A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | |
1 | Click HERE to update meeting information for an existing Al-Anon group or register a new Al-Anon group | Report Problems to: aisla@alanonla.org or webmaster@alanonla.org | Meetings without a WSO ID will NOT be added to this list. Global Electronic Mtgs will NOT be added to this list | For information about a meeting please use the meeting's contact email or contact the AISLA office | ||||||||||
2 | Total Mtgs | 177 | ||||||||||||
3 | NOTE: This list is compiled by the Al-Anon Information Services Los Angeles office, with meeting information reported to us by individual meetings. We are not responsible for incorrect information, but constantly update the list based on corrections and problems reported to us at aisla@alanonla.org or webmaster@alanonla.org | ELECTRONIC – Groups registered with the World Service Office as ELECTRONIC. The group is connected to a District in a city/state and zip code. TEMPORARY ELECTRONIC – Groups registered with the WSO as a Physical Group that meet Online. They are still connected to their originally registered Physical Meeting Address HYBRID – Groups that meet in-person and also with Electronic access DIAL-IN PHONE – Groups that meet on the phone | ||||||||||||
4 | Scroll to the right to see passwords and contact information | If double clicking on link doesn't work copy/paste the link into your browser | ||||||||||||
5 | For more information on electronic Alateen meetings, please visit this page. | |||||||||||||
6 | Day | Time | City / Neighborhood | Meeting Name | Focus type *see key at bottom of list* | WSO ID | Meeting Link | Meeting ID | Password | Additional Info | Meeting Type | Accessibility | ||
7 | SATURDAY | 7:35 - 8:50 AM | Pacific Palisades | Serenity In Relationships Online AFG | Family & Friends Only | 30812686 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82264734060?pwd=MTJFOFdrYllRN2NyMW9PVWR5YnM1UT09#success | 822 6473 4060 | serenity | serenityinrelationships@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
8 | SATURDAY | 9:00 - 10:15 AM | Los Angeles | Westside Parent AFG | Parent Focus / Family, Friends & Observers | 30830514 | https://zoom.us/j/87522288558?pwd=WUE3d1JKYmluLzVtS2lacUYyTFZ6UT09 | 875 2228 8558 | Serenity1 | WestsideParentFocusAFG@gmail.com Informal fellowship after meeting | Electronic | |||
9 | SATURDAY | 9:00 - 10:30 AM | Saugus | Sat Morning Saugus Serenity AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General / Younger Members Welcome | 37597 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86491789434?pwd=UXRTNFNQVEYzZU5YbzErTlUyYXg4UT09 | 864 9178 9434 | Saugus123 | Hybrid | ||||
10 | SATURDAY | 9:00 - 10:30 AM | Torrance/Walteria | Walteria Torrance Saturday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Beginners / General / With Alateen / Youngers Members Welcome | 54893 | 545 050 186 | Email for password | saturdaywalteria@gmail.com Beginners Meeting starts at 8:30 am Birthdays last Saturday of the month | Hybrid | ||||
11 | SATURDAY | 9:00 - 10:30 AM | Whittier | Keep it Simple Saturday AFG | Families and Friends Only | 30805992 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7242106622 | 724 2106 622 | 13245 | SaturdaySerenitymtg@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
12 | SATURDAY | 9:30 - 11:00 AM | Woodland Hills | Woodland Hills Saturday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 32433 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81532884560 | 815 3288 4560 | TRUST2311 | Hybrid | ||||
13 | SATURDAY | 9:30 - 11:00 AM | Santa Monica | 4th Step Inventory AFG | Step Study / Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome | 1663 | https://zoom.us/j/707604440 | 707 604 440 | 080211 | Electronic | ||||
14 | SATURDAY | 10:00 - 11:30 AM | Altadena | Altadena Saturday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 65430 | https://us05web.zoom.us/j/7086024512?pwd=MFBlaWRJUTVLdlNxcWxjSkZjWGpKQT09 | 708 602 4512 | 940759 | satalanonaltadena@gmail.com | Hybrid | |||
15 | SATURDAY | 10:00 - 11:00 AM | Burbank | Saturday Morning Burbank AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General / Younger Members Welcome | 48987 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8949272212?omn=86497241957 | 894 927 2212 | Electronic | |||||
16 | SATURDAY | 10:00 - 11:30 AM | Gardena | Gardena 12 and 12 and 12 AFG | Literature Study / Families & Friends Only | 39919 | https://zoom.us/j/9975215164 | 997 521 5164 | 290486 | Electronic | ||||
