ABSabsABS(x)Returns the absolute value of a number.x: Number.
ADDMONTHSaddmonthsADDMONTHS(x, n)Add a specified number of months to a date. Result is 12/25/2011 when x is 06/25/2011 and n is 6. Date format depends on your locale.x: Date,n: Number: No of months to add
ADDYEARSaddyearsADDYEARS(x, n)Add a specified number of years to a date.x: Date,n: Number: No of years to add
AGENTSagentsAGENTS(w, t, y, z) Calculates the number of agents required to service a given number of calls and meet the service level agreement.w: The service level agreement or the percentage of calls to be answered in the target answer time,t: the target answer time,y: The arrival rate of calls or number of calls per unit of time,z: the average call duration.
AGENTSBagentsbAGENTSB(w, y, z)Calculates the number of agents required to handle the busy-period call traffic, given a percentage of calls that might receive a busy tone.w: the service level agreement, which is defined as the percentage of calls that do not get blocked,y: the arrival rate of calls or number of calls per unit of time for the designated busy period,z: the average call duration during the designated busy period.
ANDandAND(x, y, z)Enter several conditions and the AND function tests to see if all conditions are met.x: Boolean or an expression that equates to a Boolean result,y: Boolean or an expression that equates to a Boolean result,z: Boolean or an expression that equates to a Boolean result
x[ALL:y]x[all:y]x[ALL:y]Flags where all members are populated with a checkmark (used with Boolean format).x : Boolean formatted source line item,y : list formatted source line item that uses a list matched to a result dimension.[all:y]
x[ANY:y]x[any:y]x[ANY:y]Flags where any members are populated with a checkmark (used with Boolean format).x : Boolean formatted source line item,y : list formatted source line item that uses a list matched to a result dimension.[any:y]
ANSWERTIMEanswertimeANSWERTIME(x, w, y, z)Calculates the minimum waiting time for which the service level agreement can be maintained.x: number of servers, telephone lines, or agents,w: service level agreement or the percentage of calls to be answered within the target answer time,y: arrival rate of calls or the number of calls per unit of time,z: average call duration.
ARRIVALRATEarrivalrateARRIVALRATE(x, w, t, z)Calculates the arrival rate of calls that can be received while guaranteeing the service level agreement.x: number of servers, telephone lines, or agents,w: service level agreement of the percentage of calls to be answered within the target answer time,t: target answer time,z: average call duration.
x[AVERAGE:y]x[average:y]x[AVERAGE: y]Calculates the average for a specified range of values.x: Number,y: ListItem, Time Period.[average:y]
AVGDURATIONavgdurationAVGDURATION(x, w, t, y)Calculates the average duration of calls that are answered while guaranteeing the service level agreement.x: number of servers, telephone lines, or agents,w: service level agreement of the percentage of calls to be answered within the target answer time,t: target answer time,y: arrival rate of calls or the number of calls per unit of time.
AVGWAITavgwaitAVGWAIT(x, y, z) Calculates the average waiting time for incoming calls.x: number of servers, telephone lines, or agents,y: arrival rate of calls or the number of calls per unit of time,z: average call duration.
BLANKblankIF (y) THEN (x) ELSE BLANK When the result of a conditional arguments is text, list, time period, or date formatted the result can be set to be BLANK.y: The test condition,x: A text, list, time period, or date result.)
CODEcodeCODE(list item)Returns the code of a list item.
COLLECTcollectCOLLECT()The function collects the original line item values from the source module or modules that you selected for your line item subset.No Parameters - The function works with the line item subset
COMPAREcompareCOMPARE(x, y)Compares text values; result is 0 if they match, 1 or -1 if not matched.x and y are text expressions
CUMULATEcumulateCUMULATE(x, [y], [z]) Gives the cumulative sum of values from the first period of the timescale or the cumulative sum across the items in a named non-time list.x: the numeric line item source whose values are cumulatively summed,y: [opt] flag to control a reset of the cumulative progression,z: [opt] used to designate the list cumulated against.
