Glossary - A database of people, place, events and more. Updated following story episodes.
NameTypeDetails Additional notesFirst episode mention/appearance Assets
"Traveller" NPC - Non-player characterAnother member of the masked organisation the party discovered in the forest. A female dwarf. It's a pity she tried to run. Episode 5
AlakashDeityTiefling deity and lover of storytelling.(M) - Tiefling God
Storytelling and Communication
Symbol: The horns
Sacred text: His Fables
Episode 2
Alea DakarNPC - Non-player characterA high-born Elf and heir to an ancestral lineage. Targeted for assassination by The Web. Episode 0
AlveleonPlacesThe original city of the Virtuous. From here, the Virtuous instructed their followers as they grew and explored Reliquiae. Around a century ago and without warning, the Virtuous abandoned the city and took up residence at the peak of Mount Atria. Since the Virtuous departed, the city has fallen into ruin.Episode 1
Arat HillPlacesHome to the Dakar family mansion.
Arat Hill is the aristocratic quarter in the city of Eskalond.
Episode 0.5
ArbuthnotNPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference.

Forest Gnome cleric of Ristrin.
Episode 1
Artem DakarNPC - Non-player characterAlea Dakar's brother.
Loves genuine, authentic moments and real interactions.
A better dancer than his brother, or so he says.
Episode 0.5
Ashraf NPC - Non-player characterA spellcaster and sorcerer with long flowing hair, and known to Radion.
He was turned to stone by a Basilisk
Episode 0
Aurum Deity
The Dragonborn deity, Aurum was the military leader of the Virtuous during the war for Sentiasa.
(M) - Dragonborn God
Nobility and Justice
Symbol: A sword
Sacred text: Instructions to the Just
Episode 1
BarabaskNPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference.

High Elf cleric of Theolon
Episode 1
Barabask's letterObjects The scroll written by Barabas on the top of Mt Atria, and given to Jasme at The Festival of Benediction. The note details what took place on Mt Atria while also making a difficult request of Jasme. Episode 3
BaruunPlacesA new capital founded after the abandonment of Alveleon, now the center of trade and politics in Reliquiae.

The city is built in three tiers, encased by a circular wall:

The Depth: The lower level, functioning as the home of manufacturing.
The Deal: The middle level, containing markets and bazaars.
The Crest: The top level, home to the estates of the rich and powerful.
"By the hands of those shaped by The Virtuous, that a city might grow in their image"Episode 2
Baruun JailPlacesThe jails, located in The Depths of Baruun, nestled against the walls of the city.
The guards change at midnight.
Episode 5
Brack PlacesAn orc-founded city on the edge of the Northern marshes.
Roona resides here.
Episode 1
BrandonNPC - Non-player characterThe alias Radion uses when under the "disguise self" spell when talking to Vim.Episode 7
BrynhildeNPC - Non-player characterThe Captain of Grawnoth's household guard and resides in the city of Baruun. Described as a muscular, Dwarven woman, she wears her hair tied back in thick, black plaits, with dark hazel eyes.Episode 2
Callum NPC - Non-player characterA pygmy wolf summnoed by Kelnys to aid him in battle. Episode 8
CarviliusNPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference.

Dragonborn cleric of Aurum
Episode 1
Cloak of Many FashionsObjects A cloak worn by the Kobold Deity, Themself, aiding them as they infiltrated the halls of The Wild and Vile during the Divine War.
This magical cloak can change its design based on the need of its wearer.

This cloak was acquired by I from Themself's tower at the peak of Mount Atria.
As a bonus action the cloak can change its colour, style and apparent quality, but it may only ever look like a cloak. Episode 2
CorrescianPlacesThe human capital in Reliquiae.
Genevieve resides here.
Episode 6
DamiloNPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference. Halfling cleric of Persephone, they died on the journey back from Mt Atria as they returned from the DeferenceEpisode 1
Deck of Cards Misc.

A mysterious deck of cards in the possession of Raidion Thornbear was the only thing he had with him when he awoke on the shores of Wish. He cannot get rid of them; they scream at him in the night and hurt when he holds them, but he has no idea what they do and they scare him.

