Whats the name?
What level of education required? HS, UG, GR, Any specific disciplines?
Who is this option open for?How much and how often does it pay out?
Roughly when in the year does it need to be turned in?
Please include the exact website link if possible
Fellowship NameField of Study
Subfield if Applicable
Education Level
Additional Education Requirements (e.g, 1st year)
Race/Ethnicity RequirementsGender RequirementCitizenship requirementAward AmtOther requirements? DeadlineWebsiteOther Notes
A*STAR Singapore Graduate FellowshipAll Science/EngineeringPh.D. onlyNo requirementNo requirementNo requirement4 years of tuition and fees, Singaporean 2000/month, 2500 after qualifying exam, 1000 relocation and 1500 travel (one-time)Must attend Singapore A*STAR school
June 1 for January start, Jan 1 for August start
AAUW DissertationAnyPh.D. onlyLast year of Ph.D.No requirementFemaleUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$20,000 for one yearNovember 15
AAUW InternationalAnyGraduate or PostdocNo requirementFemaleNon-US citizen$18,000 (masters), $20,000 (Doctoral), $30,000 (Postdoc), for one year with some renewable for 2Intend to return to home country after degree. Preference is given to women who show prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls through civic, community, or professional work.December 1
ACM SIGHPC/Intel Computational & Data Science Fellowships
All Science/Engineering
Computational/Data science
Graduate onlyMust be less than half complete with programNo requirementNo requirementNo requirement$15,000 adjusted based on country of program, for 5 yearsURM and/or woman in country completing degreeApril 30
AFCEA Diversity Graduate ScholarshipSTEM including Social Science
Related to military technology
Graduate onlyNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen$3,000Women or URMVaries
AIGC Named ScholarshipsAny
See website for specific fields
Graduate onlyNative AmericanNo requirementUS CitizenVaries
Must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native group OR provide documentation of ancestry to possession of one-fourth degree Indian blood of a federally recognized tribe.
June 1
AIGC Special Higher Education ProgramAnyGraduate onlyNative AmericanNo requirementUS CitizenVaries
Must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native group OR provide documentation of ancestry to possession of one-fourth degree Indian blood of a federally recognized tribe.
June 1
Amelia Earhart FellowshipAll Science/EngineeringAerospace-relatedPh.D. only
Completed at least one year of Ph.D. or completed master's
No requirementFemaleNo requirement$10,000November 15
American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsAll Science/EngineeringAerospace-relatedUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementNo requirementUp to $10000 undergrad, $5000 gradMust be AIAA member, GPA 3.3. and aboveJanuary 31

American Society for Mechanical Engineers Graduate Teaching Fellowship
Engineering onlyMechEPh.D. only
Must have passed master's exam or have master's degree
No requirementNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$5000 x 2 yearsMust be ASME member; emphasis on women and minoritiesFeb 15
Andromeda MovementAnySpace-relatedUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen$500-$3000 per semester, renewablePreference to students from Indiana and Madison county, but others encouraged to applyJuly 16
Association of Women Geoscientists Chrysalis Scholarship
Science onlyGraduate onlynearing completion of thesisNo requirementFemaleNo requirement$2000, AWG membershipMust have interrupted career due to life circumstances3/31
BHW Women in STEMAll Science/EngineeringUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementFemaleNo requirement$3,000Must be at US school, international students at US institutions okayApril 15
Bloomberg Data ScienceAll Science/EngineeringData SciencePh.D. onlyMust complete Ph.D. by 2022No requirementNo requirementNo requirementTuition plus $35,000 stipend and $5000 for conferencesUS, EU (including UK) institution. Must do 12-week internship in NYC or London, and attend kickoff week in fallMarch 31
Buildium Women in TechnologyAny
STEM, including creative types
Undergraduate or GraduateNo requirementFemaleNo requirement$2,500US or Canadian Instituion. She must be a leader in STEM. In addition, applicants must submit a 1-2 minute video supplement, responding to this question: “What would the Buildium Women in Technology Scholarship mean for your education?”April 15
DAADAnyUndergraduate, Graduate, PostdocNo requirementNo requirementNo requirementVaries depending on program. They do everything from funding master's/PhDs, study abroad and internships for undergrads, to short term research. They also have a program with DLR, the German aerospace agency This is for research or study in Germany; note German universities do not charge tuition, so this is for living and research expenses, or language programs. This site is specific for US citizens, but they have partnerships with other countriesUsually Late Fall

Directed Energy Professional Society Graduate Fellowships
All Science/Engineering
Related to directed energy
Graduate onlyNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizenup to $10000; may apply a second year if received, but no advantage over other applicants
Must be at US institution4/12
DOE Computational ScienceAll Science/Engineering
Related to computational science
Ph.D. onlyCurrent seniors and 1st year PhD studentsNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$36,000/year up to 4 years, plus tuition and fees, $5000 for a computer in the first year and $1000/year thereafterMust be at US institution, and attend 12-week practicum at DOE facility1/9/19
Dwight David EIsenhower Transportation FellowshipAny
Transportation-related (don't forget the FAA has an Office of Commercial Space Transportation!)