CURRENTPERIODEND()The end date of the 'current period' of the Timescale on the Settings tabNo Parameters
CURRENTPERIODSTART()The start date of the 'current period'.No Parameters
CURRENTVERSIONcurrentversionCURRENTVERSION(x)Returns the value of the current version as defined under Settings, Versions.x : Number, Boolean, date, time period, list, or text formatted line item.
DATEdateDATE(yyyy,mm,dd)Converts numbers yyyy, mm and dd to a date. Date format depends on your locale.yyyy - Year,mm - Month,dd - date
DAYdayDAY(x) Converts a date to a day in number format. Date format depends on your locale.x: Number
DAYSdaysDAYS([x]) Number of days in a time period.1) No parameter. Returns the number of days with reference to the source module time dimension,2) Time period parameter (Month Period). Returns the number of days in the time period,3) Hard-coded (TIME.'Jan 17'). Returns the number of days with reference to the source timescale setting.
DAYSINMONTHdaysinmonthDAYSINMONTH(yyyy,mm) Number of days in a specified calendar month.yyyy - Year,mm - Month
DAYSINYEARdaysinyearDAYSINYEAR(yyyy)Number of days in a specified year where year is formatted as a four digit number, YYYY.yyyy - Year
DECUMULATEdecumulateDECUMULATE(x)Calculates the difference in a value in the current period vs previous period.x: line item to compare
DIVIDEdivideDIVIDE(x,y)Same as normal division x/y except that 1/0=Infinity and 0/0=NaN (not a number).x: Number,y: Number
ENDendEND([x])Result is the last date in the period.1) END(),2) END(x) where x: Timeperiod,3) END(Time.'Period') argument is hardcoded
ERLANG-Berlang-bERLANGB(x, y, z) Assumes no queue and calculates the probability a call will be blocked entirely.x: number of servers, telephone lines, or agents,y: arrival rate of calls or the number of calls per unit of time,z: average call duration.
ERLANG-Cerlang-cERLANGC(x, y, z) Assumes an unlimited queue and calculates the probability a call will be placed in the queue.x: number of servers, telephone lines, or agents,y: arrival rate of calls or the number of calls per unit of time,z: average call duration.
EXPexpEXP(x)Returns e raised to the nth power, where e = 2.71828183.x: Number
FINDfindFIND(x,y,[n])Look for a text string within a text formatted item, starting at a specified character number (result is a number that denotes the character position).x :text-formatted cell containing the text you want to find,y: text formatted cell containing the text to search ,n: [opt] The character at which to start the search. The first character is 1.
FINDITEMfinditemFINDITEM(x,y)Finds a valid item in a list or time period list by matching a text string or code to the list members. Takes a list as first parameter and name or code text string as second parameter and matches the text string to list item member. You can use FINDITEM to search a list and return a matched list member, if it belongs to the list.x: name of a list or a time period list,y: text formatted line item.
FIRSTNONBLANKfirstnonblankx[FIRSTNONBLANK: y] Shows the first non-blank text, list or date cell and uses the mapping to determine where to post the result.x: Text, ListItem, Date, TimePeriod to search,y: ListItem, TimePeriod to use as a condition.
FIRSTNONZEROfirstnonzeroFIRSTNONZERO(a, b) This takes at least two numeric arguments, and returns the first that is non-zero.a: Number,b: Number
FVfvFV(r, n, [c], p, [t])Future value of an investment.r: Number: Interest rate per period,n: Number: The number of periods,c: Number [opt] : Equal payments paid out each period during the course of the investment term,p: Number: Present value or the initial investment,t: Number [opt]: 0 - payments are made at the period start, 1 or non-zero - payments are made at the period end.