Kept in a leather pouch, the cards are adorned with a shimmering gold geometric pattern in the center. They feature images of black water, mountains, and twisted vines, the same images carved into the walls of the chambers in Mt. Atria.
Episode 6
DeferenceEvents A yearly pilgrimage in which a select few ascend the mountain peak and return with lessons and instructions from the Gods at the top of Mount Atria.Episode 1
Dolly DeWinterPC - Player Character Optimistic and effortlessly chaotic, Dolly prides herself on her ability to argue her teammates into whatever so-terrible-it-just-might-work plan she just concocted.Race: Tiefling (F)
Class: Bard
Episode 0
Elven ChainmailObjects A shimmery and magical set of Elven chainmail.

Acquired by Kelnys from Theolon's tower at the peak of Mount Atria.
+1 to AC, and the wear is considered proficient even if they cannot wear armour and it does not impede the wearers ability to cast spells. Episode 2
Endellion RinnanPC - Player Character Strong as the oak, as free as the forest.
Endellion Rinnan is a formidable fight with a distrust of magic, choosing instead to fight with sword and dagger. Known for her stubborn nature, she presents a cold and direct, unwilling to tolerate foolishness. Yet beneath this tough exterior lies a loyal protector who will go to great lengths to safeguard those she holds dear, and if they're lucky, they might even see her softer side.

Valuing independence and freedom above all else, she found herself even willing to venture into The Web to achieve it.
Race: Human (F)
Class: Fighter
Episode 0
EskalondPlacesThe Elven capital. One of the first cities of Reliquiae, Eskalond is a city built predominantly of marble.
Barabask resides here.
Episode 0
FennelNPC - Non-player characterA female Halfling rogue, and an agent of the web who previously worked with Dolly.
She was turned to stone by a Basilisk.
Episode 0
Genevieve NPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference.

Human cleric of Ignas
Episode 1
Goggles of the Night Objects A strange set of goggles that allow the wearer to see in the dark.
Found by I but given to Endellion.
While wearing these goggles, the wearer has darkvision to a range of 60 feetEpisode 8
GoughNPC - Non-player characterAn unfeasibly slender human, with incredibly pale skin and haunted by nightmares. Another member of The Web and a member of Kasper's chapter. Episode 5
GrawnothNPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference.

Hill Dwarf cleric of Ullin
Episode 1
HankNPC - Non-player character
The wildfire spirit summoned by Kelnys that takes the shape of a pine marten, wreathed in glowing blue light with flecks of orange and yellow.
It's as fiery as it is cute.
"Come on, Hank". Episode 7
IPC - Player Character Crawling forth from the caves of Alteria comes I.

Curious about the world he has never known and ready to meet the people that inhabit it.
Adorable and fierce in equal measure, I will give everything to find his tribe... or protect his new one.
Race: Kobold (M)
Class: Rogue
Episode 0
IgnasDeityHuman deity(F) - Human God
Symbol: A flame
Sacred text: Imloss Alvar’s Treatises on Ignas, Volumes I-XVI

‘It may seem - and indeed it must seem - strange to consider that something has come from nothing. “If Ignas exists - and his presence among us proves conclusively that He does - what first created Him?” I hear you ask, Scholar, even above the scratches of quill on parchment. “What first came to be, that formed Ignas as he formed us, his people?” Yet there is a fundamental flaw in this thinking, as I shall demonstrate. Our existence is, naturally, tethered to our understanding of time, yet time does not exist for Gods as it does for us. Therefore, rather than time limiting Ignas and his fellow Gods, instead it is his servant. It exists - as we do - only by his will. He moves through time as we flip through the pages of a book. Whilst his physical form resides here with us, his essence exists in Sentiasa - the eternal that came before - having no beginning or end.’

