" elements are one layer currently. I might want to switch between two near identical layers with a Guassian Blur? Depends on what effect I decide to go with.
- The opening appearance of the fire is yet to be determined? Mask that expands out maybe? What looks good with the final effect selected?
- Do I want to mask the interface + lumps head as he steps into the fire. Or will it be distracting?
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 342/04-17.aep100.00%Same as above.
04.18.aepboobs boobs boobs NO DONT HIT THE BOOBS100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 348/04-18.aep100.00%I plan to edit this in two ways. First a Null Controller (camera controller) zooming in and out with the word "boobs". And second with the literal text "boobs" appearing stylishly around the boobs.. To highlight the boobs whilst talking about the boobs, boobs, boobs, there are boobs.



God damn I need to get laid or something, fuck.

...also boobs.
- I'm fairly sure I've disabled the original background ambience because Quebec was narrating his turn whilst I was quietly chanting "boobs boobs boobs". Can I restore it from single player?
04.19.aepLady Gaga Hat 2100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 349/04-19.aep100.00%This scene has two text layers, above Digby and me. The extremely distinctive hat will make Digby very easy to auto track.

In its final form however, the Lump face was very difficult for the autotracking for reasons that are unclear. Had to manually step in and correct it constantly.
- Scaling wasn't done on purpose. Should I? Review before QA.
04.20.aepHall of Echoes - Source Vamperism middle segment100.00%Scene has been reconstructed with "fake" singleplayer versions of the god encounter. With a more stable camera and crisp audio.
undefined exposition scene in Siva's basement100.00%Need to locate an appropriate scene. I have 3 of these to pick
undefined introduction to the dead girl in the basement100.00%I need to film the ghost of Siva's assistant lamenting her own death, on failing the trial due to not being Godwoken. This is important, because it sets her up the joke that the first thing I do on getting my god powers is devour her.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 343/04-20.aep100.00%Text layer done, but it's only one line. Most of this comp will consist of audio layers replacing the previous set.To do:
- Review prior depictions of Rhallic to ensure the visual effects are consistent (blue orb, does he have his name in a specific font, etc)
- The audio layers for footsteps are not yet properly synced up with the walk.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 344/04-20.aep100.00%The first of the god conversation segments is complete. It consists of a single text layer of manually tracked text, moving above Rhallics head for just under a minute.

The camera has been made steady by re-recording Rhallic in single player. And the original UI and text is masked over the top, in a way that looks like it's from the original session. As a result its far smoother to watch. As the camera isn't randomly spinning around, sub alerts are not playing. And I have nice clean audio that isn't constantly clipped by that strange electronic humming that defines the Hall of Echoes.
undefined B roll footage of the other gods - Zorl-Stissa, Duna and Rhallic (before Quebec)100.00%Investigating now. It's actually way easier than expected. There's a mod that starts at chapter 2 and plenty of cheat mods for leveling and gold.

Digby's god successfully recorded - Though I might want to consider doing a re-recording before the final version. That fucking squirrel NPC is dancing around at the base of the screen, utterly breaking the tone of the game. Fucking hell.
Edit edit - God fucking damn it, the squirrel is literally doing a the middle of dialogue talking about brutal murder. WHO greenlit this NPC. FUCK! It's like someone added Beaker the muppet to Schindler's List.

Messy's god successfully recorded - Though her armor is a different colour. It shouldn't be obvious in the lighting.

Quebec's god - TO DO, but I do at least have the audio and the voice line. As he also picked human. So we both have Rhallic.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 345/04-20.aep100.00%An exceedingly complicated 30 layer composition that's 1 minute and 30 seconds long!

Imported UI elements that shift 3 times, conversations that stop and start, replaced visuals, speech audio, ambience, AND scaling zooming with the vampire spell.

It's taken hours to get right.
Moving on from this with a temp render because my efficiency is dropping, staring at the same 1 minute and 40 second comp. To do later:
- the ending part with the zooming is not yet complete.
- Source Spell audio not yet added
- Music from the OST and the Hall of Echoes wind ambience effect not yet added.
- Consider carefully animating the "brash ferocity" line with a bounce and wiggle due to RHallic energetic talking at this point inthe dialogue.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 346/04-20.aep100.00%Two text layers, manual and automated null on the ghost head. But then it witches to entirely manual for my character and then with the spell effect that kicks in. Because it starts hiding everything.

The ghostly text being consumed effect is lifted directly from bullshittery part 2, scene 347. Which combines the Liquify, Glow, and Gaussian Blur effects to make it look like her name is being consumed by the Source spell.
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 347/04-20.aep100.00%Four text layers, technically. I start with an auto tracked one of my head as I circle the table in the room. But then switch to my three party members who have yet to leave the Hall of Echoes. So their text has to be static. Then i return to auto tracking my head.
undefined final scene100.00%I need to pick a different dungeon scene for this conversation. Because that ghost is still in the frame in this shot. Because it's chronologically the FIRST ritual.
04.21.aepExamples of soul eating100.00%
Divinity First Playthrough Master - 061123 replacement Linked Comp 350/04-21.aep100.00%Something of a strange comp. For whilst this is just a single text layer over a ghost, the tracking used took two different nulls.

Since his speech bubble appears and disappears as the party memebers speak to him, I position tracked the top of his head. But then used the scaling nulls to track the zooming NOT on his head, but the difference between Lump and DIgby's head. Since we're standing so close to the NPC, the slight different in zooming won't be noticed by the audience.

I also decided to use the same NPC voice line as the temp audio. As the actual ghost audio is a little more vague. Whilst fake, the temp voice is much more appropriate because that NPC is panicing "eyes darting from side to side"

This comp has encountered an unidentified technical error. The text gets distorted with a Liquify Effect when the Source Vamperism spell is used. But for some reason it's not working when applied to my current text layers. Therefore I've imported 01-07.aep - 177 from bullshittery part 2 and have simply changed the text to the new text.

I don't understand what the problem is. The Liquify effect settings are completely identical. Literally copied and pasted.