Graduate only
List of eligible fields in announcement. Must have 1 year or more remaining
No requirementNo requirementNo requirementUp to $1700/month if master's, $2000/month if doctoralMust be at US institution, and attend annual transportation research board meeting in DC4/8/19
Ford FoundationAny
STEM, Social Sciences, Liberal Arts and committed to career in teaching/research at university-level
Ph.D. or PostdocPredoc, postdoc, and seniorNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen, PR, or DACAPredoc: $24,000 over three years (must use within 5 year-period). Dissertation: $25,000 for your final yearEmphasis on improving racial/ethnic diversity. Must attend annual conferenceDecember
Fulbright Foreign Student ProgramAnyGraduate onlyNo requirementNo requirementNon-US citizenVaries by countryCheck drop-down menu for your country's guidelines: by country
Fulbright US Student ProgramAnyGraduate only
For creative/performing arts, 4 years experience counts. MDs eligible for research but not internships/residencies
No requirementNo requirementUS CitizenCovers transportation, room, board in host country for up to 1 year; may provide additional stipend and/or cover tuitionCannot hold doctoral degree by program deadline, resided abroad 5+ years during 6 year-period prior to application, or have spent more than 6 months in host country10/8/19
Gates CambridgeAnyGraduate onlyMust be applying to study at CambridgeNo requirementNo requirementNo requirementTuition, plus £14,900 for 12 months at the 2017-18 rate; pro rata for courses shorter than 12 months), for up to 3 years, and discretionary funding for academic development, family, 4th year of PhD, hardship, fieldwork
October if US, December/January if outside the US
GEM Fellowship-Paid Fellowship-Associate FellowAll Science/EngineeringGraduate onlyUnderrepresented MinorityNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$16,000 stiped for first academic year, Living Stiped to 5th year of program, One paid Summer Internship, Full Tuitions and FeesRequires GEM Employer and GEM University July 1- Nov 12, Annual
GEM Fellowship-Paid Fellowship-Full FellowAll Science/EngineeringGraduate onlyUnderrepresented MinorityNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$16,000 stiped for first academic year, Living Stiped to 5th year of program, One paid Summer Internship, Full Tuitions and FeesRequires GEM Employer and GEM University July 1- Nov 12, Annual
GEM Fellowship-Paid Fellowship-University LevelAll Science/EngineeringMaster's onlyUnderrepresented MinorityNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$4,000/full time semester for 4 semesters, Two paid Summer Internships, Full Tuition and Fees ProvidedRequires GEM University July 1- Nov 12, Annual
Generation GoogleAll Science/Engineering
Computer science-related
Undergraduate or GraduateUnderrepresented MinorityNo requirementNo requirement$10,000 USD if studying in US, $5000 CAD if studying in CanadaStudying in US or Canada12/6/18!?detail-content-tabby_activeEl=university-students
Gillen Fellowships for Advanced StudyScience onlyBiology/biomedicalPh.D. only
Must apply in year 2-3 and have advanced to candidacy by Sept 1 in year of application
Underrepresented MinorityNo requirementUS Citizen, PR, or DACA$33000 stipend, $3000 in educational allowance (books, travel, computers, etc), $10,000 for tuition, $4000+ to be used by thesis advisor to support diversity and inclusion at home institutionMust be nominated by Howard Hughes Medical Institution representative at your home institution1/18/19
Great Minds in STEMAll Science/EngineeringUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementNo requirement$500-$10000Must be either Hispanic or demonstrate significant leadership/service in Hispanic community, GPA 3.0 or above. Also attend HENAAC Conference4/1/19
Harriet Evelyn Wallace Award in GeosciencesScience onlyGeosciencesGraduate onlyNo requirementFemaleUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$5000; are eligible to reapply for a second time if awarded (but considered amongst all other applicants)1/4/19
HertzAll Science/EngineeringPh.D. onlyMust apply as senior or first year gradNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentIf this is the only award: $32,000/ 9-month personal stipend for 5 years, plus full tuition and $5000/year for dependent childrenFall is probably the most competitive fellowship program in the country.