- from Imloss Alvar’s fourth treatise on the nature of Ingmar.
Episode 2
IndyNPC - Non-player characterA human with sandy-colored hair and sunken eyes. Someone Dolly used to work with, who was initially grateful for being saved from their cell. However, at the thought of seeing Medea again, they decided to take their chance and run.Episode 5
JasmeNPC - Non-player characterA high cleric currently residing at the Festival of Benediction, a senior member of the order of Theolon, highly trusted by Barabask.Tall and statuesqueEpisode 2
Jesko's Tinctures, Salves and Solutions. PlacesAn abandoned apothecary; a tall, slim building at the end of a terrace block. Its faded facade, barred windows, and padlocked doors give it an air of desolation. Down an alleyway, there is a hidden basement entrance accessible only to those attuned to its magic. Episode 5
JunoNPC - Non-player characterA member of The Web and part of Kasper's chapter in Baruun. A half-elf with close cropped red hair and 2nd in command to Kasper.Episode 5
Kasper NPC - Non-player character
A green-skinned orc with a twinkle in his eye and a roguish look. A member of The Web, assigned by The Spinner to give our heroes their next mission. He describes himself as "whatever The Web needs him to be" but always has his ears to the ground in the city of Baruun. The leader of his chapter.
Episode 5
Kaspers Hideout (the basement of Jeskos Tinctures, Salves and Solutions)PlacesA basement hideout inside the abandoned apothecary. Only accessible by a narrow set of steps hidden behind a magic wall. Inside, the walls are lined with shelves and bottles, covered with thick dust and cobwebs. It has tables, chairs, a hearth, and a cooking pot at one end.Episode 5
KelnysPC - Player Character Kelnys, a Druid of the Circle of Wildfire, hails from the walking forest of Lathi though he rarely returns to his homeland these days. Finding solace in the beauty of the natural world, Kelnys travels the lands of Reliquiae searching for clues to his true heritage and the fate of all those he once held dear. He is a lover of carved wooden spoons and exotic, sometimes questionable, street quisine. Race: Dragonborn (M)
Class: Druid
Episode 0
Lake CovahPlacesA large lake in the south of Reliquiae. Raidion was found here by his brother. He cannot remember anything before being found here.Episode 1
LamentineObjects A beautiful tree with an extraordinary and sweet scent. However, its berries are highly poisonous
During this time of peace, it's become in-vogue for aristocrats to grow such deadly plants and trees in their estates.
Episode 0.5
Lemon WineObjects A universally hated wine, apart from elves who think drinking it is the high of sophistication.
Incredibly sour, it's believed that it's only drunk at masked parties so people can hide the involuntarily grimace they make when drinking it.
Episode 0.5
MalakineNPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference.

Tiefling cleric of Alakash.
Episode 1
MarcusNPC - Non-player characterA mid ranking member of the town guard. In charge of cleaning up the graffiti on the mural of The Virtuous in the city of Baruun. Episode 5
Matthias NPC - Non-player characterCaptain of Jasme's personal guard.Episode 3
MedeaNPC - Non-player character
A member of Kasper's chapter who joined about six months ago, she found herself in the city prison after a bar fight that got out of hand. Our heroes were tasked by The Web with releasing her. Kasper describes her as a little erratic and wild.

She is young, with curly blond hair, and is a halfling who looks sweeter than she is. Kasper believes she's from Ponvin, the gnomish capital.

She borrowed Kelny's scimitar and never gave it back.
Episode 5
MorganNPC - Non-player characterA high ranking member of The Web, assigned to help the party as they accompany the Antiqua on the Deference.Race: Human (M)
Class: Paladin/Fighter
Episode 1
Mt Atria PlacesThe highest peak in Reliquiae. A single mountain in the centre of the continent where the Gods have taken up residence since leaving Alveleon a century ago.Episode 1
NorvarDeityOrcish deity(F) - Orc God
Protection and Order
Symbol: A shield
Sacred text: Chronicles of the Goddess and of the Gods
and Mortals that she strove to save.
Episode 2
PamelaMisc.The alias of Dolly. A name picked out of sheer panic when questioned by the guards in Baruun. Radion : "You don't think like me"
Endellion: "You don't think"
I: "Who is Pamela"?!
Episode 5
ParvusNPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference.

Kobold cleric of Themself
It is considered highly unusual for a kobold to take a name. They typically refer to one another by pronoun only.Episode 1
PersephoneDeityHalfling deity(F) - Halfling God
Luck and Hospitality
Symbol: A feather
Sacred text: Tales of Fortune
Episode 2
Pollyanna NPC - Non-player characterA petite female elf and a member of the order of Theolon, she is working at The Festival of Benediction.Episode 3
PonvinPlacesThe gnomish capital.
Arbuthnot resides here.
Episode 6
Radion's MuskMisc.Radion's natural odour, as detected by I.
Described as smelling like a muddy, old desk. Woody but sweet. Oiled but old. Like an old artillery man, somehow unbearably musky.
Episode 0.5
Raidion ThornbearPC - Player Character Washed up on the shores of Wish and covered in scars, Raidion Thornbear is on a quest to right the wrongs that befell his family before he found himself entangled in The Web.Race: Wood Elf (M)
Class: Wizard
Episode 0
RashidNPC - Non-player characterA dwarf on the Council of Equals, he went missing a month ago. Episode 6
ReliquiaePlacesThe setting of our story.
Reliquiae is a great fertile crater surrounded on all sides by a ring of impassable mountains called The Allanites.

