Reference, source of meta-data & informationDate of last update to this spreadsheetName of Monitoring Initiative/Data Set/HubInitiative TypeSecondary Initiative TypeOrganizationPartner Organizations/InitiativesOrganization TypeFresh Water Atlas Principle DrainageDescription of Water Body/ Watershed/ Geographic ScopeWater TypeParameter Type- Water Quantity or Quality?DescriptionWebsite (Describing initiative)Is there Public Access?Data License TypeIs there geospatial data available on line /from data portals? (without requests) Data sets included on the Hub/Portal or Related Data SetsWhere is data storedLink to data (if available)Data FormatNotes on DataTradiational Ecological Knowledge being RecordedSurface Water Quality- Physical DescriptorsSurface Water Quality- IonsSurface Water Quality- NutrientsSurface Water Quality- CarbonSurface Water Quality- MetalsSurface Water Quality -MicroorganismsSurface Water Quality- Benthic Invertebrates (CABIN)Surface Water Quality- Other Organic CompoundsSurface Water Quality- SedimentsSurface Water Quality OtherSurface Water Quality - eDNASurface Water Quantity Groundwater QualityGroundwater Quantity Monitoring ProtocolsQuality Assurrance/Quality ControlFrequency of TestingStartEndLength of data record (years)SURFACE WATER QUALITY # of Active Monitoring Sites in BCSURFACE WATER QUALITY # of Deactivated/Retired Monitoing Sites in BCSURFACE WATER QUANTITY # of Active Monitoring SitesGROUNDWATER # of ACTIVE MONITORING SITESAssociated ReportsNotes
webBC Data CatalogueData hub/portal/databaseBC GovernmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentPortal for provincial data sets Hydrometric Network, Provincial Observation Well Network CVS, esri, arcview shape
web 4/24/2017BC MOE Environmental Monitoring System Web Reporting (EMS WR)Data hub/portal/databaseBC Ministry of Environmentvarious monitoring programs upload dataFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentProvincialThe Environmental Monitoring System Web Reporting (EMS WR) provides read-only access to data in the Environmental Monitoring System. The purpose of EMS WR is to give registered ministry staff, B.C. health authorities and Qualified Environmental Professionals access to provincial environmental - quality sampling data, and to allow water purveyors access to specific drinking-water data in EMS. The EMS contains primarily provincial data and some third party data. REQUEST OR CONDITIONSvarious provincial and regional programs, some 3rd party data
web12/1/2017BC Real-Time Water Data (Aquarius)Data hub/portal/databaseBC GovernmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentAllFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQuantityThe AQUARIUS Time-Series database is the province's primary repository of continuous surface, groundwater and snow data from monitoring stations across the province. The AQUARIUS Reporting Tool (AQRT) is a browser-based information and data presentation system that allows timely access to snow and water monitoring data. Use the interactive map based tool to display locations of monitoring stations, export data, create & view charts & reports.
web6/28/2017BC Water PortalData hub/portal/database BC Oil and Gas Commission & Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operationsincludes data from various networksFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentAll except Okanagan & Southern BCNorthern British Columbia Fresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQuality & Quantity The BC Water Portal was developed for the BC Oil and Gas Commission and the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations to be a map-based water information tool designed to provide public access to a wide range of water-related data and information in northern British Columbia. The data is displayed with flexible charts and analytical tools to help users understand and use the data.The BC water Portal has 7 sites with historical data from the EOA office. Data sets for water quality: EMS, Northern Health Authority, Well Report Chemisty, Regulator- Oil & Gas Commission 6 data sets for water quantity: BC EAO Office, GeoscienceBC, Oil & gas Industry Network, UNBC, Water Survey of Canada, Provincial Ground Observation Well Networkpublic portal/hub, graphsvarious parameters depending on moniotring location; data labelled as historic or current, only two historic data sets from UNBC and one hydrometric station from City of Dawson Creekvarious depending on mointoring locationvarious depending on mointoring locationvarious depending on mointoring locationvarious depending on mointoring locationvarious depending on mointoring locationMean Annual Discharge, Seven Day Flow, Montly Mean Flow, Flow Duration Tool various
web/interview8/26/2018Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network Database (CABIN)Data hub/portal/databaseEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaCABIN is used extensively by scientists within federal, provincial and territorial governments as an important part of their water monitoring programs. CABIN is also used by First Nations, academia, industry, and non-government organizations.Federal and/or Provincial GovernmentNationalFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity The Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN) provides nationally standardized training, tools,and database for biomonitoring using benthic macroinvertebrate communities. Contributing to the shared database ensures up-to-date and accurate RCA models with good geographic coverage. REQUEST OR CONDITIONSSome data available on Government of Canada open data portal:
web, personal communicationCoastal First Nations Regional Monitoring System DatabaseData hub/portal/databaseCoastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative Coastal Stewardship NetworkGitga'at
First Nation or First Nation OrganizationCoastalBC North & Central CoastCoastal Stewardship Network Regional Monitoring System, which has a network of Local Guardian Watchmen from 9 communities on the central and northern BC Coast. In this system, most data are marine-based and related to fish stocks. Data are compiled in a centralized database. Water quality and quantity data for salmon spawning streams are recorded using a mobile device application following Fishery and Oceans Canada’s stream inspection log protocols (SIL cards). Each First Nation owns their data and has data sharing agreements with other First Nations; and members can access the data through the centralized database, which has access and privacy controls based on data sharing agreements. Finally, some First Nations in the Network have created data sharing agreements with outside third parties .
web; Snapshot of Community Based Monitoring in Canada (Carlson et al., 2016)7/11/2017Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring ProjectData hub/portal/databaseFacilitatorMainstreams Environmental SocietyVarious Community Based Monitoring GroupsCommunity Based MonitoringColumbiaColumbia BasinFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity Columbia Basin Water Quality Project (CBWQ) is a citizen scientist project made up of non-profit partner groups who monitor their local watersheds in the Columbia Basin. CBWQ has been administered and coordinated by Mainstreams Environmental Society in Kimberley since the inception of the project in 2007.
The purpose of this project is to build the capacity of citizen-scientists in local watershed groups to monitor their water. This scientifically valid data from local streams provides important data to regional watershed managers, while empowering local citizens to understand their watersheds.
CBWQ monitoring protocols are based on Environment Canada’s Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network standards (CABIN).
The CBWQ has been primarily funded by Columbia Basin Trust since 2007. This project would not be possible without the continuing funding from the Trust. The project would not be possible with short-term incremental funding.