HALFYEARTODATEhalfyeartodateHALFYEARTODATE(x)Takes a single numeric parameter and yields a cumulative sums across a half-year time range and then resets.x: Line Item or list property containing the numeric field to summarize
HALFYEARVALUEhalfyearvalueHALFYEARVALUE(x) Returns the half-year value of the source line item, according to the time summary method set for the source.x: Line Item or list property containing the numeric field to summarize
IF THEN ELSEif then elseIF x then y else zConditional formula.x: Boolean,y: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text,z: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text then else
IF... ISNOTBLANKif... isnotblank
Test to see if a date, text, time period, or list formatted cell is not blank.x: Number, Text, List, TimePeriod, or Date formatted Line Item. isnotblank
IF… ISBLANKif… isblankIF ISBLANK(x) THEN 1 ELSE 0Tests whether a date, text, time period, or list formatted cell is blank.x: Number, Text, List, TimePeriod, or Date formatted Line Item.… isblank
IF...ANDif...andIF x and y then zTests whether 2 or more conditions are met.x: Boolean,y: Boolean,z: Number, Text, List Item,TimePeriod, Date
IF...NOTif...notIF NOT (x) THEN 1 ELSE 0Tests whether condition is not true.x: Boolean
IF...ORif...orIF x OR y THEN 1 ELSE 0 Tests if any of 2 or more conditions is met.x: Boolean,y: Boolean
INPERIODinperiodINPERIOD(x) Tests whether a date falls within the period specified on the time dimension or falls within a time period (result is Boolean formatted).x: Date formatted line item.
IRRirrIRR(c, [g]) Calculates the internal rate of return of a series of future cashflows.c: Number Cashflow : Line Item,g: Number [opt]: Estimate of Rate: Number
ISACTUALVERSIONisactualversionISACTUALVERSION()Tests to see if the version you are on is the Actual version (result is Boolean formatted).No Parameters
ISANCESTORisancestorISANCESTOR(a,b) Tests whether a specified list item is an ancestor of the second specified list item or whether a specified time period is an ancestor of a second specified time period (result is Boolean formatted).a: List formatted line items,b: List formatted line items
ISBLANKisblankISBLANK(x)Tests whether an item is blank (the item must be date, text, list, or time period formatted and the result is Boolean formatted).x : Date, Text, List, or TimePeriod formatted line item
ISCURRENTVERSIONiscurrentversionISCURRENTVERSION()Tests to see if the version is current based on the flag that you have set in Settings > VersionsNo Parameters
ISFIRSTOCCURRENCEisfirstoccurrenceISFIRSTOCCURRENCE(x,y) Tests if a value in the source (first parameter) is the first occurrence of that value within the source (result is Boolean formatted)x: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text,y: List, Time
ISNOTBLANKisnotblankISNOTBLANK(x) Tests whether an item is not blank (the item must be date, text, list, or time period formatted and the result is Boolean formatted)x : Date, Text, List, or TimePeriod formatted line item
ITEMitemITEM(x) Returns the member of a list formatted or time period formatted line item.x : List hierarchy or TimePeriod hierarchy that exist in the model.
LAGlagLAG(x, n, z,[mode]) Take the value from n periods in the past. If this is before the start of the timescale, use z instead as the overflow value.x: Number: Value,n: Number: Offset,z: Number : Fill value,(mode) : keyword: 'NONSTRICT', 'SEMISTRICT', and 'STRICT'
LASTNONBLANKlastnonblankx[LASTNONBLANK: y] Shows the last non-blank text, list or date cell and uses the mapping to determine where to post the result.x: Source : Text, ListItem, Date, TimePeriod,y: Mapping : ListItem, TimePeriod
LEADleadLEAD(x, n, z,[mode])Take the value from n periods in the future. If this is beyond the end of the timescale, use z instead as the overflow value.x: Number: Value,n: Number: Offset,z: Number : Fill value,(mode) : keyword: 'NONSTRICT', 'SEMISTRICT', and 'STRICT'
LEFTleftLEFT(x, n) Extract substring from a string starting at the leftmost character.x: Text: String to process,n: Number: No or characters
LENlenLEN(X)Variant of LENGTH. Returns the number of characters in a text string.x: Text formatted line item,If you use LEN(x) in the Anaplan formula bar and save it is automatically updated to LENGTH(x).
LENGTHlengthLENGTH(x) Returns the number of characters in a text string.x: Text formatted line item.