Reliquiae is one of three realms created at the end of the Divine War.

It was brought into existance by The Virtious, who made the peoples to populate this realm; each deity bringing forth a race in their image, with a cultural sensibility that reflected each deity’s virtues

Reliquiae is a land of peace, it has no war and in turn no armies to fight in them.
Episode 0
Ring of the OratorObjects A glimmering ring that embodies the Tiefling tradition of storytelling.

Acquired by Dolly from Alakash's tower at the peak of Mount Atria.
The ring allows wearer to be heard by every creature within a one mile radius for one minuite. The ring has six charges.Episode 2
Riodhr Grēnweard NPC - Non-player characterWhen Rashid from the Council of Equals went missing, the remaining members drew lots to find his replacement. Grēnweard was selected as the acting replacement. He hails from Mouse, a small forest town in the southeast, and is a minor noble.

He's trying to make himself useful but is struggling to adapt to the size and rules of Barunn.
Episode 5
RistrinDeityGnome deity(M) - Gnome God
Invention and Innovation
Symbol: A wheel
Sacred text: The Record of Variations
Episode 2
RoonaNPC - Non-player characterA member of the Antiqua, being escorted to Mt Atria for the Deference.

Orc cleric of Norvar.
Episode 1
SentiasaPlacesBefore the world came to be, The Virtuous, Vile and Wild did battle on a single endless plane of existence called Sentiasa.Episode 1
ShoggNPC - Non-player characterA female Half-Orc working at Alea Dakar's party. A bodyguard. Episode 0.5
The AntiquaOrganisationsThe nine highest clerics of Reliquiae, each of whom serve one of the Virtuous.Barabask - High Elf cleric of Theolon
Carvilius - Dragonborn cleric of Aurum
Grawnoth - Hill Dwarf cleric of Ullin
Damilo - Halfling cleric of Persephone
Parvus - Kobold cleric of Themself
Arbuthnot - Forest Gnome cleric of Ristrin
Malakine - Tiefling cleric of Alakash
Roona - Orc cleric of Norvar
Genevieve - Human cleric of Ignas
Episode 1
The Council of Equals NPC - Non-player character
The government of Barunn is akin to elected tribal leaders. They are called Advocates and serve for a term of five years, led by the High Advocate.

The Council is made up of:
Trusk, the High Advocate
Illian Dakar, an elf and the mother of Alea Dakar
Eleonora Obsidian, a female half-elf
Trix Elodie, a female tiefling
Malinn Nightseer, a female dwarf
Mirmath Forenyaval, a male dragonborn
Evra Silverkin II, a human
Stygian Umber, a male halfling
Thaddeus Talbot, a male gnome
Rashid Verden, a male dwarf
Episode 6
The Divine WarEvents
Thousands of years ago, the Gods were locked in a divine war as the forces of good, evil and chaos clashed. After millennia of conflict, a truce was called.

Towards the end of the war, the Gods saw that foot soldiers could be used to turn the tide, so they bred and created mortals to serve in their armies. However, as mortality grew in number, the power of the Gods began to fade.

Once the Gods realized that the combined power of the mortals they created was greater than their own, they split the planes and created three separate realms, each protected by barriers to prevent the mortals from uniting under one banner.

These realms were Reliquiae, the Feywild, and the Shadowfell.
Episode 0
The Festival of BenedictionEventsA festival that falls on the second moon of winter.
As the Antiqua return from The Deference, thousands gather to hear the teachings of the Virtuous.
Episode 1
The Feywild Places
One of the three realms created at the end of the Divine War, the Feywild was formed by The Wild.

The tree seen from Mt. Atria resides in the Feywild.
Episode 6
The Old Dark PlacesThe place where Kobolds are thought to have come into being. Kobolds have an oral tradition, not a written one. In their stories, some believe this to be a real place, while others see it as a metaphor.

I beleives this to be a real place.
Episode 6
The Old OakPlacesA travelers inn on the road to Baruun. Episode 4
The Orange TreePlacesA tavern in Baruun. A reputable establishment. Episode 5
The RemnantsObjects The universal religious text of Reliquiae.
The Remnants are all that remains of nine original accounts written by religious figures soon after the creation of Reliquiae.