The purpose of the CBWQ website is to provide public access to project data. The Data includes Water Chemistry, Velocity and Flow, Temperature Graphs and Reports. Data (primarily excel files) can be downloaded from the website.
http://cbwq.caYESNovarious from CBM groups: public portal/hubhttp://cbwq.caexcel spreadsheets, reports, graphs, avaible by yearCABIN
webFisheries Information Summary SystemData hub/portal/databaseBC GovernmentFisheries and Oceans CanadaFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentAllFresh Surface WaterQuality
webFraser Health Beach Conditions Data hub/portal/databaseFraser Health AuthorityHealth AuthorityFraserFraser Fresh Surface WaterQualityPublic Beaches are monitored for physical hazards and sources of contamination. Samples are collected on a weekly basis during the spring and summer months, to monitor the
bacteriological quality of the water to determine whether or not a beach is in compliance with the “Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality”. It is recommended to beach operators that they post warning signs if the beach conditions are considered unsatisfactory for physical, chemical or biological reasons. report of most recent water sampling. Water quality is reported as satisfactory or unsatisfactory based on E. Coli concetnationsE. Coliweekly in spring and summer38
webFraser Health Drinking Water QualityData hub/portal/databaseFraser Health AuthorityHealth AuthorityFraserFraserFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQualityPublic Health Inspectors from Fraser Health’s Drinking Water Program routinely inspect, sample and assess Community Water Systems for compliance with the Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulation. Primarily drinking water samples but includes some source water samples., download in pdf
web6/20/2017Governnment of Canada Open Data PortalData hub/portal/databaseGovernment of CanadaFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentAllNationalFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQuality & Quantity The Open Data Portal the Federal Government's iniatiative to foster greater transparency and accountability, increase citizen engagement, and drive innovation and economic opportunities through open data, open information, and open dialogue. The Directive on Open Government requires all applicable Government of Canada organizations to conduct an inventory of their open data holdings. Data can be accessed through the open data inventory. The Federal Government also provides a data set on analytics including statistics such as the numbers of data sets by agency, download counts, and visitors. public portal/hub
webGroundwater Information Network Data hub/portal/databaseNationalGroundwaterThe Groundwater Information Network is developed to improve knowledge of groundwater systems, and enhance groundwater management, through increased access to groundwater information. GIN connects a variety of groundwater information from authoritative sources, such as water well databases, water monitoring data, aquifer and geology maps, and related publications. Provincial and territorial collaborators include British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia, Yukon and Newfoundland and Labrador; international collaborators include the USGS and others.
web7/17/2017Groundwater Level Data Interactive MapData hub/portal/databaseBC Ministry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programProvince wideGroundwaterQuantityThe interactive map displays water level data colllected in the Provincial Groundwater Observation Well Network. line, graphs, download in CVSWater Level
Personal Communication, YRITWC, web10/31/2017Indigenous Observation NetworkData hub/portal/databaseYukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed CouncilVarious FN'sFirst Nation or First Nation OrganizationYukonYukon WatershedFresh Surface WaterQuality
The Indigenous Observation Network (ION) is the largest international, Indigenous initiative combining Indigenous Knowledge and western science to research, sustain and protect the Yukon River Watershed, its resources and cultures. ION is a network of communities along the Yukon River and its tributaries who conduct research and monitoring that is applicable at the community, watershed, circumpolar and global scales; an amazing feat in the world of science. CMBpublic portal/hubdownload in excel or CVSYesvarious surface water descriptors
webInterior Health Recreational -Water Sampling BeachesData hub/portal/databaseInterior Health AuthorityHealth AuthorityColumbia, FraserKootenay, Okanagan, Thompson/Cariboo/ShuswapFresh Surface WaterQualityBacteriolgocial testing for some Interior Health Lakes are tested throughout the swimming season to ensure the health of swimmers. Find out about current beach sampling results (report typically updated every Friday). Results for the last 60 days are posted., download in pdfE. Coli
webInterior Health-Drinking Water SamplesData hub/portal/databaseInterior Health AuthorityHealth AuthorityColumbia, FraserKootenay, Okanagan, Thompson/Cariboo/ShuswapFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQualityPrimarily drinking water samples, but includes some reservoirs and source waters. Community system water samples are collected by the owner of the system or other suitably trained personnel and submitted for bacteriological testing. Chemical water sample results are not available at this time., download in pdfvariousvariousvariousE.Coli, Total Coliforms
webIsland Health-Drinking WaterData hub/portal/databaseIsland Health AuthorityHealth AuthorityCoastalVancover IslandFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQualityIn Island Health, we have about 950 drinking water systems, regulated under the Drinking Water Protection Act (Act) and the Drinking Water Protection Regulation (Regulation)., download in pdf2009
webIsland Health-Recreational Water SamplesData hub/portal/databaseIsland Health Authority Health AuthorityCoastalVancover IslandFresh Surface WaterQualityEach summer, Environmental Health Officers take water samples at popular beach areas.  Beach advisories  are posted where monitoring has shown swimming is not recommended due to poor water quality. E.Coli, Enterococci
web3/19/2018Lake PulseData hub/portal/databaseMonitoringNSERC Canadian Lake Pulse NetworkAcademicDatabase under devlopment.
web6/14/2017Mackenzie Data StreamData hub/portal/databaseThe Gordon Foundation VariousNon Government OrganizationMackenzieMackenzie Basin Fresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity An open access platform for sharing information about freshwater health. Tailored to public audiences and decision-makers. Allows users to access, visualize and download full water quality datasets currently collected by 22 communities in the Northwest Territories and British Columbia. Fort Nelson First Nation is the only dataset from BC.!public portal/hub
web6/20/2017National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)Data hub/portal/databaseEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational Program- Review Monitoring LocationsNationalThe National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is Canada's public inventory of pollutant releases (to air, water and land), disposals and transfers for recycling. Under the authority of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), owners or operators of facilities in Canada that meet the published reporting requirements are required to report to the NPRI. data is available for the years 1993 - 2014 in a number of formats including online query tools, downloadable datasets (along with corresponding database structure tables) and map layers.1993
webNechako Watershed Health AtlasData hub/portal/databaseFraser Basin CouncilCommunity Mapping NetworkNon Government OrganizationFraserNechako WatershedFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity Atlas showing locations and assessment of CABIN and Forest and Resource Evaluation Program (FREP) sampling. Atlas also shows locations of Environmental Monitoring Stations. Data, FREP (Forest and Range Evaluation Program)
web6/18/2017Nechako Watershed PortalData hub/portal/databaseUNBC- Nechako Integrated Watershed Research GroupvariousAcademicFraserNechako WatershedThe Nechako Watershed Portal is a web-based, geospatial tool to foster information exchange and hopes to assist in land and water decision-making in the Nechako River Basin. Since everything valued by communities (social, cultural and economic features) can be expressed in spatial terms and represented on a map, this portal is a tool that has the ability to help round out the description of what is (and what has occurred) in the watershed. The portal aims to create space for capacity that can expand and adapt the knowledge base through a ‘community library’ with georeferenced information.