17 | SATURDAY | 10:00 - 11:00 AM | Hermosa Beach | Hermosa Beach Saturday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 1420 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/886627334?pwd=ZGFoR3NYRk93bGhmOStYSjIxZFd3Zz09 | sanity | Electronic | |||||
18 | SATURDAY | 10:00 - 11:30 AM | Hollywood | Saturday Morning Self Worth AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 32537 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/93862831088?pwd=WUl6Z3V5b0UwOGVoYVAycTdiMXp0UT09 | 938 6283 1088 | 017658 | Hybrid | ||||
19 | SATURDAY | 10:00 AM | Malibu | Saturday Serenity AFG | General / Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome | 30612980 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9806133772?pwd=ZEIwY1gweHJZa1E1cm96VmUyd1BaQT09 | 980 613 3772 | hope4today | malibusaturdayserenity@gmail.com | Hybrid | |||
20 | SATURDAY | 10:00 AM | Westchester | Saturday Morning ODAT Study AFG | Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome / Literature Study | 50442 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87139147335 | 871 3914 7335 | courage | Electronic | ||||
21 | SATURDAY | 10:30 - 12:00 AM | La Canada | La Canada Parents AFG | Parent Focus / Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome | 51517 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81868244010 | 818 6824 4010 | 740999 | LaCanadaAFGparents@gmail.com Newcomers at 10 am | Electronic | |||
22 | SATURDAY | 10:30 AM | Los Angeles | The Gift Of Serenity AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Adult Children Focus | 30774584 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9635836991 | 963 583 6991 | recovery | giftsofserenity77@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
23 | SATURDAY | 10:30 - 11:30 AM | Sherman Oaks | Live and Let Live AFG | General / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 502106 | 848 7903 3294 | 280 774 | Hybrid | |||||
24 | SATURDAY | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Westwood | Westwood Saturday Literature Study AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Literature Study | 30767842 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87599111050?pwd=YXpvNUdDU3VzbHRNZFU4WWwrbk1wdz09 | 875 9911 1050 | 530041 | Hybrid | ||||
25 | SATURDAY | 4:30 - 5:30 PM | Redondo Beach | South Bay Mamas And Papas AFG | Parent Focus / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30660692 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9975215164 | 997 521 5164 | 290486 | Electronic | ||||
26 | SATURDAY | 6:00 - 7:30 PM | Burbank | Burbank From Survival to Recovery AFG | Adult Children Focus / Friends & Family Only | 30820337 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81937267628 | 819 3726 7628 | fromsurvivaltorecoveryaca@gmail.com | Electronic | ||||
27 | SATURDAY | 7:30 PM | Los Angeles | Happy Joyous and Free on a Saturday Night AFG | Friends & Family Only | 30807519 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87897389160 | 878 9738 9160 | Electronic | |||||
28 | SUNDAY | 7:35 - 8:35 AM | Santa Monica | Venice Beach AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 66537 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82264734060 | 822 6473 4060 | serenity | Electronic | ||||
29 | SUNDAY | 9:30 - 10:30 AM | Los Feliz | Paths To Recovery Men's Step Study AFG | Step Study / Men's Meeting / Family, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30696815 | https://us04web.zoom.us/j/86463250314?from=join#success | 864 6325 0314 | BookStudy | Temporary Electronic | ||||
30 | SUNDAY | 10:00 -11:00 AM | Glassell Park | Sunday's Best AFG | General / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30649221 | https://zoom.us/j/306882624 | 306 882 624 | 494017 | sundaysbestafg@gmail.com - Child care available for in person portion | Hybrid | |||
31 | SUNDAY | 10:00 - 11:30 AM | Glendale | Gay Group AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / LGBTQIA+ | 30514801 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/887810571?pwd=ZFU5RTJaN3RLalAxSzZ6eG9PQTZHQT09 | 887 810 571 | 381947 | Electronic | ||||
32 | SUNDAY | 10:00 -11:30 AM | Los Angeles | LGBT Sunday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / LGBTQIA+ | 42842 | https://zoom.us/j/820879078 | 820 879 078 | Hybrid | |||||
33 | SUNDAY | 11:00 AM | Covina | 502 Sunday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General / Younger Members Welcome | 30085 | 874 5399 2802 | 567136 | Hybrid | |||||