All races would be familiar with The Remnants but barring scholars and theologians, few would read deity specific texts outside their own.
Episode 1
The SanctumPlacesA tower that can be found on an island, it serves as the seat of Dragonborn power.
Carvilius and Parvus reside here.
Episode 6
The ShadowfellPlaces
One of the three realms created at the end of the Divine War, the Shadowfell was formed by The Vile.

The Shadowfell lies beyond the Feywild.
Episode 6
The Spider Prince NPC - Non-player characterThe leader of the Web.
Clad in deepest black robes, they wear a mask covered in black jewels that make it almost impossible to focus on their face, making it hard to discern any details other than the humanoid shape of their head.
Episode 0
The SpinnerNPC - Non-player characterSecond in command to The Spider Prince.
Described as an emaciated humanoid, covered in tightly wound bandages. He is a person to be feared, with sunken, glowing amber eyes. He wields unmatched power and ferocity.
Episode 0
The VilePantheonEvil aligned DeitiesBefore the world came to be, The Virtuous, Vile and Wild did battle on a single endless plane of existence called Sentiasa. Episode 0
The Virtuous PantheonGood aligned DeitiesBefore the world came to be, The Virtuous, Vile and Wild did battle on a single endless plane of existence called Sentiasa.

Alakash - tieflings
Aurum - dragonborn
Ignas - humans
Norvar - orcs
Persephone - halflings
Ristrin - gnomes
Themself - kobolds
Theolon - elves
Ullin - dwarves
Episode 0
The WebOrganisationsAn organisation that offers protection and procurement at a price.
Originally founded in the city of Eskalond, the Web has grown in influence and scope, expanding rapidly to spread itself across the continent.

The Web is known by many as the last refuge of the desperate. If a farmer owes a debt they cannot pay, a family wishes to settle an age old score, or a scholar longs to seek out knowledge, it's an organisation that offers protection, procurement and power at a price.

Those who wish to avail themselves of the Web’s services pay in gold or in time.
Many of the debts of those paying the ‘time price’ pledge years of their life, or even subsequent generations of their family.
"The Web is wide. Its eyes are as to the stars in the sky".Episode 0
The WildPantheonChaotic aligned DeitiesBefore the world came to be, The Virtuous, Vile and Wild did battle on a single endless plane of existence called Sentiasa. Episode 0
The Wise WalkerPlaces
A tavern in Baruun, where Kelnys, Endellion, and I stop for a beer.
Sadly, they do not have highchairs available in the evening. After all, kids shouldn't be in a tavern at night.
Episode 5
ThemselfDeityKobold deity(NB) - Kobold God
Community and Kin
Symbol: A circle
Sacred Text: Kobolds have an oral tradition, not a written one. They have no formal religious text, but tell stories of
Themself, which they refer to as ‘The Histories’
Episode 2
TheolonDeityElf deity. Theolon is known as ‘The Once Wild’, having changed sides during the war for Sentiasa.
She is said to still have some of those ‘Wild’ passions in her makeup, and consequently
this duality is reflected in the existence of both High Elves and Wood Elves.
High Elves believe themselves to be more aligned with the Goddess she has become - stately, creative and civilised - whilst wood elves embody her joyful and impulsive spirit.
(F) - Elf God
Nature and Music
Symbol: A tree
Sacred Text: The Songs of Theolon

She dreamed and as she dreamed her people bloomed,
And growing, grew to flower in Theolon’s light.
Entwined as vines that climb towards the sun,
Bound in eternal dance, perpetually.

- from The Songs of Theolon by Mother Sade
Episode 2
TruskNPC - Non-player characterA female orc, she has green skin and a shaved head. The High Advocate of The Council of EqualsEpisode 6
UllinDeityDwarven deity(F) - Drawf God
Truth and Home
Symbol: The Scales
Sacred Text: The Book of Forge

‘Ullin wrought dwarvenkind. She hammered their stone hearts from the mountainside. She forged their courage in molten metal. She shaped their cool heads from shards of ice.’

- from The Book of the Forge by Malinn Nightseer
Episode 2
VeilPlacesThe Tiefling capital.
Malakine resides here.
Episode 6
VimNPC - Non-player characterA 48-year-old Tiefling builder with an impeccable skincare regimen, who often indulges in a drink, sometimes a little bit too much.
He was going to write a book, try and get this life back on track, but Radion had other plans.
Episode 7
Xerxes NPC - Non-player characterA male Half-Orc, known to Kelnys. A bodyguard known for their bravery.
He was turned to stone by a Basilisk.
Episode 0