webNorthern Health Drinking Water Chemical Samples & ResultsData hub/portal/databaseNorthern Health AuthorityHealth AuthorityAll except Okanagan & Southern BCNorthern British Columbia from the Queen Charlotte Islands to the Alberta border, and as far south as QuesnelFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQualityNorthern Health take samples from community water systems and the results of these samples are posted on our website. They are updated monthly. Primarily drinking water samples, but includes some source water. line Colour
Total Dissolved Solids
UV Transmittance
Potassium, Sodium
Nitrate NO3
Nitrite NO2
Nitrogen, organic
Total Organic CarbonAluminum
E.Coli, Total Coliforms, Fecal ColiformsEthylbenzene
Xylene (total)
Interview- Natasha Neumann7/14/2017Okanagan Hydrometric Database-AquariusData hub/portal/databaseOkanagan Basin Water BoardMultiple local partnersLocal or Regional GovernmentColumbiaOkanagan BasinFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQuantityLocal data for the Okanagan Basin are being stored in Aquarius software database. The purpose is to archive locally collected data. The database does not include federal or provincial data sets available elsewhere. OBWB has agreements with data collectors to archive data. When third parties wish to access the data they need to establish data sharing agreements with the data providers. WITH REQUEST OR CONDITIONSvarious local data, primarily water purveyor dataprivate serverAquarius databaseVarious parametersflow rates, water level, water withdrawal volumesVariable by data collectorVariable by data collectorVariable by data collector7320Project ongoing; approx 200 stations to date (July 2017)
webOkanagan Nation Alliance Data PortalData hub/portal/databaseOkanagan Nation AllianceFirst Nation or First Nation OrganizationColumbia
The Okanagan Nation Alliance Fisheries Department Data Portal (ONAFD) is an enterprise relational database developed in SQL Server, with an emphasis on a custom metadata standard for the Skaha Lake Experimental sockeye reintroduction program. This metadata database serves as the central storage facility for all ONAFD raw data files associated with the Skaha Lake Experimental Sockeye reintroduction program.
webOkanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation ProgramData hub/portal/databaseFish & Wildlife Department Colville TribesOkanagan Nation AllianceFirst Nation or First Nation OrganizationColumbiaOkanagan BasinFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity The Okanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Program (OBMEP) is a monitoring program created in 2004 that collects long-term data on salmon and summer steelhead and respective habitats in the Okanogan River Basin. REQUEST OR CONDITIONS
web6/21/2017Pacific Climate Impact Consortium (PCIC)Data hub/portal/databaseUniversity of Victoriavarious data collectorsAcademicNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programProvincialPortal for climate data.
web6/14/2017Pacific Salmon ExplorerData hub/portal/databasePacific Salmon FoundationNon Government OrganizationCoastal, Skeena, NassThe Pacific Salmon Explorer is an online tool for exploring the status of salmon populations and various pressures on their habitats in the Skeena and Nass River watersheds. PSF is currently working with the Nisga’a and Central Coast First Nations to expand this platform to other regions in the north and central coast.
web6/8/2017Peace River Water Quality Database & Analysis Data hub/portal/databasePeace River Regional DistrictTreaty 8Local or Regional GovernmentMackenzie
web; meeting Jeff Anderson7/24/2017Skeena Salmon Data CentreData hub/portal/databaseLibrary/Database of Resources/ReportsSkeena Knowledge TrustOpen Knoweldge FoundationNon Government OrganizationSkeenaSkeena The Skeena Knowledge Trust is a step towards greater knowledge management and more informed decision-making about Skeena salmon and their habitats. It is born from the need to understand the state of salmon populations, their habitat, and how they are mostly PDFs, some, KML, shapefiles, mostly fish and fish habitat data, category for water quality but no entries in water quality data
web6/21/2017Straight of Georgia Data CentreData hub/portal/database UBC Fisheries CentrePacific Salmon FoundationAcademicCoastalStraight of GeorgiaMarineQuality & Quantity The Strait of Georgia Data Centre (SGDC) is a collaborative program between the Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) and the Fisheries Centre, UBC, to build a secure data archive for marine ecosystem information on the Strait of Georgia.
web6/20/2017Streamkeeeper DatabaseData hub/portal/databaseFacilitatorPacific Streamkeepers Federation Department of Fisheries & OceansCommunity Based MonitoringNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programData are sorted by region: Cariboo, Gulf Islands, Kootenay, Lower Mainland,
Okanagan, Omenica, Peace Skeena, Haida Gwaii, Thompson Nicola,Vancouver Island, Yukon Territories
Fresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity The Streamkeepers Program was introduced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada in 1993, in an effort to support community volunteers who are interested in assessing, monitoring and improving their local waterways.The Streamkeepers Federation was launched in 1995 to support those same efforts, as well as distribute the Streamkeepers Handbook and Modules, and to provide training, assistance to trainers and the Streamkeepers VIP insurance plan. Volunteers can upload stream survey results to the database. www.streamkeepers.infoyesYesBaker Creek Enhancement Society
Prince George Streamkeepers
UNBC, Gabriola Streamkeepers, Elk River Alliance, Alouette River Management Society,
ARPSES (Abbotsford),
Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club,
Byrne Creek Streamkeepers, City of Surrey, Katim,
Pacific Streamkeepers Federation, SOKS, Daswson Creek Watershed Society, • A Rocha Canada, Babine First Nations, Lake Babine Nation, Nile Creek Streamkeepers, Peninsula Streams Society, Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers, West Coast Aquatic Stewardship Association, D.R. Clough Consulting

public portal/hubturbidity, water temperature, air temperature, pH, disolved oxygenInvertebrate Surveyswetted channel width, bankfull chnnel width, Streamkeeper Modules
webVancouver Coastal Health Beach Water Quality ReportsData hub/portal/databaseVancouver Coastal Health Authority Health AuthorityCoastalSea to Sky corridor (Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton), and the Sunshine Coast (Gibsons, Sechelt, and Powell River).Fresh Surface WaterQualityThere are approximately 50 public beaches in the Coast Garibaldi area that have been targeted for sampling (bacteriological quality monitoring) during the summer. The number of samples collected each summer is dependent on available resources and assistance from local government and other agencies. OR E.Coli, 50
webVancouver Coastal Health Drinking Water Quality Data hub/portal/databaseVancouver Coastal Health Authority Health AuthorityCoastalSea to Sky corridor (Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton), and the Sunshine Coast (Gibsons, Sechelt, and Powell River).Fresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQualityWe inspect drinking water to help prevent the spread of water-borne disease and protect us from chemicals and contamination. Our environmental health officers approve, inspect and monitor drinking water supplies to ensure they comply with regulatory requirements., download in pdf
web7/17/2017WELLS DatabaseData hub/portal/databaseBC Ministry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programProvince wideGroundwaterQuality & Quantity The Wells database is searchable database for information on a particular well. Submssion of water well inforation to the database is voluntary. There is an on-line portal (called eWELLS) for submitting information. YES
webInteractive Indicator Maps- Releases of CadmiumData SynthesisEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaFederal and/or Provincial Government32 sites in BC.
webInteractive Indicator Maps- Releases of LeadData SynthesisEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of program32 sites in BC.
webInteractive Indicator Maps- Releases of MercuryData SynthesisEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programNational 14 sites in BC
webInteractive Indicator Maps- Water QuantityData SynthesisEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programNationalFresh Surface WaterQuantityYearly and seasonal flows for natural and regulated rivers were assessed as low, normal, or high. The data were used tto measure progress towards the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy 2013-2016. Data were collected from the HYDAT database for 143 sites in BC. Databasepublic portal/hub Assesment (low, normal, high) of water quantity based on season and annual flow rates201320131 year
webInteractive Indicator Maps-Water QualityData SynthesisEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programNationalFresh Surface WaterQualityThe Freshwater Quality in Canadian Rivers Indicator is an overall measure of the ability of select rivers across Canada to support aquatic life. It is a measure used to support progress towards the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy 2013-2016. Freshwater quality was rated as Poor, Marginal Fair, Good, or Excellent. Sites for assessment were selected where human activity is most intensive as well as remote sites. Data assembled by Environment Canada from federal, provincial, territorial and joint water quality monitoring programs. The most recent assessment was based on 2010-2012 data. There were 23 sites assessed in BC.