Hispanic Scholarship FundAnyEmphasis on STEMUndergraduate or GraduateHispanic/LatinxNo requirementUS Citizen, PR, or DACA$500-$50002.5 GPA and above2/15/19
IBM Ph.D. FellowshipAll Science/Engineering
Related to IBM's interests
Ph.D. onlywithin two years of receiving Ph.D.No requirementNo requirementNo requirementIn the US, fellowship recipients while in school will receive a stipend for living expenses, travel, and to attend conferences ($35,000 for 2019-2020 and $35,000 for 2020-2021). US fellowship recipients will also receive $25,000 toward their education in 2019-2020. Outside the US, fellowship recipients while in school will receive a competitive stipend for living expenses, travel, and to attend conferences for the two academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. Fellowship stipends vary by country.URMs and women encouraged to apply
University must submit, but due in October historically
Josephine De KarmanAny
Ph.D. onlyTo cover final year of programNo requirementNo requirementNo requirement$25,000US Institution required1/31/19
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation FellowshipHumanities and Social SciencePh.D. onlyLast year of dissertationNo requirementNo requirementNo requirement
The total award of up to $38,000 includes a stipend plus additional funds for university fees and research support. In addition to the monetary support that the fellowship offers, Dissertation Completion Fellows may apply to participate in a seminar on preparing for the academic job market. The seminar takes place over three days in the fall of the fellowship year.
Must be PhD candidates in a humanities or social science department in the United States. (1)
have completed all requirements for the PhD except the dissertation (i.e., obtained ABD status) by the application deadline.
be no more than six years into the degree program at the time of application. This includes time spent earning an MA within that program. (2)
not currently hold or have previously held a dissertation completion fellowship.
have not previously applied for this fellowship more than once.
Microsoft Dissertation FellowshipAll Science/Engineering
Related to Microsoft's interests
Ph.D. only4th year Ph.D. student and aboveNo requirementNo requirementNo requirementup to $25,000Woman, URM, and/or person with disabilities at institutions in Canada, US, or Mexico3/31/19
NASA FellowshipAll Science/EngineeringGraduate onlyNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen$25,000 master's, $30,000 Ph.D., $8,000 tuition, $8000 center-based experience, $3000 health insurance, $4500 faculty allowance, $1500 professional development. Funding for 3-4 years3.0 GPA and above5/24/19!
Estimate to give out 12 per fiscal year
NASA Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
Science only
NASA Earth and Space Sciences, related to Science Mission Directorate
Graduate onlyNo requirementNo requirementNo requirementUp to $45,000 per year for up to 3 years ($10000 for tuition and $35000 for stipend)US citizen or permanent residents prioritized; those at US institutions also eligible2/1/19
NASA Space GrantAnyUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementUS CitizenVaries by stateMany but not all state-run NASA Space Grant Consortia offer scholarships and fellowships for students-- check out your specific state's website for details.varies by state
NASA Space Technology Research FellowshipsAll Science/EngineeringGraduate onlyGraduate. If Ph.D., completed no more than 3 years of study, if master's completed no more than one year of studyNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentGiven out annually; possibility of renewal. Maximum values:
Student Stipend $36,000
Faculty Advisor Allowance $10,000
Visiting Technologist Experience
Health Insurance Allowance $1,000
Tuition and Fees Allowance $17,000
November applicants will perform research at their respective campuses and at NASA Centers. In addition to his or her faculty advisor, each Fellow will be matched with a technically relevant and communityengaged NASA researcher who will serve as the student’s research collaborator. Through this collaboration, students will be able to take advantage of broader and/or deeper space technology research opportunities directly related to their educational and career objectives, acquire a more detailed understanding of the potential end applications of their space technology efforts, directly disseminate their research results within the NASA community, and enhance their understanding of the research process. Awards resulting from this competitive selection will be made in the form of training grants to accredited U.S. universities. This solicitation has two phases. Phase A is the application submission by the student. For the student applicant who is selected in Phase A, the accredited U.S. university where the student will be enrolled for the fall 2017 term as a full-time graduate student must submit a Phase B proposal (as specified later in this solicitation); a complete Phase B proposal submission will result in a training grant award.