LNlnLN(x) Returns the natural logarithm of a number, based on the constant e.x: Number
LOGlogLOG(x,n) Returns the logarithm of a number to the specified base.x: Number: Number,n: Base: Number
LOOKUPlookupx[LOOKUP: y]Looks up an amount from a source module using one or more mappings. Each mapping matches a list formatted line item, a time period formatted item, or property from the source with a dimension of the target line item.x: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text,y: ListItem, TimePeriod
LOWERlowerLOWER(x,[y]) Converts text to lowercase.x: Text: Text,y: Text [opt]: Locale
MAILTOmailtoMAILTO(u, v, w,  x, y, z)Composes the To, cc, Bcc, subject and body of an email.u: Text: Display Text,v: Text : Email address,w: Text: Email address,x: Text: Bcc - Email address,y: Text: Subject: ,z: Text: Body text
MAKELINKmakelinkMAKELINK(y, z) Composes a clickable URL.y: Display text : Text,z: URL : Text
MAXmaxMAX(x,y,z)Maximum value of selected line items.x: Number formatted or Date formatted line items,y: Number formatted or Date formatted line items,z: Number formatted or Date formatted line items
x[MAX:y]x[max:y]x[MAX: y] The maximum value for a specified member of one of the dimensions of the target. The source will have a list formatted item for this dimension.x: Number,y: Listitem, TimePeriod[max:y]
MIDmidMID(x, y, n)Extract a substring from a string starting at any character.x: Text: String to process,y: Number: Start Position,n: Number: Number of characters to extract
MINminMIN(x,y,z) Minimum of selected line items.x: Number formatted or Date formatted line items,y: Number formatted or Date formatted line items,z: Number formatted or Date formatted line items
x[MIN:y]x[min:y]x[MIN:y] The minimum value for a specified member of one of the dimensions of the target. The source will have a list formatted item for this dimension.x: Number or date formatted source line item,y: Source line item which is list formatted for a dimension that applies to the result/target.[min:y]
MODmodMOD(x,n) Modulus: remainder after dividing a dividend by a divisor.x: Number : Dividend,n: Number : Divisor
MONTHmonthMONTH(x)Converts a date or a time period to a calendar month as number.x: Date formatted or TimePeriod formatted line item.
MONTHTODATEmonthtodateMONTHTODATE(x) Takes a single numeric parameter and yields a cumulative sums across a month time range and then resets.x: Numeric line item or a Numeric value which is a function result.
MONTHVALUEmonthvalueMONTHVALUE(x) Returns the month value of the source line item, according to the time summary method set for the source.x : Source line item or property
MROUNDmroundMROUND(n, m, r)Round to the nearest desired multiple.n: Number : Number,m: Multiple : Number,r: Rounding Rule : 'DOWN', 'UP', 'NEAREST', 'TOWARDSZERO', 'AWAYFROMZERO'
MOVINGSUMmovingsumMOVINGSUM(n, f, t, a)Calculates moving values, such as a moving sum or moving average.n: Item : Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text - The line item that varies over time,f : From: Number - the time range for the MOVINGSUM calculation,t : To: Number - the time range for the MOVINGSUM calculation,a: Aggregate : SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, ANY, ALL, FIRSTNONBLANK, LASTNONBLANK, TEXTLIST
NAMEnameNAME(x)Converts a list item or time period to text.x: List formatted or TimePeriod formatted line item.
NEXTnextNEXT(x)Returns a value from the next period.x: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, List, or Text formatted line item.
NEXTVERSIONnextversionNEXTVERSION(x)Returns a value from the next version.x: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, List, or Text formatted line item.
NOTnotNOT(x)Tests to see if a condition is not met (result is Boolean formatted).x: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, List, or Text formatted line item.
NPERnperNPER(r, [c], p, [f], [t])The length in periods of the investment term.r: Number: Interest rate per period,c: Number[opt] : Equal payments paid out each period during the course of the investment term,p: Number: Present value or the initial investment,f: Number[opt] : Future residual value at the end of the term,t: Number[opt] : 0 - payments made at period start, 1 or non-zero -payments made at period end.