web6/14/2017WWF State of the Watershed ReportingData SynthesisWWF Canadadata from other networks Non Government OrganizationAll
web7/12/2017Columbia Basin Watershed NetworkFacilitatorColumbia Basin Watershed Network SocietyArrow Lakes Environmental Stewardship Society
BC Lake Stewardship Society
Blewett Conservation Society
Blewett Watershed Committee
Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society
Citizens for Responsible Development
Columbia Lake Stewardship Society
Columbia Riverkeeper
Columbia Shuswap Invasives
Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners
Duhamel Watershed Society
East Kootenay Integrated Lake Partnership
East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council
East Shore Freshwater Habitat
Elk River Alliance
Fletcher Creek Improvement District
Friends of Kootenay Lake
Friends of the Columbia Wetlands
Friends of the Lardeau River
Friends of the Rossland Range
Hawkins Creek Stewardship Committee
Jimsmith Lake Community Association
Joseph Creek Streamkeepers
Kootenay Lake Partnership
Lake Windermere Ambassadors
Living Lakes Canada
Mark Creek Recovery Program
Mirror lake Water Users Community
North Arm Water Monitoring
North Canyon Improvement District
North Columbia Environmental Society
Rossland Society for Environmental Action
Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
Sheep Creek/Lussier River Concerned Citizens
Slocan Lake Research Centre
Slocan Lake Stewardship Society
Slocan River Streamkeepers
Springer Creek Restoration and Protection Society
St. Mary Lake Residents Association
The Land Conservancy of BC
Wasa Lake Land Improvement District
Water Quality Monitoring Program
West Kootenay EcoSociety
Wildsight Creston Valley
Wildsight Invermere
Wildsight Kimberley/Cranbrook
Wildsight Upper Columbia
Wolverton Creek Water Users
Community Based MonitoringColumbiaColumbia BasinFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity The Columbia Basin Watershed Network Society is the go-to hub for watershed groups to find training, information, or connections. We are a voice for watershed stewardship across the Basin. We engage watershed groups in learning from each other through our member meetings, website, newsletters and in connecting groups with one another. We will assist watershed groups across the Basin with access to scientific and funding resources for projects through our website, database, and our new Science Advisory committee. We will engage member groups through a series of subregional dialogues to seek opportunities for collaboration on priorities and resources. We will actively support members and partners in promoting their educational and training activities. We will establish the new Society as responsive and responsible to our members, partners, and constituents as we put appropriate plans and policies in
webDecolinizing WaterFacilitatorVarious PartnersVarious PartnersFirst Nation or First Nation OrganizationFresh Surface WaterQualityis to create a prototype of an Indigenous-led community-based water monitoring initiative that is rooted in Indigenous laws, and is a practical expression of Indigenous water governance.
webGeoScience BCFacilitatorLibrary/Database of Resources/ReportsGEoScienceBCvariousNon Government Organization
Geoscience BC is a non-profit organization that receives funding from the provincial government. Their mandate is to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to British Columbia through generating, interpreting and publicly distributing geoscience data in collaboration with First Nations, communities, governments and industry. Geoscience BC releases project technical articles, datasets and final reports as Geoscience BC Reports. Many of these reports contain raw data and maps and some are web applications that allow the user to view or analyze data.
web; interview with Jeff Andrews7/27/2017Indigenous Guardians ProgramFacilitatorIndigenous Leadership Iniatiativevarious FN monitoring iniativesFirst Nation or First Nation OrganizationNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programIndigenous-led Guardians programs empower communities to manage ancestral lands according to traditional laws and values.

Guardians are employed as the “eyes on the ground” in Indigenous territories. They monitor ecological health, maintain cultural sites and protect sensitive areas and species. They play a vital role in creating land-use and marine-use plans.
web; interview with Tracy Thomas6/28/2017Nechako Watershed RoundtableFacilitatorFraser Basin Council Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council
Cheslatta Carrier Nation
City of Prince George
District of Vanderhoof
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Fraser Basin Council
Fraser-Fort George Regional District
Integrated Watershed Research Group, University of Northern BC
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Nechako Environment and Water Stewardship Society
Northern Health
Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako
Saik’uz First Nation
Non Government OrganizationFraserNechako WatershedQuality & Quantity he Nechako Watershed Roundtable is a new collaborative initiative underway in 2015 to protect and improve the health of the Nechako watershed for future generations.

The Roundtable (NWR) includes representation from BC First Nations, the Province of BC, local governments and other agencies and organizations having responsibilities and interests in the watershed. Strategy includes issues and concerns and data gaps
web, interview-Tracy Thomas6/28/2017Nicola Basin Collaborative-Fraser Basin CouncilFacilitatorFraser Basin Council4 orders of government, industry, agriculture, recreation, stewardship, and home ownersNon Government OrganizationFraserNicola WatershedThe "Nicola Basin Collaborative is a multi-perspective table with three themes, education /outreach, operations/projects on the ground, and research.
web7/9/2017Northest Water StrategyFacilitatorBC Ministry of Environmentvarious partnersFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentMackenzieFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQuality & Quantity The Northeast Water Strategy
web 6/24/2017Okanagan Basin Water Board LibraryFacilitatorLibrary/Database of Resources/ReportsOkanagan Basin Water BoardLocal or Regional GovernmentColumbiaOkanagan Shares data by providing links on website, information shared through Board and Water Stewardship Council, Funds Grants for water monitoring related projects in the Okanagan
web6/24/2017Okanagan Water Supply & Demand ProjectFacilitatorOkanagan Basin Water BoardBC Ministry of Environment. Other partners include: the BC Ministries of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, and Agriculture; the federal Ministries of Environment, Agriculture and Agri-Food, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Okanagan Nation Alliance; UBC-O; SFU; the BC Agriculture Council; and the Water Supply Association of BC.Local or Regional GovernmentColumbiaOkanaganThe Okanagan Water Supply & Demand Project examines patterns of water licensing and availability across the valley, and evaluates the potential impacts of climate change.