34 | SUNDAY | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Hollywood | Hollywood Sunday Morning Adult Child AFG | Adult Child Focus / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Literature Study | 64579 | https://tinyurl.com/sundaylaspalmas | 748 938 469 | 508470 | Temporary Electronic | ||||
35 | SUNDAY | 12:00 - 1:15 PM | Silverlake | Simple Sunday LGBTQ AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / LGBTQIA+ | 30728366 | https://zoom.us/j/590083791 | 590 083 791 | Hybrid | |||||
36 | SUNDAY | 2:00 - 3:00 PM | Los Angeles | Blooming Queer AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Literature Study / LGBTQIA+ | 30804682 | https://zoom.us/j/93898647191?pwd=cWpSUW90YlRLTmMvdFZIYU8ybitRdz09 | 938 9864 7191 | 798933 | Electronic | ||||
37 | SUNDAY | 4:00 - 5:15 PM | West Hollywood | Two Books AFG | Families & Friends Only / Literature Study | 30703093 | https://zoom.us/j/927221544?pwd=MitDRWJaMFpkcS9rYWIvUlpZSWVpQT09 | 927 221 544 | 403602 | Electronic | ||||
38 | SUNDAY | 4:00 - 5:15 PM | Brentwood | Brentwood Women's Group AFG | Women's Meeting / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Younger Members Welcome | 30583269 | htps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84676047681 | 846 7604 7681 | 216836 | brentwoodwomensgroup@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
39 | SUNDAY | 4:00 - 5:30 PM | Atwater Village | Atwater Sunday 4 PM AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 30683742 | 898 1683 7353 | 703497 | Hybrid | |||||
40 | SUNDAY | 4:30 PM | Studio City | Sunday Women's Space to Share AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Women's Meeting | 30784309 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87077314651 | 870 773 14651 | Electronic | |||||
41 | SUNDAY | 5:00 PM | Santa Monica | Santa Monica Adult Children Online AFG | Adult Child Focus / Families and Friends Only | 30815250 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83836883913 | 838 3688 3913 | serenity | Electronic | ||||
42 | SUNDAY | 5:00 - 6:00 PM | Santa Clarita | Listen And Learn AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30627028 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84574555493?pwd=bkdDQWsvVGtybDltUDdCdWF5RGxDdz09 | 845 7455 5493 | 121212 | Electronic | ||||
43 | SUNDAY | 6:30 - 8:00 PM | Hermosa Beach | Hermosa Beach Literature Study AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Literature Study | 42899 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87388279411?pwd=p6lmlqkHkfkuEFdLBL1yiOZ0HNo3y3.1 | 873 882 79411 | loisw | Hybrid | ||||
44 | SUNDAY | 7:00 PM | Culver City | Families in Recovery AFG | General / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 63270 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/94827224883 | 948 2722 4883 | 727599 | Electronic | ||||
45 | SUNDAY | 7:00 PM | Whittier | 1st Sunday Family Meeting AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30759653 | 851 8068 6845 | 297 873 | Meets only on 1st Sunday of month familysundaymeeting@gmail.com | Hybrid | ||||
46 | SUNDAY | 7:30 - 8:30 PM | Burbank | Burbank AFG | Step Study /Tradition Study / Phone Meeting / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 738 | Phone Meeting: (804) 401-1510 | 4490303# | This is a phone meeting only. Dial the number then enter code followed by the pound/hash sign. Bring your 12x12. | Dial-In Phone (Electronic) | ||||
47 | SUNDAY | 7:30 - 9:00PM | Woodland Hills | Woodland Hills Sunday Night Meeting AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Step Study / Tradition Study | 30599653 | https://zoom.us/j/183888224 | 183 888 224 | sundaywoodlandhillsalanon@gmail.com | Electronic | ||||
48 | SUNDAY | 7:30 - 8:30 PM | Los Angeles | Serendipity On Sunday AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 30828791 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88307389868 | 883 0738 9868 | Hope | Electronic | ||||
49 | SUNDAY | 8:00 PM | Los Angeles | Any Day AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30757943 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83908535184 | 839 0853 5184 | 121212 | Electronic | ||||
50 | MONDAY | 7:00 AM | Redondo Beach | Morning Hope AFG | Women's Meeting / Family & Friends Only | 30801179 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81161856864?pwd=VzN0UkJjdW9mRlE1RWE0a1dlMy9Gdz09 | 811 6185 6864 | 781380 | MorningHope49@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
51 | MONDAY | 7:35 - 8:35 AM | Santa Monica | One Day At A Time AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 30784515 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82264734060?pwd=MTJFOFdrYllRN2NyMW9PVWR5YnM1UT09 | 822 6473 4060 | serenity | Electronic | ||||