National Association of Black GeoscientistsScience onlyGeoscienceUndergraduate or GraduateAfrican American/BlackNo requirementNo requirementVaries2.5 GPA, US citizen or have US visa4/30
National Defense Science and Engineering FellowshipAll Science/EngineeringPh.D. onlyPhD: Current senior, 1st, 2nd year grad studentsNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen$38400/year, plus $1200 medical insurance, plus tuition and fees. For 3 years.November typically
National Physical Science ConsortiumAll Science/EngineeringAstronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Materials Science, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, and their subdisciplines, and related engineering fields: Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Mechanical.Graduate onlyGraduate (any stage as long as you can still complete two summer internships)No requirementNo requirementUS Citizen$20,000 for 2-3 or 6 years, full tuition and feesHistorically, applicants have been 82% percent of have been minority, female, or bothUsually 11/30 participate in two summers of paid internship, and be enrolled at a participating institute:
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship ProgramSTEM including Social ScienceGraduate onlyCurrent senior, 1st, 2nd year grad studentsNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$34000 stipend plus $12000 tuition per year for three years (to be used over a five year period, so you use your university's funding for 2 out of those 5 years, your choice). Grad programs often waive the rest of tuition for fellows.
Last week in October; exact deadline depends on discipline advice, received from people who have evaluated these applications: 1. Broader Impact is half of the score, so it's super important! Talk about any mentoring you have done, outreach, tutoring/teaching, and plans for the future. My only negative comment on my review was that I didn't talk about broader impact of my research itself (though did tons of outreach!). 2. Your reviewers are probably not from your subfield, so write your research statement such that a random professor of your field can understand it. 3. It doesn't matter if you end up doing what your research statement says, so write about what you know best. I've heard of people completely changing disciplines altogether with the fellowship, and NSF was fine with that. 4. You need to put down an institution that makes sense with your proposed area of study, and briefly explain why it makes sense, but you are by no means obligated to attend said institution. 5. Grades and GRE scores are not weighted heavily; the vast majority of your score comes from the essays.
NOAA Graduate Research and Training Scholarship ProgramAll Science/Engineering
Any NOAA-related field (including remote sensing/satellites!)
Graduate onlyMust have already completed one term of coursework and be enrolled at a NOAA Cooperative Science Center at Minority Serving InstitutionUnderrepresented MinorityNo requirementUS CitizenFor PhD. Degree candidates:

$45,000 stipend to support tuition and fees and other costs associated with opportunities for professional development;
$10,000 (maximum) travel cost to support research travel and to present findings at conferences; and,
Funding for a second year of training if a renewal application is successful and approved by NOAA EPP/MSI.
For Masters Degree candidates:

$36,000 to support tuition and fees as well as other costs associated with opportunities for professional development; and,
$7,000 (maximum) travel cost to support research travel and to present findings at conferences.
Minimum GPA of 3.5 during fellowship
Two per year; need to apply through your school
Oak Ridge Associated UniversitiesSTEM including Social ScienceUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementUS CitizenDoes not specify
Recommended submission by April, but rolling deadline
P.E.O. scholarsAnyPh.D. onlyWithin two years of completionNo requirementFemaleNo requirement$15,000Women studying in US or Canada, must be nominated by PEO chapter11/20
The P.E.O. Sisterhood (Philanthropic Educational Organization) is an international women's organization of about 230,000 members, with a primary focus on providing educational opportunities for female students worldwide.
Paul Soros New AmericanAnyGraduate onlyMust apply before 3rd yearNo requirementNo requirementNo requirementUp to $25,000/year, with all awards capped at $40,000/year if you are on multiple fellowships. Pays 50% of tuition/fees up to $10,000/year. Two years of funding. Can defer second year up to one year.Immigrant or child of two immigrants, 30 or younger11/1/18
Rhodes ScholarshipAnyGraduate onlyApplying for graduate study at OxfordNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentTuition and a monthly stipend for 2-3 yearsAt least 18 but not yet 24 at time of applicationFirst Wednesday of October
Schlumburger Foundation Faculty for the FutureAll Science/Engineering
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Ph.D. or PostdocNo requirementFemaleNon-US citizenUp to $50,000/year for PhD, $40,000/year postdoc (total, including tuition). For one year with possibility for renwalMust be female and citizen of developing/emerging economy. Not eligible if you are a dual citizen of a developed nationMid-November be committed to returning to home country after Ph.D.