web- Nanaimo Regional District7/24/2017Regional District of Nanaimo- Community Watershed Monitoring NetworkFacilitatorData hub/portal/databaseRegional District of NanaimoMinistry of the Environment, Island Timberlands LP,Nile Creek Enhancement Society,
Qualicum Beach Streamkeepers,
Friends of French Creek Conservation Society
Map of monitoring sites for FFCCS
Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society,
Nanoose Streamkeepers,
Island Waters Fly Fishers,
Departure Creek Streamkeepers,
City of Nanaimo,
VIU Fisheries and Aquaculture,
Nanaimo and Area Land Trust,
Gabriola Streamkeepers,
Walley Creek Streamkeepers,
Fanny Bay Salmonid Enhancement Society
Local or Regional GovernmentCoastalStreams currently monitored include: Thames Creek, Nile Creek, Big Qualicum River, Annie Creek, Upper Cameron River, Cameron River, Little Qualicum River, Whiskey Creek, Grandon Creek, Beach Creek, French Creek, Morison Creek, Swayne Creek, Shelly Creek, Upper Englishman River, Englishman River, Centre Creek, South Englishman River, Craig Creek, Nanoose Creek, Heikkela Brook, Millstone River, McGarrigle Creek, Departure Creek, Cottle Creek, Chase River, Beck Creek, Cat Stream, Nanaimo River and Mallett Creek.The Community Watershed Monitoring Network is partnership between the Regional District of Nanaimo's (RDN) Drinking Water and Watershed Protection (DWWP) program, the Ministry of the Environment (MoE), Island Timberlands LP, and community watershed stewardship groups. The RDN provides the equipment and works with the MoE to complete annual training and data analysis. The MoE contributes expertise in water quality testing, deciphering gathered data and guidance in program direction. Island Timberlands sponsors the lab analysis costs for Quality Assurance and Quality Control, loans volunteers' safety gear and provides access to the upper watersheds. Community groups donate their time, attending annual training sessions, calibrating equipment and getting out on their local streams to collect water quality data.After three years of sampling, each site's results are reviewed and testing at sites with consistently good water quality is suspended for three to five years. This allows resources to be used to expand the network, adding sampling at new sites where needed., dissolved oxygen, temperature and conductivityPhosphorus (some sites only)metals (some sites only)E. colli (some sites) once a week for 5 weeks in the summer low flow period (August - September) and once a week for 5 weeks in the fall flush period (October - November)201151
webEcological Reports Catalogue (EcoCat)Library/Database of Resources/ReportsBC Governmentvarious authorsFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentAllEcoCat provides access to reports on ecological activities in British Columbia, plus related files such as maps, datasets and published inventories when available. Subject areas include: aquatic species and habitats, terrestrial species and habitats, floodplain mapping, reservoirs, ground water and vegetation.
web6/28/2017Pacific Regional Contaminants Atlas- Contaminants DatabaseLibrary/Database of Resources/ReportsPacific Region Contaminants AtlasNon Government OrganizationNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programProvincial with a focus on the Georgia BasinA geographically referenced searchable database of published literature relating to environmental contaminants in the Georgia Basin and other areas of British Columbia. Searches can be conducted based on author, title, date range, specific contaminant, source of release, environmental media, geographic area within the province (Regional District or watershed), or by a combination of these variables. The search for "water" generated 2592 entries.
web7/14/2017Quesnel River Research Centre Data Suport Library/Database of Resources/ReportsUNBC -Quesnel River Research CentreAcademicFraserQuesnel watershedThe task of finding contextual data to support research is sometimes time-consuming, so we have put together what we hope will be a useful selection of links relating to the Quesnel River Basin (QRB). If you are seeking other data, please ask us. The page describing the characteristics of the Quesnel watershed also provides a series of maps illustrating the basin's attributes.
web6/14/2017Salmon Watersheds Program Database & LibraryLibrary/Database of Resources/ReportsPacific Salmon FoundationNon Government OrganizationNass, SkeenaOn-line library that allows public to search and download salmon-related datasets and reports for the Nass and Skeena
web7/12/2017Tsilhqot'in Lands PortalLibrary/Database of Resources/ReportsMeta-data database and/or map
Tsilhqot'in National Government
First Nation or First Nation OrganizationFraserThe Stewardship Department of Tsilhqot'in National Government has developed an interactive land and resource "Stewardship Planning Portal." The Stewardship Portal is a web-based, land-use information management and planning support system. REQUEST OR CONDITIONS
web12/4/2017Water Science SeriesLibrary/Database of Resources/ReportsBC GovernmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentThe Water Science Series is a technical publication focusing on scientific reports that relate to the understanding and management of B.C.’s water resources. The series communicates scientific knowledge gained through water science programs across B.C. government, as well as scientific partners working in collaboration with provincial staff.

The Water Science Series was developed by the B.C. Ministry of Environment, Water Protection and Sustainability Branch as a water focused technical publication for the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations and the Ministry of Environment.
web10/6/2017BC Environmental Assessment OfficeMeta-data database and/or mapBC Environmental Assessment OfficeFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentThe EAO website provides a map with information on environmental assesments, namely the status of the EA and contact information. Water Portal has 7 historical sites with Data from the Environmental Assessment Office
webBC Water Resources AtlasMeta-data database and/or mapBC GovernmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programe Atlas is an iMapBC application with enhanced query functionality to enable the display of detailed water related data, including watersheds, water quantity and quality monitoring sites, aquifers, water wells and flood protection works.
web6/28/2017Continental Oceanographic Data Information System (CODIS) Meta-data database and/or mapPacific Region Contaminants AtlasThe PRCA was created through consultations between Environment and Climate Change Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, BC Ministry of Environment, Community Mapping Network, and the BC Conservation Foundation.Non Government OrganizationCoastal, FraserFraser River Basin (and Arctic and Pacific Oceans)CODIS a database of metadata of Canada’s Arctic and Pacific Ocean datasets of environmental information. CODIS was originally developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO); however, it is no longer being maintained by DFO. To ensure that the information contained in this database remains available for use, CODIS now resides on the Pacific Region Contaminants Atlas (PRCA) as a valuable resource tool.
web Fresh Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Web Mapping Application -out of date? Meta-data database and/or mapEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaFederal and/or Provincial Government??
web6/14/2017HYDEX-National Water Data Archive (Hydrometric Meta-data Database)Meta-data database and/or mapWater Survey of CanadaBritish Columbia - Ministry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentAllNationalFresh Surface WaterQuantityHYDEX is the relational database that contains inventory information on the various streamflow, water level, and sediment stations (both active and discontinued) in Canada. This database contains information about the stations themselves such as; location, equipment, and type(s) of data collected. In BC there are currently 470 active stations and 1949 deactived stations. portal/hub fileno
webiMapBCMeta-data database and/or mapBC GovernmentMinistry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentAllFresh Surface Water & GroundwaterQuality & Quantity Allows user to view and analyze hundreds of map data layers compiled from across the B.C. Government and other public sector agencies.
web7/11/2017Indigenous Guardians Program ToolkitMeta-data database and/or mapFacilitatorThe Nature Conservancy CanadaVarious FNs First Nation or First Nation OrganizationNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programNationalFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Canada has created an online map for Indigenous Guardian and stewardship programs to upload information about what they're working on and also to see who else is running Guardian programs. Clicking on the map pins opens up a dialog box with program details and contact information about Indigenous Guardian programs across Canada.!, availabe on line with drop down descrptions As of July 11 2017 there were 12 programs on the map for BC and of these 8 referenced some kind of water monitoring in their project description. These are entered in this database.