NPVnpvNPV(d, c)Calculates the net present value of a series of cashflows using a constant interest rate.d: Number: Discount Rate,c: Number: Cashflow
OFFSEToffsetOFFSET(x,n,z)Returns a value from a specified number of periods in advance.x: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text: Source,z: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text: Periods,n: Number: Fill
ORor1) x OR y
2) OR(x,y,z)
Tests to see if any of two or more conditions is met.1) x, y: Boolean,2) x, y, z: Boolean
PARENTparentPARENT(x)Can be used against list formatted items to return the parent of a list item or against time period formatted items to return the parent time period.x: List formatted or TimePeriod formatted line item.
PERIODperiodPERIOD(x)Take a date as parameter and yields a time period as result.x: Date
POSTpostPOST(x, n) Post a value to a specified number of periods in the future.x: line item formatted to number : value to be returned,n: offset number (negative value retrieves POST from the future, postive value retrieves POST from past)
POWERpowerPOWER(x,n)Raise a value to a power.x: Number: Base number,n: Number: Exponent
PMTpmtPMT(r, n, p, [f], [t])Calculates the payments for a loan or annuity with constant payments and a constant interest rate.r: Number: The interest rate per period,n: Number: The number of periods,p: Number: The present value or the initial investment,f: Number[opt] : The future or residual value,t: Number[opt] : When payments are made. 0 (or omitted) - payments are made at the period end, 1 - payments are made at period start.
PREVIOUSpreviousPREVIOUS(x)Takes a value from the previous period.x: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text
PREVIOUSVERSIONpreviousversionPREVIOUSVERSION(x)Takes a value from the previous version.x: Number, Boolean, Date, TimePeriod, ListItem, Text
PROFILEprofilePROFILE(x, y) Allocates a value over the next few periods based on a table containing % current period, % next period, % pd+2 etc.x: Number,y: Profile % Allocations
PVpvPV(r, n, [c], [f], [t])Calculates the present value of future cashflows.r: Number: The interest rate per period,n: Number: The number of periods,c: Number: The equal payments paid out each period during the course of the investment term,f: Number[opt]: The future or residual value,t: Number[opt]: When payments are made. 0 (or omitted) - payments are made at the period end, 1 - payments are made at period start.
QUARTERTODATEquartertodateQUARTERTODATE(x)Takes a single numeric parameter and yields a cumulative sums across a quarter time range and then resets.x: Numeric line item or a Numeric value which is a function result.
QUARTERVALUEquartervalueQUARTERVALUE(x) Returns the quarter value of the source line item, according to the time summary method set for the source.x: Source line item or property.
RANKrankRANK(v,[w],[x],[y],[z])Orders a set of values and assigns rankings from 1 to a specified ending rank.v: Number: Source values to rank,w: Keyword [opt] ::Direction: 'DESCENDING', 'ASCENDING',x: Keyword [opt] : Ties 'MINIMUM', 'MAXIMUM', 'AVERAGE', 'SEQUENTIAL',y: Boolean [opt]: Include the value in the ranking,z: Number, List, Date, Boolean, Text, or TimePeriod formatted [opt]: Grouping.
RANKCUMULATErankcumulateRANKCUMULATE(v,w,[x],[y],[z])Allows you to cumulate line item values based on ranking criteria, which might contain groupings. Can be used against lists but not time.v: Numeric line item, property, or expression: The source values to be cumulated,w: Line Item: numeric, date, or time line item, property, or expression: The value by which results are ranked,x: Keyword [opt]: Whether the results will be displayed in ascending or descending order [opt],y: Boolean [opt]:Whether the corresponding ranking value, and therefore cumulation value, is included,z: Number, Text, Date, List, Boolean, or TimePeriod formatted line item, property, or expression [opt]:Determines the partitioning of the rankings [opt].
RATErateRATE(n, [c], p, [f], [t], [e])Calculates a per period interest rate.n: Number: Number of periods,c: Number [opt]: Equal payments paid out each period during the course of the investment term,p: Number: Present value or the initial investment,f: Number [opt]: Future residual value at the end of the term,t: Number [opt]: 0 or omitted - payments made at period start : 1 or non-zero - payments made at period end,e: Number [opt]: Estimate of what the rate will be.