52 | MONDAY | 8:15 - 9:15 AM | Sherman Oaks | Monday Morning Hope For Today AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Adult Children / Literature Study | 500515 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87887397285 | 878 8739 7285 | 314887 | Electronic | ||||
53 | MONDAY | 12:00 - 1:30 PM | Sherman Oaks | Lunch Bunch Noon Monday AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 48882 | https://us04web.zoom.us/j/731118381 | 878 8739 7285 | Hybrid | |||||
54 | MONDAY | 12:00 - 1:15 PM | Glendale | Monday Noon AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Literature / Phone Meeting | 971 | Phone meeting only | Dial: (605) 472-5523 | 318351# | Leader and Secretary documents available at 12pmalanonwindsorclubmeeting@gmail.com | Dial-In Phone | |||
55 | MONDAY | 12:00 PM | Los Angeles | 12 And 12 Serenity Mtg AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30569277 | 193 494 840 | Email for password | 12and12SerenityLA@gmail.com | Electronic | ||||
56 | MONDAY | 12:00 -1:30 PM | La Canada | La Canada Blue Print For Progress Mon AFG | 4th Step / Literature Study / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 46168 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81795952988 | 817 9595 2988 | 407496 | Blueprint for Progress Workbook Study with Breakout Groups 1230lcb4progress@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
57 | MONDAY | 4:00 - 5:15 PM | Mar Vista | Living in the Solution AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30518409 | https://zoom.us/j/89155927061 | 891 5592 7061 | 714450 | Electronic | ||||
58 | MONDAY | 5:00 PM | Beverly Hills | Changing Attitudes: Steps, Traditions and Concepts AFG | Families & Friends Only | 30784324 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88540073946 | 885 4007 3946 | Email for password | 12x12x12.alanon@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
59 | MONDAY | 5:30 - 6:30 PM | La Canada | The La Canada Step-Tradition-Topic Phone Meeting AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General / Phone Meeting | 30808815 | Phone: (712) 432-3900 | 627698# | Dial-In Phone | |||||
60 | MONDAY | 6:00 - 7:15 PM | Pasadena | Pasadena Monday Night Womens AFG | Women's Meeting / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 63505 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84153172682?pwd=TUs0V0pDT3I4OHRBRlppTU1yTkM2dz09 | 841 5317 2682 | serenity11 | mondaypasadenawomens@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
61 | MONDAY | 6:30 - 8:00 PM | Covina | Charter Oak-Living One Day at a Time AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 54521 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81527352346?pwd=BFLVVJiNPHwztJtx1axtvhdJM162bD.1 | 815 2735 2346 | serenity | Electronic | ||||
62 | MONDAY | 7:00 PM | Los Angeles | United Adult Children Of Alcoholics AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Adult Child Focus / Literature Study | 30595051 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89660680387 | 896 6068 0387 | Electronic | |||||
63 | MONDAY | 7:00 PM | Los Angeles | Women Of Color AFG | Women's Group / People of Color / Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome | 30693714 | https://us04web.zoom.us/j/559263605?pwd=NlE0aWtGM2s5OEEvclZRNUVNemVVQT09 | 559 263 605 | Email for password | mondaywoc@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
64 | MONDAY | 7:00 - 8:30 PM | Pasadena | Una Nueva Esperanza - A New Hope GFA | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Beginner's Meeting / Spanish Speaking | 30690157 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86917266118 | 869 1726 6118 | 538502 | Spanish Speaking | Electronic | |||
65 | MONDAY | 7:00 - 8:00 PM | Santa Clarita | Monday Night Tradition 5 Parent AFG | Parent Focus / Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome | 30617692 | https://zoom.us/j/946220106 | 946 220 106 | 023315 | Hybrid | ||||
66 | MONDAY | 7:15 - 8:30 PM | Hollywood | Just For Tonight Women's Group AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Women's Meeting (Trans Feminine and Non-Binary Inclusive) | 30695561 | 840 8287 2784 | 433686 | justfortonightafg2020@gmail.com | Electronic | ||||
67 | MONDAY | 7:30 PM | Canoga Park | West Valley Men's Stag AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Men's Group | 504011 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4112121212?pwd=dUg4OTZDZ05HTTJYUjhNd0tuTi95dz09 | 411 212 1212 | 95dz09 | norules.12steps@gmail.com | Hybrid | |||