web6/28/2017Pacific Region Contaminants Atlas Map ExplorerMeta-data database and/or mapPacific Region Contaminants AtlasNon Government OrganizationCoastal, FraserProvincialMap Explorer, which contains over 200 maps depicting information and datasets relating to contaminants in the environment as well as physical features, human use, natural resources, and sensitive and protected areas within the province. These layers can be viewed individually or in a multitude of combinations. The Map Explorer layers are available in two versions. The Google version is the recommended version for most users. However, users with older versions of some browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer version 6 or earlier) may not be able to properly access this version. The Ajax version of the map layers has been provided for users with older browsers.
web6/14/2017Stream Temperature Interactive MapsMeta-data database and/or mapUnited States Department of Agriculture/US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Air, Water, and Aquatics Moniotoring ProgramReports data from other networksNon Government OrganizationCoastal, FraserFresh Surface WaterQualityThe Dynamic Mapping Tool provides a spatial index to over 5,400 sites on streams and rivers in the U.S. and Canada where full year stream temperatures are currently being monitored by numerous agencies. You can filter stream temperature sites by state, agency, year and contact. The primary goal is to portray a comprehensive set of sites across all agencies to facilitate data sharing and avoid redundancies, as new monitoring sites are added to the regional network. Raw temperature data are not downloadable through this site, but typically reside with the local data stewards, whose contact information is displayed by clicking on a point in the map. In some instances, RMRS may have copies of the raw data and permission to distribute it, so we ask that you contact us before contacting the local data stewards. The map will be updated once each winter to maintain an accurate description of current monitoring locations. Island Hydrometric Stations, Water Survey of Canada-HYDATtemperature15
web6/28/20172015 Horn River Basin Surface Water Monitoring Program MonitoringGeoScicenceBCKerr Wood Leidal Associated Ltd. (KWL) is carrying out this work with assistance from Peace Country Technical Services, Environmental Dynamics Inc. and Waterline Resources.IndustryMackenzieHorn River WatershedFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity Horn River Basin Water Study included a three-year surface water study focused on collecting data on the quantity and quality of surface water sources in the Horn River Basin and assessing its availability for shale gas development. The Horn River Water Study is an extension of the Horn River Aquifer Project. portal/hubhttp://www.flowworks.comdownload in CSVTo access data login is hornriverbasin and password is hornriverbasinTemperatureCABIN SamplingDischarge, Water LevelManual20112015various- moslty 2011-20167
web; Snapshot of Community Based Monitoring in Canada (Carlson et al., 2016)7/12/2017Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship Society- Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring ProjectMonitoring
Arrow Lakes Environment Stewardship Society
Member of Columbia Basin Watershed Network; Partner in Columbia Basin Wate Quality ProjectCommunity Based MonitoringColumbiawadeable streams in the the Lower Arrow Lakes watershed, MacDonald Creek Fresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity Located in Burton, British Columbia the Arrow Lakes Environmental Stewardship Society undertakes to protect the biological diversity and integrity of the Arrow Lakes watersheds through:
Co-ordination of community group action
YESWater Quality:*arrow-lake-stewardship-society Water Quantity:*arrow-lake-stewardship-societydownload in ExcelWater Temperature, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Clarity (Secchi), TSS, Hardness, Total Sulphide, Sulphate, Total Nitrogen, Total Organic Nitrogen, Amonia, Total Phosphorus, Total Disolved Phosphorus, Orthophosphorus Benthic InvertebratesFlowCABIN2009To Present- as of summer 2016 when Community Snapshot survey was conducted71
web7/24/2017Babine Watershed Monitoring TrustMonitoringFacilitatorBabine Watershed Monitoring TrustNon Government OrganizationSkeenaBabine WatershedFresh Surface WaterThe Babine Watershed Monitoring Trust (BWM Trust) funds and coordinates monitoring of natural resources management in the Babine watershed. BWM Trust is a registered charitable organization based in Smithers, British Columbia.
BWM Trust focuses on monitoring initiatives that address critical aspects of the effectiveness of land use plans approved for the Babine watershed, located north of Smithers. BWM Trust provides monitoring project results to individuals, organizations and government agencies interested in land use within the watershed. in reportstemperature2012
webBC Hydro Hydrometeorologic DataMonitoringBC HydroIndustryNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of program BC Hydro's Hydrology group manages a network of over 150 automated, real-time reporting climate, snow and surface water stations. Our teams use the data from these stations for reservoir management.
The data posted here includes up to four days of historic data. The data is based on automated readings and is not quality-controlled which means that from time to time the data could be inaccurate. Data is provided as information only and BC Hydro does not guarantee its accuracy.
web; email correspondance with DawnBC Lakes Stewardship Society MonitoringFacilitator
BC Lakes Stewardship Society
various CBM groupsCommunity Based MonitoringNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programThe BCLSS is assisting its member lake groups to conduct scientific water quality monitoring of the lakes they represent. This is a great concept as it enables volunteers to gather scientifically significant data, contributing to the data pool that helps develop policy, protecting our waters in BC. In the past BCLSS had a contract with the provincial goverment to monitor several lakes per year and create "Lake Reports". This funding has been cut back significantly. reports in PDFData summarized in lake reports. Not many reports beyond 2011
personal communications/interviews BC MOE Biomonitoring (CABIN Provincial Program)MonitoringBC Ministry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentCoastal, Columbia, Fraser, SkeenaFSP Skeena Region, Kootenay Region,Thompson Region, Vancouver Island RegionFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity CABIN Sampling, likely multiple years, need to contact MOE to determine extent of samplingNOCABIN sampling
personal communications/interviews10/12/2017BC-0887-Rescan (CABIN)MonitoringERM RescanIndustryCABIN monitoring, likely multi-year sampling, need to contact to determine extent of monitoringCABIN sampling
WWF Watershed Report -Columbia - page 4010/24/2017BC-Apex Creek Study (CABIN)MonitoringIndustryColumbiaCABIN Samplingreferenced in WWF -Canada Watershed Report, Columiba, Feburary 2016. map on pg.40
WWF Watershed Report -Columbia - page 4010/24/2017BC-Beaver River Study (CABIN)MonitoringIndustryColumbiaCABIN SamplingCABINreferenced in WWF -Canada Watershed Report, Columiba, Feburary 2016. map on pg.40
WWF Watershed Report -Columbia - page 4010/24/2017BC-Glacier/Howser Study (CABIN)MonitoringIndustryColumbiaCABIN SamplingCABINreferenced in WWF -Canada Watershed Report, Columiba, Feburary 2016. map on pg.40
WWF Watershed Report -Columbia - page 4010/24/2017BC-Koch Creek Study (CABIN)MonitoringIndustryColumbiaCABIN SamplingCABINreferenced in WWF -Canada Watershed Report, Columiba, Feburary 2016. map on pg.40
WWF Watershed Report -Columbia - page 4010/24/2017BC-Max Molybdenum Mine Study (CABIN)MonitoringIndustryColumbiaCABIN SamplingCABINreferenced in WWF -Canada Watershed Report, Columiba, Feburary 2016. map on pg.40
WWF Watershed Report -Columbia - page 4010/24/2017BC-Springer Study (CABIN)MonitoringIndustryColumbiaCABIN SamplingCABINreferenced in WWF -Canada Watershed Report, Columiba, Feburary 2016. map on pg.40
MOE; personal communication/interviews
Burrard Inlet Water Quality Objectives Amendment (South Coast)
MonitoringBC Ministry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentFresh Surface Water
web6/21/2017Canadian Columbia Basin Glacier and Snow Research NetworkMonitoringUNBC Partners include: University of British Columbia, University of Northern British Columbia, provincial and federal government agencies, Selkirk College, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, Sorcerer Lodge, Avalanche Canada and Columbia Basin Trust.AcademicColumbiaFormed in 2013 to advance understanding of the Canadian Columbia Basin’s glaciers and snow cover and downstream contributions to water resources and ecosystems. A research and monitoring project is underway to examine representative glaciers, snow cover and downstream hydrology from 2013-17.