Science Post Graduate Scholarship FundAll Science/Engineering
Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering
Undergraduate or GraduateNative AmericanNo requirementUS CitizenUndergrad: up to $20,000 Grad: up to $30,000Must be member of federally recognized tribe or at least 1/4 Indian blood from federally recognized tribeJune 1
Sloan Minority and Indigenous PhD ProgramAny
Physical and Natural Sciences and Engineering. Must be at an eligible school and
Graduate only
Must be at an eligible school and
Underrepresented MinorityNo requirementUS CitizenNot statedInstitution-dependent
SMARTAll Science/Engineering
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Cognitive, Neural, and Behavioral Sciences
Computer and Computational Sciences and Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Environmental Sciences
Industrial and Systems Engineering (technical tracks only)
Information Sciences
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Operations Research (technical tracks only)
Undergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementNo requirementFull tuition and education related educational expenses (meal plans, housing, and parking not included)
Stipend paid at a rate of $25,000 - $38,000 a year depending on degree level (may be prorated depending on award length)
Summer research internships ranging from 8 to 12 weeks
Health Insurance allowance of up to $1,200 per academic year
Miscellaneous allowance of up to $1,000 per academic year
An experience mentor at one of the Sponsoring Facilities
Employment placement at a DoD facility upon degree completion.
Must be US, UK, Australian, or NZ citizen and at a US institution. Must be 18+ by Aug 1, GPA 3.0 or above12/1/18
Must participate in summer internships at DoD facility, and be willing to accept DoD employment post-graduation
Related to Smithsonian Institutions, including Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Graduate or PostdocNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent ResidentVaries depending on fellowship and length of time; year-long support is up to ~$36000 depending on fellowshipSpecific scholarships exist for minoritiesVaries
Society for Hispanic EngineersEngineering onlyUndergraduate or GraduateHispanic/LatinxNo requirementNo requirementVaries6/30/18
Society for the History of Technology Kranzberg FellowshipHumanities
history of technology
Ph.D. only
Must complete all requirements of PhD except dissertation by Sept 1 of award year
No requirementNo requirementNo requirement4000, for use of dissertation prep, not to be used for tuitionThose outside of the US encouraged to apply4/15/19
Society for the History of Technology-NASA Fellowship in the History of Space TechnologyHumanities
history of space technology
Ph.D. or Postdoc
Must complete all requirements of PhD except dissertation
No requirementNo requirementUS Citizen$21,500, distributed quarterly, not to be used for tuition4/1/19
Society of Exploration GeophysicsScience onlyGeophysicsUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementNo requirement$500-$100003/1
Society of Satellite Professionals InternationalAnySatellite-relatedUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementNo requirement$2500-$3500Must be an SSPI member (free for students!)5/15
Society of Women EngineersEngineering onlyUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementFemaleNo requirement$1000-$15000, some renewableProfessional sections may have more funding. Also scholarships for non-traditional students
2/15 if undergrad/grad, 5/1 if current high school senior
Southern Regional Education BoardAny
Planning on becoming faculty
Ph.D. only
At participating institution in states:
Underrepresented MinorityNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$20,000 for 3 years from program, 2 from university, 5 years of tuition/fees. Also a one-year dissertation award for the same amount3/31/19
Tau Beta Pi FellowshipEngineering onlyGraduate onlyNo requirementNo requirementNo requirement$10,000Must be Tau Beta Phi member2/1/19
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research: Diversity and Inclusion, Public Policy, and Earth Systems Science FellowshipsSTEM including Social Science
Atmospheric science related (from remote sensing to solar physics)
Graduate only
Two-year program, so can't accept during final year of study
No requirementNo requirementNo requirement$20,000 for two nine-month periods, plus two summer internshipsUnderrepresented racial/ethnic group, first generation, low income, veteran, sexual/gender minority, students with disabilties (
USGIFAll Science/Engineering
Geospatial/remote sensing-related
Undergraduate or GraduateNo requirementNo requirementUS Citizen or Permanent Resident$2000-$15000, one year2/28 for Shea, 5/15 for others
Women TechmakersAll Science/EngineeringComputer science, computer engineering or a closely related technical fieldUndergraduate or GraduateNo requirementFemaleNo requirement$10,00012/1