68 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 9:00 PM | Culver City | Monday Nite Parents Group AFG | Parent Focus / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30510647 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87832610001 | 878 3261 0001 | Email for password | MondayNightParentFocus730pm@gmail.com Unnamed people will not be admitted | Electronic | |||
69 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 8:30 PM | Encino | Monday Nite Encino Literature Study AFG | Literature Study / Younger Members Welcome / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 50014 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88307389868?pwd=p9hdgMROw338Xr5DG4gpx6auN2qr12.1 | 883 0738 9868 | Hope | Hybrid | ||||
70 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 8:30 PM | San Marino | San Marino Men's Stag AFG | Men's Meeting / Families and Friends Only | 63784 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87413033476?pwd=blF4NzUrS2xkS0JhV0RpMjQ2cEJ3UT09 | 874 1303 3476 | 72922 | A waiting room is enabled | Hybrid | |||
71 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 8:45 PM | La Canada | Monday Night AFG Meeting | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Step Study | 23996 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83614873098 | 836 1487 3098 | Hybrid | |||||
72 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 8:30 PM | Los Angeles | North Barrington Parents AFG | Parent Focus / Families, Friends & Observers Welcome | 30678598 | Https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5583666291 | 558 366 6291 | 261099 | Electronic | ||||
73 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 8:30 PM | Los Angeles | Downtown Serenity Seekers AFG | Literature Study / Families, Friends & Observers Welcome | 30686217 | https://zoom.us/j/8839671359 | 8839671359 | serenity | Downtownserenityseekers@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
74 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 9:00 PM | Sherman Oaks | Focus On Recovery Sherman Oaks AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Younger Member's Welcome / General | 28362 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81919138988?pwd=YWgzbm9iZ1JlQTlVak1obXRKZitwQT09 | 819 1913 8988 | Focused44 | Hybrid | ||||
75 | MONDAY | 7:30 PM | West Hollywood | Search For Serenity AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 29235 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/751888795?pwd=MVZ6b3pqL1F2ZXFzcnNEU210VWM4Zz09 | 751 888 795 | progress | Electronic | ||||
76 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 8:30 PM | Westchester | Westchester Recovery AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 50214 | https://zoom.us/j/96894667281?pwd=cUZoREp4ODRWWnlaOTVVZ1ExT3NBZz09 | 968 9466 7281 | serenity | Electronic | ||||
77 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 9:00 PM | Torrance | Monday Night Podium Participation AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 26781 | 854 3281 0548 | ODAT | Hybrid | |||||
78 | MONDAY | 7:30 - 9:00 PM | Mar Vista | Mar Vista Women's Adult Children AFG | Women's Meeting / Adult Child Focus / Families and Friends Only | 49504 | 349 707 507 | 174817 | Mondaynightculvercity@gmail.com | Electronic | ||||
79 | MONDAY | 8:00 PM | Brentwood | Brentwood Making the Right Choices Virtual Meeting | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 30801173 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89580200407 | 895 8020 0407 | choices | Electronic | ||||
80 | MONDAY | 8:00 - 9:15 PM | Los Feliz | Monday Night Los Feliz Step Study AFG | Step Study / Families, Friends, and Observers Welcome | 1162 | 868 4427 3017 | 273002 | mondaynightlosfeliz8@gmail.com We meet once a month in person for a potluck before onlne 8:00pm meeting | Electronic | ||||
81 | MONDAY | 8:00 - 9:30 PM | Glendale | Monday Night AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Literature Study | 970 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83757573596?pwd=VGsza1VpQUxYRWZTcFlzUnNTS21BZz09 | 837 5757 3596 | glendale12 | Electronic | ||||
82 | MONDAY | 8:30 - 10:00 PM | Covina | Newcomer Orientation AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 821 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/227311034?pwd=QU5mM2ZMQlZUbjVZTnI2TGtmQzVNUT09 | 237 311 034 | 830502 | Beginners orientation at 8 PM in person | Hybrid | |||
83 | TUESDAY | 7:35 AM | Hollywood | Hollywood Tuesday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 30597523 | https://us05web.zoom.us/j/87882602541?pwd=UXgrMGNYajQ5NC9IaGRRdWQvTFlqdz09 | Sharelove | Temporary Electronic | |||||