MOE; personal communication/interviewsCariboo LakesMonitoringBC Ministry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentFresh Surface Water
web; Snapshot of Community Based Monitoring in Canada (Carlson et al., 2016)7/21/2017Caring For Our Home WatersMonitoringThe WaterWealth ProjectCMB groups and individualsCommunity Based MonitoringFraserVariousFresh Surface WaterQualityhttp://www.waterwealthproject.comWater Temperature, Conductivity, Clarity (Secchi), TSS, Benthic Invertebrates Pacific Streamkeepers Federation2015
A few dates in 2014, earlier 2015. Really got started when local school district started sending students after a meeting October 2015.
webChemicals Management Plan -Environmental Monitoring & SurveillanceMonitoringEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational Program- Review Monitoring LocationsQualityWater monitoring for the Chemicals Management Plan builds on existing water quality monitoring and surveillance programs; supplementary stations have been added to evaluate CMP substances of concern on a national basis. Water samples are collected from all regions across Canada on a monthly basis. Stations are selected and modified by taking into account the nature of the target analytes. Water samples are also collected annually at a limited number of fish sampling stations to compare the levels of chemical substances in fish versus those in the surrounding water.
Personal communication; Claude Labine7/17/2017Cherry Ridge Management Committee Cherry Creek Hydrometric StationMonitoringCherry Ridge Management CommitteeCommunity Based MonitoringFraserCherry CreekFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity The Cherry Creek Management Committee has installed a hydrometric station on Cherry Creek. private server
web 7/12/2017Cherryville Water Stewards Water Quality TestingMonitoringCherryville Water StewardsCommunity Based MonitoringFraserCherryville Area; 8 monitoring locations: Ferry Creek - Sugar Lk Rd
Cherry Creek - Sugar Lk Rd
Cherry Creek - at Hall
South Fork Cherry Creek - S Fork Road
North Fork Cherry Creek- N Fork Road
Shuswap River - Sihlis Road
Shuswap River - Picnic Site
Reiter Creek - Sihlis Rd
Fresh Surface WaterQualityThe Cherrryville Water Stewards collect water quality data at 8 monitoring locations along Cherry Creek and the Upper/Mildde Shuswap River. Prompted by development at Sugar Lake and cattle ranging on land and water above us, the Stewards , with support from residents, devleoped a Vision Statement and Code of Conduct for the area in and around Cherryville. The vision statement includes establishinregular and accurate water quality testing and making this data accessible to the Community. portal/hub data from 2012 and 2013 available on linepH, Conductivity (EC), Turbididty, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L & %)Sulfate, ChlorideNitrate + Nitrite as N, Nitrate as N, Nitrite as N, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Total Dissolved Phosphorus, Hardness Total (Calculated) as CACO3total Aluminum, total Antimony, total Arsenic, total Barium, total Beryllium, total Bismuth, total Boron, total Cadmium, total Calcium, total Chromium, total Cobalt, total Copper, total Iron, total Lead, total Lithium, total Magnesium, total Manganese, total Mercury, total Molybdenum, total Nickel, total Phosphorus, total Potassium, total Selenium, total Silicon, total Silver, total Sodium, total Strontium, total Sulfur, total Tellurium, total Thallium, total Thorium, total Tin, total Titanium, total Uranium, total Vanadium, total Zinc, total ZirconiumE. Coli2012ongoing8
web- Nanaimo Regional District7/24/2017City of Nanaimo- Regional District of Nanaimo Community Watershed Monitoring NetworkMonitoringCity of NanaimoRegional District of Nanaimo Community Watershed Monitoring NetworkLocal or Regional GovernmentCoastalFresh Surface WaterQuality
Map of monitoring sites for CoN
turbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity
web; 2 pager project description provided by Lara Hoshizaki, inteview w/Lara Hoshizaki, 11 2017Coastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative Regional Monitoring SystemMonitoringFacilitatorCoastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative Coastal Stewardship NetworkGitga'at
First Nation or First Nation OrganizationCoastalBC North & Central CoastThe Regional Monitoring System was developed because Coastal First Nation communities have a strong desire to know more about what is going on in their territories and the region and work toward common goals. The Regional Monitoring System supports this by providing: a standardized approach to monitoring priority issues at the regional scale; tools for communities to collect, store, and retrieve their data; coast-wide data to compile and compare for use by communities; and support to communities to use the information in planning and decision-making.
The issues currently being monitored reflect priority concerns expressed by communities regarding
damage to cultural sites, over-use and over-fishing, declining populations of fish and wildlife, and the
inadequate presence and response of enforcement agencies. Coordinated monitoring efforts mean that
First Nations have stronger relationships with resource users, an enforcement presence in the region, a
solid baseline of data for planning, management, and decision-making, and a clear case for conservation. OR http://www.coastalguardianwatchmen.caWITH REQUEST OR CONDITIONSNoprivate serverEach First Nation owns their own data. Data are stored in a centralized database. Each First Nation negotiates data sharing agreements with other First Nations and third parties. YesStream surveys: Water quality data are collected, habitat assessments are conducted, and returning
salmon are surveyed at priority streams within territories to improve knowledge of habitat and fish stocks.
Stream parameters related to salmon spawning are collected as part of stream surveys. Data are collected using DFO Stream Inspection Logs (SIL). Apps are used to collect data.
web; Snapshot of Community Based Monitoring in Canada (Carlson et al., 2016)7/12/2017Columbia Lake Stewardship Society Water Quality and Water Quantity MonitoringMonitoring
Columbia Lake Stewardship Society
Member of Columbia Basin Watershed NetworkCommunity Based MonitoringColumbiaColumbia Lake Fresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity CLSS vision is that the current pristine nature and ecological health of Columbia Lake be maintained and preserved for future generations. Our immediate goals are to continue to conduct water monitoring of Columbia Lake, maintain best water sampling practices to ensure accurate and defensible data collection and build a database of water data to allow comparison of current conditions to recorded baseline as a means to measure potential effects.
Work to date includes water quality monitoring since 2014 and documenting these results in our annual reports. We are happy to report that Columbia Lake’s water quality is healthy.
A water quantity monitoring program was initiated in 2015 to measure flow into and out of the Columbia Lake and also lake level (the lake level is largely determined by these flows and varies through a range of nearly one metre during the course of an average year). In addition, our volunteers are investigating ways to determine the contribution of groundwater to Columbia Lake.
http://columbialakess.comYESpublic portal/hub in tables in reprorts available on lineWater Temperature, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Clarity (Secchi), Turbidity, TSS, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Total Disolved Phosphorus water level; freeze/thaw records Provincial Govt (RIC) for sample collection; Monitoring Guidelines to Evaluate Effects of Forestry Activities on streams in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska by L.H. Macdonald; Wildland Water Quality Sampling and Analyses by Stednick. All tests are done in accordance with APHA protocols at a local certified lab2014To Present- as of summer 2016 when survey was conducted44
web; Snapshot of Community Based Monitoring in Canada (Carlson et al., 2016)July 12 2017Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society Zebra and Quagga Mussel Veliger sampling & Aquatic Invasive Plant SamplingMonitoring
Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society
Member of Columbia Basin Watershed NetworkCommunity Based MonitoringColumbiaLake Revelstoke, Kinbasket Lake, Williamson Lake, Upper Arrow Lake, Columbia Wetlands, Shuswap Lake, Mara Lake, White Lake, Trout Lake, Spanish Lake, Joyce Lake, Wallensteen Lake, Loon Lake, Mitten LakeFresh Surface WaterQualityThe primary focus of this program is to prevent the introduction and establishment of AIS as well as to enhance coordination, response, and management.
The complete program framework titled Canadian Columbia Basin Regional Framework for an Aquatic Invasive Species Program: 2015 to 2020. serverWater Temperature, As recommended by a professional consultant2015To Present- as of summer 2016 when survey was conducted
MOE; personal communication/interviewsContinuous water quality monitoring (Vancouver Island)MonitoringBC Ministry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity
web, discusison with Tyler Carlson7/24/2017Coquitlam River Watershed MonitoringMonitoringFacilitatorCoquitlam River Watershed RoundtableCity of CoquitlamNon Government OrganizationCoastalCoquitlam RiverFresh Surface WaterQualityThe Roundtable identified water quality monitoring as a primary way of contributing to a healthy watershed. In the summer of 2012, the City of Coquitlam initiated the first year of water quality monitoring on the Coquitlam River to help build a current set of water quality data. The data will be used to monitor the health and integrity of the Coquitlam River and to help guide future activities and decision-making processes in the watershed. Samples were collected on a weekly basis during the dry and rainy seasons at seven sites along the Coquitlam River, from just below the Coquitlam River Dam to the downstream end of Colony Farm. The 2013 results showed that twelve out of thirteen parameters tested achieved a ‘green level rating – another year of positive and promising results. The City will continue the program in 2014.
Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Temperature, Turbidity, ConductivityNitrate, Chlorophyll AIron, Lead, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, ZincE. Coli, Fecal Coliforms
web- Nanaimo Regional District; Personal Communicitaion Julie Pis7/24/2017Departure Creek Stream Keepers- Regional District of Nanaimo Community Watershed Monitoring NetworkMonitoring
Departure Creek Streamkeepers
Regional District of Nanaimo Community Watershed Monitoring NetworkCommunity Based MonitoringCoastalFresh Surface WaterQuality
Map of monitoring sites for DCS
private serverData stored on Provincial EMSturbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivityProvincial MOE data reviewed by MOE
MOE; personal communication/interviewsDragon Lake Watershed (Cariboo)MonitoringBC Ministry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial GovernmentFresh Surface Water
web; Snapshot of Community Based Monitoring in Canada (Carlson et al., 2016)7/12/2017East Shore Freshwater Habitat Society Crawford Creek MonitoringMonitoring
East Shore Freshwater Habitat Society
Member of Columbia Basin Watershed Network; Partner in Columbia Basin Wate Quality ProjectCommunity Based MonitoringColumbiaCrawford CreekFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity We are a newly formed Society for Habitat on the Eastshore of the Kootenay Lake. Our Water Plan is from Murphy creek north to Drewry Pt. south. (see map). Our Goal and members is to strive for the protection and assist,in cooperation with ministries of wildlife,fisheries and conservation, in the remediation of all rivers,creeks,streams and lakes on the Eastshore that is tributary to the Kootenay Lake.www.eastshorefreshwaterhabitatsociety.orgYESpublic portal/hubWater Quality:*east-shore-freshwater-habitat-society Water Quantity:*east-shore-freshwater-habitat-societyExcel spreadsheets Water Temperature, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Clarity (Secchi), Turbidity, TSS, Hardness, Total Sulphide, Sulphate, Total Nitrogen, Total Organic Nitrogen, Amonia, Total Phosphorus, Total Disolved Phosphorus, Orthophosphorus, Fecal Coliform, E.Coli, Benthic InvertebratesFlowCABIN once/yr and WQMP (Prov stds) on Silverton Creek (2) (province)2015To Present- as of summer 2016 when survey was conducted11
web; Snapshot of Community Based Monitoring in Canada (Carlson et al., 2016)7/12/2017Elk River Alliance Community-Based Water MonitoringMonitoringElk River Alliance (legal name: Elk River Watershed Alliance)Member of Columbia Basin Watershed Network; Partner in Columbia Basin Wate Quality ProjectCommunity Based MonitoringColumbiaAlexander CreekFresh Surface WaterQuality & Quantity The Elk River Alliance has been monitoring the water quality on Alexander Creek for five years.http://www.elkriveralliance.caYESpublic portal/hubWater Quality:*elk-river-alliance Water Quantity:*elk-river-allianceExcel spreadsheets Water Temperature, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Clarity (Secchi), TSS, Hardness, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, OrthophosphorusFecal Coliform, E.Coli, Benthic InvertebratesFlow 2011To Present- as of summer 2016 when survey was conducted11
personal communication/interview10/11/2017Environment & Climate Change Canada CABIN Reference Site MonitoringMonitoringEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaBC Ministry of Environment (Canada-British Columbia Water Quality Monitoring Agreement)Federal and/or Provincial GovernmentNational or BC wide- Need to Review Monitoring Locations to determine extent of programWITH REQUEST OR CONDITIONSnoCABIN samplingCABIN1995presentvarious35 sites with mutiple sampling years
web, (Saarinen, 2012), personal communication, Ayisha Yeow8/9/2017Environment Canada Pacific‐Yukon Region Transboundary Aquifer ProgramMonitoringEnvironment & Climate Change CanadaMinistry of EnvironmentFederal and/or Provincial Government US- Canada Transboundary Aquifers: Abbotsford‐Sumas Aquifer & Osoyoos‐West AquiferGroundwaterQuality & Quantity 20 years worth of monitoring data from 60 wells in Abbotsford‐Sumas Aquifer and 10 wells in Osoyoos‐West Aquifer. Data stored in private database, but is available on request. Research projects have been completed sampling pesticides & pathogens, but only available through scientific journals/reports. WITH REQUEST OR CONDITIONSNolocal file systemResearch projects have been completed sampling pesticides & pathogens, but only available through scientific journals/reports. Ions, Nutrients, Metals (Pesticides and pathogens for research reports)Abbotsford‐Sumas: monthly & annually. Osoyoos‐West: biannually. Aprox 25 years