84 | TUESDAY | 7:35 - 8:35 AM | Santa Monica | Santa Monica Tuesday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 61784 | https://zoom.us/j/82264734060 | 822 6473 4060 | serenity | Electronic | ||||
85 | TUESDAY | 8:15 - 9:15 AM | Sherman Oaks | Wake Up And Smell The Coffee AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Adult Child Focus / Literature Study | 62942 | https://zoom.us/j/85759587914 | 857 5958 7914 | 874152 | Electronic | ||||
86 | TUESDAY | 8:30 - 9:30 AM | Pan Pacific Park | Men's Group AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Men's Meeting | 30714824 | https://zoom.us/j/84467694018 | 844 6769 4018 | PanPacific | Electronic | ||||
87 | TUESDAY | 10:00 - 11:00 AM | Silverlake | Step Into The Back Room AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Step Study / Tradition Study | 30621302 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82424205441?pwd=L0IxYm9JbmJUV1U1UjVnekVCVGkzZz09 | 824 2420 5441 | tropical | cafetropicalanon@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
88 | TUESDAY | 10:00 - 11:30 AM | Temple City | Temple City Tuesday Morning AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 1741 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89722441239 | 897 2244 1239 | Serenity | alanon1741@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
89 | TUESDAY | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Beverly Hills | Tuesday Beverly Hills AFG | General / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 48228 | https://zoom.us/j/84731664983 | 847 3166 4983 | 805455 | bhtuesdaynoonmtg@gmail.com | Electronic | |||
90 | TUESDAY | 12:00 - 1:30 PM | Hollywood | Living With Sobriety AFG | General / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 66629 | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83493592742?pwd=K0VGWFdKdjRBL2VHWkdXWDFLMHJqdz09 | 834 9359 2742 | 044932 | Electronic | ||||
91 | TUESDAY | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Brentwood | Brentwood Noon Tuesday AFG | General / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30582124 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88968151267 | 889 6815 1267 | brentwoodtuesdaynoonAFG@gmail.com | Electronic | ||||
92 | TUESDAY | 6:00 - 7:30 PM | Studio City | Parent Focus AFG | Parent Focus / Families, Friends & Observers Welcome | 502996 | 381 229 8215 | Peace | Hybrid | |||||
93 | TUESDAY | 6:00 - 7:00 PM | Woodland Hills | The No-Frills Women's Tuesday Night Online AFG | Women's Meeting / Family and Friends Only / Literature Study | 30818072 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/208391226 | 208 391 226 | alanontuesday6pm@gmail.com | Electronic | ||||
94 | TUESDAY | 6:30 - 7:30 PM | West Los Angeles | Women's Practicing These Principles In All Our Affairs AFG | Women's Goup / Step Study / Family and Friends Only | 66184 | https://us02web.zoom/us/j/89772063165 | 897 7206 3165 | Serenity | Electronic | ||||
95 | TUESDAY | 6:30 - 8:00 PM | Woodland Hills | Tuesday Nite Book Study AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Literature Study | 52038 | https://zoom.us/j/109209676 | 109 209 676 | NBS84 | Reading from "As We Understood" | Electronic | |||
96 | TUESDAY | 7:00 PM | Santa Fe Springs | Nuevo Despertar GFA | Families and Friends Only / Spanish Speaking / Phone Meeting | 48601 | Phone: (774) 220-400 | Dial-In Phone | ||||||
97 | TUESDAY | 7:00 PM | Whittier | Whittier Area - Virtual AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / General | 30838851 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86840996103 | 868 4099 6103 | 086327 | Electronic | ||||
98 | TUESDAY | 7:00 - 8:30 PM | Santa Monica | Tuesday Santa Monica Hope For Today AFG | Families and Friends Only / Literature Study | 30535741 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87175849492 | 871 7584 9492 | 123456 | Electronic | ||||
99 | TUESDAY | 7:00 - 8:00 PM | Torrance | How AFG Works Book Study AFG | Families, Friends and Observers Welcome / Literature Study | 1752 | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/77156238594 | 7715 623 8594 | think | Electronic | ||||
100 | TUESDAY | 7:00 PM | Los Angeles | Parents Seeking Serenity AFG | Parent Focus / Families, Friends and Observers Welcome | 30619765 | https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTQ3NDM3NDEtNDFjNi00YTMwLTkzNjQtNTYxOTNlNjIyMmM1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22384dc8a8-1029-46ed-8eae-23925f275482%22% | 227 604 405 558 | UTNdc | Microsoft Teams | Hybrid |